Belter Health Measurement and Analysis Technology 715B BODY FAT SCALE User Manual
Shenzhen Belter Health Measurement and Analysis Technology Co., Ltd. BODY FAT SCALE Users Manual
Users Manual
QOCQOE Digital Body Fat Scale eF-71SB4 ( EOC-SWSBT) User Guide Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment . This transmitter must not be (Jo-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. EOCEN E H EALTH SYSTEMS Dear Cujlamlr, Thank you for choosing the Eocene Body FarScaIe eFr715E4 ( EOCVSWSET ) Fol zlre purpose alpraper usage and malntenance oft/72 Body fat scale, please read zlrrs manual complexely before aperauna the unit. Please rexarn cnls Inxtmm'nn manual for (ulure use. The warranty cara rs attached to Mrs manual please relarn n as well, Nace- lllusrrarrans ln llrls manual ls solely for rnrensrezazlan purposes only Table of Content Safetylnformation What ix in the Box Battery Installatlun/Replammem Changlng Unlt ofMeasuremenr Setting up yourscale , Measuring Princlple and other l’nfalmatlon , , Before usr'ngyourssale Using your scale Undenmndlng result: Error dlxplayrlmerpretutlcn Product warranty mammhmmab.‘ Safety Information To assure the retreat use ofthrs devrce, the following basic saletyrneasures shau/tl always be followed including the warnings and cautions listed in MIX lrlxtiuztmn manual 1 This deviae is intended for the use nfadu/rs to measure body weight, spay lat pereentage, body waterpercentage, Musale percentage, body mass and basic active metabolit rate, 2 The monrtor rs not rntended to be a dragnostie device The seales must not he used by someone with mediaal implants leg. heart paeernakersl because lunetianing uiirnplants or the stale aauld be impaired Do not use during pregnancy Do not stand on the outer edge to one side oithe scale, it may tip! Plaee the stale on a film level near, a firm lioor is reaurred lor aorreet measurement. Do not expose the scale to moisture, dusn chemicals, mil/GI temperature fluctuations and keep away horn heat sources saeh as stoves, heating radiators are 7. Do not use abrasive detergents and do not immerse the unit in water or wash the stale. Ensure thatno liaaid gets rn to the sale, Du natplaae any objects on the Scale when it rs not being used Do not press the button: using eneessiye force or with painted obietts. Do not expose the scale to hrgh temperatures orstrong elemomagnetic fieldsieg, Molnlephones), 1 1 Do not drsmantle or try to repair the stale There is no userseryraeaole parts In it. 12. Use only 1 5 v (Volt) alkaline batteries for thrs device, Usrng other type otbattenes may damage the amt, 1 3 Ensure the batteries are inserted in In the battery mmpartment with the enrreet polarity. 14. liaattery fluid gets In to your eyes, rinse with plenty afwlzter and contact a physreran immediately 1 s when the ’Low battery indimtnr appear on the sereen, replaee all 4 batteries arter tarnrng airthe deyrae. l6. lflhe device is bemg used after more than 3 months aflnachvlry, please replace the batteries. 1 7 Dispose ba tteries and the deyiae with all aeaessones in aeaonlanae with the prevailing laws ana regulation nfyaui City/counIy/State «mew PP” Getting to know your Scale To assure xhe coiled use of xhls device, xhe following basic safely measures should always be followed lncludlng (he wamings and cautions llsied in (his insvuction manual. This device is lmended lorlhe use aiadulls m measure phys'lcal dala.ihe Scale has following funnions: The scale has (he iollowlng iunclions: 1‘ Body welghl measuremem 2, Measuremenl of body lat percenlage 3‘ Body watel pelcenlage 4. Muscle percentage 5‘ Bone mass 5. Basic and mire melabolic raxe What’s in the Box The box should have the following items: 1. Main body-The Scale 2. Baneries (4er Alkaline baneries) 3. lrlsuudian Manual 4. Warramy card Battery Installation Please follow file divedians meminned belaw: r 2 3 l, Tum around the main body, press on (he cover omle banery companmemand I, slide‘ltdowrl. lnslall lheiour‘AAA'aanerles by marching ll 2. the polarities: + (poslllve) and - (Negarlueias marked ln file banery companmem. 3.5liae in lhe banely companment cover paclc When leplac‘lng baneries In the u futureensurelhanhe scale is turned off. When the paltery is low, This icon cu“ will appear and slarl flashing Al lhls lime please replace all 4 baneriescThe lime and dale need to be reset every lime lhe banerles ave replaced. Changing unit of measurement Aflev installing lhe banerles and closing me banery cDmpaflmenL press lhe. squale button located above the banery compartment to change lhe measuring unit. It the measuring unlr is in Kilogram, it will change to Pounds and Visa versa. Setting up your Scale Always set up the scale on a rlat. hard and eiren surface to ensure accurate reading/measurement, Measuring Principle and other information This scale operates according to the EM. Prlnciple (bioelectric impedance analysis). Thls enables the measurement of physical data within seconds by means ofan undetectable. completely harmless electric current. The body rat percentage and other physical data or the body are determined by measuring the electrical resistance (impedance) and calculating constants and indiwdual parameters such as age, helghL gender and degree ofactlvlty. Muscle tissue and water have good electrical conductiirity. and thererore lower resistance. Bone and tatty tissue, on the other hand, have low conductivity and have very high resistance. Please be aware that values obtained rroni the scale represent only an approxlmation oractual analytical medical data. Only a specialist or physician can accurately determine body rat, body water, muscle percentage and bone structure using medical procedures. The capacity of the scale is 15ng (ssolb, 24st). For weight measurement and bone mass measurement, the results are shown in mag increments (oz lb) The measuring result oithe body fat, body water and muscle percentage are shown in o 1% increments.The caloric requirements are specified in steps on koal. Before Using your Scale Vou must either download the Android or iOS app to you mobile (smart) phone from Play store (Android) or App store (Apple),Vou will also need to have Bluetooth enabled mobile phone. Upon downloading and installt‘ion orthe Eocene App, please follow the instructions. For automatic personal recognition the first measurement must be assigned to yourpersonal user data Follow the app instructionsrorthis Vour personal and user parameters are proirided by your healtcare prowder it you have purchased thrs deyice as recommended by your healthcare proyider. ii not. you may have to inputthe information after downloading the Eocene App. Please (ontad Etxene Customer Support for more information at1c32175670916. "you are uslng the Eocene Home Control box, make sure the scale ls withln 25 (ee( of the Eocene Home Control box so as to have a strong Bluetooth connection between the scale and the box. The scale can assign up to a users for a weight only measurement. Eocene Health Systems recommend that only one user is assigned so as to give your healthcare provider an accurate reading Using your Scale 1 As meniiohed eailiei, place the scale on a level, haid svilace lfyou aie using the Bxene Home (aniiol box, place ihe scale neai ihe box Siep on ihe scale baie famed, iemove socks Ifyou are weaiing ihem and slang siill. 3 Do not hold oi iouch any eihei obiecis wllh you hands, legs oi any oihei pan of youi body m avoid in «men readings 4. As soon as yau siep on the scale, it begins weighing, M nisi ii displays (he weighi and ihe ihe screen will display~ouou~ while oihei paiaineieis aie measuied and s then soon, (he measuied walght is displayed lfa usei is assigned, ihe BMI, Body lai, watev, muscle and bone ieadihgs will be shown. 5. In oidei m weigh only youiweighi, weai a pan ofshoes and slang sullen ihe stale wnh yeui weighi dismbuled evenly between boih legs The scale will display youi weight and sneh display‘Erv'as it couldn’t measuie oinei paiameiers, .N Understanding Results Body Fat Pevcentage guide MAN Age Law mmal Higi wiyhigi llH42lwii I549 «2% “47% Winn/a >22wa 2mg «3% 134m Wkly/o >23wa 3039 «4% 14.19% 19.1-24Wa >z4wa 4049 15l% 5059 26.l% 6069 27l% mum 2o.l% I549 «7% 1772293 22 147% >27wa 20-29 (13% 13-23% 13mm. mm 30739 «9% 1972499 l4lr29“/o >29wa 4049 (20% 2029s zslraon/a >3uwii 5059 am zlrzsib 25+:le >3H% 60459 am 224m 27mm >321% 7mm 03% 23723“: 23mm >231% l A Iawevvalue is onen round in aihleies. Depending on (he type of spans, mining iniensiiy and physKal aenvny, ihe values may be below ihe vecommended values siaied. It should howevei be noied (hal iheie could be a dangei lo healih in ihe case or extremely low values Understanding Results Body Water Percemage gulde MAN WOMAN Age Pool Good Very good Age Poor Good Very good ‘ 10100 (50% 5065% >55% 10100 <45% 4560% >60% ‘ Bouyfel comalrls relatively less walel. Therefore persons with a high body fat percemage have budy water percentages below the vemmmended values. ln annexes me veadlngs muld exceed me recommended values due m low fax percentagas and hlgh muscle percentage. Thls scale ls unsuuable fol measullng body watel for medlcal conclusions conceming age-related water retention, Please consult with your phyxlcian. A hlgh body water percemage should be ldeal. Muscle PeKemage guide MAN Age low normal high 1014 «44% 44757% >57% 15719 «43% 43 755% >55% 20729 «42% 42 754% >54% 3073a «41% 41 752% >52% 40749 «40% 4orso% >so% 50759 «39% 39 43% >43% 60455 «33% 3s 47% >47% 707100 «37% 3745% >45% WOMAN Age low normal hlgh 10714 (36% 36439:: >43% 15719 «35% 354w >41% 20729 «34% 3473994 >39% 30-39 «33% 33-33% >3s% 40-49 «3w % 31-36% >3s% 50759 «29% 2973490 >34% 60769 «25% 23733% >33% 707100 «27% 2732% >32% Error Display Interpretation If the stale detects and error when measuring,the following is displayed. Unknown measurement is beyond the assigned Iimll forms usemi unique assignment is run possible Make sure the device lS on a hard, level floor and try again Contact Eocene Customer suppoii iithe scale continues to give eimi Err The fat eicenta e is outside the measfmble TKY 39"" W" we '9‘“ °' mge (less ”m 3% m moisten the soles ofyoui feet gieaier Khan 65% "‘9'“ The maxlmum load 0L bearlng capacity is 330|bs The load must not exceed and this must have been 330le exceeded. The scale IS not on a flat Place the scale on a flat E" and or haid suiiace 6! Not surfam, stand still and uy standing still again or Incoriect weight is displayed Wait until the scale switches Scale zevo semng Is off by itself. canhguve the lncoviect- scale to "o 0lbs“and iepeat measurement. Lo Banery ‘is depleted Replace all 4 banana: Warranty One year walumy (tom me daxe of puvthase puvchase InvoIce vequlved Wanamy ServIce shal‘ not km pvaded If (he devlcz ma‘fun n I: hemuse 1, The user opened me devke and m dismamled and veinxtalled me devIce 2. User Inadvenamly 0v mherwlse dmpped me dewee 3V Iack ofveasonable maimenance 4' User operated me devIce not in accordance wim the guIdelines provIded in the use! manual 5. Repalv 0v malmenance done by an unauxhonzed personnel at esxabllshmem Sevace pvovIded omsIde me scope of Wanamy WI” be (havged as pev plEVaI Img leguIaUDnS and supulared rates. For wanamy services, pIease coman; Eocene SysIems, 2441 BeIIevue Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Suppan. 32175670688 FAX, 321756770688 Model Number: Name. of ' PuKhasev: | Daxe oi PIAKhase: I Name omeve, Addve ' Address: I ZIP: sme; I let sme. I Phone:
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