Benq 72211C User Manual 8

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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize27.05kB (338170 bits)
Date Submitted1999-12-09 00:00:00
Date Available1998-09-11 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-11 14:04:40
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-11 14:04:42
Document Title8

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Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
This Equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation Ifthis equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe
following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna,
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
» Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Use only shielded cables to connect l/O devices to this equipment.
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsrble for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment
Unpacking the Package
Chapter 1
Unpacking the Package
Check following Items. ”they are musing or damaged. consu‘t your place of purchase
User's manual
Power cord 15-pin D»SUB Macintosh adapter
signal cable
5 Locate the model name and the serial number labeled on the back
of your monitor. Write down the related Information of your
monitor and dealer in the space an page iii for future reference.
Chapter 1
Super-fine Dot Pitch
Wide Range AutoScan
i Key
(Fuzzy Auto calibrating)
Low radiation
Users and Environment
Plug’n Play Compatibility
With 0 26mm super—fine dot pitch and anti-StatiE
coating AcerView Zli c coior monitors offer
stniqngiy sharp and high resolution image up to law
x |200
Horizonmi frequency ranges from 30KHz to i07lInsta||ing the Monitor
Connecting through BNC
Signal Connector
1) Make sure lhafi the system power is turned off.
2) Connect the computer end of (he BNC cable to the output connector on the video
board of your computer.
3) Connect the monitor and ofthe BNC cab‘e (c the BNC receptacle on the back of
the monitor‘
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
A Look at the Control Panel
Menu key : entets or changes Main menus. There are three mawn menus.
Enter key : enters subAmenus or selects items,
Exit key : goes back to man menus (auto save), or leaves OSD.
A & v key : scrolls the light coloured bar up or down and represents
HOT KEY (or brightness adjustment.
4 81 » key : scrol‘s the Iwght (otoured bar telt or right and represents
HOT KEY for contrast adwstmem,
(l 649 : ts used (or Fuzzy Automatlc cahbranon adJustrnent‘
A Look at the
Control Panel
Making Adjustments
i 6a, (Fuzzy Auto callbratlon )
just push the im then the monitor Will automatically adiust display's Size and position
to the optimum. No reconfiguration or adjustment IS needed when a user changes
display mode
The a“ by function is different from “Reset" function. "Reset” function for display‘s
geometry size and position only works under the tactory preset timings (please see
page 3). The a“ {49 function WI" work under"ANY' display timings which AcerView lec
can support.
Hot Keys
Press 4 or p key to adjust contrast directly.
0 Contrast
o —:100
Press A or v key to adjust brightness directly
31:33 Brightness
o il 100
Chapter 3
OSD Operation
1) Press Menu key to enter (change) Main menus (there are three mam menus)
2) Press A or v keys to scroll llght coloured bar to desired ltems
3) Press Enter key to enter sub-menus.
4) Press 4 , b ( A ,v ) key to do the adjustments, lfthe subvmenu contains
multiple items. Press A or v keys to scroll Ilght coloured bar to desired items.
Then press 4 or b key to adjust as required.
5) Press Exit key to save and return to mam menus.
6) Fmss Exil key to save and leave OSD
a” Reset to the factory default settings, please see General Settings
Reset and Color Temperature Reset.
Main Menu 1 Digglgy antrol
OSD Manager
Slze & Position
OSD Posltion
Reset to Default
This maln menu lncludes sxx items, Scroll the light coloured bar to desired mems and
press Enter to sub-menus.
A Look at the
Control Panel
30’— Luminance
Contrast and Brightness adjustments
0 Contrast adjuss the difference between the fight and dark areas.
b— Brightness adjusts the brightness ofthe msplay.
Size & Position
Display suze and position ad|u5tment
DSD Man-gar
Chapter 3
[ZI HOT. Position adjusts the horizontal position ofthe display.
E Hor. Size adjusis the Width ofthe dlsplay.
Ver. Position adjusts the vertical position ofihe display
3 Ver. Site adjusts the vertical height of the display.
@ Geometry
Advanced geometry adlustmenfs
QSD Man-gar
Pincushion controls the straighmess ofihe vertical edges ofthe display,
Unbalance adjusis balance when the sides of display are bowed
towards left or right
Trapezoid makes the vertical edges olthe display parallel.
Parallelogram correcis image leaning left or right
Rotation corrects screen tilt
Top Corner adiusu the edges on the (op corners onhe screen image
DQEDD [it]
Bottom Corner adlusts the edges on the helium corners of'he screen
A Look at the
Control Panel
OSD Position
OSD position adjustments
E' adjusts the OSD menu posmon up,
E, admsu the OSD menu position down.
El adjusis the OSD menu position left
El adjusts the OSD menu posmon right
Manuai Degauss, To eliminate coior shading or impurity induced by magnetism,
press Enter to active Degauss function
Reset to Default
Reset the monitor to the defauh. factory SEtUHgS inciudmg HN posmon, HN size,
PiflCuShIOn, Unbaiance, Trapezoid, Paraflelograrn, Rotation, Corner. HN Convergence,
HN Moie and Moire. For preset timings, in order to reset to factory defaukt
values, press Enter To reset coior Tempemmre, pisease see page 5.
Chapter 3
Main Menu 2 Color Conlrol
OSD Manager
Color Adjustment
This mam menu lS defined as color welght adlustmentv CI ~ C5 are color storage
areas, whlch are factory preset but can also be modified by user. The preset lnforma-
tlorl as follows:
Factory Default Color Temperature
C l 9300K
CZ 6500K
C4 7| 00K
C5 "500K
Scroll the llght coloured bar to destred color temperature, then press Exlt to save lhe
settlng and leave OSD. Press Enter key to sub—menus and adlusl RGB color WElghL
A Look at the
Control Panel
R 0 _::1w
G 0 _::100
B u _:1100
P01 Reset to Default
This sub—menu ad|usts RGB (Red, Green B‘ue) co‘or weight Presi or V keysto scrofl
hght cobured bar to desired wtems then pressl or b key to do the adjustments.
5 To reset to factory default values, scmll light coloured bar to Item
" Mesa! ta Dsfaul ”.
Mgin Mgng 3 Advanced Disglay Contrgl
OSD Manager
E Convergence
Language Select
D-Sub <1 1) ENG
Dlsplay Mod.
This mam menu includes SIX rtems. scroH fight co‘oured bar to desired mems. Press Enter
key to enter subvmenus.
Chapter 3
fl Convergence
Horizontal & Vertical Convergence adjustment
osn Min-gar
a Hot. Comp-nu
E Var. Cmvtrpcnu
53 Hor. Convergence: ad|usts Horlzontal Convergence
5 Ver. Convergence: adjusts Vertical Convergence
Convergence IS the monltcr's abillty to precisely illuminate speuflc phosphors
and llne them up properly ln order to produce pure color. Displayed characters and
images may appear tuzzy or have tmges of red , green, or blue lfthe electron beams do
not converge (onectly.
Aceere'w 2“ c offers a convergence adjustment feature, To properly adjust convergence,
it is best to have an image that makes it easy to see any convergence error. A black
background with white letters or Ilna ls recommended. When adjusting convergence
look atthe adlustment across the whole screen. When adlusting honzontal convergence,
look at the left and right edges of vertical lines or characters. When adjustlng verncel
Convergence, look at the top and bottom edge; of horizontal lines or characters. The
monltor I5 properly adjusted when the effects ofred and blue tinge; are mmlleed.
5 The convergence adjustment adjusts the entire screen. It is not
possible to limit adjustment to specific semen areas.
5 Factory default setting values : a
A Look at the
Control Panel
Horizontal & Vertical Moire adjustment
OSD Manager
Horizontal Mm
Vertical Moire
Horizontal Moire: adiusts horizontal Moire
—- Vertical Moire: adjusts vertical More
Moire refers to an interference pattern or dark wavy lines on the screen. it is an
interference phenomenon caused by the relationship between the phosphor layout
and the imaging signal in fact, it is often considered an indication ofgood locus levels
5 It is especially noticeable when using a light-grey or every-other-
dat pattern. Mnlre cannot be eliminated. However, it can be
reduced with the moire reduction feature.
More can be reduced by adjusting the iscreen monre reduction lunction. Prior to
adjustment, set the screen to a lull white pattern 50 that moire Wl" be visible, Alterthis
adjustment, make changes to a different screen background in order to reduce moire
even further
5 if the picture is unstable when you adjust the moire reduction
setting, aver-adjustment has occured Please lower the moire
reduction setting level. (Factory default setting value : a).
@ Language Select
OSD Manager
The sub—menu 15 defined as language se‘ecuon and there are five ‘anguages to
choose (rem.
D‘s. D-Sub 4; ENG
Input connector se‘ect‘
0513 Manager
There are two kinds ofwnput connectors for AcerView lec. One is a BNC connector,
the other \5 a DBJS. The ZHC ts capab‘e of automancafly detecting the type of
connector used (eltner BNC or DB—IS). If the two connectors are connected
swmuhaneously, the user can se‘ect the desired connector.
A Look at the
Control Panel
E Purify
Co‘our purity adjustment
OSD Manager
To adjust Punty, choose a full whne picture and adJust to get a pure white
pwcture at the corner ofthe screen wmaga
|: Display Mode
Current resolution, harizoma‘ and venical frequency status presentatwonv
Dlsplay Mode
1024 X 768
H.F : 59.92 KHz
V.F : 74.90 Hz
Chapter 3
Tlming Settmg
By makmg adjustments to your video card settings, you can set the tlmmg and the
refresh rate accordlng to your preferences. The monitor wwll automatlcally save the
settlngs. Your monitor can accept a vertlcal frequency ranging from 50 Hz to léO Hz
and an horizontal frequency from 30 KHz to l07 KHz. However due to different
vldeo card and resolution settings, we recommend that you do not exceed the maxl-
mum refresh rate, I60 Hz for vertical frequency and IO7KHz for horizontal frequency
to avmd posslble damage to your monitor,
Resolution Recommended Maximum Verllcal
Refresh Ratew
640 x 480 [60
800 x 600 I45
I024 x 768 GS
l280 x l024 lOO
|600 x l200 90
5 To set the timing and the refresh rate, please see the user’s guide
of your video card.
A Look a! the
Control Panel
Pin Assignments
D-SUB Connectors
Pin No Separate Composite Sync-on-green
\ Red Red Red |
2 Green Green Green + SYNC
3 Bus Blue Blue
9 PC5\/(For DDC) PC5V(For DDC) PC5V(For DDC)
Q DDC Data DDC Data DDC Data 1
14 V—SYNC Not Used Not Used
|5 DDC Clo(k DDC (Jock DDC Clock
Chapter 4
BNC Connectors
B Glsync R H/H +V V
Pin Signal
Assignment separate composlte sync-on-green
B Blue Blue BJue
G/SYNC Green Green Green + SYNC
R Red Red Red
A Look at the
Make sure that your monitor is properly installed If you have encountered any trouble
in using this product, for hardware installation problems. see Chapter 2, Installing
the Monltor. lithe problems persist. check this chapter for possible solutions. Ilyou
cannot find AcerView 2“ c on the Windows 95 monitor list, you would have to update
the Windows 95 setup information for AcerView 2” c You can download the update
file from the API web site (http/lwwwaptcomtw)
§ Il there is no picture on the screen, check:
0 Power outlet type,
0 Video sync signal. The video sync signal must be specified (or the monitor.
0 Power sai/ing mode. Press any key & use the mouse to deactivate the mode.
0 Signal cable connector pins. ll pins are bent or missing, consult your dealer.
§ If the picture is scrolling or unstable, check:
0 Signal connector pin assignments Replace with a functional one it" inoperative.
0 Signal cable connector pins. ll pins are bent or missing, consult your dealer.
0 Graphics card. See ifme settings are made properly.
0 Scanning frequency Change the settings of your graphics card to acceptable options
0 Remove magnetic obiects near the monrtor.
0 Ovenadiusting moire reduction setting, please check the moire reduction setting
level. See Chapter 3, A Look at the Control Panel.
Chapter 4
§ If the characters look dark, the picture is too small, too large or not centered
0 Adjust related fittings. See chapter 3, A Look at the Control Panel.
§ lf colors are impure.
0 Check signal cable connector pins. prins are bent or missing. consult your dealer
0 Adjust the Purity setting See Chapter 3, A Look at the Control Panel.
x Do not expose the monitor to direct sunlight or heat.
x Do not spill liquid on the monitor.
x Do not attempt to open the monitor. You may be hurt by electric shock. For
service. call your dealer.
X Do not use your monitor when magnets or electronic products are operating
x Do not use harsh chemicals or strong cleaning solvents to clean the monitor
screen. Wipe it with mild solution applied on clean and soft cloth.
x Do not place anything on your monitor. Bad ventilation may elevate tempera
ture Within the monitor.
ed More He pt
Il'your problems remain after checking this manual. please contact your place of pur—
chase or e-mail us at,tw
Chapter 5
Size ZI ‘(53.34cm) diagonal
AG Pitch Olémrn dot pitch
Surface Transmission Non~giaryseml-unted
Maxlmum Viewable Siz 20“ (SI cm) diagonal
Video input IS-pi’n, mini D-SUB Connector/ENC Connector
Bandwidth ZBOMHz
Display Area 380mm(H) x 285mm(\/) (Preset)
408mm(H) x 306mm(V) (Full Scan)
Power Supply(UniverseI)
Input voltage IOU‘i20/200~240 VAC, 50~60 HZ
[Universai compatible)
Pmrconsumption i50 Walls max/165 Watts max.(With USB)
Enamel Controls Powerswitch, i key auto-caiibratlon. Contrast, Brightness,
Horizontal Position, Horizontai Size, Vemcai Posmon,
Vertlcal Size. Pincushion, Unbalance, ‘fi'apezoid.
Paraiieiogram, Rotation, Top Corner, Bottom Corner,
Color Weight. Degausslng, Horizontal Convergence.
Vemcai Convergence, HorizontalMonreA/enicai Moire,
BNC and DB- I5 Selection, Reset, Language Select,
Max. Resolution 1600 x 1200
Horizontal Frequency 30» 107 KHz
Venlcal Frequency 50— léo Hz
Dimensions (wilh mm!)
Ambient Temperature
Regulatory Compliance
508mm(W) x 5x5mm(H) x 5I2mm(D)
+5C ~ +4OC
0C ~ +60C
2096 ~ 9096
1096 ~ 9036

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Create Date                     : 2001:05:11 14:04:40
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