Bosch Engineering MRRE14HBW Radar Sensor User Manual Bericht

Bosch Engineering GmbH Radar Sensor Bericht

user information

          Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017                Page 1 of 11   From Our  Reference Tel BEG-SC/EAS2 Roman  Walther +49 7062 911-9636 Report       Issue  Topic Bosch Engineering MRRe14HBW user information Description   1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents.................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 User information ....................................................................................................................................................2 2.1 Features and mechanical design ...........................................................................................................2 2.2 Areas of application.....................................................................................................................................2 3 Intended use ...........................................................................................................................................................4 4 Mounting conditions .............................................................................................................................................5 4.1 Installation instructions for the MRRe14HBW ..................................................................................5 4.2 Radar Cone ....................................................................................................................................................5 4.3 Mounting instructions with regard to parts outside the radar cone ..........................................6 4.4 Alignment.........................................................................................................................................................7 4.5 Orientation of sensor ..................................................................................................................................7 5 Handling Instructions ...........................................................................................................................................8 5.1 General handling instructions..................................................................................................................8 5.2 Handling instructions regarding the wiring harness connector ..................................................8 5.3 Handling instructions for maintenance, repair, and decommissioning ...................................9 6 Mandatory Country Specific User Manual Statements ....................................................................... 10 6.1 USA................................................................................................................................................................. 10 6.2 Canada ...........................................................................................................................................................11
         Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017              Page 2 of 11   From   Our  Reference   Tel   BEG-SC/EAS2   Roman  Walther  +49 7062 911-9636     Report      Issue  Topic Bosch  Engineering  MRRe14HBW  user  information     2 User information 2.1 Features and mechanical design The MRRe14HBW is a  bi-static  multimodal radar  with four independent receive  channels and digital  beam forming (DBF).  These technologies allow  the MRRe14HBW to be configured with independent  antennae  for  different  directions,  which  improves  the  angular  measurement accuracy  and means that the radar’s field of view  can be adjusted depending on the situation.  The high level of integration of the sensor and control unit functionalities, along with the compact design and space-saving  planar antennae, mean  that the system  can  be easily  integrated into vehicles.    Thanks to the robust sensor design, which  does not have  any  mechanical  moving  parts and features a high tolerance for vibration, the MRRe14HBW can be used across all ground-based vehicle  segments.  Radome  heating is  available  for the  MRRe14HBW —  guaranteeing  high sensor availability,  even in poor weather conditions, such as snow and ice. A mirror is available for optical sensor orientation.  The  MRRe14HBW  uses  the  frequency  band  of  76  –  77  GHz,  which  accepted  for  radar applications for ground-based vehicles.  Thanks to its triple carrier frequency,  a 77 GHz sensor requires only  a third of the antenna surface of an existing  24 GHz model in order to cover  the same  field of view  at the same  resolution. This means  that the sensor is significantly  smaller, making  it well  suited to installation in compact  applications.  The triple frequency  also supports the system when measuring speed based on the Doppler effect, producing results that are three times more accurate than measurements from a 24 GHz version.   2.2 Areas of application Based  on the hardware of the Mid-Range-Radar in the automotive  industry,  the MRRe14HBW has been further optimized for Off-Highway and rail applications. Objects located in field of view  of the radar sensor cause multiple radar reflections depending on the  object's  material,  size,  and  shape.  These  reflections  are  evaluated  internally  and  then transmitted as 'targets.' The sensor allows  target detection in rough conditions originating from weather, view  and environment.  The MRRe14HBW features the possibility to switch  between two antenna configurations, a far and a  near range antenna.  By  focusing  the far range  antenna on a  narr ow main  lobe with  an opening angle of ±6.0 degrees, an excellent detection range of dead -ahead objects of up to 160 m is realized.
         Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017              Page 3 of 11   From   Our  Reference   Tel   BEG-SC/EAS2   Roman  Walther  +49 7062 911-9636     Report      Issue  Topic Bosch  Engineering  MRRe14HBW  user  informa tion     The  use of the near  range  antenna results in  a  wide  detection angle  of ±42.6  degrees.  The MRRe14HBW can  be installed at  the front, side, or rear of a machine.  Therefore, with multiple sensors a large field of view  around the vehicle is possible. The robust automotive sensor design with no moving  parts has high vibration resistance allowing for application in the Off-Highway and rail sector.  The  MRRe14HBW  uses  worldwide  approved  frequency  bands  for  automotive  applications. Therefore, Bosch Engineering is able to offer three modulation band widths of 200, 400 and 740 MHz.   •  The frequency modulation of 740 MHz enables an excellent object separation capability and distance measurement accuracy.   •  The 200 MHz modulation offers a higher detection range to support applications involving high vehicle speeds.   Our flexibility  by  switching  between  far  and  near  range  antennas  as  well  as  using  different modulations is a tremendous benefit.   The sensor can be easily  integrated into machine systems with customer -configurable CAN-IDs and baud rates. Furthermore, private and public CAN buses are available, meaning that the data output can be comfortably  integrated and used in all circumstances.    Due to its benefits radar technology  is fundamental for sensor fusion projects. Fusing different sensor technologies not only helps the operator, it is also a first step towards autonomous driving in the Off-Highway  business.
         Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017              Page 4 of 11   From   Our  Reference   Tel   BEG-SC/EAS2   Roman  Walther  +49 7062 911-9636     Report      Issue  Topic Bosch  Engineering  MRRe14HBW  user  informa tion     3 Intended  use  The intended use of the MRRe14HBW is being mounted on ground based vehicles. These include but are not limited to construction equipment (excavators,  dump trucks, bulldozers etc.), agriculture equipment (tractors, combine harvesters etc.),  material handling equipment (forklifters, mobile industrial robots, etc.),  mobile work platforms, trains, trams, light rail vehicles, boats and ships operated within territorial waters and automotive vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, busses, motorcycles,  motorbikes).
         Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017              Page 5 of 11   From   Our  Reference   Tel   BEG-SC/EAS2   Roman  Walther  +49 7062 911-9636     Report      Issue  Topic Bosch  Engineering  MRRe14HBW  user  informa tion     4 Mounting  conditions  4.1 Installation instructions for the MRRe14HBW  The MRRe14HBW is installed at the desired location of the machine.  The sensor’s radome normal points in the direction to be covered by the radar and the connector downwards. The outline dimensions of the sensor (without connector) are approx. 70 x  60 x 30 mm3 (L×W×H, Category  II), further details can be taken out of offer drawings.  The radome design of the MRRe14HBW is chosen to minimize detrimental absorption effects on the sensor’s performance due to water droplets or film on the radome surface.    The MRRe14HBW is not released for installation behind covers.  4.2 Radar Cone The area in front of the radar sensor must be free from any parts, except in case of integration behind a cover like radome or bumper. This area is described by the radar cone. In this area no metal parts are allowed, especially  not in front of the sensor.   Figure 2.1 Radar Cone of the MRRe14HBW Radar cone shape: - Foot print on radar PCB:  23.3 mm x  49.6 mm (Category  II) - Opening angle: (Category  II): +/-20° vertical and +/-45° horizontal
         Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017              Page 6 of 11   From   Our  Reference   Tel   BEG-SC/EAS2   Roman  Walther  +49 7062 911-9636     Report      Issue  Topic Bosch  Engineering  MRRe14HBW  user  informa tion     The radar-cones describe a “safe-area”  where no detailed investigations  have  to be done regarding distorting interaction of machine-environment and antenna diagram (information in the following chapters has to be considered). Nevertheless, in such cases where materials locally  protrude into the defined radar cones, it does not mean that the mounting position is unacceptable.  In  that  case,  further detailed  investigations  have  to  be  done to  verify  the mounting location (investigations can be offered on request).  The MRRe14HBW is not released for mounting positions not fulfilling these requirements.  Mounting condition guidelines Clearance in front of the sensor of any parts, in particular metallic parts but except cover,  emblem or bumper designed as an radome for covered sensor integration as described by radar cone specification Radar  cone as specified  above Recommended clearance to other machine parts:  (Sensor-movement during adjustment:  3° vertical and horizontal is considered). The customer is responsible to avoid any  mechanical  stress at the MRRe14HBW assembly  w.r.t. contact with surrounding parts.  No vibration sources (e.g.  a horn) are allowed on the same mounting structure of the MRRe14HBW . 10 mm on each side  4.3 Mounting instructions with regard to parts outside the radar cone  At parts in front of the sensor but outside the radar cone reflections occur which may cause interference signals influencing the sensor performance.
         Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017              Page 7 of 11   From   Our  Reference   Tel   BEG-SC/EAS2   Roman  Walther  +49 7062 911-9636     Report      Issue  Topic Bosch  Engineering  MRRe14HBW  user  informa tion      Figure 2.2 Closed surfaces (masks) For closed surfaces (masks)  in azimuth,  the angle   between mask surface and the normal vector n of the sensor must be in the range [55… 160] ° for parts outside the radar cone. The minimum distance d between sensor and parts outside the radar cone such as masks is recommended to be at least 10 mm.  4.4 Alignment The sensor has to be mounted on the machine in such a way  that its field of view  coincides with the area desired to be monitored. For best performance, the radar can be aligned precisely with a light collecting box as used for aligning car headlights. Therefore, the mirror on the sensor subcarrier is used to measure the deviation of the mirror axis  and a defined external light source and detector.  4.5 Orientation of sensor The sensors can be mounted on a machine oriented along arbitrary directions. It should, however, be noted that the sensor’s performance is superior in the radial direction than in the azimuthal direction (directions see Figure 9.1). I.e., a distance measurement is of better performance than an angle measurement.
         Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017              Page 8 of 11   From   Our  Reference   Tel   BEG-SC/EAS2   Roman  Walther  +49 7062 911-9636     Report      Issue  Topic Bosch  Engineering  MRRe14HBW  user  informa tion     5 Handling  Instructions 5.1 General handling instructions The MRRe14HBW is an integrated unit consisting of a radar sensor for the measurement of distance and relative velocity  and a control unit for signal processing. The MRRe14HBW can be treated similar to other ECUs. No modifications are allowed before mounting the MRRe14HBW to the machine, e.g. pre-adjustment or removal  of the alignment  screws  or  removal  of  the retaining springs.  In addition, the MRRe14HBW should be only  carefully  disassembled from the bracket and such disassemblies should be kept to an absolute minimum. MRRe14HBW which  dropped to the ground are not allowed  to be mounted to machines and must be scrapped. To  avoid  problems during  the alignment  process,  any  contamination  of  the alignment mirror (located at the radome) must be avoided. The SCU is equipped with a pressure equalization membrane located under the type label. Damage  can  affect  the water tightness of the  MRRe14HBW. Therefore, damaged  parts must be scrapped. Although the radome is not sensitive to slight contamination such as dust, fingerprints, or small scratches, gloves  should be used during the handling to avoid customer complaints due to optical defects.   The  use  of  aggressive  cleaning  agents  is  prohibited.  The  use  of  glass  cleaner  is recommended, e.g.,  to wipe of fingerprints. 5.2 Handling instructions regarding the wiring harness connector The connector pins are not allowed to be touched to avoid  ESD related issues. It is recommended to plug the wiring  harness connector with no voltage  applied in order to avoid  the generation of error entries. The proper sealing of the wiring harness connector must be assured in order to avoid the intrusion of water or humidity in the connector area. It  is  not  allowed  to  use  improper tools  to  mount  the  wiring  harness  connector,  e.g., screwdrivers. The  proper engagement  of  the  wiring  harness  connector  must  be  checked.  Special attention must be paid during all mounting processes to avoid mechanical  loads on the MRRe14HBW which can lead to damage.   The wiring harness has to be fixed at a maximum  distance of 20 cm from the bracket.
         Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017              Page 9 of 11   From   Our  Reference   Tel   BEG-SC/EAS2   Roman  Walther  +49 7062 911-9636     Report      Issue  Topic Bosch  Engineering  MRRe14HBW  user  informa tion     5.3 Handling instructions for maintenance, repair, and decommissioning It has to be ensured that the sensor is off before maintenance, repair and disassembly.
         Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017              Page 10 of 11   From   Our  Reference   Tel   BEG-SC/EAS2   Roman  Walther  +49 7062 911-9636     Report      Issue  Topic Bosch  Engineering  MRRe14HBW  user  informa tion     6 Mandatory Country Specific User Manual  Statements  The below mentioned countries have requirements regarding specific phrases that have  to be reproduced in the vehicle user’s manual. The  specific  phrases and  labels  result from the radio  type  approval  requirements of those countries.  The phrases have  to be included in a  conspicuous location  in the vehicle  user manual  and accurately  reprinted as indicated in the following sub-chapters: 6.1 USA User manual statement according to §15.19: NOTICE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and  (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  User manual statement according to §15.21: Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by Bosch Engineering GmbH may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.  User manual statements according to §15.105: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.  RF Exposure Information according 2.1091 / 2.1093 / KDB 447498 / OET bulletin 65: Radiofrequency radiation exposure Information: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.
         Bosch Engineering  Absta tt 06 September 2017              Page 11 of 11   From   Our  Reference   Tel   BEG-SC/EAS2   Roman  Walther  +49 7062 911-9636     Report      Issue  Topic Bosch  Engineering  MRRe14HBW  user  informa tion     This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  6.2 Canada  User manual statement according to RSS-GEN NOTICE: This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device must not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.  RF Exposure Information according to RSS-102 Radiofrequency radiation exposure Information: This equipment complies with FCC and IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements IC établies pour un  environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de  20 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps. Ce transmetteur ne doit pas etre place au meme endroit ou utilise simultanement avec un autre transmetteur ou antenne.

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