Bissell 3760 User Manual UPRIGHT VACUUM Manuals And Guides L0521446
BISSELL Vacuum, Upright Manual L0521446 BISSELL Vacuum, Upright Owner's Manual, BISSELL Vacuum, Upright installation guides
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3760/4220/6850/6860 SERIES
We'regaa yout:urcnaseaa BBSELLVacuumEverythingwe knowabout
floorcarewentimo-medesignandconstructionat this powerful,high-tech
YourBISSELLVa(_Jm_s_el ]]aae anawe backit witha limited
comprenensveone-ye]r warram, Weab( standbehindit with a
evernavea pr@_em,you'll receivefast considerateassistance_
Mygreat-grandfatherin entedthefloor sweeperin 1876_Today,BBSELL
tsa g o[}al eaderinthe deSg_ manufacture,andserviceof highquality
nomecareproducts KeyourBISSELLVacuum
Thanksac_in,fromauof us at BiSSELL
- Louvers/Filter
Upper_nk Filter
This User'sGuidehas beendesignedto heip
you get the most satbtaction trom your BBSELL
Vacuum.You'llfind assemNy and operating
instructions,satetyprecautions,as well as
maintenanceandtroubbshooting instructions.
Phase readthis GuidethorougNy before
assemNingyour vacuum cbaner.
Pay partbuBr attention to the productdiagram,
assemNy instructions,and part names.Locate
and organizeall partsbefore assemNy.Familiarize
yourselt with the parts and where they tit.
Followingthis User'sGuile will greatlyenhance
your ability to get the most pertormancetrom your
BBSELLVacuumtot many years.
Theonlytool you'llneedto assembbyourvacuum
cleaneris a screwdriver.
Locate the vacuum Handle and emove me scre',a
packet taped to the base of the Handle.
Stand the vacuum upright and slide the base of
the Handlefirmly into the grooves at the top of the
vacuum body.
Check to be sure the Handle is titted to the vacuum
body. If there is a gap in front, continue to push firmly
until the Handle is flush.
Insert the two screws from the screw packet n_o_ne
existing holes.Tighten securely with a screwqriver.
Position the Twist 'n Snap HoseT" assembly on one
vacuum and line up the tabs on the base of the hose
with the corresponding notches. Turn the Twist n Shad
Hose to the right to lock into place.
Slide the end of the Hose Grip onto the Hose Gri] Base
Pbce the Hose into the HoseClip.
NOTE: The Power/oot will not operate effectivemy
unbss the Hose is firmly attached to the base.
OSnap the Telescoping ExtensionWand, Crevice Tool,
and Combination Tool into storage cliPSas shown
On Board TurboBrushce Select Models Ony)
TheTurboBrush Bracket slides onto the Hangeron
the front of the Hanme. Attach the Bracket by
a!igmng the slots Withthe rectangu,ar uar[ on me
Hanger as ShOWnaria pumng down until it is locked
nw place.
Nots: If you do not wish to store the TurhoBrash
on your Lift-Off vacuum, the flrackst lay be
hwlg on a wall for storage aed the llaegsr may
he removed from the vacaam.
Place the TurboBrush in the Bracket by m_gning
the small holes near the brUShroll Wlmme lads
at me bottom of the Bracket arts snaE theTurboBrush
Into place.
,, Combination
I_ " _ r
ThePowerSwitchis locatedjust belowthe handle
onthe frontof the DetachableCanister,Pushthe
rockerswitch "ON==(I)to vacuum,and"OFF"(0)
TheBrushSwitch is locatedjust belowthe handle
onthe frontof the DetachableCanisternextto
the PowerSwitch.Thisswitchturnsthe Rotating
Brushonandoff. TI_eBrushSwitchshouldbein
the "ON"(I)positionfor normalcarpetcleaning.
Youmaywantto turn the BrushSwitch"OFF"(0)
for barefloorcleaningorotherdelicatesurfaces,
Nots: Your BISSELLLift-Off I/svolution vacuam
is sqaippsd with a special intsmal switch that
turns the !lotating 13rushoff whenevst the anit is
in the Upright position.
Before using yoar vacuum, make
sure that the Dirt Ooetaiesr and
Upper Tankate in locked position
and that all filters (tlppsr Tank,
Prs=Mator and Post=Motor) ate
ie place, Do not operate yaar
vacuum without thsss filters.
Upright- Forstoragearia abovefloor cleaningwith tools.
Normal Cleaning - Press me Hanme Release Pedal
with your foot to recline
ThePoweffootonyourvacuumcan be
adjustedto dean severaUtoastsurfaces.
NOTE:For optimal slsanieg pstformaeos, adjust to
the _swsst praotiea_setting, mfyour oleaesr is
difficult to push, adjust to the es×t hiqhsr ssttieg.
Place Handle in Upright Position.
Turn Height Adiustment Knob to desired setting.
Lowest Setting -For barefloors.
MsdiumSstUegs - Forshortandmedium
pile carpets.
Nighest Settieg - Forplush pile carpet.
NOTE:Youmay' also adjust the setting while in the Normal
Cleaning Position.
Yourvacuumis notonlya powerfulfloor
vacuumcleaner,it'salsoa vematilestaimandabove
floorvacuumwhenyouselectonedthe specialtools,
Nots: The too_s cae be ossd with the
vacoom in the Upright Position or with the
Detachable Canister.
0 Detach the Vacuum Hoseby grasping the Hose(;rid anu
lifting to separate from the HoseGrip Base.
z.Jb .. AJ.
Attach tools by firmly pushing onto Vacuum Moseor
Telescoping ExtensionWand.
Csmbieatise Dustieg Brash/Upholstery Tash
Twotypesof cleaningtools are cmaeu m one aoa( smen[
rotate for desiredtool.
Im UseBrushside to dust furniture _llnns,bOOKS_mn_
shelves,arid baseboalds,
Im UseUpholsteryside tar curtains,draperies,cusmons
Crevice Teem:
Use in tight narrow spaces.
TsmsssspiegExtension Wand:
Usewith desired attachmentfor a longer reacn.
Toextendthe Wand,twist the collar to "Unlock" ._os_son
and pushaway from you.Twist tl_ecollar to the "Lock"
positionto lock into place. Toretract, twist to umocK _u
toward you and twist to relock.
Stair OIsaeieg Too_{Select Medals):
Usefor stairs, area rugs, and other small carpstea areas
Thistool can also be usedfor bars fleers.
Nots: The Stair O_eaeiegTos_does eat
store oe board.
Always pBaosvasoom creaser oe
f_osr in its folly Upright Position
and make sure it is laoksd into
p_aosbefore removing Caeistsr
or whse osieg tssRs. P_aoiegthe
Lift=Offie its foil Upright PasNioe
autsmatioaHv stops the
rotating brush.
TurboBrosh_)ISs[sst Modems}:
Usero-_a-_m_ uruse aseon for small areassuch as stairs
anu up_]ols[ery.
Nots: P_essgsrlBy wbse using TorheBroshto gain
maximum cleaning.Tsemuch pressurecould cause
the brashto stop rota_ng,
Deluxe Bars FRostTool (Select Models):
Use for barefloors. Swivel iqeadturns _oget into tight
spaces and fits unser caD_nels.
Nots: The BemaxsBars Freer Too_does not store
on board,
ANBitemsmay not be includedwith yoor model Mere
teemsareavaimabme:to orderpmeassr_er to page15.
TheDetachableCanisterfeaturemakesit possible
to easilytakethepowerfulcleaningactiondyour
BISSELLUft-OffRevolutionto stair_¢ays,autointeriors,
Beforedetachingthe Canister,yourvacuummust be
in its fullyUprightPosition.Youdonot needto turn
off the cowerfirst.
0 Press the Release Button at the to_.of tl_eCanister
Handle and lift the Canister to remove.
DetachtheVacuumHosefromthe noseGripBaseat
thebackofthe Canister.
Attach the ses_reo[ool/s_to the HoseGr par the end of
the Vacuum Hose.
Whenyou're done, remove me too_ and reconnect the
Hose to the HoseGrip Base.
Return the Canister to the Powerfoot by augmng the
feet on tbe front witb tbe bumps on the foot of the
Upright Vacuum. Push tbe Canistertowara the vacuum
frame until it dicks into place.
Select IVledelsOnly
TheCleanFilterIndicatortells youwhen airflow in
the vacuum is reduceddueto dirty tilters ora clog
in the hose.TheCleanFilterIndicatorwill remain
greenuntil the aidlow is reduced_At that time, it
beginsto changeto red.Whenit is tully red,the
airflow is significantlyreducedor blocked.Follow
the steps on pages10 11 to cleanyourtilters.All
filters nthe vacuum shouldbe cleanedor replaced
when the CleanFilterIndicatorturns red.
Ifthe indicatorremainsredafter alltilters have
beencleaned tollow the stepson page 13to
checkfor and clearclogs.
White vaoooming, certain
carpets and tow hamidNy
conditions may generate small
static discharges. The discharges
are entirely harmless and are not
associated in any way with the
main power sopp_y.
_lect ModelsOnly
Toattachthe ShoulderStrap,wra_me vetcro endsmracnedcome
bottom of the strap securelyaroundthe Canisterhandleasshown
Toobtainmaximumstrength,overlapthe looseenascomp_em_y
and presssecurelyin place.
The plastic Buckle must be positioned on top of onecamsler
handle as shown in the illustration.
The lengthof the strap may be adjusted as requ_reufor caroleR.
Whenyouam doneusUngyourvacuum,mtumit tothe
Uprightpositionandstemthe PowerCord,
@ Turn vacuum cleaner off (0).
Unplug Power Cord by grasping the polanze(_plug
(NOTthe cord) and disconnect from outlet.
O Loop Power Cordaround Cord Wraps on side of
the Canister.
Clip molded plug to Power Cordto secure.
While the vacuum is in
_se. warm air is emitted
threogh the Pest=Meter
Filter on the back of the
Canister. The bettom of the
Canister may also become
warm. When osing the
shoolder strap, to avoid
discomfort, position the
Canister se that these
parts are not directed
towards or teaching
year body.
_To move your vacuum cleaner from room re room our me v_arrying Handmete |
transporl the vacuum.meaner. The
"_ Handle in the Upright Position, tilt the cleaner back on its Car_eoM detach causing
rear wheels and push forward, the rest of the vacoom to fall.
The cleaner can also be moved by using the Carrying danme
on the Detachable Canister. CarryingHandHe
foflowingmaintenancestepsmustbe performed:
i_ Empty me Dirt Container when me tort reachesthe "Full" line
on the front.
0 Check the upper Tank and Pre-Motor Filters at least once a
month and clean and reulace as neeoed.
0 Replacethe HEPAMedia Post-Motor Filter every six months.
NOTE:More frequent fimterc_eaning may be
necessary if you are vacuuminfl new carpet, fine dast,
or have aHergy concerns.
Follow the instructions on the following pages to per=
form these simpb maintenance steps,
TheDirtContainerneedsto beemptiedwhenthe dirt
reachesthe 'Full" lineonthe frontof the Container,
@ anp_ugc_eanerfrom electrlca! outlet.
Slide the Lock 'n Seal Lever to the "Unlock" position.
i_ GraspIlandle and gull rne Dirt Container straght out to
remove from vacuum Unlock--
Put the Dirt Container back in me vacuum and slide the lever
to the '*Lock" position.
Note: The Screens may also be removed from the
side £ust Chambers when you empty or cban the
Dirt Container. The Screens are made to fit each Unsl
Chamber. if they do riot slide down eompbte_y, try in the
opposite Dust Chamber. The Screens will also net fit if
there is debris in the track.
The #irt Container and Screens may be washed in
warm water with a mild detergent. Make
sure they are completely dry before replacing.
-Full Line
l_ unpaugthe cleaner from e_ec-mcaou_lm
The UpperTank Filter can De eacneeDy emowng the Dirt
Container reaching underneath the UDoerTank and turning the
rim ol me :ilter Frameto unlock. Pull straight down to remove.
Brushthe dirt off tne Louvers ana unner Tan Filter.
The foam Upper Tank Filter may Deremovenand hand washed
in cold water wgh mild detergent. Rinse well then air dry
tlsoroughly before replacing
The Upper Tank and LOUVerSmay rose Dewiped dean with a
damp cloth
Note: Foreasier access, the entire UpperTank may be
removed by turning the knob errthe hack of the cmeanerto
nn_nck and pnHing the entire tank straight out.
if" q •
Unplug the cleaner from electrical outlet.
@The Re-Motor Filter protects the motor from air[ par!_cles._t
is located in the slide out tray underneath the Dirt Container.
If the filter becomes dirty,pull out the tray, lift out the filter
and clean.This filter may be hand washed n co_awa[er
with mild detergent. Rinse well and air ary [norougmy
before replacing.
@The HEPAMedia Post-Motor Filter assists in the
filtration process to return c_eana_rto the room. r[ _s
located behind the door on the back of the cleaner.If the
filter becomes dirty, open the door, remove the filter and
replace. The HEPAMedia Filter is not washable.
DriveBelt regularlyfor debris,wearor dama% Debris
canwrap aroundthe brushandhamperits abilityto
Unplug cleaner from electrical outlet.
Remove Detachable Canister from vacuum cleaner.
Recline Handle and turn vacuum cleaner over so colion_
side is up.
Removethe six screws as shown with a Phillins
head screwdriver. Lift the Brush Cover off.
Lift the Rotating Floor Brush to remove. Cleanstrings,
hair and other debris from the Brush, paying specia
attention to the brush ends.
Check Air Passagewayfor obstructions. Remove an_
debris from this area.
Clean debris from the Motor Pulley and Drive Belt areas
Check DriveBelt carefully for wear, cuts orstressed areas.If
any damage ispresent,discard old Drive Beltand renlace
Toreduce the risk of injury
frum muviug parts,turn
uff vacuumcleaner and
discuuuect PuwerPlug
frum eiecb'icaluuSeto
EJ "
__1 Air
M°!or/tl rd u/) ) /Passageway
@PBce oneena of the new DriveBeltoverMotor Pulleyand the
other md overthe Brushinthe spacebetweenme bristles.
@Pull the Brush firmly lo s_re[cnthe Drive Belt and place ends
_f Brush down nto s_otson sines as shown. Turn Brush
se/erat _LmesD! nana _ocen_er_ne Drive Belt.
_tRepositian Brush Cover screws. Tigmer
screws secureB_.
_ Unplug cleanerfrom electrical outlet
@ Remove Detachable Canister and "ecune Handleof vacuum.
@ Using a screwdrive_ remove me one screw as snown anc
lift off the lens.
Removethe bulbfrom the socket by grasping DU_Dana pu_Hng
straight out, Jnstatlthe new bulb by pushing it gently into the
socket until me DU_Dsnaps Imo pface.
Reposition lens ane secure with the one screw
Sel_t NledelsOnly
TheTurboBrushshould be checked regularlyfor clogs
or debris wrapping aroundthe brush rol
unDhu_vacuum from e_ecmcaOUTle_
f a dog is }resent or aeons _wsIDle 1screw_nebJvoscrews
o the back of the lurbc 3rushto removethe tacephte and
:lear a ObStructions.
om me afire r)elt _rlaclean eDns
Reposmonme anve bel_c the brush roll. Placeends of
brushroll in slots sides as sho,4 RenosNonbell cove
ana secure with shorter screw.F/_Doen facepBte and
secure wire _vwionc _rscrews.
Low suctbn or poorpUckupmaybedueto a dog
Unthe vacuumcleaner.UfyounotUcea changein
the soundof the motoror a reductbnUnthe
spUnnUngactbn, checkfor dogs,
Unplug cleaner from electrical outlet.
@Empty Dirt Container.
@ Check UpperTank for build up or clogs.
Removethe UpperTank and check the suction inlet for
v a clog.
Graspthe HoseGrip and lift to separate from the suction
_" opening. Check for a clog in the Baseor the Hose
Releasethe Twist n' Snap hosefrom the vacuum Dy
turning to the left. Straighten the hoseand unclog w_[na
long, narrow obiect.
If the clog persists, follow the instructions tot Checking
the Rotating Brush on page 11 and inspect the A[[
Passageway for obstructions.
AninternalthermaUprotectorhas beendesUgned
Untoyourcleanerto protectit from overheating.
Whenthe thermal protectoractivates,the main
vacuummotor will stop operating.Ufthus
OTurn the cleaner OFF(0) and unplug from
electrical outlet.
,_ OperHng
Air Passagew
@Check the Upper Tank area, Pre-Motor Filter and
Post-Motor Filter for dirt accumulation.
Refer to the "Clearing Clogs" section.
When the motor cools 1orapproximately 30
minutes, the thermal protector automatically
resets and cleaning may continue. It the therma
protector continues to activate after following _ne
above steps, your cleaner may need servicing. Call
BISSELLConsumer Services, or vis_![ne weos_re
Note: The thorma_ protector controls the main
vacuum motor on_y,not the brush motor, mfthe
therma_ protector activates, the brush will
continue to operate normally; however, there will
be no suction. @
Vacuum cleaner WOn't run
Possible Causes
0 Power cordnot pluggecin
To reduce the risk of injury from
moving parts and/or emectricai
shock, turn Power Switch OFFand
disconnect polarizedplug from
electrical outlet before performing
troubleshooting checks.
0 Check/Replacefuse or resetbreaker
Allow cleanerto coolfor 30 minutes,
seepg. 13
No Power at Rotating Floor Brush
Possible Causes
Camsteris not secureJysea[eu
BrushSwitchturned tc "Off"
lacuom ISin uorigntposr[_O0
Vacuumcleaner won't pick up dirt
Possible Causes
Nosenot attachedto suctionopening
_ Crack _ri )le m Nose
DriveBelt broken,worn or off motor pofley
Clogin vacuum
Dirt Containeror bpper Tank
_h Filtersaredirty
Vacuum cleaner is difficult to push
Possible Causes
Visible dirt escaping from cleane[
Possible Oauses
_1_ Dirt 3ontainerfu
Filter missirj or installedincorrectly
Dirt Containerinstalled Inconec%
_[_ RemoveCaeiste[and replace,making
surethat it "clicks" into place
MakesureBrushSwitch isin "On"position
Reclinevacuumto operatebrush
_Adjust Powerfootto correctbeightsetting
GraspHoseGrip and firmly push onto
the base
CheckHoseand replaceif needed
0 Repositionor replaceDriveBelt, see
pg. 11-12
Followinstructionson pg. 13 for
Empty DirtContainer
Positioncorrectlyaed lock in place
Checkand cleanor replaceUpperTank,
Pre-Motorand Post-MotorFilters
_}bAdjustPowertootto correctbeightsetting
Empty DirtContainer
_ CheckUpperTank,Re-Motor and
Post-MotorFilterfor correctinstallation
Monday - Friday 8 a,m, 10 p.m, ET
Saturday 9 a.m. 8 p.m. ET
@andRapids,MI 49501
ATTN ConsurrerServices
Otvisitthe BISSELLwebste www, bisseH,cem
When contactingBiSSELL,havemodelnumberof unitavaihbb.
Pleaserecord your Model Humber: Pleaserecord sur PurchaseDate:
NOTE:P_easekeep yeur erigina_ sa_eareceipt. N is your preef of warranty.
Youmay purchasereplacementpartsfrom yourretailer,byca_lng
BtSSELLConsumerServicesor by visitingourwebsite.Tolocate a
retailernear you,orto placean orderusingVisa,MasterCard,Discover
BISSELLConsumer Services
Monday - Friday 8 a.m, 10 p,m, ET
Saturday 9 a.m, 8 p,m. ET
Orvisit our Website -
item Part No.
1 3200
2 203-1297
3 203-1063
4 203-1099
5 203-6624
B 203-B625
7 203-2081
B 203-1227
9 203-2082
10 203-5542
11 203-2073
12 203-2085
13 3093
14 3091
Part Name
Style8 DriveBelt (2-Pack)
StandardHeadfight Bulb(Select Models)
Dusting Brush/UphobteryTool
Stair CleaningTool {Select Models)
Tqeecoping ExtensionWand
DeluxeBare Floor 3_ol(Select Models)
TurboBrush(Select Models)
BracketAssemblyfor TurboBrush(SelectModel_
ShoulderStrap (SelectModels)
[wist 'n Snap Hose
BrushRoll - Grey(othercolors also avallaDi6
SUe 7/8 Upper Xnk Filter/Pre-Motor Filter Set
StyleB HFPAMedia Post-Motor Filter
-hiswarranty gives you speclnc legal ngn[s, an(_you may also have other rights which may varyBorn state to
s_a_e.IT 'OUneed aduluonal _rrucTion egarulng _nlswarramy or have questions regarding what it may cover,
please contact BIS8ELLSonsumer Services b,, F mail. _eleDnone,or regular mail as described below,
Limited OneYear Warranty
Subect to the *EXCEPTIONSAND EXCLUSIONSidentifiedbelow, upon receipt of the product BISSFLLHomecare,
inc. w reealr or re_31aceiwlTnnew or remanulaclure_ ponents or produds), at BISSE/Psoption, free of
chart _ from Tne date ol purcnase Dy Tneongnal purchaser. Torone year any defective or malfunctioning part.
PleaseKeepyour or _mnamsales receipt as rTis your srooTor warranty.
See nrorrnatlon )elow on N your BI_3ELLDroaucpsnoulrJrequire service".
This warranty applies[o Foauct useclfor gersona ana not commercial or rental service,This warranty does not
apply Totans or routine malmenance corr}onems SUChas TilTers,belts, or brushes, Damage or malfunction caused
ny negligence, alsuse neglect, unautnonzearersar.or _ /other use not in accordancewith lhe User's Guide is
if your BISSELLproductshould require service:
Contact BISSELLConsumer Services to locate a BISSELLAuthorized Service Center in your area=
rfyou need information about repairs or replacement parts, or if you have questions about your warranty,
contact BISSELLConsumer Services.
Website or E-mail:
Usethe Customer Services tab.
Or Celt:
Monday- Friday8 a=m=- 10 p=m=El
Saturday9 a=m==8 p=m=ET
Somastatesdonotallowtheexclusionorlimitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,sotheabove
limitationor exclusionmaynotapplyto you.
so the abovelimitationmaynotapply to yell.
_02005 BISSELLHomecare,Inc
All dghts reserved Printedin Korea
Part Number603 5567
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