Brightstar AVVIOT519 Mobile Phone User Manual T519

Brightstar Corporation Mobile Phone T519

User Manual

 PN: 5839000000
   © 2011. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without permission. All trademarks and brand names mentioned in t his p ublication are property of  the ir re spective owners.  While all ef forts have be en made to  ens ure th e accuracy of all contents i n this  ma nual, we as sume n o liabilit y for  error s or omissions or statements of any kind in this manual, whether such errors or omi ssions or st atements res ulting from  negligence, accidents, or  any ot her caus e. T he cont ents o f this ma nual are subject to change without notice.  Protect our en vironment! We striv e to  produc e prod ucts in compliance with global environmental standards. Please consult your local authorities for proper disposal.   Note: User ’s Manual is Jus t to  guide the us er ab out t he functionality of the phone. This dose not seems any certificate of technology. Some fu nctions ma y very due to m odifications a nd up gradations of software or due to print mistake.
   SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Before u sing your p hone, pl ease r ead t he follo wing im portant information t o eli minate o r red uce any possi bility of ca using damage and personal injury.  Do not use wireless phones while driving.  Switch off wireless devices in aircraft. The signal may cause interference. Using them on aircraft is illegal.  Do not use mobil e phones  where bla sting is in progress. Follow regulations and rules strictly.  Do not u se mobile phones a t a ref ueling point. Don’t use near fuel or chemicals  Follow regulations or rules in hospital and health care facilities. Switch phone off near medical equipment.  All wireles s de vices may get int erference that could  affect performance.  Only quali fied ser vice person nel can i nstall or rep air this device.  Use only approved accessories and batteries.  Use on ly in  norm al positio n. D o no t e xpose your phone t o e xtreme high te mperatures above +60℃(+140°F). Do not use anything static to clean your phone.  Ensure th e phon e is  turned on an d in se rvice. Enter the emergency number, then press Pick Up key. Give your location. Do not end the call until told to do so.   Improper use  will in validate t he warranty! T hese saf ety instructions also apply to original accessories.
   Table of Content GENERAL INFORMATION ......................... 1 Antenna ............................................................... 1 Network Service ...................................................  1 Accessories ......................................................... 1 Privacy  ................................................................. 1 KNOW YOUR MOBILE PHONE ................. 2 The usage of the Smart Touch Screen................. 3 States Icons ......................................................... 4 IMPORTANT INFORMATION...................... 5 Use of Passwords ................................................ 5 Battery Information .............................................. 6 Usage & Maintenance ......................................... 8 Emergency Calls ..................................................  9 GETTING STARTED .................................  10 First Call............................................................. 10 Mounting the SIM Card ...................................... 10 Mounting the T-Flash Card ................................ 11 Charging the Battery .......................................... 12 Switching Your Phone On/Off ............................ 12 CALLING................................................... 13 Making a call ...................................................... 13 Answering Calls ................................................. 14 Options in Call ................................................... 14
   GUIDE TO MENU OPERATIONS ............. 15 Messaging ......................................................... 15 Phonebook .........................................................  17 Call Center ......................................................... 17 Audio Player ...................................................... 19 Camera  .............................................................. 20 File Manager ...................................................... 20 User Profiles ...................................................... 20 Settings  .............................................................. 21 Bluetooth............................................................  22 Games ............................................................... 23 WAP ...................................................................  23 TV  ...................................................................... 23 Video Player ...................................................... 24 Video recorder ................................................... 24 FM ..................................................................... 25 Sound Recorder .................................................  25 Image viewer ..................................................... 26 Java ................................................................... 26 Slide show ......................................................... 27 Calculator...........................................................  27 Organizer  ........................................................... 27 Book shelf .......................................................... 28 APPENDIX ................................................ 29 Appendix A: Troubleshooting ............................. 29 Appendix B: FCC Statement .............................. 30
  1GENERAL INFORMATION Antenna Use of other antenna devices could damage your mobile phone and r educe pe rformance. Your ph one h as a  built- in antenna. Don’t tou ch the a ntenna area  unnecessarily when th e pho ne is switched on . Co ntact with the  ant enna affects c all q uality a nd may ca use th e ph one to  operate at  a higher power le vel t han otherwise needed.   Network Service A lot  of  features described in  this man ual ar e ca lled net work service. T hey a re sp ecial ser vices p rovided b y wireless service providers. You sho uld su bscribe to  th ese ser vices fro m your home service provider and learn instructions on uses before you select the network you want to use. Accessories Li-Ion battery is the manufacturer-approved rechargeable battery available for  your ph one. May be  som e batteries perf orms best after several full charge/discharge cycles. Use onl y ba tteries, chargers and  acc essories a pproved b y the phone manufacturer for use with this particular model. The use of any other types will invalidate any approval or warranty applying to the phone, and may be dangerous. Please co nsult with y our deal er for a vailability of appr oved accessories. Privacy The shoot or record ing of photo s, imag es or sound s pri vately may be prohibited by law and/or subject to criminal prosecution. We recommend  you to b e responsible and respectful of privacy laws when you are taking photos, or doing records.
  2KNOW YOUR MOBILE PHONE           NO.  Item  Function 1 Camera  Use the ca mera t o t ake p hotos and record videos 2 Screen  Tap the screen t o write or ma ke oth er operations. 3 OK Key  Press OK ke y to  confirm the cu rrent operation 4  Send Key Use th e Ca lling K ey to  m ake o r a nswer a  call. In th e s tandby m ode, pr ess thi s k ey to  access the Call History.
  35 Microphone Speak into th e micropho ne when receiving or makin g a call or voice  recording. 6 Right soft key/ Call end Key / Power key Use Call end  Key to d isconnect an ongoing call.  Long pr ess thi s k ey to t urn o n or o ff th e mobile phone. In t he menu m ode, press this  key  to  r eturn the s tandby mod e an d ca ncel c urrent operations. 7  Antenna  You can use your phone to listen to FM or watch TV once the antenna is opened. 8  Earphone Jack  Use this connect to the headset. 9 Cord hole Attach a strap for carrying your device. 10  USB connecter Use this con nector to synchro nize da ta by conn ecting the pro vided USB S ync cable or t o re charge the  batte ry via th e provided AC adapter. 11 Side keys Use the side keys to scroll options in the function list or the phone book. During a call, sli de u p or do wn to adjus t the earpiece volume.  The usage of the Smart Touch Screen The controls on the touch screen change dynamically to suit the task at hand. 1. Tap the “    “ at the button of the screen to open the menu. 2. Flick or drag up or down to scroll.
  43. Press an d drag out the icon that  you want, and then you can icon side to side.   4. Drag the icon into the scroll to shutdown it, and then you can choose another function. Tip: Press won’t be close the function.  States Icons  Network Signal  Connecting GPRS and using GPRS  Divert all Voice Calls  Auto Keypad Lock  Alarm Clock is activated  Battery States  Missed Calls  New Message or Message Memory Full  MMS is busy  Roaming Startup Sound States  Ring Only  Vib. Only  Vib. then Ring  Vib. and Ring
  5IMPORTANT INFORMATION Use of Passwords Your mobile phone and SIM card have various passwords. Those passwords avoid unauthorized use of your phone and SIM card. You ca n cha nge PIN, PIN 2 and  ph one password in  the “Settings > Security Settings” Phone Code The Phone code can be used to avoid unauthorized use of your phone. T he fa ctory setting for the p hone code is 1 122. If  phone lock is enable d, you w ill be ask ed to inp ut the phone  password when you switch on your phone.   PIN (4 to 8 digits) The PIN (Personal Identification Number) code protects your SIM card from un authorized use. T he PIN c ode is usuall y supplied with the  SI M card.  When the PIN co de reques t is  enabled, the password is asked every time the phone is turned on. Three times wrong PIN input, the SIM card will be locked and you will ne ed to use the PUK t o u nlock it.  PUK is  usually s et by the network operator. 1.  Enter the correct PUK to unlock the SIM card, and then enter the new PIN and press OK. 2.  If you are prompted to enter the new PIN again, enter it an d press OK. 3.  If the P UK is c orrect, the SI M card  will b e unloc ked and th e PIN will be reset. PUK (8 digits) The PUK (Personal  Unblocking Key) code is required to ch ange a blocked PIN code. Please contact your network operator for the code.
  6Note: Ten times wrong input in succession, the SIM card will be invalid and you need to consult with your network operator for a new SIM card. PIN2 (4 to 8 digits) The PIN2 code, su pplied with s ome SI M card, is used f or some functions, such as Call Cost, Fixed Dial and so on. Please consult your network operator to confirm whether your SIM card supports those services or not.   Three times w rong PIN2 code inp ut, the SI M card will be lock ed and you will need to use the PUK2 to unlock it. 1. Enter th e corr ect P UK2 to  unlock PIN2 , and th en e nter th e new PIN2 and press OK. 2.  If you are prompted to enter the new PIN2 again, enter it and press OK. PUK2 (8 digits) The PUK2 c ode, su pplied with some SI M card,  is r equired to change a  blocked P IN2 co de. It  ma y be  suppli ed with t he S IM card. If not, contact your network operator. Note: Ten times wrong input in succession, the SIM card will be invalid and you need to consult with your network operator for a new SIM card. Barring Code To activate call barring, you need a Barring Code. You obtain the password from your service provider.  Battery Information Charing and Discharging   The charger is designed to be used in temperatures between -10°C to 55°C.   Do not charge the phone in wet and damp conditions.
  7  Use o nly batteries approved b y th e p hone ma nufacturer and  recharge your battery only with the charges a pproved by th e manufacturer.   We striv e to  pro duce pro ducts in  com pliance with glo bal environmental standards   The charge r m eets the  st andard f or s afety of i nformation technology eq uipment and of fice equi pment use. It m ust b e used for this purpose only.   Your phone is  po wered by a re chargeable batt ery. Full performance of the battery is a chieved only after two or three complete charge and discharge cycles.   When a charger is  not in use , disco nnect it from th e po wer source. D o not le ave the batt ery con nected to a ch arger for  longer than 12 hours, since overcharging may shorten its life.   Temperature extremes will affect the abil ity of y our batter y to charge. Tips for Battery   Placing the battery i n hot or  cold places, such as  in a cl osed car in su mmer or winter, will reduce the capacity and lifetime of the battery.     Do not let t he metal contacts on the battery touch other metal contacts. It c ould sh ort-circuit a nd dam age the batt ery. Use  the battery only for its intended purpose.   Do not disassemble or modify the battery by yourself.   Do not clean the battery with water or any organic solvent.   Always keep the battery dry.   The battery can be charged and discharged many times but it will wear out as  last. When the  t alk a nd s tandby time  is  obviously shorter th an normal , pleas e change t he origi nal battery approved by manufacturer.   Do not short-circuit the battery.   Turn off mobile phone before removing the battery.
  8  Do not dispose of batteries in fire.   If you smell anything strange from the battery or f ind that the battery is o verheated, y ou should st op using it immedi ately and contact the authorized After Service Center in your region.   If you don’t use the battery for a long time, please fully charge the battery before you store it.   Batteries should never be placed in municipal waste. Batteries must be rec ycled or  disposed of  properly. Please follow local regulations for disposal of batteries.           Usage & Maintenance To keep your product working well, take a moment to review the following usage  & m aintenance ti ps, which will help you to ful fill any warranty obligations an d to e njoy this prod uct fo r ma ny years.   Keep your ph one a nd all  i ts parts an d acce ssories o ut of children’s reach.  Your prod ucts ar e not w ater-resistant. Keep it dr y. Precipitation, humi dity and liq uids c ontain mineral s that  will corrode the connectors.   Always treat your products with care and keep it in a clean and dust-free place.  Do not  e xpose your pro duct to e xtreme hi gh o r lo w temperatures. Your phone op erates best in tem perature between 15 °C and 25°C.  M inimum and maximum temperatures recommended b y the man ufacturer are  -10°C and 55°C.   Do not  e xpose your produ ct to  ope n fl ames o r lit  tobacco products.   Do not atte mpt to di sassemble or modi fy y our produ ct. Onl y authorized personnel should perform service.     Do not drop, throw or try to bend your product.
  9  Do not paint your product.   Do not use  harsh chemicals, clea ning sol vents, or stro ng detergents to clean it.     Keep anything magnetic, such as credit cards, far away from your product.   If you find  that th e batter y h as an y crack, defo rmation or anything else, you should stop using the battery immediately.   If the electrolyte leak out and contact your skin or clothes, you should imme diately use so ap a nd cl ean water t o cle an it.  In  case the electrolyte spatters into your eyes, you must use the clean water to  wash your e yes tho roughly a nd g o to  the  hospital immediately.   If y our phone or a ny ac cessory does n’t function nor mally, please s end the m t o the near est aut horized ser vice facilit y. The qualified personnel there will assist you, and if necessary, arrange for service.  Emergency Calls This phone,  like  a ny wireless phones, oper ates using ra dio signals, wireless and landline ne tworks which cannot guarantee connection in  all conditions. T herefore, you s hould ne ver r ely solely upo n an y wireless pho ne for ess ential comm unications (e.g. medical emergencies). To make an emergency call: 1> Switch your phone on.   Some net works may requir e that a v alid SIM card  is properly inserted in the phone. 2> Dial the official emergency number. Emergency numbers vary by location. While making an emergenc y call, ple ase rememb er to gi ve all information as  p articularly as  possi ble. Never h and o ff the  call please until you are given permission to do so.
  10 GETTING STARTED First Call   Insert a  SIM car d ( Switch o ff your phone at first , and  then remove th e batter y). Enter the ar ea co de and the p hone number and press Pick Up Key. Tip: Before you get started, you must insert a valid SIM car d in your phone and charge the battery first.   SIM Card: Pl ease re fer to “ Mounting the SIM Card” for m ore reference on installation.   Charging the battery: please refer to “Charging the battery” for more details.  Mounting the SIM Card Your mobile phone number, PIN (Personal Identification Number), PIN2, PUK ( Personal Unlo ck K ey), P UK2 (P ersonal Un lock Key2), I MSI (I nternational Mobile Su bscriber Identity), t he network information, the phonebook data, SMS (short messages) and other data are stored in your SIM card. Note: This particular phone model only supports the SIM cards of 1.8V and 3V.   Some net work oper ators don’t of fer PI N2 and PUK 2, so  functions using those passwords will be unavailable.   The SIM card and its contacts can be damaged by scratches or ben ding easil y, s o be  careful while h andling, ins erting or  removing the card.   Keep all miniature SIM cards out of children’s reach. Note: Alwa ys m ake sure the  pho ne is  switched of f b efore you insert or remove the SIM card, otherwise it may damage the SIM card.
  11Mounting Remove the batter y cover by sliding it. In sert the SI M card, with the n otch at  the bott om rig ht a nd the gol d con tacts face  do wn, into the card slot. Align the card to the arrow sign as the following picture shows:  Replace the battery and close the cover tightly. Note:   If the SIM Card is installed improperly or damaged, the prompt words “Insert SIM” will display on the scr een after you switch on your phone. Remove the SIM Card and check the way that performs as pictures show, and then mount it again.   If “Inser t SI M” still  appears on  the  scr een a fter you ha ve inserted the SIM correctly, there may be something wrong with your SIM card. Please ask the network operator to repair it.   If the screen displays that the SIM card is locked permanently, please consult with your network operator.   Mounting the T-Flash Card Insert th e T-Flash c ard, with the  gold contacts f ace down, and into the card slot. Align the card to the arrow sign as the following picture shows:
  12Charging the Battery Note: Please al ways keep  your ph one connector an d char ger dry. 1.  Connect the connector of the travel adapter to the phone. 2.  Plug the travel adapter into a proper AC wall outlet.   3.  When y our pho ne i ndicates that  the  batt ery is  full y char ged, please pull  the  ra vel adap ter out from th e I/O  sock et o f th e phone. Tip:  1. If the batt ery is to tally empty or not en ough, it ma y take a few minutes before the charging indicator appears on the screen. 2. You can turn on/off, and use the phone while charging.   Warning: Make sure that the standard voltage/power of the place where you char ge the  batt ery m atches with the rat ed voltage/power of our travel adapter.    Switching Your Phone On/Off Press and ho ld Po wer Ke y for a fe w seconds to s witch your phone on.    If the phone ask for a phone lock code: Enter the phone lock code, and press OK.    If the phone ask for a PIN code: Enter the PI N code,  and press OK . T he PIN code is us ually supplied with the SIM card. Please consult your network operator for more information.  Access the standby mode. Press and ho ld Po wer Ke y for a fe w seconds to s witch your phone off.
  13CALLING Making a call You can make a call from Pho ne, Contacts, Speed Dial and Call History. Make a call from Phone In the standby mode, tap dial Pad( ), enter the desired phone number, and tap  to make a call. Make a call from phonebook In the  standby mo de, t ap phonebook( ), roll  the  scroll bar up/down or tap the    and enter the initial letter of the person's name, Tap the desired number or name and select “call”. Make a call from call history In the st andby mode, Press send key to access the call his tory, select call histor y, scroll to the  desired number or n ame and tap Call.  Speed a call from speed dial You can sa ve 8 S peed Dial Num bers you often di al to positi ons titled with num ber keys from  “2” to  “ 9” respe ctively. Sel ect “Phonebook > Options > Phonebook settings > Speed dial > Set Number”, and t hen set  “Status” o n. On the  Phone scre en, press and hold the number key to dial the corresponding number. Make an International Call 1. On the Ph one scr een, t ap the * t wice for the inter national prefix symbol +. 2.  Enter the country code, area code and phone number. 3. T ap   to make an International call. Clear Wrong Enters If y ou t ap a w rong number , tap clear or  ←() to er ase t he
  14wrong nu mber. T o erase the e ntire nu mber, t ap and h old the  clear or  ←(). Adjusting the Sound Volume During a call, you can press the side Key to adjust the earpiece volume.  Answering Calls 1.  To answer an incoming call, press the send key. 2.  To end or reject an incoming /ongoing call, press the  Call end Key. Tip: If the caller can be identifie d, the  screen will dis play t he caller’s name. If the caller can’t be identified, the screen will only display the caller’s number.    Options in Call Your p hone pro vides a nu mber of fu nctions th at you can  u se during a call. During a  call, you c an ac cess Hold /End singl e ca ll, N ew Call, Phone Book, Messages, Sound Recorder and other functions.
  15GUIDE TO MENU OPERATIONS Function options about the mobile phone are listed as below with brief descriptions. Tap    access to the Main Menu.  Messaging  Only when your network operator supports this service, you can  use the function.   SMS Write Message   You can edit the SMS. Inbox The phone will prompt you when you receive a new message. Outbox This function is used to check messages in outbox. Drafts In the Drafts, please tap Options, and then you can do send, edit and some other operations. Templates Your phone saves messages both for SMS in common use. You can use, edit, or remove message. SMS Settings You can configure the default information about SMS properties. Before using  mes sage fu nction, you need t o d o ne cessary settings as follows: 1. Profile settings: User sh ould set a  pr oper pr ofile f or m obile message. Enter into each mode to find  the profile name, SMSC address, validity period and message type.   2. Voicemail server: Edit: Input or modify the number and the name of voice mailbox. Connect to Voice: You can hear messages in the voice mailbox. Note: T his ser vice is supp lied by t he network, suc h as  t he
  16message mac hine service. It en ables the cal ler to  lea ve messages w hen yo u can't or y ou are un willing to ans wer the coming call.  Your n umber for th e voice mailbox is  saved in  this phone. In s tandby mode, hol d the nu mber ke y 1 to dial  the number of the  voice mailbo x a fter the  number is config ured. Please consult your network operator for more details. 3. Common settings: Activate Delivery Reports, Reply Path and Save sent message.   4. Memory status: User can  chec k the  available s pace i n S IM card or mobile message box.   5. Preferred storage: User can ch oose location  to sa ve th e message either in mobile or SIM card. Schedule SMS   Tap the Add or Opti ons > Add, and th en y ou can set the d ate, time, m essage, and enter  nu mber. Press do ne a nd sav e t he message. The message w ill be sent to th e input n umber as  y ou t he time desired by you. Note: The time format of this function is 24 hours.                      MMS Write Message: You can edit the MMS message. Inbox: The phone will prompt you when you receive a new MMS. Outbox: This function is used to check MMS in outbox. Drafts: This function is used to check messages in drafts. MMS Settings: You can  con figure th e default info rmation f or MMS. Chat Use this function to chat with the sender by sending messages.  Chat Room Info: select on e chat r oom to set  My Nickname and Destn. Number.  Start New: enter wo rds and  start to c hat w ith the  pres et number.
  17Broadcast Message This net work s ervice enabl es you to r eceive all kind s of t ext messages, such as weather reports or transportation information. Until no w, ther e are  se veral networks af ford the  service in t his world. Please consult your network operator for more reference. Broadcast message: Receive Mode: Turn on or off the Cell Broadcast. Read Message: Scroll the Up/Down Key to select the message. Languages:  Select the desir ed la nguage to  display t he broadcast message. Note:  Your net work operator d ecides whether th e langu age is supported or not. Channel Settings: You can choose Select, Add, Edit or Delete to receive the Broadcast information.  Phonebook You can fast locate the number of the person you want to contact. Tap the   and ent er the initial lett er of t he person ’s name , related r ecords abo ut it  will display in  the  middle o f the s creen. Tap the desired number; and tap options, then you can view, send SMS/MMS, and call and so on.  Call Center Call Center Call history Missed Calls With this function, you can ch eck recent missed calls. In this function, you can Delete, Save to Phone book, Edit and so on. Dialed Calls With this function, you can ch eck recent dialed calls. In this function, you can Delete, call, send text message and so on.
  18Received Calls With this function, you can check recent received calls. In this function, you can Delete, call, send text message and so on. Delete Call Logs You can remove all records of missed, dialled, received calls or delete all calls with this function. Call times  L ast Call: The last call time can be checked.  Dia lled calls: The total time of all dialed calls can be checked.   Received ca lls: The total ti me of all re ceived ca lls ca n be checked.   Reset All: TO reset the counters. Call Cost   Last Call Cost: You can check the last call’s charges.   Total Cost: You can check the whole call’s charges.   Reset Cost: You can modify the call’s charges, and reset the cost to 0. PIN2 code is required while modifying.   Max Cost: You can check and modify the upper limit. PIN2 code is required while modifying.   Price per  U nit: You c an ch eck and m odify the c all’s r ate. PIN2 code is required while modifying. Note: This function is related with the SIM card. Some SIM cards don’t support the  function. PIN2 i s pr ovided from th e netw ork oper ator. Please consult your network operator to obtain the number. Text Message Counter   Sent: You can check and clear the number of sent messages.   Received: Y ou ca n c heck and cl ear t he number o f r eceived messages. Note: This function has nothing to do with the SIM card. The amount of sent or received messages will not change even if you change the SIM card. GPRS Counter You can ch eck or  r eset th e Last  Sent, L ast R eceived, Al l Sent,  All Received and Reset Counter.
  19Call Settings Call settings 1. Caller ID (Ne t work Service): You can select Set By Network, Hide ID or Send ID. The default state is the Set By Network. 2. Call W aiting > Ac tivate, t he ne twork will notif y you of a  new incoming call  while you have a c all i n prog ress (Net work Service). 3. Call Di vert: T his net work s ervice allows you to  divert your incoming calls to anther number. For details, contact your service provider. 4. Call Barring > A ctivate, this n etwork serv ice allo ws you to restrict incoming calls from your pho ne. For details, contact your service provider.   5. Line Switching: Switch to Line 1 or 2, the default one is Line 1. Note: If Line 2 i s selected, making calls from Line 2 depends on the network operator. Advance settings 1. Blac klist: you c an set  20 n umbers. When this Black  list is enabled, you won’t receive the calls from the numbers entered in the Blacklist. 2. Auto  Redial > O n, the ph one will automatically redial the l ast called num ber a fter a while if you fail to  connect to th e numb er. The times f or auto redial are up to 10 times. Press Abort to end Auto Redial. 3. Call Time Display > On, the call time will display. 4. Call Time Reminder: This function prompts you to end the call in time to sa ve the  call cost.  You can  select Of f, Singl e, or Periodic. 5. Aut o C all Di sconnect: You can set  O N/ OFF, an d se t a  ti me (1~9999s) as your desire.  Audio Player
  20The Play, Stop, Back, Forward functions correspond to the (         ) button respectively, Please press the side key or tap (   ) to adjust music volume. Tap “list” to access the View All, and then tap Options to perform the following functions: play, details, add to ringtones, refresh list and settings. Note:  To enjoy non-stop music, please download music/Songs to the Music folder of the Phone/ memory card. The Audio Player of the phone will automatically play music files from the Music folder. You may need to refresh it manually from the settings in case you have earlier opted for manual refresh settings. Warning: Make sure that t he v olume i s a ppropriate for y our hearing while using the audio player.  Camera You can take photos with the built-in camera. Tap the ( ) to take a picture; tap the ( ) access the following options: Photos: To display the file list. Camera Settings: To set some relative spec of the camera. Image Settings: This includ es phot o size and p hoto qu ality adjustment. White balance: To set the balance of light. Scene Mode: To set the scene mode auto or night. Effect settings: To set special shot effect. Storage: To set the default storage path. Restore Default: Can restore default.  File Manager You can use the function to manage all types of files saved in the Memory card or Phone.  User Profiles
  21You can s elect G eneral, Si lent, Ou tdoor, In door, H eadset, Bl uetooth. For each mode, you can cust omize the Tone Set tings, Volume, Alert Type, Ring Type, Extra Tone or Answer Mode according to your need. Note: Insert the earphone to access the Headset mode automatically. This mode has no Activate option. Press # key to enable or cancel the silent mode. In the Silent mode, you can not hear any sound indicates a call or a message is coming.  Settings Pen calibration If your device does not accurately respond to screen taps, follow these steps to re-calibrate it: 1. Tap Settings > Pen Calibrate   2. Click anywhere on the screen to start calibrate, then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the calibration. Phone Settings Time and Date  Set Home City: Select the desired home city.  Set Time / Date: Enter the current time and date.  Set Format: Select a time and a date format.  Update With Time Zone: You can set On or Off. Schedule Power On/Off: You can set t he time for a uto po wer on/off. Language: Select the desired language for the display text.   Pref. Input Methods: Select the  desired input m ethod for t he default input method. Display settings: You can confi gure the  Wallpaper, Screen saver, P ower o n dis play, Po wer of f displ ay, Inter active Screen, Main Menu Ef fect, Show Op erator Name, and C an aut o open keypad light. Greeting Text: Set O N, edi t th e g reeting t ext and s ave, th en these words will be show on the screen when you turn on your phone.
  22Auto Update of Date and Time: It ca n be s et to  ON  or O FF. (Network Service). Flight Mode: You can choose one mode as your desire. Misc. Settings: LCD backlight: You can set the LCD backlight. Network Settings You ca n confi gure t he follo wing o ptions as desir ed: Ne twork Selection (Automatic suggested), Preferences.   Security Settings   Your ph one is e quipped with a  versatile securit y system to prevent unauthorized use of the phone or the SIM card, such as SIM Lock, Phone Lock, Auto keypad Lock, Fixed Dial, Barred Dial and Change Password. Restore Factory Settings Access Sett ings to  select Rest ore Factory S ettings, a nd press OK. Al l se ttings ca n be  rest ored to  fa ctory s ettings with t his function. The default password is 1122.  Bluetooth You can use Bl uetooth trans mission of docume nts dir ectly. Search equi pment to the  tran sfer, In accor dance with the onscreen instr uctions can o perate, and  accepts data, choose to receive the  same , d ocument will be  aut omatically st ored in the directory. Power: Bluetooth Switched on or off. Inquiry audio device: You can search audio device. Remote control: Connect by remote HID host device. My device: Can inquiry new device. Active devices: Can use Active devices connected. Settings: Some devices can be set up. About: Can read information about my devices.
  23Games There are several interesting games in the phone. Please refer to instructions from the menu for more details. Tip:  The game me nu inclu des S tart G ame, Be st Gra des and Game Help.  WAP STK Service This ser vice i s of fered as  the SIM c ard service provided by the network operator. Service Internet service enables you tour around the Internet world easily and happily. Please follow the steps described as below:   1.  Homepage: The default Internet Web Address.   2.  Bookmarks: Save the Web address you often use.   3.  History: Records after you browse the Website.   4.  Input Address: Press t he le ft so ft ke y to  access Ent er Address, and then input the web address to go to the Internet.   5.  Service Inbox: Messages sent to users from the Web site.   6.  Wap Settings: You can configure: Profiles, Browser Options, Service Message Settings, Clear Cache, and Clear Cookies.   Data account Tap OK to perform following steps:   1.  GSM Data:Edit the GSM account.   2.  GPRS:Edit the GPRS account.  TV Draw out the antenna in the top right corner of the phone.   States Icons:
  24 Indicates the network signal strength of TV.  Full screen Adjust the volume  Adjust the Channel  Auto Scan  Program List  Options Press the    to access these options as below: 1. Set Region: to choose your area/city. 2. Input Channel: to get into the function of manual search. 3. Program List: to pick up a channel. 4. Auto Scan: to preset list. 5. Full Screen: to switch full screen.  Video Player You can perform the following operations: Play: You can play the specified video. Send: You can forward the video to Bluetooth and so on. Rename: You can rename the specified video. Delete: You can delete the specified video. Delete All Files: You can delete all videos. Sort by: You can sort your videos by Name, Type, Time and so on. Storage: To set the default storage path.  Video recorder
  25Your phone supports the video recorder function. Tap the   or   to get  s tart or pause. Tap the     to get  stop. Tap th e   you can perform the following operations: Camcorder Settings: To set some spec. of the video recorder. Video settings: You can  set the video quality, size limit an d so on. White balance: To set the balance of light. Effect settings: To set special shot effect. Storage: You can store the Video in the phone or Memory card. Restore Default: Press the left soft key and select Yes to return to default settings.                                                 FM FM radio You can use your p hone to li sten to  F M radio stations o nce the antenna is  open ed. Please press  the  sid e key or  tap ( /) to adjust music volume. Tap the ( ) to play/stop the FM radio. Tap the (  ) to search the channels. Schedule FM Record With this function, your phone can record the FM program as the schedules once the antenna is opened. You can set off or on, the date and time, repeat style, channel settings and record settings.  Sound Recorder The mobile phone supports 3 recording formats: WAV, AWB and AMR. You can record conversations, which may be saved to the Audio folder under File Manager. If there is a record, press the left soft key you can select: Play, Append (only for A MR), Re name, Delete, Delete all files, Use as and Send.
  26Image viewer Enter the  “image v iewer” to v iew the im age files in  the defa ult folder “Photos”.  Java Java You may download the latest Java games and a pplications from the Internet. If you know where you can download the application software (the web address), please follow the steps described as below: 1>  In the st andby m ode, t ap   > Ser vices > Internet service > Bookmarks. You shoul d input the web address and name it. 2>  To connect to the internet, tap Options > Go to. 3>  Please choose your favorite application software, and then tap Option > Go to.   4>  Your phone will ask you download it or not, with their name, version number, type, and size.   5>  Tap “Yes”, and then you should select where to s ave that application file. Phone is recommended.   6>  These do wnloaded game s a nd applications are automatically saved to the Java. Select a Java game or an application and then tap the OK key to run it. You can view the details of installed games or applications, remove them form your device, and specify installation settings. Warning: Onl y in stall and  use  ap plications an d ot her software from trusted sources.   Java Settings This functio n i ncludes set tings of  Ja va Audi o, J ava V ibration, Select SI M, a nd so  on. Y ou can con figure thos e option s as desired.
  27Java Default Security There are 4 option s you can se t: Third Party, Untrusted domain, Restore Setti ngs a nd Do main optio ns. For T hird Party a nd Untrusted dom ain, you can  defin e which functi ons t he Ja va application can ac cess. T he v alue that  y ou ca n set for e ach functionally d epends on th e prot ection d omain of the  so ftware package.  Network access: Create a data connection to the network  Auto Invocation: Open the application automatically.  Messaging: Send messages.  Multimedia Cent er: Capture i mages or record  videos or  sound.  Read user data: Read your calendar entries, contacts, or any other personal data.  Write user da ta: Ad d perso nal d ata, su ch as e ntries to  Contacts.  Local connectivity: set Prompt at first, Prompt once, Never, Prompt always. After you finished settings, please select OK to save.  Slide show Select a f older a nd then you can e njoy the slide s how without manual modulation.  Calculator The calculator can add, subtract, multiply and divide.  Organizer Offer you several little tools to let you feel more comfortably.
  28Calendar You can  view and e dit the m emo o f a s pecified date with th is function. Tasks You can  Vie w, Add,  Edit, Del ete, D elete o verdue, De lete All, Jump to date , View uncompleted, Send vCalendar and Sa ve as file as desired. Start up the Memo and tap done. Tap Options to access the next step to add a new memo. Alarm The mobile phone provides several alarms and you can set them as your need. World Clock Tap the (  ) to  bro wse e very cit y’s ti me z ones i n th e world map. The related date and time will display at the bottom of the screen. Unit Converter You can convert the units for weight and length. Enter the number into the column, and then press OK to get the result. Currency Converter You can  m ake c urrency conv ersions. Pr ess OK a fter e nter the exchange rate, and then enter the number of the currency, and press OK to get the result. Stopwatch The stop watch has two m odes –  T ypical stop watch an d nW ay stopwatch.  Book shelf You ca n read  E-bo ok with “*.T XT” forma t which s aved i n your memory card.
  29APPENDIX Appendix A: Troubleshooting This section lists some problems that you might meet while using your phone. I f y ou feel th at y our ph one d o n ot operate normally, pl ease reset settings first, and then follow Troubleshooting Guide. If y ou are still unable t o solv e proble ms, ple ase co ntact the a uthorized serv ice center or the store from where you purchased the phone. Problems Solutions Can not answer or make a call Make sure that the phone has been switched on. Make sure that the battery is charged. Make sure that the signal intensity is high enough. Make sur e th e ow n number function i n t he cal l setting is system preset or number sending. Make sure the line switch in call setting is the system preset l ine. C heck w hether y ou h ave set  up cal l barring or fixed dialing or any other safety function. Check whether y ou have set up  call di verts. Check whether y ou have i nserted th e proper S IM car d correctly. Low voice  Check if the volume has been set too low. No ring Check whether you have set up the” Silent” option. Check whether the ring volume is not too low Move away f rom a n oisy pl ace to  check i f you can hear the phone ringing.   Check whether you have set up call diverts. T-Flash card detect slowly Format your T-Flash card with your phone. Note: To pr otect your f iles f rom getting lost, please backup the important information into the safe place before you formatting card.
  30Appendix B: FCC Statement This device h as be en tested and found t o co mply w ith P art 15 of  the FCC rules. Performance is subject to the following conditions: 1.  This device may not cause harmful interference. 2. This device mus t ac cept a ny i nterference r eceived, i ncluding interference that may cause undesired operation. 3. Changes or  m odifications n ot ex pressly appr oved by  the  manufacturer or  authorized ser vice center  could v oid t he us er’s authority to operate this equipment.   FCC Regulations:  This mobile phone complies w ith p art 15 of the FCC Rule s. Operation is  su bject to t he f ollowing t wo con ditions: (1)  T his device ma y n ot cau se harmful int erference, and (2) this d evice must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This mobile phone has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
  31 -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equi pment into an  outlet on a circ uit di fferent from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the d ealer or an e xperienced r adio/TV techni cian f or help.  Changes or mo difications n ot e xpressly appro ved b y th e p arty responsible for c ompliance c ould void t he user‘s a uthority to operate the equipment.  The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
  32 4RF Exposure Information (SAR)  This mobile  pho ne meets the  go vernment’s r equirements f or exposure to radio waves. This phone is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.    The exposure standard for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.    The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg.    *Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands.    Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value.    This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach the network.    In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.  The highest SAR value for the model phone as reported to the FCC when tested for use at the ear is 1.45 W/kg and when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is 0.433 W/kg (Body-worn measurements differ among phone models, depending upon available accessories and FCC requirements.)  While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the government requirement.
  33 The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines.    SAR information on this model phone is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCC ID: WVBAVVIOT519  For body worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines for use with an accessory that contains no metal and the positions the handset a minimum of 1 .5 cm from the body.    Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.    If you do no t use a body-worn accessory and are not holding the phone at the ear, position the handset a minimum of 1.5 cm from your body when the phone is switched on.

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