Belkin F5D8055V2 N+ Wireless USB Adapter User Manual UserMan K7SF5D8055V2

Belkin International, Inc. N+ Wireless USB Adapter UserMan K7SF5D8055V2


N+ Wireless USB AdapterUser ManualPM00730-A F5D8055
i1234 6789105SECTIONN+ Wireless USB AdapterTable of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTSUsing the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility  .............25Accessing the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility from the Windows System Tray 25Network Status 25Available Networks 26Network Status and Solution Tips 26Setting Wireless Network Profiles 27Securing your Wi-Fi Network 27Configuring your Adapter to use Security 315 Troubleshooting.....................................406 Information........................................  47Introduction...........................................1Benefits of a Home Network 1Advantages of a Wireless Network 1Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance 2Overview .............................................5Product Features 5Applications and Advantages 6Product Specifications  6System Requirements 7Package Contents 7Installing and Setting up the Adapter .....................8A. Installation Process for Windows Vista 8B. Installation Process for Windows Operating Systems other      than Windows Vista 18C. Configuration  24
1Table of Contents 234 6789105SECTIONN+ Wireless USB Adapter1INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing the Belkin N+ Wireless USB Adapter. Now you can take advantage of this great new technology and gain the freedom to network your home and office computers wirelessly. This Adapter allows you to connect a notebook computer to your network. Please be sure to read through this User Manual completely, and pay special attention to the section entitled “Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance”.Benefits of a Home NetworkYour Belkin Home Network will allow you to:Ř Share one high-speed Internet connection with all the computers in your homeŘ Share resources, such as files and hard drives among all the connected computers in your homeŘ Share a single printer with the entire familyŘ Share documents, music, video, and digital picturesŘ Store, retrieve, and copy files from one computer to anotherŘ Simultaneously play games online, check Internet email, and chatAdvantages of a Wireless NetworkŘ 0RELOLW\ – you’ll no longer need a dedicated “computer room”—now you can work on a networked laptop or desktop computer anywhere within your wireless rangeŘ (DV\LQVWDOODWLRQ – The Belkin Setup Assistant software makes setup simpleŘ )OH[LELOLW\ – set up and access printers, computers, and other networking devices from anywhere in your homeŘ (DV\([SDQVLRQ – the wide range of Belkin networking products lets you expand your network to include devices such as printers and gaming consolesŘ 1RFDEOLQJUHTXLUHG – you can spare the expense and hassle of retrofitting Ethernet cabling throughout the home or officeŘ :LGHVSUHDGLQGXVWU\DFFHSWDQFH – choose from a wide range of interoperable networking products
2Table of Contents 234 6789105SECTIONN+ Wireless USB Adapter1INTRODUCTION1. Placement of your Wireless Router (or Access Point) Place your wireless router (or access point), the central connection point of your network, as close as possible to the center of your wireless network devices.To achieve the best wireless network coverage for your “wireless clients,” (i.e., computers enabled by Belkin Adapters or Cards):Ř Ensure that your wireless router’s (or access point’s) antennas are parallel to each other, and are positioned vertically (toward the ceiling). If your wireless router (or access point) itself is positioned vertically, point the antennas as much as possible in an upward directionŘ In multistory homes, place the wireless router (or access point) on a floor that is as close to the center of the home as possible. This may mean placing the wireless router (or access point) on an upper floor.Ř Try not to place the wireless router (or access point) near a cordless 2.4GHz phone.Your wireless connection will be stronger the closer your computer is to your wireless router (or access point). Typical indoor operating range for your wireless devices is between 100 and 200 feet. In the same way, your wireless connection and performance will degrade somewhat as the distance between your wireless router (or access point) and connected devices increases. This may or may not be noticeable to you. As you move farther from your wireless router (or access point), connection speed may decrease. Factors that can weaken signals simply by getting in the way of your network’s radio waves are metal appliances or obstructions, and walls.If you have concerns about your network’s performance that might be related to range or obstruction factors, try moving the computer to a position between five and 10 feet from the wireless router (or access point) in order to see if distance is the problem. If difficulties persist even at close range, please contact Belkin Technical Support.Note: While some of the items listed below can affect network performance, they will not prohibit your wireless network from functioning; if you are concerned that your network is not operating at its maximum effectiveness, this checklist may helpPlacement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance
3Table of Contents 234 6789105SECTIONN+ Wireless USB Adapter1INTRODUCTION2. Avoid Obstacles and InterferenceAvoid placing your wireless router (or access point) near devices that may emit radio “noise”, such as microwave ovens. Other objects that can inhibit wireless communication can include: Ř RefrigeratorsŘ Washers and/or dryersŘ Metal cabinetsŘ Large aquariumsŘ Metallic-based, UV-tinted windowsIf your wireless signal seems weak in some spots, make sure that objects such as these are not blocking the signal’s path between your computers and wireless router (or access point).3. Cordless Phone PlacementIf the performance of your wireless network is impaired after attending to the above issues, and you have a cordless phone: Ř Try moving cordless phones away from the wireless router (or access point) and your wireless-enabled computers.Ř Unplug and remove the battery from any cordless phone that operates on the 2.4GHz band (check manufacturer’s information). If this fixes the problem, your phone may be interfering. Ř If your phone supports channel selection, change the channel on the phone to the farthest channel from your wireless network as possible. For example, change the phone to channel 1 and move your wireless router (or access point) to channel 11. (Your channel selection will vary depending on your region.) See your phone’s user manual for detailed instructions.Ř If necessary, consider switching to a 900MHz or 5GHz cordless phone.
4Table of Contents 234 6789105SECTIONN+ Wireless USB Adapter1INTRODUCTIONSecure connections can be interrupted by a computer’s power management setting, which causes it to “go to sleep.” The simplest solution to avoid this is to simply reconnect by re-running the VPN or AOL software, or by re-logging into the secure website.A second alternative is to change your computer’s power management settings so it does not go to sleep; however, this may not be appropriate for portable computers. To change your power management setting in Windows, see the “Power Options” item in the Control Panel.If you continue to have difficulty with Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOL, please review steps 1–4 in the previous pages to be sure you have addressed these issues.These guidelines should allow you to cover the maximum possible area with your wireless router. Should you need to cover an even wider area, we suggest the Belkin Wireless Range Extender/Access Point.For more information regarding our networking products, visit our website at or call Belkin Technical Support.4. Choose the “Quietest” Channel for your Wireless NetworkIn locations where homes or offices are close together, such as apartment buildings or office complexes, there may be wireless networks nearby that can conflict with yours. Use the Site Survey capabilities of your Belkin Wireless Networking Utility to locate any other wireless networks, and move your wireless router (or access point) and computers to a channel as far away from other networks as possible Experiment with more than one of the available channels in order to find the clearest connection and avoid interference from neighboring cordless phones or other wireless devices.For more Belkin wireless networking products, use the detailed Site Survey and wireless channel information included in your User Manual.5. Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOLSecure connections typically require a user name and password, and are used where security is important. Secure connections include:Ř Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections, often used to connect remotely to an office network Ř The “Bring Your Own Access” program from America Online (AOL), which lets you use AOL through broadband provided by another cable or DSL serviceŘ Most online banking websitesŘ Many commercial websites that require a user name and password to access your account
5Table of Contents 1 34 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTIONOVERVIEW2Product FeaturesThe Adapter complies with the IEEE draft-802.11n specification to communicate with other draft-802.11n-compliant wireless devices at up to 300Mbps*. The Adapter is also compatible with 802.11g devices at 54Mbps as well as 802.11b products at 11Mbps. The Adapter operates on the same 2.4GHz frequency band as 802.11b/g Wi-Fi® products.Ř 2.4GHz ISM (Industrial, Science, and Medical) band operation Ř Integrated easy-to-use Belkin Wireless Networking UtilityŘ USB 2.0 interface, for operation in virtually any computer with a USB 2.0 bus-power portŘ WPA, WPA2, 64-bit WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), or 128-bit encryptionŘ Wireless access to networked resources Ř Data rate of up to 300Mbps* (draft 802.11n), 54Mbps (802.11g), or 11Mbps (802.11b)Ř Easy installation and useŘ LED power and network link/activity indicator
6Table of Contents 1 34 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 2OVERVIEWApplications and AdvantagesŘ :LUHOHVVURDPLQJZLWKDODSWRSDURXQGWKHKRPHRUoffice Offers the freedom of networking without cablesŘ &RQQHFWLRQUDWHVRIXSWR0ESVProvides immediate high-speed wireless connectivity at home, work, and hotspot locations without compromising the use of existing 802.11b/g productsŘ &RPSDWLELOLW\ZLWKEJSURGXFWV The Adapter is backward-compatible with existing Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b/g) products Ř 'LIILFXOWWRZLUHHQYLURQPHQWV Enables networking in buildings with solid or finished walls, or open areas where wiring is difficult to installŘ )UHTXHQWO\FKDQJLQJHQYLURQPHQWVAdapts easily in offices or environments that frequently rearrange or change locationsŘ 62+26PDOO2IILFH+RPH2IILFHQHWZRUNLQJQHHGVProvides the easy and quick, small network installation SOHO users needProduct SpecificationsHost Interface: USB 2.0Operating Temperature: 32–131 degrees F (0–55 degrees C)Storage Temperature: -4–149 degrees F (-20–65 degrees C)Humidity: Max. 90% (non-condensing)Typical Operating Range: Up to 1,200 ft.** 127( The standard transmission rate—300Mbps—is the physical data rate. Actual data throughput will be lower.**Wireless performance may vary depending on the networking environment.
7Table of Contents 1 34 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 2OVERVIEWD 3RZHU$FWLYLW\/('Lights when the Adapter is powered on and flashes when it is active. E :366HFXULW\/('Indicates security status and provides feedback during Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ handshaking.(c) WPS Push ButtonUsed for Wi-Fi Protected Setup handshaking with routers (on Windows XP and 2000 systems with the Belkin utility only). This button is functional on Windows Vista only when the software application is installed.(d) USB ConnectorPart of the Adapter that fits into your computer’s USB port.(e) Desktop StandLets you move the Adapter away from interfering objects around your computer. 6\VWHP5HTXLUHPHQWVŘ 3&FRPSDWLEOHODSWRSZLWKRQHDYDLODEOH86%EXVSRZHUSRUWŘ :LQGRZV® 2000, XP with SP2, or Vista®*** Package ContentsŘ1:LUHOHVV86%$GDSWHUŘ4XLFN,QVWDOODWLRQ*XLGHŘ&'ZLWK,QVWDOODWLRQ6RIWZDUHDQG8VHU0DQXDOŘ'HVNWRS6WDQG(b) (a)(c)
8Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTIONINSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTER3A. Installation Process for Windows Vista127(For information on updated drivers, please visit the Belkin website at ZZZEHONLQFRPVXSSRUWIMPORTANT: INSTALL THE SOFTWARE BEFORE INSERTING THE ADAPTER.A.1 Insert the Installation Software CD into your CD-ROM drive.A.2 Click “Next” to begin the installation process.Note: If the Belkin Wireless Card Installer screen does not appear within 20 seconds, access your CD-ROM by double-clicking on the “My Computer” icon; then double-click on the CD-ROM drive into which the installation CD has been placed. If the Installer does not start automatically, double-click on the icon named “Setup.exe”.
9Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERA.4 Select a destination folder for the software installation by clicking “Browse”; or, simply click “Next” to select a default location.A.3 The InstallShield Wizard starts the installation process.
10Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERA.6 Your Adapter has a physical push button that allows it to easily connect to a WPS-enabled access point. On some operating systems, you may be asked to install an app to enable this button.   A.5 A Setup Status screen will let you know where you are in the setup process.
11Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERA.8 When prompted, turn off your computer and plug in your Adapter. Your installation is now complete. A.7 A window may appear a second time showing the message, “Windows can’t verify the publisher of this driver software”. This DOES NOT indicate a problem. Our software has been fully tested and is compatible with this operating system.
12Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERA.9 When the installation completes, click on “Finish”.    A.10 The Found New Hardware Wizard might appear within 3–15 seconds. If it does, continue to follow the prompts. Select “Locate and install the driver software” to continue.
13Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERA.11 You might see a screen similar to the one pictured below. This DOES NOT mean there is a problem. Our software has been fully tested and is compatible with this operating system. Select “Install this driver software anyway” and follow the on-screen instructions.Next, a screen appears indicating that hardware installation is taking place; then, another indicates that the process is complete.A.12 To connect to the Internet, open the Network and Sharing Center by first opening the Control Panel from the “Start” menu.
14Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERA.13 In the Control Panel, click on “View network status and tasks”. A.14 In the Network and Sharing Center, click on “Connect to a network”.
15Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERA.15 In the next screen, select an available wireless network and click “Connect”. A.16 Your Adapter will attempt to connect to the selected network.
16Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERA.17 Depending on the security settings of your wireless network, you may be prompted to enter a network security key or a passphrase. Click “Connect” after you have done so.  A.18 After connecting to the network, you can choose to save this network and connect automatically when your Adapter is in range.
17Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERA.19 The Network and Sharing Center now indicates the network connection that you have just made. The links on the left of the window allow you to configure your network connections.
18Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERB. Installation Process for Windows Operating Systems other than Windows VistaIMPORTANT: INSTALL THE SOFTWARE BEFORE INSERTING THE ADAPTER.B.1 Insert the Installation Software CD into your CD-ROM drive.B.2 The Belkin Wireless Card Installer screen will automatically appear within up to 20 seconds. Click “Install Software” or “Next” to start the installation.Note: If the Belkin Wireless Card Installer screen does not appear within 20 seconds, access your CD-ROM by double-clicking on the “My Computer” icon; then double-click on the CD-ROM drive into which the installation CD has been placed. Then, double-click on the icon named “Setup.exe”.
19Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERB.4 Select a destination folder for the software installation by clicking “Browse”; or, simply click “Next” to select a default location.B.3 The InstallShield Wizard starts the installation process.
20Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERB.6 After the software installation is finished, the message “Please plug in your USB Adapter now” will appear. Connect the Adapter to your computer. B.5 A Setup Status screen lets you know where you are in the setup process.
21Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERB.8 If the Found New Hardware Wizard does not appear, click “Finish”.B.7 The Found New Hardware Wizard might appear in 3–15 seconds. If it does, select “Install the software automatically” and click “Next” to install the hardware.
22Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERB.10 The Wizard will now install your software.B.9 You might see a screen similar to this one. This DOES NOT mean there is a problem. Our software has been fully tested and is compatible with this operating system. Select “Continue Anyway” and follow the on-screen instructions.
23Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERB.12 Click “Finish” again to exit the InstallShield Wizard.B.13 Depending on which operating system you are using, you might be required to reboot your computer for the changes to take effect. Save your data and close all other applications. Then, reboot.B.11 The installation is now complete. Click “Finish” to close the “Found New Hardware Wizard”.
24Table of Contents 12 4 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 3INSTALLING AND SETTING UP THE ADAPTERC. ConfigurationUsing the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility (Windows 2000 and XP only)C.1 After restarting your computer, double-click the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility icon on the desktop screen. C.2 The Belkin Wireless Networking Utility screen will appear.C.3 Select a network to which to connect from the “Available Networks” list and click “Connect”.Note: In order to see your available networks, you must be near a working wireless router or access point.Installation is now complete.Note: The Belkin Wireless Networking Utility icon can also be found on the system tray.
25Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITY4The WNU’s default screen is the “Current Status” tab. The “Current Status” tab displays the current Network Status and Available Networks.Network StatusThis window displays the connectivity status of the current network. It even displays connectivity between the computer and router, and router and Internet. In the event of a connectivity problem, this window can be used to determine the problem’s source (e.g. computer, router, or Internet/modem).After successfully installing the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility (WNU), configurations for wireless connection and security are just a few easy clicks away.Accessing the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility from the Windows System TrayTo access the WNU, simply place your mouse pointer and right-click over the WNU icon on the Windows task tray. If the icon is not present, click on “Start > Programs > Belkin > N1 Wireless USB Network Adapter > Belkin Wireless Networking Utility”.
26Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYNetwork Status and Solution TipsTo further understand the current Network Status, click “Open Wireless Utility”. The default screen will be the “Current Status” tab and the “Network Status” section determines which connections are good and/or faulty.Available NetworksThis window displays the available networks at the current location as well as their SSID, Signal Strength, Security Type, Channel, and Network Type.Lost Wireless ConnectionIf the current wireless connection is lost, a window will pop up and the WNU will attempt to reconnect.Connection FailureOther options will appear during attempts to reconnect. To stop connecting, click “Stop” and to reattempt connection, click “Retry”.The WNU also features a “Solution Tips” section that provides troubleshooting guidelines.
27Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITY6HFXULQJ\RXU:L)L® NetworkIf you choose to connect to a secure network, determine the type of security (WPA or WEP*) and use the appropriate field in the dialog box.Setting Wireless Network ProfilesThe “My Connections” tab on the WNU allows you to add, edit, and delete connection profiles. It also displays signal strength, security, and network type.The WNU also features a “Solution Tips” section that provides troubleshooting guidelines.
28Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYNote: When you select a network using encryption, you will first see the simple security screen. Click the “Advanced” button to see other security options (below). :LUHOHVV(TXLYDOHQW3ULYDF\:(3 is a less secure, but more widely adopted wireless security protocol. Depending on the security level (64- or 128-bit), the user will be asked to input a 10- or 26-character hex key. A hex key is a combination of letters, a–f, and numbers, 0–9.:L)L3URWHFWHG$FFHVV:3$ is the new standard in the wireless security. However, not all wireless cards and adapters support this technology. Please check your wireless adapter’s user manual to check if it supports WPA. Instead of a hex key, WPA uses only passphrases, which are much easier to remember.The following section, intended for the home, home-office, and small-office user, presents a few different ways to maximize the security of your wireless network.
29Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYName 64-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy128-bit EncryptionWi-Fi Protected AccessWi-Fi Protected AccessAcronym 64-bit WEP 128-bit WEP WPA-TKIP/AES (or just WPA)WPA2-AES (or just WPA2)Security Good Better Best BestFeatures Static keys  Static keys  Dynamic key encryption and mutual authenticationDynamic key encryption and mutual authenticationEncryption keys based on RC4 algorithm (typically 40-bit keys)Added security over 64-bit WEP using a key length of 104 bits, plus 24 additional bits of system-generated dataTKIP (temporal key integrity protocol) added so that keys are rotated and encryption is strengthenedAES (Advanced Encryption Standard) does not cause any throughput lossAt the time of publication, four encryption methods are available:Encryption Methods:WEPWEP is a common protocol that adds security to all Wi-Fi-compliant wireless products. WEP gives wireless networks the equivalent level of privacy protection as a comparable wired network.%LW:(364-bit WEP was first introduced with 64-bit encryption, which includes a key length of 40 bits plus 24 additional bits of system-generated data (64 bits total). Some hardware manufacturers refer to 64-bit as 40-bit encryption. Shortly after the technology was introduced, researchers found that 64-bit encryption was too easy to decode.%LW(QFU\SWLRQAs a result of 64-bit WEP’s potential security weaknesses, a more secure method of 128-bit encryption was developed. 128-bit encryption includes a key length of 104 bits plus 24 additional bits of system-generated data (128 bits total). Some hardware manufacturers refer to 128-bit as 104-bit encryption. Most of the new wireless equipment in the market today supports both 64-bit WEP and 128-bit WEP encryption, but you might have older equipment that only supports 64-bit WEP. All Belkin wireless products will support both 64-bit WEP and 128-bit encryption.
30Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYEncryption Keys After selecting either the 64-bit WEP or 128-bit encryption mode, it is critical that you generate an encryption key. If the encryption key is not consistent throughout the entire wireless network, your wireless networking devices will be unable to communicate with one another. You can enter your key by typing in the hex key. A hex (hexadecimal) key is a combination of numbers and letters from A–F and 0–9. For 64-bit WEP, you must enter 10 hex characters. For 128-bit WEP, you must enter 26 hex characters. For instance: AF 0F 4B C3 D4 = 64-bit WEP key C3 03 0F AF 0F 4B B2 C3 D4 4B C3 D4 E7 = 128-bit WEP key Write down the hex WEP key from your wireless router (or access point) and enter it manually into the hex WEP key table in your Adapter’s configuration screen.WPAWPA is a new Wi-Fi standard that improves upon the security features of WEP. To use WPA security, the drivers and software of your wireless equipment must be upgraded to support it. These updates will be found on your wireless vendor’s website. There are three types of WPA security: WPA-PSK (no server), WPA (with radius server), and WPA2.:3$36.QRVHUYHUuses what is known as a pre-shared key as the network key. A network key is a password that is between eight and 63 characters long. It can be a combination of letters, numbers, or characters. Each client uses the same network key to access the network. Typically, this is the mode that will be used in a home environment. WPA (with radius server) works best in a business environment, in which a radius server automatically distributes the network key to clients. WPA2 requires Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for encryption of data, which offers much greater security than WPA. WPA uses both Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) and AES for encryption.Setting up your Belkin Wireless Router (or Access Point) to use SecurityTo start using security, you must first enable WEP or WPA for your wireless router (or access point). For Belkin Wireless Routers (or Access Points), these security features can be configured through the web-based interface. See your wireless router’s (or access point’s) manual for directions on how to access the management interface.IMPORTANT: You must now set all wireless network cards/adapters to match these settings.
31Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYConfiguring your Adapter to use SecurityAt this point, you should already have your wireless router (or access point) set to use WPA or WEP. In order for you to gain wireless connection, you must set your N+ Wireless USB Adapter to use the same security settings.Changing the Wireless Security SettingsYour Belkin N+ Wireless USB Adapter supports advanced security technology, including Wi-Fi Protected Access™ 2 (WPA2™), Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), and Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ (WPS), which simplifies the setup of a wireless network. WPS uses familiar methodologies, such as typed Personal Identification Number (PIN) entry and push-button network-name configuration. This automatically enables strong WPA/WPA2 data encryption and authentication.8VLQJ:L)L3URWHFWHG6HWXSBoth versions of Wi-Fi Protected Setup (push button and PIN) are supported with the Belkin utility on Windows 2000 and XP. Only the hardware push button method is supported on Windows Vista when the optional utility is installed.When attempting to connect to a WPS-enabled network, the following screen will appear:1. Personal Identification Number (PIN) Method: In this method, your N+ Wireless USB Adapter generates a PIN to be entered into your router. 2. Connect to an Open AP: Select this option if your router supports WPS, but does not currently have security enabled.3. Advanced Configuration Method: For manual connection to a secured network.
32Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYWPS uses WPA2 (described below) for encryption. It does not provide additional security. Instead, it standardizes the method for securing your wireless network. On your client utility, WPS-enabled networks are denoted with the key icon. You may use either the PBC method or PIN method to allow a device access to your wireless network. The two methods work as follows:PBC: Push and hold the WPS button located on your USB Adapter for two seconds. (Alternatively, you may click the “WPS Connect” button on the Belkin utility instead of the physical push button.) Then, complete the WPS procedure on the router within two minutes. Your client will automatically exchange the security information and be added to your wireless network. The PBC method can also be initiated from the router; however, it is recommended to start the procedure from your USB Adapter.You will see the following message if the procedure is initiated from the router:If the process is started from the client, you will see this message:You will see the following message during the connection process:The client will be automatically enrolled into your wireless network within two minutes.
33Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYPIN: Your notebook computer has an 8-digit PIN that is associated with WPS. Select the WPS-enabled network and click “Connect” to start the WPS process. Choose the PIN-method option and complete the WPS procedure on your router’s setup utility.You will see the following message during the connection process:The client will be automatically enrolled into your wireless network within two minutes.If desired, you may connect manually to a WPS-enabled network. Click on the “Advanced” tab to open the following window: Enter in the encryption key and security method in order to join this network. The following section describes how to connect to a secure network that does not support WPS.
34Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYThe Belkin N+ Wireless USB Adapter supports the latest WPA security feature as well as the legacy WEP security standard. By default, wireless security is disabled.To enable security, you first must determine which standard is used by the router (or access point). (See your wireless router’s or access point’s manual for directions on how to access the security settings.)To access the security settings on your Adapter, click the “My Connections” tab and point to the connection for which you want to change security settings. Click “Edit” to change settings.
35Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYWEP Setup%LW:(3(QFU\SWLRQ1. Select “WEP” from the “Data Encryption” drop-down menu. 2. After selecting your WEP encryption mode, you can enter your key by typing in the hex key manually.A hex (hexadecimal) key is a combination of numbers and letters from A–F and 0–9. For 64-bit WEP, you must enter 10 hex characters. For instance: AF 0F 4B C3 D4 = 64-bit WEP key3. Click “Save” to finish. Encryption in the wireless router (or access point) is now set. Each of your computers on your wireless network will now must be configured with the same security settings.WARNING: If you are using a wireless client to turn on the security settings in your wireless router (or access point), you will temporarily lose your wireless connection until you activate security on your wireless client. Please record the key prior to applying changes in the wireless router (or access point). If you don’t remember the hex key, your client will be locked out of the wireless router (or access point).
36Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITY%LW:(3(QFU\SWLRQ1. Select “WEP” from the drop-down menu. 2. After selecting your WEP encryption mode, you can enter your key by typing in the hex key manually. A hex (hexadecimal) key is a combination of numbers and letters from A–F and 0–9. For 128-bit WEP, you must enter 26 hex characters. For instance: C3 03 0F AF 0F 4B B2 C3 D4 4B C3 D4 E7  =128-bit WEP key3. Click “Save” to finish. Encryption in the wireless router (or access point) is now set. You must now configure each of the computers on your wireless network with the same security settings.WARNING: If you are using a wireless client to turn on the security settings in your wireless router (or access point), you will temporarily lose your wireless connection until you activate security on your wireless client. Please record the key prior to applying changes in the wireless router (or access point). If you don’t remember the hex key, your client will be locked out of the wireless router (or access point).
37Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITY:3$36.Choose this setting if your network does not use a radius server. WPA-PSK is typically used in home and small office networking. 1. From the “Network Authentication” drop-down menu, select “WPA-PSK”. 2. Enter your network key. This can be from eight to 63 characters and can be letters, numbers, or symbols. This same key must be used on all of the clients (network cards) that you want to include in your wireless network.3. Click “Save” to finish. You must now set all clients (network cards) to match these settings.
38Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYWireless Networking Utility OptionsThe WNU “Help” tab provides users with access to online and telephone support, one-click check for upgrades to updated versions of software, and advanced diagnostic tools.Wireless Networking Utility OptionsThe “Options” tab on the WNU provides the user the ability to customize his or her WNU settings.
39Table of Contents 123 6789105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION  4USING THE BELKIN WIRELESS NETWORKING UTILITYAdvanced Diagnostic ToolsThe “Advanced Diagnostic Tools” section is the central control panel for all the settings of the hardware and software components of the wireless network. It provides an array of tests and connectivity services to ensure optimal network performance.
40Table of Contents 1234 678 105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTIONTROUBLESHOOTING9I can’t connect to the Internet wirelessly.If you are unable to connect to the Internet from a wireless computer, please check the following items. 1. Look at the lights on your wireless router. If you’re using a Belkin Wireless Router, the lights should be as follows: Ř7KHœ3RZHUŔOLJKWVKRXOGEHRQ Ř7KHœ&RQQHFWHGŔOLJKWVKRXOGEHRQDQGQRWEOLQNLQJ Ř7KHœ:$1ŔOLJKWVKRXOGEHHLWKHURQRUEOLQNLQJIf your Belkin Wireless Router’s lights have the above characteristics, go to number 2 below.If this is NOT the case, make sure: Ř7KHURXWHUőVSRZHUFRUGLVSOXJJHGLQ Ř$OOFDEOHVDUHFRQQHFWHGEHWZHHQWKHURXWHUDQGWKHPRGHPŘ$OOWKHPRGHPőV/('VDUHIXQFWLRQLQJFRUUHFWO\,IQRWVHH\RXUmodem’s user manual. Ř5HERRWWKHURXWHU Ř5HERRWWKHPRGHPIf you continue to have issues, please contact Belkin Technical Support.If you are not using a Belkin Wireless Router, consult that router manufacturer’s user guide.2. Open your wireless utility software by clicking on the icon in the system tray at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. The tray icon should look like this (the icon may be red or green):3. The window that opens should have a list of “Available Networks”. Available networks are wireless networks to which you can connect.If you are using a Belkin 802.11g (G Plus) Router, or Belkin 802.11g (54g) Router, “Belkin54g” is the default name. If you are using a Belkin 802.11b Router, the default name should be “WLAN”.If you are NOT using a Belkin Router, please consult your router manufacturer’s user manual for the default name.
41Table of Contents 1234 678 105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 9TROUBLESHOOTINGThe name of your wireless network appears in “Available Networks”.If the correct network name is listed in the “Available Networks” list, please follow the steps below to connect wirelessly. 1. Click on the correct network name in the “Available Networks” list.2.  If the network has security (encryption) enabled, you must enter the network key. Click “Connect”. For more information regarding security, see the page entitled: “Securing your Wi-Fi Network” on page 27 of this User Manual.3.  Within a few seconds, the tray icon in the lower right-hand corner of your screen should turn green, indicating a successful connection to the network.If you are still unable to access the Internet after connecting to the wireless network, please contact Belkin Technical Support.The name of your wireless network DOES NOT appear in the listof “Available Networks”.If the correct network name is not listed, check the SSID settings to see if they match. The SSID is case-sensitive and the spelling on each computer must be exactly the same in order for the Adapter to connect to the wireless router (or access point).Note: To check the SSID settings or look for an available network, double-click the Signal Indicator icon to bring up the “Wireless Networks” screen. Click “Add” if you do not see the network you are trying to connect to and type in the SSID. For more information about setting up an SSID, please reference your router manufacturer’s user manual.If issues persist even at close range, please contact Belkin Technical Support.
42Table of Contents 1234 678 105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 9TROUBLESHOOTING,QVWDOODWLRQ&'520GRHVQRWVWDUW%HONLQWireless Networking Utility.If the CD-ROM does not start the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility automatically, it could be that the computer is running other applications that are interfering with the CD drive. If the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility screen does not appear within 15-20 seconds, open up your CD-ROM drive by double-clicking on the “My Computer” icon. Next, double-click on the CD-ROM drive in which the Installation CD has been placed to start the installation. If the installation does not start automatically, right-click to select “Explore”, then double-click on the icon named “setup.exe”.Power LED does not come ON; Adapter is not working.If the LED indicators are not ON, the problem may be that the Adapter is not connected or installed properly. Verify that the Adapter is plugged firmly into the USB port of your computer. Check to see that the drivers for the Adapter have been installed. Right-click on the “My Computer” icon on your desktop. Choose “Properties” and navigate to the “Device Manager” and see if your USB Network Adapter is listed without any errors. If an error is indicated, contact Belkin Technical Support.Link LED is blinking slowly; I cannot connect to a wireless network or the Internet.If your Adapter appears to be functioning properly, but you cannot connect to a network or you have a red wireless icon at the bottom of your screen, the problem may be that there is a mismatch between the network name (SSID) settings in your wireless network properties.Check the SSID settings to see if they match. The SSID is case-sensitive and the spelling on each computer must be exactly the same in order for the Adapter to connect to the wireless router (or access point).Note: To check the SSID settings or look for an available network, double-click the Signal Indicator icon to bring up the “Wireless Networks” screen. Click “Add” if you do not see the network you are trying to connect to and type in the SSID.For more information about setting up an SSID, please reference your router manufacturer’s user manual. If issues persist even at close range, please contact Belkin Technical Support.
43Table of Contents 1234 678 105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 9TROUBLESHOOTINGLink LED is solid but I cannot connect to the Internet.If you have a signal but can’t get online or obtain an IP address, the problem may be that there is a mismatch between the encryption key settings in your computer and wireless router (or access point). Check the WEP, WPA, or WPA2 key settings to see if they match. The key is case-sensitive and the spelling on each computer and wireless router (or access point) must be exactly the same in order for the Adapter to connect to the router. For more information about encryption, please see “Securing your Wi-Fi Network” on page 27 of this User Manual.If issues persist even at close range, please contact Belkin Technical Support.Data transfer is sometimes slow.Wireless technology is radio-based, which means connectivity and the throughput performance between devices decreases when the distance between devices increases. Other factors that will cause signal degradation (metal is generally the worst culprit) are obstructions such as walls and metal appliances. As a result, the typical indoor range of your wireless devices will be between 100 to 200 feet. Note also that connection speed may decrease as you move farther from the wireless router (or access point).In order to determine if wireless issues are related to range, we suggest temporarily moving the computer, if possible, to five to 10 feet away from the wireless router (or access point). Please see the section titled “Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance” on page 2 of this User Manual. If issues persist even at close range, please contact Belkin Technical Support.
44Table of Contents 1234 678 105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 9TROUBLESHOOTINGSignal strength is poor.Wireless technology is radio-based, which means connectivity and the throughput performance between devices decreases when the distance between devices increases. Other factors that will cause signal degradation (metal is generally the worst culprit) are obstructions such as walls and metal appliances. As a result, the typical indoor range of your wireless devices will be between 100 to 200 feet. Note also that connection speed may decrease as you move farther from the wireless router (or access point). In order to determine if wireless issues are related to range, we suggest temporarily moving the computer, if possible, to five to 10 feet away from wireless router (or access point).Changing the wireless channel – Depending on local wireless traffic and interference, switching the wireless channel of your network can improve performance and reliability. The default channel the router is shipped with is channel 6. You may choose from several other channels depending on your region; see your router’s (or access point’s) user manual for instructions on how to choose other channels.  Limiting the wireless transmit rate – Limiting the wireless transmit rate can help improve the maximum wireless range, and connection stability. Most wireless cards have the ability to limit the transmission rate. To change this property, go to the Windows Control Panel, open “Network Connections” and double-click on your Adapter’s connection. In the “Properties” dialog, select the “Configure” button on the “General” tab (Windows 98 users will have to select the USB Network Adapter in the list box and then click “Properties”), then choose the “Advanced” tab and select the rate property. Wireless client cards are usually set to automatically adjust the wireless transmit rate for you, but doing so can cause periodic disconnects when the wireless signal is too weak; as a rule, slower transmission rates are more stable. Experiment with different connection rates until you find the best one for your environment; note that all available transmission rates should be acceptable for browsing the Internet. For more assistance, see your wireless card’s literature. If issues persist even at close range, please contact Belkin Technical Support.
45Table of Contents 1234 678 105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 9TROUBLESHOOTINGWhy are there two wireless utilities in my system tray?Which one do I use?There are several features and advantages from using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility over the Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration utility. We offer a site survey, detailed link information, and adapter diagnosis, to name a few. It’s essential to know which utility is managing your Adapter. We recommend using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility. To use the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility, follow the steps below:Step 1 Right-click on the network status icon in the system tray and select the “Status” tab.  Step 2  From the “Status” tab, uncheck the “Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings” box. Once the box is unchecked, click the “Close” button to close the window.You are now using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility to configure the Adapter.The Adapter does not perform or connection is unstable when FRPSXWHUKDVDVHFRQGEXLOWLQZLUHOHVVQHWZRUNFDUGVXFKDVDmini PCI or Intel® Centrino™).This condition occurs if your computer has a built-in wireless card while your Belkin N+ Wireless USB Adapter is also active. This happens because Windows must now handle two active wireless connections.You must disable the built-in wireless card from your computer under “Network Adapters” in the Device Manager.The Adapter does not perform or connection is slow when computer KDVDEXLOWLQZLUHG(WKHUQHWFDUGThis condition occurs if your computer has an active Ethernet card while your Adapter is also active. This happens because Windows must now handle two active network connections. You must disable the Ethernet card from your computer under “Network Adapters” in the Device Manager.What’s the difference between 802.11g and draft 802.11n?Currently there are three commonly used wireless networking standards, which transmit data at very different maximum speeds. Each is based on the designation for certifying network standards. The most common wireless networking standard, 802.11g, can transmit information up to 54Mbps; 802.11a also supports up to 54Mbps, but in the 5GHz frequency; and 802.11n draft specification can connect at up to 300Mbps. See the following chart for more detailed information.
46Table of Contents 1234 678 105N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 9TROUBLESHOOTINGWireless TechnologyG(802.11g) 150NN MIMO(draft 802.11n with MIMO)N1 MIMO(draft 802.11n with MIMO)6SHHG'DWD5DWHUp to 54Mbps* Up to 150Mbps* Up to 300Mbps* Up to 300Mbps*)UHTXHQF\Common household devices such as cordless phones and microwave ovens may interfere with the unlicensed band 2.4GHzCommon household devices such as cordless phones and microwave ovens may interfere with the unlicensed band 2.4GHzCommon household devices such as cordless phones and microwave ovens may interfere with the unlicensed band 2.4GHzCommon household devices such as cordless phones and microwave ovens may interfere with the unlicensed band 2.4GHzCompatibilityCompatible with 802.11b/gCompatible with 802.11b/gCompatible with draft 802.11n** and 802.11b/gCompatible with draft 802.11n** and 802.11b/g&RYHUDJHUp to 400 ft.* Up to 1,000 ft.* Up to 1,200 ft.* Up to 1,400 ft.*AdvantageCommon—widespread use for Internet sharingBetter coverage and consistent speed and rangeEnhanced speed and  coverage Leading edge— best coverage and throughput*Distance and connection speeds will vary depending on your networking environment.**This Adapter is compatible with products based on the same version of the draft 802.11n specifications and may require a software upgrade for best results.Belkin Wireless Comparison Chart Technical SupportYou can find technical support information at or ZZZEHONLQFRPVXSSRUW
47Table of Contents 1234 78956N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTIONINFORMATION10FCC StatementDECLARATION OF CONFORMITY WITH FCC RULESFOR ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY We, Belkin International, Inc., of 501 West Walnut Street, Compton, CA 90220, declare under our sole responsibility that the product, F5D8055, to which this declaration relates, complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.&DXWLRQ([SRVXUHWR5DGLR)UHTXHQF\5DGLDWLRQThe radiated output power of this device is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the device shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized. When connecting an external antenna to the device, the antenna shall be placed in such a manner to minimize the potential for human contact during normal operation. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20cm (8 inches) during normal operation.Federal Communications Commission NoticeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:Ř 5HRULHQWRUUHORFDWHWKHUHFHLYLQJDQWHQQDŘ ,QFUHDVHWKHGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKHHTXLSPHQWDQGWKHUHFHLYHUŘ &RQQHFWWKHHTXLSPHQWWRDQRXWOHWRQDFLUFXLWGLIIHUHQWfrom that to which the receiver is connected.Ř &RQVXOWWKHGHDOHURUDQH[SHULHQFHGUDGLR79WHFKQLFLDQIRUKHOSFCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
48Table of Contents 1234 78956N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 10INFORMATIONIMPORTANT NOTE:5DGLDWLRQ([SRVXUH6WDWHPHQWThis equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, please follow operation instructions as documented in this manual. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.SAR compliance has been established in typical laptop computer(s) with USB slots, and this product could be used in typical laptop computers with USB slots. Other applications, such as handheld PCs or similar devices, have not been verified and may not comply with related RF exposure rules and such use shall be prohibited.The availability of some specific channels and/or operational frequency bands is country-dependent and firmware is programmed at the factory to match the intended destination. The firmware setting is not accessible by the end userModificationsThe FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications to this device that are not expressly approved by Belkin International, Inc., may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Industry Canada StatementThis device complies with RSS-210 of the Industry Canada Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1)  This device may not cause interference, and2)  This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.IMPORTANT NOTE:,&5DGLDWLRQ([SRVXUH6WDWHPHQWThis equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. To maintain compliance with IC RF exposure compliance requirements, please follow operation instructions as documented in this manual.
49Table of Contents 1234 78956N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 10INFORMATIONEurope – EU Declaration of ConformityThis device complies with the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. The following test methods have been applied in order to prove presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC:(1Safety of Information Technology Equipment(1Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0Hz–300GHz)(19Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters (ERM); wideband transmission systems; data transmission equipment operating in the 2.4GHz ISM band and using wideband modulation techniques; harmonized EN covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive(19Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters (ERM); electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common technical requirements(19Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters (ERM); electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 17: Specific conditions for 2.4GHz wideband transmission systems and 5GHz high-performance RLAN equipmentThis device is a 2.4GHz wideband transmission system (transceiver), intended for use in all EU member states and EFTA countries, except in France and Italy where restrictive use applies.In Italy the end user should apply for a license at the national spectrum authorities in order to obtain authorization to use the device for setting up outdoor radio links and/or for supplying public access to telecommunications and/or network services.This device may not be used for setting up outdoor radio links in France, and in some areas, the RF output power may be limited to 10mW EIRP in the frequency range of 2454–2483.5MHz. For detailed information, the end user should contact the national spectrum authority in France.
50Table of Contents 1234 78956N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 10INFORMATION%HONLQ,QWHUQDWLRQDO,QF/LPLWHG<HDU3URGXFW:DUUDQW\What this warranty coversBelkin International, Inc. (“Belkin”) warrants to the original purchaser of this Belkin product that the product shall be free of defects in design, assembly, material, or workmanship. What the period of coverage is.Belkin warrants the Belkin product for one year.What will we do to correct problems? Product Warranty.Belkin will repair or replace, at its option, any defective product free of charge (except for shipping charges for the product). Belkin reserves the right to discontinue any of its products without notice, and disclaims any limited warranty to repair or replace any such discontinued products. In the event that Belkin is unable to repair or replace the product (for example, because it has been discontinued), Belkin will offer either a refund or a credit toward the purchase of another product from in an amount equal to the purchase price of the product as evidenced on the original purchase receipt as discounted by its natural use.   What is not covered by this warranty?All above warranties are null and void if the Belkin product is not provided to Belkin for inspection upon Belkin’s request at the sole expense of the purchaser, or if Belkin determines that the Belkin product has been improperly installed, altered in any way, or tampered with. The Belkin Product Warranty does not protect against acts of God such as flood, earthquake, lightning, war, vandalism, theft, normal-use wear and tear, erosion, depletion, obsolescence, abuse, damage due to low voltage disturbances (i.e. brownouts or sags), non-authorized program, or system equipment modification or alteration.How to get service.   To get service for your Belkin product you must take the following steps:1. Contact Belkin International, Inc., at 501 W. Walnut St., Compton CA 90220, Attn: Customer Service, or call (800)-223-5546, within 15 days of the Occurrence. Be prepared to provide the following information:a. The part number of the Belkin product.b. Where you purchased the product.c. When you purchased the product.d. Copy of original receipt.2. Your Belkin Customer Service Representative will then instruct you on how to forward your receipt and Belkin product and how to proceed with your claim.
51Table of Contents 1234 78956N+ Wireless USB AdapterSECTION 10INFORMATIONBelkin reserves the right to review the damaged Belkin product. All costs of shipping the Belkin product to Belkin for inspection shall be borne solely by the purchaser. If Belkin determines, in its sole discretion, that it is impractical to ship the damaged equipment to Belkin, Belkin may designate, in its sole discretion, an equipment repair facility to inspect and estimate the cost to repair such equipment. The cost, if any, of shipping the equipment to and from such repair facility and of such estimate shall be borne solely by the purchaser. Damaged equipment must remain available for inspection until the claim is finalized. Whenever claims are settled, Belkin reserves the right to be subrogated under any existing insurance policies the purchaser may have. How state law relates to the warranty.THIS WARRANTY CONTAINS THE SOLE WARRANTY OF BELKIN. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR, EXCEPT AS 5(48,5('%</$:,03/,(',1&/8',1*7+(,03/,(':$55$17<25&21',7,212)48$/,7<0(5&+$17$%,/,7<25),71(66)25$PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES, IF ANY, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE TERM OF THIS WARRANTY. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you.IN NO EVENT SHALL BELKIN BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ',5(&7,1',5(&7&216(48(17,$/2508/7,3/('$0$*(6SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST BUSINESS OR PROFITS ARISING OUT OF THE SALE OR USE OF ANY BELKIN PRODUCT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which may vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential, or other damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
Belkin Tech SupportUS: 877-736-5771800-223-5546 ext. 2263310-898-1100 ext. 2263UK: 0845 607 77 87Australia: 1800 235 546New Zealand: 0800 235 546Singapore: 65 64857620Europe: Belkin International, Inc.501 West Walnut StreetLos Angeles, CA 90220, USA310.898.1100310. 8 9 8 .1111 fa xBelkin Ltd.Express Business ParkShipton Way, Rushden, NN10 6GLUnited Kingdom+44 (0) 1933 35 2000+44 (0) 1933 31 2000 fax© 2009 Belkin International, Inc. All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed. Windows and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Belkin Ltd.4 Pioneer AvenueTuggerah Business ParkTuggerah, NSW 2259, Australia+61 (0) 2 4350 4600+61 (0) 2 4350 4700 faxBelkin B.V.Boeing Avenue 3331119 PH Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands+31 (0) 20 654 7300+31 (0) 20 654 7349 fax

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