Broadcom BRCM1075 802.11abgn/ac WLAN+Bluetooth4.0 NGFF2230 Mini Card User Manual User Guide

Broadcom Corporation 802.11abgn/ac WLAN+Bluetooth4.0 NGFF2230 Mini Card User Guide

User Guide

Download: Broadcom BRCM1075 802.11abgn/ac WLAN+Bluetooth4.0 NGFF2230 Mini Card User Manual User Guide
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Document ID2189259
Application IDYt4rZxb+kd8nHScsMWdUxA==
Document DescriptionUser Guide
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize41.84kB (523012 bits)
Date Submitted2014-02-13 00:00:00
Date Available2014-08-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-24 00:29:05
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-10-24 00:29:05
Document TitleUsing the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForceâ„¢ 54gâ„¢ and Intensi-fiâ„¢ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

Introduction: Broadcom BCM943162ZP PCI-E Mini Card User's Guide
Before you begin
Things you should know
BCM943162ZP network
Before you begin
Obtain the following information from your network administrator (if you are a home user, obtain this information from the person that
installed your wireless access point):
Network names (SSID) of the specific wireless networks that you want to connect to.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) key information (if any) for the networks you want to connect to.
For Microsoft® Windows® networking, your customer name and workgroup name.
For your network account, your user name and password.
Your IP address (if not using a DHCP server)
Things you should know
When you start your computer, your Broadcom BCM943162ZP PCI-E Mini card detects certain wireless networks that are
within range. Before you can connect to these and other wireless networks, you must configure a profile for each network using the
information you obtained from your network administrator.
WEP is a security protocol for wireless local area networks (defined in the IEEE 802.11g standard) that encrypts data sent over radio
waves. The use of the WEP key is optional and can be enabled or disabled. If the network you are connecting to has enabled WEP, you
must also enable WEP in the network profile and set the WEP key to match the WEP key used by the network. Otherwise, you cannot
connect to the network.
Broadcom BCM943162ZP network
The Broadcom BCM943162ZP solution allows you to make a wireless connection to a network, as illustrated below.
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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom
AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network
Adapter User Guide
Ut ilit y Com ponent s
The Broadcom Wireless Ut ilit y enables you t o do t he following net work t asks:
Manage your wireless net works and creat e net work connect ion profiles ( Wireless Net works t ab)
Connect t o available net works ( ut ilit y icon in not ificat ion area)
Get inform at ion about t he net work st at us and signal and noise of your net work connect ion ( Link
St at us t ab)
View current and accum ulat ed st at ist ics ( St at ist ics t ab)
Find out which broadcast ing net works are in range and search for nonbroadcast ing net works ( Sit e
Monit or t ab)
Run t est s on t he wireless net work adapt er ( Diagnost ics t ab)
Get dat e and version inform at ion about t he ut ilit y, and soft ware, hardware, and locat ion det ails
about your wireless net work adapt er ( I nform at ion t ab)
Manually add or delet e t rust ed servers and enable t he m anual accept ance or rej ect ion of aut oprovisioning and A- I D group changes ( Wireless Net works t ab)
Manually im port EAP- FAST PACs ( Wireless Net works t ab)
I n t he ut ilit y, you can open Wireless Net work Wizard t o connect t o a basic net work or creat e an ad hoc
net work, or you can open t he Wireless Net work Connect ion Set t ings t ool t o connect t o an advanced
net work. To do any of t he ot her t asks, click t he t ab t hat is associat ed wit h t he described t ask.
in t he not ificat ion area, and t hen click Open Utility.
To st art using t he ut ilit y, right - click t he ut ilit y icon
I f t he icon is not available, open Broadcom Wireless Utility in Cont rol Panel.
NOTE: The ut ilit y icon m ay not appear exact ly as shown here. See " Table 1. Signal
St rengt h I ndicat ed by t he Broadcom Wireless Ut ilit y I con."
Utility Components
Ut ilit y com ponent s include t he ut ilit y icon in t he not ificat ion area, t he six ut ilit y t abs, and Wireless Net work
Connect ion Set t ings.
Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
Utility Icon
To do any of t he following t asks or operat ions, right - click t he ut ilit y icon, and t hen click t he appropriat e
it em .
Open t he on- line Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and I nt ensi- fi™ Wireless Net work Adapt er User Guide
( Help Files)
Open About WLAN Card Ut ilit y t o view links t o Broadcom and Broadcom Cust om er Support websit es
and t o view t he version and dat e of t he ut ilit y ( About )
Hide t he ut ilit y icon ( Hide Tray I con)
Disable or enable t he radio ( Disable/ Enable Radio)
Connect t o any of t he net works for which you have creat ed a connect ion profile and are wit hin
range ( Connect To)
Open t he ut ilit y t o t he Wireless Net works t ab ( Open Ut ilit y)
Open t he ut ilit y t o t he Link St at us t ab t o view inform at ion about t he connect ion ( St at us)
Display a log of your wireless net work event s ( Display Log)
Wireless Networks Tab
The Wireless Networks t ab has t ools t hat enable you t o do t he following:
Use t he ut ilit y t o m anage your wireless net works
Add a net work connect ion profile
Edit or rem ove a net work connect ion profile
Change t he order in which profiles are list ed under Preferred network connections
Connect t o any list ed net work wit hout changing it s order in t he list
Disable or enable t he radio ( Disable/ Enable Radio)
Show or hide t he ut ilit y icon in t he not ificat ion area
Choose which t ype of net work t o access
Lock or unlock a preferred net work connect ion profile
Save your wireless net work connect ion profiles as a WPN file
I m port a WPN file
Manually add or delet e t rust ed servers and enable t he m anual accept ance or rej ect ion of aut oprovisioning and A- I D group changes
Manually im port EAP- FAST PACS
On t he Add m enu, you can use eit her t he wireless net work wizard t hat is available from Broadcom
Wireless Ut ilit y ( see Connect ing t o a Basic Net work or Creat ing an Ad Hoc Net work Using t he Wireless
Net work Wizard" ) or t he ut ilit y ( see " Connect ing t o an Advanced Net work Using t he Broadcom Wireless
Ut ilit y" ) t o add a net work connect ion profile.
To use t he ut ilit y t o m anage your wireless net works, select t he Let this tool manage your wireless
networks check box.
To add a net work connect ion profile, click t he Add arrow, and t hen click eit her Use Wizard (basic
network) or Use Utility (advanced network).
To edit or rem ove a net work connect ion profile, right - click t he net work nam e, and t hen click eit her Edit or
To change t he order in which profiles are list ed under Preferred network connections, click t he net work
nam e, and t hen click eit her t he up arrow or down arrow.
To connect t o any list ed net work wit hout changing it s order in t he list , right - click t he net work nam e, and
t hen click Connect.
Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
To disable t he radio, clear t he Enable radio check box. To enable t he radio, select t he Enable radio
check box.
To hide t he ut ilit y icon
utility icon check box.
, clear t he Show utility icon check box. To show t he icon, select t he Show
To choose t he t ype of net work t o access, click t he Options arrow, and t hen click Advanced.
To lock or unlock a preferred net work connect ion profile, right - click anywhere in t he row t hat list s t he
net work nam e, and t hen click Lock or Unlock, as appropriat e.
NOTE: You m ust have syst em or adm inist rat or right s t o be able t o lock or unlock a
To save your wireless net work connect ion profiles t o a WPN file, click t he Options arrow, and t hen click
Export ( see " Saving Preferred Net work Connect ion Set t ings t o a File" in " Connect ing t o an Advanced
Net work Using t he Broadcom Wireless Ut ilit y."
To im port a WPN file, click t he Options arrow, and t hen click Import ( see " I m port ing a Preferred Net work
Connect ion Profiles File" in " Connect ing t o an Advanced Net work Using t he Broadcom Wireless Ut ilit y."
Click Apply or OK aft er you change any of t he set t ings for t he change t o t ake effect .
Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
For net works t hat use t he EAP- FAST aut hent icat ion m et hod, t he Wireless WLAN Card Ut ilit y aut om at ically
adds t rust ed servers t o t he t rust list and accept s aut o- provisioning and AI D ( A- I D) group changes by
default . The ut ilit y also enables you t o im port a Prot ect ed Access Credent ial ( PAC) . From t he ut ilit y, you
can also m anually add or delet e t rust ed servers, enable t he m anual accept ance or rej ect ion of aut oprovisioning and A- I D group changes, or im port or delet e PACS, as described in t he following inst ruct ions.
I n general, you should use t he default set t ings. Therefore, check wit h t he net work adm inist rat or before you
m ake any changes.
To manually add a trusted server to the trust list
1. Open Broadcom Wireless Ut ilit y.
2. From t he Wireless Networks t ab, click Options, point t o Cisco Compatible Extensions, and
t hen click Administrator Settings.
3. Click Add.
4. Type the A-ID friendly name of the trusted server in t he space provided, and t hen click OK.
To delete a trusted server from the trust list
Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
1. Open Broadcom Wireless Ut ilit y.
2. From t he Wireless Networks t ab, click Options, point t o Cisco Compatible Extensions, and
t hen click Administrator Settings.
3. I n t he Trust list (A-ID), click t he nam e of t he t rust ed server you want t o delet e, and t hen click
To change the default settings for administering Cisco Compatible Extensions
1. Open Broadcom Wireless Ut ilit y.
2. From t he Wireless Networks t ab, click Options, point t o Cisco Compatible Extensions, and
t hen click Administrator Settings.
3. Clear t he Disable auto-provision prompt check box t o enable m anual accept ance or rej ect ion.
4. Clear t he Disable A-ID group change prompt check box t o enable m anual accept ance or
rej ect ion.
5. Select t he Auto-provision PAC only once check box t o aut o- provision a Prot ect ed Access
Credent ial ( PAC) only once.
To import or remove an EAP-FAST PAC
1. Open Broadcom Wireless Ut ilit y.
2. From t he Wireless Networks t ab, click Options, point t o Cisco Compatible Extensions, and
t hen click Manage PACs.
3. To im port a PAC: in Prot ect ed Access Credent ials, click Add, and t hen follow t he on- screen
inst ruct ions.
NOTE: The PAC is password prot ect ed, so you m ust know t he password t o be able t o im port t he
- orTo rem ove a PAC: click anywhere in t he row t hat list s t he PAC, and t hen click Remove.
Link Status
Net work st at us and signal and noise inform at ion about your net work connect ion is displayed on t he Link
St at us t ab.
For I EEE 802.11n connect ions, speed is indicat ed by an MCS value.
Radio St ream inform at ion is provided only for I EEE 802.11n connect ions.
Click anywhere in t he Signal & noise history box t o change t he t ype of hist ory
being displayed. Successive clicks change t he t ype from bot h signal and noise,
t o noise only, t o signal only, and back t o bot h signal and noise.
Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
The st at us of your net work connect ion is also indicat ed by t he appearance of t he ut ilit y icon
. The
num ber and color of t he radio waves indicat es t he st rengt h or weakness of t he signal ( see Table 1. Signal
St rengt h I ndicat ed by t he Broadcom Wireless Ut ilit y I con for det ails) .
To view t he net work nam e ( SSI D) , speed, signal st rengt h rat ing, connect ion st at us, and t he client I P
address of t he net work connect ion, m ove your m ouse point er over t he ut ilit y icon.
NOTE: On com put ers running Windows XP, you also can view t he SSI D, speed, signal
st rengt h rat ing, and connect ion st at us by m oving your m ouse point er over t he
Windows Wireless Network Connection icon
in t he not ificat ion area.
Table 1. Signal Strength Indicated by the Broadcom Wireless Utility Icon
Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
Indicated Received Signal Strength
The signal st rengt h is very good or excellent.
The signal st rengt h is weak. See Troubleshoot ing for suggest ed act ion.
No signal is being received. See Troubleshoot ing for probable causes and suggest ed
act ion.
The radio is disabled or swit ched off. See Troubleshoot ing for suggest ed act ion.
On t he St at ist ics t ab under Current , t he following current st at ist ics are shown:
Net work nam e ( SSI D)
Connect ion t im e
Packet s sent
Packet s received
Sent packet s lost
Received packet s lost
Tot al packet s lost ( % )
Under Accum ulat ed, t he following accum ulat ed st at ist ics are shown:
Packet s sent
Packet s received
Sent packet s lost
Received packet s lost
Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
Site Monitor
Basic Site Monitor
On t he Sit e Monit or t ab, t he basic Sit e Monit or displays inform at ion about wireless rout ers/ APs and ad hoc
net works t hat are wit hin range. To sort t he list , click t he colum n heading t hat shows t he charact erist ic you
want t o sort by. For exam ple, t o sort by signal st rengt h, click Signal .
To view inform at ion about a part icular wireless rout er/ AP or ad hoc net work, click anywhere in t he row t hat
list s t he wireless rout er/ AP or ad hoc net work. The net work inform at ion is shown under Select ed Net work.
To view or change t he net work connect ion set t ings for a part icular wireless rout er/ AP or ad hoc net work,
right - click anywhere in t he row t hat list s t he wireless rout er/ AP or ad hoc net work, and t hen click Edit—if
you have not yet creat ed a net work connect ion profile for t hat part icular wireless rout er/ AP or ad hoc
net work and want t o do so, click Add .
To see t he inform at ion elem ent s for a list ed AP or ad hoc net work, right - click anywhere in t he row t hat list s
t he AP or ad hoc net work, and t hen click Show Information Elements.
Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
Nonbroadcast ing net works are labeled ( nonbroadcast ing) under Net work Nam e.
The net work perform ance m ay be degraded while Sit e Monit or is displaying
nonbroadcast ing APs t o which you are not current ly connect ed.
The sym bols under AP Band indicat e I EEE 802.11a, I EEE 802.11b, I EEE
802.11g, or I EEE 802.11n operat ion.
To see m ore det ailed inform at ion about a part icular wireless rout er/ AP or ad hoc net work, click anywhere
in t he row t hat list s t he wireless rout er/ AP or ad hoc net work, and t hen click Advanced.
Advanced Site Monitor
To save t he act ivit y log t o a file, click t he Options arrow, and t hen click Start Log.
Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
You can adj ust t he t im e int erval bet ween scans by clicking t he Options arrow, and t hen clicking eit her one
of t he preset values or clicking Customize t o specify a different t im e int erval.
NOTE: The net work perform ance m ay be degraded while Sit e Monit or is displaying
nonbroadcast ing net works t o which you are not current ly connect ed.
To view det ailed net work inform at ion for a single nonbroadcast ing net work, t ype the network name in t he
Look for box, and t hen click Find.
To reset t he sit e m onit or t o t he broadcast ing net works, click Clear.
On t he Diagnostics t ab, you can run a num ber of t est s t o det erm ine if your wireless net work adapt er is
funct ioning properly. Select t he t est s you want t o run, and t hen click Run. For inform at ion about an
individual t est , look under Information before you click Run. To see t he t est result s, look under
Information aft er you click Run.
NOTE: The net work connect ion is lost when you run t he t est s. When t he t est run is
over, your net work connect ion is aut om at ically reest ablished.
Also, you can view a log of your wireless net work event s. To do so, click Log.
Exam ples of wireless net work event s t hat are logged include:
Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
I nit iat ion of user session
Connect ing t o a net work
Disconnect ing from current net work
Aut hent icat ion m ode being used
Driver st at us
Supplicant st at us
New wireless device available
I nit ializing wireless st at e m achine
Wireless ut ilit y is m anaging t his adapt er
Wireless ut ilit y is not m anaging t his adapt er
I f your Broadcom 802.11 Net work Adapt er fails any of t he diagnost ics t est s, go t o ht t p: / / www.broadcom .
com / for t echnical support .
Using the Broadcom BT Utility: Quick Start Guide
Step 1: Installing the Software
1. If the Main Menu screen appears automatically, select Install software and click OK. If
the Main Menu screen does not appear automatically, click Start, click Run, type
x:\setup.exe (where x is the CD-ROM or DVD drive letter of your computer), and click
2. Click Next, click Finish, and then restart your computer.
3. Right-click the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar notification area (system tray) and click
Start Using Bluetooth. Follow the instructions provided by the Initial Bluetooth
Configuration Wizard.
Authentication A Bluetooth security feature that is used to verify identity; it requires a
Bluetooth PIN Code from the remote device.
Authorization A Yes-or-No Bluetooth security feature that requires operator
intervention to avoid having the connection time out and fail.
Bluetooth device Bluetooth enabled hardware such as a computer, printer, fax, mouse,
keyboard, cell phone, headset, or PDA.
Regulatory Statements for BCM943162ZP
Please refer to Broadcom OEM installation guide

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