CAEN RFID srl CAENRFID015 UHF RFID Ultra Compact Reader User Manual CAENRFIDLibrary

CAEN RFID srl UHF RFID Ultra Compact Reader CAENRFIDLibrary

users manual

  CAEN RFID API    Reference Manual                           Reference Manual  Revision n. 09 03/07/2014
 Visit SDK- Software Development Kit Web Page  and you will find the latest revision of manuals and software. All you need to start using your SDK software in a few clicks!   Scope of Manual This manual documents  the  API  used  by C,  Java,  Android and  .Net  programmers  who want  to  write applications for controlling and using CAEN RFID readers.  Change Document Record Date Revision Changes Pages 29 Jun 2010 01 Initial release - 14 Jan 2011 02 Corrected GetTimeStamp Method’s return value 94 Added Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice 3 22 Mar 2011 03 Added  R1260U  Reader  in  the  declaration  of  Federal Communications Commission (FCC) note 3 06 Sep 2011 04 Added XPC field information 13, 14, 32, 35, 72, 75, 72, 92, 95, 99 08 Aug 2012 05 Added  R4300P  reader  in  the  Federal  Communications  Commission (FCC) Notice (Preliminary) 3 29 Nov 2012 06 Added  bit  5  (event trigger),  bit  7  (match  tag)  and  bit  8  (PC)  in  the tables Flag value meaning  32, 35, 99 Changed bit 1 and bit 2 description in the table Flag value meaning of the InventoryTag Method and EventInventoryTag Method 32, 35, 99 Added the following members in the CAENRFIDBitRate Enumeration:  DSB_ASK_M4_TX40RX256, PR_ASK_FM0_TX40RX640, PR_ASK_M4_TX40RX256, PR_ASK_M4_TX40RX320, PR_ASK_M4_TX80RX320 104 Added NXP_ChangeConfig Method in the LogicalSource Class 11, 47 Added  SL900A_EndLog  Method,  SL900A_GetLogState  Method, SL900A_GetSensorValue  Method,  SL900A_Initialize  Method, SL900A_SetLogMode  Method,  SL900A_StartLog  Method  in  the LogicalSource Class 11, 61÷66 Added methods representation in Android language 16÷119 Removed the following methods: Hitachi_BlockLock, Hitachi_BlockReadLock, Hitachi_GetSystemInformation, Hitachi_ReadLock, Hitachi_SetAttenuate, Hitachi_WriteMultipleWords . See § CAENRFID Obsolete Methods chapter 113÷119 Removed the following methods: Fujitsu_BurstErase, Fujitsu_BurstWrite, Fujitsu_ChgBlockGroupPassword, Fujitsu_ChgBlockLock, Fujitsu_ChgWordLock, Fujitsu_ReadBlockLock, Fujitsu_Refresh. See § CAENRFID Obsolete Methods chapter 113÷119 Added CAENRFIDLogicalSource.InventoryFlag Enumeration 15, 106 Added overloaded Connect Method. 76 Added IDSTagData Class 11, 14, 17÷18 Added PC field information 11, 32, 35, 72, 93, 99 19 Apr 2013 07 Added PC field in C representation of CAENRFIDTag Class 92 Added A528B Reader in the declaration of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) note 3 11 Sep 2013 08 Added CAENRFIDRFRegulations Enumeration 15, 109 Added CAENRFIDTag.MemBanks Enumeration 15, 112 Added information about SDK Web Page 2
 03 Jul 2014 09 Added  R1270  Quark  Up  and  R1170I  qIDmini  Reader  in  the declaration of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) note 3    CAEN RFID srl Via Vetraia, 11 55049 Viareggio (LU) - ITALY Tel. +39.0584.388.398  Fax +39.0584.388.959    © CAEN RFID srl – 2010 Disclaimer No  part  of  this  manual  may  be  reproduced  in  any  form  or  by  any  means,  electronic,  mechanical,  recording,  or otherwise, without the prior written permission of CAEN RFID. The information contained herein has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is  assumed  for  inaccuracies.  CAEN  RFID  reserves  the  right  to  modify  its  products  specifications  without  giving  any notice; for up to date information please visit    Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice 1 This device was tested and found to comply with the limits set forth in Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  following  conditions:  (1)  this  device  may  not  cause  harmful  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.   This device generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, the product may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case, the user is required to correct the interference at their own expense. The authority to operate this product is conditioned by the requirements that no modifications be made to the equipment unless the changes or modifications are expressly approved by CAEN RFID.                                                                 1 This declaration only applies to FCC readers A828US, A829US, A528, R1230CB, R1260I, R1260U, R4300P, A528B, R1240I, R1270, R1170I (Mod. WR1170IUAPLP and WR1170IUHIDP)
Index… Scope of Manual ...........................................................................................................................................................................2 Change Document Record ............................................................................................................................................................2 Index… ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 List of Tables .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Overview on SDK ..........................................................................................................................................................................8 Functions and methods names.....................................................................................................................................................8 Error Handling ..............................................................................................................................................................................8 Managing connections with the readers ......................................................................................................................................8 Return data mechanism ...............................................................................................................................................................9 Passing parameters to methods and functions ............................................................................................................................9 2 CAEN RFID API Structure ................................................................................................................................................... 10 CAENRFID Classes .......................................................................................................................................................................11 CAENRFID Enumerations ............................................................................................................................................................15 3 Classes Description ............................................................................................................................................................ 16 CAENRFIDException Class ...........................................................................................................................................................17 getError Method ..................................................................................................................................................................17 IDSTagData Class ........................................................................................................................................................................17 getADError Method .............................................................................................................................................................17 getRangeLimit Method ........................................................................................................................................................18 getSensorValue Method ......................................................................................................................................................18 CAENRFIDLogicalSource Class.....................................................................................................................................................19 AddReadPoint Method.........................................................................................................................................................19 BlockWriteTagData Method .................................................................................................................................................20 CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2 Method ................................................................................................................................22 EventInventoryTag Method .................................................................................................................................................23 GetBufferedData Method ....................................................................................................................................................24 GetDESB_ISO180006B Method ............................................................................................................................................24 GetName Method ................................................................................................................................................................25 GetQ_EPC_C1G2 Method ....................................................................................................................................................25 GetReadCycle Method .........................................................................................................................................................26 GetSelected_EPC_C1G2 Method .........................................................................................................................................26 GetSession_EPC_C1G2 Method ...........................................................................................................................................27 GetTarget_EPC_C1G2 Method .............................................................................................................................................27 GroupSelUnsel Method ........................................................................................................................................................28 InventoryTag Method ..........................................................................................................................................................29 isReadPointPresent Method ................................................................................................................................................36 KillTag_EPC_C1G1 Method ..................................................................................................................................................36 KillTag_EPC_C1G2 Method ..................................................................................................................................................37 LockBlockPermaLock_EPC_C1G2 Method ...........................................................................................................................39 LockTag_EPC_C1G2 Method ................................................................................................................................................40 LockTag_ISO180006B Method .............................................................................................................................................43 NXP_ChangeEAS Method .....................................................................................................................................................43 NXP_ChangeConfig Method .................................................................................................................................................44 NXP_EAS_Alarm Method .....................................................................................................................................................45 NXP_ReadProtect Method ...................................................................................................................................................45 NXP_ResetReadProtect Method ..........................................................................................................................................46 NXP_ChangeConfig Method .................................................................................................................................................47 ProgramID_EPC_C1G1 Method ............................................................................................................................................48 ProgramID_EPC_C1G2 Method ............................................................................................................................................48 ProgramID_EPC119 Method ................................................................................................................................................49 Query_EPC_C1G2 Method ...................................................................................................................................................50 QueryAck_EPC_C1G2 Method .............................................................................................................................................50 ReadBLockPermalock_EPC_C1G2 Method ...........................................................................................................................51 ReadTagData Method ..........................................................................................................................................................52 ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method ........................................................................................................................................53 RemoveReadPoint Method ..................................................................................................................................................57 ResetSession_EPC_C1G2 Method ........................................................................................................................................57 SetDESB_ISO180006B Method.............................................................................................................................................58 SetQ_EPC_C1G2 Method .....................................................................................................................................................58 SetReadCycle Method ..........................................................................................................................................................59
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 5 SetSelected_EPC_C1G2 Method ..........................................................................................................................................59 SetSession_EPC_C1G2 Method ............................................................................................................................................60 SetTarget_EPC_C1G2 Method .............................................................................................................................................60 SL900A_EndLog Method ......................................................................................................................................................61 SL900A_GetLogState Method ..............................................................................................................................................62 SL900A_GetSensorValue Method ........................................................................................................................................63 SL900A_Initialize Method ....................................................................................................................................................64 SL900A_SetLogMode Method ..............................................................................................................................................65 SL900A_StartLog Method ....................................................................................................................................................66 WriteTagData Method .........................................................................................................................................................67 WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method .......................................................................................................................................68 CAENRFIDNotify Class .................................................................................................................................................................72 getDate Method ...................................................................................................................................................................72 getPC Method ......................................................................................................................................................................72 getReadPoint Method ..........................................................................................................................................................73 getRSSI Method ....................................................................................................................................................................73 getStatus Method ................................................................................................................................................................73 getTagID Method .................................................................................................................................................................74 getTagLength Method ..........................................................................................................................................................74 getTagSource Method ..........................................................................................................................................................74 getTagType Method .............................................................................................................................................................75 getTID Method .....................................................................................................................................................................75 getXPC Method ....................................................................................................................................................................75 CAENRFIDReader Class ...............................................................................................................................................................76 Connect Method ..................................................................................................................................................................76 Init Function .........................................................................................................................................................................77 Disconnect Method ..............................................................................................................................................................77 End .......................................................................................................................................................................................77 GetBitRate Method ..............................................................................................................................................................78 GetFirmwareRelease Method ..............................................................................................................................................78 GetIO Method ......................................................................................................................................................................79 GetIODirection Method .......................................................................................................................................................79 GetLBTMode Method ..........................................................................................................................................................80 GetPower Method ...............................................................................................................................................................80 GetProtocol Method ............................................................................................................................................................81 GetReaderInfo Method ........................................................................................................................................................81 GetReadPoints Method ........................................................................................................................................................82 GetReadPointStatus Method ...............................................................................................................................................82 GetRFChannel Method .........................................................................................................................................................83 GetRFRegulation Method.....................................................................................................................................................83 GetSource Method ...............................................................................................................................................................84 GetSourceNames Method ....................................................................................................................................................84 GetSources Method .............................................................................................................................................................85 InventoryAbort Method .......................................................................................................................................................85 RFControl Method ................................................................................................................................................................85 SetBitRate Method ...............................................................................................................................................................86 SetDateTime Method ...........................................................................................................................................................86 SetIO Method .......................................................................................................................................................................87 SetIODIRECTION Method .....................................................................................................................................................87 SetNetwork Method ............................................................................................................................................................88 SetPower Method ................................................................................................................................................................88 SetProtocol Method .............................................................................................................................................................89 SetRFChannel Method .........................................................................................................................................................89 SetRS232 Method ................................................................................................................................................................90 CAENRFIDReaderInfo Class .........................................................................................................................................................91 GetModel Method ...............................................................................................................................................................91 GetSerialNumber Method ....................................................................................................................................................91 CAENRFIDTag Class .....................................................................................................................................................................92 GetId Method .......................................................................................................................................................................92 GetLength Method ...............................................................................................................................................................92 GetPC Method ......................................................................................................................................................................93 GetReadPoint Method .........................................................................................................................................................93 GetRSSI Method ...................................................................................................................................................................93 GetSource Method ...............................................................................................................................................................94 GetTID Method ....................................................................................................................................................................94
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 6 GetTimeStamp Method........................................................................................................................................................94 GetType Method ..................................................................................................................................................................95 GetXPC Method....................................................................................................................................................................95 4 Event Handling .................................................................................................................................................................. 96 Event Handling ...........................................................................................................................................................................97 EventInventoryTag Method .................................................................................................................................................98 InventoryAbort Method .......................................................................................................................................................99 C# Event Handling ....................................................................................................................................................................100 CAENRFIDEventArgs Class ..................................................................................................................................................100 CAENRFIDEventHandler Delegate ......................................................................................................................................100 CAENRFIDEvent Event ........................................................................................................................................................100 Java and Android Event Handling .............................................................................................................................................101 CAENRFIDEvent Class .........................................................................................................................................................101 CAENRFIDEventListener Interface ......................................................................................................................................101 addCAENRFIDEventListener ...............................................................................................................................................101 removeCAENRFIDEventListener .........................................................................................................................................101 C Event Handling ......................................................................................................................................................................102 CAENRFID_INVENTORY_CALLBACK ....................................................................................................................................102 5 Enumerations Description ............................................................................................................................................... 103 CAENRFIDBitRate Enumeration ................................................................................................................................................104 CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants Enumeration ......................................................................................................................105 CAENRFIDLogicalSource.InventoryFlag Enumeration ...............................................................................................................106 CAENRFIDPort Enumeration .....................................................................................................................................................107 CAENRFIDProtocol Enumeration ..............................................................................................................................................107 CAENRFIDReadPointStatus Enumeration .................................................................................................................................108 CAENRFIDRFRegulations Enumeration .....................................................................................................................................109 CAENRFIDRS232Constants Enumeration ..................................................................................................................................110 CAENRFIDSelUnselOptions Enumeration .................................................................................................................................111 CAENRFIDTag.MemBanks Enumeration ...................................................................................................................................112 6 CAENRFID Obsolete Methods .......................................................................................................................................... 113 C# Obsolete Methods ...............................................................................................................................................................114 C# Obsolete Members ..............................................................................................................................................................115 Java and Android Obsolete Methods .......................................................................................................................................115 C Obsolete Functions ................................................................................................................................................................117 C Obsolete Data Types ..............................................................................................................................................................119  List of Tables Tab. 2.1: CAENRFID classes ....................................................................................................................................................................11 Tab. 2.2: CAENRFID methods .................................................................................................................................................................14 Tab. 2.3: CAENRFID Enumerations ........................................................................................................................................................15 Tab. 6.1: C# Obsolete Methods ...........................................................................................................................................................115 Tab. 6.2: C# Obsolete Members ..........................................................................................................................................................115 Tab. 6.3: Java and Android Obsolete Methods ....................................................................................................................................116 Tab. 6.4: C Obsolete Functions ............................................................................................................................................................118 Tab. 6.5: C Obsolete Data Types ..........................................................................................................................................................119
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 7 1 Introduction      This  Chapter  gives  basic  information  about  CAENRFID  Software  Development  Kit  (SDK).  It contains these topics:  Overview on SDK  Functions and methods names  Error Handling  Managing connections with the readers  Return data mechanism  Passing parameters to methods and functions
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 8 Overview on SDK CAEN RFID provides a Software Development Kit (SDK) aimed to facilitate the software developers in interfacing with its  readers.  The  SDK  provides  Application  Program  Interfaces  (API)  for  three  programming  languages:  C,  Java  and J#/C#/Visual Basic .NET. The functionalities and the behaviors exported by the libraries are exactly the same for all the languages but, due to the syntax differences between them, there are differences in the implementation of functions and methods. Java and .NET  implementation  are  very  similar  because  they  are  both  Object  Oriented  environments  while  the  C implementation differs more. The Object Oriented implementation (Java and .NET) defines a set of  classes that models the devices characteristics, the main one are the CAENRFIDReader class and the CAENRFIDLogicalSource class. The first one implements the main methods used to configure general readers' parameters like the output power, the link interface and so on, the latter provides  the  methods  to  be  used  in  order  to  communicate  with  the  RFID  tags  (tags  detection,  read  and  write commands and so on). The C implementation, on the contrary, implements a set of data types (defined into the CAENRFIDTypes.h header file) and a list of functions (defined into the CAENRFIDLib.h header file) in order to obtain the same functionalities as the Java and .NET classes.  In the Object Oriented languages (C# and Java) there are some methods that return objects, these methods have no correspondent in C language. Further details on .NET and Java APIs can be found into the CAEN RFID API User Manual. The following paragraphs will denote the differences in functionality for the topics listed below:  Functions and methods names  Error Handling  Managing connections with the readers  Return data mechanism  Passing parameters to methods and functions  Functions and methods names The functions and methods with the same functionalities have the same name in all languages. The only exceptions are due to the absence of the overloading feature in  the C language: methods that are overloaded in Java  and .NET  are translated in a corresponding set of different functions in C.  Note:  some  methods  and  functions  have  changed  name  in  the  last  revision  of  the  API  but  older  names  are  still functional to preserve backward compatibility (see § CAENRFID Obsolete Methods pag.113).  Error Handling Java and .NET language API handle error conditions using the exceptions mechanism: when a method encounters an error,  an  exception  is  thrown  to  the  calling  code.  The  API  defines  a  proper  class  for  the  exception  generated  by  its methods (CAENRFIDException) the origin of the error is represented inside the CAENRFIDException object as a string. C  language  does  not  provide  the  exception  mechanism  so  the  errors  are  handled  using  the  return  value  of  the functions.  Each  C  function  returns  a  numeric  error  code  that  can  be  interpreted  using  the  CAENRFIDErrorCodes enumeration. Since no exceptions are generated, the execution flow of the program is not interrupted by the errors so it is always suggested to check for error conditions in the code before to call other functions.  Managing connections with the readers Java and .NET languages allow to initiate and terminate the communication with the reader by means of two specific methods of the CAENRFIDReader objects. So, after an object of the class CAENRFIDReader is instantiated, the Connect method  permits  to  start  the  communication  with  a  reader  while  the  Disconnect  method  permits  to  terminate  the communication. C language is not object oriented and  the  handling of the communication state is implemented using two functions. CAENRFID_Init is used to start the communication with a reader and to initialize all the library's internal data structures
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 9 needed in  order  to  maintain  the  communication active. The function returns a  "handle"  (very  similar  to the  handles used in managing files) that have to be used in any subsequent function calls relative to that reader. At the end of the operation, a call to the CAENRFID_End function permits to close the communication link and to free the internal data structures. Return data mechanism As seen in the Error Handling paragraph, all the C functions return a numeric error codes. Due to that reason, functions that need to return data to the caller use output parameters. Output parameters for the C functions are highlighted in this reference manual by the underlined name in the formal parameter list. Java and .NET languages use exception for the error handling so, typically, the data is returned to the caller using the return value of the methods.  Passing parameters to methods and functions  There are differences in the parameters' lists between Java/.NET methods and C functions. Many of those differences are due to  the  implicit  reference  of  the  methods  to  their objects.  This  characteristic of  object  oriented languages is emulated in C functions using an additional explicit parameter. Methods belonging to CAENRFIDLogicalSource objects, for example, are emulated in C functions that accept SourceName parameters. Other  differences  are  due  to  the  better  handling  of  complex  data  types  in  Java  and  .NET  languages.  Arrays,  for example, have implicit size in Java/.NET that permit to pass a single parameter to methods requiring this data type. In C functions, passing an array as a parameter, need to specify both the memory address of the array and its size explicitly.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 10 2 CAEN RFID API Structure      This chapter describes CAEN RFID API Structure. It contains these topics:  CAENRFID Classes  CAENRFID Enumerations
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 11 CAENRFID Classes In .NET (henceforth C#), Java and Android languages, CAENRFID methods are divided into the following classes: Class Description CAENRFIDEventArgs2 This class defines the CAENRFID event arguments. CAENRFIDException This class defines the CAEN RFID exceptions. IDSTagData This  class  represents  data  returned  by  tags  based  on  IDS  Chip SL900A. CAENRFIDLogicalSource The  CAENRFIDLogicalSource  class  is  used  to  create  logical  source objects.  Logical  source  objects  represent  an  aggregation  of  read points  (antennas).  Operations  on  the  tags  are  performed  using  the logical source methods. In addition to the methods used to operate on the tags, the logical source class exports methods to configure the anticollision  algorithm  and  to  configure  the  composition  of  the logical source itself. CAENRFIDNotify This class defines the structure of a notification message. CAENRFIDReader The  CAENRFIDReader  class  is  used  to  create  reader  objects  which permit  to  access  to  CAEN  RFID  readers'  configuration  and  control commands. CAENRFIDReaderInfo The CAENRFIDReaderInfo class is used to create reader info objects. Reader  info  objects  represent  the  information  about  the  reader device (model and serial number). CAENRFIDTag This  class  is  used  to  define  objects  representing  the  tags.  These objects  are  used  as  return  value  for  the  inventory  methods  and  as arguments for many tag access methods. Tab. 2.1: CAENRFID classes  Each class contains the following methods: Methods Description CAENRFIDEventArgs Class getData Returns the event object value. CAENRFIDException Class getError Gets the error string associated to the exception. CAENRFID IDSTagData Class getADError Gets the error status of the A/D. getRangeLimit Gets the range limit parameter. getSensorValue Gets the value obtained by the sensor. CAENRFIDLogicalSource Class AddReadPoint Adds a read point to the logical source. BlockWriteTagData Overloaded.  This  method  can  be  used  to  write  a  portion  of  the  user memory  in  an  ISO18000-6B  tag  using  blocks  of  four  bytes  for  each command. CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2 Overloaded.  This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  a  generic  Custom command  as  defined  by  the  EPC  Class1  Gen2  protocol  specification. The parameters are used to specify the type of the custom command and its parameters. EventInventoryTag A call to this method will start a sequence of read cycle on each read point linked to the logical source. The readings will be notified to  the controller via event generation. GetBufferedData The  function  returns  all  the  Tags  stored  in  reader's  memory  using  all the ReadPoints belonging to the Source. GetDESB_ISO180006B This  method  can  be  used  to  retrieve  the  Data  Exchange  Status  Bit setting  (see  ISO18000-6B  protocol  specification)  used  by  the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source. GetName Gets a string representing the name of the logical source. GetQ_EPC_C1G2 This method can be used to retrieve the current setting for the initial Q value  (see  EPC  Class1  Gen2  protocol  specification)  used  by  the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.                                                       2 For the description of this class, see § Event Handling pag.107
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 12 Methods Description GetReadCycle Gets the  current  setting  for  the  number  of  read cycles  performed  by the logical source during the inventory algorithm execution. GetSelected_EPC_C1G2 This method can be used to retrieve the Selected flag (see EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol specification) used by the anticollision  algorithm  when called on this logical source. GetSession_EPC_C1G2 This method can be used to retrieve the Session setting (see EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source. GetTarget_EPC_C1G2 This method can be used to retrieve the Target setting (see EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source. GroupSelUnsel This method can be used to send a Group Select/Unselect command to the tag (see ISO18000-6B protocol specification). InventoryTag Overloaded.  A  call  to  this  method  will  execute  a  read  cycle  on  each read point linked to  the logical source.  Depending on the air protocol setting it will execute the appropriate anticollision algorithm. isReadPointPresent Checks if a read point is present in the logical source. KillTag_EPC_C1G1 This method can be used to kill an EPC Class 1 Gen 1 tag. KillTag_EPC_C1G2 Overloaded. This method can be used to kill an EPC  of an EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag. LockBlockPermaLock_EPC_C1G2 This  method  implements  the  BLockPermaLock  with  ReadLock=1  as specified in EPCC1G2 rev. 1.2.0 protocol. LockTag_EPC_C1G2 Overloaded. This method can be used to lock a memory bank of an EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag. LockTag_ISO180006B This method can be used to lock a byte in the memory of a ISO18000-6B tag. NXP_ChangeEAS This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  a  ChangeEAS  custom  command  as defined  by  the  NXP  G2XM  and  G2XL  datasheet  after  having  put  it  in Secured state using the Access command. NXP_ChangeConfig Overloaded.  This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  a  NXP_ChangeConfig custom  command  as  defined  in  the  NXP  UCODE  G2iM  and  G2iM+ datasheet. NXP_EAS_Alarm This method can be used to issue an EAS_Alarm custom command as defined by the NXP G2XM and G2XL datasheet. NXP_ReadProtect Overloaded. This method  can  be  used  to  issue a  ReadProtect  custom command as defined by the NXP G2XM and G2XL datasheet. NXP_ResetReadProtect This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  a  ResetReadProtect  custom command as defined by the NXP G2XM and G2XL datasheet. ProgramID_EPC_C1G1 This method can be used to write the EPC of an EPC Class 1 Gen 1 tag. ProgramID_EPC_C1G2 Overloaded. This method can be used to write the EPC of an EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag. ProgramID_EPC119 This method can be used to write the UID of an EPC 1.19 tag. Query_EPC_C1G2 This  method  make  the  reader  generate  an  EPC  Class1  Gen2  Query command. QueryAck_EPC_C1G2 This method make the reader generate a sequence of EPC Class1 Gen2 Query and Ack commands. It can be used to read a single tag under the field. If there are more than one tag under the field the method fails. ReadBLockPermalock_EPC_C1G2 This  method  implements  the  BLockPermaLock  with  ReadLock=0  as specified in EPCC1G2 rev. 1.2.0 protocol. ReadTagData This  method  can  be  used  to  read  a  portion  of  the  user  memory  in  a ISO18000-6B tag. ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 Overloaded. This method can be used to read a portion of memory in a ISO18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2) tag. RemoveReadPoint Removes a read point from the logical source. ResetSession_EPC_C1G2 This  method  can  be  used  to  reset  the  Session  status  for  EPC  Class1 Gen2 tags. After the execution of this method all the tags in the field of the  antennas  belonging  to  this  logical  source  are  back  in  the  default Session. SetDESB_ISO180006B This  method  can  be  used  to  set  the  Data  Exchange  Status  Bit  (see ISO18000-6B protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source. SetQ_EPC_C1G2 This method can be used to set the initial Q value (see EPC Class1 Gen2
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 13 Methods Description protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source. SetReadCycle Sets the number of read cycles to be performed by the logical source during the inventory algorithm execution. SetSelected_EPC_C1G2 This  method  can  be  used  to  set  the  Session  (see  EPC  Class1  Gen2 protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source. SetSession_EPC_C1G2 This  method  can  be  used  to  set  the  Session  (see  EPC  Class1  Gen2 protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source. SetTarget_EPC_C1G2 This method can be used to set the Target setting (see EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source. SL900A_EndLog This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  an  IDS  SL900A  EndLog  custom command as defined in the IDS SL900A datasheet. SL900A_GetLogState  This method can  be used to  issue an IDS  SL900A GetLogState custom command as defined in the IDS SL900A datasheet. SL900A_GetSensorValue This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  an  IDS  SL900A  GetSensorValue custom command as defined in the IDS SL900A datasheet. SL900A_Initialize This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  an  IDS  SL900A  Initialize  custom command as defined in the IDS SL900A datasheet. SL900A_SetLogMode This method can be used to issue an IDS SL900A SetLogMode custom command as defined in the IDS SL900A datasheet. SL900A_StartLog This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  an  IDS_SL900A  StartLog  custom command as defined in the IDS SL900A datasheet. WriteTagData This method can  be  used  to write a  portion  of  the user memory  in  a ISO18000-6B tag. WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2 Overloaded. This method can be used to write a portion of memory in a ISO18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2) tag. CAENRFIDNotify Class getDate Returns  a  timestamp  representing  the  time  at  which  the  event  was generated. getPC Returns the tag's PC code getReadPoint Returns the read point that has detected the tag. getRSSI Returns the RSSI value measured for the tag. getStatus Returns the event type associated to the tag. getTagID Returns the tag's ID (the EPC code in Gen2 tags). getTagLength Returns the tag's ID length. getTagSource Returns the name of the logical source that has detected the tag. getTagType Returns the air protocol of the tag. getTID Returns the TID field value in a EPC Class 1 Gen 2 Tag getXPC Returns the tag’s XPC words. CAENRFIDReader Class Connect Overloaded.  Starts  the  communication  with  the  reader.  It  must  be called before any other call to method of the CAENRFIDReader object.  Disconnect Closes  the  connection  with  the  CAEN  RFID  Reader  releasing  all  the allocated resources. GetBitRate Gets the current setting of the RF bit rate. GetFirmwareRelease Permits to read the release of the firmware loaded into the device. GetIO Gets the current digital Input and Output lines status. GetIODirection Gets the current I/O direction setting as a bitmask. Each bit represents a I/O line, a value of 0 means that the line is configured as an input, 1 as  an  output.  This  setting  has  a  meaning  only  for  those  readers  with configurable I/O lines. GetLBTMode Gets the current LBT mode setting. If the current regulation is based on the frequency hopping mechanism it returns the FH status. GetPower Gets the current setting of the RF power expressed in mW. GetProtocol Gets the current air protocol of the Reader. GetReaderInfo Permits to read the reader information loaded into the device. GetReadPoints Gets the names of the read points (antennas) available in the reader. GetReadPointStatus Gets the CAENRFIDReadPointStatus object rapresenting the status of a read point (antenna).
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 14 Methods Description GetRFChannel Gets  the  index  of  the  RF  channel  currently  in  use.  The  index  value meaning change for different country regulations. GetRFRegulation Gets the current RF regulation setting value. GetSource Gets a CAENRFIDLogicalSource object given its name GetSourceNames Gets the names of the logical sources available in the reader. GetSources Gets the CAENRFIDLogicalSource objects available on the reader. InventoryAbort Stops the EventInventoryTag execution. RFControl Method Permits to control the RF CW (Carrier Wave) signal generation. SetBitRate Sets the RF bit rate to use. SetDateTime Sets the Date/Time of the reader. SetIO Sets the Output lines value. SetIODIRECTION Sets the current I/O direction setting as a bitmask. Each bit represents a I/O line, a value of 0 means that the line is configured as an input, 1 as  an  output.  This  setting  has  a  meaning  only  for  those  readers  with configurable I/O lines. SetNetwork Permits  to  configure  the  network  settings  of  the  reader.  In  order  to apply the changes the reader must be restarted. SetPower Sets the conducted RF power of the Reader. SetProtocol Set the air protocol of the reader. SetRFChannel Sets the RF channel to use. This method fixes the RF channel only when the listen before talk or the frequency hopping feature is disabled. SetRS232 Permits to change the serial port settings. Valid settings values depend on the reader model. CAENRFIDReaderInfo Class GetModel Gets the reader's model. GetSerialNumber Gets the reader's serial number. CAENRFIDTag Class GetId Returns the tag's ID (the EPC code in Gen2 tags). GetLength Returns the tag's ID length. GetPC Returns the tag's PC code GetReadPoint Returns the read point that has detected the tag. GetRSSI Returns the RSSI value measured for the tag. GetSource Returns the name of the logical source that has detected the tag. GetTID Returns the tag's TID (valid only for EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tags). GetTimeStamp Gets the Tag's TimeStamp. GetType Returns the air protocol of the tag. GetXPC Returns the tag’s XPC words. Tab. 2.2: CAENRFID methods
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 15 CAENRFID Enumerations The  following  enumerations  are  present  in  C#  language.  They  correspond  to  classes  in  Java  language  and  to enumerations and data types in C language: Enumerations Description BitRate Gives a list of the supported radiofrequency profiles. LogicalSourceConstants Gives  a  list  of  constants  used  for  the  configuration  of  the  logical sources. Detailed explanation of the settings can be found in the EPC Class 1 Gen 2 and ISO 18000-6B specification documents. CAENRFIDLogicalSource.InventoryFlag Gives a list of constants used for the configuration of  the inventory function. Port Gives a list of the communication ports supported by the CAEN RFID readers. Protocol Gives a list of the air protocol supported by the CAEN RFID readers. ReadPointStatus Gives a list of the possible ReadPoint status values. CAENRFIDRFRegulations The  CAENRFIDRFRegulations  gives  a  list  of  country  radiofrequency regulations. RS232Constants Gives a list of settings for the serial port configuration. SelUnselOptions Gives  a  list  of  operations  supported  by  the  Group  Select/Unselect command (valid only for the ISO18000-6B air protocol). CAENRFIDTag.MemBanks The  CAENRFIDTag.MemBanks  enumerates  the  bank  name  of  a generic ISO18000-6C tag. Tab. 2.3: CAENRFID Enumerations
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 16 3 Classes Description      This chapter gives a description of CAENRFID methods divided into classes. It contains these topics:  CAENRFIDException Class  IDSTagData Class  CAENRFIDLogicalSource Class  CAENRFIDNotify Class  CAENRFIDReader Class  CAENRFIDReaderInfo Class  CAENRFIDTag Class
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 17 CAENRFIDException Class The CAENRFIDException class defines the CAEN RFID exceptions.  getError Method  Description:  This method gets the error string associated to the exception.  Return value: The string representing the error.  Syntax:   C# representation: public string       getError()   Java and Android representation: public java.lang.String    getError()  Remarks: This function does not exist in C language, see § Error Handling pag. 8 for more information.   IDSTagData Class This class represents data returned by tags based on IDS Chip SL900A.  In Java, Android and C# lanuguages this class is composed by methods while in C language is represented by a struct (for more information see § Overview on SDK pag.8):  C representation: typedef struct { BOOL      ADError_i; unsigned int    RangeLimit_i; unsigned int    SensorValue_i; } CAENRFID_IDSTagData;  getADError Method Description: This method returns if an A/D error is raised.  Return value: True if an A/D error occurs, false otherwise.  Syntax:   C# representation: public bool ADError   { get; }   Java and Android representation: public boolean getADError()
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 18  getRangeLimit Method Description: This method returns the range limit set on sensor.  Return value: A bitmask representing the range limit.  Syntax:   C# representation: public uint RangeLimit  { get; }   Java and Android representation: public int getRangeLimit()  getSensorValue Method Description: This method returns the sensor value.  Return value: A bitmask representing the value obtained by the sensor.  Syntax:   C# representation: public uint SensorValue  { get; }   Java and Android representation: public int getSensorValue()
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 19  CAENRFIDLogicalSource Class The  CAENRFIDLogicalSource  class  is  used  to  create  logical  source  objects.  Logical  source  objects  represent  an aggregation of  read points (antennas). Operations on the tags are performed using  methods belonging to the logical source. In addition to the methods used to operate on the tags, the logical source class exports methods to configure the anticollision algorithm and to configure the composition of the logical source itself.  AddReadPoint Method Description:  This method adds a read point to the logical source.  Parameters: Name Description ReadPoint A string representing the name of the read point (antenna).  Syntax:   C# representation: public void  AddReadPoint(   string     ReadPoint)   Java and Android representation: public void  AddReadPoint(   java.lang.String   ReadPoint)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_AddReadPoint(   CAENRFIDHandle  handle,    char      *SourceName,    char      *ReadPoint);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 20  BlockWriteTagData Method  BlockWriteTagData Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int16, Int16, Byte[])  Description: This method can be used to write a portion of the user memory in a  ISO18000-6B  tag using blocks of  four bytes for each command.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be written. Address The address where to start writing the data. Length The number of byte to be written. Data The data to be written into the tag's user memory.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void  BlockWriteTagData(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data)   Java and Android representation: public void  BlockWriteTagData(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_BlockWriteTagData(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   int       Address,   int       Length,   void       *Data);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 21  BlockWriteTagData Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[]) Description: This method can be used to write a portion of the user memory in a ISO18000-6B  tag using blocks of four bytes for each command.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be written. Address The address where to start writing the data. Mask A  bitmask  that  permit  to  select  which  of  the  four  bytes  have  to  be  written  (i.e.  mask 0x05 write the bytes on position Address + 1 and Address + 3). Length The number of byte to be written. Data The data to be written into the tag's user memory.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   BlockWriteTagData(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Address,   short      Mask,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data)   Java and Android representation: public void   BlockWriteTagData(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Address,   short      Mask,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_FilterBlockWriteTagData(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *ID,   int       Address,   short      Mask,   int       Length,   void       *Data);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 22  CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2 Method  CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Byte, Int16, Byte[], Int16)  Description: This method can be used to issue a generic Custom command as defined by the EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol specification. The parameters are used to specify the type of the custom command and its parameters.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to which send the Custom command. SubCmd The SubCommand field of the Custom command. TxLen The length of the data to be sent to the tag. Data The data to be sent to the tag. RxLen The length of the data to be received by the tag.  Return value: An array of bytes representing the reply from the tag as specified by the custom command.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   byte       SubCmd,   short      TxLen,   byte[]     Data,   short      RxLen)   Java and Android representation: public byte[]   CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   byte       SubCmd,   short      TxLen,   byte[]     Data,   short      RxLen)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,    CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,    unsigned char   SubCmd,   int       TxLen,    void       *Data,    int       RxLen,    void       *TRData);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 23  CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Byte, Int16, Byte[], Int16, Int32) Description: This method can be used to issue a generic Custom command as defined by the EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol specification. The  parameters  are  used  to  specify  the  type  of  the  custom  command  and  its  parameters.  The  Custom  command  is executed after an Access command to switch the tag in the Secured state using the provided password.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to select. SubCmd The SubCommand field of the Custom command. TxLen The length of the data to be sent to the tag. Data The data to be sent to the tag. RxLen The length of the data to be received by the tag. AccessPassword The access password.  Return value: An array of bytes representing the reply from the tag as specified by the custom command.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   byte      SubCmd,   short      TxLen,   byte[]     Data,   short      RxLen,   int      AccessPassword)   JAVArepresentation: public byte[]   CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   byte       SubCmd,   short      TxLen,   byte[]     Data,   short      RxLen,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SecureCustomCommand_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,    CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,    unsigned char   SubCmd,   int       TxLen,    void       *Data,    int       RxLen,    int       AccessPassword,    void       *TRData);  EventInventoryTag Method For the description of this method, see § Event Handling pag.96.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 24  GetBufferedData Method Description: This method returns all  the Tags  stored in reader's  buffer  using  all the ReadPoints belonging to the Source.  Only on A828BT reader.  Return value: An array of CAENRFIDTag objects detected.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]  GetBufferedData()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   GetBufferedData()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes    CAENRFID_GetBufferedData(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *source,   CAENRFIDTag    **Receive,   int       *Size);  GetDESB_ISO180006B Method Description: This method can be used to retrieve the Data Exchange Status Bit setting (see ISO18000-6B protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.  Return value: The current DESB setting value.  Syntax:  C# representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants GetDESB_ISO180006B()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants GetDESB_ISO180006B()     throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes        GetDESB_ISO180006B(     CAENRFIDHandle   handle,     unsigned short   *Status);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 25  GetName Method Description: This method gets a string representing the name of the logical source.  Return value: A string representing the name of the logical source.  Syntax:   C# representation: public string     GetName()   Java and Android representation: public java.lang.String  GetName()  Remarks: This function does not exist in C language, see § Overview on SDK pag. 8 for more information.  GetQ_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  retrieve  the  current  setting  for  the  initial  Q  value  (see  EPC  Class1  Gen2  protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.  Return value: The current initial Q value setting.  Syntax:   C# representation: public int   GetQ_EPC_C1G2()   Java and Android representation: public int   GetQ_EPC_C1G2()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_GetQValue_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   int       *Q);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 26  GetReadCycle Method Description: This  method  gets  the  current  setting  for  the  number  of  read  cycles  performed  by  the  logical  source  during  the inventory algorithm execution.  ReadCycle affects only inventory performed with continuos mode (see § EventInventoryTag Method pag. 23).  Return value: The number of read cycles.  Syntax:   C# representation: public int   GetReadCycle()   Java and Android representation: public int   GetReadCycle()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_GetReadCycle(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   int       *value);  GetSelected_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  retrieve  the  Selected  flag  (see  EPC  Class1  Gen2  protocol  specification)  used  by  the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.  Return value: The current Selected value  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   GetSelected_EPC_C1G2()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   GetSelected_EPC_C1G2()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_GetSelected_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle       handle,   char           *SourceName,   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants  *value);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 27  GetSession_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  retrieve  the  Session  setting  (see  EPC  Class1  Gen2  protocol  specification)  used  by  the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.  Return value: The current Session value setting.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   GetSession_EPC_C1G2()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   GetSession_EPC_C1G2()     throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_GetSession_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle       handle,   char           *SourceName,   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants  *value);  GetTarget_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  retrieve  the  Target  setting  (see  EPC  Class1  Gen2  protocol  specification)  used  by  the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.  Return value: The current Target value setting.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   GetTarget_EPC_C1G2()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   GetTarget_EPC_C1G2()     throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_GetTarget_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle       handle,   char           *SourceName,   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants  *value);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 28  GroupSelUnsel Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  send  a  Group  Select/Unselect  command  to  the  tag  (see  ISO18000-6B  protocol specification).  Parameters: Name Description Code The operation code as defined by the protocol. Address The Address from which start the comparison. BitMask The bit mask to use. Data The data to be compared.  Return value: The selected tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDTag    GroupSelUnsel(   CAENRFIDSelUnselOptions Code,   short      Address,   short      BitMask,   byte[]     Data)   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDTag    GroupSelUnsel(   CAENRFIDSelUnselOptions Code,   short      Address,   short      BitMask,   byte[]     Data)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes    CAENRFID_GroupSelUnsel(   CAENRFIDHandle  handle,   char       *SourceName,   CAENRFID_SelUnsel_Op Code,   int       Address,   int       BitMask,   void       *Data,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 29  InventoryTag Method  InventoryTag Method () Description: A call  to this method will execute a read cycle on each read  point linked to the logical  source. Depending on the air protocol setting it will execute the appropriate anticollision algorithm.  Return value: An array containing the CAENRFIDTag objects representing the tags read from the read points.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   InventoryTag()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   InventoryTag()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes    CAENRFID_InventoryTag (   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   CAENRFIDTag    **Receive,   int       *Size);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 30  InventoryTag Method (Byte[], Int16, Int16) Description: A call to this method will execute a read cycle on each read point linked to the logical source.   Parameters: Name Description Mask A byte array representing the bitmask to apply. MaskLength A value representing the bit-oriented length of the bitmask. Position A value representing the first bit of ID where the match will start.  Return value: An array containing the CAENRFIDTag objects representing the tags read from the read points.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   InventoryTag(   byte[]     Mask,   short      MaskLength,   short      Position)   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   InventoryTag(   byte[]     Mask,   short      MaskLength,   short      Position)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_FilteredInventoryTag(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   char      *Mask,   unsigned char   MaskLength,   unsigned char   Position,   CAENRFIDTag    **Receive,   int       *Size);  Remarks: Depending on the air protocol setting it will execute the appropriate anticollision algorithm. This version of the method permits  to  specify  a  bitmask  for  filtering  tag's  populations  as  described  by  the  EPC  Class1  Gen2  (ISO18000-6C)  air protocol.  The  filtering  will  be  performend  on  the  memory  bank  specified  by  bank  parameter,  starting  at  the  bit indicated by the Position index and for a MaskLength length. The method will return only the tags that match the given Mask. Passing a zero value for MaskLength it performs as the non-filtering InventoryTag method.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 31  InventoryTag Method (Byte[], Int16, Int16, Int16) Description: A call to this method will execute a read cycle on each read point linked to the logical source.   Parameters: Name Description Mask A byte array representing the bitmask to apply. MaskLength A value representing the bit-oriented length of the bitmask. Position A value representing the first bit of ID where the match will start. Flag A bitmask representing the InventoryTag options.  Return value: An array containing the CAENRFIDTag objects representing the tags read from the read points.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   InventoryTag(   byte[]     Mask,   short      MaskLength,   short      Position,   short      Flag)   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   InventoryTag(   byte[]     Mask,   short      MaskLength,   short      Position,   short      Flag)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_FlagInventoryTag (   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   char      *Mask,   unsigned char   MaskLength,   unsigned char   Position,   unsigned char   Flag,   CAENRFIDTag    **Receive,   int       *Size);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 32  Remarks: Depending on the air protocol setting it will execute the appropriate anticollision algorithm. This version of the method permits  to  specify  a  bitmask  for  filtering  tag's  populations  as  described  by  the  EPC  Class1  Gen2  (ISO18000-6C)  air protocol.  The  filtering  will  be  performend  on  the  memory  bank  specified  by  bank  parameter,  starting  at  the  bit indicated by the Position index and for a MaskLength length. The method will return only the tags that match the given Mask. Passing a zero value for MaskLength it performs as the non-filtering InventoryTag method. The Flags parameter permits  to  set  InventoryTag  method's  options.In  this  case  bit  1  and  2  of  the  flag  (continuos  and  framed  mode)  are ignored.  Flag value meaning Bit 0 RSSI: a 1 value indicates that the reader will transmit the RSSI (Return Signal Strength Indicator) in the response. Bit 1 Framed data: a 1 value indicates that the tag's data will be transmitted by the reader to the PC as soon as the tag is detected, a 0 value means that all the tags detected are buffered in the reader and trasmitted all together at the end of the inventory cycle. Bit 2 Continuous acquisition: a 1 value indicates that the inventory cycle is repeated by the reader depending on the SetReadCycle setting value, a 0 value means that only one inventory cycle will be performed. If the continuous mode is selected a 0 value in the ReadCycle setting will instruct the reader to repeat the inventory cycle until an InventoryAbort method is invoked, a value X different from 0 means that the inventory cycle will be performed X times by the reader. Bit 3 Compact data: a 1 value indicates that only the EPC of the tag will be returned by the reader, a 0 value indicates that the complete data will be returned. In case that the compact option is enabled all the other data will be populated by this library with fakes values. Bit 4 TID reading: a 1 value indicates that also the TID of the tag will be returned by the reader together with the other information. Bit 5 Event trigger: when this flag is set together with the continuous acquisition flag, the inventory cycle is performed in the same way of the continuous mode with the only difference that the inventory command is sent only by pressing the left key of the A828BT reader. Bit 6 XPC: a 1 value allows the reader to get the XPC word if backscattered by a tag.Tags that do not backscatter the XPC words will return an XPC array with all the 4 bytes set to 0 Bit 7 Match tag: a 1 value enables the matching of readed tags with a tag present in the memory (A828BT reader only).  Bit 8 PC: a 1 value allows the reader to return the PC of a Gen2 tag in addition to the ID (A828BT reader only).
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 33  InventoryTag Method (Int16, Byte[], Int16, Int16) Description: A call to this method will execute a read cycle on each read point linked to the logical source.   Parameters: Name Description bank A value representing the memory bank where apply the filter. Mask A byte array representing the bitmask to apply. MaskLength A value representing the bit-oriented length of the bitmask. Position A value representing the first bit of ID where the match will start.  Return value: An array containing the CAENRFIDTag objects representing the tags read from the read points.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   InventoryTag(   short      bank,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MaskLength,   short      Position)   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   InventoryTag(   short      bank,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MaskLength,   short      Position)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_BankFilteredInventoryTag (   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   short      bank,   short      Position,   short      MaskLength,   char       *Mask,   CAENRFIDTag    **Receive,   int       *Size);  Remarks: Depending on the air protocol setting it will execute the appropriate anticollision algorithm. This version of the method permits  to  specify  a  bitmask  for  filtering  tag's  populations  as  described  by  the  EPC  Class1  Gen2  (ISO18000-6C)  air protocol.  The  filtering  will  be  performend  on  the  memory  bank  specified  by  bank  parameter,  starting  at  the  bit indicated by the Position index and for a MaskLength length. The method will return only the tags that match the given Mask. Passing a zero value for MaskLength it performs as the non-filtering InventoryTag method.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 34  InventoryTag Method (Int16, Byte[], Int16, Int16, Int16) Description: A call to this method will execute a read cycle on each read point linked to the logical source.   Parameters: Name Description bank A value representing the memory bank where apply the filter. Mask A byte array representing the bitmask to apply. MaskLength A value representing the bit-oriented length of the bitmask. Position A value representing the first bit of ID where the match will start. Flag A bitmask representing the InventoryTag options.  Return value: An array containing the CAENRFIDTag objects representing the tags read from the read points.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   InventoryTag(   short      bank,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MaskLength,   short      Position,   short      Flag)   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDTag[]   InventoryTag(   short      bank,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MaskLength,   short      Position,   short      Flag)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_BankFilteredFlagInventoryTag (   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   short      bank,   short      Position,   short      MaskLength,   char       *Mask,   unsigned char   Flag,   CAENRFIDTag    **Receive,   int       *Size);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 35  Remarks: Depending on the air protocol setting it will execute the appropriate anticollision algorithm. This version of the method permits  to  specify  a  bitmask  for  filtering  tag's  populations  as  described  by  the  EPC  Class1  Gen2  (ISO18000-6C)  air protocol.  The  filtering  will  be  performend  on  the  memory  bank  specified  by  bank  parameter,  starting  at  the  bit indicated by the Position index and for a MaskLength length. The method will return only the tags that match the given Mask. Passing a zero value for MaskLength it performs as the non-filtering InventoryTag method. The Flags parameter permits  to  set  InventoryTag  method's  options.In  this  case  bit  1  and  2  of  the  flag  (continuos  and  framed  mode)  are ignored.  Flag value meaning Bit 0 RSSI: a 1 value indicates that the reader will transmit the RSSI (Return Signal Strength Indicator) in the response. Bit 1 Framed data: a 1 value indicates that the tag's data will be transmitted by the reader to the PC as soon as the tag is detected, a 0 value means that all the tags detected are buffered in the reader and trasmitted all together at the end of the inventory cycle. Bit 2 Continuous acquisition: a 1 value indicates that the inventory cycle is repeated by the reader depending on the SetReadCycle setting value, a 0 value means that only one inventory cycle will be performed. If the continuous mode is selected a 0 value in the ReadCycle setting will instruct the reader to repeat the inventory cycle until an InventoryAbort method is invoked, a value X different from 0 means that the inventory cycle will be performed X times by the reader. Bit 3 Compact data: a 1 value indicates that only the EPC of the tag will be returned by the reader, a 0 value indicates that the complete data will be returned. In case that the compact option is enabled all the other data will be populated by this library with fakes values. Bit 4 TID reading: a 1 value indicates that also the TID of the tag will be returned by the reader together with the other information. Bit 5 Event trigger: when this flag is set together with the continuous acquisition flag, the inventory cycle is performed in the same way of the continuous mode with the only difference that the inventory command is sent only by pressing the left key of the A828BT reader. Bit 6 XPC: a 1 value allows the reader to get the XPC word if backscattered by a tag.Tags that do not backscatter the XPC words will return an XPC array with all the 4 bytes set to 0 Bit 7 Match tag: a 1 value enables the matching of readed tags with a tag present in the memory (A828BT reader only).  Bit 8 PC: a 1 value allows the reader to return the PC of a Gen2 tag in addition to the ID (A828BT reader only).   FreeTagsMemory Description: The function permits to free the allocated memory by CAENRFID_InventoryTag. Unlike the C#/Java languages where objects are automatically destroyed by the Runtime Environment, in C language it is  necessary  to  esplicitly  deallocate  the  memory  allocated  by  the  identified  tags.  To  do  that,  the  FreeTagsMemory function is available, passing the pointer to the identified tags list.  Parameters: Name Description Tags tags array returned by one of the inventory family function.  Syntax:   C representation: void   CAENRFID_FreeTagsMemory(   CAENRFIDTag    **Tags);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 36  isReadPointPresent Method Description: This method checks if a read point is present in the logical source.  Parameters: Name Description ReadPoint A string representing the name of the read point (antenna).  Return value: A boolean value representing the presence of a read point in the logical source (true means that it is present, false if it is not present).  Syntax:   C# representation: public bool   isReadPointPresent(   string     ReadPoint)   Java and Android representation: public boolean   isReadPointPresent(   java.lang.String   ReadPoint)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_isReadPointPresent(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *ReadPoint,   char       *SourceName,   short      *isPresent);  KillTag_EPC_C1G1 Method Description: This method can be used to kill a EPC Class 1 Gen 1 tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be killed. Password The tag's kill password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   KillTag_EPC_C1G1(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Password)   Java and Android representation: public void   KillTag_EPC_C1G1(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Password)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_KillTag_EPC_C1G1(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,    CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   char       Password);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 37 KillTag_EPC_C1G2 Method  KillTag_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int32) Description: This method can be used to kill a EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be killed. Password The tag's kill password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   KillTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       Password)   Java and Android representation: public void   KillTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       Password)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_KillTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   int       Password);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 38  KillTag_EPC_C1G2 Method (Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[], Int32) Description: This method can be used to kill a EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag.  Parameters: Name Description BankMask Memory bank for tag identificantion. PositionMask Bit position (from the start of the selected bank) where apply the mask to match. LengthMask Length of the mask. Mask Mask of byte. Password The tag's kill password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   KillTag_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   int       Password)   Java and Android representation: public void   KillTag_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   int       Password)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_BankFilteredKillTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   char       *Mask,   int       Password);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 39  LockBlockPermaLock_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This method implements the BLockPermaLock with ReadLock=1 as specified in EPC C1G2 rev. 1.2.0 protocol.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be written. MemBank The memory bank where to write the data. BlockPtr The address where to start writing the data. BlockRange The number of word of the mask. Mask A bitmask that permit to select which of the four bytes have to be locked (i.e. mask 0x05 write the bytes on position Address + 1 and Address + 3). AccessPassword The access password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   LockBlockPermaLock_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      BlockPtr,   short      BlockRange,   byte[]     Mask,   int       AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public void   LockBlockPermaLock_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      BlockPtr,   short      BlockRange,   byte[]     Mask,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_LockBlockPermaLock_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      BlockPtr,   short      BlockRange,   byte[]     Mask,   int       AccessPassword);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 40  LockTag_EPC_C1G2 Method LockTag_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int32) Description: This method can be used to lock a memory bank of a EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be locked. Payload The  Payload  parameter  for  the  lock  command  as  defined  by  the  EPC  Class  1  Gen  2 protocol specification.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   LockTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       Payload)  Java and Android representation: public void   LockTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       Payload)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_LockTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   int       Payload);  LockTag_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int32, Int32) Description: This method can be used to lock a memory bank of a EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag after having put it in Secured state using the Access command.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be locked. Payload The  Payload  parameter  for  the  lock  command  as  defined  by  the  EPC  Class  1  Gen  2 protocol specification. AccessPassword The access password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   LockTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       Payload,   int       AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public void   LockTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       Payload,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SecureLockTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   int       Payload,   int       AccessPassword);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 41  LockTag_EPC_C1G2 Method (Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[], Int32) Description: This method can be used to lock a memory bank of a EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag.  Parameters: Name Description BankMask Memory bank for tag identificantion. PositionMask Bit position (from the start of the selected bank) where apply the mask to match. LengthMask Length of the mask. Mask Mask of byte. Payload The  Payload  parameter  for  the  lock  command  as  defined  by  the  EPC  Class  1  Gen  2 protocol specification.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   LockTag_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   int       Payload)   Java and Android representation: public void   LockTag_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   int       Payload)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_BankFilteredLockTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   char      *Mask,   int       Payload);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 42  LockTag_EPC_C1G2 Method (Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[], Int32, Int32) Description: This method can be used to lock a memory bank of a EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag after having put it in Secured state using the Access command.   Parameters: Name Description BankMask Memory bank for tag identification. PositionMask Bit position (from the start of the selected bank) where apply the mask to match. LengthMask Length of the mask. Mask Mask of byte. Payload The  Payload  parameter  for  the  lock  command  as  defined  by  the  EPC  Class  1  Gen  2 protocol specification. AccessPassword Access password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   LockTag_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   int       Payload,   int       AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public void   LockTag_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   int       Payload,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SecureBankFilteredLockTag_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   char      *Mask,   int       Payload,   int       AccessPassword);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 43 LockTag_ISO180006B Method Description: This method can be used to lock a byte in the memory of a ISO18000-6B tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be locked. Address The byte's address to lock.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   LockTag_ISO180006B(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Address)   Java and Android representation: public void   LockTag_ISO180006B(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Address)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_LockTag_ISO180006B(   CAENRFIDHandle  handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      Address);  NXP_ChangeEAS Method Description: This method  can be used to issue a ChangeEAS custom command as  defined  by the NXP G2XM and G2XL datasheet after having put it in Secured state using the Access command.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to select. EAS A boolean representing the EAS state to set. AccessPassword The access password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   NXP_ChangeEAS(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   bool       EAS,   int       AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public void   NXP_ChangeEAS(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   boolean     EAS,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_NXP_SecureChangeEAS(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   char       EAS,   int       AccessPassword);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 44 NXP_ChangeConfig Method NXP_ChangeConfig Method (CAENRFIDTag, UInt16) Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  a  NXP_ChangeConfig  custom  command  as  defined  in  the  NXP  UCODE  G2iM  and G2iM+ datasheet.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to select. ConfigWord The configuration word.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   NXP_ChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   ushort     ConfigWord)   Java and Android representation: public void   NXP_ChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      ConfigWord)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_NXP_ChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      ConfigWord,   char       *TRData);  NXP_ChangeConfig Method (CAENRFIDTag, UInt16, Int32) Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  a  NXP_ChangeConfig  custom  command  as  defined  in  the  NXP  UCODE  G2iM  and G2iM+ datasheet after having put it in Secured state using the Access Password.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to select. ConfigWord The configuration word. Password The access password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   NXP_ChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   ushort     ConfigWord,   int       Password)   Java and Android representation: public void   NXP_ChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      ConfigWord,   int       Password)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_NXP_SecureChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      ConfigWord,   char       *TRData,   int       SecurePassword);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 45 NXP_EAS_Alarm Method Description: This method can be used to issue a EAS_Alarm custom command as defined by the NXP G2XM and G2XL datasheet.  Return value: An array of bytes representing the EAS Code.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   NXP_EAS_Alarm()   Java and Android representation: public byte[]   NXP_EAS_Alarm()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_NXP_EAS_Alarm(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *TRData);  NXP_ReadProtect Method  NXP_ReadProtect Method (CAENRFIDTag) Description: This method can be used to issue a ReadProtect custom command as defined by the NXP G2XM and G2XL datasheet.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to select.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   NXP_ReadProtect(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag)   Java and Android representation: public void   NXP_ReadProtect(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_NXP_ReadProtect(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 46  NXP_ReadProtect Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int32) Description: This method can be used to issue a ReadProtect custom command as defined by the NXP G2XM and G2XL datasheet after having put it in Secured state using the Access command.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to select. AccessPassword The access password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   NXP_ReadProtect(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public void   NXP_ReadProtect(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_NXP_SecureReadProtect(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   int       AccessPassword);  NXP_ResetReadProtect Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  a  ResetReadProtect  custom  command  as  defined  by  the  NXP  G2XM  and  G2XL datasheet.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to reset the read protection. Password The ReadProtect password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   NXP_ResetReadProtect(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       Password)   Java and Android representation: public void   NXP_ResetReadProtect(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       Password)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_NXP_ResetReadProtect(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   int       Password);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 47 NXP_ChangeConfig Method  NXP_ChangeConfig Method (CAENRFIDTag, UInt16) Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  a  NXP_ChangeConfig  custom  command  as  defined  in  the  NXP  UCODE  G2iM  and G2iM+ datasheet.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to select. ConfigWord The Configuration word.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   NXP_ChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   ushort ConfigWord)   Java and Android representation: public void   NXP_ChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      ConfigWord)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_NXP_ChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      ConfigWord,   char       *TRData);  NXP_ChangeConfig Method (CAENRFIDTag, UInt16, Int32) Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  a  NXP_ChangeConfig  custom  command  as  defined  in  the  NXP  UCODE  G2iM  and G2iM+ datasheet after having put it in Secured state using the Access Password.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag object representing the tag to select. ConfigWord The Configuration word. Password The access password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   NXP_ChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   ushort     ConfigWord,   int       Password)   Java and Android representation: public void   NXP_ChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      ConfigWord,   int       Password)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_NXP_SecureChangeConfig(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      ConfigWord,   char       *TRData)   int       SecurePassword);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 48 ProgramID_EPC_C1G1 Method Description: This method can be used to write the EPC of a EPC Class 1 Gen 1 tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The  CAENRFIDTag  representing  the  tag  to  be  programmed,  the  ID  contained  in  this object will be programmed into the tag. Password The password needed in order to write into the tag. Lock A flag used to lock the EPC in the tag (1 if the EPC have to be locked).  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   ProgramID_EPC_C1G1(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Password,   bool       Lock)   Java and Android representation: public void   ProgramID_EPC_C1G1(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Password,   boolean     Lock)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_ProgramID_EPC_C1G1(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   char       Password,   unsigned short   Lock);  ProgramID_EPC_C1G2 Method  ProgramID_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int16) Description: This method can be used to write the EPC of a EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The  CAENRFIDTag  representing  the  tag  to  be  programmed,  the  ID  contained  in  this object will be programmed into the tag. NSI The Numbering System Identifier as defined in EPC Class 1 Gen 2 protocol specifications.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   ProgramID_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      NSI)   Java and Android representation: public void   ProgramID_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      NSI)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_ProgramID_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   unsigned short   NSI);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 49 ProgramID_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int16, Int32) Description: This method can  be used to  write the EPC  of a  EPC  Class 1  Gen 2 tag  after  having  put  it  in  Secured state using  the Access command.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The  CAENRFIDTag  representing  the  tag  to  be  programmed,  the  ID  contained  in  this object will be programmed into the tag. NSI The Numbering System Identifier as defined in EPC Class 1 Gen 2 protocol specifications. AccessPassword The access password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   ProgramID_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      NSI,   int       AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public void   ProgramID_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      NSI,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SecureProgramID_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   unsigned short   NSI,   int       AccessPassword);  ProgramID_EPC119 Method Description: This method can be used to write the UID of a EPC 1.19 tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be programmed. NewID An array of bytes representing the new UID for the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   ProgramID_EPC119(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   byte[]     NewID)   Java and Android representation: public void   ProgramID_EPC119(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   byte[]     NewID)   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_ProgramID_EPC119(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   char       *NewID);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 50 Query_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This method makes the reader generate a EPC Class1 Gen2 Query command.  Return value: True on successfull completion.  Syntax:   C# representation: public bool   Query_EPC_C1G2()   Java and Android representation: public boolean   Query_EPC_C1G2()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_Query_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   short      *isPresent);  QueryAck_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This method make the reader generate a  sequence of EPC Class1 Gen2 Query and Ack commands. It can be used to read a single tag under the field. If there are more than one tag under the field the method fails.  Return value: An array of bytes representing the EPC of the tag  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   QueryAck_EPC_C1G2()   Java and Android representation: public byte[]   QueryAck_EPC_C1G2()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  QueryAck_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   byte       *Tag);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 51  ReadBLockPermalock_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This method implements the BLockPermaLock with ReadLock=0 as specified in EPCC1G2 rev. 1.2.0 protocol.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be read. MemBank The memory bank where to read the data. Blockptr The address where to start reading the data. BlockRange The number of word to be read. AccessPassword The access password.  Return value: An array of bytes representing the data read from the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   ReadBLockPermalock_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Blockptr,   short      BlockRange,   int       AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public byte[]   ReadBLockPermalock_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Blockptr,   short      BlockRange,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_ReadBLockPermalock_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Blockptr,   short      BlockRange,   int       AccessPassword)
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 52  ReadTagData Method Description: This method can be used to read a portion of the user memory in a ISO18000-6B tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be read. Address The address where to start reading the data. Length The number of byte to be read.  Return value: An array of bytes representing the data read from the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   ReadTagData(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Address,   short      Length)   Java and Android representation: public byte[]   ReadTagData(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Address,   short      Length)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_ReadTagData(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   int       Address,   int       Length,   void       *Data);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 53  ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method  ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int16, Int16, Int16) Description: This method can be used to read a portion of memory in an ISO18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2) tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be read. MemBank The memory bank where to read the data. Address The address where to start reading the data. Length The number of byte to be read.  Return value: An array of bytes representing the data read from the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length)   Java and Android representation: public byte[]   ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      MemBank,   int       Address,   int       Length,   void       *Data);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 54  ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int16, Int16, Int16, Int32) Description: This method can be used to read a portion of memory in an ISO18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2) tag after having put the tag in Secured state using the Access command.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be read. MemBank The memory bank where to read the data. Address The address where to start reading the data. Length The number of byte to be read. AccessPassword The access password.  Return value: An array of bytes representing the data read from the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   int       AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public byte[]   ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SecureReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 (   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      MemBank,   int       Address,   int       Length,   int       AccessPassword,   void       *Data);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 55  ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method (Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[], Int16, Int16, Int16) Description: This method can be used to read a portion of memory in an ISO18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2) tag. In this case the target tag  is  identified  by  'LenghtMask'  bytes  of  passed  mask  placed  in  a  memory  bank  'BankMask'  at  'PositionMask' byte from bank starting address byte.  Parameters: Name Description BankMask Memory bank for tag identificantion. PositionMask Bit position (from the start of the selected bank) where apply the mask to match. LengthMask Length of the mask. Mask Mask of byte. MemBank Memory bank where read. Address Address where starts reading. Length Number of byte to read.  Return value: An array of bytes representing the data read from the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length)   Java and Android representation: public byte[]   ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_BankFilteredReadTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char      *SourceName,   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   char      *Mask,   short      MemBank,   int      Address,   int      Length,   void      *Data);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 56  ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method (Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[], Int16, Int16, Int16, Int32) Description: This method can be used to read a portion of memory in an ISO18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2) tag. In this case the target tag  is  identified  by  'LenghtMask'  bytes  of  passed  mask  placed  in  a  memory  bank  'BankMask'  at  'PositionMask' byte from bank starting address byte. This is the secure version using the Access command.  Parameters: Name Description BankMask Memory bank for tag identificantion. PositionMask Bit position (from the start of the selected bank) where apply the mask to match. LengthMask Length of the mask. Mask Mask of byte. MemBank Memory bank where read. Address Address where starts reading. Length Number of byte to read. AccessPassword Access Password.  Return value: An array of bytes representing the data read from the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   int      AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public byte[]   ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   int      AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SecureBankFilteredReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 (   CAENRFIDHandle  handle,   char      *SourceName,   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MemBank,   int      Address,   int      Length,   void      *Data,   int      AccessPassword);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 57  RemoveReadPoint Method Description: This method removes a read point from the logical source.  Parameters: Name Description ReadPoint A string representing the name of the read point (antenna).  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   RemoveReadPoint(   string     ReadPoint)   Java and Android representation: public void   RemoveReadPoint(   java.lang.String   ReadPoint)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_RemoveReadPoint(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   char       *ReadPoint);  ResetSession_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This method can be used to reset the Session status for EPC Class1 Gen2 tags. After the execution of this method all the tags in the field of the antennas belonging to this logical source are back in the default Session.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   ResetSession_EPC_C1G2()   Java and Android representation: public void   ResetSession_EPC_C1G2()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_ResetSession_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 58  SetDESB_ISO180006B Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  set  the  Data  Exchange  Status  Bit  (see  ISO18000-6B  protocol  specification)  used  by  the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.  Parameters: Name Description Value The DESB setting value.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetDESB_ISO180006B(   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   Value)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetDESB_ISO180006B(   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   Value)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetDESB_ISO180006B(   CAENRFIDHandle       handle,   unsigned int        Value);  SetQ_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This method can be used to set the initial Q value (see EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.  Parameters: Name Description Value The initial Q value setting.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetQ_EPC_C1G2(   int       Value)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetQ_EPC_C1G2(   int       Value)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetQValue_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   int       Value);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 59  SetReadCycle Method Description: This  method  sets  the  number  of  read  cycles  to  be  performed  by  the  logical  source  during  the  inventory  algorithm execution.  Parameters: Name Description value The number of read cycles.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetReadCycle(   int       value)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetReadCycle(   int       value)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetReadCycle(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   int       value);  SetSelected_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This method can be used to set the Selected flag (see EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.  Parameters: Name Description Value The Selected flag value.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetSelected_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   Value)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetSelected_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   Value)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetSelected_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle       handle,   char           *SourceName,   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants  Value);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 60  SetSession_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  set  the  Session  (see  EPC  Class1  Gen2  protocol  specification)  used  by  the  anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.  Parameters: Name Description Value The Session value.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetSession_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   Value)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetSession_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   Value)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetSession_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle       handle,   char           *SourceName,   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants  Value);  SetTarget_EPC_C1G2 Method Description: This method can be used to set the Target setting (see EPC Class1 Gen2 protocol specification) used by the anticollision algorithm when called on this logical source.  Parameters: Name Description Value The Target value.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetTarget_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   Value)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetTarget_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   Value)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetTarget_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle       handle,   char           *SourceName,   CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants  Value);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 61  SL900A_EndLog Method Description: This method can be used to issue an IDS SL900A EndLog custom command as defined in the IDS SL900A datasheet.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The tag where stop the log  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SL900A_EndLog(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag)   Java and Android representation: public void   SL900A_EndLog(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_IDS_SL900A_EndLog(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 62  SL900A_GetLogState Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  an  IDS  SL900A  Get  Log  State  custom  command  as  defined  in  the  IDS  SL900A datasheet.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The tag selected ShelfLife This  parameter  is  used  to  inform  the  reader  if  the  shelf  life  flag  is  set  in  the  tag's EEPROM  Return Value: This method returns the status of the logging process. The structure of the byte array is the following:  byte[0]÷byte[1]    : Limite Counter. byte[2]÷byte[3]    : System status. byte[4]÷byte[11]  : Shelf Life Block (only if the ShelfLife parameter is true). byte[12]÷byte[14]  : Current Shelf Life (only if the ShelfLife parameter is true). byte[15]    : Status Flags (if ShelfLife parameter is false this byte follows immediately the System status word).  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]   SL900A_GetLogState(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   bool       ShelfLife)   Java and Android representation: public byte[]   SL900A_GetLogState(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   boolean     ShelfLife)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  IDS_SL900A_GetLogState(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   BOOL       ShelfLife,   char       * TRData);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 63  SL900A_GetSensorValue Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  an  IDS  SL900A  Get  Sensor  Value  custom  command  as  defined  in  the  IDS  SL900A datasheet.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The tag to extract sensor data. SensorType Describes which sensor to choose.(see remark)  Return Value:  Returns an IDSTagData object containing all the data read from the tag's selected sensor.  Syntax:   C# representation: public IDSTagData   SL900A_GetSensorValue(   CAENRFIDTag      Tag,   byte         SensorType)   Java and Android representation: public IDSTagData   SL900A_GetSensorValue(   CAENRFIDTag      Tag,   byte         SensorType)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_IDS_SL900A_GetSensorValue(   CAENRFIDHandle     handle,   CAENRFIDTag      *Tag,   byte         SensorType,   CAENRFID_IDSTagData   *IDSTagData); Remarks: According to the IDS SL900A datasheet, the  Sensor Type byte is composed as:  bit 07..02:   Extreme Lower  bit 01..00:   Sensor Type. Sensor type bits can be: 00:   Temperature sensor 01:   External sensor 1.  10:   External sensor 2.  11:   Battery Voltage.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 64  SL900A_Initialize Method Description: This method can be used to issue an IDS SL900A Initialize custom command as defined in the IDS SL900A datasheet.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The tag to initialize DelayTime The DelayTime parameter. See the IDS SL900A datasheet for further details. ApplicationData The Application data. See the IDS SL900A datasheet for further details.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SL900A_Initialize(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   ushort     DelayTime,   ushort     ApplicationData)   Java and Android representation: public void   SL900A_Initialize(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      DelayTime,   short      ApplicationData)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_IDS_SL900A_Initialize(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   unsigned short   DelayTime,   unsigned short   ApplicationData);  Remarks: According to the IDS SL900A datasheet, the DelayTime parameter is composed as:  bit 15..4:  Delay time (expressed in seconds) bit 3..2:   RFU  bit 1:     Delay mode (0 : Internal timer, 1 : External switch)  bit 0:     IRQ + Timer Enable  According to the IDS SL900A datasheet, the Application Data parameter is composed as: bit 15..7:   Application Area size (in words)  bit 6..3:   RFU bit 2..0 : Broken word pointer.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 65  SL900A_SetLogMode Method Description: This  method  can  be  used  to  issue  an  IDS  SL900A  Set  Log  Mode  custom  command  as  defined  in  the  IDS  SL900A datasheet.  Parameters: Name Description Tag  The tag to set log mode on. LogMode The LogMode parameter. See the IDS SL900A datasheet for further details.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SL900A_SetLogMode(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   uint       LogMode)   Java and Android representation: public void   SL900A_SetLogMode(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       LogMode)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_IDS_SL900A_SetLog(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   unsigned int    LogMode); Remarks: According to the IDS SL900A datasheet, the DelayTime parameter is composed as: bit 31..24:   RFU. bit 23..21:  Logging Form. bit 20:    Storage Rule. bit 19:    Ext1 sensor enable. bit 18:    Ext2 sensor enable. bit 17:    Temperature sensor enable. bit 16:    Battery Check enable. bit 15..0:  Log Interval. bit 0:     RFU.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 66  SL900A_StartLog Method Description: This method can be used to issue an IDS SL900A Start Log custom command as defined in the IDS SL900A datasheet.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The Tag where start logging. StartTime The start time. See remark for structures.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SL900A_StartLog(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   uint       StartTime)   Java and Android representation: public void   SL900A_StartLog(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   int       StartTime)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_IDS_SL900A_StartLog(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   unsigned int    StartTime); Remarks: According to the IDS SL900A datasheet, the StartTime parameter is composed as: bit 31..26:   Year bit 25..21:   Month bit 15..11:   Hour bit 10.. 6:   Minute bit 5.. 0:   Second.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 67  WriteTagData Method Description: This method can be used to write a portion of the user memory in an ISO18000-6B tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be written. Address The address where to start writing the data. Length The number of byte to be written. Data The data to be written into the tag's user memory.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   WriteTagData(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data)   Java and Android representation: public void   WriteTagData(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_WriteTagData(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   int       Address,   int       Length,   void       *Data);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 68  WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method  WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[]) Description: This method can be used to write a portion of memory in an ISO18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2) tag.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be written. MemBank The memory bank where to write the data. Address The address where to start writing the data. Length The number of byte to be written. Data An array of bytes representing the data to be written into the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data)   Java and Android representation: public void   WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      MemBank,   int       Address,   int       Length,   void       *Data);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 69  WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method (CAENRFIDTag, Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[], Int32) Description: This method can be used to write a portion of memory in an ISO18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2) tag after having put the tag in Secured state using the Access command.  Parameters: Name Description Tag The CAENRFIDTag representing the tag to be written. MemBank The memory bank where to write the data. Address The address where to start writing the data. Length The number of byte to be written. Data An array of bytes representing the data to be written into the tag. AccessPassword The access password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data,   int       AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public void   WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDTag    Tag,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SecureWriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDTag    *Tag,   short      MemBank,   int       Address,   int       Length,   void       *Data,   int       AccessPassword);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 70  WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method (Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[], Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[]) Description: This method can be used to write a portion of memory in an ISO18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2) tag.  Parameters: Name Description BankMask Memory bank for tag identificantion. PositionMask Bit position (from the start of the selected bank) where apply the mask to match. LengthMask Length of the mask. Mask Mask of byte. MemBank The memory bank where to write the data. Address The address where to start writing the data. Length The number of byte to be written. Data An array of bytes representing the data to be written into the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data)   Java and Android representation: public void   WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_BankFilteredWriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   char       *Mask,   short      MemBank,   int       Address,   int       Length,   void       *Data);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 71  WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2 Method (Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[], Int16, Int16, Int16, Byte[], Int32) Description: This method can be used to write a portion of memory in an ISO18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2) tag after having put the tag in Secured state using the Access command.  Parameters: Name Description BankMask Memory bank for tag identificantion. PositionMask Bit position (from the start of the selected bank) where apply the mask to match. LengthMask Length of the mask. Mask Mask of byte. MemBank The memory bank where to write the data. Address The address where to start writing the data. Length The number of byte to be written. Data An array of bytes representing the data to be written into the tag. AccessPassword The access password.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data,   int       AccessPassword)   Java and Android representation: public void   WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   byte[]     Mask,   short      MemBank,   short      Address,   short      Length,   byte[]     Data,   int       AccessPassword)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SecureBankFilteredWriteTagData_EPC_C1G2(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *SourceName,   short      BankMask,   short      PositionMask,   short      LengthMask,   char       *Mask,   short      MemBank,   int       Address,   int       Length,   void       *Data,   int       AccessPassword);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 72  CAENRFIDNotify Class The CAENRFIDNotify class defines the structure of a notification message.  In Java, Android and C# lanuguages this class is composed by methods while in C language is present as a struct (for more information see § Overview on SDK pag.8):  C representation: typedef struct { byte       ID[MAX_ID_LENGTH]; short       Length; char      LogicalSource[MAX_LOGICAL_SOURCE_NAME]; char      ReadPoint[MAX_READPOINT_NAME]; CAENRFIDProtocol  Type; short      RSSI; byte      TID[MAX_TID_SIZE]; short      TIDLen;                               byte      XPC[XPC_LENGTH]; byte      PC[PC_LENGTH];  } CAENRFIDNotify;  getDate Method Description: This method returns a timestamp representing the time at which the event was generated.  Return value: The timestamp value.  Syntax:   C# representation: public DateTime       getDate()   Java and Android representation: public java.util.Date     getDate()  getPC Method Description: This method represents the PC code in the tag.  Return value: The tag's Protocol Control code.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]    getPC()   Java and Android representation: public byte[]    getPC()
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 73  getReadPoint Method Description: This method returns the read point that has detected the tag.  Return value: The name of the read point that has detected the Tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public string       getReadPoint()   Java and Android representation: public java.lang.String    getReadPoint()  getRSSI Method Description: This method returns the RSSI value measured for the tag.  Return value: The tag's RSSI.  Syntax:   C# representation: public short       getRSSI()   Java and Android representation: public short       getRSSI()  getStatus Method Description: This method returns the event type associated to the tag.  Return value: The event type associated to the Tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDTagEventType   getStatus()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDTagEventType   getStatus()
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 74  getTagID Method Description: This method returns the tag's ID (the EPC code in Gen2 tags).  Return value: An array of bytes representing the tag's ID (the EPC code in EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tags).  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]       getTagID()   Java and Android representation: public byte[]       getTagID()  getTagLength Method Description: This method returns the tag's ID length.  Return value: The tag's length.  Syntax:   C# representation: public short       getTagLength()   Java and Android representation: public short       getTagLength()  getTagSource Method Description: This method returns the name of the logical source that has detected the tag.  Return value: The name of the logical source that has detected the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public string       getTagSource()   Java and Android representation: public java.lang.String    getTagSource()
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 75  getTagType Method Description: This method returns the air protocol of the tag.  Return value: The air protocol of the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public short       getTagType()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDProtocol    getTagType()  getTID Method Description: This method returns the TID field value in a EPC Class 1 Gen 2 Tag  Return value: The bytes of the TID field.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]       getTID()   Java and Android representation: public java.lang.String    getAntenna()  getXPC Method Description: This method returns the tag’s XPC words.  Return value: The tag’s XPC words.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]    getXPC()   Java and Android representation: public byte[]    getXPC()
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 76  CAENRFIDReader Class The CAENRFIDReader class is used to create reader objects which permit to access to CAEN RFID readers' configuration and control commands.   Connect Method Connect Method (CAENRFIDPort, string Description: In C# and Java languages, this method starts the communication with the reader. It must be called before any other call to method of the CAENRFIDReader object. See § Managing connections with the readers pag. 8 for more information. For android bluetooth connection see below § Connect Method (BluetoothSocket)   Parameters: Name Description ConType The communication link to use for the connection. Address Depending  on  ConType  parameter:  IP  address  for  TCP/IP  communications (""),  COM  port  for  RS232  communications  ("COMx"),  An  index  for  USB communications (not yet supported).  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   Connect(   CAENRFIDPort    ConType,   string     Address)   Java and Android representation: public void   Connect(   CAENRFIDPort    ConType,   java.lang.String   Address)   throws CAENRFIDException  Connect Method (BluetoothSocket) Description: Start the andorid SPP bluetooth communication with the CAEN RFID Reader. This method must be called before any other methods of the Reader object.  Parameters: Name Description BTSock The BluetoothSocket to read/write data.   Syntax:   Android representation: public void   Connect(   BluetoothSocket BTSock)   throws CAENRFIDException  Remarks The BTSock parameter must be obtained trought a createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(UUID uuid) call. The standard UUID for the Serial Port Profile is 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 77  Init Function Description: In  C  language,  this  function  generates  an  opaque  handle  to  identify  a  module  attached  to  the  PC.  See  §  Managing connections with the readers pag. 8 for more information.  Parameters: Name Description ConType The communication link to use for the connection. Address Communication address (i.e.: "COM1" for RS232, "USB0" for USB of IP address for TCP/IP etc.). handle The handle that identifies the device.  Syntax:   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_Init(   CAENRFIDPort    ConType,   char       *Address,   CAENRFIDHandle   *handle,   CAENRFIDProtocol   *Protocol);  Disconnect Method Description: In  C#  and  Java  languages,  this  method  closes  the  connection  with the  CAEN  RFID  Reader  releasing all  the  allocated resources. See § Managing connections with the readers pag. 8 for more information.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   Disconnect()   Java and Android representation: public void   Disconnect()   throws CAENRFIDException  End Description: In C language, this function closes the connection with the CAEN RFID Reader releasing all the allocated resources. See § Managing connections with the readers pag. 8 for more information.  Parameters: Name Description handle The handle that identifies the device.  Syntax:   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_End(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 78  GetBitRate Method Description: This method gets the current setting of the RF bit rate.  Return value: The current RF bit rate value.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDBitRate   GetBitRate()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDBitRate   GetBitRate()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes    CAENRFID_GetBitrate(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFID_Bitrate   *Bitrate);  GetFirmwareRelease Method Description: This method permits to read the release of the firmware loaded into the device.  Return value: A string representing the firmware release of the device.  Syntax:   C# representation: public string     GetFirmwareRelease()   Java and Android representation: public java.lang.String  GetFirmwareRelease()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes    CAENRFID_GetFirmwareRelease(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *FWRel);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 79  GetIO Method Description: This method gets the current digital Input and Output lines status.  Return value: A bitmask  representing the I/O lines status. The format and  the meaning of  the bits depend on the Reader's model. Please refer to the corresponding user manual available at  Syntax:   C# representation: public int   GetIO()   Java and Android representation: public int   GetIO()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_GetIO(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   unsigned int    *IORegister);  GetIODirection Method Description: This method gets the current I/O direction setting as a bitmask. Each bit represents a I/O line, a value of 0 means that the line is configured as an input, 1 as an output. This setting has a meaning only for those readers with configurable I/O lines.  Return value: A bitmask representing the I/O setting.  Syntax:   C# representation: public int   GetIODirection()   Java and Android representation: public int   GetIODirection()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_GetIODirection(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   unsigned int    *IODirection);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 80  GetLBTMode Method Description: This method gets the current LBT mode setting. If the current regulation is based on the frequency hopping mechanism it returns the FH status.  Return value: A zero value if the LBT/FH is disabled, non-zero value if it is enabled.  Syntax:   C# representation: public short   GetLBTMode()   Java and Android representation: public short   GetLBTMode()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_GetLBTMode(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   unsigned short   *LBTMode);  GetPower Method Description: This method gets the current setting of the RF power expressed in mW.  Return value: The current conducted RF power expressed in mW.  Syntax:  C# representation: public int   GetPower()   Java and Android representation: public int   GetPower()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_GetPower(   CAENRFIDHandle  handle,   unsigned int    *Power);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 81  GetProtocol Method Description: This method gets the current air protocol of the Reader.  Return value: A CAENRFIDProtocol representing the current air protocol set on the reader.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDProtocol  GetProtocol()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDProtocol  GetProtocol()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes    CAENRFID_GetProtocol(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDProtocol   *Protocol);  GetReaderInfo Method Description: This method permits to read the reader information loaded into the device.  Return value: The reader information of the device.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDReaderInfo   GetReaderInfo()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDReaderInfo   GetReaderInfo()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes      CAENRFID_GetReaderInfo(     CAENRFIDHandle   handle,     char       *Model,     char       *SerialNum);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 82  GetReadPoints Method Description: This method gets the names of the read points (antennas) available in the reader.  Return value: An array containing the read points (antennas) names available in the reader.  Syntax:   C# representation: public string[]       GetReadPoints()   Java and Android representation: public java.lang.String[]   GetReadPoints()   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes      CAENRFID_GetReadPoints(     CAENRFIDHandle  handle,     char      **AntNames [],     int      *AntNumber);  GetReadPointStatus Method Description: This method gets the CAENRFIDReadPointStatus object representing the status of a read point (antenna).  Parameters: Name Description ReadPoint The name of the read point to check.  Return value: The CAENRFIDReadPointStatus object rapresenting the current status of the read point.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDReadPointStatus   GetReadPointStatus(     string     ReadPoint)   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDReadPointStatus   GetReadPointStatus(     java.lang.String   ReadPoint)     throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes        CAENRFID_GetReadPointStatus(     CAENRFIDHandle   handle,     char       *ReadPoint,     CAENRFIDReadPointStatus *Status);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 83  GetRFChannel Method Description: This method gets the index of the RF channel currently in use. The index value meaning changes for different country regulations.  Return value: The RF channel index.  Syntax:   C# representation: public short   GetRFChannel()   Java and Android representation: public short   GetRFChannel()   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_GetRFChannel(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   unsigned short   *RFChannel);  Remarks This method is only used for testing applications.  GetRFRegulation Method Description: This method gets the current RF regulation setting value.  Return value: The RF regulation value.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDRFRegulations  GetRFRegulation()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDRFRegulations  GetRFRegulation()     throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes      CAENRFID_GetRFRegulation(     CAENRFIDHandle     handle,     CAENRFIDRFRegulations *RFRegulation);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 84  GetSource Method Description: This method gets a CAENRFIDLogicalSource object given its name.  Parameters: Name Description Source The name of the logical source.  Return value: The CAENRFIDLogicalSource object corresponding to the requested name.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSource  GetSource(     string     Source)   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSource  GetSource(     java.lang.String   Source)     throws CAENRFIDException  Remarks: This function does not exist in C language, see § Overview on SDK pag. 8 for more information.  GetSourceNames Method Description: This method gets the names of the logical sources available in the reader.  Return value: An array containing the logical source names available in the reader.  Syntax:   C# representation: public static string[]       GetSourceNames()   Java and Android representation: public static java.lang.String[]   GetSourceNames()   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes        CAENRFID_GetSourceNames(     CAENRFIDHandle  handle,     char      **SrcNames[],     int      *SrcNumber);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 85  GetSources Method Description: This method gets the CAENRFIDLogicalSource objects available on the reader.  Return value: An array of the logical source objects available in the Reader.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSource[]   GetSources()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSource[]   GetSources()  Remarks: This function does not exist in C language, see § Overview on SDK pag. 8 for more information.  InventoryAbort Method For the description of this method, see § Event Handling pag.96.  RFControl Method Description: Permits to control the RF CW (Carrier Wave) signal generation.  Parameters: Name Description OnOff The value to set. 1 generates the CW , 0: stops the CW generation.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   RFControl(   int       OnOff)   Java and Android representation: public void   RFControl(   int       OnOff)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_RFControl(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   int       OnOff);  Remarks This method is only used for testing applications.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 86 SetBitRate Method Description: This method sets the RF bit rate to use.  Parameters: Name Description BitRate The RF bit rate value to be set.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetBitRate(   CAENRFIDBitRate   BitRate)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetBitRate(   CAENRFIDBitRate   BitRate)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetBitRate(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFID_Bitrate   BitRate);  SetDateTime Method Description: This method sets the Date/Time of the reader.  Parameters: Name Description DateTime The  Date/Time  to  be  set  on  the  reader  as  a  string  in  the  format:  "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss".  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetDateTime(   string     DateTime)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetDateTime(   java.lang.String   DateTime)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetDateTime(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *DateTime);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 87  SetIO Method Description: This method sets the Output lines value.  Parameters: Name Description IOValue A  bitmask  representing  the  I/O  lines  value.  The  format  and  the  meaning  of  the  bits depend on the reader's model. Please refer to the corresponding user manual available on  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetIO(   int       IOValue)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetIO(   int       IOValue)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetIO(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   unsigned int    IOValue);  SetIODIRECTION Method Description: This method sets the current I/O direction setting as a bitmask. Each bit represents a I/O line, a value of 0 means that the line is configured as an input, 1 as an output. This setting has a meaning only for those readers with configurable I/O lines.  Parameters: Name Description IODirection The IODirection value to set.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetIODIRECTION(   int       IODirection)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetIODIRECTION(   int       IODirection)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetIODirection(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   unsigned int    IODirection);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 88  SetNetwork Method Description: This method permits to configure the network settings of the reader. In order to apply the changes the reader must be restarted.  Parameters: Name Description IPAddress The IP address to set on the reader network interface. NetMask The netmask to set on the reader network interface. Gateway The gateway to set on the reader network interface.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetNetwork(   string     IPAddress,   string     NetMask,   string     Gateway)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetNetwork(   java.lang.String   IPAddress,   java.lang.String   NetMask,   java.lang.String   Gateway)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetNetwork(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   char       *IPAddress,   char       *NetMask,   char       *Gateway);  SetPower Method Description: This method sets the conducted RF power of the Reader.  Parameters: Name Description power The conducted RF power value expressed in mW.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetPower(   int       power)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetPower(   int       power)     throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetPower(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   unsigned int    Power);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 89  SetProtocol Method Description: This method sets the air protocol of the reader.  Parameters: Name Description Protocol The CAENRFIDProtocol representing the air protocol to be set.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetProtocol(   CAENRFIDProtocol   Protocol)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetProtocol(   CAENRFIDProtocol   Protocol)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetProtocol(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   CAENRFIDProtocol   Protocol);  SetRFChannel Method Description: This  method  sets  the  RF  channel  to  use.  This  method  fixes  the  RF  channel  only  when  the  listen  before  talk  or  the frequency hopping feature is disabled.  Parameters: Name Description Channel The RF channel index to be set.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetRFChannel(   short      Channel)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetRFChannel(   short      Channel)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetRFChannel(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle,   unsigned short   Channel);  Remarks This method is only used for testing applications.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 90  SetRS232 Method Description: This method permits to change the serial port settings. Valid settings values depend on the reader model.  Parameters: Name Description baud The baud rate value to set. datab The number of data bits to set. stopb The number of stop bits to set. parity The parity value to set. flowc The flow control value to set.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   SetRS232(   int         baud,   int         datab,   int         stopb,   CAENRFIDRS232Constants   parity,   CAENRFIDRS232Constants   flowc)   Java and Android representation: public void   SetRS232(   int         baud,   int         datab,   int         stopb,   CAENRFIDRS232Constants   parity,   CAENRFIDRS232Constants   flowc)   throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_SetRS232(   CAENRFIDHandle     handle,   unsigned long     baud,   unsigned long     datab,   unsigned long     stopb,   CAENRFID_RS232_Parity   parity,   CAENRFID_RS232_FlowControl flowc);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 91  CAENRFIDReaderInfo Class The  CAENRFIDReaderInfo  class  is  used  to  create  reader  info  objects.  Reader  info  objects  represent  the  information about the reader device (model and serial number).  GetModel Method Description: This method gets the reader's model.  Return value: The reader's model.  Syntax:   C# representation: public string       GetModel()   Java and Android representation: public java.lang.String    GetModel()  Remarks: This  method  does  not  exist  in  C  language.  It  is  possible  to  use  the  GetReaderInfo  Method  pag.  81  instead.  In  fact GetReaderInfo Method (in the C language) returns the reader’s model and the serial number.  GetSerialNumber Method Description: This method gets the reader's serial number.  Return value: The reader's serial number.  Syntax:   C# representation: public string       GetSerialNumber()   Java and Android representation: public java.lang.String    GetSerialNumber()  Remarks: This  method  does  not  exist  in  C  language.  It  is  possible  to  use  the  GetReaderInfo  Method  pag.  81  instead.  In  fact GetReaderInfo Method (in the C language) returns the reader’s model and the serial number.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 92  CAENRFIDTag Class The CAENRFIDTag class is used to define objects representing the tags. These objects are used as return values for the inventory methods and as arguments for many tag access methods. In both Java and C# lanuguage this class is composed by methods while in C  language the following struct is present (for more information see § Overview on SDK pag.8):  C representation: typedef struct { byte     ID[MAX_ID_LENGTH]; short     Length; char    LogicalSource[MAX_LOGICAL_SOURCE_NAME];  char    ReadPoint[MAX_READPOINT_NAME];  CAENRFIDProtocol Type;  short    RSSI;  byte    TID[MAX_TID_SIZE];  short    TIDLen;         byte    XPC[XPC_LENGTH];  byte    PC[PC_LENGTH];   } CAENRFIDTag;  GetId Method Description: This method returns the tag's ID (the EPC code in Gen2 tags).  Return value: An array of bytes representing the tag's ID (the EPC code in EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tags).  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]     GetId()   Java and Android representation: public byte[]     GetId()  GetLength Method  Description: This method returns the tag's ID length.  Return value: The tag's length.  Syntax:   C# representation: public short     GetLength()   Java and Android representation: public short     GetLength()
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 93  GetPC Method Description: This method returns the Protocol Control(PC) word code of the tag.  Return value: The tag's Protocol Control code.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]    GetPC()   Java and Android representation: public byte[]    GetPC()  GetReadPoint Method Description: This method returns the read point that has detected the tag.  Return value: The name of the read point that has detected the Tag  Syntax:   C# representation: public string       GetReadPoint()   Java and Android representation: public java.lang.String    GetReadPoint()   throws CAENRFIDException   GetRSSI Method Description: This method returns the RSSI value measured for the tag.  Return value: The tag's RSSI.  Syntax:   C# representation: public short       GetRSSI()   Java and Android representation: public short       GetRSSI()
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 94  GetSource Method Description: This method returns the name of the logical source that has detected the tag.  Return value: The name of the logical source that has detected the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSource    GetSource()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDLogicalSource    GetSource()  GetTID Method Description: This method returns the tag's TID (valid only for EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tags).  Return value: An array of bytes representing the tag's TID.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]     GetTID()   Java and Android representation: public byte[]     GetTID()  GetTimeStamp Method Description: This method gets the Tag's TimeStamp.  Return value: The Tags's Unix TimeStamp.  Syntax:   C# representation: public DateTime       GetTimeStamp()   Java and Android representation: public java.util.Date     GetTimeStamp()
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 95  GetType Method Description: This method returns the air protocol of the tag.  Return value: The air protocol of the tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public new CAENRFIDProtocol     GetType()   Java and Android representation: public CAENRFIDProtocol      GetType()  GetXPC Method Description: This method returns the tag’s XPC words.  Return value: The tag’s XPC words.  Syntax:   C# representation: public byte[]    GetXPC()   Java and Android representation: public byte[]    GetXPC()
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 96 4 Event Handling      This chapter gives a description of CAENRFID event handling. It contains these topics:   Event Handling  C# Event Handling  Java and Android Event Handling  C Event Handling
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 97 Event Handling Standard  tag's  detection  method  (InventoryTag)  is  based  on  a  polling  mechanism:  a  call  to  the  InventoryTag method/function results in a single read cycle and the detected tags in that cycle are returned. An  useful  variant  ("continuous  mode")  uses  an  event  mechanism  to  notify  detected  tags:  a  call  to  the EventInventoryTag method/function starts a continuous tags' detection algorithm (multiple read cycles) and an event is generated for each read cycle to notify the detected tags (see the CAEN RFID API User Manual.for further information). The user of the library can define an event handler method/function that is called automatically when the event raises; the data related to the event is passed to the handler as a parameter. The  user  can  define  the  number  of  read  cycles  that  the  EventInventoryTag  have  to  perform  using  the  ReadCycle parameter of the relevant LogicalSource. If ReadCycle is equal to 0 the EventInventoryTag method loops indefinetely. The continuous mode is obtained by setting to 1 both framed (bit 1) and continuous (bit 2) flags. The "continuous mode" can be interrupted using the InventoryAbort method function.  In readers equipped with button (like the A828BT and the qID R1240I), if the event trigger flag (bit 5) is enabled and the continuous mode is enabled (bit 1 and bit 2), the event handler is recalled every time the button is pressed. The event handling is implemented using the standard event handling mechanism in .NET and Java/Android while in C it is simulated using the callback mechanism. No  other  methods  can  be  invoked  on  logical  source  and  reader,  during  the  continuous  mode,  nor  inside  the  event handler.  The  only  operation  allowed  is  an  inventory  abort,  that  must  be  used  to  stop  a  reader  which  is  working  in continuous mode.  For further information on the use of the EventInventoryTag, please refer to the CAEN RFID API User Manual.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 98 EventInventoryTag Method Description: A call to this method will start a sequence of read cycle on each read point linked to the logical source. The readings will be notified to the controller via event generation.  Parameters: Name Description Mask A byte array representing the bitmask to apply. MaskLength A value representing the bit-oriented length of the bitmask. Position A value representing the first bit where the match will start. Flag A bitmask representing the InventoryTag options. pCallBack The user defined handler called by EventInventoryTag (only in C language).  Return value: A  boolean  value  that  represents  the  status  of  the  command:  true  if  the  reader  has  accepted  the  command;  false otherwise.  Syntax:   C# representation: public bool   EventInventoryTag( byte[]        Mask, short         MaskLength, short         Position, short         Flag)   Java and Android representation: public boolean   EventInventoryTag( byte[]         Mask, short         MaskLength, short         Position, short         Flag) throws CAENRFIDException   C representation: typedef struct { char          *SourceName; char          *Mask; unsigned char      MaskLength; unsigned char      Position; CAENRFID_INVENTORY_CALLBACK  pCallBack; short         flag;} CAENRFID_EventInventoryParams; CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_EventInventoryTag (   CAENRFIDHandle     handle,   CAENRFID_EventInventoryParams   InvParams);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 99 Remarks: Depending on the air protocol setting it will execute the appropriate anticollision algorithm. This version of the method permits  to  specify  a  bitmask  for  filtering  tag's  populations  as  described  by  the  EPC  Class1  Gen2  (ISO18000-6C)  air protocol.  The  filtering  will  be  performend  on  the  memory  bank  specified  by  bank  parameter,  starting  at  the  bit indicated by the Position index and for a MaskLength length. The method will return only the tags that match the given Mask. Passing a zero value for MaskLength it performs as the non-filtering InventoryTag method. The Flags parameter permits to set InventoryTag method's options.  Flag value meaning Bit 0 RSSI: a 1 value indicates the reader will transmit the RSSI (Return Signal Strength Indicator) in the response. Bit 1 Framed data: a 1 value indicates that the tag's data will be transmitted by the reader to the PC as soon as the tag is detected, a 0 value means that all the tags detected are buffered in the reader and trasmitted all together at the end of the inventory cycle. Bit1 and bit 2 work in conjunction and must have the same value (00 or 11). Bit 2 Continuous acquisition: a 1 value indicates that the inventory cycle is repeated by the reader depending on the SetReadCycle setting value, a 0 value means that only one inventory cycle will be performed. If the continuous mode is selected a 0 value in the ReadCycle setting will instruct the reader to repeat the inventory cycle until an InventoryAbort method is invoked, a value X different from 0 means that the inventory cycle will be performed X times by the reader. Bit1 and bit 2 work in conjunction and must have the same value (00 or 11). Bit 3 Compact data: a 1 value indicates that only the EPC of the tag will be returned by the reader, a 0 value indicates that the complete data will be returned. In case that the compact option is enabled all the other data will be populated by this library with fakes values. Bit 4 TID reading: a 1 value indicates that also the TID of the tag will be returned by the reader together with the other information. Bit 5 Event trigger: when this flag is set together with the continuous mode (continuous acquisition flag + framed data flag), the inventory cycle is performed in the same way of the continuous mode with the only difference that the inventory command is performed only by pressing the button of the A828BT and qID R1240I reader. Bit 6 XPC: a 1 value allows the reader to get the XPC word if backscattered by a tag.Tags that do not backscatter the XPC words will return an XPC array with all the 4 bytes set to 0 Bit 7 Match tag: a 1 value enables the matching of readed tags with a tag present in the memory (A828BT reader only).  Bit 8 PC: a 1 value allows the reader to return the PC of a Gen2 tag in addition to the ID (A828BT reader only).   InventoryAbort Method Description: This method stops the EventInventoryTag execution.  Syntax:   C# representation: public void   InventoryAbort()   Java and Android representation: public void   InventoryAbort()   C representation: CAENRFIDErrorCodes  CAENRFID_InventoryAbort(   CAENRFIDHandle   handle);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 100 C# Event Handling CAENRFIDEventArgs Class The CAENRFIDEventArgs class defines the CAENRFID event arguments. getData Method  Description:  This method returns the event object value.  Return value: The value of the event object.  Syntax:   C# representation: public CAENRFIDNotify[]    getData()  CAENRFIDEventHandler Delegate CAENRFIDEventHandler delegate declaration.   Parameters: Name Description Event the Data Event.  Syntax:   C# representation: public delegate void   CAENRFIDEventHandler(       object     Sender,       CAENRFIDEventArgs   Event)  CAENRFIDEvent Event The CAEN RFID event is  generated by the library each time tag  data arrives from  the reader. The event is generated only when the EventInventoryTag method is used. It is an event of the Reader Class.  Syntax:   C# representation: public event CAENRFIDEventHandler     CAENRFIDEvent Event Data The  event  handler  receives  an  argument  of  type  CAENRFIDEventArgs  containing  data  related  to  this  event.  The following CAENRFIDEventArgs property provides information specific to this event. Property Description Data Represents the event object value.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 101 Java and Android Event Handling CAENRFIDEvent Class The CAENRFIDEvent class defines the CAENRFID event arguments. getData Method  Description:  This method returns the event object value.  Return value: The value of the event object.  Syntax:   Java and Android representation: public java.util.ArrayList   getData()  CAENRFIDEventListener Interface The listener interface for receiving CAEN RFID events.  CAENRFIDTagNotify Description:  This method is invoked when an action occurs.  Parameters: Name Description evt The CAENRFIDEvent contains the Data Event.  Syntax:   Java and Android representation: void     CAENRFIDTagNotify(       CAENRFIDEvent   evt) addCAENRFIDEventListener This is a Reader Class method. It adds the specified CAENRFIDEvent listener to receive CAENRFIDEvent events from this CAENRIFDReader. Parameters: Name Description listener listener - the CAENRFIDEvent listener.  Syntax:   Java and Android representation: public void   addCAENRFIDEventListener(   CAENRFIDEventListener   listener) removeCAENRFIDEventListener This is a Reader Class method. It Removes the specified CAENRFIDEvent listener so that it no longer receives CAENRFID events from this CAENRIFDReader. Parameters: Name Description listener listener - the CAENRFIDEvent listener.  Syntax:   Java and Android representation: public void   removeCAENRFIDEventListener(   CAENRFIDEventListener   listener)
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 102 C Event Handling  CAENRFID_INVENTORY_CALLBACK This function prototype defines the type of the user defined event handler (see the CAEN RFID API User Manual. for further information)   Syntax:   C representation: typedef CAENRFIDErrorCodes (__stdcall *CAENRFID_INVENTORY_CALLBACK) (const CAENRFIDNotify* Tags, const int Size);
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 103 5 Enumerations Description      This chapter gives a description of CAENRFID enumerations. It contains these topics:  CAENRFIDBitRate Enumeration  CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants Enumeration  CAENRFIDLogicalSource.InventoryFlag Enumeration  CAENRFIDPort Enumeration  CAENRFIDProtocol Enumeration  CAENRFIDReadPointStatus Enumeration  CAENRFIDRFRegulations Enumeration  CAENRFIDRS232Constants Enumeration  CAENRFIDSelUnselOptions Enumeration  CAENRFIDTag.MemBanks Enumeration
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 104 CAENRFIDBitRate Enumeration The CAENRFIDBitRate Enumeration gives a list of the supported radiofrequency profiles.  Syntax:   C# representation: public enum     CAENRFIDBitRate   Java and Android representation: public final class    CAENRFIDBitRate   C representation: typedef enum     CAENRFID_Bitrate;  In the following table, the CAENRFIDBitRate Enumeration members are listed:  Member Description DSB_ASK_FM0_TX10RX40 DSB-ASK transmission modulation, FM0 return link encoding, 10 Kbit in transmission, 40 Kbit in reception. DSB_ASK_FM0_TX40RX40 DSB-ASK transmission modulation, FM0 return link encoding, 40 Kbit in transmission, 40 Kbit in reception. DSB_ASK_FM0_TX40RX160 DSB-ASK transmission modulation, FM0 return link encoding, 40 Kbit in transmission, 160 Kbit in reception. DSB_ASK_FM0_TX160RX400 DSB-ASK  transmission  modulation,  FM0  return  link  encoding,  160  Kbit  in transmission, 400 Kbit in reception. DSB_ASK_M2_TX40RX160 DSB-ASK  transmission  modulation,  Miller  (M=2)  return  link  encoding,  40  Kbit  in transmission, 160 Kbit in reception. DSB_ASK_M4_TX40RX256 DSB-ASK  transmission  modulation,  Miller  (M=4)  return  link  encoding,  40  Kbit  in transmission, 256 Kbit in reception. PR_ASK_FM0_TX40RX640 PR-ASK transmission modulation, FM0 return link encoding, 40 Kbit in transmission, 640 Kbit in reception. PR_ASK_M2_TX40RX250 PR-ASK  transmission  modulation,  Miller  (M=2)  return  link  encoding,  40  Kbit  in transmission, 250 Kbit in reception. PR_ASK_M4_TX40RX250 PR-ASK  transmission  modulation,  Miller  (M=4)  return  link  encoding,  40  Kbit  in transmission, 250 Kbit in reception. PR_ASK_M4_TX40RX256 PR-ASK  transmission  modulation,  Miller  (M=4)  return  link  encoding,  40  Kbit  in transmission, 256 Kbit in reception. PR_ASK_M4_TX40RX300 PR-ASK  transmission  modulation,  Miller  (M=4)  return  link  encoding,  40  Kbit  in transmission, 300 Kbit in reception. PR_ASK_M4_TX40RX320 DSB-ASK  transmission  modulation,  Miller  (M=4)  return  link  encoding,  40  Kbit  in transmission, 320 Kbit in reception. PR_ASK_M4_TX80RX320 PR-ASK  transmission  modulation,  Miller  (M=4)  return  link  encoding,  80  Kbit  in transmission, 320 Kbit in reception.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 105 CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants Enumeration The  CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants  Enumeration  gives  a  list  of  constants used  for  the  configuration  of  the  logical sources. Detailed  explanation of  the  settings  can  be  found in  the  EPC  Class  1  Gen  2  and  ISO  18000-6B  specification documents.  Syntax:   C# representation: public enum     CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   Java and Android representation: public final class    CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants   C representation: typedef enum     CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants;  In the following table, the CAENRFIDLogicalSourceConstants Enumeration members are listed:  Member Description EPC_C1G2_SESSION_S0  Session  0  is  selected  for  the  anticollision  algorithm  execution  on  the  logical  source (valid only for the EPC Class1 Gen2 air protocol).  EPC_C1G2_SESSION_S1  Session  1  is  selected  for  the  anticollision  algorithm  execution  on  the  logical  source (valid only for the EPC Class1 Gen2 air protocol).  EPC_C1G2_SESSION_S2  Session  2  is  selected  for  the  anticollision  algorithm  execution  on  the  logical  source (valid only for the EPC Class1 Gen2 air protocol).  EPC_C1G2_SESSION_S3  Session  3  is  selected  for  the  anticollision  algorithm  execution  on  the  logical  source (valid only for the EPC Class1 Gen2 air protocol).  EPC_C1G2_TARGET_A  Target  A  is  selected  for  the  anticollision  algorithm  execution  on  the  logical  source (valid only for the EPC Class1 Gen2 air protocol).  EPC_C1G2_TARGET_B  Target  B  is  selected  for  the  anticollision  algorithm  execution  on  the  logical  source (valid only for the EPC Class1 Gen2 air protocol).  EPC_C1G2_SELECTED_YES  Only the tags with the SL flag set to true are considered in the anticollision algorithm execution on the logical source (valid only for the EPC Class1 Gen2 air protocol).  EPC_C1G2_SELECTED_NO  Only the tags with the SL flag set to false are considered in the anticollision algorithm execution on the logical source (valid only for the EPC Class1 Gen2 air protocol).  EPC_C1G2_ALL_SELECTED  All  the  tags  are  considered  in  the  anticollision  algorithm  execution  on  the  logical source (valid only for the EPC Class1 Gen2 air protocol).  ISO18006B_DESB_ON  The Data Exchange Status Bit feature is used for the anticollision algorithm execution on the logical source (valid only for the ISO18000-6B air protocol). ISO18006B_DESB_OFF  The  Data  Exchange  Status  Bit  feature  is  not  used  for  the  anticollision  algorithm execution on the logical source (valid only for the ISO18000-6B air protocol).
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 106 CAENRFIDLogicalSource.InventoryFlag Enumeration The  CAENRFIDLogicalSource.InventoryFlag  Enumeration  gives  a  list  of  constants  used  for  the  configuration  of  the inventory function that comes with Flag parameter.  Syntax:   C# representation: public enum     CAENRFIDLogicalSource.InventoryFlag   Java and Android representation: public final class    CAENRFIDLogicalSource.InventoryFlag   C representation: typedef enum     CAENRFIDLogicalSource.InventoryFlag;  In the following table, the CAENRFIDLogicalSource.InventoryFlag Enumeration members are listed:  Member Description RSSI When  enabled,  the  RSSI  value  representing  the  backscattered  RF  field  strenght  is returned by the reader for each tag read. Some reader cannot have this feature. FRAMED Tags found in an inventoy cycle are not bufferized in reader and sent all together, but sent  one  by  one  as  soon  as  a  tag  is  detected.  It  Is  used  in  conjunction  with  the continuous flag. CONTINUOUS Enables  the  continuos  mode  acquisition.  Logical  source  must  have  ReadCycle parameter set to 0.  COMPACT Instruct the reader to not return any other information than the ID. Other values are fake and filled by the library. TID_READING Instruct  the  reader  to  return  the  TID  memory.  On  some  reader  it  must  be  used  in conjunction with SetTIDLength to work more efficiently.  EVENT_TRIGGER Work  only  in  combination  with  continuous  mode.  In  reader  provided  with identification  button,  it  instructs  the  reader  to  do  an  inventory  cycle  only  when  the button is pressed. XPC It instructs the reader to return XPC. If no XPC is present on the tag, the XPC field of a tag is filled up with zero values.  PC Instruct the reader to return the PC of the EPC bank for each inventoried tag.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 107 CAENRFIDPort Enumeration The CAENRFIDPort Enumeration gives a list of the communication ports supported by the CAEN RFID readers.  Syntax:   C# representation: public enum     CAENRFIDPort   Java and Android representation: public final class    CAENRFIDPort   C representation: typedef enum     CAENRFIDPort;  Remarks: In order to align the three  libraries, the members  name  in  C  language  have  changed, now reporting the CAENRFID_ suffix, but the value of the members is the same of the previous library version.  In the following table, the CAENRFIDPort Enumeration members are listed:  Member Description CAENRFID_RS232  Serial port communication link. CAENRFID_TCP  TCP/IP network communication link.  CAENRFID_USB  USB communication link.   CAENRFIDProtocol Enumeration The CAENRFIDProtocol Enumeration gives a list of the air protocol supported by the CAEN RFID readers.  Syntax:   C# representation: public enum     CAENRFIDProtocol   Java and Android representation: public final class    CAENRFIDProtocol   C representation: typedef enum     CAENRFIDProtocol;  Remarks: In order to align the three libraries,  the members  name  in  C  language have changed, now  reporting the CAENRFID_ suffix, but the value of the members is the same of the previous library version.  In the following table, the CAENRFIDProtocol Enumeration members are listed:  Member Description CAENRFID_ISO18000_6b  ISO18000-6B air protocol. CAENRFID_EPC119  EPC 1.19 air protocol.  CAENRFID_EPC_C1G1 EPCGlobal Class1 Gen1 air protocol. CAENRFID_ISO18000_6a  ISO18000-6A air protocol.  CAENRFID_EPC_C1G2  EPCGlobal Class1 Gen2 (aka ISO18000-6C) air protocol.  CAENRFID_MULTIPROTOCOL  This  value  permits  to  use  all  the  supported  air  protocol  at  the  same  time. Suggested setting only for demo purposes.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 108 CAENRFIDReadPointStatus Enumeration The CAENRFIDReadPointStatus gives a list of the possible ReadPoint status values.  Syntax:   C# representation: public enum     CAENRFIDReadPointStatus   Java and Android representation: public final class    CAENRFIDReadPointStatus   C representation: typedef enum     CAENRFIDReadPointStatus;  Remarks: In order to align the three libraries, the members name in C language have changed, now reporting the STATUS_ suffix, but the value of the members is the same of the previous library version.  In the following table, the CAENRFIDReadPointStatus Enumeration members are listed:  Member Description STATUS_BAD  Bad antenna connection.  STATUS_GOOD  Good antenna connection.  STATUS_POOR  Poor antenna connection.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 109 CAENRFIDRFRegulations Enumeration The CAENRFIDRFRegulations gives a list of country radiofrequency regulations.  Syntax:   C# representation: public enum     CAENRFIDRFRegulations   Java and Android representation: public final class    CAENRFIDRFRegulations   C representation: typedef enum     CAENRFIDRFRegulations;  Remarks: In  order  to  align  the  three  libraries,  the  regulations,  previously  declared  as  #define,  are  now  members  of  an enumeration, but the value of the members is the same of the previous library version.  In the following table, the CAENRFIDRFRegulations Enumeration members are listed:  Member Description ETSI_302208 ETSI_302208 radiofrequency regulation. ETSI_300220 ETSI_300220 radiofrequency regulation. FCC_US FCC_US radiofrequency regulation. MALAYSIA MALAYSIA radiofrequency regulation. JAPAN JAPAN radiofrequency regulation. KOREA KOREA radiofrequency regulation. AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA radiofrequency regulation. CHINA CHINA radiofrequency regulation. TAIWAN TAIWAN radiofrequency regulation. SINGAPORE SINGAPORE radiofrequency regulation. BRAZIL BRAZIL radiofrequency regulation. JAPAN_STD_T106 11 JAPAN radiofrequency regulation (ARIB STD-T106 Premises radio station (1W) - LBT free) JAPAN_STD_T107 12 JAPAN radiofrequency regulation (ARIB STD-T107 Specified low power radio station (250mW) - with LBT)
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 110 CAENRFIDRS232Constants Enumeration The CAENRFIDRS232Constants gives a list of settings for the serial port configuration.  Syntax:   C# representation: public enum     CAENRFIDRS232Constants   Java and Android representation: public final class    CAENRFIDRS232Constants   C representation: typedef enum     CAENRFID_RS232_Parity; typedef enum     CAENRFID_RS232_FlowControl;  In the following table, the CAENRFIDRS232Constants Enumeration members are listed:  Member Description CAENRS232_Parity_None No parity bit is sent at all. CAENRS232_Parity_Odd Odd parity.  CAENRS232_Parity_Even Even parity. CAENRFID_RS232_FlowControl_XonXoff Software flow control. CAENRFID_RS232_FlowControl_Hardware Hardware flow control. CAENRFID_RS232_FlowControl_None No flow control.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 111  CAENRFIDSelUnselOptions Enumeration The CAENRFIDSelUnselOptions gives a list of operations supported by the Group Select/Unselect command (valid only for the ISO18000-6B air protocol).  Syntax:   C# representation: public enum     CAENRFIDSelUnselOptions   Java and Android representation: public final class    CAENRFIDSelUnselOptions   C representation: typedef enum     CAENRFID_SelUnsel_Op;  In the following table, the CAENRFIDSelUnselOptions Enumeration members are listed:  Member Description SEL_EQUAL select equal to. SEL_NOT_EQUAL select not equal to. SEL_GREATER_THAN select greater than. SEL_LOWER_THAN select lower than. UNS_EQUAL unselect equal to. UNS_NOT_EQUAL unselect not equal to. UNS_GREATER_THAN unselect greater than. UNS_LOWER_THAN unselect lower than.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 112 CAENRFIDTag.MemBanks Enumeration The CAENRFIDTag.MemBanks enumerates the bank name of a generic ISO18000-6C tag.  Syntax:   C# representation: public enum   MemBanks { RESERVED = 0, EPC = 1, TID = 2, USER = 3 }   Java and Android representation: public enum   MemBanks { RESERVED(0), EPC(1), TID(2), USER(3); private int code; private MemBanks(int c) { code = c; } public int getBankNum() { return code; } }   C representation: typedef enum   { RESERVED   = 0, EPC        = 1, TID        = 2, USER       = 3 } CAENRFIDMemBanks;  In the following table, the CAENRFIDTag.MemBanks Enumeration members are listed:  Member Description RESERVED Indicates the reserved bank EPC  Indicates the EPC bank TID  Indicates the TID bank USER  Indicates the USER bank
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 113 6 CAENRFID Obsolete Methods      This chapter gives a list of CAENRFID obsolete methods, functions, members and data types. It contains these topics:  C# Obsolete Methods  C# Obsolete Members  Java and Android Obsolete Methods  C Obsolete Functions  C Obsolete Data Types
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 114 Below it  is  available a  list  of obsolete  methods,  functions, members and  data types for  the three  different program languages. It is recommended not to use these methods since they will not be available in new reader's firmware release. Some of these obsolete methods have been replaced by new ones as specified in the table below.  C# Obsolete Methods Method Description Channel Class AddSource This method is now obsolete. AddTrigger This method is now obsolete. GetChannelStatus This method is now obsolete. GetChannelType This method is now obsolete. GetName This method is now obsolete. IsSourcePresent This method is now obsolete. IsTriggerPresent This method is now obsolete. RemoveSource This method is now obsolete. RemoveTrigger This method is now obsolete. LogicalSource Class AddTrigger This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_BurstErase This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_BurstWrite This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ChgBlockGroupPassword This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ChgBlockLock This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ChgWordLock This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ReadBlockLock This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_Refresh This method is now obsolete. GetLostThreshold This method is now obsolete. GetObservedThreshold  This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_BlockLock  This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_BlockReadLock  This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_GetSystemInformation This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_ReadLock  This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_SetAttenuate  This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_WriteMultipleWords This method is now obsolete. Inventory This method is now obsolete. KillTag This method is now obsolete. LockTag This method is now obsolete. NXP_Calibrate This method is now obsolete. ProgramID This method is now obsolete. RemoveTrigger This method is now obsolete. SetLostThreshold This method is now obsolete. SetObservedThreshold This method is now obsolete. Reader Class ConnectRS232 This method is now obsolete. CreateChannel This method is now obsolete. CreateTrigger This method is now obsolete. FWUpgradeTFTP This method is now obsolete. GetAllocatedChannels This method is now obsolete. GetAllocatedTriggers This method is now obsolete. GetChannelData This method is now obsolete. GetDESB This method is now obsolete. GetEventMode This method is now obsolete. RemoveChannel This method is now obsolete. RemoveTrigger This method is now obsolete. SetDESB This method is now obsolete. SetEventMode This method is now obsolete. SetReaderOPtions This method is now obsolete. Receiver Class KillServer This method is now obsolete. Trigger Class
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 115 GetIOLineValue This method is now obsolete. GetName This method is now obsolete. GetTimerValue This method is now obsolete. IsLinkedToChannel  This method is now obsolete. IsLinkedToSource This method is now obsolete. Tab. 6.1: C# Obsolete Methods  C# Obsolete Members Member Description BitRate Enumeration TX10RX40 This member is now obsolete. TX40RX40 This member is now obsolete. TX40RX160 This member is now obsolete. EventMode Enumeration READCYCLE_MODE This member is now obsolete. TIME_MODE This member is now obsolete. NOEVENT_MODE This member is now obsolete. TagEventType Enumeration TAG_GLIMPSED This member is now obsolete. TAG_LOST This member is now obsolete. TAG_OBSERVED This member is now obsolete. TAG_UNKNOWN This member is now obsolete. Tab. 6.2: C# Obsolete Members  Java and Android Obsolete Methods Method Description BitRate Class TX10RX40 This method is now obsolete. TX40RX40 This method is now obsolete. TX40RX160 This method is now obsolete. Channel Class AddSource This method is now obsolete. AddTrigger This method is now obsolete. GetChannelStatus This method is now obsolete. GetChannelType This method is now obsolete. GetName This method is now obsolete. IsSourcePresent This method is now obsolete. IsTriggerPresent This method is now obsolete. RemoveSource This method is now obsolete. RemoveTrigger This method is now obsolete. Event Class Data This method is now obsolete. Use getData instead. EventMode Class READCYCLE_MODE This method is now obsolete. TIME_MODE This method is now obsolete. NOEVENT_MODE This method is now obsolete. LogicalSource Class AddTrigger This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_BurstErase This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_BurstWrite This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ChgBlockGroupPassword This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ChgBlockLock This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ChgWordLock This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ReadBlockLock This method is now obsolete. Fujitsu_Refresh This method is now obsolete. GetLostThreshold This method is now obsolete. GetObservedThreshold This method is now obsolete.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 116 Method Description Hitachi_GetSystemInfo This method is now obsolete.  Hitachi_BlockLock  This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_BlockReadLock  This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_GetSystemInformation This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_ReadLock  This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_SetAttenuate  This method is now obsolete. Hitachi_WriteMultipleWords This method is now obsolete. Inventory This method is now obsolete. NXP_Calibrate This method is now obsolete. NXP_ChangeEAS (only non secure version) This method is now obsolete. NXP_EAS_Alarm (only secure version) This method is now obsolete. NXP_ResetReadProtect (only secure version) This method is now obsolete. RemoveTrigger This method is now obsolete. SetLostThreshold This method is now obsolete. SetObservedThreshold This method is now obsolete. Notify Class getAntenna This method is now obsolete. Use getReadPoint instead. Reader Class CreateChannel This method is now obsolete. CreateTrigger This method is now obsolete. FWUpgradeTFTP This method is now obsolete. GetAllocatedChannels This method is now obsolete. GetAllocatedTriggers This method is now obsolete. GetChannelData This method is now obsolete. GetEventMode This method is now obsolete. RemoveChannel This method is now obsolete. RemoveTrigger This method is now obsolete. SetEventMode This method is now obsolete. SetReaderOPtions This method is now obsolete. Receiver Class KillServer This method is now obsolete. TagEventType Class TAG_GLIMPSED This method is now obsolete. TAG_LOST This method is now obsolete. TAG_OBSERVED This method is now obsolete. TAG_UNKNOWN This method is now obsolete. Trigger Class GetIOLineValue This method is now obsolete. GetName This method is now obsolete. GetTimerValue This method is now obsolete. IsLinkedToChannel  This method is now obsolete. IsLinkedToSource This method is now obsolete. HitachiSysInfo GetBankLock This method is now obsolete. GetBlockReadLock This method is now obsolete. GetBlockReadWriteLock This method is now obsolete. GetBlockWriteLock This method is now obsolete. GetInfoFlag This method is now obsolete. getReserved This method is now obsolete. getSetAttenuateLevel This method is now obsolete. getTID This method is now obsolete. getUII This method is now obsolete. getUser This method is now obsolete. Tab. 6.3: Java and Android Obsolete Methods
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 117 C Obsolete Functions Function Description AddNotifyTrigger This function is now obsolete. AddReadTrigger This function is now obsolete. AddSourceToChannel This function is now obsolete. AllocateChannel This function is now obsolete. AllocateTrigger This function is now obsolete. CustomCmd_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use CustomCommand_EPC_C1G2 instead. DeallocateChannel This function is now obsolete. DeallocateTrigger This function is now obsolete. ExtendedInventoryTag This function is now obsolete. FirmwareUpgrade This function is now obsolete. FreeNotifyMemory This function is now obsolete. Fujitsu_BurstErase This function is now obsolete. Fujitsu_BurstWrite This function is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ChgBlockGroupPassword This function is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ChgBlockLock This function is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ChgWordLock This function is now obsolete. Fujitsu_ReadBlockLock This function is now obsolete. Fujitsu_Refresh This function is now obsolete. GetAllocatedChannels This function is now obsolete. GetAllocatedTriggers This function is now obsolete. GetChannelData This function is now obsolete. GetChannelInTrigger This function is now obsolete. GetChannelStatus This function is now obsolete. GetDE_SB This function is now obsolete. Use GetDESB_ISO180006B instead. GetEventMode This function is now obsolete. GetFWRelease This function is now obsolete. Use GetFirmwareRelease instead. GetModulation This function is now obsolete. GetNotification This function is now obsolete. GetQ_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use GetQValue_EPC_C1G2 instead. GetQ_EPC_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use GetQValue_EPC_C1G2 instead. GetReadPointInSource This function is now obsolete. Use isReadPointPresent instead. GetSourceConfiguration This function is now obsolete. GetSourceInChannel This function is now obsolete. GetSourceInTrigger This function is now obsolete. GetSWRelease This function is now obsolete. GetTriggerInChannel This function is now obsolete. Hitachi_BlockLock  This function is now obsolete. Hitachi_BlockReadLock  This function is now obsolete. Hitachi_GetSystemInformation This function is now obsolete. Hitachi_ReadLock  This function is now obsolete. Hitachi_SetAttenuate  This function is now obsolete. Hitachi_WriteMultipleWords This function is now obsolete. Inventory This function is now obsolete. KillTag This function is now obsolete. Use KillTag_EPC_C1G1 instead. KillTag_C1G2 This function is now obsolete. Use KillTag_EPC_C1G2 instead. Lock This function is now obsolete.  Use LockTag_ISO180006B instead. Lock_C1G2 This function is now obsolete. Use LockTag_EPC_C1G2 instead. NXP_Calibrate This function is now obsolete. NXP_ChangeEAS This function is now obsolete. NXP_SecureCalibrate This function is now obsolete. NXP_SecureEAS_Alarm This function is now obsolete. NXP_SecureResetReadProtect This function is now obsolete. ProgramID This function is now obsolete.
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 118 Function Description Use ProgramID_EPC_C1G1 instead. ProgramID_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use ProgramID_EPC_C1G2 instead. QueryAck_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use QueryAck_EPC_C1G2 instead. QueryTag_C1G2 This function is now obsolete. Use Query_EPC_C1G2 instead. Read This function is now obsolete. Use ReadTagData instead. Read_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use ReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 instead. RemoveNotifyTrigger This function is now obsolete. RemoveReadTrigger This function is now obsolete. RemoveSourceFromChannel This function is now obsolete. SecureCustomCmd_C1G2 This function is now obsolete. Use SecureCustomCommand_EPC_C1G2 instead. SecureLock_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use SecureLockTag_EPC_C1G2 instead. SecureProgramID_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use SecureProgramID_EPC_C1G2 instead. SecureRead_C1G2 This function is now obsolete. Use SecureReadTagData_EPC_C1G2 instead. SecureWrite_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use SecureWriteTagData_EPC_C1G2 instead. SetBitrate This function is now obsolete.  Use CAENRFID_SetBitRate instead. SetDE_SB This function is now obsolete.  Use SetDESB_ISO180006B instead. SetEventMode This function is now obsolete. SetModulation This function is now obsolete. SetQ_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use SetQValue_EPC_C1G2 instead. SetQ_EPC_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use SetQValue_EPC_C1G2 instead. SetSourceConfiguration This function is now obsolete. Write This function is now obsolete. Use WriteTagData instead. Write_C1G2 This function is now obsolete.  Use WriteTagData_EPC_C1G2 instead. Tab. 6.4: C Obsolete Functions
 CAEN RFID API – Reference Manual 119  C Obsolete Data Types Data Type Description CAENRFID_SOURCE_Parameter CONFIG_READCYCLE This data type is now obsolete.  Use Get/SetReadCycle Method instead. CONFIG_OBSERVEDTHRESHOLD This data type is now obsolete. CONFIG_LOSTTHRESHOLD This data type is now obsolete. CONFIG_G2_Q_VALUE This data type is now obsolete. Use Get/SetQ_EPC_C1G2 Method instead. CONFIG_G2_SESSION This data type is now obsolete.  Use Get/SetSession_EPC_C1G2 Method instead. CONFIG_G2_TARGET This data type is now obsolete.  Use Get/SetTarget_EPC_C1G2 Method instead. CONFIG_G2_SELECTED This data  type  is  now  obsolete.  Use Get/SetSelected_EPC_C1G2 Method instead. CONFIG_ISO18006B_DESB This data type is now obsolete.  Use Get/SetDESB_ISO180006B Method instead. CAENRFID_EventMode READCYCLE_MODE This data type is now obsolete. TIME_MODE This data type is now obsolete. NOEVENT_MODE This data type is now obsolete. CAENRFID_FWUpgradeType RFID_TFTP This data type is now obsolete. CAENRFID_ExtendedInventoryParams This data type is now obsolete. Tab. 6.5: C Obsolete Data Types

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