Belkin F7D4501 ScreenCast User Manual

Belkin International, Inc. ScreenCast

User Manual

TABLE OF CONTENTSGetting Started ........................................... 1Introduction  .................................................1What’s in the Box? ............................................2What’s not in the Box?.........................................2What Else Should I Know? .....................................3Adapter Setup ............................................ 4Where to Place Your ScreenCast TV Adapter .....................4Plugging Everything Together ..................................4Software—First-Time Setup  ...................................5Using Your ScreenCast ................................... 10How to Use It ...............................................10Playing Content on Your TV ...................................10Options for Using the TV Screen ...............................11What Else Do I Need to Know? ................................12Using the Reset Button  ......................................13Information.............................................. 14FCC Statement..............................................14Belkin International, Inc., Limited 1-Year Product Warranty .........15Technical Support ...........................................17
1Introduction Thank you for purchasing the ScreenCast TV Adapter for Intel Wireless Display. We created this product to help you wirelessly transmit your favorite content from your laptop to the best screen in your house—your living-room TV.  Before the ScreenCast TV Adapter, you may have needed a long cable or simply crowded around your laptop screen to share movies, pictures, and surf the Web.Now you can take content from any WiDi laptop with a second-generation Intel® Core™ processor and easily display it on your TV with the ScreenCast TV Adapter. From the latest Blu-ray Disc™ movies to your favorite Netflix® and YouTube® videos, to just showing off pictures of your recent family vacation, exactly what you see on your laptop can now be displayed on your TV from as far as 30 feet away. GETTING STARTED
2GETTING STARTEDWhat’s in the Box?• ScreenCastTVAdapterforIntelWirelessDisplay• PowerSupply(attachedtoScreenCastTVAdapter)• QuickInstallGuide• UserManualonCD• OneHDMI® CableWhat’s not in the Box?• AnIntelWirelessDisplay(WiDi)laptop •YouneedaWiDilaptoptousetheScreenCastTVAdapter.Thelatest generation WiDi laptops support streaming of DVD and Blu-ray™ content to your TV in 1080p quality. Check with your PC vendor on which generation of WiDi your PC supports. • ATVwithanavailableHDMIorRCAinputport •Belkinrecommendsa1080p-capableTVandHDMIfor the best picture and sound possible. If you use the ScreenCast TV Adapter with an older model TV that onlyhasRCA(component)inputs,youwillonlybeabletoviewstandard-definition(480p)content.
3GETTING STARTEDWhat Else Should I Know?• IntelWirelessDisplayisatechnologythatenablesaseconddisplayforIntelWirelessDisplay-ready(WiDi)computers. A simple way of thinking about it is as a replacement for a cable to a secondary monitor.• Onceconnected,yourlaptopoperatesinallthestandardWindows®7multiplemonitormodes:duplicate(mirror)images,extended(asecondscreenformoredesktopspace),orprojector(laptopscreenoffandduplicatescreenon).• IntelWiFihardwareandIntelMyWiFiTechnology(IntelMWT)softwareallowsbothaneasyconnectiontotheScreenCast TV Adapter and a standard connection to a wireless access point for Internet connectivity.• WithIntelWirelessDisplay,youcanwatchvideosonyour HDTV while surfing the Web on your laptop.
4Plugging Everything Together• ConnectyourScreenCastTVAdaptertoyourTVwiththeHDMIcable(includedinthebox)orRCAcables(soldseparately),andconnectthepowersupplytothe ScreenCast TV Adapter and a nearby outlet.2HDMITV 1Where to Place Your ScreenCast TV Adapter• YourScreenCastTVAdapterandTVneedtobecloseenough together to allow you to connect them with an RCA orHDMIcable(provided).TheScreenCastTVAdapteralsoneeds to have an available power outlet within range. • Forbestresults,keepyourScreenCastTVAdapterwithin line-of-sight of wherever you plan to use your WiDilaptop(soldseparately)—thiswillhelpensurethat your TV receives the best possible signal and you get the most out of your ScreenCast TV Adapter. • TheScreenCastTVAdapterwillbemosteffectivewithin 30 feet of your laptop, but range will depend on many factors including other sources of interference and the building materials used in your home.ADAPTER SETUP
5ADAPTER SETUPSoftware—First-Time Setup 1. Turn on your TV and switch it to the A/V input where your ScreenCast TV Adapter is connected. Then push the power button on the back of the Adapter. You should then see a screen that looks like this:
6ADAPTER SETUP2. On your WiDi laptop, launch the Intel Wireless Display software. On some laptop PCs, this may be a switch at the top of the keyboard. Other PCs may require you to start a program from a shortcut on the desktop or in the system tray. Refer to your PC manufacturer’s documentation for specific details on your model.
7ADAPTER SETUP3. When you click to connect to the ScreenCast TV Adapter, a screen will appear on your TV with a 4-digit security code. A similar screen appears on your PC requesting that code. Enter the 4-digit code into the appropriate box on your laptop screen.
8ADAPTER SETUP4. Name the ScreenCast TV Adapter. Naming it will allow you to easily find it in a list of available adapters should you have more than one within range. Use a name that is easy to remember like “Living Room WiDi”. If you choose not to name it, the device will be set to a factory-default name.
9ADAPTER SETUP5. Next, the software will prompt you to easily configure your display sothatitcompletelyfitsontheTVscreen.(Theinitialsetupusesa mirror approach so that you can see the same screen on both devices—youcanchangethislater.)YoucanalsoregisteryourScreenCast TV Adapter with Belkin to receive updates and support.6. Once you have the display configured the way you want and you’ve registered your product, click “Complete.” You can now use your TV as a second monitor.
10USING YOUR SCREENCASTHow to Use It1. Simply press the Intel Wireless Display button on your WiDi laptop or click on the desktop WiDi icon, and the rest is automatically handled by your PC. 2. When you start WiDi on your laptop, a screen appears that allows you to select from available adapters. The ScreenCast TV Adapter should appear on this list.•  If you don’t see the ScreenCast TV Adapter on the list, you may need to move your laptop closer to the ScreenCast TV Adapter for a better signal. You should also confirm that the ScreenCast TV Adapter is connected to power and the power is turned on.Playing Content on Your TV• Thisistheeasypart.Onceyouareconnected,youcanuseyour TV as though it is a second screen for your laptop PC. Any content that you can watch on your laptop, including DVDs or Blu-ray Disc, can now be viewed on your TV. Whatever you can watch on your laptop’s screen, you can now watch on your TV.
11USING YOUR SCREENCAST• UsingjusttheTVasamonitor—greatformoviesorothercontent that you want to enjoy on one large screen.• Mirroringor“cloning”(displayingthesamecontentonbothscreens)—usefulforwhenyouwanttouseyourlaptop’skeyboard or mouse while showing content to other people.Options for Using the TV ScreenYou have three basic options for how to use your TV and laptop screens.• Extendedmonitor—thisallowsyoutokeepusingyourlaptopscreenwhile sending content over to your TV for a larger group to see.
12USING YOUR SCREENCASTWhat Else Do I Need to Know?Protected Content Output (HDCP)• Version2.0+ofIntelWirelessDisplaysupportsHigh-BandwidthDigitalCopyrightProtection(HDCP).Thissupporthappens between the PC and the ScreenCast TV Adapter and between the ScreenCast TV Adapter and the TV. If any part of this chain is broken, the content may not play on the TV screen. Protected content playback is enforced by the software media player running on the PC. Audio Output• TheScreenCastTVAdapteroutputstheaudiosimultaneously to two audio options as follows: •HDMI:PCM-stereoorsurround(5.1channelsound) •RCAL&Rjacks:analog-stereoorL&Ronlyfromsurround
13USING YOUR SCREENCASTUsing the Reset Button Changing the language• Tochangethelanguage,youcanuseapapercliptopushthe reset button shown in the diagram. A short press of this button(lessthanonesecond)willallowyoutocyclebetweendifferent language options for the ScreenCast TV Adapter.Hard reset of security profile• Ifyoupresstheresetbuttonfor more than 5 seconds, you will reset the security profile. This will require that you complete the setup process a second time and re-pair your laptop and ScreenCast TV Adapter.LABEL MATERIAL:Mylar with matte PP finishELEMENTS SHOWN IN BLACK:BLACKELEMENTS SHOWN IN GRAY:PANTONE 429 CSCALE 1:1DESIGNER: [AH]DO NOT MAKE CHANGES WITHOUTPERMISSION FROM BELKIN IDG.ALL DIMENSIONS IN MM.INNOVATION DESIGN GROUPDATE: 03/23/2010REVISION: A00REVISION NOTES:PRODUCT GRAPHICS AGILE #: IDA-000043SKU #: F7D4501ScreenCastBACKBOTTOM
14INFORMATIONFCC StatementDECLARATION OF CONFORMITY WITH FCC RULES FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITYWe, Belkin International, Inc., of 12045 E. Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista, CA 90094, declare under our sole responsibility that the product, F7D4501, to which this declaration relates, complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.The radiated output power of this device is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the device shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized. When connecting an external antenna to the device, the antenna shall be placed in such a manner to minimize the potential for human contact during normal operation. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shallnotbelessthan20cm(8inches)duringnormaloperation.Federal Communications Commission NoticeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna. •Increasethedistancebetweentheequipmentandthereceiver. •Connecttheequipmenttoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfrom that to which the receiver is connected. •Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.ModificationsThe FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications to this device that are not expressly approved by Belkin International, Inc., may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Europe – EU Declaration of ConformityThis device complies with the essential requirements of theEMCDirective2004/108/EC.AcopyoftheEuropeanUnion CE marking “Declaration of Conformity” may be obtained at the website:
15INFORMATIONBelkin International, Inc., Limited 1-Year Product WarrantyWhat this warranty covers.BelkinInternational,Inc.(“Belkin”)warrantstotheoriginalpurchaser of this Belkin product that the product shall be free of defects in design, assembly, material, or workmanship. What the period of coverage is.Belkin warrants the Belkin product for one year.What will we do to correct problems? Product Warranty.Belkin will repair or replace, at its option, any defective product freeofcharge(exceptforshippingchargesfortheproduct).Belkin reserves the right to discontinue any of its products without notice, and disclaims any limited warranty to repair or replace any such discontinued products. In the event that Belkin is unable to repairorreplacetheproduct(forexample,becauseithasbeendiscontinued),Belkinwilloffereitherarefundoracredittowardthe purchase of another product from in an amount equal to the purchase price of the product as evidenced on the original purchase receipt as discounted by its natural use.    What is not covered by this warranty?All above warranties are null and void if the Belkin product is not provided to Belkin for inspection upon Belkin’s request at the sole expense of the purchaser, or if Belkin determines that the Belkin product has been improperly installed, altered in any way, or tampered with. The Belkin Product Warranty does not protect against acts ofGodsuchasflood,earthquake,lightning,war,vandalism,theft,normal-use wear and tear, erosion, depletion, obsolescence, abuse, damageduetolowvoltagedisturbances(i.e.brownoutsorsags),non-authorized program, or system equipment modification or alteration.How to get service.   To get service for your Belkin product you must take the following steps:1.   Contact Belkin International, Inc., at 12045 E. Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista, CA 90094, Attn: Customer Service, or call 800-223-5546, within 15 days of the Occurrence. Be prepared to provide the following information:  a. The part number of the Belkin product.  b. Where you purchased the product.  c. When you purchased the product.  d. Copy of original receipt.2.   Your Belkin Customer Service Representative will then instruct you on how to forward your receipt and Belkin product and how to proceed with your claim.
16INFORMATIONSome states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you.IN NO EVENT SHALL BELKIN BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,DIRECT,INDIRECT,CONSEQUENTIALORMULTIPLEDAMAGESSUCHAS,BUTNOTLIMITEDTO,LOSTBUSINESSORPROFITSARISINGOUTOFTHESALE OR USE OF ANY BELKIN PRODUCT, EVEN IF ADVISEDOFTHEPOSSIBILITYOFSUCHDAMAGES.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which may vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential, or other damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.Belkin reserves the right to review the damaged Belkin product. All costs of shipping the Belkin product to Belkin for inspection shall be borne solely by the purchaser. If Belkin determines, in its sole discretion, that it is impractical to ship the damaged equipment to Belkin, Belkin may designate, in its sole discretion, an equipment repair facility to inspect and estimate the cost to repair such equipment. The cost, if any, of shipping the equipment to and from such repair facility and of such estimate shall be borne solely by the purchaser. Damaged equipment must remain available for inspection until the claim is finalized. Whenever claims are settled, Belkin reserves the right to be subrogated under any existing insurance policies the purchaser may have. How state law relates to the warranty.THIS WARRANTY CONTAINS THE SOLE WARRANTY OF BELKIN. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR,EXCEPTASREQUIREDBYLAW,IMPLIED,INCLUDINGTHEIMPLIEDWARRANTYORCONDITIONOFQUALITY,MERCHANTABILITYORFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE,ANDSUCHIMPLIEDWARRANTIES,IFANY,ARELIMITEDINDURATIONTOTHETERMOFTHISWARRANTY.
17INFORMATIONTechnical SupportUS New Zealand 622 1130Europe
© 2011 Belkin International, Inc. All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed. Windows is either a registered trademark or trademark ofMicrosoftCorporationintheUnitedStatesand/orothercountries.HDMIisatrademarkorregisteredtrademarkofHDMILicensingLLCintheUnitedStatesandothercountries.Intel Wireless Display requires a compatible laptop PC, a TV adapter featuring Intel WirelessDisplay,andaTVwithanavailableHDMIorCompositeAVinput.Compatiblelaptop PCs require a select Intel Core processor family CPU. For a complete list of requirements, visit Check with your PC manufacturer forspecicdetails.Othernamesandbrandsmaybeclaimedasthepropertyofothers.© 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and Intel Core are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

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