Bendix Bw2489 Users Manual
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ABS Operator’s Manual
Bendix® Antilock Brake Systems
With Optional Advanced Antilock Braking Features:
• Automatic Traction Control (ATC)
• Bendix® ESP® Electronic Stability System
Read, understand and follow the information in this
manual, particularly the Important Safety Information
about ABS (page 5) and ESP (page 9).
This booklet contains
important operational
and safety information
that benets you and
subsequent owners.

The trademarks used in this document, including Bendix®, are United States
trademarks owned by or licensed to Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC.
Sources of Additional Information about
your Bendix® ABS System
Consult the vehicle manufacturer’s documentation.
Visit for free downloads of the Service
Data sheets listed below,
or order paper copies of these publications from the
Literature Center at
SD-13-4863 Bendix® EC-60™ ABS/ATC Controllers
(Standard and Premium) Service Data Sheet
SD-13-4869 Bendix® EC-60™ ABS/ATC/ESP Controllers
(Advanced) Service Data Sheet
Contact the Bendix Tech Team at or
1-800-AIR-BRAKE (1-800-247-2725).
Representatives are available
Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST.
Antilock Brake System (ABS) ................ 4
Important Safety Information About ABS ........5
Automatic Traction Control (ATC) ............. 6
Bendix® ESP® Stability:
Bendix® RSP® Roll Stability Program ......... 7
Yaw Control ............................. 8
Important Safety Information
About ESP® System ..................... 9-10
ABS Indicator Lamps ................... 10-12
See opposite page for sources of more information.
Understanding Bendix® Antilock Braking
Systems (ABS) For Air Braked Vehicles
What Is ABS?
ABS is an electronic control system that improves vehicle stability and
steerability by preventing wheel lock during braking.
How Does ABS Work?
The ABS system monitors wheel rotation, and if it detects any wheel locking
up, the system automatically reduces the brake pressure at that wheel. If
necessary, the ABS system automatically modulates braking forces at one or
more of the wheel ends. The system maintains lateral stability by preventing
wheel lock during braking.
What Is The Optional ABS Off-Road Mode?
This is an optional ABS feature operated by a dash-mounted switch for use
when operating your vehicle “off-road” on soft surfaces. Below 25 mph
(40.2 kmh), this feature improves ABS performance under off-road operating
conditions. If your vehicle is equipped with this feature, toggle the switch to the
“ABS off-road” position when operating on soft surfaces. Always remember
to turn the ABS off-road feature off when driving on a rm road surface. A
new ignition cycle, or a second depression of the Off-road switch, will turn
this function off and restore normal ABS functionality and (if installed) full ESP
functionality. For more details on optional ATC and ESP features, see pages
6 and 7 of this manual.
WARNING! The ABS Off-Road mode should not be used on normal,
paved road surfaces because vehicle stability and steerability may be
reduced. The ABS indicator lamp will ash slowly to indicate to the driver
that the ABS off-road mode is engaged.
CAUTION: When the ABS Off-Road mode is engaged, stability functions are
disabled at speeds below 25 mph (40.2 kmh). The ATC/ESP indicator lamp
will illuminate to indicate that the stability systems are disabled.
Important Safety Information About
Bendix® Antilock Braking Systems (ABS)
Braking With ABS
• Do not pump your brakes. Use steady, even brake applications. Apply
the brake pedal with the same pressure as you would without ABS. If you
are towing a vehicle that is not equipped with ABS, you may need to adjust
your braking applications in some instances. See below.
• Do not attempt to modulate your brake applications to prevent
wheel lock. The system controls braking pressure automatically and
independently at each wheel end to prevent wheel lock-up.
Limitations Of ABS
• ABS does not apply the brakes automatically. It’s still up to you to apply
the brakes at the right time and with the right amount of pedal force. A
basic ABS system only starts to do its job after you apply the brake pedal.
Note: The Bendix® ESP® stability system (if equipped on your vehicle) can
reduce the throttle and may apply some or all of the brakes selectively to
maintain vehicle stability. See page 7.
• ABS is not a substitute for safe driving. Even with ABS, you must
remain alert, react appropriately and in a timely manner, and drive
defensively. Don’t take unnecessary risks. Cautious driving practices,
such as maintaining an adequate distance away from the vehicle ahead,
not speeding, anticipating obstacles and adjusting your vehicle’s speed
for trafc, weather and road conditions, are essential for safe operation.
Towed Vehicles Without ABS
Some towed vehicles, especially older trailers built before 2001, may not
be equipped with their own ABS systems. Use extra care when towing a
vehicle that is not equipped with its own ABS system. During emergency
braking or braking on slippery surfaces, a non-ABS equipped trailer could
lose its lateral stability and swing out if its wheels lock up. Use your mirrors
to watch carefully and adjust your brake applications as necessary to keep
your tractor and the non-ABS equipped towed vehicle in line with each other.
Tractor ABS helps reduce the tendency to jackknife, but it cannot prevent a
non-ABS equipped trailer from swinging out.
Understanding Automatic Traction Control (ATC)
What is ATC?
ATC is an optional feature for Bendix® ABS-equipped vehicles. ATC controls
wheel spin during vehicle acceleration to improve traction.
• The ATC system will intervene automatically and apply braking pressure
to a spinning wheel transferring engine power to other drive wheels that
have better traction. This feature is active only at speeds below 25 mph
(40.2 kmh).
• If all of the drive wheels begin to spin, the ATC system will reduce engine
throttle to improve traction at all of the drive wheels.
How Do I Operate a Vehicle With ATC?
If drive wheels begin to lose traction during acceleration, ATC will engage
automatically to assist the driver in accelerating the vehicle. The ATC/ESP
lamp will ash rapidly to let you know whenever ATC is actively functioning.
Note: For vehicles equipped with an interaxle differential lock switch, you
should consult the vehicle Operator’s Manual for additional information about
that feature. Typically, the driver is advised to stop the wheels from spinning
and engage the interaxle differential lock switch, but you should always follow
the specic instructions given in your vehicle’s Operator’s Manual for this
feature and your vehicle’s particular conguration.
What is Traction Control Override?
Another optional feature operated by a switch in the dash. When enabled the
ATC lamp remains on to indicate that the ATC system has been turned off.
What Is The Optional Deep Mud/Snow Switch?
This is an optional ATC feature operated by a dash-mounted switch. This
function allows greater engine power and more wheel spin during ATC
operation. On vehicles equipped with this feature, toggle the switch to the
“Mud/Snow” position when operating on soft road surfaces. The ATC lamp will
ash slowly (every 2.5 seconds) to show that you are in the Mud/Snow mode.
Whenever the ATC system intervenes, the ATC lamp will ash quickly (2.5
times per second). Always remember to turn the Mud/Snow feature off when
driving on a rm road surface. A new ignition cycle, or a second depression
of the Mud/Snow switch, will turn this function off.
What is Bendix® Smart ATC™?
Bendix® Smart ATC™ traction control monitors the accelerator pedal position
to help provide optimum traction and vehicle stability. By determining the
driver’s throttle input and adapting the drive wheel behavior to the driving
situation, the Smart ATC traction control allows higher wheel slip when the
accelerator pedal is applied above a preset level. In addition, the wheel slip
allowed by Smart ATC traction control is decreased when driving through a
curve for improved stability.

Understanding The Bendix® ESP® Stability System
What Is ESP® Stability System?
The Bendix® ESP® stability system is an optional feature for Bendix® ABS-
equipped vehicles that reduces the risk of rollovers, jackkning and other loss
of control situations. The ESP® system features include the Bendix® RSP®
Roll Stability Program and Yaw Control.
Bendix® RSP® Roll Stability Program
What Is RSP® Roll Stability Program?
The Bendix® RSP® Roll Stability Program is a feature of the Bendix ESP stability
system-equipped vehicles that reduces the risk of rollovers.
How Does RSP® System Improve Vehicle Roll Stability?
The RSP® system counteracts the tendency of a vehicle, or vehicle
combination, to tip over while changing direction (typically, while turning).
The lateral forces during a turn can push a truck or tractor-trailer horizontally
and, if the friction between the tires and the road is sufcient, the vehicle may
begin to tip and potentially could roll over.
To reduce the risk of rollover, the RSP® system detects potential rollover
conditions and slows the vehicle both by reducing engine throttle (and hence,
engine torque) and by applying the tractor and trailer service brakes as needed
at the appropriate wheels.
WARNING! During an RSP system intervention, the vehicle automatically
decelerates. The RSP system can slow the vehicle with or without you
applying the brake pedal, and even when you are applying the throttle.
During an RSP system intervention, you can always use your service brake
pedal to increase the braking pressure that will be applied. However, if you
were to apply less braking pressure than needed — or even if you release the
brake pedal entirely during an intervention — the RSP system will continue
to apply the necessary amount of braking pressure automatically to the
appropriate wheels to mitigate a potential rollover.
A Real World Example Of How the Bendix® RSP®
System Operates:
Excessive speed for road conditions creates forces
that exceed the threshold at which a vehicle is likely to
rollover on a higher-friction surface.
The RSP® system automatically reduces
engine torque and applies the service
brakes (based on the projected rollover
risk) to reduce the vehicle speed, thereby
reducing the tendency to roll over.

Yaw Control
What Is Yaw Control?
Yaw Control is a feature of the Bendix® ESP® stability system-equipped
vehicles that reduces the risk of jackkning and other loss of control situations.
If a vehicle’s tires start to slide during a turn, Yaw Control counteracts the
tendency of that vehicle to spin (or “yaw”), thereby reducing the risk of a
jackknife or other loss of control. Many factors, including road conditions, load
distribution and driving behavior, can contribute to the development of a spin.
Spins occur where either: (a) the rear wheels begin to lose their grip on the
road (which could lead to a jackknife when towing a trailer), or (b) the front
wheels begin to lose their grip, reducing a vehicle’s ability to respond to the
driver’s steering inputs.
Yaw Control continually monitors the direction in which you are steering the
vehicle as well as the vehicle’s response to those steering inputs. If the
system detects that the vehicle is beginning to spin, Yaw Control reduces
the engine throttle, uses selective braking at the four corners of the vehicle,
and may also use trailer braking, to help you keep the vehicle under control.
WARNING! During a Yaw Control system intervention, the vehicle
automatically decelerates. Yaw Control can slow the vehicle with or without
you applying the brake, and even when you are applying the throttle.
A Real World Example
Of How Yaw Control
Excessive speed exceeds the
threshold, creating a situation
where a vehicle is likely to spin
and jackknife.
The Bendix® Yaw Control
system reduces engine
throttle and selectively
applies brakes to reduce
the tendency to jackknife.
Important Safety Information About
The Bendix® ESP® Stability System
The ESP System May Reduce Your Speed Automatically
The Bendix ESP system can make your vehicle decelerate automatically.
The ESP system can slow the vehicle with or without you applying the
brake, and even when you are applying the throttle.
To minimize unexpected deceleration and reduce the risk of a collision:
• Avoid aggressive driving maneuvers, such as sharp turns or abrupt lane
changes at high speeds, which might trigger the stability system.
• Always operate your vehicle safely, drive defensively, anticipate obstacles
and pay attention to road, weather and trafc conditions. ABS, ATC and
ESP stability systems are no substitute for prudent, careful driving.
Limitations Of The Stability System
Your ESP stability system’s effectiveness may be greatly reduced if:
• Your load shifts due to improper retention, accident damage or the inherently
mobile nature of some loads (for example, hanging meat, live animals or
partially laden tankers),
• Your vehicle or load has an unusually high or off-set center of gravity (CG),
• Your brakes are not properly adjusted or maintained,
• One side of your vehicle drops off the pavement at an angle that is too
great to be counteracted by a reduction in speed.
To Maximize The Effectiveness Of Bendix® ESP® Stability System:
• Make sure that the weight of your load is evenly distributed, front to back
and side to side, and is properly secured at all times.
Exercise extreme caution at all times while driving, and avoid sharp turns,
sudden steering inputs or abrupt lane changes at high speeds, particularly if:
› you haul loads that could shift,
› your vehicle or load has a high or off-set center of gravity
(CG) when loaded, or
› you are towing doubles or triples.
Chassis Modifications
The ESP system was specically calibrated and validated only for your
vehicle’s original conguration. If your vehicle’s chassis components are
altered (for example, a wheel base extension or reduction, tag axle addition or
removal, a major body change such as conversion of a tractor into a truck, or an
axle, suspension, or steering system component modication) the Bendix ESP
stability system must be disabled at the same time by a qualied mechanic.
WARNING! If a modied vehicle does not have the ESP system disabled,
serious vehicle braking and performance issues could result, which
could result in a loss of control of your vehicle.

See your Vehicle’s Owner’s Manual or Bendix Service Data Sheet SD-13-4869
for additional important information about conguration criteria.
Steering Angle Sensor Re-Calibration
Whenever maintenance or repair work is performed to the steering mechanism,
linkage, steering gear, adjustment of the wheel track, or if the steering angle
sensor is replaced, a recalibration of the Steering Angle Sensor must be
WARNING! If the Steering Angle Sensor is not recalibrated, the Yaw
Control system will not function properly, which could result in a loss
of control of your vehicle.
WARNING! When replacing a steering wheel, use only a vehicle manufacturer
approved steering wheel and be sure that the Steering Angle Sensor is not
damaged during installation. Recalibrate the Steering Angle Sensor.
WARNING! If replacement tires are used that are a different diameter from
the OEM-specied tire size, the new tire size must be programmed into the
ABS controller using the Bendix® ACom™ Diagnostic Software.
Yaw Rate Sensor Location and Orientation
WARNING! The location and orientation of the Yaw Rate Sensor must
not be altered. When servicing, an identical component must be used in
the same orientation (using OEM brackets & torque requirements). During
installation follow the OEM leveling guidelines.
Understanding Your ABS Indicator Lamps
ABS Indicator Lamp
An amber ABS Indicator Lamp is typically located on the dashboard.
• At each vehicle ignition your ABS indicator lamp should illuminate as a bulb
check for approximately three seconds and then turn off. If the lamp does
not illuminate at ignition, you should have the vehicle serviced by a
qualied mechanic as soon as possible. Note: without a functioning
indicator lamp, you may not be able to determine the ABS status without
using an external diagnostic tool.
• If the indicator lamp remains on for more than three seconds after ignition,
or if it illuminates while you are driving, the ABS system may not be fully
functional or may be completely disabled. If the ABS is completely disabled
or not functioning properly, your vehicle will still have normal service braking
and it still can be driven, although without the benets of ABS. Have the
vehicle serviced by a qualied mechanic as soon as possible to
restore full ABS functionality.
(Continued . . .)
• The ABS lamp is also used to indicate the optional off-road ABS mode.
The lamp will ash continually when the vehicle is operating in the off-road
mode. (Note: When the ABS Off-Road mode is engaged, stability functions
are disabled at speeds below 25 mph (40.2 kmh). The ATC/ESP Indicator
lamp will illuminate to indicate that the stability systems are disabled.) See
page 4 of this manual for additional sources of information about the ABS
off-road operating mode.
Trailer ABS Indicator Lamp
The Trailer ABS Indicator Lamp is also dash-mounted.
• All trailers built since March, 2001 are able to communicate with the towing
vehicle and to operate the trailer ABS indicator lamp on the towing vehicle’s
dash. The trailer ABS indicator lamp functions just like the tractor ABS
indicator lamp (on for three seconds after each vehicle ignition, then off
unless a problem develops with the trailer ABS during operation).
• All new trailers built through March 1, 2009 will be equipped with an amber
ABS warning lamp located on the driver’s side near the rear of the trailer.
The operation of the lamp varies depending on how the ABS system is
(a) Full-time powered ABS (usually obtaining power over the blue line of
the J560 connector): The trailer ABS warning lamp will function just like
the tractor ABS warning lamp, listed above.
(b) Brake-light-only powered ABS: Each time the brakes are applied the
warning lamp will come on for approximately 3 seconds and then turn
off. If the lamp remains on during braking, ABS may not be operating.
The vehicle will retain normal service braking, although without the
benets of ABS. Have the trailer serviced as soon as possible to restore
ABS operation.
ATC/ESP Indicator Lamp (Optional)
If your vehicle is also equipped with the optional ABS features, ATC or Bendix®
ESP® stability system, a third indicator lamp will be installed on the dash. (The
same lamp is also used to indicate the ATC “Mud/Snow” mode.)
• During the bulb check at vehicle ignition your ATC/ESP indicator lamp will
illuminate for approximately two and a half seconds and then turn off. If
the ATC/ESP indicator lamp does not illuminate at ignition, or if it remains
on steadily (not ashing) after ignition, or if it illuminates steadily (not
ashing) while you are driving (except in off-road mode), the ATC or ESP
system may not be fully functional or their operation may be completely
disabled. If this happens, your vehicle will still have normal service braking
and it still can be driven, although without the benets of ATC or an ESP
system. Have the vehicle serviced by a qualied mechanic as soon
as possible to restore full ATC/ESP functionality.

BW2489 © 2011 Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC, All Rights Reserved. 04/11.
See Page 2 for a list of further sources of information.
Mode ABS
At Vehicle Startup
Ignition on - start
up (trailer with PLC)
On for 3
On for 2.5
On for 3
*If any of the described
lamp behaviors do not
occur — or if the lamp
remains on during
operation — have the
vehicle serviced by
a qualied mechanic
as soon as possible
to restore full system
3 seconds after
ignition (with no
Diagnostic Trouble
Lamp Off*Lamp Off*Lamp
Special Mode Operation
Normal Lamp
(every 2.5
Lamp ON
(ESP is
• Uses dash switch
• Not for rm road surfaces
• Allows more wheel lock-up (less
ABS intervention)
• Mode only applies under 25 mph
(Over 25 mph, the system reverts
to full ABS - including ESP, and
ATC/ESP lamp goes off.)
an ATC
Normal Off
(every 2.5
• Uses dash switch
• Increases allowable wheel slip
during ATC interventions
• Not for rm road surfaces
an ATC/
Off Flashes
During an Automatic Traction Control
(ATC) Event
• Reduces wheel slip during
acceleration at low speeds
During an ESP Event Flashes
System intervenes to reduce the
risk of rollovers, loss of control, etc.
• The ATC/ESP indicator lamp also ashes continually (at different speeds)
to show that:
(a) the Mud/Snow mode is being used, or
(b) during an ATC or ESP intervention event.
• If your vehicle is operating in the ABS off-road mode (an optional feature,
available at speeds up to 25 mph), the ATC/ESP indicator lamp will
illuminate and remain ON to remind you that ESP functions are disabled
during operation in off-road mode.