Bossa Nova Robotics 12011-22-33 Mechatars User Manual

Bossa Nova Robotics Ltd. Mechatars

User manual

Download: Bossa Nova Robotics 12011-22-33 Mechatars User Manual
Mirror Download []Bossa Nova Robotics 12011-22-33 Mechatars User Manual
Document ID1473836
Application ID6QrRKOS5BEWcmDUj+HmVjw==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize323.19kB (4039869 bits)
Date Submitted2011-05-27 00:00:00
Date Available2011-05-27 00:00:00
Creation Date0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUser manual

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Mfifiyfié TAfiflfli’
Download the latest instruction manual at www.Mechatars.-:omlsupport
Important Safety Information
Leveling Up Your Mechatar
Connecting Your Mechatar to the Mechaverse
Remote Control Features
Quick Start Instructions
Package contents:
1 Mechatar
1 Remote Control
$5 Mechra Card
Element Chart
USB Cable
Batten] information:
- Mechatar uses 4 AAA LRO3 alkaline batteries (Not included)
- Remote control uses 3 AAA LROS alkaline batteries (Not included)
lmportant information:
' Batteries should be replaced by adults
- Ensure battery polarity is correct
- Use only recommended type of battew. The Mechatar and the Remote Control both
require AAA batteries for operation.
- Do not mix old and new batteries or different types of batteries
- Remove exhausted batteries from your Mechatar and Mechatar Remote Control
- Replace all batteries of the same type/brand at the same time.
- Do not short circuit terminals
- Remove batteries if you are not gomg to play With your Mechatar for an extended period
of time
- Non—rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged
- Rechargeable batteries are to be remove from the toy before being charged.
- Rechargeable batteries are only to be under adult supen/ision
- Do not use rechargeable batteries
- Mechatars will emit a “low power“ message when battery power is running low
- Mechatars are designed for children ages 6 and older
- Use Mechatars indoors in dry locations
- Do not place Mechatars close to the edge of an elevated surface while playing with it
- Do not throw Mechatar
- This manual contains important information and must be retained
Two worlds, one wan—this is your reality. You are now part of a cross—dimensional effort to
battle against the greatest threat the universe has ever known, The Swarm. If you decide
to ion our ranks you will become one of the legendary members of our coalition called the
Initiative Now it is in your hands—can you save us all?
The initiative was founded years ago when a group of human seientists discovered an
inter—galactic rift between the Earth and the Mechaverse, a distant galaxy never before
Known to humankind. Through this rift, the scientists were able to make contact With the
Mechatars. who told the humans the sad tale of their ongoing war against the Swarm.
The scientists were determined to help and quickly formed a top—secret society called the
We at the initiative have one mission—40 aid the Mechatars in their struggle by training
Mechatars here on Earth and helping them fight the Swarm in the Mechaverse. But we
need your help to achieve these goals and end the Swarm threat once and for all it you
prove worthy, you can one day conSider yourself a member of our elite fighting force.
As a member of our team you will plan attacks, execute miSSions and learn more about
the faSCinating cultures of the Mechaverse When you travel online to battle in the
Mechaverse at, you will enter the incredible world of the Mechatars.
Play online or put your Mechatar into high gear here on Earth. The Swarm may be
anywhere and it is your duty to confront them wherever they appear. Are you up to the
challenge? Are you ready to be a member of the Initiative? if so, there is no time to
waste. Begin your training todayl
Commander Shawn Outlaw
Leader of the initiative
As a member of the initiative, you win experience the thrill of online battles as well as the
intensity of offline missions. in order to build a squad of powerful Mechatars, you Will need
to fight the battle in both worlds.
As you progress. your Mechatar Will evolve as it learns new abilities and Wields more
powerful weapons The key is completing missions that earn your Mechatar more status
and strength.
As long as the struggle With the Swarm continues, you Will need to complete miSSions to
advance the cause of the initiative. You Will receive new missions in the Mechaverse and
you can equip missions to your Mechatar at any time. You Will access missions on your
Mechatar by entering "Mission Mode"
Mechatars are bred to fight and they know that training is key to imprm/ing their skills.
When two Mechatars meet up on Earth. they love to put their talents to the test by
engaging in a battle You‘ll learn all about the deep strategic battle system by taking the
online tutorials at wwwMechatars com. How to master weapons, attacks and Elements
to take down rival Mechatars and eventually, the Swarml
Training battles are also available in the Mechaverse for all skill levels. Test matches are a
great way to better your record, gain experience and level up.
As you explore the Mechaverse you may want to pick up some additional items to aid in
the battle against the Swarm. The currency of the Mechaverse is called Mechra and you
can use it to buy things like elite misSions, elite taunts and rare weapons. ViSit the store at
wwleechatarscom frequently to find the latest items
As you play the game, you‘ll also earn Credits for completing basic activities. Credits can
be spent on tons of cool things in the store as well.
i lIltEEllT: Your Mechatar
needs In gather critical
data lrnm the Mechaverse.
connect llim immediately
in your computer!
it is critical to connect your
Mechatar frequently to the
Mechaverse because that is
how you upload experience
points to the Mechaverse and
download new mission data and other new features.
To connect your Mechatar:
1. insert smaller end of supplied USB cable
into the USB receptor on the back of
the Mechatar
2. insert opposite end of USB cable into an
available port on your personal computer.
.Turn your Mechatar on.
. Make sure your computer lS connected
to the internet.
5. if this is the first time you are connecting
your Mechatar to the computer, you Will
be prompted to install the Mechatars
Client software.
6. Create a new user account at
wwwMechatars corn. If you have an
existing account, log in to that account
7. Make sure to follow all instructions carefully
to ensure a safe and secure connection
To disconnect your Mechatar:
Once you have received a message indicating
it is safe to disconnect, simply pull the USB
cable out of the back of the Mechatar
The Go Button moves your Mecnatar ton/yard and confirms selectrons
The Turn Button makes your Mechatar turn
The Mode Button cyctes between Drive, Battle and Mrssron modes
The Mode LEDS disptay your current mode
The Hrnt button provrdes ctues for optrmat Mechatar operatron
Weapon Buttons can be used in aH three modes:
Btast Button
Rush Button
Storm Button
LEDS indicate power tevet of your attack and rninigeme status
Power swrtch turns Remote Control On and Off
Before you connect to the Mechaverse, you can expiore your World in
Drive mode
To select Drive mode:
1 Turn the Mechatar and Remote Controi on
2 Press the Mode button until you hear the Mechatar say "Drive mode"
3 You Wiii see the Drive mode light turn on
4 You may drive your Mechatar using the GO and Turn buttons
5 Also use weapon buttons to flash the Mechatar's iasers and play weapon
attack sounds
Try different combinations of weapon attacks to discover secret codes
Then watch your Mechatar perform their speciai move!
There are elght Elements that control the natural flow of life m the Mechaverse Each
weapon used lfl the Mechaverse is lntused wtth an Elemental power source whloh glves
the weapon unique advantages tn battle.
When you battle wtth other Mechatars or the Swarm, the Elements become cntlcal lfl
determlhlng how powerful a pamcular attack lS To learn more about the battle system,
take the onllne tutorlals and download the latest instructlon manual at
wwwMechatars com.
The chart below lllustrates how the Elements of the Mechaverse interact For example a
weapon enhanced wtth the Cryon Element has a strong chance of overwhelmlng a Lumls
weapon, while a Toxis weapon oflen wlll ovelwhelrn a Cryon weapon.
Each Mechatar also favors certaln elements. The Mechatars and thelr favonte Elements
are shown below
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This devtce compliances wtth Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
folloWing two conditions: (1) This deVice may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) The deVice must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operatton.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection agatnst harmful interference in a residential installation This
equipment generates uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance With the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
- However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
mstallatlon if this equlpment does cause harmful mterferenoe to radio or teleViSion
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try and correct interference by one or more of the follOWing measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
0 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
0 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a Circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected
0 Consult the dealer or experienced radio/TV technician for help
WARNING: Changes or modifications to this umt not expressly approved by party
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. To
maintain the compliance With the FCC’s RF exposure guideline, place the internet radio
unit (MECHATAR) at least 20cm from nearby persons.
WARNiNG! This equipment may experience difficulty and/or memory loss when
subiected any electrostatic discharge, radio frequency interference, or sudden power
surge/ interruption. The user is encouraged to reset the equipment should any of
these occur.
Under the environment With electrostatic discharge, the sample may malfunction. It
requires user to reset the sample by re—plugging the USB cable and then restarting
the software again.
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NAME: Lns'r EESIDIAH zEPi—Mn's EnnunnEnEAHEn
STCIHm Dannes ,
Power Packs and Mechatars sold separateiy
Bossa Nova Robotics, Inc
2740 Smallman Street, Suite 400
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
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