Big Game Treestands Cr3801 S Users Manual StandManual_1/06.QE


: Big-Game-Treestands Big-Game-Treestands-Cr3801-S-Users-Manual-481344 big-game-treestands-cr3801-s-users-manual-481344 big-game-treestands pdf

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4READ THIS MANUAL IN ITS ENTIRETY PRIOR TO USING THIS PRODUCT.This Instruction Manual complies with the Treestand Manufacturers Association’sTMS 04 - Standard Practice for Treestand Instructions & TMS 02 - Standard Test Method for Treestand Fall Arrest SystemsATTENTION!!WHEN YOU SEE A "    WARNING!" BE SURE TO HEED THE MESSAGE!THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THESE MESSAGES CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE!!WARNING! These products carry strict weight restrictions. DO NOT use theseproduct(s) if you exceed these total weight limitations. Please note that theseweight limitations include the user and their equipment. Failure to follow theseinstructions may result in serious injury or death!A safe treestand hunting video has been included. Please view it in its entirety priorto using this product!Thank you for your purchase of this quality Big Game® Treestands product. To ensureyour personal safety, please take a moment to carefully read this instruction manualin its entirety before attempting to set-up, install and/or otherwise use this Big Game®Treestands product. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injuryor death!Should you have any questions about the installation and/or use of this product,or any other Big Game® Treestands product(s) do not hesitate to call one of ourcustomer service representatives toll free at (800) 268-5077 or visit us online Our customer service representatives will answerany  questions  you  may  have  about  any  of  the  complete  line  of  Big  Game®Treestands products.Do not return this product to the retailer if you have any damaged or missing parts.Call Big Game® Treestands for replacement of any damaged or missing parts tollfree at (800) 268-5077.MODEL PRODUCT # OF CARRYING CAPACITY NUMBER NAME PERSONS (USER AND EQUIPMENT)CR3801-S THE WARRIOROne (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR3811-S THE WARRIOR DXOne (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR3806-S NEXTGEN STEALTH™One (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR3813-S NEXTGEN STEALTH™DXOne (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR3901-S THE ULTRA-VIEW™DXOne (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR4055-S THE TITAN™XTOne (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR4105-S THE SKYBOX™DELUXEOne (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR4106-S THE LEGEND™One (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR4200-S THE EXECUTIVE™One (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR4250-S THE ARCH RIVAL™One (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR4301-S THE MAXIMOne (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR4500-S THE INFINITY™One (1) 300 lbs/136 kgCR4601-S THE SKY-RISE™Two (2)500 lbs /227kgCR4801-S THE BIG BUDDY®Two (2)500 lbs /227kgCR4850-S THE GUARDIANTwo (2)500 lbs /227kgCR5005-S THE PARTNER® PROTwo (2)500 lbs /227kgCR5020-S THE PARTNER®PLUS SELECTTwo (2)500 lbs /227kg! /# 1$-&$-2$+#$('
PLEASE NOTE THAT WARNING! statements have been placed throughout this InstructionManual. These statements point out important safety information and instructions,which, if not followed could endanger the personal safety and/or property of the operator.It is imperative that the operator of this product, or any other product(s) read and followall the instructions and warnings contained in this Manual prior to attempting to use thisproduct(s),  or  any  other  product(s).  Failure to  comply  with  these  instructions  and/orwarnings may result in serious personal injury or death!WARNING! Failure to read and strictly comply with the instructions contained in thisInstruction Manual may result in serious injury or death!WARNING! FALLS FROM A TREESTAND CAN OCCUR ANYTIME AFTER LEAVING THEGROUND. THESE FALLS COULD RESULT IN EITHER SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH! FORYOUR PERSONAL SAFETY, PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO CAREFULLY READ THIS PRODUCTINSTRUCTION MANUAL IN ITS ENTIRETY BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO ASSEMBLE, SET-UP,INSTALL AND/OR OTHERWISE USE THIS BIG GAME® PRODUCT. AT LEAST ANNUALLY,REVIEW THE CONTENTS OF THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL AND WATCH THE SAFETREESTAND HUNTING DVD. ADDITIONALLY, KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THEENTIRE DURATION THAT YOU OWN THIS PRODUCT(S). FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESEINSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH!WARNING!  A “Treestand Safety: It's Up To You" DVD has been included with this treestand.Please view it in its entirety prior to using this or any other Big Game® product(s).Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!WARNING! THE  SAFE  USE  AND  OPERATION  OF  THIS  PRODUCT  IS  THE  SOLERESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. IT IS ALSO THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNERTO PROVIDE  ANY  PERSON(S) WHO  BORROW OR PURCHASE  THIS  PRODUCT WITHTHESE INSTRUCTIONS AND THE AFORE MENTIONED TREESTAND SAFETY: IT'S UP TO YOUDVD. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURYOR DEATH! ADDITIONALLY, FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS INSTRUCTION MAY SUBJECT YOUTO PERSONAL LIABILITY PENALTIES AS DETERMINED BY THE U.S. JUDICIAL SYSTEM.WARNING! Prior to each hunt, you must inform someone of your hunting location,including the specic location of your treestand and the expected duration of your hunt.Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!WARNING! Prior to each hunt, make sure that you have a signaling device (e.g., mobilephone, radio, whistle, signal are or Personal Locator Device (PLD)) in your possessionand in an operable condition. This device must be within easy access should youexperience the need to contact emergency assistance. Failure to follow these instructionsmay result in serious injury or death!LADDERSTAND USAGE INSTRUCTIONS & WARNINGSATTENTION!!WHEN YOU SEE A "    WARNING!" BE SURE TO HEED THE MESSAGE!THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THESE MESSAGES CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE!!READ THIS MANUAL IN ITS ENTIRETY PRIOR TO USING THIS PRODUCT. 5This Instruction Manual complies with the Treestand Manufacturers Association’sTMS 04 - Standard Practice for Treestand Instructions & TMS 02 - Standard Test Method for Treestand Fall Arrest Systems! /# 1$-&$-2$+#$('

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