Bosch GV4 Series Control Panels Fr Technical Bulletin Special 9007216501676171
Special (Technical Bulletin - GV4 B308 Alarm Bell ) Technical_Bulletin___Special_enUS_9007216501676171 D9412GV4 Control Panel
User Manual: Bosch fr-fr D9412GV4 Control Panel
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GV4 Series
Control Panels
B308 Outputs Do Not Activate During
Alarm Bell Test
August 29, 2014
Issue Severity: Product Affected:
Act immediately
• D9412GV4 all versions lower than v2.01
(v1.xx through
• D7412GV4 all versions lower than v2.01
(v1.xx through
• D7212GV4 all versions
• B308 Octo-output Module
Bosch Security Systems,
Inc. strongly recommends you take
the action(s) described below.
1.0 Issue
GV4 Series control panels with firmware versions lower than v2.01 do not activate B308 outputs
during the tests shown below. Important! The B308 does activate during an alarm or through other
methods of output control (SKEDs, Menu, etc.).
The B308 does not activate outputs during these tests:
• Bell Test (during arming and closing ring back)
• Intrusion Walk Test (beginning of test)
• Fire Walk Test (beginning of test and as each point is tripped)
The B308 resumes normal operation after these tests.
2.0 Resolution
To resolve this issue, do one of the following:
• For Alarm Bells, use on-board Relay A, B, or C, or a D8129 Octo-relay module instead of a B308.
• For D9412GV4 and D7412GV4 control panels with firmware versions lower than v2.01, update
the control panel to firmware v2.03.018 or higher.
Important! If you are updating from a v1.xx control panel to v2.03.018, be sure to review the pre-
update notes on the following pages first.

GV4 v1.xx to v2.xx pre-update notes
• Upgrading the system sets the control panel to factory default configuration. Prior to the
upgrade, disconnect the on-board relays, relay modules, and all keypads until the system is
properly re-configured.
• Before upgrading a v1.xx GV4 control panel to a v2.xx, please understand: Full functionality is
available only with the B Series keypads (B915/B920/B921C/B930/B942), SDI keypads only have
limited functionality. Once you have upgraded an RPS account, you cannot down-grade the
account. If you are down-grading the control panel, you are required to recreate the entire
account in RPS.
• Upgrade an existing G Series control panel account to a GV4 v2.xx account using the latest
version of RPS. Refer to the RPS HELP for the specific control panel for additional information
on control panel account conversion. In the RPS HELP file, select: Panel Specific
Information→Communicating with 9000 Series Panels→Upgrading a Panel Type.
• The GV4 control panel's terminal blocks, SDI interconnect terminal, and accessory connector are
all fully compatible with all G series and GV2 series control panel peripherals. Firmware version
2.xx updates are available via a network connection or Blue ROM update key (GV4-ROM-KEY),
and are also available via a firmware download at: Firmware version 2.xx
updates may be performed via USB or serial connection using the DX4010V2. Perform the
procedure below to access firmware updates from the website:
Downloading firmware updates:
1. Go to the Bosch website (
2. In the Search text box on the right side of the page, enter the CTN (product name) for the
product for which you wish to download the firmware.
3. Press [ENTER].
4. In the Search Results area, click the desired product’s Product Page button. The product
page opens with the Details tab selected.
5. Click on the Software Downloads tab, and then click the desired language listed to the right
of the desired firmware.
Call Bosch Security Systems, Inc., Technical Support (1-800-289-0096) if you need additional
• Please reference the following procedure to convert a GV4 v1.xx account to a GV4 v2.xx account.
Due to the fundamental differences in the firmware between the GV4 v1.xx and GV4 v2.xx, it is
important to follow this process. Note that after the update of the firmware from v1.xx to v2.xx,
the configuration values will be set to default.
1. Use the latest version of RPS.
2. To import the new firmware into RPS, follow Steps 3 through 5.
3. From the Main menu, select Config > System. Select the GV4 Firmware Files tab, and then click
4. Click Select Firmware File ellipsis (browse) button and then browse to and select the firmware
file to upload.
5. Click Open and then Next. When the import finishes complete click Finish.
6. To create a backup copy of the control panel account, follow Steps 7 through 9.
7. From the Panel List window, click New.
8. To create a new panel from one currently in the panel list, from the New Panel window, click the
Existing tab. Select the control panel account from the list of existing panels, and click OK.
9. Fill in the appropriate parameters to create the GV4 Version 2.xx control panel account and click
10. You can perform upgrades using RPS via a network connection, or a USB or serial connection
using the DX4010V2.
11. Open the GV4 v1.xx control panel account and connect to the GV4 v2.xx control panel.
12. Click the Firmware Update Wizard icon. The Firmware Update Wizard opens.

©2014 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
130 Perinton Parkway,
Fairport, NY 14450 USA
Technical Bulletin
GV4 Series Control
Page 3 of 3
13. Click Next and select the correct firmware file and click Next.
14. Select the Acknowledge to Continue check box and click Next to begin the upgrade. When the
update finishes, the Disconnecting from the Control Panel message appears.
15. Click Close. The control panel reboots.
16. To update the RPS control panel account, follow Steps 17 through 20.
17. Close the control panel account by clicking the Close button. Select the upgraded control panel
which is highlighted in the Panel List.
18. Right-click on the highlighted, updated control panel and select View.
19. In the control panel Data View window, click Edit and then select the drop-down arrow beside
the Panel Type box.
20. From the Panel Type drop down list, select the correct control panel type with [V2.00 or
greater] (i.e. D9412GV4 v2.00 or greater) and then click OK.
21. To reconnect to the control panel and send the update to the control panel, follow Steps 22
through 23.
22. Open the Version 2.xx control panel account and connect to the control panel. The Panel Sync
dialog box appears.
23. Select Send Only Updated RPS Data to Panel. Note: Do not select Receive Panel Data, and click
24. The firmware update completes and you can exit RPS.
25. Test the control panel for operation.
After system installation and any control panel programming, perform a complete system test (a
UL864 requirement). A complete system test includes testing the control panel, all devices, and
communication paths for proper operation.