Broadcom BRCM1062 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN + Bluetooth PCI-E Combo Card User Manual Revised Module installation instruction

Broadcom Corporation 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN + Bluetooth PCI-E Combo Card Revised Module installation instruction

Revised Module installation instruction

     MoReg802.MFodule Ingulator11 a/b/Model NFCC IDIC: 4DatnstallatAnry App/g/n 3x3No: BCMD: QDS324A-Bte: Junetion Insnd roval C3 MIMM9433S-BRCMBRCMe 26, 20structioConditiMO Mod31CSAXM1062M1062 012 ons ion dule X  BRevisROADCOM C19PhonFasion: ACORPORATI90 Mathilda Pne: 408-543-3ax: 408-543-3A1ION Place 3300 3399
A. Con1. AthQ2. Wlereb3. TQ4. Tcd5. SnditionAntennas mhe body of QDS-BRCMI.  When the Mess than 20equired excbelow : I. II. III. The regulatoQDS-BRCMThe final sycustomer dodevice has iSimultaneouI. (i) (ii) (iii)(iv)(v) ns on must be instafuser duringM1062 withApprovedModule is in0 cm separacept the conAntenna mAntenna-tthe keybomeasuredand Antenna-ttransmittiAntenna sthe antennsame typerequired fapproval cory label onM1062”or uystem integrocumentatioimplementeus TransmiWhen mulaptop/notransmissIdentify atransmittehost comp Drawingssimultane) FCC ID otransmisscondition) The type configuraAntenna gexposure using alled to prog normal oph same typed Antenna Tnstalled in aation distannditions evmust be insto-user distoard.  For d between thto-Antennaing antennastructures mna structuree.  It the afor host intecondition.n the final using electrrator must on indicatined two-wayission Requultiple transtebook/netbion SAR evall possible ers and anteputer configs showing aeous transmof all transmion mode as approvedand physications  gain specificonditions BRCM ovide 20 cmperating coe and lesserType and Aa netbook/nce to the bovaluated forstalled at thtance is meantenna is he nearest pa separationa; and must be sime may contrantenna(s) uegrator to csystem muronic labeliensure therng how to iys authenticuirements smitters andbook /tablevaluation recombinatioennas instagurations antenna locmitting antenmitters, maxand frequend for the indal dimensiofied by the a regulam separationondition ANr gain can bAntenna Ganotebook/laody of the ur the specifihe position teasured by pnot embeddpoint betwen distance smilar to the ribute diffeused is diffeconsult withst include ting methodre is no instinstall or recation betwd antennas et, the folloeduction orons of simulled in the dations and nna(s) and ximum avency band, odividual traons of anteantenna maatory an distance ND only thobe used witain: aptop/tabletuser, additific host (Mato provide positioningded in the deen antennashall be greone documerence SARerent than th Broadcomthe statemed as documetruction proemove the tween modultransmit simwing may br exclusion ultaneous trdisplay scrseparation antenna-toerage conduoperating coansmitters.nnas incorpanufacturerapprovfrom the trose antennath this devit PC whereional equipmacBook Proat least 6 mg display scdisplay seca to the edgeater than 5mented in FCR readings ethe ones in m in determent:“Containented in KDovided in thtransmitter le and the hmultaneousbe used to requiremeransmissioneen and keydistances bo-user. ucted outpuonfigurationporated in tr for antennvals: ansmitting as filed undice.  e the antennment authoo Model A1mm to the bcreen open tion, the dige/surface o cm betweeCC filing. Veven if anteFCC filingmining applns FCC IDDB 784748he user manmodule exhost systemsly in a determine snts. n configurayboard of tbetween eaut power in ns and expothe intendenas qualifiedantenna toder FCC IDna location orization is 1398) listedbody of user90 degree tistance is of device; en each of Variation oenna is the g; it is licability of: 8.  nual or xcept such m.  simultaneoations for althe intendedach of each osure d host d for mobilo D:  is d r.  to on f ous ll d le
(vi) other relevant information and restrictions required by the equipment certifications of individual transmitters, including antenna changes For each simultaneous transmission configuration identified in 5.I, if the conditions in a) or b) below are satisfied and fully documented in the SAR report or Class I permissive change documentation, simultaneous transmission SAR evaluation is not required for that configuration   a) When the [(Σ of the highest measured 1-g SAR for each portable transmitter/antenna included in the simultaneous transmission configuration) / 1.6 W/kg] + Σ of [(the highest MPE for each mobile transmitter/antenna included in the simultaneous transmission configuration) / (the corresponding MPE limit)] < 1; or   b) For antennas included in the simultaneous transmission configuration that require SAR evaluation, when the separation distance between each antenna pair is greater than 5 · [(SAR1 + SAR2) / 1.6]1.5 cm, rounded to the nearest cm, and  the Σ of [(the highest MPE for each mobile transmitter/antenna included in the simultaneous transmission configuration) / (the corresponding MPE limit)] < 1   Where: Σ in a) excludes antennas that do not require SAR evaluation, and MPE does not apply to displays < 10” diagonal for both a) and b) (Above simultaneous assessment guideline can be found at FCC web site under KDB 616217.  6. If simultaneous transmission condition does not meet requirements described above, please contact Broadcom who is responsible for product compliance to determine the applicable simultaneous transmission SAR evaluation procedures and applicable equipment authorization procedure. Module must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the product.     B. RegulatoryComplianceStatementintheUserManualA user’s manual or instruction manual must be included with the customer product that contains the text as required by applicable law. Without limitation of the foregoing, an example (for illustration purposes only) of possible text to include is set forth below: a. FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by tuning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:     -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna   -Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver. -Connect the equipment to outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.   CAUTION: (this only applicable to 5GHz device) this device is restricted to indoor use due to its operation in the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz frequency range. FCC requires this product to be used
indoors for frequency range 5.15 to 5.25 GHz to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems. High power radars are allocated as primary users of the 5.25 to 5.35 GHz and 5.65 to 5.85 GHz bands. These radar stations can cause interference with and/or damage this device.
 bOaosacTcsT4hthC(ip(iM (iwH5CTsaacTIn8b. CanadOperation isand (2) this operation ofuivantes : (accepter toucompromettTo reduce pchosen that uccessful cThis device 4.97dBi/2.4having a gaihis device. Caution: (ti) the devicpotential forii) the maxMHz shall ciii) the maxwith the e.i.High power5.85 GHz bCaution: ETo comply weparation dall persons. antenna or tc. EuropeThis equipm symbo  indicnformation802.11a Resda - Induss subject todevice muf this devic(1) il ne dout brouillagtre le fonctipotential radthe equivacommunicahas been d4GHz and 6in greater tThe requirthis only apce for operar harmful inimum antencomply witximum ante.r.p. limits sr radars are ands. Thesxposure towith RSS 1distance of This devictransmitter.e - EU Restment needs ol and can bcates that usn to be suppstrictions: try Canado the followust accept ance.” L ‘ utiliit pas produge radioélecionnement dio interferlent isotropation.  designed to 6.56dBi/5Gthan 4.97dBred antennapplicable tation in thenterferencenna gain peth the e.i.r.penna gain pspecified foallocated ae radar stato Radio Fr102 RF expat least 20 ce must not .  trictions to be markbe used throsage restricplied to the  da (IC) wing two cony interfereisation de cuire de brouctrique reçudu dispositrence to othpically radioperate wiGHz. DiffereBi/2.4GHz a impedancto UNII dev band 5150e to co-chanermitted fop. limit; andpermitted foor point-to-as primary tions can carequency Rposure compcm must bbe co-locaked with theoughout thections applyusers: onditions: (ence, includce dispositiuillage et (u, même si tif.  her users, thated powerith a 802.11ent types ofand 6.56dBe is 50ohmvice)   0-5250 MHnnel mobiler devices ind  or devices i-point and nusers of theause interfeRadiation. pliance reqe maintaineated or opere  21e Europeany. Marking 1) this deviding interfeif est autori2) l’ utilisace brouillahe antenna r (EIRP) is 1abgn antenf antennas Bi/5GHz arms.  Hz is only foe satellite sn the bandsin the bandnon point-te 5.25 to 5.erence with quirements,ed betweenrating in co155 n communitby the symice may noterence that isée seulemateur du disge est susctype and itnot more thnna, havingor the samere strictly por indoor uystems;  s 5250-5350d 5725-5825to-point ope.35 GHz anh and/or dam, for mobilen the antennonjunction wty.  mbol   t cause intemay causement aux conspositif doiteptible de s gain shouhan that reqg a maximue type of anrohibited fose to reduc0 MHz and5 MHz shaleration as and 5.65 to mage this de configurana of this dewith any oterference, e undesired nditions t étre prêt àuld be so quired for um gain of ntenna for use withce the d 5470-572ll comply appropriatedevice.  ations, a evice and ther à h 5 .
.   This product is for indoor use only when using channels 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, or 64 (5150– 5350 MHz).       .   DFS and TPC must remain enabled to ensure product compliance with EC regulations.           .   To ensure compliance with local regulations, be sure to select the country in which the access point is installed.   .   This product can be used as shown in the table below:     Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation. To comply with RF exposure compliance requirements, for mobile configurations, a separation distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the antenna of this device and all persons.   Czech:   User's Manual in Czech language and a statement of conformity with Directive 1999/5/EC in Czech language must be enclosed to each product.     5 GHz wireless LAN IEEE 802.11a   Indoor Use Only   A, AND, B, CH, D, CY, CZ, DK, ES, EST, F, FIN, FL, FR, GB, GR, H, I, IRL, IS, L, LT, M, MC, N, NL, P, PL, RSM, S, SK,     SLO, V
France:   2.4GHz for Metropolitan France: In all Metropolitan départements, wireless LAN frequencies can be used under the following conditions, either for public or private use:     · Indoor use: maximum power (EIRP*) of 100 mW for the entire 2400-2483.5 MHz frequency band   · Outdoor use: maximum power (EIRP*) of 100 mW for the 2400-2454 MHz band and with maximum power (EIRP*) of 10 mW for the 2454-2483 MHz band   Note for system integrators:     - The module is tested to comply with the requirement of the R&TTE Directive. System integrators are responsible for compliance of the final device with the R&TTE Directive.     - Packaging: CE Marking must also be on the outer packaging of the product.    The outer packaging must also provide an indication as to where the device is intended to be used and OR conversely, where there may be restrictions for use.       d. Taiwan - NCC Statement to be included in the user guide   Statement- For general products 低功率電波輻性電機管理辦法第十二條經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。 第十四條低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。前項合法通信,指依電信規定作業之無線電信。低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。  Additional Statement - For 5G Band products   在5.25G ~5.35G頻帶內操作之無線資訊傳輸設備僅適於室內使用  Translation:   Article 12 Without permission, any company, firm or user shall not alter the frequency, increase the power, or change the characteristics and functions of the original design of the certified lower power frequency electric machinery. Article 14 The application of low power frequency electric machineries shall not affect the navigation safety nor interfere a legal communication, if an interference is found, the service will be suspended until improvement is made and the interference no longer exists.
 eIn"없fTomgBThe foraccordimachinmachinRadio dAppend 模組認“  如果使明顯標“內含射e. Korea nclude the "당해  무선없음"   f. ArgentThe current obtain regulmanufactureg. Brazil -Before usinregoing legang to the tenery should neries and edevices usindix:   認證合格標簽CCXXxx使用本模組之標示  射頻模組   following s선설비가 전tina   approval ilatory approers check w- Anatel   g Broadcomal communelecommunbe able to quipment fng 5.25-5.3簽  (ID):   xLPyyyZz"之平台,無statement e전파혼신 가s in the namoval in the with their lo m Anatel apnication refenications lawtolerate thefor legal co35GHz band" 法在外部看CCXXxxLeither on th가능성이me of Broaname of thocal distribupprovals, fers to the wws and rege interferenommunicatids are restr看見審驗合LPyyyZz” .he label or in있으므로adcom’s loche local distutors and imwireless teleulations. Tnce of the elions or induricted to ind合格標籤時.  n the User 인명안전cal representributor or mporters inecommuniche low powlectric wavustrial and sdoor use on時,應在該 平Guide.   과  관련된ntative. It mimporter. Wn Argentinacation operwer frequenve radiationscientific anly.  平台的外部된 서비스는may be neceWe suggesta.  rated ncy electricn electric applications部는 할 수 essary to t c s.
 1 PC- OEM must make arrangement for its local offices or distributors to provide maintenance, technical assistance or replace any faulty products sold in Brazil.     2 All warranty services will be provided by the distributors or PC-OEM sales support in Brazil. An official agreement stating warranty responsibilities must be signed and made available to Broadcom.    Interference statement to be included in the Users Guide   "Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário."   Translation: "This equipment operates in secondary character. It can be affected by harmful interference. However, it cannot cause interference to systems operating in primary character."   h. South Africa – ICASA   PC-OEMs must make arrangement for importers to supply spare parts and carry out repairs in South Africa.   i. 9. Indonesia - POSTEL   PC-OEMs must make arrangement for importers to provide product warranty and after sales services.  j. 10. Japan – MIC   Radio devices using 5.15-5.35GHz bands are restricted to indoor use only.     k. 11. Mexico    PC-OEMs must make arrangement for importers to provide User Manual in Spanish in Mexico.   The User Manual must feature the following mandatory statement:   “La operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones:   (1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia prejudicial y (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causar su operación no deseada.”   Translation:   The operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions:
 (1) this equipment or device must not cause harmful interference and   (2) this equipment or device must accept any interference, including interference which could otherwise cause its undesired operation.

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