Brother 5V6102 Thermal Printer with Bluetooth User Manual

Brother Industries, Ltd. Thermal Printer with Bluetooth Users Manual


Users Manual

zBefore using this printer, be sure to read this User’s Guide.zWe suggest that you keep this manual in a handy place for future reference.User’s Guide  General Description  Operating Procedures  Appendix, etc.MW-140BTMobile  Page 1  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM  Page 2  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Introduction  iThank you for purchasing the MPrint MW-140BT (hereafter referred to as “the printer”).This monochrome thermal mobile printer is ultra-portable and can be connected to a Pocket PC (PDA running Pocket PC) or a computer to make quick printouts.This User’s Guide contains operating precautions and instruc-tions. Before using this printer, be sure to read this manual for information on its correct operation.In addition, we suggest that you keep this manual in a handy place for future reference.IntroductionDeclaration of ConformityWe BROTHER INDUSTRIES, LTD.15-1, Naesiro-cho, Mizuho-ku,Nagoya 467-8561, Japandeclare that the MPrint MW-140BT conforms with the following normative documents:EMC: EN 55022:1998 Class BEN 55024:1998EN 61000-3-2:1995EN 61000-3-3:1995and follows the provisions of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC (as amended by 91/263/EEC and 92/31/EEC). The optional AC adapter also conforms with EN 60950 and follows the provisions of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC.Issued by: BROTHER INDUSTRIES, LTD.P & H companyDevelopment  Page i  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
ii{The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.{The contents of this manual may not be duplicated or repro-duced, partially or in full, without permission.{Please note that we assume no responsibility for damages arising from earthquakes, fire, other disasters, actions of third parties, the user’s intentional or negligent operation, misuse or operation under other special conditions. {Please note that we assume no responsibility for damage (such as losses, loss of business profits, lost profits, business disruptions or a lost means of communication) that may result from the use or inability to use this printer.{If this printer should be defective due to faulty manufacturing, we shall replace it during the warranty period.{We assume no responsibility for damages that may result from incorrect operation of this printer by connecting incompatible equipment or using incompatible software.{This products bearing the CE marking comply with the R&TTEDirective (1995/5/EC), EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) and theLow Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) issued by the Commission of the European Community.{Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.{The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth®SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Brother Industries, Ltd.under license.{This printer is installed with BTFront from ACCESS CO., LTD.Copyright (C) 1996–2003 ACCESS CO., LTD.{All other software and product names mentioned are trade-marks or registered trademarks of their respective  Page ii  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Precautions  iiiPrecautions indicated as shown below contain important safety information and should be strictly observed.If the printer malfunctions, immediately stop using it, and then contact the sales representative where it was purchased.The meanings for marks used in this manual are described below.Meanings for symbols used in this manualPrecautions WarningFailure to observe instructions marked with this symbolmay result in death or serious injuries.CautionFailure to observe instructions marked with this symbolmay result in injuries or property damage.Indicates dangerIndicates danger of fire under certain circumstancesIndicates danger of electric shock under certain circumstancesIndicates danger of burns under certain circumstancesIndicates an action that must not be performedIndicates danger of combustion if fire is nearbyIndicates danger of sustaining injuries if the indicated part of theprinter is touchedIndicates danger of injuries, such as electric shock, if the indi-cated part if the printer is disassembledIndicates danger of electric shock if the operation is performedwith wet handsIndicates danger of electric shock if the printer is exposed  Page iii  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
ivIndicates an action that must be performedIndicates that the power supply cord must be unplugged from theelectrical  Page iv  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Precautions  vConcerning this printer (including the built-in lith-ium ion battery) WarningyDo not use this printer wherever it is prohibited, for exam-ple, on an airplane, otherwise it may affect equipment,resulting in an accident.yIf this printer is to be used in special environments, forexample, near medical equipment, make sure in advancethat there would be no harmful effects from electromag-netic waves. Please note that we assume no responsibilityfor injuries resulting from interference from electromagneticwaves.yDo not insert foreign objects into the printer or its connec-tors and ports, otherwise a fire, an electric shock or dam-age may result.yIf foreign objects are dropped into the printer, immediatelyturn it off, unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet,and then contact the sales representative where it was pur-chased. If you continue to operate the printer, a fire, anelectric shock or damage may result.yDo not operate, recharge or store the printer in the follow-ing locations, otherwise it may leak or fire, electric shock ordamage may result.{Near water, such as in a bathroom or near a waterheater, or in an extremely humid location{In a location where it is exposed to rain or moisture{In an extremely dusty location{In an extremely hot location, such as near flames orheaters or in direct sunlight{In a closed car under a hot sun{In a location where condensation may  Page v  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
viyLiquid leaking from the printer may indicate that the built-inbattery is damaged. Immediately move the printer awayfrom flames, otherwise a fire may result.In addition, do not touch the leaking liquid. This liquid maydamage your eyes or skin if brought in contact with them. Ifthe liquid makes contact with your eyes, immediately rinsethem with water and consult a medical professional. If theliquid makes contact with your skin or clothing, immediatelyrinse them with water.yDo not try to disassemble or alter this printer, otherwisefire, electric shock or damage may result. For servicing,adjustments or repairs, contact the sales representativewhere it was purchased. (The warranty does not coverrepairs for damage resulting from disassembly or alter-ations performed by the user.)yThe printer may be damaged if it is dropped or subjected tostrong shocks, for example, from being stepped on. If youcontinue to operate a damaged printer, a fire or an electricshock may result. If the printer is damaged, immediatelyturn it off, unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet,and then contact the sales representative where it was pur-chased.yIf the printer operates abnormally, for example, if it pro-duces smoke, an unusual odor or an unusual noise, stopusing it, otherwise fire, electric shock or damage mayresult. Immediately turn off the printer, unplug the ACadapter from the electrical outlet, and then contact thesales representative where it was purchased for repairs.yDo not charge the printer with a charger other than thatspecified.  Page vi  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Precautions  viiyIf the printer is not fully charged after the specified amountof time has passed, stop charging it, otherwise fire, electricshock or damage may result. CautionyKeep the printer out of the reach of children, particularlyinfants, otherwise injuries may result.yStop operating the printer if it leaks or becomes discolored,deformed or otherwise defective.OthersyThe built-in lithium ion battery is slightly charged so that theoperation of the printer can be verified; however, the bat-tery should be fully charged with the AC adapter before theprinter is used.yDo not leave the printer in a closed car under a hot sun,otherwise it may be damaged.yIf the printer is not to be used for a long period of time, besure to charge the lithium ion battery at least once everysix months in order to prevent a reduction in the efficiencyand life of the battery.yThis printer is powered with a built-in lithiumion battery. If this printer can only be usedfor a short period of time, even though it isfully charged, the battery may have reachedthe end of its service life. Replace the lithiumion battery with a new one.Contact the sales representative where theprinter was purchased to have the built-inlithium ion battery replaced.  Page vii  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
viiiConcerning the AC adapter WarningyOnly use the AC adapter designed specifically for thisprinter, otherwise fire, electric shock or damage may result.yDo not plug the printer into an electrical outlet other than ahousehold outlet (AC 100 V – 240 V), otherwise fire, elec-tric shock or damage may result.yDo not touch the AC adapter or the power supply plug withwet hands, otherwise electric shock may occur.yDo not try to disassemble, alter or repair the AC adapter,otherwise fire, electric shock or injuries may result.For servicing, adjustments or repairs, contact the salesrepresentative where the printer was purchased.yDo not spill water or drinks, such as coffee or juice, on theAC adapter. In addition, do not use the adapter in a loca-tion where it may get wet, otherwise combustion or electricshock may result.yIf the power supply plug becomes dirty, for example, withdust, unplug it from the electrical outlet, and then wipe itwith a dry cloth. If you continue to use a dirty power supplyplug, a fire may  Page viii  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Precautions  ix WarningyWhen unplugging the power supply cord, do not pull on thecord, otherwise fire or electric shock may result.yDo not insert foreign objects into the terminals of the ACadapter, otherwise burns or electric shock may result.yIncorrectly using the AC adapter may result in fire orelectric shock. Therefore, observe the following precau-tions.{Do not damage it.{Do not place objects on it.{Do not modify it.{Do not subject it to heat.{Do not twist it.{Do not bind it.{Do not severely bend it.{Do not allow it to be {Do not pull on it. pinched.yIf the AC adapter is damaged, request a new one from thesales representative where the printer was purchased.yKeep the AC adapter out of the reach of children, particu-larly infants, otherwise injuries may result.yDo not use the AC adapter near microwave ovens, other-wise damage may result.yDo not use the AC adapter near flames or heaters. If thecovering of the AC adapter cord melts, fire or electric shockmay result.yBefore maintaining the printer, for example, when cleaningit, unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet, other-wise electric shock may  Page ix  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
xyIf the printer is not to be used for a long period of time, besure to unplug the AC adapter from the unit and the electri-cal outlet for safety reasons.yDo not wind the AC adapter cable around the adapter orbend the cable, otherwise the cable may be damaged.  Page x  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Precautions  xiOperating precautions  Operate this printer in an environment that meets the follow-ing requirements.{Temperature: 0 – 40 °C{Humidity: 20 – 80 % (Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 27 °C){Do not operate or store this printer in a location exposed to extremely high or extremely low temperatures, extreme humidity, extreme dust, or extreme vibrations, otherwise the printer may be damaged or malfunction.{Do not use the printer in a location exposed to extreme tem-perature fluctuations, otherwise condensation may occur, resulting in the printer being damaged or malfunctioning.{If condensation occurs, allow it to dry naturally before operating the printer.The AC adapter case and the printer may become hot whilethe printer is charging or printing. This does not indicate amalfunction.When the printer is not used, unplug the power supply plugfrom the electrical outlet.Do not block the paper output slot.If the AC adapter connector or USB port becomes dirty, incor-rect connection or incorrect charging may result. Periodicallyclean the connector and port with a dry cotton swab.When cleaning the printer, use a soft, dry cloth. Do not usebenzene or paint thinners, otherwise the printer may becomediscolored or deformed. (→ Refer to page 14.)When using optional accessories, use them as described intheir instruction manuals.Use thermal paper with this printer. If printed text is writtenover or stamped, the text may disappear or become discol-ored. In addition, it may take some time for the ink to dry.Do not touch the printer with wet hands.Do not leave paper cassette cover open when storing as thismay cause paper misfeeding or a paper sensor  Page xi  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
xiiConcerning the paper cassette and the handling of the paper{Store the paper cassette away from extremely hot, extremely humid or extremely dusty locations and out of direct sunlight, otherwise the paper may become discol-ored or a malfunction may result.{Be sure to close the lid of the paper cassette before storing it, otherwise the paper may become discolored.{Do not leave paper cassettes in a closed car under a hot sun, otherwise they may become discolored.{After opening the package of paper cassettes, close it again as soon as possible, otherwise the paper may become discolored.{Do not use paper that has been exposed to condensation.{Do not try to use paper transferred from one paper cas-sette to another, otherwise a malfunction may result.{Do not try to reuse paper that has already passed through the printer, otherwise a malfunction may result.{Do not open the paper cassette cover or pull out or push in the paper while the printer is printing, otherwise a malfunc-tion may result.{Do not use folded, curled, cut, wet or damp paper, other-wise a paper misfeed or a malfunction may result.{Do not touch paper cassettes or paper with wet hands, otherwise a malfunction may result.{Do not prepare or replace the paper cassette in an extremely humid location, otherwise a malfunction may  Page xii  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Precautions  xiii{Depending on the environmental conditions of the location and the quality of the material that the adhesive-backed paper is attached to, the adhesive-backed paper may become discolored, peel off, be difficult to remove, leave adhesive behind or damage the surface that it was affixed to. Before using the adhesive-backed paper, test it by affix-ing a small piece to an inconspicuous area of the intended surface.{Do not affix the adhesive-backed paper to people, animals or plants. Also, do not affix it to public property or other peoples' possessions without  Page xiii  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM  Page xiv  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
CONTENTS  1Introduction .......................................................... iPrecautions ......................................................... iiiOperating precautions  .............................................. xiCONTENTS ........................................................... 1General Description  ............................................ 2Operating Procedures ......................................... 3Charging ....................................................................3Selecting Bluetooth communication ON/OFF ............5Turning on/off the printer  ...........................................6Preparing the paper ...................................................7Installing the paper cassette ......................................9Sending data from a Pocket PC or computer ..........11Feeding paper  .........................................................13Maintenance ............................................................14Disposing of this printer ...........................................16Appendix ............................................................ 17Product specifications  .............................................17Troubleshooting .......................................................18Indicator lights  Page 1  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
2Right sideLeft side1 General DescriptionPaper cassette coverPaper check windowPaper output slotStatusindicator lightAC adapter connectorPower buttonUSB portChargingindicator lightBluetooth  Page 2  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Operating Procedures  3ChargingThis printer is equipped with a built-in lithium ion battery. Use the AC adapter designed specifically for this printer to charge the battery.After purchasing this printer, be sure to charge the battery fully before using it.1Plug the AC adapter cable into the AC adapter connector on the printer.2Plug the AC adapter plug into a household electri-cal outlet (AC 100 V – 240 V).Charging of the built-in lithium ion battery automatically begins.→The charging indicator light comes on in orange.→When charging is finished, the charging indicator light goes off.3After charging is finished, disconnect the AC adapter.2 Operating  Page 3  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
4•In order to protect the circuitry, the battery cannot be charged if the unit is in a location exposed to extremely high or extremely low temperatures.•Do not wind the AC adapter cable around the adapter or bend the cable, otherwise the cable may be dam-aged.•It takes approximately three hours for the battery to be recharged from completely empty to fully charged (with the printer turned off)  Page 4  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Operating Procedures  5Selecting Bluetooth communication ON/OFF1Using the Bluetooth switch, select whether or not to use Bluetooth communication.→Set the switch to ON to use Bluetooth communication.•Printing can still be carried out using USB communica-tion even if “Bluetooth communication ON” is selected (except during the sleep mode). (→ Refer to page 21.)Bluetoothcommunication  Page 5  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
6Turning on/off the printer1Press and hold the power button for a short while, until the green or blue status indi-cator light illuminates.→When the power comes on, selecting Bluetooth Switch ON, the status indicator light will be blue. Selecting Bluetooth Switch OFF, the status indicator light will be green. (→ Refer to page 21.)In order to prevent this printer from accidentally being turned on, it will not come on if the power button is lightly pressed. Therefore, if the printer does not come on, hold the power button pressed for a little while.In order to conserve the built-in lithium battery during use, follow the operations below.{When the Bluetooth communication ON/OFF switch is set to “ON”, the printer automatically enters the sleep mode (→ refer to page 21) if no operation is performed or if no data is sent to the printer within a specified time. (The length of time [auto sleep time] until the printer auto-matically enters the sleep mode can be specified using the Utility software. [→ Refer to the Software Guide.]){When the Bluetooth communication ON/OFF switch is set to OFF, the printer automatically powers off if no operation is performed or if no data is sent to the printer for five minutes. (The length of time [auto power-off time] until the printer automatically pow-ers off can be specified using the Utility software. [→ Refer to the Software Guide.])  Page 6  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Operating Procedures  7Preparing the paperUse only the paper cassette designed exclusively for this printer. Use of any other paper will result in damage.To prepare the paper cassettePrepare the paper cassette before installing it into the printer.•Be careful not to drop any paper while the paper cassette is being prepared.1Open the lid of the paper cassette, and then tear off the two pieces (1) on the sides.2Firmly fold the lid back along the fold (2).3Insert the tab on the lid into the slit (3) at the back of the cassette.LidPaper cassetteFront  Page 7  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
8 Handling the paper cassette{This printer determines the paper type depending on the installed paper cassette, then automati-cally selects the settings appropriate for that type of paper. Do not transfer paper to a different paper cassette.{Do not try to reuse paper that has already passed through the printer.{The paper cassette is made of cardboard. After all of the paper is used, dispose of the cassette according to local regulations.{Do not use a torn or deformed paper cassette, otherwise damage may result.{Do not prepare the paper cassette in an extremely humid location, otherwise a malfunc-tion may result.{Do not touch paper cassettes or paper with wet hands, otherwise a malfunction may result.{Store the paper cassette out of extremely hot, extremely humid or extremely dusty locations and out of direct sunlight.{When storing the paper cassette, be sure to close its lid.{Do not leave paper cassettes in a closed car under a hot sun.{Use the paper as quickly as possible, otherwise it may become  Page 8  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Operating Procedures  9Installing the paper cassette1Slide the paper cassette cover (on the top of the printer) in direction 1.→The paper cassette cover will open in the direction indicated by 2.2Insert the paper cassette.The paper type indication on the paper cassette should face up. The end of the paper should point toward you.•When loading the paper cassette, make sure that it is correctly aligned and that the end of the paper is not folded, otherwise a paper misfeed may result.Paper type  Page 9  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
103Close the paper cassette cover in direction 3.4Slide the paper cassette cover in direction 4.If the paper cassette is correctly loaded, the paper type indication on the cassette can be seen through the paper check win-dow, and the paper cassette cover will be locked.•Do not remove the paper from the paper cassette and load it directly into the printer.•To change the paper type, install a different paper cassette.•While the printer is printing, do not apply pressure to the paper output slot or place anything on the printer.Paper check windowPaper type indicationPaper output  Page 10  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Operating Procedures  11Sending data from a Pocket PC or computerIn order use this printer to print data from a Pocket PC (PDA run-ning Pocket PC) or computer, the software must first be installed onto the Pocket PC or computer as described in the ‘software guide’ supplied with the printer.Communication using Bluetooth technologyA computer and Pocket PC with Bluetooth wireless technology can connect to the printer using Bluetooth technology.1Set the computer or Pocket PC so that Bluetooth com-munication will be valid and the printer will be rec-ognized. (→ Refer to the Software Guide.)2Start printing.→While data is being transmitted, the status indicator light flashes in blue.•Communication with the printer using Bluetooth technology cannot be performed if the printer is already communicating with another computer using the USB.•For more details, refer to the instruction manual for the computer or the Pocket  Page 11  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
12Sending data through a USB connectionUsing the enclosed USB cable, this printer can be connected to a com-puter or a Pocket PC supporting a USB host interface.Enclosed USB  Page 12  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Operating Procedures  13Feeding paperIf a paper misfeed occurs, remove the paper according to the fol-lowing procedure.If the paper has fed out of the paper output slot:1Pull the paper out from the paper output slot.If the paper has not fed out of the paper output slot:1Open the paper cassette cover.2Remove the paper cas-sette.3Pull out the misfed paper.•When pulling out the paper, be sure not to tear it.•When pulling out the paper, be sure not to tear it.•Pulling out the paper will not affect the operation of the  Page 13  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
14MaintenanceCleaning the printerClean the front of the printer.1Clean off any dust or other dirt from the printer by wiping it with a soft, dry cloth.If the printer is extremely dirty, wipe it with a slightly damp cloth.Cleaning the paper cassette sensorIf the paper cassette sensor is dirty, it will not be able to correctly detect the paper cassette, and a malfunction may result.1Clean the paper cassette sensor with a dry cotton swab.yBe sure to turn off the printer before cleaning it.yDo not use benzene or paint thinners, otherwise the printer may become discolored or deformed.Paper cassette  Page 14  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Operating Procedures  15Cleaning the pick-up rollerIf the pick-up roller is dirty, paper may not be fed correctly.1Affix a piece of cellophane tape to the pick-up roller.2Remove the cellophane tape from the pick-up roller.→Any dirt on the pick-up roller is removed with the tape.Rotate the pick-up roller and repeat the procedure to clean the entire surface of the roller.Pick-up rollerCello-phane  Page 15  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
16Disposing of this printerBefore disposing of this printer, be sure to remove the built-in lithium ion battery.Removing the lithium ion battery1Turn off the printer, and then disconnect the AC adapter.2Using a screwdriver, loosen the four screws at the back of the printer, and then remove the back cover.3Disconnect the connector, and then remove the lithium ion battery.•Removing the back cover will void the warranty. Do not remove the back cover unless the printer is to be disposed of.•The lithium ion battery is attached to the printer with adhesive tape. When removing the lithium ion battery, grasp it, and then pull it off of the printer. Be careful not to pull on the cable.•When unplugging the connector, do not pull on the cable.Lithium ion  Page 16  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Appendix  17Product specificationsPrinter specificationsPaper sizes (print area)3AppendixIndicators Status indicator light (blue/green/red)Charging indicator light (orange)PrintingMethod Direct thermal printing with a line thermal print headResolution 300 dpi × 300 dpiPrint speed15 seconds/sheet(standard text on thermal paper with 7 % cov-erage at an ambient temperature of 25 °C)No. of pages that can be printedApproximately 100 pages can be printed continuously if the battery is fully charged(standard text on thermal paper with 7 % cov-erage at an ambient temperature of 25 °C)Paper supply methodBrother paper cassette, automatic paper feed mechanismPaper Brother A7 cut paper (74 mm × 105 mm)Power supply Compact switching AC adapter for charging, lithium ion battery (built in) 780 mAh (7.4 V)InterfaceComplies with USB Ver. 1.1 and compliant with Bluetooth ver. 1.1 class 2 serial port profile supportedDimensions 100 mm (W) × 160 mm (not including projec-tion) (D) × 17.5 mm (H)Weight300 g (including the built-in lithium ion bat-tery and a paper cassette containing 50 sheets of plain thermal paper)Normal typeA7 size: 74 mm × 105 mm (69 mm × 100 mm)Label sheets(four down) 74 mm × 26.25 mm (69 mm × 21.25 mm)Label sheets(two down) 74 mm × 52.5 mm (69 mm × 47.5 mm)  Page 17  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
18TroubleshootingSymptoms & remediesSymptom: The printer cannot be turned on.Remedy: Press and hold the power button for a short while. (→ Refer to page 6.)Remedy: The built-in lithium ion battery needs recharging. (→ Refer to page 3.)Symptom: Although the print command was issued, the printer does not print.With a Bluetooth connection:Remedy: Make sure that Bluetooth com-munication will be valid using the set-tings of the computer or Pocket PC.(→ Refer to the Software Guide.)Remedy: Make sure that another com-puter or Pocket PC is not transmitting data to the printer using the USB or Bluetooth. (→ Refer to page 11.)With a USB connection:Remedy: Check that this printer is securely connected to the computer with the USB cable. (→ Refer to page 12.)Remedy: Make sure that another com-puter or Pocket PC is not transmitting data to the printer using Bluetooth. (→ Refer to page 12.)Symptom: There is a paper misfeed.Remedy: Remove the paper. (→ Refer to page 13.)Symptom: Even though the misfed paper was removed, the error cannot be cancelled.Remedy: Some torn paper may still remain in the printer. Contact the sales representative where the printer was purchased.Symptom: An indicator light is lit or flashing.Remedy: Refer to the explanation in “Indi-cator lights” on page  Page 18  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Appendix  19Symptom: The paper does not feed.Remedy: Make sure that the lid of the paper cassette is firmly folded along the fold (2). (→ Refer to page 7.)Remedy: Make sure that the paper cas-sette cover is securely closed. (→ Refer to page 10.)Remedy: The paper may be dirty. Pull out the first sheet from the back of the paper cassette, and then install the paper cassette again. (→ Refer to pages 7 and 9.)Remedy: Clean the pick-up roller. (→ Refer to page 15.)Symptom: The print is faint (light).Remedy: Make sure that the paper cas-sette cover is securely closed. (→ Refer to page 10.)  Page 19  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
20Symptom: The paper cassette cover can-not be closed.Remedy: The parts indicated by “A” in the illustration below have locked up.Refer to the illustration and use the tip of a ball-point pen to slide the indicated part in the direction of the arrow to free it.Free the part on the opposite side using the same methodPaper cassette cover APush with the tip of a ball-point pen to slide  Page 20  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Appendix  21Indicator lights Status indicator lightA blue or green light indicates the printer is operating correctly, while a red light indicates an error has occurred.When the status indicator light is blue, it is possible to receive data using both the Bluetooth and USB interfaces. However, once a connection is established using one of the interfaces, data cannot be received using the other interface until printing is complete.If an error has occurred, check for the following causes.Indicator light colorIndicator light status Printer statusBlueConstantly lit Waiting to receive data using Bluetooth or the USBFlashing Receiving data using BluetoothFlashing in long intervalsSleep mode (power-saving standby condition, possible only when receiving data using Bluetooth)Green Constantly lit Waiting to receive dataFlashing Receiving dataRed Flashing An error has occurred.Constantly lit A system error has occurred.Error description RemedyThere is no paper cassette installed.The paper cassette is installed facing the wrong direction.There is no more paper.Correctly install a paper cas-sette containing paper.A paper misfeed occurred. Remove the misfed paper.A transmission error occurred. Check the transmission status.An overheat error occurred.The inside of the printer has started to overheat. Wait until it cools  Page 21  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
22If a system error has occurred:The printer may be damaged. Contact the sales representa-tive where it was purchased. Charging indicator lightWith the charging indicator light, the status of the power supply can be checked. The charg-ing indicator light has two functions.1 Checking the charging status (when the AC adapter is connected)2 Checking the battery level (while running off the built-in lith-ium ion battery)Indicator light colorIndicator light status Printer statusOrangeConstantly lit ChargingOff Finished chargingFlashing Malfunctioning built-in batteryIndicator light status Battery levelOff More than 60% chargedFlashes once Less than 60% chargedFlashes twice Less than 30% chargedContinues to flash 3 times Almost empty•When the battery level is less than 60% charged, recharge the battery.•If the charging indicator light flashes while the printer is printing, immediately connect the AC adapter and charge the battery. The printer may stop  Page 22  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM
Appendix  23MW-140BT AccessoriesStock No. DescriptionC-11 A7 Thermal paper (105 mm x 74 mm)C-21 A7 Label (105 mm x 74 mm)C-41 A7 Cut label sheet (4/sheet) (26.25 mm x 74 mm)C-42 A7 Cut label sheet (2/sheet) (52.5 mm x 74 mm)Count: 50 sheets/cassette (thermal paper)30 sheets/cassette (all others)  Page 23  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM  Page 24  Friday, June 13, 2003  10:43 AM

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