Benq 56D92 Model S660C Single Band GSM Mobile Phone User Manual S660C TC EN

Benq Corporation Model S660C Single Band GSM Mobile Phone S660C TC EN

Manual Rev 3

BenQ S660CMobile Phone User’s Manual
Copyright© 2003. BENQ Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of thispublication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in aretrieval system or translated into any language or computer language, inany form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical,chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission ofBENQ Corporation.* This publication includes images from CorelDRAW® 9 which areprotected by the copyright laws of the U.S., Canada and elsewhere. Usedunder license.DisclaimerBENQ Corporation makes no representations or warranties, eitherexpressed or implied, with respect to the contents hereof and specificallydisclaims any warranties, merchantability or fitness for any particularpurpose. Further, BENQ Corporation reserves the right to revise thispublication and to make changes from time to time in the contents hereofwithout obligation of BENQ Corporation to notify any person of suchrevision or changes.
Safety Information iSafety InformationFor your safety, please read the guidelines below carefullybefore you use your phone:Exposure to Radio Frequency SignalsYour wireless handheld portable telephone is a low power transmitter andreceiver. When it is ON, it receives and also sends out radio frequency(RF) signals.European and international agencies have set standards andrecommendations for the protection of public exposure to RFelectromagnetic energy.•International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection(ICNIRP) 1996•Verband Deutscher Elektringenieure (VDE) DIN- 0848•Directives of the European Community, Directorate General V inMatters of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Energy•National Radiological Protection Board of the United Kingdom, GS 11,1988•American National Standards Institute (ANSI) IEEE. C95.1- 1992•National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP).Report 86•Department of Health and Welfare Canada. Safety Code 6These standards are based on extensive scientific review. For example,over 120 scientists, engineers and physicians from universities,government health agencies and industry reviewed the available body ofresearch to develop the updated ANSI Standard.The design of your phone complies with these standards when usednormally.Max. SAR measurement: GSM900: 1.34 mW/g; DCS1800: 0.725 mW/g.
ii Safety InformationAntenna CareUse only the supplied or approved replacement antenna. Unauthorizedantennas, modifications or attachments may damage the phone andviolate FCC regulations. Phone OperationNormal Position: Hold the phone as you would any other telephone withthe antenna pointed up and over your shoulder.For your phone to operate most efficiently, do not touch the antennaunnecessarily when the phone is in use. Contact with the antenna affectscall quality and may cause the phone to operate at higher power level thanotherwise needed.BatteriesAll batteries can cause property damage, injury or burns if a conductivematerial such as jewelry, keys or beaded chains touches exposed terminals.The material may complete electrical circuit and become quite hot. Toprotect against such unwanted current drain, exercise care in handling anycharged battery, particularly when placing it inside your pocket, purse orother container with metal objects. When battery is detached from thephone, your batteries are packed with a protective battery cover; pleaseuse this cover for storing your batteries when not in use.DrivingCheck the laws and regulations on the use of wireless telephones in theareas where you drive. Always obey them. Also, if using your phone whiledriving, please:•Give full attention to driving--driving safety is your first responsibility.•Use hands-free operation, if available.•Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if drivingconditions so require.
Safety Information iiiElectronic DevicesMost modern electronic equipment is shielded from RF signals. However,certain electronic equipment may not be shielded against the RF signalsfrom your wireless phone.PacemakersThe Health Industry Manufacturers Association recommends that aminimum separation of six (6") inches be maintained between a handheldwireless phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with thepacemaker. These recommendations are consistent with the independentresearch by and recommendations of Wireless Technology Research.Persons with pacemakers:•Should  ALWAYS keep the phone more than six inches from theirpacemaker when the phone is turned ON.•Should not carry the phone in a breast pocket.•Should use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential forinterference.If you have any reason to suspect that the interference is taking place, turnyour phone OFF immediately.Hearing AidsSome digital wireless phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In theevent of such interference you may want to consult your hearing aidmanufacturer to discuss alternatives.Other Medical DevicesIf you use any other personal medical device, consult the manufacturer ofyour device to determine if they are adequately shielded from external RFenergy. Your physician may be able to assist you in obtaining thisinformation.Turn your phone OFF in health care facilities when any regulations postedin these areas instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities maybe using equipment that could be sensitive to external RF energy.
iv Safety InformationVehiclesRF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in motor vehicles. Check with the manufacturer or itsrepresentative regarding your vehicle. You should also consult themanufacturer of any equipment that has been added to your vehicle.Posted FacilitiesTurn your phone OFF in any facility where posted notice so requires.AircraftFCC regulations prohibit using your phone while in the air. Switch OFFyour phone before boarding an aircraft.Blasting AreasTo avoid interfering with blasting operations, turn your phone OFF whenin a “blasting area” or in area posted “TURN OFF TWO-WAY RADIO.”Obey all signs and instructions.Potentially Explosive AtmospheresTurn your phone OFF and do not remove the battery when in any areawith a potentially explosive atmosphere and obey all signs andinstructions. Sparks, from your battery, in such areas could cause anexplosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death.Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often, but not alwaysclearly marked. They include fueling areas such as gasoline stations; belowdeck on boats; fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities; vehicles usingliquefied petroleum gas (such as propane or butane); areas where the aircontains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders; andany other area where you would normally be advised to turn off yourvehicle engine.
Safety Information vFor Vehicles Equipped with an Air BagAn air bag inflates with great force. DO NOT place objects, including bothinstalled or portable wireless equipment, in the area over the air bag or inthe air bag deployment area. If in-vehicle wireless equipment isimproperly installed and the air bag inflates, serious injury could result.
vi Safety Information
viiTable of ContentsTable of ContentsSafety Information ............................................................. i1. Preparing Your Phone For Use..................................... 1Inserting a SIM Card............................................................ 1Installing a Battery and Charging the Phone ...................... 3Turning the Phone On......................................................... 52. Getting to Know Your Phone ....................................... 8Your Phone at a Glance........................................................ 8Active Flip Feature.............................................................. 10Status Indicator Light......................................................... 10Standby Screen.................................................................... 11External Display .....................................................................11Icons in the External Display's Status Bar.............................11Main Screen ............................................................................14Icons in the Main Display's Status Bar..................................16Using the Keys in the Standby Mode ....................................18Menu Navigation................................................................ 233. Using Your Phone ....................................................... 33Making a Phone Call .......................................................... 33Ending a Phone Call........................................................... 33Answering a Phone Call ..................................................... 34Rejecting an Incoming Call................................................ 35Turning Off the Ring Tone for an Incoming Call .......................................................... 35Making an International Call............................................. 35
viii Table of ContentsMaking an Emergency Call ................................................ 36Dialing an Extension Number ........................................... 36Speed Dialing ...................................................................... 36Voice Dialing ...................................................................... 37Listening to Voicemails...................................................... 38Phone Book......................................................................... 39Adding Contacts to the Phone Book.....................................39Finding Contacts in the Phone Book ....................................44Using a Location Number to Access a Contact's Data .........46Last Missed, Dialed, and Received Calls............................ 47Operations During a Call................................................... 49Call Menu ........................................................................... 51Using the Silent Profile....................................................... 54Shortcuts Menu .................................................................. 55Setting Function Shortcuts ....................................................55Setting Phone Number Shortcuts..........................................57Using Function and Phone Number Shortcuts ....................58Messages Menu................................................................... 59Create ......................................................................................60SIM Folder ..............................................................................63Inbox .......................................................................................64Template .................................................................................67Outbox ....................................................................................67Drafts.......................................................................................68Voicemail ................................................................................68Message Settings .....................................................................69Cleanup Messages...................................................................72
ixTable of ContentsMemory Status .......................................................................72Voice Memo........................................................................ 73Input Modes ....................................................................... 74Changing the Text Input Mode.............................................74Letter Input Mode (ABC) ......................................................75Numeric Input Mode (123)...................................................75Predictive Input Mode (iTap) ...............................................76Symbol Input Mode ...............................................................77Direct Connection to URLs ............................................... 784. Menus........................................................................... 80Phone Book......................................................................... 80Find .........................................................................................80Add..........................................................................................80Edit ..........................................................................................81Copy ........................................................................................81Delete ......................................................................................81Caller Groups..........................................................................81Privacy Manager.....................................................................82Business Card .........................................................................84Activate ...................................................................................85My Number ............................................................................85SIM Status...............................................................................85Call Records ........................................................................ 86Missed Calls ............................................................................86Received Calls .........................................................................86Dialed Calls.............................................................................86Delete All.................................................................................86
xTable of ContentsCall Duration..........................................................................87Call Cost..................................................................................88Messages.............................................................................. 89Organizer ............................................................................ 90Calendar..................................................................................90To Do List ...............................................................................92Note.........................................................................................93Tools.................................................................................... 94Alarm Clock............................................................................94Shortcuts .................................................................................95Voice Memo ...........................................................................95Calculator................................................................................96Currency Converter ...............................................................96Stopwatch ...............................................................................98Countdown Timer .................................................................98Memory Status .......................................................................99Service Number ......................................................................99SIM Toolkit Menu..................................................................99Games................................................................................ 100Champion Soccer .................................................................100Dragon Fight.........................................................................105Internet.............................................................................. 106WAP Service .........................................................................106Start Browser .............................................................................107WAP Message............................................................................114Enter Address ............................................................................114Resume ......................................................................................114Clear Cache ...............................................................................114
xiTable of ContentsWAP Settings.............................................................................114JAVA .....................................................................................118Multimedia ....................................................................... 123Picture...................................................................................123Animation.............................................................................124Music.....................................................................................124My Melodies..............................................................................124Composer .................................................................................. 126Help ...........................................................................................129Settings .............................................................................. 130Date & Time .........................................................................130Time...........................................................................................130Format ....................................................................................... 130Secondary  Time........................................................................131Power On/Off .......................................................................131Profiles ..................................................................................132Display ..................................................................................137Theme........................................................................................ 137Wallpaper .................................................................................. 137Welcome Message.....................................................................137Contrast ..................................................................................... 138Brightness .................................................................................. 138Backlight Setting .......................................................................139OLED Duration.........................................................................139Audio.....................................................................................140Power Saving Mode..............................................................140Call Settings ..........................................................................140Call Divert .................................................................................140Call Barring ...............................................................................141Call Waiting...............................................................................142
xii Table of ContentsAuto Redial................................................................................142Show Number ...........................................................................142Fixed Dial Number ...................................................................143Active Line.................................................................................144Connect Alert ............................................................................144Minute Beep ..............................................................................144Network ................................................................................144Mode Selection..........................................................................145Available List .............................................................................145Band Setting ..............................................................................145Connection Mode .....................................................................145Security .................................................................................146PIN Code...................................................................................146Phone Lock................................................................................147SIM Lock ...................................................................................147Screen Lock ...............................................................................148Language ...............................................................................149Input Mode...........................................................................149Flip Activate..........................................................................149User Group ...........................................................................150Restore ..................................................................................1505. Care and Maintenance .............................................. 1516. Troubleshooting ........................................................ 153
Preparing Your Phone For Use 1Preparing Your Phone For UseInserting a SIM Card1. Turn the phone over, and release the battery latch. Lift thebattery off the phone.Do not remove the battery when the phone is on. Doing so couldcause you to lose personal settings or data stored either on your SIMcard or in the phone's memory.Battery latch
2Preparing Your Phone For Use2. Slide the SIM card in under the metal plate in the SIM card slot,with the SIM card's metal contacts facing down and the cutcorner at the top right.A SIM card can be easily damaged if its metal contacts becomescratched. Therefore, take special care when holding or inserting it./SIM carda Metal plateIf you wish to remove the SIM card, youmust first press down the stay, then pushthe SIM card out of the slot.Stay  SIM card
Preparing Your Phone For Use 3Installing a Battery and Charging thePhone1. With the battery's metal contacts facing down, align theprotruding tabs on the end with the holes in the battery bay ofthe phone. Then push the battery toward the end of the bay toinsert the battery's tabs into the holes. Press down to click thebattery in place.2. Insert the charger connector into the charger socket on thebottom of the phone. Make sure that the connector is insertedin the correct orientation (with the arrow pointing up).3. Insert the charger into a power outlet.4. Once the phone is fully charged, remove the charger from bothCharger connector Charger socket
4Preparing Your Phone For Usethe power outlet and the phone./•Charging requires approximately 4 hours.•When charging the phone while it is turned off, the external andmain displays will be activated, and the status indicator light willflash blue (during the charging process, the external display willshow the time and cycle through 3 animations, then turn offtemporarily. This is normal.•During charging, in the external display's battery indicator   ,the lines showing the battery power level will scroll until the batteryis fully charged.•When charging while the phone is turned off, the main displayshows the    animation. If the charging is performed while thephone is on, the main display shows the   icon. The linesshowing the battery power level will scroll until the battery is fullycharged.•After the battery is fully charged, the status indicator light will flashpurple.•When the battery is out of power, the phone will play an alert soundto remind you to recharge it and then will automatically turn off.Do not remove the battery while the phone is charging.
Preparing Your Phone For Use 5Tur ning the Phone On1. Open the phone's flip.3. Enter your PIN1 number. If you enter the PIN1 numberincorrectly, press (Clear) to delete the incorrect numerals.Press and hold to delete all numerals that have been entered.After completing entry of your PIN1 number, press   toconfirm.8The PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a password provided bya network operator with a SIM card. You need this password in order/•You can select and set a welcome animation, image, or messagethat will display when you turn on your phone, as well as the musicthat will be played. Go to the menu: Settings → Display →Welcome Message. For details, please refer to page 137.•If the welcoming music goes on too long, once the standby screencomes up, you can press    to stop playback.2. Press and hold   to turn the phone on. Thephone will display the welcome animation.
6Preparing Your Phone For Useto use the SIM card.4. When the PIN code entered has been accepted, the phone willautomatically search for the designated network. This searchprocess may take a few seconds.5. Once you are receiving network signals, if you are using a newSIM card, the phone will ask you whether you wish to copy allthe phone numbers stored in the SIM card's memory to thephone book in your phone's memory. You have the followingtwo choices:a. Press the (Ye s ) key to copy all of the phone numbers onthe SIM card to the phone's memory. The phone will thenautomatically open the phone book (i.e. the phone'sdatabase). From now on, any data you view, store, or deletewill be from the phone book in the phone's memory.b. Press the   (No) key to bring up a prompt that will ask ifyou wish to open the phone book stored on the SIM card orthe phone's own phone book (i.e. database). Press the  key to scroll to the phone book you wish to open. Thenpress the   key to open the phone book you have selected.If you enter the PIN incorrectly 3 times in a row, the SIM card will lockdown and no longer be usable. If this happens, you must enter thePUK (Personal Unblocking Key) for that SIM card in order to unlockit. Please contact your network operator to obtain a PUK./To cancel PIN password authentication, go to the menu Settings →Security → PIN Code → PIN1 Code. Please see page 146.
Preparing Your Phone For Use 7After you open the phone book on the SIM card, any datayou browse, store, or delete will be from the SIM card'sphone book. If you open the phone book in the phone'smemory, any data that you view, store, or delete will befrom the phone's phone book.6. The standby screen will be displayed, as well as network signalstrength and the name of the network operator. You can nowuse the phone.8If the phone cannot detect the network, the on-screen signal strengthmeter will show no bars.8If the phone links to a network that you are not authorized to use, thesignal strength meter will show a level of zero. You will only be able tomake emergency calls./If at some later point, you wish to switch phone books, go thefollowing menu Phone Book → Select Database.
8Getting to Know Your PhoneGetting to Know Your PhoneYour Phone at a GlanceThe figure below shows the main parts of your phone:Front view 1External speakerExternal displayAntenna Status indicator light
Getting to Know Your Phone 9Front view 2EarpieceMain display MicrophoneRight soft keyScroll keyOK keyDial/Answer keyAlphanumeric keysPower on/off keyMessages menu keyLeft soft key
Getting to Know Your Phone 10Bottom and top viewsActive Flip FeatureOpening the flip allows you to answer an incoming call. Closingthe flip ends a call, cancels dialing, or rejects an incoming call.Status Indicator LightThe status indicator light has the following functions:•Flashes blue when the phone detects a network or is charging.•Flashes purple when the battery is fully charged./You can turn the active flip feature on or off. To do so, go to the menu:Settings → Flip Activate.Charger socketHands-freeheadset/Datacable jackVo lu m e keyLanyard holeTo avoid potential RF interference, please do not wear the phone infront of your chest.S660C  Page 9  Monday, February 16, 2004  4:32 PM
Getting to Know Your Phone 11Standby ScreenExternal DisplayWhen the flip is closed, the external display's status bar will showicons for network signal strength, battery power, and alarm (ifactive). The current time and an animation will appear insequence. The external display can also alert you to incomingcalls, text messages, and missed calls.Icons in the External Display's Status Bar/•If you wish to set the time shown on the external display, go to themenu Settings →  Date & Time → Time. See page 130.•In the default setting, the external display will show the time and 3animations in sequence for one cycle. The external display will thentemporarily power off. After it has powered off, you can turn it backon by pressing either the up or down arrow on the volume key located on the left side of the phone.•You can set the external display's cycling mode by using the menuSettings → Display → OLED Duration. See page 139.Icon Function DescriptionSignal strength Signal strength of the network. The morebars indicated, the stronger the signal.Battery statusShows the current level of battery power.The more bars indicated, the more powerthat remains. Four bars: fully charged. Nobars: immediate charging needed. Whencharging the phone, the icon will scrollthrough the bars until the battery is fullycharged.
12 Getting to Know Your PhoneText messageShows that a text message is being receivedor that there are unread text messages. Ifthe icon   flashes, this indicates that theSIM card's text message memory is full. Forinformation about the text message function,see page 59, "Messages Menu".VoicemailIndicates that there are voicemails (this iconwill only appear if the function is supportedby your network vendor).AlarmThe alarm is turned on. To set the alarm, goto the menu Tools → Alarm Clock. Seepage 94.Vibrating alertIn the standby screen, press and hold downthe  key to activate the vibrating alert.See page 54, "Using the Silent Profile".NormalShows that the Normal profile is in use. Toset the profile, go to this menu: Settings →Profiles. See page 132.Meeting Shows that the Meeting profile is in use.Outdoors Shows that the Outdoors profile is in use.Personal Shows that the Personal profile is in use.Handsfree Shows that the Handsfree profile is in use.DivertShows that the call divert function isactive.To set the call divert function go to themenu  Settings → Call Settings → CallDivert. See page 140. Icon Function Description
Getting to Know Your Phone 13Roaming Roaming has been activated (not yourregular network)Icon Function Description
14 Getting to Know Your PhoneMain ScreenTime and dateStatus barName of networkoperatorSoft key bar WallpaperPress   to enterthe Phone BookPress  to enter thefunction/numbershortcuts menuPress  to enterthe main menu.
Getting to Know Your Phone 15/•You can set the animation or image you wish to use as wallpaperwhen the phone is in standby mode by going to the menuMultimedia → Picture or Animation. Alternatively, you can go tothe menu Settings  → Display → Wallpaper. See page 123 andpage 137.•To set the current time and date, as well as the format in which theywill be shown in the main display's standby screen, go to the menuSettings → Date & Time. See page 130.•You can go to the menu Settings → Profiles → Personal tochange the name of the profile to your own user name. When thisprofile is activated, your own name will appear in the standbyscreen on the main display. For details, see  page 133.•For enhanced security, you can use the screen lock function. Go tothe menu Settings → Security → Screen Lock. If the screen lockis activated, and you have not performed any tasks with the phonefor a set time, the phone will automatically bring up the screen lockimage. The purpose is to protect any personal data on your phonefrom being read by other persons. To restore the original displayscreen, you must enter a password that you provide for thisfunction. For details on settings, see page 148.•After the standby screen remains for 10 seconds, the soft key bar,time and date, as well as all the other words currently displayed willautomatically disappear, showing the full-screen wallpaper. You canalso press   to display/hide the status bar and words normallyshown on the standby screen.
16 Getting to Know Your PhoneIcons in the Main Display's Status BarIcon Function DescriptionSignal strength Signal strength of the network. The morebars indicated, the stronger the signal.Battery statusShows the current level of battery power.The more bars indicated, the more powerthat remains. Four bars: fully charged. Nobars: immediate charging needed. Whencharging the phone, the icon will scrollthrough the bars until the battery is fullycharged.GPRS network GPRS services have been activated on yourSIM card.Text message•Shows that a text message is beingreceived or that there are unread textmessages. If the icon    appears in red,this indicates that the SIM card's textmessage memory is full. For informationabout the text message function, see page59, "Messages Menu".VoicemailIndicates that you have voicemail messages(this icon will only appear if the function issupported by your network operator).Line in useShows the number of the line currently inuse. To set the line, go to the menu Settings→ Call Settings → Active Line. For details,see page 144.VibrateIn the standby screen, press and hold   toactivate the silent profile. See page 54,"Using the Silent Profile".
Getting to Know Your Phone 17NormalShows that the Normal profile is in use. Toset the operating mode, go to the menuSettings → Profiles. See page 132.Meeting Shows that the Meeting profile is in use.Outdoors Shows that the Outdoors profile is in use.Personal Shows that the Personal profile is in use.Handsfree Shows that the Handsfree profile is in use.DivertShows that the call divert function is active.To make settings for this function, go to themenu  Settings → Call Settings → CallDivert. See page 140.Roaming Roaming has been activated (not yourregular network)Icon Function Description
18 Getting to Know Your PhoneUsing the Keys in the Standby Mode8In this user manual, "long-press" means to press and hold down a keyfor about two seconds before release. "Press" means to press a keyand release immediately.8The chart below is meant only to introduce the commands accessiblewith keys when the phone is in standby mode. For information onother key commands available in other operating modes, see thepertinent sections in this user manual.Function keys/•When any key is pressed, the phone will provide aural feedbackthrough keypad tones. To activate or cancel this aural feedback,enter the menu Settings → Profiles. Scroll to the profile currentlyin use and press   (Edit). Then select Keypad Tone. You canalso go to Settings → Audio → Keypad Tone to turn the auralfeedback on or off. See page 135 and page 140.•After turning the phone on, press any key to activate keypad anddisplay backlighting. To turn the backlighting on or off, and to set theduration of backlighting, go to Settings → Display → BacklightSetting. See page 139.
Getting to Know Your Phone 19Key Commands and functionsPower on/off key•Long-press to turn the phone on or off.•Press this key to reject incoming calls or cancel a callbeing dialed.Send/Answer key•Press to send or answer a call.•Long-press and your phone will automatically call thelast number dialed.•Press to access the list of last missed/dialed/receivedcalls.OK key•Press to open up the main menu and show its first item.Left soft key•Press to access the Phone Book (when PBook isshown).•Press to save the phone number keyed in from thestandby screen to the Phone Book (when Save isshown).Right soft key•Press this key to enter the menu for function and phonenumber shortcuts (when GoTo is shown). Forinformation about the shortcuts menu, see page 55.•Press this key to delete entered digits one by one; long-press to delete all digits entered (when Clear is shown).•Long-press to turn the silent profile on or off.
20 Getting to Know Your PhoneScroll key•Press   to open the main menu and show its firstitem.•Long-press   to activate voice dialing.•Long-press   to activate the voice memo function.Messages menu key•Press this key to enter the Messages menu. For adescription of the Messages menu, see page 59.Asterisk key•Press this key to enter an asterisk " * ".•To make an international call, long-press this key untilthe display shows "+" ,Then enter the recipient's countrycode, area code and phone number.Voice mail ke y•Long-press to dial your voicemail number.#  key•Press to enter "# ".•For extensions: After entering a phone number, long-press to enter a "P" and then enter the extensionnumber.Key Commands and functions
Getting to Know Your Phone 21~Alphanumeric keys•Press to enter digits in a phone number.•Shortcut key: Long-press a key to immediately accessthe function, or dial the number, that it represents. Seepage 55, "Shortcuts Menu".Volume key•Long-press the upper or lower portion of this key,located on the left side of the phone, to adjust the ringtone volume. Press the upper portion of this key or to increase the volume. Press the lower portion of thiskey or    to decrease the volume.8When there is an incoming call, long-press theupper portion of the volume key to reject the call;long-press the lower portion to turn off the ringtone.Key Commands and functions
22 Getting to Know Your PhoneAlphanumeric keys8Long-pressing an alphanumeric key will access the function itrepresents, or dial the number that has been assigned to it (shortcutfunction).Key Digit Key Digit/Symbol/Function172839405 * + (long-press)6# P(long-press after entering a phone number)
Getting to Know Your Phone 23Menu NavigationWhen the phone is in standby mode, press   to bring up themain menu and highlight the first item in that menu: PhoneBook.8For details on how to use the various functions listed in the menu, seepage 80, "Menus".Main menu/You can choose a display color for the menus by going to the menuSettings → Display → Theme. See page 137.Indicates that pressing  will return the display to the standby screen.Each icon represents a sub-menu.The main menuitem to whichyou have scrolledwill be displayedas an animation.The name ofthe main menuitem you havescrolled to.
24 Getting to Know Your PhoneSub-menusPop-up menusPress    to return to the previous menu or screen.Press   to enter the sub-menu represented by highlighted item or to activate the highlighted function.The highlighted row is the currently selected item.The name of thecurrent menu.Press    to enter the highlighted menu item for editing.Press  to scroll upor down to an item. Press   to bring upthe previous screen. Press   to bring upthe next screen.Press   to scroll upor down to an item.Press   to enter the highlighteditem or activate the functionrepresented by the item.Press    to opena pop-up menu.Press  to close apop-up menu.
Getting to Know Your Phone 25Turning a function on or offPress  to turn the selected function on or off (the currently selected function will be highlighted).After the selected function is activated, the display will usually show further setting options. Press    to scroll to the desired setting option.Press     or  to edit the setting.Press  to confirmthe setting.Press    to cancel and return to theprevious screen.
26 Getting to Know Your PhoneMenu navigation exampleThe example given below demonstrates how to use menus tochange the language setting.Regular access1.In the standby mode, press or   to open themain menu.2.In the main menu, press  to scroll to the Settingsmenu icon. Press   toenter this menu.3.In the Settings menu, press to scroll to theLanguage  item (press to bring up the next screen,or press   to bring up theprevious screen), then press to enter the Languagemenu.
Getting to Know Your Phone 27Access through number shortcuts4.Press   to scroll to thelanguage you wish to use.Then press    to confirmyour selection. If, forexample, you wish to setEnglish as the displaylanguage, scroll to highlightEnglish, and then press. The display willautomatically return to theSettings menu, displayed inEnglish.5.Press  (Back) repeatedlyor press    once to returnto the standby screen.1.In the standby mode, press or   to bring up themain menu.
28 Getting to Know Your Phone2.The location of items in the main menu corresponds to the position of the    to  keys in the alphanumeric keypad. Thus, pressing    will bring up the Settings menu.3.In the Settings menu, the alphanumeric keys    to  represent menu items 1 to 10. Since Language is item number 10 in the Settings menu, pressing   will bring up the Language sub-menu.4.Press the alphanumeric key that corresponds to the language you wish to select, as it is listed in the Language sub-menu. For example, if you wish to set English as the display language, press    .
Getting to Know Your Phone 295.Press  (Back) repeatedlyor press    once to returnto the standby screen.
30 Getting to Know Your PhoneMain menu mapSelect To en terWhen using the phone book stored in your SIM card's memory, the seventh item is SIM Status. There is no Privacy Manager item.
Getting to Know Your Phone 31Select To en terIf your network vendor provides SIM toolkit value-added services, they will appear as item number 10.
32 Getting to Know Your PhoneSelect To en ter
Using Your Phone 33Using Your PhoneMaking a Phone CallOpen the flip and make sure that the standby screen is shown onthe main display. Enter the desired number using thealphanumeric keys    to  . Press   to dial your call.To modify a phone number that you have entered, press(Clear) to delete individual digits. Long-press   (Clear) orpress    to delete all digits entered and return to the standbyscreen.Ending a Phone CallPress   or close the flip to end a call. The display will show thetotal call time, and then return to the standby screen.8If the flip function has not been activated, you cannot end a call orcancel dialing by closing the flip. To activate or cancel the flipfunction, go to the menu Settings → Flip Activate.8If you also have a call waiting or on hold, after you press   , thedisplay will show a menu to allow you to choose the call you wish toend./During a call, you can use the options. See page 51, "Call Menu"./To cancel a call that is being dialed, press   or close the flip.
34 Using Your PhoneAnswering a Phone CallWhen a call is received, your phone rings or vibrates, with thedisplay showing the caller's number (if supported by yournetwork vendor). If the caller is a contact stored in the PhoneBook, the phone will show the name recorded in the Phone Book.Depending on whether your phone's flip is open or closed, youcan do one of the following to answer a call:•If the flip is closed, opening it will allow you to answer the call.8If the flip function has not been activated, you cannot answer a call byopening the flip. To activate or cancel the flip function, go to the menuSettings → Flip Activate.•If the flip is already open, press    to answer the call.8If you wish to change the answering mode so that you can press anykey to answer a call, go the menu Settings → Profiles. Afterselecting the currently active profile, press   (Edit) and go toAnswer Mode → Any Key./•If the caller is a member of a caller group, the ring tone assigned tothis group will sound. The display will show the animation that isassociated with this group as well, to help you identify the caller.•For information on how to set up caller groups in the Phone Book,see page 39, "Adding Contacts to the Phone Book".
Using Your Phone 35Rejecting an Incoming Call•Regardless of whether the flip is open or closed, you can rejectan incoming call by long-pressing the upper portion of thevolume key    on the left side of the phone.•When the flip is open, you can reject an incoming call by closingthe flip or pressing    .8If the flip function has not been activated, you cannot close the flip toreject an incoming call. To activate or cancel the flip function, go tothe menu Settings → Flip Activate.Turning Off the Ring Tone for an Incoming Call Regardless of whether the flip is open or closed, you cantemporarily mute the ring tone for an incoming call to avoiddisturbing others. To do this, long-press the lower portion of thevolume key    on the left side of the phone. After the ring tonehas been turned off, you can still open the flip to answer the call.Making an International Call1. Enter the outgoing international call code, or long-press  until "+" appears on the display.2. Enter the recipient's country code, area code and phonenumber. Dial the call by pressing   .
36 Using Your PhoneMaking an Emergency CallTo call emergency services, enter 112 (the internationalemergency number) and then press    to dial the call. You canmake an emergency call even if your phone is locked or cannotaccess your network, or there is no SIM card inserted, so long asyou are within range of a network of the type supported by yourphone.Dialing an Extension NumberAfter you enter a telephone number, long-press   , The phonedisplay will show "P". At this point, you can enter the desiredextension number, and then press    to dial it.Speed Dialing8You must assign a number key as the shortcut for a particular phonenumber in order to use speed dialing for that phone number. Forinformation on how to set up a shortcut, see page 55, "ShortcutsMenu".After you have assigned a number key to serve as the shortcut keyfor a particular phone number, you can long-press this key whenthe phone is in the standby mode to dial the corresponding phonenumber. For example, if you have selected   as the shortcutkey for a certain phone number, long-pressing   will dial thisnumber.
Using Your Phone 37Voice Dialing1. In the standby mode, long-press .2. After a beep, when the display shows the "Recording…" screen,you can speak the voice dialing prompt for the number youwish to dial. Once the phone has correctly identified thecontact associated with this voice dialing prompt, twosituations may occur:a. If there is only one phone number stored for the contactidentified, your phone will automatically dial this number.b. If there are two or more phone numbers stored for thecontact identified, the display will show the contact's PhoneBook data. You can then scroll to the number you wish todial, pressing   or    to make the call.8To use voice dialing to make a call, you must have stored a voicedialing prompt for the desired number in Phone Book. For details, seepage 39, "Adding Contacts to the Phone Book".
38 Using Your PhoneListening to VoicemailsWhen your voicemail inbox contains new messages, your networkvendor will send a text message notifying you that you have newvoicemail messages (if the network vendor supports it, the icons and  will be shown in the external and main display'sstatus bars, respectively. There are two ways to access and listen tovoicemail:1. When the phone is in standby mode, long-press   todirectly dial the voicemail phone number and listen to yourvoicemail messages.2. Go to the menu Messages → Vo ic e m ai l   to dial the voicemailnumber.8If the voicemail number is not stored on your SIM card or in the phoneitself, you will not be able to access your voicemail by long-pressing  ,Generally speaking, network operators will store thevoicemail number on a SIM card before giving it to you. If so, you willbe able to dial your voicemail number by long-pressing   whenthe phone is in standby mode, without needing to first manually storethis number. If however your network vendor did not store the numberon your SIM card, you will need to do this yourself. To save or modifya voicemail phone number, go to the menu Messages → MessageSettings → Voicemail No.
Using Your Phone 39Phone BookAdding Contacts to the Phone BookThe Phone Book will have different formats and data headingsdepending on whether you have chosen to use a phone bookstored on your SIM card or in your phone's memory.8The phone book in your phone's memory can store up to 500contacts. The capacity of a phone book on your SIM card depends onthe particular service provided by your network vendor.SIM card Phone BookThe data fields provided by a SIM card phone book are as follows:The contact's name.The contact's mobile phone number.1. In the standby screen, enter the phone numberthat you wish to store, then press (Save).The screen will show the Phone Book datafields for a new contact.2. Press   to scroll to the contact data field that you wish toedit. Press (Edit),   or simply begin keying in data toenter and edit the currently selected field. After completingdata entry and settings, press   to store the data for thiscontact.
40 Using Your PhoneUsed to select a caller group for the contact. Press     to select agroup and then press  .When there is an incoming call from this contact, the ring toneassigned to this group will sound and the display will show theanimation associated with the group.8To set a ring tone and animation for each caller group, go tothe menu Phone Book → Caller Group. See page 81.8You can also go the menu Phone Book →Caller Group toset a caller group for a contact.
Using Your Phone 41Phone Book in the phone's memory3. After completing the data for the various fields, you must press in order for the contact's data to be stored in the Phone1. In the standby screen, enter the phone numberyou wish to store, and then press  (Save). Thedisplay will show the default data fields for anew contact.2. In the contact data screen, scroll to the datafield that you wish to edit, and then press (Options) to bring up a pop-up menu. You canthen use the following options with the contactdata:•Edit: Edit the information in the selected field.8In the contact data screen, press   or beginentering data to directly edit the data in thecurrently selected field.•Change Type: Change the category of the phonenumber (for example, from Mobile Number toHome Number). This option can only be used inthe phone number data field. •Add New Field: Adds other data fields for acontact.•Delete Field: Removes the selected data field.
42 Using Your PhoneBook.8If you do not wish to save a modified Phone Book record, press or  (Back) to abort.8You can also add a new contact by going to the menu Phone Book→ Add.•The default data fields for a contact are as follows:•In addition to the contact data fields described above, you canalso add the data fields listed below by pressing  (Option)when the Phone Book screen is visible and then selecting AddNew Field.The contact's name.The contact's mobile phone number.The contact's home phone number.The contact's e-mail address.Used to assign a contact to a caller group. Press    to select agroup, and then press  .Used to assign a voice dialing prompt to a phone number. After thebeep, speak the contact's name into the microphone. After it issuccessfully recorded, the phone will play back this voice dialingprompt.The contact's mobile phone number.The contact's home phone number.
Using Your Phone 43The contact's work phone number.Other phone number for the contact.The contact's home address.The contact's work address.The contact's company name.The contact's department name.The contact's job title.Used for notes about the contact.Used to mark dates of special significance associated with thecontact.Used to set a ring tone for the contact. When there is an incomingcall from the contact, the phone will play this ring tone.8A ring tone set in this field will replace the one associatedwith the contact's caller group, if any.Used to set the animation that will be played on the phone's displaywhen there is an incoming call from the contact.8The animation set in this field will replace the animationassociated with the contact's caller group, if any.
44 Using Your PhoneFinding Contacts in the Phone BookThere are two ways to locate a specific contact in the Phone Book:•Press   to scroll through the names (listed in alphabeticalorder) until the one you want is highlighted.•Press the alphanumeric key that corresponds to the first letter ofthe name you wish to locate the appropriate number of times.For instance, if the name starts with "K", you would press  twice for "K". The names starting with "K" will appear, with thefirst one highlighted. Press     to scroll to the name you want.8You can also go to the menu Phone Book → Find, and then enterthe full name or the first letter of the name to locate a contact.When the desired contact's name is highlighted, you can do oneof the following:•Press     to dial the first phone number saved in that contact.•Press (Option) to bring up a pop-up menu, which containsthe following items:Edit: Edit the Phone Book data for this contact. When youare finished, press  . For more information on editing,see page 39.8If you do not wish to save a modified Phone Book record, press (Back) or   to abort.Copy to SIM (Phone): If you are currently using a phoneIn the standby mode, press (PBook) todisplay contacts stored in the Phone Book.
Using Your Phone 45book stored in the phone's memory, you can copy thecontact's data to the phone book stored on your SIM card.Conversely, if you are currently using a phone book storedon your SIM card, you can copy the contact's data to thephone book stored in the phone's memory. 8The only information that can be copied from a phone bookstored in the phone's memory to the one on your SIM card is acontact's name, phone number, and caller group. If a contact hasmore than one phone number associated with it, when thatcontact's data is copied from the phone to the SIM card's phonebook, each phone number will be stored as separate contact.Delete: Erases the contact's data from the Phone Book.Scroll to the number that you wish to dial, and then press or  .Scroll to the desired data field. If the complete contentscannot be displayed on the screen, or there is no content todisplay (for example, Note   ), press   to display thecomplete contents (if the data field is for a voice dialingprompt   , you can press   to play the sound of thisvoice dialing prompt.Press (Option) to bring up a pop-up menu that containsthe following items:•Press   to show the information in all datafields for that contact. You can then perform thefollowing tasks:
46 Using Your Phone•Edit: Used to edit the Phone Book data for this contact.For information on editing, see page 39.8If you do not wish to save a modified Phone Book record,press   or    (Back) to abort.•Copy to SIM (Phone): If you are currently using aphone book stored in the phone's memory, you cancopy the contact's data to the phone book stored onyour SIM card. Conversely, if you are currently using aphone book stored on your SIM card, you can copy thecontact's data to the phone book stored in the phone'smemory.•Delete: Erases the contact's data from the Phone Book.•Send: Dial the currently highlighted number.Using a Location Number to Access a Contact'sDataTo access data for a contact while the phone is in standby mode,enter the location number for this contact, and then press  .The display will show the data for the contact stored at thislocation. /A contact's location number represents theposition where this contact's data is stored inthe phone book on your SIM card or in yourphone's memory. Location number
Using Your Phone 47For example, to display the contact data stored in the fifthposition in the Phone Book, you would press   and then .When the contact's data appears, you can perform the followingtasks:•Scroll to the number that you wish to dial, and then press  or    to dial this number.•Press (Option) to edit, copy, or delete the data for thiscontact, or dial the currently highlighted number (equivalent tothe Send option).Last Missed, Dialed, and Received CallsThere are two ways you can view the last missed, dialed, andreceived calls on your phone, as well as information on their dateand time:1. If there have been any missed calls, the display will show amissed call message along with the number of calls that weremissed. Press (View), and then press   to scroll to thedesired phone number.2. In the standby mode, press   to view thelist of the most recent missed, dialed, andreceived calls. Press   to scroll to thedesired phone number.
48 Using Your Phone8The icon   will appear beside missed calls; the icon   willappear beside dialed calls; the   will appear beside receivedcalls.8If a phone number has already been stored in the information for acontact in the Phone Book, the display will show the name of thiscontact.8If a call for the same number has been missed, dialed, or receivedtwo or more times, a note such as "x02" will appear beside the recordof the call to show the number of times it was missed, dialed, orreceived.8If your network operator is not able to display a certain call's number,the list will not show a number for the call.When the number for a missed, dialed, or received call ishighlighted, you can perform the following tasks:•Press   to re-dial the number.•Press  (Option) to bring up a pop-up menu:Call: Dial the phone number.Save (Edit): If the phone number for the call has not beenstored in the Phone Book, select the Save option to create acontact for this number in the Phone Book. If this phonenumber is already stored under a contact in the PhoneBook, select the Edit option to edit this information for thiscontact. For information about editing Phone Book data,see page 39, "Adding Contacts to the Phone Book".Delete: Erases the record of the call from the list.
Using Your Phone 49Delete All: Erases all the calls in the list.Operations During a Call8The following options marked with an asterisk (*) are dependent onnetwork support on may require a subscription.Adjusting the Earpiece VolumeDuring a call, you can press the volume key   on the left side ofthe phone to adjust call volume.MutePress  (Mute) to turn off the microphone. The person on theother end of the line will not be able to hear your voice. To restorethe microphone's function, press    (Unmute).•Press   to display the details on this call.This name of the contact forthe call (if the phone numberhas not been stored in thePhone Book, "Unknown" willbe displayed.The date and time ofthe last time this callwas made.The phone numberfor the call.Press (Option) to selectwhether to dial the number,store or edit it, or erase therecord of the call.
50 Using Your PhonePutting a Call on Hold*1.  When the only call is active:a. Press  (Hold) to hold this call.b. Press   to end this call. 2. When the only call is on hold:a. Press  (Unhold) to resume the call.b. Press   to end this call.3. When there is an active call and a call on hold.a. Press  (Swap) to resume the call that is on hold, andput the active call on hold.b. Press   to show on the display a list of calls that youcan end.Making a Second Call*Enter a phone number, or select one from the phone number orcall record, and then press   to dial it. The currently active callwill automatically be placed on hold. However, if there is alreadyone active call and another on hold, this action will fail.
Using Your Phone 51Call Waiting*If there is an incoming call while you are on the phone, a tone willsound through the earpiece and the display will show that asecond call is currently waiting. You can handle the waiting calland currently active call in the following ways:1. Answer the waiting call: Press    The currently active call willautomatically be placed on hold. However, if there is alreadyanother call on hold, a menu will appear on the displayallowing you to select a call to end and then answer the waitingcall.2. Reject the waiting call: Press   or   (End). Pressing (End) will immediately reject the waiting call; pressing   willbring up a menu on the display that you can use to select a callto end.Call MenuIf you press   during a call, it will bring up the call menu. Press to scroll to the desired item (press   to scroll through themenu page by page) and then press   to enter that item; press(Back) to return to the pervious menu; press   to returndirectly to the call menu.8Items marked with an asterisk (*) depend on network support andmay require a subscription.Phone BookAccesses data in the Phone Book. For details, see page 39, "PhoneBook".
52 Using Your PhoneCall RecordsAllows you to view information on missed, received, and dialedcalls. See page 47, "Last Missed, Dialed, and Received Calls".Conference*Conference calls allow you to converse with more than one partyat a time. The conference menu contains the following options:8The maximum number of parties that can be accommodated during aconference call depends on the particular service provided by anetwork vendor.Hold/Unhold/Swap*Toggles the call status.Join/PrivateAdds a party that is on hold to the current conference call, orisolates a single party in a conference call and puts all otherparties on hold.ForwardAllows two parties to connect, while ending one's own call(one of the two parties may be involved in an active call whilethe other is either on hold or being dialed), so as to allow thetwo parties to have their own call.
Using Your Phone 53Send DTMFWhen the phone is connected with other devices or services, youcan send DTMF (Dual Tone Modulation Frequency) strings.DTMF strings are keypad tones that can be sent via themicrophone as you dial another number. Your phone will emitthe tones in order to communicate with answering machines,pagers, computerized telephone services, and so forth.Enter the phone number and then press   to send the DTMFstring.End CallEnd AllEnds all calls, whether active or on hold.End ActiveEnds only the active call.End HoldEnds only a call or calls on hold.End OneEnds only a single call.Hold/Unhold/SwapToggles the call status.Mute/UnmuteActivates/cancels the silent mode.
54 Using Your PhoneSMSEnters the SMS (Short Message Service —i.e. text message) menu.For details on the SMS menu, see page 59, "Messages Menu".CalculatorAllows you to use the calculator. For information about thecalculator, see page 96.STKBrings up the menu for the STK (SIM Toolkit) services providedby your network vendor.Using the Silent ProfileFrom the standby screen, you can long-press   to activate theSilent profile. Once it is activated, the phone will alert you to anincoming call by vibrating with no ring tone.•When you long-press   to activate the Silent profile, thephone will vibrate for one second. The icon   will appear inthe main display's status bar (the external display will show) to remind you that your phone is currently using theSilent profile.•To cancel the Silent profile and restore the previously activevibrant and ring tone settings, long-press    .8To set and select a profile, please enter the main menu's Settings →Profiles. See page 132./This feature is very convenient for switching to the Silent profileduring, say, a meeting to avoid the disruption caused by a ring tone.
Using Your Phone 55Shortcuts MenuYou can use the Shortcuts menu to assign 9 alphanumeric keys asshortcuts to commonly used functions or frequently dialednumbers.Entering the Shortcuts MenuSetting Function Shortcuts1. In the Shortcuts menu, press   to move theselection box to the number key you wish touse as a shortcut key (    is selected in theexample on the right). You can also press theactual alphanumeric key   to select it.2. Press (Option) to bring up a pop-up menu,and use   to select Add Function. Thenpress  .From the standby screen, press   (GoTo) toenter the Shortcuts menu. The numbers 1 to 9displayed in the menu's default screen representthe corresponding 9 alphanumeric keys on thephone.
56 Using Your Phone3. From the Add Function menu, press   toselect the function to be represented by theshortcut key   , and then press  .Alternatively, you can press a correspondingalphanumeric key to select the function youwant.8The functions listed in the Add Function menuare selected from various other menus. Fordetails on these functions, see page 80, "Menus".4. After   has been set as the functionshortcut key, the '1' icon in the shortcut menuscreen will be replaced by the icon for thefunction assigned to   . The top of thescreen will display the name of the functioncurrently assigned to this key.5. Repeat the above step to add or modifyfunction shortcut key assignments.
Using Your Phone 57Setting Phone Number Shortcuts6. To cancel a shortcut key and restore the key'soriginal function, use   to move theselection box to the icon for the shortcut keythat you wish to cancel, and then press (Option). Select Delete to cancel the shortcut. 8If you select Delete All, all shortcut settings willbe cancelled.1. The method for setting a phone numbershortcut key is largely the same as for afunction shortcut key. After selecting theshortcut key, press   (Option) to bring up apop-up menu. After selecting Add Phone,press    to confirm.2. From the Phone Book, select a contact, andthen press  .3. Next, from the list of phone numbers for thiscontact, select the one that you wish to accessthrough the shortcut key, and then press   .
58 Using Your PhoneUsing Function and Phone Number ShortcutsThere are two ways to use shortcuts:1. From the standby screen, long-press    to   to access thefunction represented by that key or dial the number itrepresents.2. From the standby screen, press (GoTo) to enter theShortcuts menu. You can then:a. Press   to move the selection box to the iconcorresponding to the desired key. Then press    to accessthe assigned function or dial the assigned phone number.b. Press the corresponding key    to    to access thefunction represented by that key or dial the number itrepresents.4. After you have set the shortcut key, thenumber icon for the key will be replaced by anicon representing a phone number shortcut.The upper part of the screen will display thename of the contact to whom the phonenumber accessible by the shortcut keybelongs.5. Repeat the above step to add or modify aphone number shortcut.Different categories of phonenumbers will be representedby different phone numbershortcut icons.
Using Your Phone 59Messages MenuYour phone supports SMS (Short Messaging Service) textmessaging and EMS (Enhanced Messaging Service), which allowsyou to add graphics and ring tones to your messages. You can usethis menu to view, edit, and send SMS and EMS messages.From the standby screen, press    to enter the Messages menu.You can also press    when in the standby screen and then enterfrom the main menu by selecting  .Additional information about messaging•Memory for storing messages is divided between SIM card memory andthe phone's own memory. In the first level of the Messages menu, exceptfor the SIM Folder option, messages saved in Inbox, Outbox, and Draftsare all stored the phone's memory.•When a message has arrived, your network vendor will save the newmessage to your SIM card's memory. However, your phone willimmediately transfer the new message from the SIM card's memory to thephone's memory (namely, it will be saved to the menu Messages →Inbox). Therefore, the SIM card will not store the message. However, if thephone's memory is already full, any new messages will remain stored inthe SIM card's memory (in the menu Messages → SIM Folder → Inbox)until the SIM card's memory is itself full.•When a new message is received, or when there are unread messages inthe phone's or SIM card's memory, the   icon will appear in the externaldisplay's status bar; the main display will show the   icon in its status barto remind you that you have unread messages.•If there is a flashing icon   on the external display, and the main displayshows a red icon  , this means that the SIM card's message memory isfull. When the SIM card's memory is full, your phone will not be able to
60 Using Your Phonereceive any new messages. If this has occurred, when you go to theMessages menu, the display will show a "SIM Full!" message to remindyou of the current situation.•If the number of messages stored in the phone's memory has reached 500,when you enter the Messages menu, the "Message Full!" screen willappear. If there is less than 1K remaining in the phone's memory, the"Memory Insufficient!" screen will appear. In either of these two situations,any messages received will be saved to the SIM card, and you will nolonger be able to edit any messages.•In the Messages menu, the number (such as "(1)", "(3)") following thename of each message folder represents the number of messages savedin that folder.The items in the Messages folder are as follows:Create2. When writing a message, press (Option) to perform the1. Used to bring up the message editing screen soyou can write a new message. Use thealphanumeric keys to enter text.8For information on how to use the input methodsprovided by the phone for writing messages, seepage 74, "Input Modes".8If no text has been entered in the editing screen,press   to return to the standby screen; if sometext has been entered, pressing    will bring upthe prompt "Back to Idle?", to make sure you wishto abort the message being edited. If you press (Yes), you will return to the standby screen; if youpress (No), you can continue writing themessage.
Using Your Phone 61following tasks:•Insert: You can insert the following types of objects:Te x t : This is a list of templates that can be used instead ofentering all the characters individually. You can use thefactory default templates or templates of your own that youpreviously saved to the list.8To create your own quick message templates, go the menuMessages  → Template. See page 67.Picture: You can select an EMS icon from the EMS iconlibrary to insert into your message. Press    to select thename of the icon you wish to insert, and then press (View) to view the icon. Press   to insert the icon intoyour message.Animation: You can select an EMS animation from the EMSanimation library to insert into your message. Press   toselect the name of the animation you wish to insert, andthen press  (View) to view the animation. Press   toinsert the animation into your message.Melody: You can select an EMS ring tone from the EMS ringtone library to insert into your message. When the recipientof the message reads it, the inserted ring tone will be playedby the recipient's phone. Scroll to the name of the ring toneyou wish to use, and then press   to insert the ring toneinto your message. The inserted ring tone will be displayedas musical note within the message's text./You can insert an EMS icon or animation at any position within amessage's content.
62 Using Your Phone•Text Alignment: Used to select the type of text alignment for themessage's content.3. After you have finished editing the message, press  . A screenin which you can edit the recipient's number will appear. Thereare two ways you can enter the recipient's phone number:•Key in the recipient's phone number in the number editingscreen.•Before entering any phone number, you can press   (Select)and then select a recipient from the list of contacts in the PhoneBook. Follow the steps below:a. Press   to scroll to the name of contact, and thenpress  (Select) to select that contact.b. The display will show all the phone numbers storedfor the contact you selected. Press  (Select) toselect the desired phone number.8If the number is too long, press   to display thecomplete number.c. After the number has been selected, you must press to return to the list of contacts in the PhoneBook. A check mark will appear beside the contactwhose number you selected as recipient for yourmessage. You can use the same steps to select thenumbers of other contacts.d. After you have selected all the numbers you wish todial, press   and the display will show all thesenumbers.4. After the numbers to be dialed have appeared on the screen,
Using Your Phone 63press   to use the following options with this message:•Send Message: Sends the message to the numbers selectedpreviously.8When a message is to be sent, a copy of the message will be savedto the Outbox folder. If the save fails, the "Save to Outbox Failed!"screen will appear and the send operation will stop.•Preview: Allows you to view the contents of the message.•Save to Draft: Saves the message to the Drafts folder, for sendingat a later time.•Edit Content: Allows you to edit the contents of the message.SIM FolderThe messages in the SIM folder are the messages stored in yourSIM card's memory.InboxIf your SIM card was previously used in another phone, anymessages received on that phone are stored here. When theSIM card is used in your S660C, and the phone's memory isfull, any further messages that you receive will also be storedin the SIM card's inbox.The procedure for using this option is largely identical withthat described below for using the phone's Inbox. However,after selecting a message and pressing  (Option), the menudisplayed includes two additional options:•Move to Phone: Moves the selected messages from your SIMcard's memory to the phone's memory.
64 Using Your Phone•Move All to Phone: Moves all messages to the phone'smemory.8The messages moved to the phone will be erased from the SIMcard's memory, and cannot be moved back.8When there is 1K or less of free space in the phone's memory,the screen will display the message "Memory Insufficient!" andyou will not be able to move messages from the SIM card to thephone.OutboxIf your SIM card was previously used in another phone, savedmessages or backups of sent messages will be stored here.Inbox1. When new messages are received, the    icon will appear onthe external display, along with a text indicator of the numberof messages received. After you open the flip, the main displaywill show the number of messages that have been received.2.  You can press   to read the messages in the inbox. You canalso press   (Back) to return to the standby screen (The  icon will appear in the standby screen's status bar, indicatingthat there are unread messages) and then enter the menuMessages  → Inbox to read messages. A list of all new messageswill appear on the screen, with each message record showingthe sender's phone number. (If the sender is a contact stored inthe Phone Book, the display will show the name of the contactin the Phone Book, rather than the phone number.) 3. Press   to scroll to the message record you would like to view.Yo u  c a n  n ow :
Using Your Phone 65• Press   (Option), which will present the following choices:Create: Allows you to write and send a new message.Delete: Deletes the selected message.Call: You can use the phone number used to send themessage to call the sender.Forward: Allows you to edit the content of this message andforward it to another person.Save to Phone Book: Saves the phone number of themessage's sender to the Phone Book. For information onhow to save, see page 39, "Adding Contacts to the PhoneBook".Delete All: Deletes all the messages in the inbox.•Press   to read the message's content. Then press  (Option)to display the following options:Reply: Allows you to write and send a reply message.Delete: Deletes the message being read.Call: Uses the number from which the message was sent tocall the sender (listed in the "Sender" item on the display), ordial a phone number shown in the contents of the message(the displayed number option). Scroll to the desirednumber, and then press   to dial the number.Forward: Lets you edit the message's contents, and thenforward it to another person.Details: Allows you to view the date and time when themessage was sent.Save: Allows you to save the following content:
66 Using Your Phone•Save the phone number from which the message wassent (the number shown on the display in the "SenderInfo"  item) to the Phone Book.•Save the phone number displayed in the message'scontents. (the option for a directly displayed number).•If the message is an EMS message with an attachedpicture or ring tone, you can save these objects to yourphone's memory (such as by selecting the option for"Picture/Animation" shown on the display). Dependingon the type of the object, the phone will save it to thecorresponding EMS object library in the Multimediamenu. For example, if the object is an EMS animation, itwill be saved to an available position in the Multimedia→ Animation menu where you can use it in composingfuture messages.8If you are saving a picture or animation, you can select theSave as Wallpaper option, setting it as the wallpaper for thestandby screen.8 If you are saving a melody, you can also select the Save asRing Tone option, setting it as the ring tone that will playwhen there is an incoming call.8For details on the Multimedia menu, see page 123.Save All: Saves all the objects attached to the message.
Using Your Phone 67Temp lateYou can use the quick message templates in this menu to composea message without having to enter the entire text character bycharacter. You can use the factory default templates, or templatesthat you previously saved to the list. Scroll to the desired templateand then press   to enter its text into your message. You canthen edit the text as you wish and then send the message.To create your own quick message templates, press   (Option)and then select Add. You can then enter the text for the template,pressing    to save it.8If a template is one of the factory defaults, you will not be able to usethe editing function to modify it.OutboxThis option preserves a backup copy of messages that youpreviously sent. Scroll to the desired message record, and thenyou can:•Press  (Option) to access the following options:Resend: Allows you to edit and send the message to itsoriginal recipients.Forward: Allows you to edit and forward the message toother recipients.Delete: Deletes the message.Delete All: Deletes all the messages in the Outbox.•Press   to read the message. After reading the message,you can press  (Option) to execute the following options:
68 Using Your PhoneResend: Allows you to edit and send the message to itsoriginal recipients.Forward: Allows you to edit and forward the message toother recipients.Delete: Deletes the message.DraftsThis option allows you to preserve message drafts that you havesaved. Scroll to the desired message record, and then you can:•Press  (Option) to access the following options:Send: Allows you to edit and send the message.Forward: Allows you to edit and forward the message.Delete: Deletes the message.Delete All: Deletes all messages in the Drafts folder.•Press   to directly edit the contents of the message.Voi ce mailUsed to dial the voicemail number provided by your networkvendor to listen to your voicemails.8Your network vendor will provide you with your voicemail inboxnumber and a number for accessing any other voicemail services.For detailed information about voicemail services, contact yournetwork operator to see if you need to save a specific phone numberto your phone in order to access your voicemail inbox.
Using Your Phone 69Message SettingsThis menu item includes a number of options for adjustingmessage settings:Voicemail No.You can save your voicemail phone number here.Short Message SettingService Center No.This feature allows you to save the message center's phonenumber for sending your messages. The messages thatyou send are sent to recipients through this messagecenter.Enter the message number provided by the networkvendor. After you are finished, press   to confirm.Bearer ModeThis can be set according to whether you are using aGPRS network system or a regular GSM dialup network.If you are using a GPRS network, you can use both theGPRS and dialup network to send and receive SMSmessages. If however you are using a dialup network, youare restricted to using only the dialup network for sendingand receiving SMS messages.•GPRS: Use only the GPRS network to send and receiveSMS messages.•CSD: Use only the dialup network to send and receiveSMS messages.
70 Using Your Phone•GPRS Preferred: Use the GPRS network preferentially.Only if there is no GPRS network present will the dialupnetwork be used.•CSD Preferred: Use the dialup network preferentially.Only if there is no GPRS network will the GPRSnetwork be used.Validit y PeriodThis sets the duration that an undeliverable SMS messagethat you send can be stored at the message center. Duringthis period, the message center will continue to attempt todeliver the message to the designated number.Message TypeYou can request that your network operator convert yourtext messages to different types.Status ReportAfter activating this function, the network vendor willreport to you when a message has been delivered.Direct ReplyYou can request that your reply to an SMS be sent directlythrough the sender's message center.
Using Your Phone 71BroadcastCell broadcast messages are general messages that yournetwork operator broadcasts to all phones within a particulararea. These messages are broadcast in numbered channels.For example, channel 030 might be for local weather, 060 fortraffic reports, 080 for information about local hospitals,taxis, pharmacies, and so forth.You can receive cell broadcast messages that your networkoperator broadcasts, and select your preferred topics andlanguages.8For more information about available channels and a list of theinformation they provide, contact your network operator.8When you receive a cell broadcast, the content will be displayedtwice in ticker-tape fashion.ReceiveAllows you to select whether or not to receive cellbroadcast messages.TopicsAllows you to decide what information you wish toreceive from your network operator's cell broadcasts. Thetopics listed in the To p i c s  list represent the broadcastinformation that you have selected to receive from yournetwork operator.If you have not previously saved any topics, you can press(Option) and then select the Add option so that youcan enter the desired range of topic numbers (that is, thechannel numbers). The upper and lower limits of therange are the highest and lowest channel numbers,
72 Using Your Phonerespectively. The largest possible range is 0 to 65534. Youare no longer limited to selecting only single channels, butcan specify a range. After the list has stored the topicrange, you can select a specific topic and then press (Option) to add it to the list. You can also edit or deleteselected topics.LanguageYou can limit the cell broadcast information that youreceive from your network operator to a specific language.Press (Select) to select your preferred language, andthen press  .Cleanup MessagesAllows you to erase specific messages based on the messagecategory that you select in this menu.Memory StatusDisplays the amount of memory available, including pictures,animations and ring tones stored on the phone. This informationis displayed as "remaining available memory/total usablememory".
Using Your Phone 73Voi ce Me mo1. When the phone is in the standby mode, long-press    .3. After you are finished recording, press(Save) to save the voice memo. Enter the nameof the recording and then press  .4. After you save the voice memo, the displaywill show the name of the voice memo. Youcan now:a. Press (Option), and then selectwhether you wish to record a new voicememo, rename the current voice memo,or delete the current voice memo.2. Press (Option) to bring up a pop-up menu.Select Add and then press  . The voice memoscreen will appear. Use   to navigate to thebutton icons on the screen and access VoiceMemo functions:a. Press  to record.b. Press   to stop recording.c. Press   to play the voice memo.
74 Using Your PhoneInput ModesChanging the Text Input ModeThe input mode icons (names) that may appear in the upper rightcorner of the screen represent the following input modes:b. Press   to play the voice memo. In thevoice memo screen, you can press to play the previous or next memo.Uppercase letters input mode.Lowercase letters input mode. iTap (predictive input mode) for uppercase letters. iTap (predictive input mode) for lowercase letters.Numeric input mode (123)./You can set the default input mode to the one you most frequentlyuse. Go the menu Settings → Input Mode. See page 149.When the display shows the editing screen,you will be able to see the name of thecurrent text input mode in the upper rightcorner of the screen. Press    to changethe input mode.The text input mode currently in use
Using Your Phone 75Letter Input Mode (ABC)In this mode, press the key containing the desired letter repeatedlyto scroll through the available characters in order until it isreached.How to use the letter input mode•You must press the key corresponding to the desired letter thecorrect number of times in order to enter the letter you want.Display letters for entry according to the order shown on eachkey. Pressing a key once will display the first letter listed on thekey, while pressing it twice will display the second letter, and soon.•When you have entered a letter and wish to enter the next letter,either wait for two seconds until the cursor moves to the nexttext entry position, or immediately press the key for the nextletter.•Press    to enter a space before beginning a new word.•While entering text, press   to move the cursor left or right;press   to move the cursor up or down. Press   once todelete a character; long-press  to delete all entered content.Numeric Input Mode (123)The numeric input mode allows you to use the alphanumeric keys to    to enter numbers.
76 Using Your PhonePredictive Input Mode (iTap)iTap analyzes letters as they being inputted, making intelligentpredictions about the words you are attempting to enter, andspeeding up text entry.How to use iTap•Press once the alphanumeric key corresponding to the first letterof the word you wish to enter without considering where thatletter falls in the sequence of characters available through thatkey. Then press the key corresponding to the second letter, andso forth. The phone will predict which word you wish to enterbased on the set of keys you have pressed. The predicted wordwill be shown in the lower left portion of the screen. This wordmay change as you continue to press other keys; therefore,before you have entered a complete word, you do not need toworry if the displayed word does not yet match the word youintend to enter.•After pressing keys for a complete word, if the displayed worddoes not match the one you intended to enter, press   to viewother candidate words and locate the desired word.•Once the correct word is displayed on the screen, press    toenter this word. A space will automatically be inserted after theword.•While entering text, press   to move the cursor left or right;press   to move the cursor up or down. Press  once todelete a character; long-press    to delete all entered text.
Using Your Phone 77Example of iTap in useTo enter "COME HOME" in the message editing screen usingiTap, use the following steps:1. Press    to switch to iTap for uppercase letters (ITAP). 2. Press        to select C, O, M, E.3. Press   to enter "COME" as text. A space will automaticallybe inserted after "COME".4. Press        to enter "HOME".5. Since "GOOD" is not the word that you wish to enter, press  to display the next candidate word, "HOME".6. Press   to place "HOME" into the message.Symbol Input ModeWhen editing messages, press   to open the symbols fieldalong the bottom of the screen. Use     to move the selectionbox to the symbol you wish to enter, and then press   to place itin the message text.
78 Using Your PhoneDirect Connection to URLsYour phone provides handy preset URL text hotkeys, enablingyou to enter a complete URL more quickly and conveniently, andmaking Internet access more efficient and enjoyable.From the standby screen, you can rapidly key in numerical URLs.If, for example, you wish to enter "" you need onlykey in "123" and then press   . The full URL will appear on thescreen.   automatically adds the necessary "http://" prefix andthe ".com" domain suffix. To actually connect to this website,simply press   to confirm and the phone's browser will bestarted up so that you can get online.When entering a URL, you can also use   to access the followingfunctions:•After pressing   once, further presses of    will switch to theURL suffixes shown in the chart:•You can convert   (*) into the (.) that appears in URLaddresses. For example, if you enter 123*456 in the standbyscreen, and then press   , the URL "" willappear on the screen.Number of times Output result0 .
Using Your Phone 79•After you press   to enter "http://" press   to enter "/" and"-". For example, if after you enter "123" and then press once-causing "" to appear on the screen-youpress   again, the URL will change to "".Pressing   again will switch between "/" and "-".•When the screen shows the desired URL, press     to connectto the Internet and access this URL address.
80 MenusMenusThe phone's menus provide various features. The main menuconsists of 9 icons. Each icon represents a particular menu item,which is used to access related sub-menus.For information about navigating menus, see page 23, "MenuNavigation".Phone BookThis menu provides various functions for managing the PhoneBook, including the ability to add, locate, and copy contact data;add contacts to a caller group; and so forth.FindUsed to locate a contact in the Phone Book. You can enter the fullname of the desired contact, or if you are not sure about thespelling of the contact's name, simply enter the first letter, andthen press  . The phone will locate all contacts whose namesbegin with this letter, and you can scroll to the field containing thecontact you want. For details on what to do after locating thedesired contact, see page 44, "Finding Contacts in the PhoneBook".AddUsed to add a new contact to the Phone Book. You can follow theprocedure described on page 39, "Adding Contacts to the PhoneBook".
Menus 81EditAfter selecting a particular contact, you can follow the proceduredescribed on page 39 for editing the data for this contact.CopyIf you are using the phone book stored in the phone's memory,you can copy contact data to the SIM card's phone book, and viceversa. You can select a contact to copy from one phone book tothe other, and copy all contacts in one phone book to the other bychoosing the option Copy All Phone Book to SIM (Copy All SIMPhone Book to Phone).DeleteDeletes a contact from the Phone Book. You can delete onecontact at a time, or delete all contacts at once. If you select theoption to delete all contacts, you will be asked for your phonepassword (the default password is "1234").Caller GroupsCaller groups are combinations of phone settings used to identifya particular group of contacts, such as work colleagues, familymembers, or friends. For example, you can associate a ring toneand animation with one group, and when a member of that groupcalls, the phone will use the group's ring tone and display itsanimation.The phone provides 5 caller groups: Colleagues, Family, Friends,VIP, Others.After you scroll the caller group that you wish to configure, youcan perform the following tasks:
82 Menus•Press (Option): Used to select the ring tone oranimation that will help you identify the caller group towhich a particular caller belongs, or to rename the callergroup.•Press   : Allows you to view a list of all contacts thatbelong to the caller group. Press   to highlight the desiredcontact, and then press  (Option) to access the followingoptions:Add: Add a contact to the caller group. Press toselect a contact to add, and when finished press   .Delete: Deletes the selected contact from the contactgroup.Privacy ManagerThis option allows you to set your phone to reject certain calls, oralternatively, specify which calls to accept, rejecting all others.1. First, create a list of calls that you wish to accept (Accept List)or a list of calls that you wish to reject (Reject List), by scrollingto the corresponding item. Then press (Edit) and the namesof the contacts who are already on the selected list will bedisplayed. If the list is empty, press (Option) and then select
Menus 83Add to choose contacts to include in the list.2. You can select all the members of a caller groupto be added to a list, or you can select contactsfrom the Phone Book individually (the screenwill first display the caller group option). Press to scroll to the caller group or contacts thatyou wish to add to the list, and then press (Select) to make your selections; press(Cancel) to clear the caller group or contactsthat you have selected.3. When you are finished, press   . The screen will display thenames of the contacts you have added to the list. If needed, youcan press   (Option) to add or remove contacts. When youhave confirmed the list, press  (Back) to return to thePrivacy Manager menu.4. Lastly, select whether to activate the Accept Listor the Reject List. Press   to scroll to the listthat you wish to activate, and then press  to confirm your choice.
84 MenusIf you choose to activate the Accept List, from now on yourphone will only be able to receive calls from contacts in theAccept List. If, on the other hand, you choose to activate theReject List, your phone will not be able to receive calls fromcontacts in the Reject List.8The same contact cannot be included in both the Accept List andthe Reject List.8If you are currently using the phone book on your SIM card, youwill not have access to the Privacy Manager feature.Business CardYou can use this option to enter your own business cardinformation. The data fields are as follows:Press   to scroll to the data field you wish to edit, and thenpress (Edit), press   , or begin entering text to edit the datain this field. After you are finished entering the data you wish to,press   to save all the business card data.Your name.Your mobile phone number.Your e-mail address.Your company's address.Your job title.
Menus 85ActivateMy NumberThis option allows you to save your SIM card number and nameto your SIM card's memory.Press (Option) and select Add. Now select whether you wantto enter your name or number and then press   (Edit) or to begin entering the information. When you are finished, pres , and the screen will display the name you have stored in yourSIM card's memory. You can press (Option) to add more data,edit the currently selected data, or delete the currently selecteddata.SIM StatusUsed to view how many additional entries can be stored in theSIM card's phone book and the maximum number of entries thatit can store.Used to activate the phone book stored in thephone's memory or on your SIM card. Press to highlight the desired phone book and thenpress  .
86 MenusCall Records8Your network operator must support this feature in order for you to beable to use it.This menu includes a list of your missed calls, dialed calls, andreceived calls. Call costs and time are also recorded.Missed CallsShows your most recent missed calls.Press   to scroll to the missed call that you wish to select. Youcan now choose to view, edit, or delete the number for the missedcall. The procedure is the same as that described on page 47, "LastMissed, Dialed, and Received Calls".Received CallsShows your most recent received calls.The procedure for using this feature is the same as that describedon page 47, "Last Missed, Dialed, and Received Calls".Dialed CallsShows your most recent dialed calls.The procedure for using this feature is the same as that describedon page 47, "Last Missed, Dialed, and Received Calls".Delete AllDeletes all call records.
Menus 87Call Duration8This feature is only accessible if supported by your network operator.Last Call TimeShows the duration of the last call.All Calls TimeShows the total time for all calls.Received Calls TimeShows the total time for all received calls.Dialed Calls TimeShows the total time for all dialed calls.ClearClears all call time records.8You must enter your PIN2 code in order to zero call times./What is a PIN2 code?•The PIN2 is the second PIN code. Its main use is in controllingrestricted services-for example, call time limits and restricted phonenumbers.•If the PIN2 code is incorrectly entered three times consecutively, thePIN2 code will be locked. To unlock the PIN2 code, you will need toenter the PUK2 code, which you obtain from your network operator.
88 MenusCall CostLast Call CostShows the cost of your last call.8Requires the support of the network operator.All Calls CostShows the total cost of all calls.8Requires the support of the network operator.ClearClears all call cost records.8Requires entry of the PIN2 code.Call Cost LimitShows the current limit set for total call costs.Set Cost LimitAllows you to set a limit for total call costs. If call costs exceedthis limit, the phone will no longer be able to dial pay calls.When this feature is activated, the remaining cost will bedisplayed in the information box on the screen each time youend a call.8Requires entry of the PIN2 code.Set UnitsAllows you to first enter the unit price and a currency forcalculating call costs.8Requires entry of the PIN2 code.
Menus 89MessagesFor a description of the features available in the messages menu,see page 59, "Messages Menu".
90 MenusOrganizerCalendarYou can use the Calendar to set up memos for forthcoming eventssuch as a meeting, an appointment, or a friend's birthday. TheCalendar will also remind you about events you have previouslyscheduled.3. In the memo editor screen, scroll to the data field you wish toedit, and then press   (Edit) or   , or press alphanumeric1. When you open the Calendar, the phonewill show the calendar for the current date.8If you have not set the current date on yourphone, go the menu Settings → Date & Time.See page 130.In the Calendar screen, press   tomove the red box to the date where youwish create a memo. You can also press(Option) and select the Go to Dateoption, then enter the desired date,pressing    to confirm your selectionof that date.When the Calendaris opened, the current date will behighlighted by a redbox.2. When the red box is highlighting the desireddate, press (Option) and select the Addoption to open the memo editor.
Menus 91keys to begin entering data. You can enter data in these fields:4. After completing entry of data in each of the fields, you mustpress   to save the memo to that date. The phone will displaythis date's memo list, including the event name and time for thememo you just saved. If the Alarm Clock has been set to remindyou about the event associated with the memo, the   icon willChange the memo's assigned date. In the Calendar screen, press to scroll to the date where you wish to create the memo, andthen press  .Enter a time for the event associated with the memo by using theappropriate number keys.Enter a name for the event associated with the memo.Enter the scheduled location for the event associated with thememo.Enter the names of the participants in the event associated with thememo.Record any notes about the event associated with the memo.Scroll to this option to set up your phone toremind you about an event. On the appointeddate, when the scheduled time arrives, the memowill appear on the screen and the Alarm Clockwill ring.First press   to activate this feature. The timefield will appear beneath, and you can enter the time when you wishto be reminded about the event.
92 Menusappear beside the event name.5. You can now perform the following tasks:a. Press  (Option) to select whether to edit or delete thememo.b. Press   to view the information in the memo. Thenpress  (Option) to edit or delete the memoc. Press  (Back) to return to the Calendar screen. Youcan move the red box to other dates to create additionalmemos (dates that already contain memos will bemarked by a yellow box); you can also create a secondmemo for the same date. The procedure is identical tothat described previously.6. After creating all the event memos you wish, return to theCalendar screen. You can now press (Option) and select:•Delete All: Deletes all currently saved memos.•Auto Delete: If this feature is activated, all event memos fordates prior to the current date will be automatically deleted.To Do ListYou can use this feature to create a list of work tasks or personalprojects.1. Press (Option) and then select Add to bring up the editorwindow. After entering the name of the task, press    to createthis to do item.2. In the list screen, scroll to the desired to do item, and then press(Option) to add a new to do item, or to edit or delete theselected to do item. If there are two or more items in the list,
Menus 93you can select Delete All to delete all of them.3. In the list screen, if there are any to do items that have alreadybeen completed, you can scroll to the item and then press   tomark it to remind yourself that the task has been done. If youpress (Option), you can activate the Auto Delete, which willautomatically clear any to do items that you have marked ascompleted.NoteYou can use this feature to create a list of notes.1. Press (Option) and select Add to bring up the editor screen.Enter the desired text and press    .2. A message on the screen will ask whether you wish to add apassword for this note. If you press   (Ye s ), you will fromthen on need to enter the phone password in order to view thecontents of the note. Press   (No) to save the note withoutadding a password.8The default phone password is 1234. To change the password, go tothe menu Settings → Security → Phone Lock. See page 147.
94 MenusToolsAlarm ClockUse the following steps to set an alarm:/If you activate the Alarm Clock feature, when the specified date andtime arrive, the phone will sound the alarm, even if your phone isturned off.DayUsed to set the alarm to go offon a particular day fromMonday to Sunday. Press (Edit) to display the days ofthe week. Press   (Select) tomake your selection. Whendone, press   to return to theAlarm Ring screen. The Dayfield will now indicate the dayson which the alarm will go off.TimeAllows you enter the time when an alarm will go off.1. Press   to select the feature for activation.The configuration fields for the alarm willappear in the lower part of the screen.The days on whichthe alarm will go off.
Menus 952. Lastly, you must press    to save all your current Alarm Clocksettings. After completing Alarm Clock settings,   will appearin the external display's status bar.ShortcutsFor a description of the features accessible through the Shortcutsmenu, see page 55, "Shortcuts Menu".Voi ce  MemoFor a description of the features accessible through the VoiceMemo menu, see page 73, "Voice Memo".Time DurationAllows you to set the length of the alarm. Press (Edit) to selectthe desired alarm duration and then press   ./When the alarm rings, there are two ways to turn it off:•Press (Snooze)  to stop the alarm. The alarm will ring againfive minutes later.•Press  to turn off the alarm. The alarm will not ring until the nextscheduled time.
96 MenusCalculatorCurrency ConverterBelow is a description of the Currency Converter screen:1. To set the currencies for conversion, press(Option) and select either Currency 1 (toset the currency at the top of the screen) orCurrency 2 (to set the currency at the bottomof the screen), then press   to confirm. Afterselecting a currency from the list, press   .Allows you to use the phone asa calculator. Use   toperform the mathematicaloperations shown on thescreen.8You can enter numbers upto a maximum of 8 digits inlength.Entered numbers and calculation results will appear in this field.Press  to enter a decimal point.Currency 1: EUR (euros)The current exchangerate settingCurrency 2: USD(US dollars)For entering the amountfor conversionOnce you enter the Currency Converter screen, the defaultcurrencies will be displayed, as shown in this example:
Menus 972. Used to set the exchange rate.Press (Option) and select Rate Setting,then enter the rate for converting fromCurrency 1 to Currency 2. The conversioncalculation result will be displayed in the sameline as the bottom currency on the screen. Usethe   to view the calculation result. Thecalculation can provide precision up to twodecimal places.8The exchange rate field can accommodate amaximum of five digits (including decimal digits).8Press to enter a decimal point.3. After returning to the Currency Converterscreen, you can select one of the currenciesand then enter an amount that you wish toconvert into the other currency.8You can enter amounts up to six digits long.4. After pressing   the converted amount willappear in the field for the other currency.
98 MenusStopwatch4. Once the stopwatch is halted, press  (Reset) to zero thestopwatch.Countdown Timer1. Enter the amount of time to count down. You can set any timeup to 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.2. When you press   , the countdown timer will begin countingdown to zero. When the countdown is finished, the screen willdisplay the "Time's Up" message and an alert sound will beplayed. Press   (Exit) to leave the screen.3. Press   to stop the countdown timer.4. After the countdown timer is stopped, you can press(Reset) and enter a new time to count down.5. When the countdown timer is running, press  (Back). The1. Press   to start the stopwatch.2. While the stopwatch is running, you can press (Split) to save up four elapsed times (such asin a race). The display will show the saved timesin the lower part of the screen.8Pressing (Back) while the stopwatch is runningwill bring up the "Quit?" warning message (thestopwatch will continue to run). Press   (Yes) tostop the stopwatch or   (No) to return to the timerscreen.3. Press   to halt the stopwatch.
Menus 99"Stop Timer?" message will appear. If you press  (Ye s ), thecountdown timer will stop and return to the timer screen. Ifyou press   (No), you will exit the countdown timer screen,but the countdown timer will continue the countdown. Youcan then perform other tasks, and when the countdown isfinished, the "Time's Up" message will appear and an alertsound will be played. Press  (Exit) to exit the screen.Memory StatusShows the amount of memory, including space for storingpictures, animations, and ring tones on the phone. The amountwill be displayed as "Remaining Usable Memory / Total UsableMemory".Service NumberThis option can be used to display the service number that thenetwork operator has stored on the SIM card.8Requires network operator support.SIM Toolkit MenuYour network operator provided you with the mobile services inthis SIM Toolkit (STK, for short) menu. Depending on theparticular services provided by the network operator, this menumay contain a number of extra options. However, if the networkoperator has not provided any STK services, this menu will notappear on the screen. For detailed information, contact yournetwork operator.8Requires network operator support.
100 MenusGamesYour phone provides a number of exciting games that you can useto entertain yourself when you have a spare moment.Champion Soccer1. After choosing this option, select Start toenter the game's opening screen. Press   andselect START to begin a new round of play.2. Select World Cup Mode or Arcade Mode.This game lets you manage one of the world's topeight soccer teams in its quest to win the greatestprize in world soccer.
Menus 1013. In the World Cup Mode, you can select yourown team with the opposing team selected atrandom by the phone. If your team wins, youface the next team as you make a challenge forthe World Cup title. In the Arcade Mode, youcan select your own team and the opposingteam to play a single game. Press   to selecta flag representing a national team, and thenpress   to confirm.4. After the message announcing the first halfappears, press   to begin the game.
102 MenusGame ControlsDuring the game, you need to control your three players onthe pitch, while your goalkeeper is controlled by the phone.•When attacking, use  to   , and   (thealphanumeric keys, excepting  ) to move theplayers. Use to to pass the ball (you will seethe player's number on the screen), and when near thegoal, press    to take a shot on goal.•When on defense, use   to  ,   and (the alphanumeric keys, excepting  ) to move aplayer. Use to to select a player to move (youwill be able to see the player's number on the screen).When a player on the opposing team is near the goal,use    to tackle.•When on defense, use these three keys to select players to move.•When attacking, use these three keys to select which player to pass the ball to.•When on defense, press   to tackle.•When attacking, press   to take a shot on goal.•Controls the direction of the player's movement.•Controls the direction of the player's movement
Menus 103•If you want to stop a game during play, press   and.Game screenGame options•START: Begins a new game.•Continue: Resumes an interrupted game. Usable only in theWorld Cup Mode.•Controls: Brings up an explanation of how to use keysduring a game.•Ranking: Records the rankings of the teams after atournament in the World Cup Mode is completed.Full pitch viewWhite point: The position of the player you are controllingBlack point: The ball's locationBlue points: Your teammatesRed points: Players on the opposing team.The opposing teamYo ur  t ea mYo ur  s cor e The opposing team's scoreTimerThe number of the player you are controlling.
104 Menus•Option: Sound: Press   to adjust the volume, or to turn offbackground music.Mini Map:  Shows/hides the full pitch view.Time: Sets the duration of a half.•Exit: Quits this game.
Menus 105Dragon FightThe flying dragon that you control must makeincursions into hostile territory and destroyenemies. Select Start to enter the game's openingscreen, and then press   to begin play. The moreenemies you destroy, the higher your score. If youcollide into an enemy, you lose one flying dragon.Press      to control the direction of the dragon's flightPick up objects like this to increase the power of your weaponEnemySuper BombsNumber of remaining dragonsScoreShieldPress   to shoot thelaser gun or fireballsPress   to launcha firestorm or bring upa protective shieldPress   to increase the power of your weapon.
106 MenusInternetYour phone includes a built-in WAP browser, allowing you to usethe phone for mobile Internet connectivity. You can browse theonline services offered by the network operator or ISP, such asinformation on financial news, sports, travel, and entertainment.To use the phone to get online, necessary WAP and GPRS settingsmust be made in this menu.8You must apply to a network operator for WAP services and completeWAP and GPRS settings in this menu before you will be able to takeadvantage of mobile Internet connectivity. In general, once theservice you have applied for has been activated, the network operatorwill automatically transmit the needed settings to your phone. If this isnot the case, you must perform this configuration yourself. Forinformation about WAP and GPRS services and configuration details,contact a network operator providing these services.WAP  Ser v ic e/Your phone provides the following methods for activating the browserand getting online.1. From the standby screen, activate the browser and get online byusing the feature that allows you to connect directly to URLs. Fordetails, see page 78, "Direct Connection to URLs".2. Activate the browser from the three options in the menu Internet→ WAP Service:•Start the Browser:Starts up the browser and connects to thehomepage.•WAP Message: Starts up the browser and accesses the WAPinbox for reading text messages.•Enter Address: Starts up the browser and connects to theURL that you enter.
Menus 107Start BrowserStarts up the browser and connects to the homepage.Browsing a webpageReferring to the soft key commands at the bottom of thescreen, press   and   to perform needed tasks whilebrowsing a webpage. Press  to scroll up or down awebpage. For details on browsing a webpage, inquire with thenetwork operator providing WAP services. Your Internetconnectivity service will determine the layout and content ofthe webpages you view. Depending on the specifics of yourservice, they way you browse the Internet on your phone willdiffer.How to close the browser and end the online session•While online, press   or long-press   .•If you are already viewing a WAP webpage, long-press or from the browser's menu select End.
108 MenusHow to display the browser's menuWhile viewing a WAP webpage, press   to display thebrowser's menu. Referring to the soft key commands at thebottom of the screen, press   and   to access the variousoptions. Press the corresponding alphanumeric keys todirectly select an option. The browser menu contains thefollowing items:BackSelecting this option will take you to the page you viewedpreviously.HomeReturns to the home page. To designate a particular pageto be your home page, go to 9 Settings → 1 Homepage.QuitCloses the browser and returns you to the main menuscreen.InboxWhen your phone receives a message that can only viewedusing a WAP browser, you enter this WAP inbox to readthe message.BookmarksYou can open the Bookmarks menu and select webpagebookmarks.
Menus 109ViewAllows you to see the current bookmarks andbookmarks folders. Scroll to the desired bookmark orbookmarks folder, and you can:•Press  (GoTo) to link to the webpage that thebookmark represents. If you have selected abookmarks folder, select the desired bookmark fromwithin the folder, and then press   (GoTo).•Press  (Functions) to display the followingoptions:Details: Displays the bookmark's title and theURL it represents.Delete: Deletes the bookmark or bookmarksfolder.New Bookmark: Creates a new bookmark.New Folder: Creates a new bookmarks folder.Move to Folder: Moves a bookmark to thedesignated folder.Delete All: Deletes all bookmarks and book-marks folders.Hotkeys: Allows you set a numerical key as ahotkey for a bookmark. After completing thesetting, you can press this numerical key todirectly link to the webpage represented by thebookmark.
110 MenusMark SiteAdds the current webpage to your bookmarks list.GoTo URLEnter the URL of the webpage that you wish to browse,and then press   (GoTo) to link to that URL.Save ItemsWhen viewing a webpage, if you discover that it containsan image that can be downloaded, you can access thisoption to save the image to your phone. Subsequently,this image will be available for use when you arecomposing messages or choosing a standby screenwallpaper.ReloadReloads the current webpage.SettingsYou can enter this item to making the following settings:8For detailed information about the following settings, contactyour ISP.HomepageDesignates a homepage. When you start up the WAPbrowser or if you select Homepage from the browser'smenu, the screen will display the homepage youdesignate.
Menus 111a. Press (Edit) and then enter the URL of thewebpage that you wish to use as your homepage.(Some WAP service providers do not allow users toset a homepage.)b. Select the Save option to designate the URL youentered as your homepage. Select Use Default touse the homepage designated by your WAP serviceprovider.Scroll ModeYou can select two scrolling modes: Block or Smooth.In the Block mode, as many words as will fit in a lineare shown for a few seconds, then the next line isshown, and so on. In the Smooth mode, the contentscrolls smoothly on the screen. You can also adjust thescrolling speed: Fast, Medium, Slow.HTTP Send ReferrerThis option allows you to determine whether thebrowser will send an HTTP referrer header.Key Press TimeoutThis option sets the amount of time that the phonewaits during text entry before automaticallyadvancing the cursor to the next entry position. Aslong as the same key is re-pressed within the intervalof time set here, it will continue to cycle through thecharacters available through that key.
112 MenusSet ProxyYour phone can save the settings for three WAP proxyservers. You can select one of these proxy settings foruse as a default so that your phone will connect tothat proxy server when you begin an Internet session.You can also go to the menu Internet → Wap → WapSettings to select the server that you wish to activate.See page 114.Circuit PromptThe Circuit Prompt is a message displayed beforeeach circuit data call is made. It reads, "Circuit isdown. Start data call?" You can choose to enable ordisable this feature.SecuritySecure PromptThe Secure Prompt message is displayed beforeyou leave a secure area. It reads, "Entering a non-secure area. OK?" You can choose to enable ordisable this feature.Current CertificateDisplays information on the certificate currentlyin use. CA CertificatesDisplays information on the built-in certificate. Acertificate is a digital ID issued by a trusted thirdparty known as a certificate authority (CA). Thephone uses CA certificates to authenticatewebsites that send information to the phone.
Menus 113AuthenticationYou can decide whether your phone should storeyour user name and passwords for websites thatrequire them. If you allow your phone toauthenticate you automatically, you will not needto re-enter your user name and password eachtime you visit the same website.AdvancedRestart BrowserRestarts the browser, and automatically returns tothe designated homepage. This feature isprovided for your convenience if network errorsoccur, allowing you to restart the browser and re-establish your Internet connection.DownloadsIf this option is enabled, you will not be able todownload images, background audio, andobjects.View Title RegionYou can choose whether or not to have thebrowser display webpage titles. You can also setthis option so that titles exceeding a certain lengthwill be split into separate lines. (The first line ofthe browser displays a "G" and a globe image,while the second is the "title region". The actualwebpage content begins on the third line.)
114 MenusAbout…From here, you can view information about theversion of the browser that you are using.WAP MessageStarts up the browser and displays the WAP inbox so you canread WAP messages.Enter AddressStarts up the browser and connects to the URL you enter.ResumeReturns to the last webpage you viewed.Clear CacheClears webpage content that the browser temporarily stores inmemory.WAP  S et t ing sIn this menu, you can make settings for the WAP servers of sixdifferent network operators, and select the server that youwould like to use when connecting to the Internet.The first time that you start your phone after inserting a SIMcard, the ISP name of the network operator issuing the SIMcard will appear in this menu's first group of settings. Thisindicates that your network operator's WAP server settingswill be saved under the name shown. The phone will activatethis group of settings for use in connecting to the Internet.
Menus 115To activate another set of WAP server settings, scroll to thegroup of settings you wish to use and then press   . Thephone will activate these settings for use in connecting to theInternet.By scrolling to a particular group of WAP server settings thatyou wish to modify, and then pressing (Option), you cancreate a new group of settings, edit the settings, or delete thesettings.WAP server settings include the fields listed below. Press (Edit) to edit the setting in each field. When you are finishedwith the settings for all fields, you must press     in order forthis group of WAP server settings to be saved.•Profile Name: Gives the WAP server settings a name.•Homepage: Sets the webpage that the browser will link towhen it is started up. After you enter this item, key in theURL for the webpage that you would like to use as thehomepage —for example,•IP Address: Enter the IP address used for accessing themobile Internet.•Port: Enter the connection port specified by the networkoperator —for example, 9201.•Bearer Mode: Before connecting to the Internet, you mustset this item according to whether your Internet connectionbearer mode is a GPRS network system or a GSM dialupnetwork. Doing so will allow you to properly link to the datanetwork to browse WAP pages, download Java programs,
116 Menusand so forth. If you are using a GPRS network, you can useboth the GPRS and dialup network to connect to theInternet. If, however, you are using a dialup network, youare restricted to using only the dialup network to connect tothe Internet.GPRS/CSD: Use the GPRS network preferentially. Onlyif there is no GPRS network present will the dialupnetwork be used.GPRS: Use only the GPRS network.CSD/GPRS: Use the dialup network preferentially. Onlyif there is no dialup network will the GPRS network beused.CSD: Use only the dialup network.•GPRS: To modify settings for a GPRS account, press(Edit) to edit the settings in each field. GPRS settingsinclude the following fields:APN: Enter the APN (Access Point Name) assigned byyour network operator.User Name: If needed, enter the user name provided byyour network operator./A dialup network is a GSM Circuit Switch Data Service (CSDfor short). Using a dialup network can be likened to using ahome computer's modem, in that before connecting to theInternet a number must be dialed. As for GPRS, it like theLANs used at company, where users do not need to dial anumber to access the network. Regular GSM users who arenot using a GPRS network system can only have a dialupconnection to the Internet.
Menus 117Password: If needed, enter the account passwordprovided by your network operator.•CSD: If you are using a GSM network, you must configureand activate a CSD account. Press   (Edit) to edit thesettings in the following fields:Dial Number: When you start up the browser to connectto the Internet, you phone will dial this number. Yourtelecoms network operator or ISP will provide thisnumber to you.User Name: This is your user account name, and isprovided by your network operator.Password: The account password provided by thenetwork provider.Line Type: This is the type of dialup connection. Press to select.Baud Rate: The default value is 9600, which is thestandard speed for data connections with a GSM mobilephone.Auth Type: This is information needed fortelecommunications protocol authentication.
118 MenusJAVAYour phone provides Java support, allowing you to download andinstall Java applications that you like, such as various Java games,from sites provided by your network operator. You can then runthese Java applications directly on your phone. If you do not needa application, you can remove it from your phone at any time,replacing it with another downloaded application.The JAVA menu contains the following items:JAVA SettingsBefore you can begin downloading Java applications, you must gothe menu Internet  → JAVA → Environment Settings → InternetSetting, and then press  (Edit) to complete the settings below.When you are finished making all settings, you must press     tosave them.•Profile Name: Provides a name for this Internet setting.Appli-cation BrowserAll Java applications will be listed in this menu.The  Application Browser menu serves as a file manager,and includes the option to place Java applications intogroups, similar to folders, for convenient organization of andaccess to the Java applications you download.Environ-ment SettingsThis sets a file size limit for downloads, allows you tocomplete necessary Java online settings, and displaysmemory usage within Java (space in use/space available).OTAUse this option to set the Java website URL that you wish toconnect to, and start up the browser to get online anddownload Java applications.
Menus 119•Network Access: Some types of Java games are only playableonline (for example, mahjong), and using the phone to goonline entails an extra cost. However, it may not be possible todetermine from a game's name alone whether or not it is anonline game. Therefore, this setting allows you to be presented aprompt asking if you wish to go online to play a game beforeactually running the program.Always Ask: Each time you attempt to launch an onlinegame, you will be asked if you want to connect to theInternet.Ask Once per AP: You will only be asked if you want to goonline the first time you attempt to launch an online game.The next time you attempt to launch the game, the samechoice that you made the first time will be applied.Never Ask: Each time you launch an online game, the phonewill automatically connect to the Internet, and you will notbe asked to confirm.•DNS: Here you can enter the IP address of the Domain NameServer that you wish to use.•Line Type: Before you download a Java application from theInternet, you must set the network system that you are using toeither GPRS or dialup.•Based on the line type that you have set, you will need to makefurther settings for either the GPRS or dialup network. Fordetails on configuring GPRS and dialup network access, see page116.
120 MenusDownloading JAVA applications1. To download Java applications from the Internet, go the menuInternet → JAVA → OTA, and enter the URL for the downloadsite. Pressing   will start up the Java download program andlink to the specified site to begin downloading a Javaapplication.2. If you provide a confirm command, the Java application will beautomatically installed into the MyApps  group in the JAVAApplication Browser and terminate the Internet connection.After installation is complete, you can enter a new URL todownload a Java application from another site.3. In addition, you can also use the WAP browser to downloadJava applications. The browser screen will first displayinformation about the applications. After you have read thisinformation, you can run the download command shown onthe screen to begin downloading the desired application to theMyApps group on the phone.
Menus 121Managing and running JAVA applicationsTo manage and run Java applications installed on the phone, go tothe menu JAVA → Applications Browser. All Java applications willbe listed in this menu. The Applications Browser menu serves as afile manager, and the groups listed within it can be thought of asfolders used to organize different types of Java applications.When you enter the Applications Browser menu, you will see thedefault group MyApps, where all downloaded Java applicationswill initially be installed. The name of this group cannot bechanged, and the group itself cannot be deleted. Press   to enterMyApps, and then select the name of the desired Java application.You can now:•Press (Option) to access the following options:Content: Displays information about the Java application.Delete: Deletes the Java application.Move: Removes the Java application from the MyAppsgroup and places it in another group in the ApplicationsBrowser. Scroll to the group where you wish to move theapplication and then press    .8To move a Java application to a group other than MyApps whenit is currently the only group.You must press   (Option) in theJAVA → Applications Browser menu and select New to createa new group.
122 Menus•Press   to show the names of the executable files of theapplications. Scroll to the desired executable file and press to run the corresponding Java application.8After starting up a Java application, use the keys corresponding tothe commands shown in the soft key bar in the lower part of thescreen to control that application.•Use only BenQ-certified Java applications in order to ensure thatthey will run properly on your phone.•You must complete related settings in the menu JAVA →Environment Settings → Internet Setting in order to use a Javaprogram to get online or to download Java games./The default Java applications contained in MyApps may differaccording to localized configurations. Once you begin running anapplication, simply follow the on-screen instructions. You can delete itin order to install other application software.
Menus 123MultimediaPictureThis image library stores the phone's default pictures, as well asimages received in EMS messages, or downloaded through WAPservices or using multimedia communications tools.Scroll to the desired picture to access the following options:•Press   to display this picture. Pressing   will display thenext or previous picture.•Press (Option) to perform the following tasks with thepicture:Rename: Allows you to provide the picture with a newname.8The phone's default picture cannot be renamed, so this option isnot present for it.Delete: Deletes the picture.8The phone's default picture cannot be deleted, so this option isnot present for it.Send: Sends the picture in a message.8Only pictures supporting EMS can be sent with a message, sonon-EMS pictures do not offer this option. For information aboutmessaging features, see page 59, "Messages Menu".The file formats supported by the phone are BMP, PNG, GIF, JPEG(progressive or marithmetic-encoded saves not supported), and EMSpicture.
124 MenusInformation: Displays the picture's name, file size, andwhether the file is a default picture, a picture you have savedor one you downloaded yourself (noted as User Defined).Set Wallpaper: Use the picture as the wallpaper for thestandby screen.AnimationThis animation library stores the phone's default animation , aswell as animations received in EMS messages, or downloadedthrough WAP services or using multimedia communicationstools. The procedure for using this menu is the same as thatdescribed above for the Picture menu.8Only animations that support the EMS format can be sent with amessage.MusicMy MelodiesThis ring tone library includes the phone's default ring tones,as well as ring tones received in EMS messages, ordownloaded through WAP services or using multimediacommunications tools, or that you have created yourself withthe Composer function.The phone supports the following animation file formats: GIF, EMSanimation.The phone supports the following music file formats: MIDI,SMAF.
Menus 125Scroll to the desired ring tone, and press   (Option) toperform the following tasks with the ring tone:•Set Ringtone: Makes the ring tone the alert sound forincoming calls.8Ring tones that support the EMS format (such as ChimesHigh)cannot be set as the phone's alert sound for incoming calls, sothey do not offer this menu option.•Rename: Allows you to give a new name to the ring tone.8The phone's default ring tones cannot be renamed, so they donot present this option.•Edit: Allows you to edit the ring tone.8The phone's default ring tone cannot be edited, and onlyComposer offers this option. For information on how to edit ringtones, see page 126, "Composer".•Delete: Deletes user-edited ring tones.8The phone's default ring tones cannot be deleted. Only user-created or downloaded ring tones provide this option.•Send: Sends the ring tone in a message.8Only EMS format ring tones (such as ChimesHigh) can be sentwith a message. Non-EMS ring tones (including default ringtones and user-created ring tones that can be set as the alertsound for incoming calls) do not provide this option. Forinformation about messaging features, see page 59, "MessagesMenu".•Information: Displays the name of the ring tone, its file size,and whether it is a default ring tone, or a file that you havesaved or downloaded yourself (noted as User Defined).
126 MenusComposerYou can edit your own polyphonic ring tone melodies, anduse them as alert sounds for incoming calls.A polyphonic ring tone consists of musical tones in multiplechannels. The Composer function allows you to create amaximum of 8 channels, mixing them to create the finalpolyphonic ring tone.Note formatEntering default notesPress   to   to enter the eight pitches in an octaveas quarter notes: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti. The screen willdisplay: 4C5, 4D5, 4E5, 4F5, 4G5, 4A5 and 4B5.Entering a default restPress    to enter a quarter rest: 40./The "4" on the left shows that the represented note is aquarter note; the "5" indicates that it is in the fifth octave.Length Octave SharpPitch
Menus 127Adjusting the length of a noteThe default note length is a quarter note (the screen usesthe number 4 to represent a quarter note). Press   toincrease the note's length (the number on the screen willincrease); press   to reduce the note's length (thenumber on the screen will decrease). Various note lengthsare represented by the numbers shown in the chart:Adjusting a note's octaveThe default notes just entered are in the middle octave(represented on the screen by the number 5). Press to adjust a note's octave. The octave of a note isrepresented by the numbers shown in the chart:Adding a sharp to a notePress   to add a sharp '#', which raises the note asemitone. To remove a sharp from a note, press   .8A sharp cannot be added to an E or B note.On-screen number 12345678Note length 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1On-screen number Represented octave4 Lower octave5 Middle octave6 Higher one octave7 Higher two octaves
128 MenusSteps for creating a polyphonic ring tone1. The first time you enter the Composer menu, you willsee 8 channels that you can select for editing. Eachchannel can be used to save one passage of music thatyou have created. Scroll to the channel that you wish toedit, and then press   to enter the ring tone editingwindow to begin composing the music for this channel.2. Edit notes according to the procedures described above.•To modify a note after you have entered severalnotes, press   to move the cursor to the right ofthe note that you wish to change. You can thenproceed with adjusting the length, octave, sharp/unsharp, and so on.•Press to delete a highlighted note.3. When editing the music in a channel, press  (Option)to access the following options:•Play: Plays the notes in the channel.•Instrument: Allows you select the instrument thatwill play the notes in the channel.•Time Beat: Sets the tempo (tempo range: 40 to 200).4. After you are finished editing the notes in the channel,press    to return to the channel list. You can nowrepeat the above steps to create another channel ofmusic.
Menus 1295. When you are finished with all the channels that youwish to fill with notes, press  (Option) in the channellist screen to access the following options:•Play All: Plays the polyphonic ring tone that resultsfrom mixing all channels.•Play Channel: Plays the channel you have currentlyscrolled to (if this channel does not contain anymusic that you created, this option will not appear).•Save: Select this option and your phone willautomatically mix the music you have created in thechannels into a polyphonic ring tone, and save thisring tone to the menu Multimedia → Melody  → MyMelodies. Press   and enter a name for the ringtone and it will be saved.HelpDisplays information on how to use the phone's keys incomposing ring tones.
130 MenusSettingsDate & TimeUsed to set the time and date, as well as the format in which thetime and date will be displayed on the startup screen.Time2. After selecting the Set mode, you can complete the date andtime fields.FormatThis option is used to decide the format in which the timeand date will appear in the standby screen.1. Press   to select either the Auto or Setmode for this item:Auto: Automatic time zone adjustment. Ifduring travel, you move between timezones, the phone will automatically adjustthe time displayed on the screen based onthe time zone prompts provided by the localnetwork operator so that you always haveaccess to accurate local time.Set: You phone will display the time youhave set, and when you travel to other timezones, the phone will ignore time zoneprompts issued by the local networkoperator.
Menus 131Secondary  TimePower On/OffAllows you turn the phone on and off at specified times toconserve power.Power OnDesignates a time for the phone to be automatically turnedon. If this option is activated, the phone will be automaticallyturned on at the designated time each day.Power OffDesignates a time for the phone to be automatically turnedoff. If this option is activated, the phone will be automaticallyturned off at the designated time each day.,When riding in an airplane or in any other situation where you cannotuse a mobile phone, remember to deactivate the Power On/Offoption.Allows you to display the time inanother designated time zone. Ifyou choose to activate this option,the standby screen will display thetime in that time zone along withyour local time.Time in secondary time zone
132 MenusProfilesA profile is a group of settings that determine whether the phonewill alert you to incoming calls through a ring tone or a vibratingalert, and how ring tones in general are used on the phone. Thesesettings allow the phone's operation to best suit the environmentyou are in.1. Press   to scroll to the desired profile and then press   toactivate this profile. You can choose from among the followingprofiles:NormalThis is the default profile. Once this profile is activated,the main display's status bar will show the   icon; theexternal display will show the   .MeetingThe options in this profile have been preset to suit ameeting environment (for example, only a vibrating alertis used, with no audible ring tone and no keypad tones).Once this profile is activated, the main display's status barwill show the   icon; the external display will show the icon.
Menus 133OutdoorsThe options in this profile have been preset to suit anoutdoor activity (for example, use of the highest ring tonevolume, activation of both ring tone and vibrating alerts,and use of keypad tones). Once this profile is activated,the main display's status bar will show the   ; theexternal display will show the   icon.HandsfreeThis profile is only active when a hands-free kit isattached to the phone. Once this profile is activated, themain display's status bar will show the   icon; theexternal display will show the   icon.AirplaneWhen you are on a plane, you can select this profile toturn off the phone. Once this profile is activated, thephone will automatically be powered off, and all alarmswill be suspended. If the phone is turned off by long-pressing   , the alarms will still turn the phone at theappointed times.PersonalYou can use this profile as a group of custom settings, andrename the profile if desired. After activating this profile,besides the appearance of the   in the main display'sstatus bar and the   icon on the external display, if youhave renamed this profile, the name you chose will be
134 Menusshown on the main display.2. Press   to scroll to the desired profile, and then press  (Edit) to modify the settings listed below and adjust the profileto suit a particular environment.8After entering the Edit menu, the setting for each option will bedisplayed, providing a overview of the profile.VibrateIncludes the following setting options:•Ring Only: When there is an incoming call, the phonewill use a ring tone but no vibrating alert.•Vibrate Only: When there is an incoming call, the phonewill use a vibrating alert but no ring tone.•Ring & Vibrate: When there is an incoming call, thephone will use both a vibrating alert and a ring tone.•Vibrate then Ring: When there is an incoming call, thephone will first use a vibrating alert and then a ringtone.Call RingYour phone includes various types of ring tone melodies.Scroll to the desired ring tone, and after one second or soyou will be able to hear that ring tone. Press   toconfirm your selection.Message RingThe ring tone that your phone uses when a message isreceived.
Menus 135Alarm RingThe ring tone used by the Alarm Clock.Calendar RingThe ring tone used for Calendar events for which youhave set an alarm.Keypad ToneDetermines whether keypad tones are played when keysare pressed.Ring VolumeAnswer Mode•Send Key: Allows incoming calls to be answered only bypressing   .•Any Key: Allows any key except   to be used to answeran incoming call. In this mode,     is used to reject anincoming call, and not to answer.•Automatic: If the Automatic answer mode is activated,the phone will ring for five seconds, and then theincoming call will be automatically answered (only theHandsfree profile allows this setting).RenameAllows you to provide a new name for the profile (onlyavailable for the Personal profile).Press   to adjust the ring tone volumeor mute the ring tone.
136 MenusRestoreReturns the above settings for the profile to their factorydefault values.8Requires entry of the phone password.
Menus 137DisplayThemeA display theme consists of a combination of display colorand the standby screen wallpaper. Different display colors arepaired with different preset wallpapers, so when you changethe display color, the standby screen wallpaper will alsochange. Scroll to the color that you wish to use and thenpress (Preview) to preview the color matched with thestandby screen wallpaper. Press   to confirm the setting.WallpaperDesignates the wallpaper used for the main display's standbyscreen. Scroll to the name of the wallpaper that you wish touse, and then press (Preview) to view this wallpaper. Press to confirm your selection of the standby screen wallpaper.Welcome MessageUsed to select and configure the animation/picture/text that isdisplayed when the phone is turned on, as well as the musicthat is played./After you press (Preview) to enter the preview mode,pressing   will allow you to browse the wallpapers matched tothe colors. /You can also use this feature to change the wallpaper matchedwith a color in the Theme option.
138 Menus•Animation: Only the animation selected in this option willbe displayed when the phone is turned on.•Picture: Only the picture selected in this option will bedisplayed when the phone is turned on. Images that havebeen saved from messages can also be set for use in thewelcome screen.•Te x t : Only the welcome message entered in this option willbe displayed when the phone is turned on.8Limit on length of entered text: 15 letters or numbers.•Picture and Text: The picture and welcome message set inthis option will be displayed when the phone is turned on.•Off: Returns the settings for startup music and animation totheir factory default values.ContrastBrightnessPress   to adjust the brightness of the phone's displaybacklighting. Press   to confirm the setting./Regardless of the settings you have made for the animation/picture/text to be displayed when the phone is turned on, thephone will play the music set in this option. Therefore, aftermaking settings for the animation/picture/text used for thestartup screen, the startup music must also be set.Press   to adjust the contrast of the screen'sdisplay. Press    to confirm the setting.
Menus 139Backlight SettingYou can turn the phone's keypad backlighting and displaybacklighting on or off, as well as set the length of time thatbacklighting will remain activated after the flip is opened or akey is pressed. After turning backlighting on, you can scroll tothe Time Duration option and then press (Edit) to set thislength of time. When done, press    .OLED Duration•Default: After the external display cycles through displays ofthe time and three animations, it will power off, and willonly power on again when you press the upper or lower partof the volume key   on the left side of the phone, or openand then close the flip (if a new message is received or thereis an incoming call, the external display will also power onand then, after cycling through the programmed items,power off once more).•Cycle: After the external display cycles through displays ofthe time and three animations, it will power off. After 15seconds, the external display will automatically power onand again cycle through the programmed items.•Always On: The external display will remain on, cyclingcontinuously through displays of the time and animations.Because the S660C's external display drains power from thebattery when it is on, selecting Cycle or Always On will reducebattery life.
140 MenusAudioThis menu allows you to set various sounds that the phone uses.8Some of the options provided in this menu and the Profiles menu areidentical (for example, Call Ring). Therefore the particular setting thatthe phone uses will depend on which menu you last used to make thesetting.Power Saving ModeAfter you activate the power saving mode, keypad and displaybacklighting will be turned off, as will the status indicator lightson the flip, in order to conserve power.Call SettingsCall Divert8 Requires the support of the network operator.Forward AllForwards all incoming calls to a designated phonenumber or voicemail inbox. When you use this feature,you must enter a phone number to which to forwardincoming calls.8After the Forward All mode is activated, the standby screenwill display the  icon.When BusyThe phone will divert incoming calls to another numberwhen you are in the middle of another call.
Menus 141No ReplyForwards incoming calls to another number when you donot answer.Not ReachableDiverts incoming calls when your phone is turned off oroutside network coverage.Cancel AllCancels all call divert options.Call BarringYou can request that your network operator block the dialingor receiving of certain calls. The call barring services belowrequire the support of your network operator. To activate orcancel any of the options below, you must enter the networkpassword provided by the network operator.All OutgoingBlocks dialing of any calls from the phone.Intl. OutIf this option is activated, no international calls can bemade with your phone.Intl. Except Home CountryIf this option is activated, your phone can only be used todial local calls and calls to your home country fromabroad. Other international calls will be barred.All IncomingRejects all incoming calls.
142 MenusIncoming When RoamingIf you are in another country (using roaming), activatingthis option will cause the phone to reject all incomingcallsCancel AllCancels all call barring settings. You must enter thenetwork password in order to cancel these settings.Change PasswordYou can change the network password, which can beobtained from the network operator.Call WaitingIf there is an incoming call when you are in the middle ofanother call, the screen will display the number of theincoming call and call waiting message to alert you. You canactivate, cancel, or view the status of this feature from thismenu.8You must apply to the network operator for the call waitingservice in order to use this feature.Auto RedialIf there is no answer at a number you have dialed, the phonewill automatically redial.Show NumberYou can decide whether or not to display your phone numberon the recipient's phone when you make a call.On: When you call someone, the recipient's phone willdisplay your phone number.
Menus 143Off: Your phone number will not be shown on the recipient'sphone.8If this feature is turned off, you may not be able to make phonecalls in certain countries, such as Singapore and China.Default: Whether your phone number will be displayed on arecipient's phone will be determined by the default set by thenetwork operator.Fixed Dial NumberAfter this feature is activated, the phone will only be able todial numbers on the Fixed Dial Number list. If a number isnot on the list, calls cannot be made to this number.8When you activate or cancel this feature, you must enter thePIN2 code.Before activating the Fixed Dial Number feature, you mustpress (View), then press (Option) and select Add tocreate a Fixed Dial Number list. You must enter the PIN2code, and then add a new number to your Fixed Dial Numberlist.After creating the list, you can view, edit and delete numbersin the list.,If the PIN2 code is entered incorrectly three consecutive times,the PIN2 code will be locked down. You will need the PUK2 codeto unlock the PIN2 code. Contact your network operator to obtainthe PUK2 code.
144 MenusActive LineThis feature allows you to use two different phone numberson one phone. You can designate one number for dialingcalls, while accepting incoming calls dialed to both numberswithout needing to use two phones. Select either Line 1 orLine 2. The number you select (   or  ) will appear on thestandby screen.8This feature requires the support of the network operator.Connect AlertThis feature allows the phone to provide a ring tone orvibrating alert, or flash the backlighting when the recipient ofa call has answered.Minute BeepOnce this option is activated, the phone will emit a beep onceevery minute during a call.NetworkGenerally speaking, the choice of the network that your phoneuses is configured automatically. When turned on, the phone willautomatically connect to the network provided by your networkoperator, or will automatically connect to the roaming networkwhen you are outside the coverage of your regular network.If you wish to change the connection network, this menu willallow you to select the network you want to use. When outside thecoverage of your regular network in your home country or when
Menus 145abroad, you can manually select the local network system.8Your network operator must be able to support network selection inorder for you to use this feature.Mode SelectionYou can choose whether the network selection mode that thephone will use when it is turned on is automatic or manual.Automatic: If this option is selected, when outside thecoverage of your regular network, the phone willautomatically search for usable networks.Manual: If this option is selected, when outside the coverageof your regular network, the phone will list all the networks oftelecom vendors and allow you to choose.Available ListAllows you to manually select a network. Your phone will listall the networks of telecoms vendors so you can choose.8Not all networks listed will necessarily be available for use. If yourequire further information, contact your network operator.Band SettingAccording to your requirements, you can set an appropriateband in the GSM network system.Connection ModeUsed to set whether the phone will also search for a GPRSnetwork when it is turned on.•GPRS & GSM: When it is turned on, the phone will searchfor available GPRS and GSM networks.
146 Menus•GSM Only: When it is turned on, the phone will search onlyfor a GSM network.SecurityYou can use a PIN code, phone password, and SIM card lockauthentication to prevent unauthorized use of the phone.PIN Code A PIN (Personal Identification Number) code is a passwordprovided by a network operator. When PIN codeauthentication is activated, it will prevent unauthorized use ofthe SIM card. Unless the correct PIN code is entered when thephone is turned on, the SIM card cannot be used, even if it isinserted in another phone.PIN1 CodeUsed to activate/deactivate or change the PIN1 code.Before changing settings for the PIN1 code feature, thepreviously set PIN1 code must be entered.If you wish to change the PIN1 code, you must press    in theEnable item to select On, so that you will be able to enterand confirm the new password.,If the PIN code is entered incorrectly three consecutive times,this will cause the SIM card to lock down, and a PUK1 codeprovided by the network operator will be required to unlock it.After unlocking, the PIN code will be automatically set to activateonce the phone is turned on.
Menus 147PIN2 CodeUsed to change the PIN2 code. The procedure is the sameas for the PIN1 code.Phone LockActivates/deactivates or changes the phone's startuppassword. The startup password prevents unauthorizedpersons from using your phone. Once the phone's password isactivated, the phone will be locked down when it is turned onunless this password is correctly entered. If an incorrectpassword is entered, your phone will remain locked down,and cannot be unlocked even if the SIM card is replaced byanother one. When the phone is locked, you will only be ableto make emergency calls.Once the phone password is activated, you must enter thepassword each time the phone is turned on in order to unlockthe phone (there is no limit on the number of attempts toenter the phone password).The procedure for setting the phone password is the same asfor the PIN1 code (the default phone password is 1234).SIM LockUsing this feature, you can prevent unauthorized personsfrom using your phone with other SIM cards. After youactivate the SIM Lock feature, only the SIM card presentwhen the feature was activated will be accepted by the phone.If a new SIM card is inserted in the phone, when the phone isturned on and a PIN code is entered, the phone will requestentry of a SIM Lock password (there is no limit on thenumber of attempts to enter the SIM Lock password.
148 MenusIf the password is entered correctly, the phone will be able torecognize the new SIM card and use it normally. The nexttime the phone is turned on with this SIM card inserted, thephone will not ask again for you to enter the SIM Lockpassword.8Your phone can recognize a maximum of three different SIMcards.Before setting the SIM Lock feature, you must enter thepreviously set SIM Lock password (the default SIM Lockpassword is 1234). The password must be between 4 and 8digits in length.Screen LockUsed to create a security screensaver. Whenyou have not performed any tasks with thephone for a set period of time, the phone willautomatically activate the screensaver shownon the left, the purpose being to preventpersonal information on the phone frombeing viewed by others. To return to the original screen, afterpressing any key, you must enter the password you set for thisfeature.The steps for setting the Screen Lock feature are as follows:1. You must first enter the Screen Lock password that waspreviously set (the default password is 1234).2. Press   in the Enable option to select On, and then press to scroll to the Timeout item.
Menus 1493. In the Timeout item, press   (Edit) or press   to set theperiod of inactivity before the phone will enter the ScreenLock mode.4. After completing settings, press  . The phone willprompt you to enter and confirm the Screen Lockpassword. You have two choices:a. If you do not wish to change the password, press   toactivate the Screen Lock feature using the previously setpassword.b. If you wish to change the password, enter the newpassword in the New Password and Confirm fields,then press   to use the new password and activate theScreen Lock feature.LanguageYou can select the language that the phone will use to displayinformation.Input ModeYou can set the default input mode that will be automaticallyactivated whenever you open the editing window for enteringinformation into a message, the Phone Book, and so forth.Flip ActivateActivates/deactivates the active flip feature.
150 MenusUser GroupUser GroupUsed to create a closed group of callers based on a serviceprovided by the network operator. The members of a UserGroup can call each other, but cannot conduct calls withanyone outside the group unless special provisions are made.This option can be used to select whether or not to activatethis service.Outside AccessWhen the User Group service is activated, enabling OutsideAccess will allow users in the group to make calls to numbersoutside the group. However, incoming calls will still berestricted to calls from within the group.RestoreRestores all of the phone's settings to their factory defaults.
Care and Maintenance 151Care and MaintenanceTake note of the points noted below to ensure that you are usingthe phone properly and to extend the lifespan of the phone.•Store the phone and its accessories out of the reach of children.•Keep the phone and accessories dry, and use the phone inenvironments where the temperature is between –20°C and 55°C. High or low temperatures outside this range may damagethe phone.•If possible, do not use or store the phone in excessively dusty ordirty environments.•Do not remove the warranty seal on the phone yourself, norallow an unauthorized dealer to do so.•Do not use strong detergents or organic solvents to wipe orclean the phone.•If your phone or its accessories are not operating normally,contact an authorized dealer immediately.•Use only genuine BenQ accessories such as batteries, batterycharger and hands-free kit to ensure the phone's normaloperation and preserve battery life, as well as protect the safetyof your person and belongings. Use of non-BenQ accessorieswill not allow your phone to achieve optimal performance, andmay cause the phone to malfunction. Any malfunctions ordamage caused by the use of third-party accessories are not becovered by the terms of the product warranty, and will void theproduct warranty.
152 Care and Maintenance•Avoid allowing objects that may discharge electricity to contactthe charging socket on the bottom of the phone or the metalcontacts on the battery, as this may cause short circuits and putyou in danger.
Troubleshooting 153TroubleshootingIf you encounter problems while using the phone, or if itperforms erratically, you can consult the information in the chartbelow. If your particular problem cannot be resolved using theinformation in the chart, contact the dealer where you purchasedthe phone.Problem Possible cause SolutionPoor reception•The network signal is tooweak at your currentlocation —for example, ina basement or near a tallbuilding-because wirelesstransmissions can noteffectively reach it. Move to a location where thenetwork signal can beproperly received.•The network is busy atthe current time (forexample, during peaktimes, there may be toomuch network traffic tohandle additional calls).Avoid using the phone atsuch times, or try again afterwaiting a short time.•You are too far away froma base station for yournetwork operator.You can request a servicearea map from your networkoperator.Echo or noise•Poor network trunk qualityon the part of yournetwork operator.Hang up the phone and dialagain. You may be switchedto a better-quality networktrunk or phone line.•Poor local telephone linequality.
154 TroubleshootingShortened standby time•The standby time is related to your network operator's system configuration. The same phone used with different network operators' systems will not provide exactly the same length of standby time.If you are located in an areawhere signaling is weak,temporarily shut off thephone.•The battery is depleted. In high-temperature environments, battery life will be shortened.Use a new battery.•If you are not able to connect to the network, the phone will continue to send out signals as it attempts to locate a base station. Doing so consumes battery power and will consequently shorten standby time.Change your location to onewhere the network isaccessible, or temporarilyturn off your phone.You cannot switch your phone on.•Battery power has beendepleted.Recharge the phone's battery.SIM card error•SIM card malfunction ordamage.Take the SIM card to yournetwork operator for testing.•SIM card inserted improperly.Insert the SIM card properly.•Debris on the SIM cardcontacts.Use a soft, dry cloth to cleanthe SIM card contacts.Problem Possible cause Solution
Troubleshooting 155Unable to connect to the network.•SIM card invalid. Contact your network operator.•You are not within thenetwork's service area.Check the service area with your network operator.•Poor signal. Move to an open space, or if you are inside a building, move closer to a window.You cannot answer incoming calls.•You have activated Accept List or Reject List in the Privacy Manager option.Go to the menu Phone Book → Privacy Manager and then select Off in order to deactivate this option.•You have activated theCall Barring feature.Go to the menu Settings → Call Settings → Call Barring, and then select Cancel All.You cannot make outgoing calls.•You have activated theCall Barring feature.Go to the menu Settings → Call Settings → Call Barring, and then select Cancel All.•You have activated the Fixed Dial Number feature.Go to the menu Settings → Call Settings → Fixed Dial Number, and then select Off to turn off this feature.PIN Code is blocked.•You have entered an incorrect PIN code three consecutive times.Contact your network operator. If the network operator provides the SIM card's PUK code, use the PUK code the unlock the SIM card.Problem Possible cause Solution
156 TroubleshootingBattery will not charge.•The battery or battery charger is damaged.Contact the dealer.•The phone's temperatureis below 0°C or higherthan 45°C.Adjust the battery charging environment to avoid extremes of temperature.•Poor contact between thebattery and charger.Check all connectors to make sure all connections have been properly made.Unable to enter information into the Phone Book.•The Phone Book's memory is already full.Delete unnecessary data from the Phone Book.Unable to select certain features.•Your network operatordoes not support thesefeatures, or you have notapplied for services thatprovide these features.Contact your network operator.Problem Possible cause Solution
 Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.   These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.   This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this devicemust accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.  IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This device complies with FCC RF Exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment, under 47 CFR 2.1093 paragraph (d)(2). This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antennaor transmitter.

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