BlackBerry R900M-2-O Modem User Manual Label portion of Users Manual

BlackBerry Limited Modem Label portion of Users Manual

Label portion of Users Manual

RF Exposure Addition To Integrator's Guide Page
Author Data
Muhammad Dajani
Masud Attayi
Date 1998-10-26 Document No.
Integrator's Guide
(1) FCC CFR 47 Part 90, 1996
(2) OET document 65, supplement C, December 1997 Copyright 1998, Research In Motion, Limited
A section explaining RF exposure requirements for integrating the RIM units into other
products should be added to the Integrator’s Guide. A draft of this section is included
Based on FCC rules(1) 2.1091 and 2.1093 and FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to
Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields, OET Bulletin 65 and its Supplement C(2), all
integrations of the RIM OEM unit are subject to routine environmental evaluation for RF
exposure prior to equipment authorization or use.
For portable devices, defined in accordance with FCC rules as a transmitting device
designed to be used within 20 cm of the user body under normal operating conditions, RF
evaluation must be based on Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits in Watts/kg. SAR is
a measurement of the rate of energy absorption per unit mass of body tissue.
For mobile devices, defined as a transmitting device designed to be generally used such
that a separation distance of at least 20 cm is maintained between the body of the user and
the transmitting radiated structure, the human exposure to RF radiation can be evaluated
in terms of Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for field strength or power
density in mWatts/cm2.
RIM will submit module specific information and test reports for a generic MPE
compliance. For an end product not covered by RIM testing and submission, the
integrator will submit for a separate FCC ID. The submission should include end product
information, end product SAR/MPE test report and a reference to RIM module FCC ID
for all other Part 90 requirements.
1) SAR limits for General Population/Uncontrolled exposure is 1.6 W/kg for partial body
exposure, averaged over 1 g of tissue and 4 W/kg for hands, wrists and feet averaged over
10 g of tissue. The limits for Occupational/Controlled exposure are more relaxed, i.e., 8
W/kg for partial body and 20 W/kg for hands, wrists and feet. The 1.6 W/kg limit applies
for most of RIM OEM integrators.
2) The limit for MPE is 0.6 mW/cm2 at 900 MHz.
RF exposure distance is based on normal operating proximity to the user’s body. This
distance is measured from the feed point of the antenna to the closest body part. A test
need to be performed to determine the passing distance that meets the exposure limits.
RF Exposure Addition To Integrator's Guide Page
1998-10-23 Rev Document No.
Integrator's Guide
Copyright 1998, Research In Motion, Limited
Minimum Separation Distance
For mobile configurations the MPE requirements are met by the minimum passing
distance of 28 cm for Larsen, 3 dB gain ground plane mounted antenna with minimum 6
feet cable length and for Austin, 0 dBd gain ground plane mounted antenna also with
minimum 6 feet cable length, the required distance is 20 cm.
For portable configurations the SAR requirements are met by the passing distance of 8 cm
for The Antenna Company, Eclipse II Magnet Mount, 3 dB gain antenna scaled to zero
cable length.
Operating Manual Compliance Statement
The integrator should include a statement in their operation/user/installation manual
making the user aware of RF exposure issues and insuring that the users keep a passing
distance from the antenna while transmitting.
Also the integrator should provide instructions or diagrams in the manual for proper
antenna mounting and position, when applicable, to ensure a safe exposure distance to the
operator and nearby persons.
If the final device configuration cannot be controlled so as to limit the user distance to the
antenna then the device needs to have an RF radiation hazard label warning the user to
keep away from the antenna by the specified distance.
If the product passes the MPE limit at 20 cm then there is no need for a label on the final
Any vehicular equipment that integrates R901M and uses a Larsen or Austin antenna will
be required to have the antennas installed at least 28 cm for Larsen and 20 cm for Austin
from any edge of a vehicle rooftop.
It is mandatory for the vehicular application integrators/distributors to add a warning in
their user manual to instruct the installer to mount the antenna at the center of the vehicle
rooftop. As well the instructions should tell the operator/user to maintain the minimum
required distance of 20 cm for Austin and 28 cm for Larsen base mounted antennas at all
For the Antenna Company, Eclipse II Magnet Mount antenna with 3 dB gain, all users are
required to maintain the minimum separation distance of 8 cm from the antenna at all
times. If the final device configuration cannot be controlled so as to limit the user
distance to the antenna by more than 8 cm then the device or the antenna, requires to have
an RF radiation hazard label. This way the users are warned to maintain the minimum 8
cm distance from the antenna.

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