Behavior Tech Computer K56PCI User Manual 44914
Behavior Tech Computer Corporation 44914
EXHIBIT C User Manual QCV56HCFISP PCI Reference Design ' " User's Guide (Preliminary) Order No, 149 August 28. 997 NOTICE itormatioh furnished by Rockwell Intemationel Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable Hawever. no responsibility is assumed y Rockwell International for its use. nor any infringement of patents or other rights at third parties which may result from its use. No zense is granted by implication or OIhEIWlSE under any patent rights of Rockwell International other than for circmtry embodied in ockwell products Rockwell international reserves the right to change circuitry at anytime without notice This document is Subject to 1ange without notice, 55flex ls a trademark of Luoeltl Technologies and Rockwell International rCAD Is a nademark of OrCAD LP Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW 1.2 KIT CONTENTS 1.3 TARGET BOARD FEATURES 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 1 ABOUT THE KIT 3.1 RCVSEHCF/SF‘ TARGET BOARD 3.2 DESIGNER'S GUIDE (MANUAL) 3.3 COMMAND REFERENCE MANUAL 3 4 FLOPPY DISK 3.4.1 OrCAD Files 3.4 2 Driver Files 3.5 SAFEI'Y 4. INSTALLATION 4,1 lNSTALLING THE RCVSBHCF/SP TARGET BOARD 5. OPERATION IN DATA MODE 6. OPERATION IN FAX MODE 7. OPERATION IN SPEAKERPHONE MODE 10 8. OPERATION IN VOICE MODE 1D 9. QUESTIONS This page is intentionally blank. INTRODUCTION \.OVERVIEW ‘he Rockwell RCV5GHCF/SP PCI Reference Design is prowded as a product evaluation unit {or customers. Detailed design information ucn as Creed and Gerber files are provided as reference tools. The current design has not yet been determined to be production worthy =s FCC part 15 and part SB testing has not been completed \.KIT CONTENTS Quantlty Descriptlon 1 User’s Guide (This document; Order No 1149) 1 RCVSSHCFISP F‘Cl Target Board (RDOOeDlOO-Ol 1) populated with the “229 Basic Interface device and R6776-3X Modem Data Pump 1 RCVSGHCF PCI/CardBus Modem Designers Guide Rev l (Order No 1‘l29) 1 RCVSGHCF Host-Controlled Kfvsflex Data/Fax Modem Device Family tor PCI Bus Applications Data Sheet Rev. 1 (Order No M0159) | Commands tor RCVSGHCF/SP Modems Relerence Manual (Order No. 1118) 1 Fabrication Drawing (RDOU-DlDS) 1 PCB Assembly Drawing (Rood-Dice) l Schematic Drawmg (RDOO-X‘lOO) 1 Bill of Materials (Vendors Farts Listing RDOO-DiOO) 1 Floppy Disk tor IBM PC Contains the SZrbit DOS OrCAD ribs 1 Floppy Disk tor iBM PC. Contains the modem driver files 2 Floppy Disks containing SONIC veice application installation files 1 Driver Notes Document containing information specmc to the modem drivers included with the kit. \.TARGET BOARD FEATURES Data modes supportlng K5sflex. 33 Skbps. 31.2kbps. V 34, V 32bis. V 32. V ZZbis. V.22NB, V 23. and V 21; Bell 212A and Bell 103. V 42bis. v 42. and MNP2~5 protocols for data compression and error correction supported by provided host drivers. Group 3 fax modes supporting V 17 14400112000/9600/7200 bps. V 29 9600/7200 bps. and V 27 lei‘ 4500/2400 bps transmit/receive. V 21 Channel 2 300 bps transmit and receive. EIA»57E Service Class 1.0 commands Voice and speakerphone PCI 2 1 interface DTE speeds up to 1152 kbps. V 25ter. V 25ter Annex A, and ElA 602 command set. Designed for Windows 95 environment using TAPI compliant applications; Will work With Windows 3.x applications that support RCVSGHCF/SP commands. 4-Iayer design Low power CMOS. Minimal parts count. On-hoard sounducer. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS RCVSGHCF HostAControlled KSSflex Data/Fax Modem Device Family ior PCi Bus Applications" Data Sheet (Order No. M0189) RCVSSHCF PCI/CardElus Modem“ Designer's Guide Rev. 1 (Order No. 1129) Commands for RCV55HCF Modems Reference Manual" (Order No, 1118) .ABOUT THE KIT \.RCV56HCF/5P TARGET BOARD 'he RCVSGHCFISF‘ Target Board is a PC! expansmn board which plugs into a FC's FCl slot . The target board. which uses the Rockwell 1229 and R6776 devices. is a tour»layer PC board. Power for the board is supplied from the PCI bus. Jacks function are indicated in the liagram below WM.)- HANDSET wicnopiione HUS HEADS ET lNTERFACE SPEAKER AS'C POI BUS ADESIGNER'S GUIDE (MANUAL) The RCVfiGHCF/SP Modem Designefs Guide provides detailed technical and user inlormatiori about the RCVSSHCF/SP modem device. !.COMMAND REFERENCE MANUAL Fhe Command Set Reference Manual provides detailed technical and user intormatiori about the AT commands used in Rockwell‘s ?CV56HCFISP modern product, kFLOPPY DISK \ diskette is supplied which contains the OrCAD files tor the Target Board. Read the "README" AsCll file for instructions to access hese mes. A second diskette contains the RCVSGHCF/SF drivers (.INF. VXD. and RAM files). A third and fourth diskette contain the SONIC application tor evaluating voice mode. I.OrCAD Files i’he OrCAD files contain the bill at materials and schematics at the Target Board, The bill of materials speclfies all the parts that are sutured to produce the Target Board. mcludlng vendor names and part numbers OrCAD schematic capture software is required to use he files. l.DrIver Files ihe INF. VXD and RAM lites in the modem install disk is used by Windows 95 when the modem is first installed, The INF tile supplies nodem inlormation iAT commands and ieatures supported. names 01 files to copy ironi floppy to hard disk) to the Windows 95 operating ,tem‘ and the vxd and ram Files. which are copied to the windows system directory during installation. contain the modem code (which i be executed in the PC) Berber Files e Gerber directory contains the Gerber files. Aperture List, Drill Tool Table, and Drill coordinate file for the Target Board. All artwork and ll files used by board manufacturers to produce printed circuit boards are included on the floppy disk. SAFETY . e NFPA 70. National Electrical Code (NEC). paragraph 800-5i(i), requires equipment that is intended to be electrically connected to a ecummunications network to be "listed for the purpose", This listing requirement became efieclive for such equipment July 1, 1991 A iicnally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) can assist in testing and selecting the appropriate listing category and safety standard tor 5 equipment depending on marketing requirements tor the product INSTALLATION JNSTALLING THE RCVSGHCFISP TARGET BOARD -riorm the lollcwmg to install your Target Board to your IBM PC or cempatihle computer. l'urn oft power to Windows 95 PC‘ remove PC cover, insert the card to an available ISA slat. close PC cover. turn on power. Ntien Windows 95 leads it Will detect the new hardware and ask For drivers The following window should appear: evo Fuund Q PEI Ethernet Controller Select which driver you went to install For your new hardware ' lFldOWS del suit d w f‘ go not install a driver [Windows will not momnt you again] f" §eiect lrbm a list at alternate drivers Cancel fielp Click OK and you should see stall From Drsk (“IQ Insettthe munmemrer's insldllnttun disk into the ’ drive selemed. and then dick OK Cancel Copy menulecturer‘s tiles lrom: v Browse.“ Insert the floppy diskette that contain the RCVSGHCF/SP driver into A: and click "OK“. After the floppy is accessed, you should see: New H ' dw Found an Huckwel F'Cl 83:ch Modem Select which drivm you want to Enslal lot you new hudwm: r flmduws delault dlivel Emma'fiw (" no not install 3 am: Mmdows wrll no! annual you again} f" ficlcct lvom a fist of alematc duivm Cancel flelp 101‘.“ m4 and you shoulu sea: é lnsen the manuludurefis lnstullullon d|skmtu tha drive SEIEUEd, and then Click OK. Cancel Copy menulacturev's files lmm' r—_———LI Browse .. iClick "OK"; the modem drlvers will be installed. 'Yuu should then se ' New Hardware Fnund HZ! % Wave Device lot Voice Modem Select whidn drivu ycu want to install for you! new hardware: P fllndnws delaull dn'vev r go not install a driver Mndows wil not pvompt you aga'n] (" iclect hum a list of allgmate duvets “Click “OK" and you should see. Snstull From Dusk é lnsartthe manmacmrer‘s inxtullalion diskinto the drive salaried and then click OK Copy manuladurer‘s liles item 9. Click ”OK“: the modem wave driver Wt“ be installed. to complete the installation. 10.Cunnect the modem to the Telco using a standard RJl‘l type telephone cord. You may also want to connect a handset, a microphone, and/or a speaker to the modem. LOPERATION IN DATA MODE lfter installing the modem, you are now ready to make a connection to another modern. 1. Execute the Windows 95 Hyperterminal application into your PC. ThlS is under START>ACCESSORIES>HYPERTERMINAL After you enter a name for your connection, you should be prompted with: Phone Number E! B % lest Enter details luv the phone number that you went to dial: gountiy code: United States olAmenca [1] ' Area code: 7‘l 4 Ehonenunber: i Cognactusing lRD/SSHEFSPPEJ ‘I cm] | Select "RCV56HCFSPF'Cl" under "Connect using'", and fill in the other parameters and click OK. At this point, Hyperterminal IS configured to use the RCV56HCF/SP and W1" dial the number you entered. Refer to Hyperterminal‘s 0n— Iine Help feature for more information on using Hypertenninal with the modern. When using other TAPI applications, make sure that "RCVSSHCF/SP“ is the selected modem before attempting connections. OPERATION IN FAX MODE Execute the Windows 95 Microsott Exchange application. This is under START>PROGRAMS>MICROSOFT EXCHANGE. Then under pull down menus, select TOOLS>SERVICES>PROPERTIES of Microsoft Fax>MODEM. You should see: icmsnit Fax Pinpcihex n E! Message] Dialing Madam |uau I a Select and setup the tax modem you use to send taxis. ‘ Active hit modem RCV5GH EFS PPCI Agdble lax modems" Erupelties. .. Add. .. Ecmve. .. Set as Active Eax Modem I__el other people on the network uxe my modem to send Faxes Snare name Fax PlapgitiE$.,, Select “RCVSGHCFSFF‘CI” under "Available Fax modems". click "Set as Active Fax Modern". and then 0K. At this point, Microsoft Exchange is configured to use the RCVSSHCF/SP. Refer to Microsott Exchanges on»line help feature to send and receive (axes. When using other TAPI applications, make sure that "RCVSSHCFISF" is the selected modem before attempting connections. LOPERATION IN SPEAKERPHONE MODE Connect speakers and microphone to the modern. .Using Hypertenninal or an communications application issue: \T&F+FCLASS=B;+VSP=1;+\/RA=0. .issue ATDT and the number you want to call: the modem will be in speakerphone mode when the modem responds "OK" alter dialing. issue ATH to disconnect the speakerphone connection. OPERATION lN VOICE MODE To evaluate voice mode, install the SONIC voice appiication that comes with the kit. The installation fiies take up 2 diskettes. OTE: SONiC is a Rockwell voice evaluation application being distributed solely to allow the evaluation of the voice features afths HCF modem. This software is being distributed in an "AS IS" condition. Run the SONIC application. You should see the SONIC application z a; w. in Jan . H W) Carin-dim“ ' Q3" Semulin nus Time Mark Period 7 12 m - a” Bit: Pu 5am -Ie Silence Delecliun g DTE Seed "3, 115200 ‘ (D |‘ Tone Tlmei Silence Period ! 2 |m l Rm. GnAwa Him NeverCame : ereflw » ‘ Rec/Play m , s I! nu Play Though Placard From £13 Handset ‘! lflil Phone Lune j . l | 7: A11: N) ll instead, you see an egg (ime( on Ihe screen for more than 10 seconds. Ihen SONlC ls lrylng lo find the modem at a default (WM port and cannot find ll. When the egg timer times out (less than a mmule), the following should be displayed: izaliun Can't find mdam! Please check modem and CUMPurt then tick Init huuun 51496 8 llick OK. After slap 2 cr 3 above, click the OPTlONS lab on SONIC. Vou should see: lag—docavgmezogyz; oq dzgmztgepbgmu Soniclfll Ve n 4 08 I DVTShale Ver 4 02 file Mndow F turum* Muhammad: ‘ m3 & N AlterEonli etoreVlIDN "be“ M t F L“ Mob Alter VCUN O Answer Gr Uliginata 0M ( FF/HEW Skin [5] Volume Control Steps Maximum Time to Wait lovAnswer is] Hecmd Prompt Tone Cu") DTMF 0 Single Tone I! U Play Thlodgh Record From Handset “I [mt l Handset " | I |Idle Correct the Comm Port setting it it is incorrect, and enter the remote handset phone number that you would like to use in your VOICE testing. Click the Voice/Audio tab. Select the desired Configuntion, Play Through, and Record From settings Click the Init button Use the RW/FFIPLAY/PAUSE/STOF/RECORD buttons to test voice functionality. Voice samples can be saved in the hard disk and played back. rote: Sound files must be played back at the configuration that they were recorded at, otherwise the sound will be distorted, QUESTIONS or questions regarding ”AT" commands and operation of the RCV56HCF/SP modern, reler to the Modern Designers Guide. For Jestions or comments regarding the RCVSSHCF/SP. please contact a Rockwell Field Applications Engineer at the local Rockwell sales flee near you, INSIDE BACK COVER NOTES adquanlrs ckwell Semmonductor Systems n Jamboree Road, J Em C wow! Beach CA 92555-5902 ona‘(7ll) 221-4500 z: (71022175375 rep-an H-mqumon awe" Semiconductor System: 5 A R L s Tarssoumefes B! A. rm Dollnes ama Antlpoils Codex vas Valhonne non ms (11) 91 no n 35 r, in) 13 no 13 413 more mmmianun l unu-nunuls RCVSSHCF tor ISA Bus Modern Designer’s Guide 1 . INTRODUCTION 1 .1 SUMMARY The Rockwell RCVSGHCF Host-Controlled Modern Device Family supports high speed analog data. high speed lax. ISDN. DSVD, AudioSpan, speakerphone audio/voice, and VoiceView operation it operates with PSTN or lSDN telephone lines in the US. and worldwide and is ollered in eight device models (see Table 1-1). The modem device set consists of PC ISA bus interface (SIP) and modem data pump (MDP) hardware available in two thin quad llal packs (TOFPsi Host—controlled modem software is also provided. Figure 1-1 illustrates the general structure at the RCVSGHCF saltware and the interlace to the RCVSGHCF hardware Figure 1-2 illustrates the major hardware interfaces supported by each model. The RCVSSHCF employs a downloadable architecture so that the user can upgrade MDP executable code. Using KSSllexm technology. the RCVSSHCF can receive data at speeds up to 56 kbps lrorn a digitally connected central site modem, also KSGllex enabled. eg, with a Flockwell HCSSCSM modem. This modem takes advantage of the PSTN which is primarily digital except for the client modem to central oliice local loop and is ideal ior applications such as remote access to an internet service provider (lSPL on-Iine service, or corporate site. The RcvssHCF can send data at speeds up to V414 rates. in v.34 data mode. the modem operates at line speeds up to 33600 bps. Error correction (V.42/MNP 24) and data compression (v.42 bis/MNP 5) maximize data transfer integrity and boost average data throughput. Non—error-correcting mode is also supported AudioSpan (analog simultaneous audio/voice and data) operation supports a data rate with audio 014.8 kbps. SP models support position independent, lullduplex speakerphone (FDSP), as well as digital simultaneous voice and data (DSVD) with speech coding per ITU-T (3.729 Annex A with interoperable 6.729 Annex B, and SIG DigiTalk" DSVD. The modem supports lax Group 3 send and receive rates up to 25800 bps and 130 protocol. V,80 and Rockwell Video Ready compatible synchronous access modes support hostcontrolled communication protocols. e.g.t H.324 video conlerencing. In voice/audio mode, enhanced S-b‘ inear and 6-1)“ p-Law coding at 8000 Hz sample rate allows eilicient digital storage ol voice/audio. This mode supports digital telephone answering machine, voice annotation, and audio recording/playback applications. AccelerATor kits and relerence designs are available to minimize application design time and costs This designer’s guide describes the modem hardware capabilities and identities the supporting commands. Commands and parameters are defined in the RCVHCF Command Relerence Manual (Order No. 1118). 1.2 FEATURES - Data modem — KSBilex. 33.6 kbps. 31.2 kbps. V134, v.32 bis. V.32. V.22 bis, V.22AIB, V254, and V121; Bell 212A and 103 , mo —V.42 LAPM and MNP 2—4 error correction —V.42 his and MNP 5 data compression —V.25 ter. V,25 ter Annex A. and Elk 502 command sets - Fax modern send and receive rates up to 23800 bps --iTU-T V.341ax', V.17, V.29. V.27 ter. and V.21 ch 2 — EIAITIA 573 Class 1, Class 1.0 (1.31) lax . ISDN BFll support (option)‘ -PC Eus support 234-D channels - IOM-2 interlace to external U or SIT transceiver —Simultaneous transfer at B1. HZ, D channels (1M kbps; 64 khps x 2, 16 khps) —V.34, DSVD, FDSP. audio iunctions over B channel a AudioSpan (simultaneous audio/voice and data)‘ — lTU-T v.31 modulation (4.8 kbps data plus audio) — Handset. headset. or hall-duplex speakerphone ' See Note 6 in Table 1-1. 1123 1-1 RCVSGHCF tor ISA Bus Modem Designer's Guide - ITU~T V,70 DSVD (option) — lTU-T Gt729 Annex A with interoperable 6.729 Annex B —SIG (special interest group) DigiTalk DSVD —-Voice/silenoe detection and handset echo cancellation ‘Handset, headset. or hall-duplex speakerphone - Full—duplex speakerphone (FDSP) mode —0ver PSTN or ISBN B channel (option) -Switching to/from data. lax. DSVD and Voiceifiew —Microphone gain and muting —Speaker volume control and muting —Adaptive line and acoustic echo cancellation —Loop gain control, transmit and receive path AGO —Acoustic echo cancellation concurrent With DSVD — Noise suppression A Room monitor - V.80 and Rockwell Video Ready synchronous access modes support host-controlled communication protocols — H.324 interface support - V.8/V.8t:is and supporting commands (V125 ter Annex A) - Data/FaxNoiceView/Voice call discrimination 0 Voice. telephony, audio. VoiceView —TIA-695 command set AVoiceView alternating voice and data (option) -B-bit linear and B-bit vaaw coding/decoding tor record/playback —-8.0 kHz. 11.025 kHz. 224050 kHz and 44.1 kHz (down sampled to 11.025 kHz) —Handset, acoustic. line echo cancellation —Music on hold from host or analog harmuare input —TAM support with concurrent DTMF detect. ring detect and caller ID - World-class operation (option) —Call progress, blacklisting. multiple country support - Integrated internal hybrid . Caller ID and distinctive ring detect - Modern and audio paths concurrent across PC bus 0 Single profile stored in host - Plug and Play compliant - ISA Bus Intertace -Only one IRO required (IFt03~5. 7. 9-12, or 15) ~No DMA required ~ Independently mapped V0 blocks . System compatibilities —Windows 95 and IMndows NT operating systems — Microsoft's PC 97 Design Initiative compliant . Device packages: —Bus Interface: 144»pin TQFP —Modem Data Pump: 144Apin TQFP 05V operation “23 | \ ‘un~nlium I cummnrrim m r' tam astuxutsssnuuukrggknkkh this device complies with part 13 or the FCC Rules Operuzlun LS subject to the following two ccnstLOnsi (L) This deVLce mnv not cause harmful interferenCe.and (2l This deVLce must accept an? interference received, including interference LhAL may ceuse undesired operation. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device. Pursant to Part 15 cf the FCC Rules. These Limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate redic frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio ccmmunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged ta try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: --Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -~Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. --Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. __Ccnsult the dealer or an experienced tadic/TV technician for help. This booklet is available from the Us government Printing Office ‘washington, DC 20402, Stock NO. 004-000-00345—4. CAUTION: Any changes of modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the users authority to operate the equipment.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:06:23 15:59:19 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : jsoscia Title : 44914.pdf Modify Date : 2001:06:23 15:59:21-04:00 Page Count : 12EXIF Metadata provided by