Behavior Tech Computer KB5219URF Wireless Keyboard User Manual

Behavior Tech Computer Corporation Wireless Keyboard Users Manual

Users Manual

Filename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 1 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PMhp pavilion home pcInstalling the Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Set
Filename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 2 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PM
HP Pavilion home PC 1Filename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 1 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PMInstalling the WirelessKeyboard and Mouse SetThe wireless keyboard and mouse setconsists ofa receiver (A) that plugs into thecomputer, a wireless keyboard (B), and awireless mouse (C).Note: This wireless set is compatible with yourHPPavilion home PC and not intendedforusewithother computers.Note: You can replace the batteries in the mouseandkeyboard without turning off thecomputer. The computer must be on tochange the ID setting on the three units.ABC
2HP Pavilion home PCFilename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 2 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PMGetting the Mouse ReadyEE1KEE1KNote: Do not use rechargeable batteries in themouse. Alkaline batteries are recommended.
HP Pavilion home PC 3Filename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 3 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PMInstall the two AA alkaline batteries(provided) inthe wireless mouse: Push in atE1 and lift thebattery cover (E) from thebottom of the mouse, and then insert thebatteries into the compartment. Note thebattery icons, and make sure batteries areplaced in the correct direction. Replace thecover.Note: The red LED (K) turns on indicating thebatteries are installed correctly.
4HP Pavilion home PCFilename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 4 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PMGetting the Keyboard ReadyIIGHGHJNote: Do not use rechargeable batteries in thekeyboard. Alkaline batteries are recommended.
HP Pavilion home PC 5Filename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 5 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PM1Install the two AA alkaline batteries(provided) in the wireless keyboard: Removethe cover (G) from the bottom of thekeyboard, and insert the batteries into thecompartment (H). Note the battery icons,and make sure batteries are placed in thecorrect direction. Replace the cover.2Adjust the keyboard height by lifting theadjustment bar (JI).Getting the Receiver ReadyThe receiver (A) must be placed upright andpositioned properly to avoid interferencefrom other electrical equipment.1Turn off your computer, and disconnect thepower cord and modem/phone cable.2Connect the receiver cable (L) to the USBconnector on the back of the computer.
6HP Pavilion home PCFilename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 6 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PMALMA3Set the receiver upright and follow theseguidelines.nA: Minimum 20 cm (8 inches) clearancebetween the receiver and otherelectronic devices.nB: Maximum 1.5 m (59 inches) workingdistance between the receiver andwireless mouse or wireless keyboard.L
HP Pavilion home PC 7Filename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 7 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PMnC: Minimum 20 cm (8 inches) clearance between the receiver and the monitor.nPlace no electronic device between the receiver and wireless mouse or wireless keyboard.Note: This is one example of the setup. Other setup positions are also possible.Warning: To avoid causing interference, keep the receiver at least 20 cm (8 inches) away from themonitor.
8HP Pavilion home PCFilename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 8 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PMSetting Up the Wireless SetThe mouse and keyboard have 255 IDs thatare randomly selected when you press theID button. This helps protect againstinterference from other wireless devices inthe same area.Important: The word CONNECT labels the ID buttonon the bottom of each unit. To press the IDbutton, use a blunt pointed object, like the tipof a ball point pen. 1 Connect the power cord andmodem/telephone cable to thecomputer. Turnon the computer.Receiver 2 On the bottom of the receiver, press theIDbutton (D) once with a blunt pointedobject.The top activity LED (N, a blue light) on thereceiver will start flashing and will continueflashing until the next step are completedor until 30 seconds pass.DImportant: If 30 seconds pass before you completesteps 3, you must repeat steps 2, 3 to set theIDs.
HP Pavilion home PC 9Filename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 9 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PMNOPQMouse 3 On the bottom of the mouse, press theIDbutton (F) once with a blunt pointedobject.The mouse sends a new ID and flashes themouse sensor LED (K) three times. Thereceiver flashes the blue top activity LED(N) three times and then stops to show ithas accepted the new ID for the mouse.FNote: At this time, when you move the mouse acrossa surface, the blue activity LED (N) on thereceiver will go on and off indicating themouse and the receiver are working together.Important: The mouse goes into a sleep or suspendmode after 20 minutes of inactivity. Click abutton on the mouse to wake it. (Moving themouse does not wake it.)K
10 HP Pavilion home PCFilename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 10 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PMReceiver 4 On the bottom of the receiver, press theIDbutton (D) once with a blunt pointedobject.The top activity LED (N, a blue light) on thereceiver will start flashing and will continueflashing until the next step are completedor until 30 seconds pass.DImportant: If 30 seconds pass before you completesteps 5, you must repeat steps4, 5 to set the IDs.Keyboard4 5 On the bottom of the keyboard, pressthe IDbutton (J) once with a bluntpointed object.The keyboard sends a new ID. Thereceiver flashes the top activity LED (N, ablue light) three times and then stops toshow it has accepted the new ID for thekeyboard.GJ
HP Pavilion home PC 11Filename: 5219urf users guide US_revised(p11).doc            Title: hp pavilion home pcTemplate:      Author: pamela      Last Saved By: demiRevision #: 2      Page: 11 of 13      Printed: 03/03/03 02:22 PM Federal Communication CommissionInterference Statement  This equipment has been tested andfound to comply with the limits for a ClassB digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules.  These limits aredesigned to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference ina residential installation.  Thisequipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particularinstallation.  If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one of thefollowing measures:  - Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna. - Increase the separation between theequipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outleton a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/TV technician for help. FCC Caution: Any changes ormodifications not expressly approved bythe party responsible for compliancecould void the user's authority to operatethis equipment.  This device complies with Part 15 of theFCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This devicemay not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may cause undesiredoperation.

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