Behavior Tech Computer KB9006RF Wireless Keyboard User Manual manual

Behavior Tech Computer Corporation Wireless Keyboard manual


MX5500RFWireless Keyboard & Mouse BundleUser’s GuideVersion 1.0
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitmenton the part of the vendor.No warranty of representation, either expressed or implied, is made with respect to the quality, accuracy orfitness for any particular purpose of this document. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes tothe content of this document and/or the products associated with it at any time without obligation to notifyany person or organization of such changes.In no event will the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damagesarising out of the use or inability to use this product or documentation, even if advised of the possibility ofsuch damages.Copyright © 2001. All rights reservedIBM, PC/AT and PS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the UnitedStates of America and/or other countries.All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective holders.
Table of Contents1 Introduction.................................................................................................1What's in this package ...............................................................................12 System Requirements ................................................................................23 Hardware Installation..................................................................................34 Software Installation ................................................................................... 74.1 Keyboard Driver Installation ...............................................................74.2 Mouse Driver Installation ....................................................................75 Using Keyboard and Mouse .......................................................................85.1 Using the Keyboard ............................................................................85.2 Using the Mouse Driver ......................................................................96 Troubleshooting........................................................................................10
11 IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of a Memorex RF5700 series wireless RFkeyboard and mouse! This keyboard and mouse will finally free you of theconstraints of your desktop by providing a wireless connection between yourkeyboard/mouse and your PC. Pass around the keyboard or mouse duringmeetings without having to bother about a cable blocking your way or write e-mails and surf the Internet from the comfort of your living room couch!The RF5700 series keyboard and mouse kit consists of a keyboard, a mouseand a receiver. The receiver is connected to your PC through a cable with both akeyboard and mouse connector. The keyboard and mouse can operate freelywithin a radius of at least 4.92 feet from the receiver, which itself has amaximum range from your PC of around 4.92 feet. Because the keyboard andmouse use radio frequencies to transmit the wireless signal it has noconstrictions on viewing angles such as with infrared devices like your TV’sremote control, etc.Besides providing unprecedented freedom of movement when operating thekeyboard or mouse, the kit also offers more extra functionality by introducingdedicated buttons for often used Internet browser functions as well as Sleepfunctions. (Please note: The Internet keys work only under Microsoft InternetExplorer 5.0 or later version!). And last but not least, this package also providesa special driver, which provides unique shortcut functions.In order to enjoy your keyboard and mouse to their full potential werecommended you read this manual carefully prior to installation.What's in this package  A wireless keyboard with palmrest A wireless mouse A receiver  A driver CD  Batteries (2 pcs of AA; 2 pcs of AAA)
22 System Requirements  IBM PC or compatible  Available PS/2 keyboard port and mouse port.  CD-ROM or DVD drive Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, WindowsME, Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later version (for the Internet keys)Please refer to table below for the other system requirements for the features.Operating SystemFunction DescriptionWindows 95 /Windows 98 /Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000 /Windows ME /Windows XPWireless functionality Available immediately afterhardware installationAvailable immediatelyafter hardware installationKeyboard extraMultimedia buttonsRequires keyboard driverinstallation (see driver CDfor details)Available immediatelyafter hardware installationKeyboard extra ACPIbuttonsRequires enabling ofsystem ACPI (PowerManagement) functionAvailable immediatelyafter hardware installationMouse driver shortcutfunctionRequires installation ofmouse driver (see driverCD for details)Available immediatelyafter hardware installationBattery LowfunctionRequires installation ofkeyboard driver (see driverCD for details)Requires installation ofkeyboard driver (seedriver CD for details)LED Light function Requires installation ofkeyboard driver (see driverCD for details)Requires installation ofkeyboard driver (seedriver CD for details)
33 Hardware InstallationSlide Switch SettingStep 1: Make sure your PC is switched off.Step 2: Take  the  receiver and select channel CH1 or CH2 by using the slideswitch on the back of the receiver. (Remember your selection.)            Step 3: Connect  the  receiver to your PC by plugging in the receiver’s PS/2mouse connector into the mouse port of your PC and the PS/2 keyboardconnector into the keyboard port.Mouse Connector Keyboard ConnectorStep 4: Take  the  keyboard and make sure the batteries on the back areinstalled correctly. (Follow the polarity signs in the battery compartment.)Step 5: Use the slide switch on the back of the keyboard to select the sameBottom View of Receiver Slide Switch SettingBottom View of KeyboardID ButtonSlide Switch(+)(-)Battery 1.5V 2pcs
4channel as the one selected in step 2 on the receiver.                    Step 6: Take the mouse and make sure the batteries on the back are installedcorrectly. (Follow the polarity signs in the battery compartment.) Step 7: Use the slide switch in the battery compartmentof the mouse to select the same channel as the one selected in step 2and 5.(Open the battery cover to find the switch channel setting)     Remarks:1. The keyboard uses 2pcs standard UM-3 (AA) 1.5V batteries, and the mouseuses 2pcs UM-4 (AAA) 1.5V batteries.2. Battery life is approximately 3-4 months, depending on the intensity of usage.3. Make sure the receiver is placed in a location relatively free of strongelectromagnetic or transmission sources in order to ensure optimal receptionof the keyboard and mouse signal.Slide Switch SettingBottom View of MouseSlide Switch Setting
5ID SettingEach channel contains 256 sets ID.    This extra ID-recognition function helps toprotect against interference from other RF keyboards in the same environment.After completing the hardware installation you must set the ID’s of the receiver,mouse and keyboard.Step 1: Press the ID button on the top of the receiver once.Step 2:   Press the ID button on the bottom of the mouse once.  Step 3: Press  the  ID button on the bottom of thekeyboard once.Remarks:1.  You must follow the procedure above to set the ID of receiver, mouseand keyboard.  Once the receiver ID button is pressed you have 35second to complete the entire process, or you will need to begin again.2.  Once the keyboard and receiver are plugged in, the yellow receiverlight will flash.    Once the ID is set, it will remain steadily lit.3.  When changing the batteries of keyboard or mouse, there is noID ButtonID Button of ReceiverID ButtonID Button of Mouse21ID ButtonID Button of Keyboard
6need to reset all the ID’s.    Simply reset one of them.4.  When the batteries are low, a battery low icon   will show ontheright-bottom corner of the taskbar instead of the KeyMaestrodriver icon  .Detachable PalmrestAt your discretion, you may choose to connect the palmrest with keyboard.To connect the palmrest with the keyboard follow figure 1 & figure 2.Connecting the detachable palmrest with the keyboard as figure 1 & figure 2.Figure 1Figure 2
74 Software InstallationAfter finishing the hardware installation as described in this manual and startingup your PC, you should be able to immediately take advantage of the wirelessfunction of the wireless keyboard and mouse. If the keyboard and mouse arenot working properly, see Chapter 6 Troubleshooting for tips on how to solveyour problem.4.1 Keyboard Driver InstallationKeyboard Driver InstallationKeyboard Driver InstallationKeyboard Driver InstallationIf your operating system is Windows 2000, Windows ME or Windows XP,you can immediately take advantage of the extra function buttons on thekeyboard (except ‘Battery Low’ and ‘LED Light’ functions). But, if youroperating system is Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0, youwill have to install the keyboard driver software to take advantage ofthese functions. The keyboard driver program is located on the driver CDincluded in the box.1.  Insert the driver CD into your computers CD-ROM drive.2.  Run the setup.exe in the keyboard-driver directory of the driver CD.3.  Follow the onscreen instructions to finish the installation procedure.4.  For detailed information on how to install the driver, please refer tothe readme.htm file.4.2 Mouse Driver InstallationIn order to take advantage of the special shortcut button functionality ofthe mouse you will have to install the mouse driver which is located on thedriver CD included in the box.1.  Make sure the driver CD is in your computers CD-ROM drive.2.  Run the setup.exe in the mouse-driver directory of the driver disk.3.  Follow the on screen instructions to finish the installation procedure.
85 Using the Keyboard and Mouse5.1 Using the KeyboardBesides the usual keyboard keys the RF5700 keyboard also has extradedicated keys, which provide the following multimedia functionality:Please note: In order to use these keys under Windows 95, Windows98 or Windows NT 4.0 it is necessary to have the keyboard driverinstalled. Please refer to Chapter 4 for more information.Function Buttons:Function Buttons:Function Buttons:Function Buttons:Power Off Turns the computer offSleep Places the computer in Sleep ModeWake Up Wakes the computer from Sleep ModeWWW * Opens the default internet browser on themachineSearch WWW * Opens the internet search menuFavoritesFolderOpens the internet favorites folderBack * Displays the previously viewed pageForward * To view the page displayed before clicking theBack ButtonEmail Opens the default email programVolume Control Adjusts the volume up and downStop Stops the audio and resets the tracks to the firsttrack in the sequence
9Mute Mutes the soundNext/FastForwardAdvances to the next audio trackPlay/Pause Begins audio tracks, pause will temporarily stopthe track from playingPrevious/FastBackwardAdvances to the previous audio track5.2 Using the Mouse DriverAfter installing the mouse driver as described in Chapter 4 you will beable to startup the Mouse Control Panel by right clicking on the Mouse inthe Windows task bar.    This should appear after restarting your machine.
106 TroubleshootingIf you are experiencing problems with your keyboard or mouse please check thefollowing:1.  Take out the receiver’s connector and check both the receiver’s mouse andkeyboard plug for possible broken pins. If the plugs appear normal thenreinsert the plugs into their respective connectors on your PC.2.  Make sure the mouse plug is inserted in the mouse connector on your PCand the keyboard plug is inserted into the keyboard connector on your PC.Compare the icons on both the cable and backside of your PC if necessary.3. Check to see if the batteries in the keyboard and mouse are installedcorrectly. Make sure the polarity of the batteries corresponds with thepolarity signs in the battery compartment.4.  Replace the batteries to make sure the batteries are not low in power.5. Check to see if the channel switch for the receiver, keyboard and mouseare set to the same channel. Try the alternate channel for the receiver,keyboard and mouse in case the initially selected channel appears to workimproperly, other devices in the vicinity of the receiver may causeinterference.6.  It is strongly recommended to place the receiver in front of the monitor inorder to prevent signal disturbance from the monitor.7.  If your PC system’s BIOS setup has options for the keyboard or mouse -make sure they are set to default settings. If you are not familiar with theBIOS, refer to your PC’s manual for more information.8.  If you have problems using the sleep button - make sure that the powermanagement in your PC has been enabled both in the BIOS and inWindows. For more information on your PC’s BIOS settings - refer to yourPC’s manual. For more information on how to enable the powermanagement features in Windows - refer to your Windows manual.9.  If you have problems using the extra browser buttons and/or the specialmouse functions - make sure you have installed the keyboard and mousedriver correctly as described in this manual’s Chapter 4: SoftwareInstallation. Also check your hardware requirements meet those listed inthis manual10.  Use the mouse only on a clean, flat, non-slippery surface in order to ensuresmooth and accurate cursor action.
1111.  Keep all items away from direct sunlight, moisture, dirt, extreme heat andabrasive chemical (cleaning) solutions.12. Should the receiver, the keyboard or mouse become accidentallyimmersed or splashed by liquids, switch off your PC immediately, unplug allitems and refer to your dealer for further assistance. In these cases pleaserefrain from using any of the items before consulting with your dealer !If above troubleshooting suggestions do not solve your problem contactMemorex Technical Support at: 310-891-1680 Monday- Friday 9am-5pm pacificstandard time, or via email at  You may also visitus online at
FCC GUIDELINESThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference toradio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference byone or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.The Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing EquipmentRegulation.Cet appareil numerique de la class B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le materiel brouilleur duCanada.Caution:Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance couldvoid the user's authority to operate this equipment.    Shielded interface cable, if any, must be used inorder to comply with emission limits.封底內頁

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