Bendix Bw2488 Users Manual BW2488c


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An easy-to-use guide for selecting the best remanufactured compressor—a genuine Bendix®
Remanufactured Compressor—for your application
The following information is included to make your changeover easier than ever:
Illustrations for visual comparison of the most popular confi gurations
Engine application information
• A Bendix® piece number to Bendix remanufactured exchange piece number cross reference
An OE customer-piece-number to Bendix-remanufactured-exchange-piece-number cross
• Installation accessories and maintenance kits
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550 and Tu-Flo® 750
Remanufactured Compressors
charging systems
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1A)
(Left Inlet)
Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2A)
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1A)
Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2A)
CAT 3306
Core Group 1A
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1A)
3406, C10, C12, C15, C16
(rear end cover studs)
CAT 3176, C15, C16
Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2A)
3406, C10, C12, C15, C16
(rear end cover studs)
3176, C15, C16
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1B)
Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2B)
ISM, N14, M11
Core Group 1B
Core Group 1A
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1E)
(top air inlet )
(left air inlet)
Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2E)
(top air inlet)
Cummins ISB & C
Core Group 1E
* High torque thru drive.
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550 & Tu-Flo® 750
Remanufactured Compressors
Our most popular con gurations
w/core group and core class identi cation
Unless indicated, inlet & discharge locations are as shown.
3116, 3126,
C7 Acert®, C9 Acert
Core Group 1A
Optional Tu-Flo® 550 & 750 compressors available with
premium crankshafts for severe duty applications. See
Bendix bulletin TCH-001-054.
Top inlet unless noted.
Removable rear ange cover.
37 tooth gear
right Compressor
Port Orientation
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1C)
Series 60 non-EGR
(21 tooth spline)
Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2C)
Series 60 non-EGR &
Series 50
(21 tooth spline)
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1D)
Series 60 non-EGR
(69 tooth gear w/
21 tooth spline)
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2D)
Series 60 non-EGR &
Series 50
(69 tooth gear w/
21 tooth spline)
Core Group 1D DDC
Core Group 1C
Bendix® BA-922® air compressor upgrade available.
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1G)
DT466, HT530
Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2G)
International I-6
Core Group 1G
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1G)
Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2G)
International I-6
Core Group 1G
Optional Tu-Flo® 550 & 750 compressors available with
premium crankshafts for severe duty applications. See
Bendix bulletin TCH-001-054.
NPT Ports Bottom drain &
metric ports
* Premium crankshaft for severe duty applications.
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 60)
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 60)
(M18 water port &
M10 oil port.)
International V8
Core Group 1I
International® V8
Core Group 1I
NPT Ports
Bendix BA-922 air compressor upgrade available.
Engines built before 6/2005 may require kit pc. no. 5016415 for oil and
water port adapters - see Bendix Bulletin TCH-001-055.
Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1H)
Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2H)
Core Group 1H
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550
Air Compressor
(Core Class 1F)
(Pre -1997)
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 750
Air Compressor
(Core Class 2F)
(Pre -1997)
Mack® Extended
Core Group 1F
* Head contoured for special clearance application.
Bendix® D-2® Governor
No. Range
(psi) Comments
065018 100-120 Non-Adjustable
275491X 100-120 Adjustable
275707X 105-125 Non-Adjustable
284358X 105-125 Adjustable
High Temp.
800361 105-130 Non-Adjustable Bendix®
AD-IS® Air Dryer
Core Group 05
(Core Class 16)
Before replacing the governor, be sure to check
vehicle requirements to ensure the proper
pressure settings.
Bendix® ST-4
Safety Valve Piece
No. Thread Size Hex Size
Number of
Holes Pressure
(includes washer) 1/4-18 9/16” 2
250 psi
800154 1/2-14 7/8” 2
800533 3/4-16 7/8” 2
800534 M16 7/8” 2
801116 7/8-14 15/16” 2 Bendix® ST-4
Safety Valve
Maintenance Kits
Kit Description Bendix® Tu- Flo® 550
Compressor Bendix® Tu- Flo® 750
Unloader Kit 107515N 107515N
Cylinder Head Maintenance Kit 107516N 107516N
Crankshaft Bearing Kit 107969N 107969N
Crankshaft Bearing Kit — 5006944
Standard Piston and Wrist Pin Kit (services 2 pistons)
Standard 107647 107643
1st Repair 107648 107644
2nd Repair 107649 107645
3rd Repair 107650 107646
Piston Ring Kits (services 2 pistons)
Standard 107639N 5005361
1st Repair 107640 5005362
2nd Repair 107641 5005363
3rd Repair 107642 5005364
Connecting Rod Kit
(contains 2 rods) 108841 108841
Connecting Rod Insert Kit
Standard 107651 107651
1st Repair 107652 107652
2nd Repair 107653 107653
3rd Repair 107654 107654
4th Repair 107655 107655
Piston Rings & Connecting Rod Kits (contains two sets)
Standard 108843 108842N
1st Repair 5000334 5000331
2nd Repair 5000333 5000330
3rd Repair 5000332 5000329
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550 & Tu-Flo® 750
Remanufactured Compressor Changeover
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550
Part No. Reman. No.
65197 107506X
65200 107509X
65201 107510X
65202 107511X
65204 107513X
65205 107514X
65216 107622X
65264 107866X
65266 109603X
65273 107981X
65278 108066X
65288 108110X
65302 107514X
65376 108804X
65387 108866X
65409 108937X
65457 5004613X
65465 5002984X
65475 109251X
65537 5004188X
65542 109451X
65606 109603X
65638 109647X
65641 109653X
65664 109809X
65672 107622X
65684 5002984X
65713 131075X
107000 107506X
107003 107509X
107004 107510X
107005 107511X
107007 107513X
107008 107514X
107042 107622X
107095 107622X
107098 107514X
107099 107513X
107506 107506X
107509 107509X
107511 5002865X
107513 107513X
107514 107514X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550
Part No. Reman. No.
107518 107866X
107519 107866X
107622 107622X
107785 107622X
107806 109603X
107807 109603X
107866 107866X
107914 107509X
107917 109603X
107974 107506X
107975 107506X
107979 107981X
107980 107981X
107981 107981X
108018 107511X
108065 108066X
108066 108066X
108108 108110X
108109 108110X
108110 108110X
108111 107514X
108112 107514X
108193 107981X
108194 107981X
108236 107981X
108237 107981X
108277 107514X
108456 108110X
108457 108110X
108467 108110X
108468 108110X
108583 107506X
108588 107514X
108589 107514X
108729 109603X
108730 107981X
108803 108804X
108804 108804X
108864 108866X
108865 108866X
108866 108866X
108924 108110X
108936 108937X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550
Part No. Reman. No.
108937 108937X
108969 107509X
108986 107509X
108987 107981X
108988 109603X
109013 108804X
109087 5004613X
109088 5004613X
109088 5004613X
109136 107981X
109138 5002984X
109139 5002984X
109197 107506X
109212 108804X
109250 109251X
109251 109251X
109253 107981X
109279 109251X
109319 5002984X
109321 5002984X
109335 109251X
109367 107981X
109425 5004188X
109429 5004188X
109450 109451X
109451 109451X
109522 107981X
109542 109603X
109543 109603X
109544 109603X
109603 109603X
109646 109647X
109647 109647X
109649 109653X
109653 109653X
109777 109809X
109809 109809X
109816 5002984X
109860 5002984X
109861 5002984X
109867 107622X
109882 107981X
109893 131075X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550
Part No. Reman. No.
131075 131075X
800018 107622X
800060 5000602X
800074 5011016X
800178 5001911X
800183 5001940X
800222 5002177X
800223 5002178X
800245 5002865X
800273 5002865X
800292 5002984X
800315 5003153X
800324 5003254X
800328 5003302X
800341 5003563X
800354 108866X
800364 5011016X
800386 5004124X
800395 5004188X
800468 5004613X
800505 5004880X
800552 5005272X
800572 5005503X
800594 5005790X
800718 5008249X
800724 5007465X
800816 5008249X
801043 5009205X
801072 5009283X
801087 5015314X
801098 5014488X
801484 5012663X
801506 109653X
801506 5012665X
801795 5014144X
801827 5014488X
801971 5015314X
5000130 107514X
5000190 107622X
5000192 107622X
5000291 5011016X
5000292 5011016X
5000559 107981X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550 & Tu-Flo® 750
Remanufactured Compressor Changeover
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550
Part No. Reman. No.
5000594 107514X
5000600 5000602X
5000602 5000602X
5000832 5011016X
5000848 5002177X
5000859 5011016X
5001085 5015615X
5001522 5002984X
5001523 5002984X
5001614 5004188X
5001615 5004188X
5001708 5002178X
5001710 107506X
5001773 5002984X
5001774 5002984X
5001869 5001911X
5001904 5001940X
5001911 5001911X
5001938 109809X
5002002 108066X
5002032 5002984X
5002177 5002177X
5002178 5002178X
5002222 5002865X
5002640 5002865X
5002814 107866X
5002839 5001940X
5002864 5002865X
5002865 5002865X
5002984 5002984X
5003072 5003254X
5003150 5003153X
5003153 5003153X
5003179 5003302X
5003228 5002984X
5003229 5002984X
5003230 5002984X
5003254 5003254X
5003264 107506X
5003302 5003302X
5003323 5003302X
5003324 5003302X
5003553 5003563X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550
Part No. Reman. No.
5003563 5003563X
5003645 109251X
5003646 109251X
5003728 108866X
5003762 5011016X
5003888 5011016X
5003889 5011016X
5004082 5004188X
5004088 5004124X
5004124 5004124X
5004611 5004613X
5004613 5004613X
5004711 5004880X
5004880 5004880X
5004882 5004880X
5004883 5004880X
5004950 5005272X
5005028 107514X
5005272 5005272X
5005500 5005503X
5005502 5005503X
5005503 5005503X
5005606 5005790X
5005770 5005790X
5005790 5005790X
5005791 5005790X
5005791 5007465X
5005933 5004188X
5006820 109603X
5006822 107509X
5006824 109251X
5006887 5008249X
5007361 5008249X
5007362 5008249X
5007363 5008249X
5007465 5007465X
5007466 5007465X
5007467 5007465X
5007911 5009283X
5008248 5008249X
5008249 5008249X
5008250 5008249X
5008251 5008249X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550
Part No. Reman. No.
5008554 5009205X
5008609 5004188X
5009205 5009205X
5009283 5009283X
5009328 5015314X
5009329 5015314X
5009330 5015314X
5009391 5014488X
5009392 5014488X
5011016 5011016X
5012663 5012663X
5012665 109653X
5012665 5012665X
5014143 5014144X
5014144 5014144X
5014484 5014488X
5014488 5014488X
5015314 5015314X
5015318 5015314X
5015615 5015615X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 750
Part No. Reman. No.
65198 107507X
65203 107512X
65217 107623X
65240 109604X
65260 107813X
65262 107869X
65334 108557X
65388 108869X
65408 108935X
65461 5004614X
65466 5002983X
65491 109287X
65521 109382X
65538 5004187X
65601 109552X
65607 109604X
65642 109659X
65671 107623X
65683 5002713X
65714 131076X
107001 107507X
107002 107508X
107006 107512X
107023 109604X
107043 109604X
107051 107623X
107053 109604X
107096 107623X
107507 107507X
107508 107508X
107510 5002868X
107512 107512X
107623 107623X
107779 107508X
107780 107510X
107781 107507X
107782 107512X
107783 107813X
107784 107623X
107812 107813X
107813 107813X
107819 107507X
107820 107507X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 550 & Tu-Flo® 750
Remanufactured Compressor Changeover
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 750
Part No. Reman. No.
107867 107869X
107868 107869X
107869 107869X
107871 107508X
108238 107813X
108295 107512X
108556 108557X
108557 108557X
108584 107507X
108732 109604X
108867 108869X
108868 108869X
108869 108869X
108934 108935X
108935 108935X
108989 109604X
109110 5004614X
109111 5004614X
109141 5002983X
109142 5002983X
109198 107507X
109285 109287X
109286 109287X
109287 109287X
109320 107508X
109322 5002983X
109336 109287X
109382 109382X
109383 109382X
109426 5004187X
109430 5004187X
109545 109604X
109546 109604X
109547 109604X
109551 109552X
109552 109552X
109604 109604X
109626 109552X
109633 109659X
109657 109382X
109659 109659X
109824 5002713X
109863 5002713X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 750
Part No. Reman. No.
109868 107623X
109894 131076X
131076 131076X
800017 107623X
800061 5000603X
800159 5002548X
800180 5001912X
800241 5002548X
800246 5002868X
800256 5002713X
800274 5002868X
800290 5002973X
800291 5002983X
800355 108869X
800362 5003852X
800385 5004118X
800394 5004187X
800469 5004614X
800725 5002983X
801099 5014489X
801149 5009770X
801485 5012664X
801507 5012666X
801598 5013157X
801828 5014489X
5000191 107623X
5000193 107623X
5000601 5000603X
5000603 5000603X
5000641 107508X
5000799 109552X
5001533 5002983X
5001534 5002983X
5001616 5004187X
5001617 5004187X
5001660 5002548X
5001662 5002548X
5001662 5002548X
5001711 107507X
5001788 5002713X
5001789 5002713X
5001870 5001912X
5001912 5001912X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 750
Part No. Reman. No.
5001939 109659X
5002033 5002713X
5002082 5002983X
5002223 5002868X
5002328 5002548X
5002548 5002548X
5002641 5002868X
5002652 5002713X
5002713 5002713X
5002826 5002983X
5002867 5002868X
5002868 5002868X
5002972 5002973X
5002973 5002973X
5002983 5002983X
5003231 5002983X
5003232 5002983X
5003233 5002983X
5003234 5002713X
5003235 5002713X
5003236 5002713X
5003265 107507X
5003648 109287X
5003649 109287X
5003729 108869X
5003834 5003852X
5003850 5004118X
5003852 5003852X
5004083 5004187X
5004112 5004118X
5004113 5004118X
5004118 5004118X
5004187 5004187X
5004612 5004614X
5004614 5004614X
5005349 109659X
5005349N 109659X
5005412 109552X
5005413 109552X
5005414 5004118X
5005415 109287X
5005416 109287X
5005417 109287X
Bendix® Tu-Flo® 750
Part No. Reman. No.
5005418 109604X
5005419 5002713X
5005420 107508X
5005421 5002983X
5005422 5002983X
5005438 109659X
5005459 5004118X
5005466 109287X
5005473 109604X
5005478 5002713X
5005483 107508X
5005491 5002983X
5005492 5002983X
5005496 5002983X
5005932 5000603X
5005934 5004187X
5006716 109552X
5006821 109604X
5006823 107508X
5006832 5003852X
5007468 5002983X
5007468 5002983X
5007469 5002983X
5007471 5002983X
5008127 5009770X
5008610 5004187X
5009393 5014489X
5009394 5014489X
5009394 5014489X
5009746 107813X
5009770 5009770X
5009792 5013157X
5010279 109552X
5012664 5012664X
5012666 5012666X
5013156 5013157X
5013157 5013157X
5014145 5014146X
5014485 5014489X
5014489 5014489X
1855140 ........... 5007465X
1855145 ........... 5007468X
2158055 ........... 5002984X
0R3391 .............. 107981X
0R3404 .............. 109251X
0R3405 .............. 109287X
0R3410 .............. 109603X
0R3411 ............... 109604X
0R3659 .............. 107509X
0R3845 ............ 5002984X
0R4115 ............... 107508X
0R4382 .............. 109603X
0R4383 .............. 109604X
0R4740 ............ 5002713X
0R8252 .............5011016X
0R8253 ............ 5002713X
0R8328 .............. 109809X
0R8329 .............. 109659X
0R8340 ............ 5002984X
0R8341 ............ 5002713X
0R8442 ............ 5002983X
0R9013 .............5004118X
0R9626 .............. 109659X
0R9756 .............5011016X
0R9757 ............ 5004880X
0R9762 .............. 109603X
0R9763 .............. 109604X
0R9764 .............. 107509X
0R9765 .............. 107508X
0R9766 .............. 109251X
178-9497 .......... 5008249X
4P0586 .............. 109604X
4P0596 ............... 107981X
4P0619 ............... 109603X
4P0676 ............... 107509X
4P2419 ............... 107981X
4P3956 ............... 107981X
6I1670 ................ 107981X
7E7619 ............... 107508X
9Y6320 ............. 5002983X
Clark Equipment®
E12977284 ......... 107506X
107507 ............... 107507X
3069181 ............. 107507X
3069211 ............. 107506X
3074470 ............. 107506X
3074471 ............. 107507X
3166445 ............. 107506X
3166446 ............. 107507X
3417958 ............. 107506X
3417959 ............. 107507X
3609998 ............. 107507X
3609999 ............. 107506X
Detroit Diesel®
23505234 ........... 107622X
23505235 ........... 107623X
23509780 ........... 107813X
23511334 ........... 107622X
23511735 ............108110X
23514502 ........... 107513X
23514503 ........... 109647X
23516840 ......... 5004188X
23516841 ......... 5004187X
23522122 ......... 5004188X
23522123 ......... 5004187X
23522852 ......... 5003852X
23526795 ......... 5003852X
23529487 ......... 5013157X
23550462 ......... 5000603X
23550463 ......... 5000602X
23550476 ........... 131075X
23550477 ........... 131076X
23550709 ........... 131075X
23550711 ......... 5000603X
23550716 ......... 5000602X
23550719 ........... 131076X
5241310001 ..... 5003153X
5311300005 ..... 5001912X
5361300005 ......5001911X
E23529487 ....... 5013157X
R23505234 ........ 109867X
R23505235 ........ 109868X
R23509780 ........ 107813X
R23522122 ...... 5004188X
R23522123 ...... 5004187X
R23529487 ...... 5013157X
R23534455 ...... 5013830X
R3505234 .......... 107622X
R3505235 .......... 107623X
R3516840 ........ 5004188X
R3516841 ........ 5004187X
1689954C91 ...... 107514X
2991783C91 .... 5004613X
97821800002 ..... 107813X
97821800151 ..... 107507X
97821800218 ..... 107813X
97821800222 ..... 108557X
97827900151 ..... 107507X
1316679 ........... 5002984X
F1HT2875AA ..... 107866X
F1HT2875AA ..... 107518X
F1HT2875BA ..... 107514X
F1HT2875BB ..... 107514X
F3HT2875FA ...... 108804X
F3HT2875FB ..... 108804X
F3HT2875FC ..... 108804X
F7HT2875AA .... 107866X
F81A2875AA .... 5002178X
F81A2875BA .... 5002177X
F81Z2875AA ... 5002178X
YC352875AA ... 5005272X
YC3Z2875AA ... 5005272X
F3HT2875FC ..... 108804X
F81A2875AA .... 5002178X
F81A2875BA .... 5002177X
8216809 ........... 5004187X
8205281000 ....... 107813X
8205281001 ....... 107813X
8217427000 ....... 107507X
8217427001 ....... 107507X
8225658000 ..... 5003852X
12470332 ......... 5001940X
12546827 ........... 107981X
15025056 ......... 5001940X
15152068 ......... 5001940X
15155242 ......... 5003563X
15666202 ........... 108066X
15674783 ........... 108066X
15742181 ........... 108066X
15977688 ........... 107981X
15978946 ........... 107981X
15987055 ........... 109451X
2835014358024 .... 5004187X
John Deere®
RE506359 ........ 5009283X
RE66033 .......... 5015615X
7456562 ............ 107869X
745065262 ....... 107869X
745065457 ....... 5004613X
745108866 ......... 108866X
745800241 ....... 5002548X
745800273 ....... 5002865X
745800274 ...... 5002868X
745800354 ......... 108866X
745800355 ......... 108869X
745800468 ....... 5004613X
303GB5103 ........ 107510X
303GB5105 .........107511X
303GB5109 ........ 107869X
303GB5109A ...... 107869X
303GB5113 ........ 108869X
303GB5113A ..... 108869X
303GB5114 ...... 5003728X
Ag-Chem Equip
2158055 ........... 5002984X
1029551 ........... 5002984X
1029553 ........... 5002983X
1043823 ............. 107981X
1067851 ............. 109552X
1067852 ............. 109552X
1069089 ............. 107981X
1091317 ............. 109251X
1091318 ............. 109287X
1092996 ............. 107981X
1102751 ............. 109659X
1105764 ............. 109251X
1105766 ............. 109287X
1137665 ............. 109603X
1137666 ............. 109604X
1170070 ............. 109809X
1182798 ........... 5002984X
1182806 ........... 5002713X
1221713 ............. 109552X
1228966 ............. 107514X
1259562 ............. 107981X
1266110 ............. 107514X
1268214 ............5011016X
1316679 ........... 5002984X
1329813 ........... 5002984X
1329814 ........... 5002713X
1399009 ........... 5002983X
1434924 ............5004118X
1439185 ........... 5002984X
1439186 ........... 5002983X
1442906 ............. 109251X
1442907 ............. 109287X
1444412 ........... 5003254X
1450840 ........... 5003302X
1494915 ............5011016X
1569365 ........... 5004880X
1609845 ............. 109659X
1647557 ............. 109552X
1647558 ............. 109552X
1647559 ............5004118X
1647560 ............. 109287X
1647561 ............. 109287X
1647562 ............. 109287X
1647563 ............. 109604X
1647564 ........... 5002713X
1647565 ............. 107508X
1647566 ........... 5002983X
1647567 ........... 5002983X
1662628 ........... 5005503X
1671288 ........... 5005790X
1789497 ........... 5008249X
1803957 ........... 5008249X
OE Piece Number
Compressor Changeover
Ag-Chem Equip
OE Bendix
Number Reman No.
OE Bendix
Number Reman No.
Detroit Diesel
OE Bendix
Number Reman No.
OE Bendix
Number Reman No.
3949430 ............. 107512X
3949432 ............. 107623X
8022813 ............. 108935X
8022814 ............. 108937X
8062235 ............. 107507X
8166665 ............. 107981X
85101164 ........... 107509X
85102167 ........... 108804X
85102168 ........... 107622X
85102169 .......... 107507X
85102173 ........... 108866X
85102174 ......... 5004613X
85102179 ........... 107514X
85102181 ........... 108869X
85102184 ........... 107813X
85102188 ...........108110X
85106353 ..........5002868X
85106354 ......... 5004188X
700010043 ......... 107508X
700013205 ......... 107622X
700018001 ......... 107506X
700018003 ........ 109604X
2003252C97 .... 5004613X
2003253C94 .... 5004614X
2003253C95 .... 5004614X
2003253C97 .... 5004614X
3551971C92 .... 5015314X
3551971C93 .... 5015314X
3565547C91 .... 5014488X
3565547C92 .... 5014488X
3565548C91 .... 5014489X
3565548C92 .... 5014489X
3596420C91 .... 5014144X
3596420C92 .... 5014144X
3596421C92 .... 5014489X
3596421C93 .... 5014489X
3599754C91 .... 5014488X
3599754C92 .... 5014488X
3605399C91 .... 5015314X
366357C91 ...... 5019320X
BX107622B1 ...... 107622X
BX108110B1 .......108110X
GG0105003 ....... 107512X
PC01000001-001 . 107507X
New Flyer®
018822 .............. 107813X
6316568 ............. 107623X
6328219R .......... 107507X
6336882R ........ 5004187X
5012943 ............. 107507X
5014871 ............ 107813X
436023604704 .. 107507X
436023804704 .. 107507X
Nova Bus®
1006140 ............ 107512X
G5006642 ......... 107813X
011205511 .......... 108557X
060710501 ......... 107866X
G1215501AT ....5004118X
OB120023 .......... 107512X
2GH918 .............. 107507X
5MB533 .............. 107623X
641190 ............... 107813X
Thomas Built®
61130294 ........... 108804X
61130309 ........... 107514X
61130329 ........... 109653X
3093850 ............. 107981X
3946077 ............. 108937X
3946078 ............. 108935X
Mack® (Cont’d)
303GB5114A ... 5003728X
303GB5114A ..... 108866X
303GB5123 ..... 5002865X
303GB5123A .... 5002865X
303GB5124 ..... 5002868X
303GB5124A ... 5002868X
303GB5125M ... 5002548X
303GB5126M ... 5002548X
745107869X ....... 107869X
745O65262 ........ 107869X
745O65457 ...... 5004613X
745X107507 ....... 107507X
745X107508 ....... 107508X
745X107510 ..... 5002868X
745X107869 ....... 107869X
745X107981 ....... 107981X
745X108110 ........108110X
745X108804 ....... 108804X
745X108866 ....... 108866X
745X108869 ....... 108869X
745X109287 ....... 109287X
745X5002865 ... 5002865X
745X5002868 ... 5002868X
745X5002983 ... 5002983X
745X5002984 ... 5002984X
745X5003728 ... 5003728X
745X5004188 ... 5004188X
745X5OO2983 . 5002983X
4K73 ................... 107813X
G1006140 .......... 107512X
G1018889 ........ 5004187X
G5006642 .......... 107813X
XG1006140 ........ 107512X
1516307C91 ...... 107513X
1657974C91 .......108110X
1672563C92 ...... 107506X
1672564C92 ...... 107507X
1686542C91 .......108110X
1688704C91 .......108110X
1689954C92 ...... 107514X
1691205C91 .......108110X
1694005C91 .... 5004613X
1694005C92 .... 5004613X
1694006C91 ...... 107506X
1694007C91 ...... 107507X
1694953C91 ...... 107514X
1696864C91 .... 5004614X
1696864C92 .... 5004614X
1829993X101 ... 5002973X
2003252C94 ... 5004613X
2003252C95 .... 5004613X
OE Piece Number
Compressor Changeover
OE Bendix
Number Reman No.
OE Bendix
Number Reman No.
OE Bendix
Number Reman No. OE Bendix
Number Reman No.
Genuine Bendix® compressors are only available through authorized Bendix distributors. Look
for the distinctive tag that says “Remfd. by Bendix in U.S.A.” to ensure your product will live up
to the rigorous Bendix standards. To learn more about Bendix remanufactured compressors—
or to nd the authorized distributor nearest you—talk to your Bendix account manager, call
1-800-AIR-BRAKE (1-800-247-2725) or visit
At Bendix, our commitment to quality doesn’t end when the compressor leaves our location. We
stand behind every genuine Bendix remanufactured compressor with
complete warranty protection from one of the best programs in the industry
a comprehensive core return and allowance program
our dedicated, 100% ASE-certi ed sales and service teams
• a veteran eld technical support team to troubleshoot and resolve your air brake system
a technical support phone line – representing nearly 85 years of comprehensive collective
experience – to supply answers to your technical questions.
In addition to the sales and service professionals you deal with face-to-face, there is an entire
team working behind the scenes that produce the top quality Bendix products on which you can
depend. From research and development to engineering, from production to quality control and
marketing, rest assured, you have nearly 85 years of practical experience hard at work for you.
genuine Bendix compressors
Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC • 901 Cleveland Street • Elyria, Ohio 44035 •
BW2488 © 2012 Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC, a member of the Knorr-Bremse Group. All Rights Reserved.
To learn more about Bendix remanufactured compressors—or to nd the
authorized distributor nearest you—talk to your Bendix account manager,
call 1-800-AIR-BRAKE (1-800-247-2725) or visit
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