Brooks Automation PCC PCC Transponder Reader 134 kHz User Manual PCC 1 0 A5 E

Brooks Automation (Germany) GmbH RFID Division PCC Transponder Reader 134 kHz PCC 1 0 A5 E

Users Manual

2002-09-04 Release: 1.0 ID: ID020064  PC-Card Transponder Reader Technical Report
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 2 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064   1 System Description................................................................................... 3 2 Important Notes ........................................................................................ 4 3 Hardware................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Dimensions............................................................................................ 5 3.2 Technical Data....................................................................................... 6 3.3 Power Supply and Current Input ............................................................. 6 3.4 Additional Instruction for Use .................................................................. 6 4 Installation to a Notebook or PDA ............................................................ 7 4.1 Notebook or Desktop PC ........................................................................ 7 4.2 PDA....................................................................................................... 8 4.2.1 HERMOS PC-Card Reader Test Software for PDA.................... 8 5 Licenses and Certificates / Declaration of Conformity............................. 10 6 Warranty and Liability............................................................................... 13 7 Protocol..................................................................................................... 14 7.1 Message Structure ............................................................................... 14 7.2 Commands .......................................................................................... 15 7.3 Error Messages.................................................................................... 17
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 3 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064 1 System Description  The HERMOS PC-Card Transponder Reader is a high frequency identification system using the FM-transmission.  The basic item is a transponder working as a forgery-proof electronic identity disc.  The reading unit of the system sends an energy impulse via the antenna. The capacitor of the passive, battery-less transponder is charged by this impulse. After that, the transponder returns a signal with the stored data.  As a line of sight between transponder and reader  is not absolutely necessary, the transponder can also be identified through non-metallic material.  The HERMOS PC-Card Transponder Reader is a device to read and write to TIRIS transponder. The card can be used in connection with a notebook or a PDA.
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 4 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064  2 Important Notes   This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interference , and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.   NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to     which the receiver is connected. —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 5 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064 3 Hardware           3.1 Dimensions                               6.5 mm 110.1 mm 54 mm  Antenna
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 6 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064 3.2 Technical Data  Parameter Value Operation temperature 0°C to +50°C Stock temperature -20°C to +70°C Permissible humidity @ 50°C 25 - 80% Transmitter frequency 134.2 kHz   System Requirements:  Slot Type:    PC-Card Type II Operating System: Win9x/2000/NT/XP/CE   Reading and Writing Range (32mm glass transponder):  Reading range: ~ 60 mm Writing range: ~ 35 mm  3.3 Power Supply and Current Input  Description Value Voltage 5 V DC (+/- 5%) Current (reading and writing) 100 mA Current (passive) 50 mA  3.4 Additional Instruction for Use  Never expose the device to a intense change in temperature. Otherwise, water of condensation can develop inside what can lead to damages.  Never bend the device or expose it to other mechanical loads.
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 7 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064 4 Installation to a Notebook or PDA  The PC-Card Transponder Reader is suitable for all Windows operating systems. The interface of the reader is comparable with the interface of a serial interface PC-card.  4.1 Notebook or Desktop PC  On operating systems which support plug & play, the card will be detected automatically. Then only the delivered *.inf file must be installed. If the card was installed successfully a new entry “com x” appears in the device manager (for example “com 3”).  On operating systems which don’t support plug & play, the card must be installed manually. After plug in the card and starting the system, the serial interface must be configured manually. For more information see the Windows help of the device manager.
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 8 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064 4.2 PDA  On a PDA there is no installation of the PC-Card Reader necessary. The card supports plug & play for an easy use.  To test the card, the HERMOS test tool must be installed on the PDA. To install the test tool, start the setup.exe on the delivered CD-ROM and follow the instructions on the screen.  System requirements for the installation of the test tool:  § ARM processor § Operating system: PocketPC 2002 § A version of Microsoft ActiveSync must be installed on the host. § The PDA must be connect to the host and a connection must be established.   4.2.1 HERMOS PC-Card Reader Test Software for PDA  The test software can be used to read and write to a TIRIS transponder.  After starting the software, the tool is searching for the HERMOS PC-Card Reader. Was the PC-Card Reader detected successfully, the message “- PCCard found –“ appears in the status line. Pushing the button ‘SCAN’, starts the reading of the transponder. The transponder data can be displayed in ASCII mode or in HEX mode. (see picture 4.1 and 4.2)                 picture 4.1:Scan – ASCII mode picture 4.2: Scan – HEX mode status line
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 9 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064      A click on a certain page opens the dialog to change the content of the page. The content of the selected page can be changed in ASCII mode or in HEX mode. (see picture 4.3 and 4.4)                         picture 4.3: Write – ASCII mode picture 4.2: Write – HEX mode editor mode selected page lock the page apply the changes apply the changes cancel the changes input box
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 10 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064  5 Licenses and Certificates / Declaration of Conformity   •     • FCC ID: N5GPCC Compliance with: FCC Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15 Subpart C, Section §15.205 FCC Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15 Subpart C, Section §15.209
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 11 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064    Hersteller / Verantwortliche Person  Manufacturer / responsible person Hermos Informatik GmbH /  Herr Dittrich erklärt, dass das Produkt declares that the product  PCC-Reader Type (ggf. Anlagenkonfiguration mit Angabe der Module) Type (if applicable, configuration including the modules)  £ Telekommunikations(Tk-)endeinrichtung Telecommunications terminal equipment R Funkanlage  Radio equipment Verwendungszweck / lntended purpose Identification system Geräteklasse / Equipment class 2 bei bestimmungsgemäßer Verwendung den grundlegenden Anforderungen des § 3 und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen des FTEG (Artikel 3 der R&TTE) entspricht. complies with the essential requirements of §3 and the other relevant provisions of the FTEG  (Article 3 of the R&TTE Directive), when used for its intended purpose.  Gesundheit und Sicherheit gemäß § 3 (1) 1. (Artikel 3 (1) a))  Health and safety requirements pursuant to § 3 (1) 1. (Article 3(1) a)) angewendete harmonisierte Normen  Harmonised standards applied  EN 60950 Einhaltung der grundlegenden Anforderungen auf andere Art und Weise (hierzu verwendete Standards / Spezifikationen) Other means of proving conformity with the essential requirements (standards / specifications used) BMPT Decree No. 306/97 Konformitätserklärung gemäß dem Gesetz über Funkanlagen und Telekommunikationsendeinrichtungen (FTEG) und der Richtlinie  1999/5/EG (R&TTE) Declaration of Conformity in accordance with the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal. Equipment Act (FTEG) and Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive)
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 12 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064 Schutzanforderungen in Bezug auf die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (§ 3 (1) 2, Artikel 3 (1) b) Protection requirements concerning electromagnetic compatibility § 3(1)(2), (Article 3(1)(b)) Angewendete harmonisierte Normen  Harmonised standards applied EN 301 489-3 (07/2000) Einhaltung der grundlegenden Anforderungen auf andere Art und Weise(hierzu verwendete Standards / Spezifikationen) Other means of proving conformity with the essential requirements (standards / specifications used)   Maßnahmen zur effizienten Nutzung des Funktrequenzspektrums Measures for the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum R Luftschnittstelle bei Funkanlagen gemäß § 3(2) (Artikel 3(2)) Air interface of the radio systems pursuant to § 3(2) (Article 3(2)) Angewendete harmonisierte Normen Harmonised standards applied               Einhaltung der grundlegenden Anforderungen auf andere Art und Weise (hierzu verwendete Standards /Schnittstellenbeschreibungen)  Other means of proving conformity with the essential requirements (standards/interface specifications used) EN 300 330-1 (06/2001)  Hermos Informatik GmbH Gartenstr. 19  D-95490 Mistelgau   Phone +49 9279 991 910 Fax     +49 9279 991 900              Mistelgau, 08.08.2002                                                                                                                                                                        Gerald Dittrich (Place and date of issue)    (Name and signature)
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 13 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064  6 Warranty and Liability  The warranty period is 24 months and starts with the moment of the delivery of the device which has to be proved by invoice or other documents.  The warranty includes the repair of all damages of the device, occurring within the warranty period, which are evidently caused by faults of the material or manufacture defects.  Not included into the warranty are damages caused by not  prescribed connections, inappropriate handling and non-observance of the technical reports.
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 14 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064  7 Protocol 7.1 Message Structure  All messages have the following structure:  Length Header Data Chksum 1 byte 2 bytes 1 or more bytes 2 bytes   Header Command Action #   Length:   Number of bytes of Header and Data     (without Length and Chksum). Header:   Consists of Command and Action # Command: Defines the function of the message. Action #:   To distinguish the single messages the Action # will be increased for each new message. Data: The content depends of the message type. ChkSum: 2 bytes checksum over Length, Header and  Data  (sum of byte values).
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 15 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064 7.2 Commands  Reading of ‘Read Only’ or ‘Read/Write’ transponder  Command: 01H  Message: Length Header Chksum  Response: Length Header Type of Transponder Page Number (RO,RW à 0) Transponder Data (8 bytes) Chksum   Reading of Multipage Transponder  The first data byte contains the page of the multipage transponder which shall be read.  Command: 02H  Message: Length Header Page Number (01-11 Hex) Chksum  Response: Length Header Type of Transponder Page Number (01-11 Hex) Transponder Data (8 bytes) Chksum   Locking a Page  The first data byte contains the page of the multipage transponder which shall be locked.  Command: 05H  Message:   Length Header Page Number (01-11 Hex) Chksum  Response: Length Header Acknowledge Code Chksum
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 16 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064 Writing to a ‘Read/Write’ Transponder  The data bytes 1-8 contain the transponder data for writing.  Command: 08H  Message: Length Header Transponder Data (8 bytes) Chksum  Response: Length Header Acknowledge Code Chksum   Writing to a Multipage Transponder  The first data byte contains the page of the multipage transponder to which shall be written. Byte 2 up to byte 9 contain the page data of the page specified in byte 1.  Command: 09H  Message: Length Header Page Number (01-11 Hex) Page Data (8 bytes) Chksum  Response: Length Header Acknowledge Code Chksum   Types of Transponder  This item is used in command ‘01H’ and ‘02H’.  0x00  NONE 0x01 READ_ONLY 0x02 READ_WRITE 0x03 MULTI_PAGE_Read_unlocked 0x04 MULTI_PAGE_Programming 0x05 MULTI_PAGE_Read_locked 0x06 READ_WRITE_Programming 0x07 RW_FAIL
   PC-Card Transponder Reader – Release 1.0 HERMOS Informatik GmbH, 95490 Mistelgau, Germany   Page 17 of 17 2002-09-04 ID: ID020064 7.3 Error Messages  On any error the PC-Card Reader responses an error message. The header of the error message is the same like the header of the message which caused the error.  Message: Length Header Error Code (1 byte) Chksum  Error Codes:  0x01 read failed 0x02 write failed 0x03 lock failed 0x04 wrong chksum 0x05 wrong command 0x06 wrong page on read MP   HERMOS Informatik GmbH Tel. +49-9279/991-910 Gartenstrasse 19, D-95490 Mistelgau/Germany Fax +49-9279/991-900      e-mail:

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