Bose Pm8500 Users Manual

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PowerMatch™ PM8500 Configurable Professional Amplifier
PowerMatch™ PM8500N Configurable Professional Amplifier

PM8500 / PM8500N



Configurable Professional Power Amplifier
User Guide

This Page intentionally blank	Contents

Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Additional Documents................................................................................................................................. 12
Product Features........................................................................................................................................... 12
PowerMatch™ Amplifier Product Line Overview................................................................................ 13
PowerMatch PM8500 and PM8500N...................................................................................................... 13
Accessory Cards..................................................................................................................................... 13
Ideal for use with RoomMatch™ array module loudspeakers................................................................. 13
Interfacing with a ControlSpace® ESP-88 engineered sound processor................................................. 13
Controls, Display, and Connectors.......................................................................................................... 14

Hardware Installation................................................................................................................................... 15
Unpacking............................................................................................................................................... 15
Rack Mounting........................................................................................................................................ 15
Ventilation................................................................................................................................................ 15
AC Mains Outlet Requirements............................................................................................................... 15

Making Connections.................................................................................................................................... 16
Connection and Configuration Steps...................................................................................................... 16
Power (Mains) Connection....................................................................................................................... 16
Standby Mode......................................................................................................................................... 16
Wiring Input Connectors.......................................................................................................................... 17
Fault Notification Output......................................................................................................................... 19

Setup and Configuration............................................................................................................................ 20
Configuration Methods............................................................................................................................ 20
Control Panel Description........................................................................................................................ 21
Front Panel Control Menu Structure........................................................................................................ 22
Control Menu Descriptions...................................................................................................................... 22
Setting the Limiting Function for use with 3rd Party Loudspeakers........................................................ 33

Sample Output Configurations for Different Loudspeaker Loads................................................ 34
Configuration of a RoomMatch™ Four-Module Array (Example 1).......................................................... 34
Configuration of RoomMatch™ Two-Module Array with a RoomMatch RMS215 Subwoofer Module
(Example 2).............................................................................................................................................. 35

Maintenance Operations............................................................................................................................ 36
Updating Firmware and Speaker EQ Presets.......................................................................................... 36
Saving and Recalling Amplifier Settings.................................................................................................. 37
About the Alarm Log and Fault Indicator................................................................................................. 38

Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................. 39
Appendix.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Function Table......................................................................................................................................... 40
Specifications.......................................................................................................................................... 41
AC Current Draw and Thermal Dissipation Information.......................................................................... 42


User Guide  Page 3

Important Safety Information

	 This product is intended for installation by professional installers only! Thank you for selecting Bose® PowerMatch™
­amplifiers for your sound reinforcement system. This document is intended to provide professional installers with basic
­installation and safety guidelines for Bose PowerMatch amplifiers in typical fixed-installation systems. Please read this
­document before attempting installation.
	 WARNING: Do not expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing, and do not place objects filled with liquids such as vases,
on or near the apparatus. As with any electronic products, use care not to spill liquids into any part of the system. Liquids can
cause a failure and/or a fire hazard.

	 The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the system enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electrical shock.
Do not touch the output terminals while amplifier power is ON. Make all connections with amplifier OFF.
	 The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle, as marked on the system, is intended to alert the user to the presence of
important operating and maintenance instructions in this installation guide.
	 CAUTION: Make no modifications to the amplifier or accessories. Unauthorized alternations may compromise safety, regulatory
compliance, and system performance.
	 CAUTION: This product shall be connected to an AC mains socket outlet with a protective earthing (grounding) connection.
	 CAUTION: Where the AC mains plug is used as the disconnect device, such disconnect device shall remain fully operable.

Important Safety Instructions
1.	 Read these instructions.
2.	 Keep these instructions – for future reference.
3.	 Heed all warnings – on the product and in all product documentation.
4.	 Follow all instructions.
5.	 Do not use this apparatus near water or moisture.
6.	 Clean only with a dry cloth.
7.	 Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. To ensure reliable operation of the
product and to protect it from overheating, put the product in a position and location that will not interfere with its proper ventilation.
8.	 Do not install near any heat sources, such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that p
­ roduce
9.	 Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the
other. A grounding-type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wider blade or third prong is provided for your safety.
If the provided plug does not fit in your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
10.	 Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they
exit from the apparatus.
11.	 Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
12.	 Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer or sold with the apparatus.
When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
13.	 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time to prevent damage to this product.
14.	 Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way such as
power-supply cord or plug is damaged; liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus; the apparatus has been
exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped. Do not attempt to service this product yourself.
Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages or other hazards. Please call Bose to be referred to an
­authorized service center near you.

Page 4  Installation and Safety Guidelines	

English	Important

Safety Information

15.	 To prevent risk of fire or electric shock, avoid overloading wall outlets, extension cords, or integral convenience receptacles.
16.	 Do not let objects or liquids enter the product – as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a
fire or electric shock.
17.	 See product enclosure for safety-related markings.
18.	 No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the apparatus.
19.	 The mains plug is used to disconnect the device and it shall remain readily operable. To completely disconnect the power input, the
mains plug of the apparatus shall be disconnected from the mains.
20.	 The front-panel LCD screen will illuminate when the product has mains power. If power is applied and the LCD screen is not
illuminated, please send the unit for service.
21.	 Do not allow the unit to exceed the maximum operating ambient temperature of 40° C. Be aware of conditions in an enclosed rack
that may increase the temperature above room ambient conditions.
Note: The product must be used indoors. It is neither designed nor tested for use outdoors, in recreational vehicles, or on
This product conforms with all EU Directive requirements as applicable by law. The complete Declaration of Conformity can
be found at

This Product meets the immunity requirements for the E2 class EN55103-2 directive.
Initial turn on inrush current: 14.8 Amps (230V / 50 Hz)
Inrush current after 5 seconds AC mains interruption: 15.4 Amps (230V / 50 Hz)
Information About Products That Generate Electrical Noise (FCC Compliance Notice for U.S.)
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at one’s own
This product complies with the Canadian ICES-003 Class A specifications.


Installation and Safety Guidelines  Page 5

	Información de seguridad importante

	Sólo un instalador profesional deberá montar este producto. Gracias por seleccionar los amplificadores Bose® PowerMatch™
para su sistema de refuerzo de sonido. Este documento ofrece a los instaladores profesionales instrucciones básicas de instalación y seguridad para los amplificadores Bose PowerMatch™ en sistemas típicos de instalación fija. Lea este documento antes
de intentar la instalación.
	 ADVERTENCIA: No exponga este aparato a salpicaduras o goteo. No coloque encima o cerca del aparato objetos que
contengan líquidos, como jarrones. Al igual que con cualquier producto electrónico, evite que se derramen líquidos en los
componentes del sistema, ya que pueden provocar averías o riesgo de incendio.

	 El símbolo de relámpago con una flecha dentro de un triángulo equilátero indica al usuario que la caja del sistema puede
contener una tensión sin aislar de magnitud suficiente para constituir un riesgo de descarga eléctrica. No toque los terminales
de salida mientras el amplificador está encendido. Realice todas las conexiones con el amplificador apagado.
	 El signo de exclamación dentro de un triángulo equilátero, tal como aparece marcado en el sistema, avisa al usuario de que
existen instrucciones de operación y mantenimiento importantes en esta guía de instalación.
	 PRECAUCIÓN: No realice modificaciones en el amplificador o los accesorios. Las alteraciones no autorizadas pueden
comprometer aspectos de seguridad, cumplimiento normativo y rendimiento del sistema.
	 PRECAUCIÓN: Este producto se debe conectar a una toma de la red eléctrica con una conexión de tierra que sirva de
	 PRECAUCIÓN: Si se utiliza la clavija de red como dispositivo de desconexión, deberá poder accionarse fácilmente.

Instrucciones de seguridad importantes
1.	 Lea las siguientes instrucciones.
2.	 Guarde estas instrucciones para consultarlas en el futuro.
3.	 Respete todas las advertencias que se indican en el producto y en la documentación.
4.	 Siga todas las instrucciones.
5.	 No utilice este aparato cerca del agua o humedad.
6.	 Límpielo sólo con una bayeta seca.
7.	 No bloquee las aberturas de ventilación. Instálelo siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante. Para garantizar un funcionamiento
fiable del producto y evitar que se recaliente, colóquelo en una ubicación y posición que permitan una ventilación adecuada.
8.	 No lo instale cerca de fuentes de calor, tales como radiadores, salidas de aire caliente, cocinas u otros aparatos (incluidos
amplificadores) que generen calor.
9.	 No elimine el mecanismo de seguridad del enchufe con toma a tierra o polarizado. Los enchufes polarizados disponen de dos
clavijas, una de mayor tamaño que la otra. Los enchufes con toma a tierra tienen dos clavijas y un tercer terminal de tierra.
La patilla más ancha y el tercer terminal se incluyen como medida de seguridad. Si el enchufe suministrado no encaja en la toma,
póngase en contacto con un electricista para sustituir la toma antigua.
10.	 Proteja el cable de alimentación de forma que nadie lo pise ni quede pinzado, en particular cerca de enchufes, receptáculos de
tomas múltiples y en el lugar en que sale del aparato.
11.	 Utilice sólo conexiones y accesorios suministrados por el fabricante.
12.	 Utilícelo sólo con el carrito, soporte, trípode, abrazadera o mesa suministrados por el fabricante o incluidos con el
dispositivo. Cuando utilice un carrito, tenga cuidado al mover el carrito con el dispositivo para evitar que caiga y
produzca daños.
13.	 Desenchufe el dispositivo si se produce una tormenta eléctrica o si no lo va a utilizar durante periodos prolongados de tiempo para
evitar que se dañe.
14.	 Toda reparación debe ser realizada por personal cualificado. Lleve el dispositivo a reparar si presenta algún daño como, por
ejemplo, si el cable de alimentación o el enchufe están dañados, si se han vertido líquidos o se han caído objetos sobre el
dispositivo o si éste ha estado expuesto a la lluvia o humedad; si no funciona correctamente o se ha caído al suelo. No intente
reparar el producto usted mismo. La apertura o retirada de las tapas le expondrá a tensiones peligrosas o a otros peligros. Póngase
en contacto con Bose para conocer cuál es el centro de servicio técnico autorizado de su zona.

Página 6  Instrucciones de instalación y de seguridad	


Información de seguridad importante

15.	 Para prevenir el riesgo de incendio o descargas eléctricas, evite sobrecargar los enchufes, alargadores o receptáculos de las tomas.
16.	 Evite que caigan objetos o líquidos sobre el producto, ya que podrían entrar en contacto con puntos de niveles de voltaje altos o
partes que podrían sufrir un cortocircuito y causar incendios o descargas eléctricas.
17.	 Consulte las indicaciones de seguridad en la caja del producto.
18.	 No coloque sobre el aparato ninguna fuente de llama viva, como velas encendidas.
19.	 El enchufe de red sirve para desconectar el dispositivo y deberá poder accionarse fácilmente. Para desconectar completamente el
aparato, deberá desenchufarse el enchufe de red del aparato.
20.	 La pantalla LCD del panel frontal se ilumina cuando el producto está conectado a la red. Si se conecta el aparato y no se ilumina la
pantalla LCD, envíelo a reparar.
21.	 No exponga la unidad a temperaturas superiores a 40° C, su temperatura máxima de funcionamiento. Tenga en cuenta todas
las situaciones que pueden darse en un bastidor cerrado y que podrían aumentar la temperatura por encima de las condiciones
ambientales de la sala.
Nota: Este producto debe utilizarse en interiores. No está diseñado ni ha sido probado para uso al aire libre o en embarcaciones.
Este producto cumple los requisitos de todas las Directivas de la UE aplicables legalmente. Encontrará la declaración de
conformidad completa en

Este producto cumple los requisitos de inmunidad que establece la Directiva EN55103-2 para la
clase E2.
Corriente de irrupción en encendido inicial: 14,8 Amps (230 V / 50 Hz)
Corriente de irrupción después de 5 segundos de interrupción de la corriente de red: 15,4 Amps (230 V / 50 Hz)
Información sobre productos que generan ruido eléctrico (Nota de homologación FCC para EE UU)
Nota: Este equipo se ha probado y ha demostrado que cumple con los límites para dispositivos digitales de clase B, de acuerdo
con el apartado 15 de las normas de la FCC. Estos límites están diseñados para ofrecer una protección razonable contra las
interferencias perjudiciales cuando el aparato se utiliza en un entorno comercial. Este equipo genera, utiliza y puede irradiar energía de
radiofrecuencia y, si no se instala y se utiliza de acuerdo con el manual de instrucciones, podría ocasionar interferencias perjudiciales
para las comunicaciones por radio. La utilización de este equipo en una zona residencial podría causar interferencias dañinas. En ese
caso, la corrección de la interferencia correrá a cargo del usuario.
Este producto cumple las especificaciones canadienses para dispositivos de clase A ICES-003.


Instrucciones de instalación y de seguridad  Página 7

Informations importantes pour la sécurité

	L’installation de ce produit est réservée à un technicien professionnel ! Merci d’avoir choisi des amplificateurs
professionnels Bose® PowerMatch™ pour votre système d’amplification du son. Ce document à l’intention des installateurs
professionnels contient les directives de pose et de sécurité relatives aux amplificateurs professionnels Bose PowerMatch™
en installation fixe. Lisez attentivement ce document avant l’installation.
	 AVERTISSEMENT : Protégez l’appareil de tout risque de ruissellement ou d’éclaboussure. Ne placez pas d’objets contenant
des liquides, tels que des vases, sur l’appareil. Comme avec tout appareil électronique, veillez à ne pas renverser de liquides sur
une partie quelconque de l’appareil. Les liquides peuvent provoquer des pannes et/ou un risque d’incendie.

	 Le symbole représentant un éclair avec une flèche à l’intérieur d’un triangle équilatéral est utilisé pour prévenir l’utilisateur de la
présence d’une tension électrique dangereuse non isolée à l’intérieur de l’appareil. Cette tension est d’un niveau suffisamment
élevé pour représenter un risque d’électrocution. Ne touchez pas les bornes de sortie lorsque l’amplificateur est allumé. Mettez
l’amplificateur hors tension avant de réaliser toute connexion.
	 Le symbole représentant un point d’exclamation à l’intérieur d’un triangle équilatéral, tel qu’il figure sur le système, signale à
l’utilisateur la présence d’instructions importantes relatives au fonctionnement et à l’entretien de l’appareil dans cette notice
	 ATTENTION : N’apportez aucune modification à l’amplificateur ou aux accessoires. Toute modification non autorisée peut
compromettre votre sécurité, le respect des réglementations et les performances.
	 ATTENTION : Cet appareil doit être raccordé à une prise secteur dotée d’une mise à la terre.
	 ATTENTION : Si la fiche d’alimentation est utilisée comme dispositif de débranchement de l’appareil, elle doit rester facilement

Instructions importantes relatives à la sécurité
1.	 Veuillez lire ces instructions.
2.	 Conservez-les pour toute référence ultérieure.
3.	 Respectez tous les avertissements qui figurent sur le produit ou dans sa notice d’utilisation.
4.	 Suivez toutes les instructions.
5.	 N’utilisez pas cet appareil à proximité d’eau ou d’une source d’humidité.
6.	 Utilisez uniquement un chiffon sec pour le nettoyage.
7.	 Ne bloquez jamais les orifices d’aération. Suivez les instructions du fabricant pour l’installation. Pour garantir un fonctionnement
fiable du produit et le protéger contre tout risque de surchauffe, installez-le à un emplacement et dans une position permettant
d’assurer une ventilation correcte.
8.	 N’installez pas cet appareil à proximité d’une quelconque source de chaleur, telle qu’un radiateur, une arrivée d’air chaud, un four
ou tout autre appareil (notamment des amplificateurs) produisant de la chaleur.
9.	 Veillez à profiter de la sécurité offerte par les fiches de type terre ou polarisées. Les fiches polarisées sont équipées de deux bornes
de largeurs différentes. Les fiches de type terre sont équipées de deux bornes et d’un orifice pour la mise à la terre. Ces deux
types de dispositifs ont pour but d’assurer votre sécurité Si la prise fournie ne s’adapte pas à votre prise de courant, consultez un
électricien pour qu’il remplace cette prise obsolète.
10.	 Protégez le cordon d’alimentation contre les risques de piétinement ou de pincement, notamment au niveau des fiches, des prises
de courant et des branchements à l’appareil.
11.	 Utilisez uniquement les accessoires spécifiés par le fabricant.
12.	 Utilisez uniquement le chariot, le support, le trépied, l’équerre ou la table spécifié(e) par le fabricant ou vendu(e)
avec l’appareil. Si vous utilisez un chariot, faites attention à ne pas faire basculer l’ensemble chariot/appareil.
13.	 Débranchez cet appareil pendant les orages ou au cours des longues périodes de non utilisation afin d’éviter de l’endommager.
14.	 Confiez toute réparation à du personnel qualifié. Une réparation est nécessaire lorsque l’appareil a été endommagé de quelque
façon que ce soit (endommagement du cordon d’alimentation ou de la fiche électrique, renversement d’un liquide ou de tout objet
sur l’appareil, exposition de l’appareil à la pluie ou à l’humidité, mauvais fonctionnement, chute de l’appareil, etc.). Ne tentez pas
de réparer ce produit vous-même. L’ouverture ou la dépose d’un couvercle risque de vous exposer à des tensions électriques ou
autres dangers. Veuillez contacter Bose pour connaître les coordonnées du centre de réparation agréé le plus proche.
Page 8  Installation et instructions de sécurité	


Informations importantes pour la sécurité

15.	 Pour éviter tout risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution, ne surchargez pas les prises murales, les rallonges ou les prises multiples.
16.	 Ne laissez jamais de l’eau ou des objets pénétrer à l’intérieur du produit : des éléments sous tension pourraient être touchés, et un
court-circuit risquerait de provoquer un incendie ou une électrocution.
17.	 Consultez les marquages de sécurité sous le boîtier du produit.
18.	 Ne placez jamais d’objets enflammés, tels que des bougies allumées, sur l’appareil.
19.	 La fiche d’alimentation est utilisée comme dispositif de débranchement de l’appareil et doit rester facilement accessible.
Pour déconnecter totalement l’appareil du secteur, débranchez-le de la prise électrique.
20.	 L’écran du panneau d’affichage LCD est illuminé lorsque le produit est alimenté. Si le produit est alimenté et que l’écran LCD n’est
pas allumé, veuillez faire réviser l’appareil.
21.	 Veillez à ne pas utiliser l’appareil à une température supérieure à 40° C. Gardez à l’esprit le fait que la température à l’intérieur d’un
rack fermé peut être très supérieure à la température ambiante.
Remarque : Ce produit doit être utilisé en intérieur. Il n’a pas été conçu ni testé pour une utilisation en extérieur, dans des
véhicules ou sur des bateaux.
Ce produit est conforme à toutes les directives de la Communauté Européenne qui s’y appliquent. L’attestation complète de
conformité est disponible à l’adresse

Ce produit répond aux critères d’immunité des directives EN55103-2 pour les appareils de classe E2.
Courant d’appel à la mise sous tension : 14,8 A (230V / 50 Hz)
Courant d’appel après une interruption de 5 secondes de l’alimentation secteur : 15,4 A (230V / 50 Hz)
Informations sur les produits générateurs de bruit électrique (Notice de conformité FCC pour les USA)
Remarque : Ce matériel a fait l’objet de tests prouvant sa conformité aux limites imposées aux appareils numériques de classe A,
conformément à la partie 15 des réglementations de la FCC. Ces limites sont conçues pour offrir une protection raisonnable contre
les interférences nuisibles lorsque l’appareil est utilisé en environnement commercial. Cet appareil génère, utilise et est susceptible
d’émettre de l’énergie à des fréquences radio. À ce titre, s’il n’est pas installé ou utilisé conformément aux instructions, il est
susceptible de perturber les communications radio. L’utilisation de cet équipement dans une zone résidentielle risque de provoquer des
interférences nuisibles, auquel cas l’utilisateur devra remédier au problème à ses propres frais.
Ce produit est conforme aux spécifications de la réglementation ICES-003 pour la classe A du Canada.


Installation et instructions de sécurité  Page 9

Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise

	 Dieses Produkt darf nur von fachkundigen Monteuren installiert werden! Vielen Dank, dass Sie Bose® PowerMatch™Verstärker für Ihr Klangverstärkungssystem gewählt haben. Dieses Dokument soll fachkundigen Monteuren grundlegende
Installations- und Sicherheitsrichtlinie für Bose PowerMatch™-Verstärker in typischen Festinstallationssystemen bieten.
Bitte lesen Sie dieses Dokument vor der Installation durch.
	 WARNUNG: Schützen Sie das Gerät vor tropfenden oder spritzenden Flüssigkeiten, und stellen Sie keine mit Flüssigkeiten
gefüllten Gefäße (z. B. Vasen) auf das Gerät oder in die Nähe des Geräts. Wie bei allen elektronischen Geräten dürfen niemals
Flüssigkeiten ins Innere gelangen. Dadurch kann es zu Fehlfunktionen oder Bränden kommen..

	 Das Blitzsymbol mit Pfeilspitze in einem gleichseitigen Dreieck weist den Benutzer auf das Vorhandensein einer nicht
isolierten gefährlichen elektrischen Spannung innerhalb des Systemgehäuses hin, durch die die Gefahr von Stromschlägen
besteht. Berühren Sie die Ausgangsanschlüsse nicht, wenn der Verstärker eingeschaltet ist. Schalten Sie alle Anschlüsse am
Verstärker aus.
	 Das Ausrufezeichen in einem gleichseitigen Dreieck, wie es am System angebracht ist, soll den Benutzer auf wichtige
Bedienungs- und Wartungsanweisungen in dieser Installationsanleitung aufmerksam machen.
	 ACHTUNG: Nehmen Sie keine Veränderungen am Verstärker oder am Zubehör vor. Nicht autorisierte Veränderungen können die
Sicherheit, die Erfüllung von Richtlinien und die Systemleistung beeinträchtigen.
	 ACHTUNG: Dieses Produkt muss an eine Steckdose mit Erdungsschutz angeschlossen werden.
	 ACHTUNG: Falls Sie den Netzstecker verwenden, um das Gerät von der Stromversorgung zu trennen, sollten Sie sicherstellen,
dass Sie jederzeit auf den Stecker zugreifen können.

Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise
1.	 Lesen Sie die folgenden Anweisungen.
2.	 Bewahren Sie diese Anweisungen auf – zum späteren Nachschlagen.
3.	 Beachten Sie alle Warnhinweise – am Produkt und in der gesamten Produktdokumentation.
4.	 Befolgen Sie alle Anweisungen.
5.	 Verwenden Sie dieses Gerät nicht in der Nähe von Wasser oder Feuchtigkeit.
6.	 Reinigen Sie das Gerät nur mit einem sauberen, trockenen Tuch.
7.	 Achten Sie darauf, dass die Lüftungsöffnungen nicht blockiert sind. Stellen Sie das Gerät nur in Übereinstimmung mit den
Herstelleranweisungen auf – Stellen Sie es nur an einem Ort auf, an dem eine gute Ventilation gewährleistet ist, um den
zuverlässigen Betrieb des Geräts sicherzustellen und es gegen Überhitzung zu schützen.
8.	 Stellen Sie das Gerät nicht in der Nähe von Wärmequellen auf, wie Heizkörper, Wärmespeicher, Öfen oder andere Geräten (auch
Verstärker), die Wärme erzeugen.
9.	 Beeinträchtigen Sie in keiner Weise die Schutzfunktion des Schutzkontaktsteckers. Ein gepolter Stecker hat zwei Stromkontakte,
von denen einer breiter als der andere ist. Ein Schutzkontaktstecker hat zwei Stromkontakte und einen dritten Erdungskontakt.
Der dritte Kontakt dient der Sicherheit. Falls der mitgelieferte Stecker nicht in Ihre Steckdose passt, wenden Sie sich an einen
qualifizierten Elektriker, um die Steckdose auszutauschen.
10.	 Verlegen Sie das Netzkabel so, dass es keine Stolpergefahr darstellt und nicht beschädigt werden kann – insbesondere im Bereich
von Steckern und Steckdosen und dort, wo das Netzkabel aus dem Gerät herausgeführt wird.
11.	 Verwenden Sie nur Zubehör-/Anbauteile, die vom Hersteller zugelassen sind.
12.	 Verwenden Sie für das Gerät nur Rollwagen, Ständer, Dreibeine, Halterungen oder Tische, die vom Hersteller zugelassen
sind oder zusammen mit dem Gerät verkauft werden. Falls Sie einen Rollwagen verwenden, dürfen Sie die Einheit
Gerät/Rollwagen nur mit Vorsicht bewegen, damit Verletzungen beim möglichen Umkippen ausgeschlossen sind.
13.	 Ziehen Sie den Netzstecker des Geräts während eines Gewitters oder wenn Sie das Gerät längere Zeit nicht benutzen –
zur Vermeidung von Schäden am Produkt.

Seite 10  Installations- und Sicherheitshinweise	


Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise

14.	 Wenden Sie sich bei allen Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten nur an qualifiziertes Kundendienstpersonal. Wartungsarbeiten sind
in folgenden Fällen nötig: Bei jeglichen Beschädigungen wie z. B. des Netzkabels oder des Netzsteckers, wenn Flüssigkeiten
oder Gegenstände in das Gehäuse gelangt sind, das Gerät Regen oder Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt wurde, fallen gelassen wurde
oder nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert – Versuchen Sie in solchen Fällen keinesfalls, das Gerät selbst zu reparieren. Öffnen oder
entfernen Sie unter keinen Umständen die Gehäuseabdeckungen, da Sie andernfalls mit gefährlichenelektrischen Spannungen in
Berührung kommen oder anderen Gefahren ausgesetzt sein könnten. Wenden Sie sich telefonisch an Bose, um die Anschrift eines
autorisierten Kundendienstzentrums in Ihrer Nähe zu erfragen.
15.	 Vermeiden Sie Gefahren durch Brände oder elektrische Schläge, indem Sie Steckdosen, Verlängerungskabel und integrierte
Gerätesteckdosen nicht überlasten.
16.	 Lassen Sie keine Flüssigkeiten oder Fremdkörper in das Gerät gelangen – sie können unter gefährliche elektrische Spannung
gesetzt werden oder Bauteile kurzschließen und folglich Brände und Stromschläge auslösen.
17.	 Beachten Sie die Sicherheitshinweise auf der Geräterückseite.
18.	 Stellen Sie keine brennenden Kerzen und kein offenes Licht auf das Gerät.
19.	 Der Netzstecker wird zum Trennen des Geräts verwendet und Sie sollten sicherstellen, dass Sie jederzeit auf den Stecker zugreifen
können. Um die Stromzufuhr komplett zu trennen, muss der Netzstecker des Geräts aus der Netzsteckdose gezogen werden.
20.	 Die Vorderseite des LCD-Bildschirms leuchtet, wenn das Produkt Strom erhält. Wenn Strom anliegt und der LCD-Bildschirm nicht
leuchtet, geben Sie das Gerät bitte zur Reparatur.
21.	 Achten Sie darauf, dass die Betriebstemperatur des Geräts 40 °C nicht überschreitet. Seien Sie sich aller Bedingungen in einem
geschlossenen Rack bewusst, welche zu einem Anstieg der Temperatur über Zimmerniveau führen können.
Hinweis: Das Produkt ist nicht für den Einsatz im Freien geeignet. Verwenden Sie es nur innerhalb von Gebäuden und nicht in
Campingfahrzeugen, auf Booten o. ä.
Dieses Produkt erfüllt alle vorgeschriebenen EU-Richtlinien. Die vollständige Konformitätserklärung ist einsehbar unter www.

Dieses Produkt erfüllt die Anforderungen an die Störfestigkeit der Klasse E2 der Richtlinie EN55103-2.
Anfänglicher Einschaltstrom: 14,8 A (230 V/50 Hz)
Einschaltstrom nach 5 Sekunden Unterbrechung des Netzanschlusses: 15,4 A (230 V/50 Hz)
Informationen über Produkte, die elektrisches Rauschen verursachen (Hinweis zur FCC-Einhaltung für
die USA)
Hinweis: Dieses Gerät wurde geprüft. Es stimmt mit den Regelungen für Geräte der Klasse A gemäß Teil 15 der FCC-Vorschriften
überein. Diese Grenzwerte sollen einen angemessenen Schutz gegen elektromagnetische Störungen beim Betrieb in gewerblicher
Umgebung gewährleisten. Dieses Gerät erzeugt und verwendet Hochfrequenzstrahlung und kann sie auch aussenden. Daher verursacht
das Gerät, wenn die Installation und Benutzung nicht in Übereinstimmung mit dieser Bedienungsanleitung erfolgt, möglicherweise
Störungen des Funkverkehrs. Beim Betrieb dieses Geräts in Wohngebieten können erhebliche Störungen des Funkverkehrs verursacht
werden. Eventuell daraus entstehende Kosten trägt allein der Benutzer des Geräts.
Dieses Produkt erfüllt die kanadische Richtlinie ICES-003, Klasse A.


Installations- und Sicherheitshinweise  Seite 11

User Guide

Thank you for choosing the Bose® PowerMatch™ PM8500 configurable professional power amplifier!
The ­PowerMatch PM8500 Configurable Professional Amplifier delivers concert sound quality for fixed-installation sound reinforcement
systems. Building on the ruggedness proven by 20 years of experience building Class-D amplifiers for the automotive market, the
­PowerMatch PM8500 amplifier adds numerous new Bose proprietary technologies to simultaneously provide class-leading power,
efficiency, sound quality, and reliability.
This document delivers detailed installation and stand-alone configuration information. The information furnished in this guide is
intended to help you install and set up the product, but does not include all details of design, production, or variations of the equipment.
Nor does it cover every possible situation that may arise during installation, operation, or maintenance. If you need assistance beyond
the scope of this guide, please contact your local Bose Representative or Technical Support specialist.
Throughout this document, the naming convention “PM8500” refers to both the PM8500 and PM8500N versions, unless stated

Additional Documents
The following additional documents can help guide you through the setup and use of this product:
•	 PowerMatch PM8500 Configurable Professional Amplifier Installation and Safety Guidelines
This document outlines safety warnings, precautions, basic setup, and configuration. A printed version of this guide is supplied with
the amplifier.
•	 ControlSpace Designer™ Software User Guide (PDF)
This document provides detailed instructions on how to use ControlSpace Designer PC software to fully configure, update, network
control, and monitor the PowerMatch amplifier. This document and the free C
­ ontrolSpace Designer software can be downloaded from

Product Features
•	 PowerMatch Class-D Amplifier
New, proprietary design combines Class-D efficiency with a dual feedback circuit that continuously monitors and controls both the
current and voltage of the output devices. This combination provides the PowerMatch amplifier with the highest-quality output power,
audio performance, reliability, and efficiency.
•	 QuadBridge™ Output Mode
Outputs can be configured as single, dual, or quad channel modes, which allows 4 kW of power to be allocated between 2 to 8
channels. These software-selectable configurations range from 8 channels at 500 watts, 4 channels at 1000 watts, 2 channels at 2000
watts, or mixed combinations. Dual or quad modes can drive either low-impedance or 70 V or 100 V loads.
•	 PeakBank™ Power Supply
Regenerative 4-quadrant power supply with fast-tracking Power Factor Correction (PFC) supports high efficiency, while improving the
peak burst power for superior transient response and current reserve for bass impact.
•	 8 x 500 W from Single AC Mains Outlet
The PM8500 delivers 4 kW rated power from a single AC mains outlet, with greater than 75% conversion efficiency.
•	 Optimized Loudspeaker Processing
Integrated audio DSP for loudspeaker EQ, crossover, delay, and limiting. When used with RoomMatch™ and other Bose
loudspeakers, the presets provide all required signal processing with optimized protection limiting of self-powered loudspeakers.
•	 Software Setup and Network Monitoring
All models have USB for Bose ControlSpace Designer software programming, with PM8500N adding Ethernet network control and

Page 12  User Guide	


User Guide	

PowerMatch™ Amplifier Product Line Overview
PowerMatch PM8500 and PM8500N
The PowerMatch PM8500 and PM8500N are configurable professional audio amplifiers. The two versions are identical except that
the PM8500N version adds an RJ45 connector on the rear panel to allow network setup, control, and remote monitoring of multiple
PM8500N units using Bose® ControlSpace® Designer™ software and standard network equipment.
Accessory Cards
The PM8500 features a digital input slot that allows for accessory plug-in cards to be used. These cards allow for added I/O flexibility.
For example, the PM ESPLink card provides a shared 8-channel uncompressed digital audio bus between one or more PM8500 units
and a ControlSpace ESP engineered sound processor. Visit for information on other available accessory cards.
Ideal for use with RoomMatch™ array module loudspeakers
RoomMatch loudspeakers connect and configure easily to PM8500 amplifiers. Built-in loudspeaker and array EQs together with suitable
output power ratings make the PM8500 amplifier an ideal counterpart in designs using RoomMatch array module loudspeakers.
Interfacing with a ControlSpace® ESP-88 engineered sound processor
PowerMatch amplifiers are designed to integrate with existing ControlSpace products, including the ESP-88 processor. While
­PowerMatch amplifiers can operate without an ESP-88 processor, the ESP-88 processor enables comprehensive signal routing,
processing, control, and distribution capability. When the ControlSpace ESP-88 processor is used with an installed ESPLink output
card, the ESP-88 becomes the input signal entry and processing point. Multiple PM8500 amplifiers equipped with PM ESPLink cards
can receive and pass-through 8 channels of uncompressed digital audio. Figure 1 below shows an example of one ESP-88 processor
sharing 8 channels of audio to three PM8500 amplifiers. Visit for details on the full ControlSpace line of products and
Figure 1. Bose® ESPLink connection example

TOSLINK™ cable

PM8500 amplifier 	
with PM ESPLink card

ESP-88 processor 	
with ESPLink 8-ch output card

PM8500 amplifier 	
with PM ESPLink card

TOSLINK™ cable

TOSLINK™ cable

PM8500 amplifier 	
with PM ESPLink card


User Guide  Page 13

User Guide

Controls, Display, and Connectors
Figures 2 and 3 detail the various elements found on the front and rear panels of the PM8500 and PM8500N amplifiers.
Figure 2. PM8500 and PM8500N Front Panel View










1.	 LED Indicators

5.	 Menu Soft Keys (1-5)

2.	 LCD

6.	 USB connector

3.	 Navigation Soft Key

7.	 Front airflow vents

4.	 Rotary Encoder

8.	 Front rack-mount ears

Figure 3. PM8500N Rear Panel View (PM8500 identical except no RJ-45 network connector)









9.	 Analog Input connectors (A-H)

14.	 Output connectors (1-4 and 5-8)

10.	 Fault-Notification Output

15.	 AC Mains receptacle

11.	 Ethernet RJ-45 network connector (PM8500N only)

16.	 AC Mains retention clip

12.	 Rear airflow vents

17.	 Power Switch/Resettable Circuit Breaker

13.	 Digital input card slot cover

18.	 Rear rack-mount support tabs

Page 14  User Guide	





User Guide	

Hardware Installation
The product box includes the following items:
Figure 4. Contents

PowerMatch™ PM8500 or PM8500N amplifier	

Installation and Safety Guidelines	

IEC C19-type detachable
power cord

Connector Accessory Pack (P/N 343511-0010) including:

8 Input connectors	

2 Output connectors	

4 Shorting jumpers	

1 Fault Notification	
Output connector	

9 Plastic wire 	

Rack Mounting
The PM8500 is designed to fit standard 19-inch (48 cm) rack equipment, occupying 2 rack-units (RU) in height. Use four fasteners with
washers (not supplied) to mount the amplifier front panel rack ears to the equipment rack rails. Rack-mount tabs are also provided on
the rear of the chassis to secure the amplifier.
The PM8500 is designed to operate under wide conditions, with continuous operation at 40° C ambient temperature. However, to
ensure safe operation, the front panel, side and rear airflow vents should never be blocked. Air flows into the front of the unit and exits
the rear and side vents. The internal fans automatically increase speed when the amplifier is producing higher output power. Should the
unit exceed safe operating temperature, a gradual reduction of gain will automatically be applied for thermal protection. If the automatic
gain reduction does not reduce operating temperatures to safe conditions, the unit will mute all outputs and the red FAULT LED will
illuminate on the front panel.
AC Mains Outlet Requirements
The PM8500 features an efficient, universal switch-mode power supply with Power Factor Correction and can operate with AC Mains
line voltages from 100 to 240 volts at 50/60 Hz. With typical music program material, the PM8500 provides full rated power from a single
20-amp, 120V (common in USA) AC mains outlet, or single 16-amp, 230V (common in Europe) mains outlet.
High-power amplifiers draw large amounts of current from the AC mains. Use of extension cords to power the amplifier could introduce
significant impedance and a resulting voltage drop on the mains that may interfere with normal operation of the amplifier.
In countries like Japan where 100V AC mains are used, the following guidelines will be helpful to ensure optimal performance from the
•	 Ensure a minimum of 100V AC at the amplifier plug when the amplifier is idle.
•	 Use a dedicated mains circuit for each amplifier.
•	 Locate the amplifiers as close as possible to the mains outlet.
•	 If used, extension cords should be 14 AWG (2 mm2 diameter) or larger.
•	 Extension cords should be less than 2 meters (6.6 ft) in length.


User Guide  Page 15

User Guide

Making Connections
Connection and Configuration Steps
Use the following procedure when setting up the PM8500 for the first time. Subsequent sections in this guide give details on each step.
1.	 Install any accessory cards (optional)
2.	 Mount the amplifier into the rack
3.	 Connect power cable and retaining clip
4.	 Turn on amplifier
5.	 Enable Standby Mode
6.	 Configure amplifier (use front panel or ControlSpace® Designer™ software)
7.	 Wire input connection from source device(s)
8.	 Wire output connectors to speakers
9.	 Disable Standby Mode
10.	 Connect Fault Notification Output to management system or device (optional)
11.	 Reset alarms
12.	 Test system
Power (Mains) Connection
Power connection is made using the included IEC power cord. The PM8500 also includes a retaining clip to help secure the power
connection to the amplifier. To install, place the retaining clip toward the center of the amplifier, plug in the IEC power cord, then swing
the retaining clip so it locks behind the IEC connector.
Figure 5. IEC Connector retaining clip in place.

Standby Mode
Standby mode allows for changing speaker output cabling and software configurations without disconnecting power or triggering
alarms in the amplifier. You can enable or disable standby mode from the front panel of the PM8500 using the following steps:

Page 16  User Guide	


User Guide	
Wiring Input Connectors

The balanced line-level analog inputs utilize 3-pin terminal block connectors (Phoenix Contact #1776168, supplied). For balanced
inputs, strip the wire ¼ inch (6 mm) and connect the respective positive, negative, and ground terminals as indicated on the unit and in
Figure 6. For unbalanced inputs, the connector should be wired with Pin 1 = positive, with Pin 2 and Pin 3 connected with a jumper wire
(not supplied) and then connected to the input cable shield. You can use the supplied tie wraps to help secure the input cables.
Figure 6. Balanced and unbalanced connectors (jumper not supplied)

Balanced connector	


   Unbalanced connector

Wiring Output Connectors
The PM8500 features flexible software-selectable output configurations. Power can be allocated between 2 and 8 output channels for
specified low-impedance and high-impedance (70V and 100V) loudspeaker loads. The following table describes the behavior of the four
available output modes.



Each channel operates independently, and will drive 2 to 16 Ohm loads


Channel pairs are combined to deliver 2x voltage and will drive high impedance (70V or 100V) and 4 to 16 Ohm loads


Channel pairs are combined to deliver 2x current, and will drive 2 Ohm loads


Two channel pairs are combined to deliver 2x voltage and 2x current while driving high impedance (70V or 100V) or 4 Ohm loads

The loudspeaker outputs utilize two (2) high-current, 8-pin locking terminal block connectors (Phoenix Contact COMBICON® Part
#1778120, supplied) that accept cables from 10 to 24 AWG (5.3 - 0.2 mm2 ) in diameter.
Note: Use Class 2 wiring for speaker connections.
To wire the output connector:
1.	 Strip the insulation off each speaker terminal to expose 10 mm (3/8") of bare wire.
2.	 Insert each wire into the correct position on the block connector. Use a small flat-blade (or appropriate) screwdriver to secure
the wire.
3.	 Firmly press the block connector into the receptacle on the amplifier until the left and right latches snap into place.
Figure 7. Example of output connector wired for I-Share mode


To detach the block connector from the amplifier, slide the two orange release tabs toward the amplifier to release the locking tabs.
Once released, pull the terminal block connector from the amplifier.
Warning: While the amplifier does self-protect under most improper output conditions, misconfiguration of loudspeaker mode and
incorrect connection of loudspeakers could damage connected loudspeakers and/or the amplifier.


User Guide  Page 17

User Guide

The following chart shows examples of the types of loads possible and the mode required:
Intended Loudspeaker Load

Number of Affected Channels

Power Rating

Max Channels

Output Mode

2 to 16 Ohms


500 W @ 4Ω



4 to 8 Ohms


1000 W @ 8Ω


V-Bridge (Low-Z)

70-V “constant voltage” lines


800 W @ 70V


V-Bridge (70V)

100-V “constant voltage” lines


1000 W @ 100V


V-Bridge (100V)

2 Ohms requiring high current


1000 W @ 2Ω


I-Share (Low-Z)

4 Ohms requiring high power


2000 W @ 4Ω


Quad (Low-Z)

70-V “constant voltage” lines


1600 W @ 70V


Quad (70V)

100-V “constant voltage” lines


2000 W @ 70V


Quad (100V)

Note: Configure the output mode of the amplifier before connecting loudspeakers. See page 24 for details on front panel configuration.
Carefully follow the proper connection method for the selected output configuration.
The wiring of the connector varies by amplifier output configuration. The output pin assignments for Mono (single channel) and V-bridge
configurations are printed on the rear panel of the amplifier. The following graphics illustrate wiring examples for the different output
configuration modes.
Figure 8. Output wiring showing the four basic configurations

Page 18  User Guide	


User Guide

Figure 9. Output wiring showing mixed configuration

Note: Changing the output configuration will automatically place the unit in Standby Mode to allow the safe installation of loudspeaker
cable connections to the rear-panel output terminal blocks.
Fault Notification Output
The PM8500 features a hardware fault notification circuit. This circuit drives a normally open or normally closed contact closure (1A, 30
VDC maximum). The fault output, using the orange-colored 3-pin terminal block (Phoenix Contact #1976010, supplied), is intended to
provide an external connection to a remote system monitor for fault notification purposes. Pin assignments are noted in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Fault Notification output connector


User Guide  Page 19

User Guide

Setup and Configuration
Figure 11 shows the basic signal flow and available DSP functions available to manipulate each individual input channel. Some
functions and advanced parameters can only be modified using ControlSpace® Designer™ software. See “Function Table” on page 40
to view configurations required to access functions and features.
Figure 11. Simplified DSP block diagram

Analog In


Analog In


















Signal Generator


Amp Output




Amp Output

Band Pass




Amp Output

Band Pass




Amp Output

Out 3

Out 4



Amp Output
Out 5

Band Pass




Amp Output
Out 6

Band Pass




Amp Output
Out 7

Band Pass

Array EQ

In H


Out 2

Band Pass

Array EQ

In G
Analog In



Out 1
Band Pass

Array EQ

In F
Analog In


Array EQ

In E
Analog In


Array EQ

In D
Analog In


Array EQ

In C
Analog In

Band Pass

Array EQ

In B
Analog In


Array EQ

In A




Amp Output
Out 8

Signal Generator

Configuration Methods
There are three methods to configure the PM8500 amplifier for use. The table below shows those methods and describes functionality
differences between the methods.
Method of Configuration



Local front panel

Fast, easy access to basic loudspeaker processing and
control options.

Lacking graphical tools, control and DSP functions only available using ControlSpace Designer software such as input and
speaker equalization.

USB connection to ControlSpace Designer software

Full-featured control and visibility over all DSP functions.
Graphical tools available to help create EQs for 3rd party
loudspeakers, realtime display and monitoring. With RJ45
connection, multiple amplifiers can be configured and
monitored from a PC.

Requires a PC running the ControlSpace Designer software
and a USB connection.

RJ45 connection to ControlSpace Designer software
(PM8500N only)

Page 20  User Guide	

Requires the PM8500N amplifier, a PC running the
ControlSpace Designer software, and a network connection.


User Guide	
Control Panel Description
Figure 12. PM8500 Front Panel










Fault LED Indicator

LED lights red when a fault condition has been detected. For more information see Figure 21, “Fault Conditions” on page 38.


Clip LED Indicator

Indicates red when the input signal reaches full scale. Bose recommends that you reduce input levels to prevent this condition.


Limit LED Indicator

When this LED illuminates, indicates that one or more output channels have reached user-adjustable RMS or Peak threshold
values or if system internal protection is occurring.


Signal LED Indicator

Flashes with the presence of input signal.


Hardware Name / Menu Depth

Displays the name (either default or assigned) given to this amplifier. This can be changed using ControlSpace® Designer™



While at the operating screen (shown), each channel shows the status and level of its output. Muted channels show MUTE in
the bar and lumped channel modes show grouped bars as shown above with channels 1-4 and channels 5-6. Output meters
automatically change display width to correspond to the active output configuration.


IP Address / Device ID

Shows the IP address (PM8500N) or device ID number (PM8500). Setting can be modified using ControlSpace Designer software.


Navigation Indicator

Indicates which menu level will be actuated when the Navigation Soft Key is pressed.


Navigation Soft Key

Actuates the menu level as indicated by the Navigation Indicator.


Menu Soft Keys (1-5)

Selects various options that appear on the LCD screen directly above these controls.


Rotary Encoder

This spin/press control wheel allows scrolling and selection of items shown in lists.


User Guide  Page 21

User Guide

Front Panel Control Menu Structure
The displays and user controls accessible by the front panel are presented in the following menu structure illustration:
Figure 13. PM8500 menu structure
Mute All
Main Menu







Output Mute
Output Attenuate
Input Mute
Input Sensitivity
Input Source

Output Voltage
Input Meter

Speaker Presets
Array EQ

Output Config
Input Routing

Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version

Control Menu Descriptions
The following tables describe each menu item and the various options available to the user from the front panel.


Mute All
Main Menu


This is the default operating display for the amplifier.
Shows the amplifier name, IP Address/ Device ID and current output configuration. In this case, channels 1-4 are running in Quad mode, channels 5
and 6 are in V-Bridge or I-Share mode, and channels 7 and 8 are running independently in Mono modes. The level shown is -40dB to 0dB full scale.

Available Controls

Navigation Soft Key: Enters MAIN MENU.
Menu Soft Key #5: Mutes/Unmutes ALL output channels.

Page 22  User Guide	


User Guide	



Mute All
Main Menu


The MAIN MENU offers five areas of control:

Available Controls

Navigation Soft Key: Back to OPERATING display.


Menu Soft Key #1: Enters LEVEL menu.
Menu Soft Key #2: Enters METER Menu.
Menu Soft Key #1: Enters DSP Menu.
Menu Soft Key #1: Enters CONFIG Menu.
Menu Soft Key #1: Enters UTILITY Menu.

Users can set the Power Up State in the ControlSpace® Designer™ software to enable “Restore Last Settings.” If this has been set, a message will
display on first entry to the Main Menu.



Output Mute
Output Attenuate
Input Mute
Input Sensitivity
Input Source


The LEVEL menu allows access to the input and output level and type parameters.

Available Controls

Navigation Soft Key: Back to MAIN MENU.
Menu Soft Key #1-5: Changes menu to respective category.


Output Mute
Output Attenuate
Input Mute
Input Sensitivity
Input Source



Output Mute
Output Attenuate
Input Mute
Input Sensitivity
Input Source


This display allows each configured output channel to be muted. For channels set to output modes other than Mono, as in the case shown with
channels 1-4 above, muting control is bound by the configured groupings.

Available Controls

To access Output Mute, use the rotary encoder dial from the LEVEL menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to LEVEL MENU.
Rotary Encoder: Scrolls through output channels as displayed under the eight indicator boxes.
Menu Soft Key #1-4: Toggles the mute state for each channel listed above each button. Note that some keys may not have channels listed.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables/disables muting of all channels.


Mute enabled/disabled per channel.
Mute ALL enabled/disabled for all channels.


Output channels can also be (all) muted from the MAIN MENU and MAIN MENU < METER < OUTPUT VOLTS screens.


User Guide  Page 23

User Guide



Output Mute
Output Attenuate
Input Mute
Input Sensitivity
Input Source


This display allows you to attenuate each configured output channel. For channels set to output modes other than Mono, attenuation control is
bound by the configured groupings. Two output channels are displayed at one time. Real-time output is displayed and affected by changing attenuation.

Available Controls

To access Output Atten, use the rotary encoder dial from the LEVEL menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to LEVEL menu.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables channel navigation using the rotary encoder.
Menu Soft Key #1 and #3: Enables the respective output channel to be selected. Use the rotary encoder to select attenuation values in dBFS.


-60dB to 0dB in increments of 0.5dB.




Output Mute
Output Attenuate
Input Mute
Input Sensitivity
Input Source


This display allows you to mute each input channel.

Available Controls

To access Input Mute, use the rotary encoder dial from the LEVEL menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to LEVEL menu.
Rotary Encoder: Continuously scrolls through two input channel pages, allowing users to access Input A-D and Input E-H.
Menu Soft Key #1-4: Toggles the mute state for each channel listed above each button.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables/disables muting of all channels.


Mute enabled/disabled per channel.
Mute ALL enabled/disabled for all channels.


All input channels can also be muted from the MAIN MENU < METER < INPUT display.




Output Mute
Output Attenuate
Input Mute
Input Sensitivity
Input Source


This display allows you to appropriately match each configured input channel to the incoming signal. This per channel setting corresponds to the
level that will create rated power out of the amplifier, with all other gains through the DSP signal processing chain set to 0 dB (unity gain). For best
noise performance use the highest setting you can, keeping peaks of the input signal as close to the sensitivity level as you can without exceeding
Real-time output is displayed and affected by changing the sensitivity level.

Available Controls

To access Input Sensitivity, use the rotary encoder dial from the LEVEL menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to LEVEL menu.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables the scrolling of four pages of two input channels using the rotary encoder.
Menu Soft Key #1 and #3: Enables the respective input channel to be selected. Use the rotary encoder to select sensitivity values in dBu.


Page 24  User Guide	

-+0.0 dBu, +4.0dBu, +12dBu, +24dBu


User Guide	



Output Mute
Output Attenuate
Input Mute
Input Sensitivity
Input Source


This display allows you to select an analog or digital audio source for each input channel. No p
­ arameters can be modified if the amplifier is without
a digital input card.

Available Controls

To access Input Source, use the rotary encoder dial from the LEVEL menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to LEVEL menu.
Rotary Encoder: Allows the scrolling of two pages of four input channels.
Menu Soft Key #5: Toggles between forcing all channels to be Analog and all channels to be Digital. For amplifiers without an input card installed,
the i­nactive button caption reads “Analog only.”
Menu Soft Key #1-4: Toggle between input type analog or digital for each displayed channel.


“Ana” (Analog), “Dig” (Digital).


Options only available when input card is installed.



Output Voltage
Input Meter


The METER menu allows you to view the status of both input and output channels.

Available Controls

Navigation Soft Key: Back to LEVEL menu.
Menu Soft Key #1-5: Changes menu to respective category.


Output Voltage
Input Meter



Output Voltage
Input Meter


This display allows you to monitor each configured output channel voltage. For channels set to output modes other than Mono, metering is bound
by the configured groupings. You can also mute all output channels.

Available Controls

To access Output Voltage, use the rotary encoder dial from the METER menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to METER menu.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables/disables muting of all output channels.



Mute ALL, Unmute ALL.

User Guide  Page 25

User Guide



Output Voltage
Input Meter


This display allows you to monitor each input channel. You can also mute all input channels.

Available Controls

To access the Input Meter, use the rotary encoder dial from the METER menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to METER menu.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables/disables muting of all output channels.


Mute ALL, Unmute ALL.



Speaker Presets
Array EQ


The DSP menu allows you to apply sophisticated digital signal processing to the signal chain.

Available Controls

Navigation Soft Key: Back to MAIN MENU.
Menu Soft Key #1-5: Changes menu to respective category.


Speaker Presets
Array EQ


Further DSP functions and product features are available using ControlSpace® Designer™ software. See “Function Table” on page 40 for the
complete list of available functionality.

MAIN MENU < DSP < Speaker Presets


Speaker Presets
Array EQ


This display allows you to apply Bose® loudspeaker preset EQs to each amplifier output.

Available Controls

To access the Speaker Presets, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to DSP menu.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables the selection of the output channel (or output groupings) using the rotary encoder dial.
Menu Soft Key #1: Enables users to select from a list of Bose speaker series, or none, using the rotary encoder. Once the desired series is highlighted, press the rotary encoder to select.
Menu Soft Key #3: Enables users to select from within the list of speaker families. Once the desired speaker is highlighted, press the rotary encoder
to select.


Page 26  User Guide	

Series: None, list of Bose loudspeaker series, custom user EQ presets designed in ControlSpace Designer software.
Model: Flat, Bose loudspeakers, custom user EQ curves.


User Guide	



Speaker Presets
Array EQ


This display allows you to apply additional EQ to each input channel (A-H) that feeds signal to RoomMatch™ loudspeakers in array configurations.

Available Controls

To access Array EQ, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to DSP menu.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables the selection of the input channel (or output groupings) using the rotary encoder dial.
Menu Soft Key #1: Enables the selection of RoomMatch modules within the array. Use the rotary encoder to adjust this parameter.
Menu Soft Key #2: Enables the total vertical angle of the array, in degrees, to be set. Use the rotary encoder to adjust this parameter.
Menu Soft Key #3: Enables Array EQ to be turned ON or OFF. Use the rotary encoder to toggle the desired state.


Modules: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
V Angle: 20 to 100 degrees in 5-degree increments
Array EQ ON, Array EQ OFF




Speaker Presets
Array EQ


This display allows delay to be applied to each loudspeaker output.

Available Controls

To access Delay, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight and press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to DSP menu.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables the selection of the output channel (or output groupings) using the rotary encoder dial.
Menu Soft Key #1: Enables the selection of delay values, which are listed in meters, feet, milliseconds, and microseconds. Each press of this key
changes the highlighted unit/quantity. Use the rotary encoder to adjust the selected parameter.
Menu Soft Key #3: Enables delay to be turned ON or OFF. Use the rotary encoder to toggle the desired state.



Delay time from 0 to 2000 milliseconds per output channel, increments dependant on selected delay unit/quantity
Delay ON, Delay OFF

User Guide  Page 27

User Guide



Speaker Presets
Array EQ


This display allows you to adjust limiting parameters that allow for loudspeaker driver protection for each output channel.

Available Controls

To access Limiting, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to DSP menu.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables the selection of the output channel (or output groupings) using the rotary encoder dial.
Menu Soft Key #1: Enables the selection of a peak voltage value, which corresponds to the maximum voltage that may be applied to the driver
without causing over-excursion. Use the rotary encoder to adjust the selected parameter.
Menu Soft Key #2: Enables the selection of an RMS voltage threshold value, which works in conjunction with the subsequent attack and release
values. The RMS voltage setting corresponds to the long-term power handling capability of the loudspeaker. Use the rotary encoder to adjust the
selected parameter.
Menu Soft Key #3: Enables the selection of attack time, in milliseconds, related to the RMS limiter. Use the rotary encoder to adjust the selected
Menu Soft Key #4: Enables the selection of release time, in milliseconds, related to the RMS limiter. Use the rotary encoder to adjust the selected


PEAK: 0.5 to 200 Volts (dependant on output mode), 0.5 V increments
RMS: 0.5 to 100 Volts (dependant on output mode), 0.5 V increments
ATTACK: From 500 to 10,000 milliseconds
RELEASE: From 500 to 10,000 milliseconds


Values are automatically applied for Bose® loudspeakers set in MAIN MENU < DSP < SPEAKER PRESETS.
For non-Bose loudspeakers, refer to manufacturer technical specifications for information to properly configure the limiter.
See “Setting the Limiting Function for use with 3rd Party Loudspeakers” on page 33 for further details.



Output Config
Input Routing


The CONFIGURE menu allows you to access the configuration of input and output signals for a particular system design.

Available Controls

Navigation Soft Key: Return back to MAIN MENU.
Menu Soft Key #1-5: Changes menu to respective category.


Page 28  User Guide	

Output Config
Input Routing


User Guide	


Output Config
Input Routing


This display allows you to configure the output section of the amplifier for various output modes.

Available Controls

To access Output Configuration, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to CONFIG menu.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables the selection of the output channel (or output groupings) using the rotary encoder dial.
Menu Soft Key #1: Enables the selection of an output configuration for the displayed output channel. Use the rotary encoder to adjust
the selected parameter. Once the desired mode is highlighted, press the rotary encoder to select.



For Channels 1 and 2

For Channels 3 and 4

Ch1+2 V-Bridge (Low-Z)
Ch1+2 V-Bridge (70V)
Ch1+2 V-Bridge (100V)
Ch1+2 I-Share (Low-V)
Ch1+2+3+4 Quad (Low-Z)
Ch1+2+3+4 Quad (70 V)
Ch1+2+3+4 Quad (100 V)

Ch3+4 V-Bridge (Low-Z)
Ch3+4 V-Bridge (70V)
Ch3+4 V-Bridge (100V)
Ch3+4 I-Share (Low-V)
Ch1+2+3+4 Quad (Low-Z)
Ch1+2+3+4 Quad (70 V)
Ch1+2+3+4 Quad (100 V)

For Channels 5 and 6

For Channels 7 and 8

Ch5+6 V-Bridge (Low-Z)
Ch5+6 V-Bridge (70V)
Ch5+6 V-Bridge (100V)
Ch5+6 I-Share (Low-V)
Ch5+6+7+8 Quad (Low-Z)
Ch5+6+7+8 Quad (70 V)
Ch5+6+7+8 Quad (100 V)

Ch7+8 V-Bridge (Low-Z)
Ch7+8 V-Bridge (70V)
Ch7+8 V-Bridge (100V)
Ch7+8 I-Share (Low-V)
Ch5+6+7+8 Quad (Low-Z)
Ch5+6+7+8 Quad (70 V)
Ch5+6+7+8 Quad (100 V)

Selection of channels 1-4 and 5-8 will display modes that offer possible combined channels available only to those respective channels.




Output Config
Input Routing


This display allows you to assign a mix of input signals to each of the output channels.

Available Controls

To access Input Routing, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to CONFIG menu.
Rotary Encoder: Scrolls through output channels.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables the selection of two input channels pages. Use the rotary encoder dial to toggle between input channel groupings A-D
or E-H.
Menu Soft Key #1-4: Enables the selection of one of the displayed input channels. A second press of the soft key will toggle between states “OFF”
and a user-adjustable gain value. Once an input channel is highlighted and showing a gain value, use the rotary encoder wheel to dial the desired
amount of signal to be applied to the displayed channel.


OFF, -60dB to 0dB in 1dB increments


Bose suggests that you first configure output modes (MAIN MENU < CONFIG < OUTPUT CONFIG) before performing input routing.


User Guide  Page 29

User Guide


Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


The UTILITY menu allows you to access additional configuration parameters of the amplifier.

Available Controls

Navigation Soft Key: Return back to MAIN MENU.
Menu Soft Key #1-5: Changes menu to respective category.


Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (PM8500N only) / Device ID (PM8500 only)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


Further utility and monitoring options are available using ControlSpace® Designer™ software. See “Function Table” on page 40 for
the complete list of available functionality.



Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


This display allows you to safely disable all amplifier output channels. This feature is helpful when changing speaker output connections while maintaining amplifier power on.

Available Controls

To access the Standby Mode, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to UTILITY menu.
Rotary Encoder: Scrolls through output channels.
Menu Soft Key #1: Enables amplifier output channels (exit Standby Mode).
Menu Soft Key #5: Disables amplifier output channels (enter Standby Mode).


Exit Standby, Enter Standby


The messaging on the screen will display the current state of this mode: “Not in Standby” or “In Standby.”

Page 30  User Guide	


User Guide	



Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


This display allows you to view, clear, and erase captured alarm notifications.

Available Controls

To access ALARM LOG, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to UTILITY menu.
Menu Soft Key #5: Enables the rotary encoder dial to scroll through the alarm log.
Menu Soft Key #1: Clears the alarm indicated by the FAULT LED on the front panel.
Menu Soft Key #3: Erases all entries captured in the alarm log. A confirmation screen is presented by which users can confirm (Soft
Key #1) or cancel (Soft Key #5).


Exit Standby, Enter Standby


ControlSpace Designer software allows you to configure and view additional information about alarm and fault conditions.




Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


This display allows you to set the network IP address of the PM8500N amplifier.

Available Controls

To access Network Setup, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to UTILITY menu.
Menu Soft Key #1: Enables the rotary encoder dial to toggle between DHCP or FIXED IP address mode. Push the rotary encoder
to enable the selection. A confirmation screen is presented by which users can confirm (Soft Key #1) or cancel (Soft Key #5). Upon
confirmation, the unit will save and reboot using the new setting.
Menu Soft Key #2-5: Enables the rotary encoder dial to adjust the value of each IP address octet. Once the IP address has been fully
modified, push the rotary encoder to enable the selection. A confirmation screen is presented by which users can confirm (Soft Key
#1) or cancel (Soft Key #5). Upon confirmation, the unit will save and reboot using the new setting.


Mode: DHCP, Fixed
IP Address Octet Values: 0 to 255




Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


This display allows you to set the device identification number of the PM8500 amplifier.

Available Controls

To access Network Setup, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to UTILITY menu.
Rotary Encoder: Use the dial to scroll through device ID values. Push the rotary encoder to set the new device ID. A confirmation
screen is presented by which users can confirm (Soft Key #1) or cancel (Soft Key #5).



Device ID Number: 1-255

User Guide  Page 31

User Guide
MAIN MENU < UTILITY < Lock Front Panel



Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


This display allows you to view the current un-lock combination and ability to lock the front panel controls to prevent tampering.

Available Controls

To access Lock Front Panel, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to UTILITY menu.
Rotary Encoder: Press the rotary encoder to set the front panel lock.


Lock now


Once locked, users accessing the rotary encoder or any of the soft keys are prompted with an unlock screen by which the combination previously shown in MAIN MENU < UTILITY < LOCK FRONT PANEL must be entered to regain access to the Main Menu.
Users that have misplaced a combination and are locked out can use ControlSpace® Designer™ software to connect, unlock the
front panel, and view a p
­ reviously assigned lock combination.




Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


This display allows you to set the front panel lock combination.

Available Controls

To access Set Front Panel Combination, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to UTILITY menu.
Menu Soft Key #1-5: Enables each of the five digits to be selected and modified by using the rotary encoder dial.


0–9 for digits 1–5.




Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


This display allows you to set the display intensity.

Available Controls

To access the Display menu, use the rotary encoder dial from the DSP menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to UTILITY menu.
Menu Soft Key #1: Sets the display backlight intensity to “Normal” or bright.
Menu Soft Key #2: Sets the display backlight intensity to “Dim” or low.


Page 32  User Guide	

Normal, Dim


User Guide	



Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


This display allows you to erase all settings and return the amplifier options to the state set by the factory.

Available Controls

To access the Restore Factory Settings menu, use the rotary encoder dial from the UTILITY menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to UTILITY menu.
Menu Soft Key #1: Begins the process to restore the amplifier settings to factory condition. A confirmation screen is presented by
which users can confirm (Soft Key #1) or cancel (Soft Key #5).






Standby Mode
Alarm Log
Network Setup (Device ID)
Lock Front Panel
Set Front Panel Lock Combination
Restore Factory Settings
Firmware Version


This display allows you to view the model number, hardware software versions, installed Bose loudspeaker EQ presets file, and status
of any plug-in cards.

Available Controls

To access the Firmware Versions menu, use the rotary encoder dial from the UTILITY menu to highlight, then press to select.
Navigation Soft Key: Back to UTILITY menu.

Setting the Limiting Function for use with 3rd Party Loudspeakers
The Limiting function allows you to restrict, per channel, the maximum signal level to the loudspeaker. Here are some simplified steps to
aid in setting the limiter function.
1.	 Locate the technical data specification sheet for the 3rd party loudspeaker.
2.	 Using Figure 14 shown below, configure the amplifier outputs (MAIN MENU < CONFIG < Output Config) to drive the
loudspeaker at or beyond the rated power of the loudspeaker indicated in the loudspeaker’s data specification sheet.
3.	 Select the proper EQ (flat or custom EQ for non-Bose loudspeakers) from MAIN MENU < DSP < Speaker Presets.
4.	 Using the manufacturer’s loudspeaker specification sheet, find the RMS Voltage for the loudspeaker, or calculate based on the
continuous power rating using RMS Voltage = Square Root (rated power of the loudspeaker x loudspeaker impedance).
5.	 In the MAIN MENU < DSP < Limiting menu, select the appropriate output channel and set the RMS voltage to the loudspeaker’s
RMS voltage.
6.	 Set the Peak value to 2 times the RMS voltage.
7.	 Reference loudspeaker data specifications or consult with loudspeaker manufacturer to obtain optimal settings for Attack and
Release parameters.


User Guide  Page 33

User Guide

Sample Output Configurations for Different Loudspeaker Loads
This table should help you select the appropriate output mode for a given loudspeaker load.
Figure 14. Loudspeaker load output configurations

Power Rating (20 - 20 kHz)
THD For Power Rating



70 V

<0.1% THD

Mono Mode: 8 channels (per channel)

100 V
1% THD

500 W

500 W

300 W

not available

V-Bridge Mode: 4 channels (per channel)

500 W (1)

1000 W

1000 W

800 W

1000 W

I-Share Mode: 4 channels (per channel)

1000 W

500 W (1)

300 W (1)

not available

not available

1000 W (1)

2000 W

1000 W (1)

1600 W

2000 W

Quad Mode: 2 channels (per channel)
Maximum Rated Power, Total All Channels

4000 W

Peak Output Voltage (Mono/V-Bridge/Quad modes)

71 / 142 / 142 V

Voltage Gain (Mono/V-bridge/I-Share/Quad modes)
Notes for Power Ratings

not available

33 / 36 / 33 / 36 dB

Configuration not optimal/not recommended

For reference, the following two examples illustrate two different output configurations using RoomMatch™ array module loudspeakers.
Front panel configuration settings are provided. While not covered in this documentation, ControlSpace® Designer™ software provides
additional configurability to these examples. Further information on this software can be found on
Configuration of a RoomMatch™ Four-Module Array (Example 1)
In this example, four full-range RoomMatch array modules are connected to one PowerMatch™ amplifier, arranged as follows:
(2) Bose® RoomMatch 7010 array module loudspeakers (70° H x 10° V)
(2) Bose RoomMatch 12020 array module loudspeakers (120° H x 20° V)
(1) Bose PowerMatch PM8500 configurable professional power amplifier
Figure 15. RoomMatch four-module array configuration

Note: All RoomMatch loudspeaker connections use Neutrik NL4 speakON-type cable connectors. Please refer to RoomMatch
loudspeaker documentation for further details.
Front Panel Configuration Menu Settings:
1.	 MAIN MENU < CONFIG < Output Config
Set the output configuration for channels 1-8 to MONO mode.
2.	 MAIN MENU < DSP < Speaker Presets
For channels 1, 3, 5, and 7 set SERIES to “RoomMatch” and MODEL to “RM_Array LF.”
For channels 2, 4, 6, and 8 set SERIES to “RoomMatch” and MODEL to “RM_Array HF.”
3.	 MAIN MENU < DSP < Array EQ
For each input channel (A-H) that is routed to an output channel, set the MODULES value to 4 and the V-Angle parameter to
60 degrees, which is the total vertical angle of the four shown modules. Ensure that the state of the Array EQ is toggled to ON.

Page 34  User Guide	


User Guide

Configuration of RoomMatch™ Two-Module Array with a RoomMatch RMS215 Subwoofer Module
(Example 2)
In this example, two full-range RoomMatch array modules and one subwoofer module are connected to one PowerMatch amplifier,
arranged as follows:
(1) Bose® RoomMatch 7010 array module loudspeaker (70° H x 10° V)
(1) Bose RoomMatch 9040 array module loudspeaker (90° H x 40° V)
(2) Bose RoomMatch RMS215 subwoofer array modules. (The subwoofer modules are installed in an array frame with the
array modules.)
(1) Bose PowerMatch PM8500 configurable professional power amplifier
Figure 16. RoomMatch two-module with subwoofer configuration

Front Panel Configuration Menu Settings:
1.	 MAIN MENU < CONFIG < Output Config
Set the output configuration for channels 1-4 to MONO mode and channels 5+6 and 7+8 to V-Bridge (Low-Z) mode.
2.	 MAIN MENU < DSP < Speaker Presets
For channels 1 and 3, set SERIES to “RoomMatch” and MODEL to “RM_Array LF.”
For channels 2 and 4, set SERIES to “RoomMatch” and MODEL to “RM_Array HF.”
For channels 5+6 and 7+8, set SERIES to “RoomMatch” and MODEL to “RMS215.”
3.	 MAIN MENU < DSP < Array EQ
For each input channel (A-H) that is routed to an output channel, set the MODULES value to 2 and the V-Angle parameter to
60 degrees, which is the total vertical angle of the two shown array modules. Ensure that the state of the Array EQ is toggled to ON.


User Guide  Page 35

User Guide

Maintenance Operations
Updating Firmware and Speaker EQ Presets
The PM8500 amplifier contains two user-updatable files: Firmware and loudspeaker EQ files. These files can both be updated from
ControlSpace® Designer™ software using a PC connected to either the USB connection on the front panel of the amplifier, or, in the
case of the PM8500N model, an Ethernet network connection.
Please refer to ControlSpace Designer software documentation on for software and USB driver installation instructions.
The firmware version of the amplifier can be viewed directly on the amplifier from the MAIN MENU < UTILITY < Firmware Versions
From within ControlSpace Designer software, this information can be found from the Window -> Scan function or from the device
property window. To view the device properties for a PowerMatch™ amplifier, right click the amplifier block (in the Project View window)
and choose Properties.
Figure 17. Device properties window

When the amplifier is connected to USB or a network connection, you can view and update both the Firmware and the EQ File version
from the System window as shown.
To obtain the newest version of the Firmware and EQ files, download the latest version of ControlSpace Designer software from Upon connection, you may be alerted of a newer version of firmware and/or EQ files and will be prompted for action.
To update firmware, select System -> Update Firmware. If a newer version is available from the drop-down list under “Latest Version,”
select the update checkbox and click the Update button. You may need to reboot devices for the update to take effect.
In the event that the firmware does not get updated successfully, the LCD screen on the PM8500 amplifier may read “FAULT: SYSTEM
HALTED.” If you see this screen enter the Firmware Update Recovery Mode: Turn off the amplifier, then press and hold Menu Soft Keys
1, 3, and 5 while powering on the unit. You will be presented with a “Recovery Mode” screen. Use the ControlSpace Designer software
to update the firmware again. Events such as a disconnected or intermittent power connection or network cable could cause a corrupt
firmware transfer.
Note: If the PowerMatch amplifier does not appear in the Firmware Update window after the firmware update, try power cycling the
amplifier then press the Scan button in the Firmware Update window once more.
Figure 18. Firmware Update window

Page 36  User Guide	


User Guide

To update the amplifier’s EQ file, select System -> Update EQ File. Same as the process to update firmware, if a newer version is
available from the drop-down list under “Latest Version,” select the update checkbox and click the Update button.
Figure 19. EQ Update window

Note: Between ControlSpace® Designer™ software releases, PowerMatch™ firmware updates and loudspeaker EQ files may be
available. Users will need to load these files manually within the ControlSpace Designer environment. Check for
updates and instructions on how to load and apply these files.
Saving and Recalling Amplifier Settings
You can save amplifier settings using a PC, USB connection, and ControlSpace Designer software. This may be useful for archiving
settings made on the front panel after installation. You may also find it useful to copy settings from one PowerMatch amplifier to other
PowerMatch amplifiers.
To save front-panel settings:
1.	 Install the ControlSpace Designer software and USB driver on a compatible PC.
2.	 Connect the PC to the amplifier using USB.
3.	 Start ControlSpace Designer.
4.	 The amplifier should automatically connect and get populated into the Project Window.
5.	 Save the Project File by selecting File -> Save As… from the menu bar.
To recall front-panel settings:
1.	 Start ControlSpace Designer.
2.	 Open the previously saved Project File by selecting File -> Open from the menu bar.
3.	 Connect the PC to the amplifier using USB.
4.	 Click the YES button when presented with a dialog box asking, “Go Online via USB?”
5.	 Click “Send to Device” in the Settings Transfer window (Figure 20) to push the settings to the connected amplifier.
Figure 20. Settings Transfer window

With the PM8500N amplifier in a networked configuration, you can save and update device settings within a networked system.
This process is outside the scope of this guide. Refer to the ControlSpace Designer software documentation for details.


User Guide  Page 37

User Guide

About the Alarm Log and Fault Indicator
The PowerMatch™ amplifier monitors operating temperature, power supply status, amplifier status, open and short wiring, and
additional conditions for issues.
When issues are detected, information is stored in the amplifier in an internal log found by accessing
MAIN MENU < UTILITY < Alarm Log from the front panel.
Information from the alarm log can also be viewed using ControlSpace® Designer™ software. In systems where ControlSpace Designer
software is actively connected, either via USB or Ethernet, the time and date of the alarm condition is appended to the alarm log entry.
Locally stored alarm information is sent to ControlSpace Designer software upon connection.
Critical internal system-related issues are always considered faults and will trigger the fault-notification output and the Fault LED on the
front panel. However, you have the ability to select whether certain conditions are faults using ControlSpace Designer software. Refer to
the ControlSpace Designer software documentation for details on how to view and manage alarms.
The table below lists the fault conditions that you can elect to use.
Figure 21. Fault Conditions
Fault Category

Captured Condition


Potential Solution

Gain Reduction, Internal Protections

System-Related Issue

Internal issue was detected.

Power-off unit, check connections and airflow,
power-on unit and check.

Gain Reduction, Signal Limiting

Limiter Active

Limiter detected active for any output channel.

Could be normal operation; check input sensitivity
and gains and output channel limiter settings.

Output Fault

Open Circuit

An open circuit, output impedance is greater than
20 Ohms.

Check loudspeaker cabling or Output Mute unused
channels. Use low impedance loudspeakers when in
MONO output mode.

Input Fault

Input Clipping

Input signal found clipping.

Check and adjust input source, sensitivity settings,
and gain.

Input Fault

Loss of Digital Audio Source

Digital audio source expected, but digital audio
source is not operational.

Check digital audio connections and source status.

AC Power Fault

Loss of AC Power

AC Power below threshold. Set as default.

Check AC mains for voltage sag. Consider moving
to more stable circuit.

Page 38  User Guide	


User Guide	

No power

Power is on, but no sound

Possible Solution
•	 Turn on power switch. Clip, Limit, and Signal LEDs should stay lit for approximately the first 15 seconds, after which
the amplifier should be fully ready for operation. The amplifier’s LCD screen will show the firmware version screen after
about 10 seconds, then revert to the operating screen.
•	 Check power cable, ensure retaining clip is in place.
•	 Check mains circuit.
Check the LCD screen for output meter activity. If no signal activity, check the following:

Check the Input Meter screen for presence of signal. If no signal, fix source or cabling.
Ensure that input and output signals are not muted.
Check that Input Routing is configured properly.
Check that Input Source is set to appropriate signal type (analog or digital).
Check that Output Attenuate is not set too low.
Make sure loudspeakers are wired correctly to output connectors.
Check that Output Configuration is set correctly.
Check that Standby Mode is not active.

Power is on, sound is low


Verify source level by monitoring Input Meter. Check that Input Routing and Input Sensitivity are set for optimal gain.
Check that Output Attenuate is not set too low.
Make sure loudspeakers are wired correctly to output connectors.
Check that Output Configuration is set correctly.
Check that Limiting parameters are set properly.

Unnatural sound

Check that all DSP functions (EQs, Limiter, Band Pass, Delay) are set appropriately.

Front panel is locked out, combination is lost

Use ControlSpace® Designer™ software to connect to the amplifier and unlock the front panel.

Fault LED is lit

Refer to Figure 21, “Fault Conditions” on page 38 for alarm conditions and potential solutions. Call your local Bose support
contact for assistance with unlisted or unsolvable faults.

USB is connected to PC but not found by
ControlSpace Designer software


Unplug/replug USB connector.
Reinstall USB driver.
Restart PC, try again.
Try another USB port on the computer.
Try another USB cable.
Check ControlSpace Designer software documentation for more details.

Ethernet is connected to network but amplifier
is not found by ControlSpace Designer software
(PM8500N Only)


Check the IP address of the PM8500N.
Ensure that there is not another device with the same address on the network.
Ensure ControlSpace Designer is connected to the same subnet as the PM8500N.
Try another CAT5/6 cable.


User Guide  Page 39

User Guide

Function Table



Front Panel

Designer software

Set input sensitivity (dBu)





Set input gain (dB)





Set input mute





View input level (dB)





Set output attenuation (dB)





Set output mute





View output gain (dB)





View output voltage (V)





Load Bose® speaker EQ preset





View Bose speaker EQ





Load speaker array EQ





Adjust delay





Adjust limiting





Modify output configuration





Modify input routing





Enter/exit standby mode





View alarm log





Clear alarm





Erase alarm log





Set DHCP or Fixed IP network address





Lock front panel





Set front panel combination





Adjust display contrast





Restore factory presets





View firmware version





Update firmware version





Update speaker EQ files





Adjust/view input channel 5-Band PEQ




Adjust/view advanced parameters for Array EQ




Use of signal generator




Adjust/view Bandpass Filters




Adjust/view advanced parameters for Speaker EQ




Use of Limiter Meters




Use of Link Groups




Per channel fault and limit indicators



Set input type (analog vs digital)



Setup of alarm conditions




Measure/save/compare loudspeaker impedances




Use of PowerMatch™ ESPLink Card



Local Monitor Mode










Network Monitor Mode
Configure and monitor multiple PM8500 amplifiers
Backup/restore amplifier configuration state

Page 40  User Guide	


ESPLink Card








User Guide	
Power Rating (20-20k Hz)



THD For Power Rating
Mono Mode: 8 channels (per channel)


70 V

<0.1% THD

100 V
1% THD

500 W

500 W

300 W

not available

not available

V-Bridge Mode: 4 channels (per channel)

500 W (1)

1000 W

1000 W

800 W

1000 W

I-Share Mode: 4 channels (per channel)

1000 W

not available

not available

1600 W

2000 W

Quad Mode: 2 channels (per channel)

1000 W


500 W


2000 W

300 W


1000 W

Maximum Rated Power, Total All Channels


4000 W

Peak Output Voltage (Mono/V-Bridge/Quad modes)

71 / 142 / 142 V

Voltage Gain (Mono/V-Bridge/I-Share/Quad modes)

33 / 36 / 33 / 36 dB

Notes for Power Ratings:

(1) Configuration not optimal/not recommended

Audio Performance Specifications (@ +24 dBu sensitivity unless otherwise specified)
Frequency Response (@1W and + / - 0.5 dB)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (below rated power)

20 Hz - 20 kHz
>102 dBA

THD @ 1W, 20 Hz to 20k Hz


Intermodulation Distortion – SMPTE (60 Hz, 7kHz)


Channel Seperation (crosstalk) at 1 kHz, adjacent channels

>65 dB

Damping Factor (10 - 100 Hz), 8 Ohms


Inputs – Analog
Input Channels, Analog

8 (balanced line level)

Input Impedance

100K Ω

Input Sensitivity

0, +4, +12, +24 dBu, selectable

Maximum Input Level
Connectors, Analog Inputs

+24 dBu
3-pin Phoenix Contact COMBICON® (green color, part #1776168)

Inputs – Digital (Optional Card)
Digital Input Channels
Connectors, Digital Inputs

8 (ESPLink or CobraNet®)
TOSLINK™ (ESPLink) or Ethernet RJ45 (CobraNet)

Output Channels

2 to 8 configurable

Connectors, Outputs (accepts 10 to 24 AWG)

8-pin Phoenix Contact COMBICON (green color, part #1778120))

Connectors, Fault-Notification Output

3-pin Phoenix Contact COMBICON (orange color; part #1976010)

Integrated Loudspeaker DSP (per channel)
A/D and D/A conversion
Total Latency (Analog in – Amp out)
Input to Output Signal Routing
Loudspeaker Presets
Input EQ
Bandpass Filters (crossover)
Loudspeaker (output) EQ
Array EQ Filters
Maximum Output Delay
Output Limiter

24-bit / 48 kHz
< 0.95 mSec
8 x 8 matrix
Bose® Professional
5-band PEQ (+/- 20 dB), notch, shelving, high pass, low pass
Butterworth, Bessel, or Linkwitz-Riley, up to 48 dB/octave
9-band PEQ (+/- 20 dB), shelving, high pass, low pass
2-band RoomMatch™ array EQ
2 sec
Peak and RMS voltage

Front Panel Controls and Indicators
Primay Display Type
LED Common Indicators (all inputs and outputs)
User Interface Controls (front panel)
PC Interface Connection
Setup and Configuration Software


240 x 64 LCD
signal, limit, clip, fault
Mute, input sensitivity, output attenuation, EQ on/off, preset select
USB (PM8500N adds Ethernet RJ45)
ControlSpace® Designer™ V3.0 or greater

User Guide  Page 41

User Guide

Electrical Specifications
AC Line Voltage requirement (+/-10%)

100-240 V (50/60 Hz)

Minimum AC Line Voltage for Power Up

80 V (reduced output power)

Maximum Inrush Current

15.4 A (230VAC 50 Hz)

Maximum Long-Term Average (RMS) Current Draw

15 A

Typical Current Draw, 1/3 Power

15 A @ 120 VAC / 7.5 A @ 230 VAC

Output Stage Topology

Class-D Switch-Mode

Efficiency (1/3-rated power, pink noise input signal)



High temperature, DC, HF, short, voltage limiter, current limiter, inrush current, mains circuit breaker protection

Fault Notification Output (GPIO)

NC/NO Relay Contact (1 A, 30VDC)

Rack Space Units

2 rack space

Cooling System

Microprocessor-controlled, variable-speed fans, front to rear airflow

Operating Temperature Range

0° C - to - 40° C

Dimensions (H x W x D)

3.5 x 19.0 x 20.7 inches (88 x 483 x 525 mm )

Weight, Net

28 lbs (12.7 kg)

Weight, Shipping

35 lbs (15.9 kg)

AC Current Draw and Thermal Dissipation Information
PM8500 / PM8500N, AC Current Draw and Thermal Dissipation
Thermal Dissipation, Max

Test Signal & Power Level

Load Configuration
(All Channels Driven)
(NR) = Not Recommended

Total Audio
Output, W

120VAC 60Hz.
Line Current, A

230VAC 50Hz.
Line Current, A

Idle (Standby, Networked)




Idle (Awake)




8Ω/Ch Mono
16Ω/Ch V-Bridge
8Ω/Ch Quad


4Ω/Ch Mono
2Ω/Ch I-Share
8Ω/Ch V-Bridge
4Ω/Ch Quad

1/8th Rated Power
IEC65 Bandlimited Pink
Noise, 6dB Crest Factor

1/3rd Rated Power
IEC65 Bandlimited Pink
Noise, 6dB Crest Factor

Page 42  User Guide	























2Ω/Ch Mono (NR)
1Ω/Ch I-Share (NR)
4Ω/Ch V-Bridge
2Ω/Ch Quad







8Ω/Ch Mono
16Ω/Ch V-Bridge
8Ω/Ch Quad







4Ω/Ch Mono
2Ω/Ch I-Share
8Ω/Ch V-Bridge
4Ω/Ch Quad







2Ω/Ch Mono (NR)
1Ω/Ch I-Share (NR)
4Ω/Ch V-Bridge
2Ω/Ch Quad








Additional Resources

Additional Resources
Visit us on the web at for more information, including specifications, technical literature, product warranty, parts and
accessories, and global support contact information.
(USA, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America)
Bose Corporation
The Mountain
Framingham, MA 01701 USA
Corporate Center: 508-879-7330
Americas Professional Systems,
Technical Support: 800-994-2673
Bose Pty Limited
Unit 3/2 Holker Street
Newington NSW Australia
61 2 8737 9999
Bose N.V. / S.A
Limesweg 2, 03700
Tongeren, Belgium
Bose Electronics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
36F, West Gate Tower
1038 West Nanjing Road
Shanghai, P.R.C. 200041 China
86 21 6271 3800
Bose S.A.S
12 rue de Temara 78100
St. Germain-en-Laye, France
Bose GmbH
Max-Planck Strasse 36D 61381
Friedrichsdorf, Deutschland

Hong Kong
Bose Limited
Suites 2101-2105, Tower One, Times Square
1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
852 2123 9000
Bose Corporation India Private Limited
4th Floor, Shriram Bhartiya Kala Kendra
1, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi 110001, India
91 11 23073825
Bose SpA
Via Della Magliana 87600148
Rome, Italy
Bose K.K., Shibuya YT Building
28-3 Maruyama-sho
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150
TEL 3-5489-0955
The Netherlands
Bose BV
Nijverheidstraat 8 1135 GE
Edam, Nederland
United Kingdom
Bose Ltd
1 Ambley Green, Gillingham Business Park
Gillingham, England
See website for other countries.

TOSLINK is a trademark of Toshiba.
COMBICON is a registered trademark of Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co.
CobraNet is a registered trademark of Cirrus Logic, Inc.

Page 43  User Guide 

© 2011 Bose Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Mountain, Framingham, MA 01701-9168 USA
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
AM346853 Rev. 00


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History When                    : 2011:05:24 14:52:16-04:00, 2011:05:24 14:52:16-04:00, 2011:05:24 14:55:19-04:00, 2011:05:24 14:56:12-04:00, 2011:05:24 14:56:12-04:00, 2011:05:24 14:56:35-04:00, 2011:05:24 14:56:35-04:00, 2011:05:25 14:15:24-04:00, 2011:05:25 14:31:10-04:00, 2011:05:25 14:44:38-04:00, 2011:05:25 14:47:19-04:00, 2011:05:25 14:53:14-04:00, 2011:05:25 14:54:46-04:00, 2011:05:25 14:58:26-04:00, 2011:05:25 15:02:10-04:00, 2011:05:25 15:06:25-04:00, 2011:05:25 15:36:54-04:00, 2011:05:26 09:05:17-04:00, 2011:05:26 09:05:57-04:00, 2011:05:26 09:14:42-04:00, 2011:05:26 10:26:28-04:00, 2011:05:26 10:27:56-04:00, 2011:05:26 10:32:39-04:00, 2011:05:26 10:42:32-04:00, 2011:05:26 10:44:12-04:00, 2011:05:26 10:50:50-04:00, 2011:05:26 10:52:45-04:00, 2011:05:31 11:43:19-04:00, 2011:05:31 12:17:28-04:00, 2011:05:31 12:18:43-04:00, 2011:05:31 12:27:57-04:00, 2011:05:31 12:36:21-04:00, 2011:05:31 12:37:13-04:00, 2011:05:31 12:40:20-04:00, 2011:05:31 13:26:37-04:00, 2011:05:31 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