Burnham V9 Series Brochure
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COMI-4ERCIAL HYDRON IC I'IEAT PRESSURIZED, WETBAsE IIBWtffi otl,cASOnCollBNATroN t V9 SERlEs@@eao HeatiryCapacities: 511to 1115tlBil V9SERIES HOTWATER ORSTEAM BOILER Maximum waterworkingPressure:7o P5lwater,15 PSISteam The commercial boilerthat fits the job. The Burnham@ V9 Seriescast iron boilerrepresentsoneof the finest designsin commercial boilers. TheV9 is quality throughand through.It is a wet base,forced draft designwhich meansthereis no needfor a specialbaseand combustionchamberor mechanical equipmentto artificially induce properdraft. Becausethe boileris a forced draft unit, it provides optimum draft for controlled combustion,thus eliminatingthe needfor high chimneys.And with a rear smokeoutlet,the V9 requires only six and onehalf feetof vertical clearancefrom floor to ceiling. The sectionalconstructionof the V9 boilermakesit idealfor usein installationswherethe boilerroom is not easilyaccessible. In additionto being shippedas individualsectionsthe boileris availablewith factory-assembled sectionsor as a completelypackagedunit. The packagedunit is fastenedto a steelskid to facilitate lifting with a fork truck or crane and will fit througha standard56 x 80 inch doorwav.The skid can serveas the boiierfoundation, replacingthe needfor a concrete pad. A factoryfire-test is available on all packagedunits. All regularmaintenanceaccess areasare locatedon the left side allowingthe V9 boilerto be installed9" from the right sidewall. The tanklesshot water heaters provideratingsof 6.0 to 28.5GPM and are alsoaccessed from the left sideof the boiler. Availablein ten sizeswith gross output ratings from 377to 1445 MBH, the V9 Seriesfiresgas,oilor combinationgas/oil and can be equippedwith eithersteamor water trim and controls.The productis energyefficientwith a combustion efficiencyof up to 84o/o. All sizes exceedthe efficiencyrequirements of ASHRAE90.1. The bond that makes the difference. EachV9 boilersectionis hvdrostaticallytestedat two and onehalf timesratedworking pressureto makesurethat the sectionis flawless.Factory-assembled sectionsaretestedat oneandone half timesthe ratedworking pressure.Thesectionsaresurface groundto insuresmoothsurface mating,and sealedgas-tightwith an elasticsealingcompound.This sealantis usedon all sectionjoints to guaranteea completelysealed andgas-tightassemblyrequiredfor forceddraft operation.Thesealant is easilyappliedandtakesless time than applyingconventional gasketmaterialsand lastsmany timeslonger. Eachsectionis thenjoinedwith quality castiron nippleswhich will lncrease the longevity of the boilerby resisting petroleum based chemicals, including antifreeze which can deterioratethe gaskets used in somecompetitors'boilers. Time-provencast iron nippleslast the life of the boiler. They expand and contractalong with the sections they join ensuring the integriry of the entire sectionassembly. Addedsafetyand systemlongevity are achievedwith the additionof a pressurereliefdooras standard equipment. Thiswill reducepotential damageto the breechingor heat exchangerin the eventof an inadvertentdelayedignition of the burner. CAD/CAE speeds, verifies boiler design TheV9 is the firsr of its kind becauseit was designedcompletely on computersto optimizeefficiency and minimizespacerequirements. CAD/CAEperfectsthe designwhile improvingquality. By modelingthe boileron computers,Burnhamengineers were quicklyableto seethe effectsof everydesigndecisionfrom exact configurationof the heat transfer surfaceto the locationof combustion passageways. Suchsimulationspermitdesignoptimization without costlytestingand re-testing of differentprototypes. Specifyinga heatingsystemin CSI(ConstructionSpecifications Institute)format is madeeasy with Burnham's Smartspec computersofrware program.Use the program menuto specify atmospheric or forceddraft; steam or hot water;gas, oil. or combination fuels;singleor lead-lag;knockdown or packaged;and output ratingsin gross,net or squarefeetof steam. Optionalequipmentmenuand builtin editingfeatureslet you createa customizedCSIspecification. Consultyour localBurnhamsales representative for details. Commitment to quality For all your boilerneedslookto Burnham.Burnhamhasover100 yearsexperience producingresidential and commercial boilers.Our continuingcommitmentto quality andexcellence has madeus Americas BoilerCompany. V9 FEATURES EQUIPI'4ENT ANDSTANDARD , i V9 SeriesFeatures A:'Front mountedcontrolsfor easieradjustmentand maintenance B. Burnermountingplatewith flameobservationport Ci Five bur"neroptions:tobestfityour needs D. Wet baseconstructionfor maximumheattransfer E. Tanklessheatersfor optimumdomestichot rvater F, Rearflue outlet designfor spacesavitrginstallation G. Removablelacket pa-nelsonboth sides Standard equipment ALL BOILERS - Sectionsunassembled, stampedand testedfor 70PSIworking pressure.Deluxeinsulatedjacket i Burnermountingplate(pricedand . Pressurerelief shiooedseoaratelv) dooi. Flueoutletlamper assembly.Flue c?noP/o Trim. Miscellaneous Plugs, bushingsand fittings. STEAM TRIM - 15PSIASMEsafety valve. P A-404APressuretrol.Gauge glassassembly.Boilerdrain cock. Stfz" Steamgauge. WATER TRIM - 50 PSIASMESafety reliefvalve. L-4OO6AHigh Limit. 31fz"Pressuretemperaturegauge. Boiler drain cock. otl, BOILERS - Flangemountedflame retentionoil burnerfuinished with cad cellprimary control,2 stagefuel unit and dual oil valves. GAS BOILERS - Flangemountedgas burnerwith standardcontrolsmeeting the latestUL requirements.Dual gas valves. Electricignition with provengas pilot. Flamedetector- flamerod on fR burner,ultra-violeton others. Electronic programmingcontrolsand components areTactorvwired in a burner mounted controlcabinet(exceptJR- cabinet availableas an option; 54.2 - remote cabinetonly availableas an option). GAS/OIL BOILERS - Flansemounted combinationgas/oilburner-withstandard controlsmeetinglatestUL requirementso Manuallv operatedfiiel transfer switch fordual fuel bhaneeover.Dual sasvalvesand oil valvesl Electricignition Vvi*rprovensas pilot on the gas side] directsparkienition on the oil side(S4.2is gaspiloi forbbth frlels)o Ultra-violetflame o Electron ic pfogramnli ng controls ilete^ctor and componentsare factorv wired in a burnerniountedcontrolcabinet(except 54.2-remotecabinetonly availableas-an option). Optional equlpment Assembledsectionso Completelvpackaged (includeshieh limit with manualreseta-nd a probelow fuatercutoff) o Packasedand fiie-testedo Tbnklesshehters. 5O?SIand 70 PSIASMEsafetvreliefvalveso Side and inspectiontappingi . Combustio.n nvdronlccontrotsto meetspecnl a[plicationsincludingF.M.lI.R.I.and ASMECSD-1. (ininches) Dft{ENsfONS REPRESENTAf,IVE BURNER ILLUSTRATIONS BURNERDIMENSTON'E' POWERFLAME BOILER MODEL v-903 v-904 NUMBER OF SECTIONS ,A ,c, rDt 18 4 v-905 v-906 rBt FLUE OUTLET DIAMETER 24 30 8 8 8 10 l2 ) 1 6 JO v-907 7 42 v-908 v-909 v-910 v-911 v-912 8 9 10 11 48 54 24 l0 10 18 t2 60 l2 66 24 24 t2 72 18 t2 t2 18 30 BECKETT CARLIN 10 76 l2 l2 lo t2 t6 20 20 2'^L 21 21 22 22 20 20 21 c G-P OIL 24 24 24 28 28 28 28 28 30 24 24 N A za 24 1 A za 24 1 A aa 29 29 30 IR APPROX. ASSEMBLED APPROX. SECTION SHIPPING c WEIGHT WEIGHT GAS/OIL WEBSTER LBS. LBS.' 20 20 20 20 20 20 23 23 23 23 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 848 7.713 |,378 1,,648 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 950 1,233 1,5t6 1,803 2,085 |,912 2,777 2,448 2,713 2,978 3,248 2,368 2,655 2,938 3,220 3,518 *Doesnot includeburner mounting plate.Add 45 lbs. for mounting plate lshippedseparately). l tsl *l - l 5NTtrI I/hELIET VALVE _5" TAPP ING (TYPICAL ALL SUPPL 1ES ) TOPVIEW I NSULATEO JACKET / I R A T I N GPLATE (srEAM ONLY) _ LOWEST PERMISSIBLE WTR. LEVEL PLATE ISTM. ONLY) FLUE OUTLET W/ DAMPER G^UGE GLASS SET (STEAM O N L Y] s >{ )s f.- rn \F -to 'o DRAIN 23'/r', LtrT SIDEVIEIV rRONTVIEW cocK 5'' RETURN (4 PLACES) rufiIT SIDEVIEW (SECTIONAL THRU BOILER) CAST IRON SECT I ONS I LIFTING INsTRUCTIONs PACI{AGED BOITERS SLINGLIFTING ARRANGEI-4ENT (in inches) Dlt-4ENsONS APPROXIMATE APPROL CENTEROF SHIPPING wT. (LBS) GRAVITY "ft NUMBER OF LENGTH wurtH ttEtcltf BOILER c A B' MODEL SECTIONS SEE NOTE 4 v-905 v-904 v-905 v-906 v-907 v-908 v-909 v-910 v-911 v-912 {Ror{r 3 4 5 {1 7 ,R v 10 11 12 635t8 69s/e 757e 877e 87s/e 935/s 105Ya lTLYa L I t"/8 lTVz 20Vz 23Vz 27Vz 30Vz 3SVz 37Vz 40Vz 43Vz 46Vz 61 61 34Vz Jq'/2 341/z 34Vz 34Vz 34Vz 34Vz 54Vz 34Vz 34Vz 61 61 61 61 61 ol OI 1235 1533 1831 2133 2435 2733 3100 3418 J/ ID 4028 'The width can vary with gas train configuration. If product must pass through a 36" doorway pleasespecify. '*Varies slightly with burner and gas train configuration. 723s/e NOTES: 1. This boilercan be lifted by fork truck. Do not truck from front. 2. when lifting from rear,forksmustextendbeyondcenterofgravity and secondskid crossbar. 3. When lifting from side,forks must extend to oppositeskid rail and straddlecenterof gravity. shouldbe B (width of skid) + 12". 4. Cablespreader is to Dreventiacketdamage.Spreader AdjusttableIengthsto lift dt approx.ceiter ofgravity perchart. PLAT6 BURNERI.4OUNTING Beckett BOILERNO. DIAM. v-903-906 43/q' v-907-910 63/e' v-911-912 71/z' Carlin BOTLERNO. DIAM. v-903-906 .*"/ 4 v-907-972 63/e' Webster BOILERNO. DIAM. 71/z' v-904-912 Gordon-Piatt PowerFlame Gordon-Piatt BOILERNO. DI,AM. v-906-908 6Vz' v-909-912 8Vz' BOILER/ BURNER DIAM. v-904-9101cl 7t/z' v - 9 1 1 - 9 1 2 / C 29', v-903-9084R 63/a' v-909-9124R 83/e' BOILERNO. DIAM. v-903-905 43/+' CONTROLTAPPINGS TAPPING SIZE LOCAMON ONCHES} B C K STEAMBOILER 3 Supply Supply 3 Return Return 1t/z D I FloatL.W.C.O FloatL.WC.O. E 3/, ProbeL.WC.O ProbeL.W.C.O. F 3/s Press.Limit Ctrl Tbmp.Limit Ctrl. G t/z GaugeGlass Not Used H Vz SteamGauge (Bushedto %") lbmperature/ PressureGauge 7\/z SafetyValve ReliefValre 1 Auxiliarv Thppinss Auxiliarv Tappines K F CrownInspectiorvwashout CrownInspection/washout (specialorderonly) (specialorderonly) Suppll K WAirERBOILER K E D K c c Supply FRONT SECTION 5 REAR SECTION MfNlMUl4 ENDATIONs ?I?INGRECOMI-4 [: I Water Boiler SUPPLY RISER SPACING AND BOILER ,,at MODEL RETURN' v-903 v-904 v-905 v-906 v-907 v-908 v-909 v-910 v-911 v912 z', 2Yz' REAR OF BOILER 2Vz' REAR OF BOILER 2Vz" 2Vz" \arruan 3', 3', J 54', 60' 3', 66" v-903 THRU V-907 v-910 THRUV-912 v-908 AND V-909 SteamBoiler RISER SPACING PIPESIZE BOILER MODEL RISER' RETURN' 7\ 2Vz', v-903 2" 1 )3 " v-904 v-905 (2\s', HEADER 3', EOUALIZER ..Brt ..crr lVz" 2Vz" 4', 2Vz' z1 30" 36', 2 4 18" 1 8 " 30" 24'. 30" z.t 18', 1 8 " 1 8 " 30' 1 8 " 2) s', z'/2 1 2Vz" v-947 ( 2 \3 " 2Vz" a 2Vz' v-908 t'2,\ 7t 2Vz" 6" zv2 6', 3', 3" 6', 3'. 6'. 6', 7', REAR OF EOILER REAR OF BOILER 2t/2" v-906 v-909 (3\s', v-910 ( 3 \ 3 " v-911 A \ 3 " 14\ 7" v-9t2 txt v-905 THRU V-907 v-903 AND V-904 *,'(\ f- HEAOER \aurt.t CLOSE N IPPLE W A T E RL I N E REAR OF B O IL E R H A R TF O R D LOOP v-9o8 THRU V-91O ,4 ' V-911 AND V-9f 2 ^r,u^*l in the fleldaccordingto the minimr.rnirecomnlendatiLrns. All supplytappingsare3 inch and all returntappingsare3 inch.They ma)'bebusheddor,r'n REAR OF BOILER BURNERSCHEDULES OIL BURNERS BURNER MODEL BOILER NUMBER H.P. BURNER MODEL H.P. BURNER MODEL H.P. U6 t/+ I /-l IO2CRD ]OICRD . 1 0I C R D . ] OI C R D 70]CRD 70]CRD 70]CRD 70]CRD 70]CRD ll0lcRD CF5OO CF5(X) cFft00 CFIJO0 cF l,+00 cF l-l(x) cF l-+00 cF r-l(x) cFl.r(x) cFl.l00 v-903 v-904 v-905 v-906 v-907 v-908 v-909 v-910 v - 9 1I v-9t2 BURNER MODEL ( R6.2-O-05 R6.3-O-05 R8-O-05 R 8 . 1- O - 0 7 R8.1-O-O7 R8.2-O-07 R8.2-O-O7 t t + U2 v2 v7 v2 v2 -1/l WEBSTER POWER FLAME GORDON.PIATT CARLIN BECKETT t L L H.P. -os -os -os -os -os -os -os I/-j l/-l l/-1 -OAS -OAS BURNER MODEL JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB o-02 o-02 o-03 o-03 o-01 o-0-3 o-03 o-0-3 o-07 H.P. ll4 lt4 U3 v3 v3 v3 v3 l3 3t4 GAS BURNERS BOILER NUMBER v-903 v-904 v-905 v-906 v-90? v-908 v-909 v-910 v-91I v-912 BURNER MODEL s4.2-G-03 s4.2-G-O3 s4.2-G-03 R6.2-G-05 R6.3-G-05 R8-C-O5 R8.1-G-07 R8.1-G-07 R8.2-G-O7 R8.2-G-O7 H.P. L/-l l/-l I /.1 v) l2 v) I /-l \t1 111 3t1 MIN. GAS PRNSSURE INCHES W.C. INLET GAS CONNECTION INCHES -s.7 3/.t 6.1 6.3 5.9 o ./ 6.2 7.(l 5..1 I h / 6..1 WEBSTER PO1VER FLAME GORDON.PIATT I I-l/.+ l-l/.1 l-v) l-l/-l l-v) l-12 t-v2 BURNER MODEL JR 5A-l0 JR 5A-10 JR 5A-l0 J R i 0 A -l 0 J R r 0 A -l 0 J R r 0 A l-l J R i 0 A -l 5 J R r 0 A -1 5 J R i0A- l-5 J R r 0 A -l 5 MIN. GAS PRESSURE INCHES W.C. H.P. INLET GAS CONNECTION INCHES -l.tt .1.5 I /.1 l/J l/-l I /-l I/-l I/-l l/.1 I/-l lt2 JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB 5.1 ) ./ 6.5 7.-3 6.9 6.0 6. -l I I I BURNER MODEL l1 t1 t l G-02 c-02 G-0-1 c-0.1 G-03 c-0.3 G-0-l G-0-3 G-05 H.P. t1 MIN. GAS PRESSURE INCHES W.C. t < /f .1..1 /-l 5.4 6.:l o.4 6.1 5.7 '7.O t3 t3 t3 t3 t3 t2 INLET GAS CONNECTION INCHES t4 t4 l4 /4 t4 t4 t2 t2 t2 GAS/OIL BURNERS BOILER NUMBER BURNER MODEL v-903 v-904 v-905 v-906 v-907 v-908 v-909 v-910 v-911 v-9r2 s4.2-GO-O3 s4.2-GO-O3 s4.2-GO-O3 R6.2-GO-05 R6.3-GO-05 R8-GO-05 R8.1-GO-07 R 8 . 1- G O - o 7 F.8.2-GO-07 R8.2-GO-07 H.P. l/-r I /.) 1t3 U2 U2 1t2 3t4 3t4 J/1 3t4 MIN. GAS PRESSURE INCHES W.C. 5.7 6.2 6.3 5.9 6.7 6.2 7.O 5.5 6.7 6.4 WEBSTER POWERFLAME GORDON-PIATT INLET GAS CONNECTION INCHES J, BURNER MODEL H.P. MIN, GAS PRESSURE INCHES W.C. 4 t4 t4 t2 t4 t2 t2 t2 C1 - G O 0 Cl GO-0 C 1 - G O0 c1-co 2 c 1 - G O -2 Cl GO- 2 c 1-GO- 2 C2-GO 5 C2-GO 5 I /-r 1t3 U2 1t2 1t2 U2 112 3t4 3t4 5.3 5.9 6.o 5.7 6.1 6.6 7.1 INLET GAS CONNECTION INCHES BUBNER MODEL lB c-02 lB c 0 2 IB c-05 J Bc - 0 3 lB c 0 3 J Bc 0 5 lB C-0J 1 Bc - 0 5 J Bc - 07 H,P. v4 1t4 1t3 llr I / J 1/3 1/3 1/3 3t4 REPRESENTATIVEBURNERILLUSTRATIONS FOWERFLAME I exceptfor NOTE:All burnersusestandardmotorvoltageof 12Ol6Of andPowerFlameC2Burners CarlinBurnerModel#BOICRD whichhavestandardmotorvoltageof 240160ll. MIN, GAS PRESSURE tNcHESWC. .+-J 4.4 i)..t 6.4 6.4 6.1 5.7 7.0 INLET GAS CONNECTION INCHES t4 IA t4 /4 t4 t4 t2 /2 t2 UBurnhani SPECIFICATIONS AMERICA'S BOI LERCOMPAAJY V9 RATINGS@@'\'!9i NE"fI=B:RRAIING BOILER MODEL (1) GROSS BOILER OUTPUT HORSEPOWER MBH v-903 v-904 v-905 v-906 v-907 v-908 v-909 v-910 v-911 v-912 9.3 t2.l 16.0 19.8 23.7 27.6 3t.5 35.4 39.3 43.2 (21 sQ. FT STEAM stl 404 534 664 794 924 to54 tt84 t3t4 t445 MBH STEAM MBH WATER 233 303 40t 498 596 693 791 888 990 t099 270 351 464 577 690 803 917 1030 1143 1257 971 t26s t67l 2075 2483 2888 3296 3700 4125 4579 HE/IIING SIJREACE BTJRNER INPUT OIL (GPH) 2.75 3.5 4.6 5.8 6.9 8.0 9.1 to.2 tt.4 12.6 PRESSIJNE IN FIREBOX (rNcHESWTn. coLUMN) (5) WATER (cu.Fr.) (sQ.rT.) GAS (MBH) STEAM 397 505 668 830 992 11 5 5 t3t7 t479 t642 1804 34 48 62 77 9l 105 119 1,34 148 t62 54 7l 88 105 122 t39 r56 173 190 NEf, FIREBOX VOLUME 28 29 20 29 26 29 28 28 28 30 3.2 4.8 6.4 7.9 9.5 11.0 12.6 14.2 t5.7 17.3 (l'su6x..s'.tndb.rr.ir..nbollcr,nv''lndl.|t.rw.tc!bolcr.$ftx..G"lndtca&!8.r-ircd,..o''lndlcatcso|l-irGd...Go..lndtat4comblnatlonge'ildrd. (2t I-B-Rn r ndng! rlbv,n .r. b3lcd on plplng.nd p|ctup .lbwanc.r whlch v.ty from l.!3! ro l.I l5 fo. nlam and l l5 ftr waLr. Confllt muadurar b( lnatdhdool h.rvftU unusualputrg andptakuprcqutrcna s, sucha5lntarndltln! systcdropclatlon,cxtc$lw plplnSryatcn6, ctc. tlE t-!-l bomct crP8cltyln GPHb b.!.d on oll havlng a h.5t v.lu. of 1a0,000Btru p.r g.llon. (lt ldk ntlry. ar!b|,ad on 12.5$ CO. + .Io'wat r columnprtllurc atbollcr ffur ourlct, Rdryr rlFwn rbow rpply .r all .ldrud4 up !o 1000 &d on oll .nd 2000 b.t on ga!. Foraldtud.! abor,.tho6. lndlcaEd. thc radng. lhould t. rcduccd.r rh. rs& of {s br c.ch r 0Ooi..t rbovr ..r Lvr-L Vlb*lng PrcssucNOTE!li|xhudAlowrblc Sa..m l5 PSI Water(USA) 50 PSI or 70 PSI depending on reliefvalve setting Water(Canada) 45 PSI & steam) TANKLESS HEATER RATINGS (water BOILER MODEL v-903 v-904 v-905 v-906 v-907 v-908 v-909 v-910 v-911 v-912 NUMBER OF V9.2 TANKLESS* HEIIIERS INSTALLED 2 4 I 5 6.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 l3 15 7.5 7.5 15 21 7.5 15 15 22.5 7.5 22.5 7.5 t5 28.5 r5 22.5 7.5 rwo HeaterManifold 11/z x 11/qx 11/ecopper tee t 17e" copperelbow lN* 11/2x11/qx11/a coppe( lee // *OUT 1 7 + " c o p p e re l b o w *Ratings are given in gallons per minute continuous flow of water heated from 40'F to 140'F with 200'F boiler water. UBurnharn AMERICA'S BOILER Burnham COMPANY Oorooratron Form No. 4526E-8196-2OMa Printed in the U.S.A. @ 1996 Burnham Corporation-Lancaster, PA Phone:717-397-4701 Internet: http ://www.burnham.com
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