CalAmp Wireless Networks MCUB5R User Manual preliminary version


preliminary version

Integra-TRTechnical ManualVersion 0.02PRELIMINARYThe entire contents of this manual and the Software describedin this manual are copyright 1999 by Dataradio Inc.Copyright DATARADIO Inc.February 1999Part no.: 120 4010x-002
iTable of Contents1. PRODUCT OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................... 11.1 INTENDED AUDIENCE ....................................................................................................................................... 11.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................... 11.2.1 Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................ 11.2.2 Accessories and options.......................................................................................................................... 11.3 CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................................... 11.4 FACTORY TECHNICAL SUPPORT........................................................................................................................ 21.5 PRODUCT WARRANTY ...................................................................................................................................... 21.6 REPLACEMENT PARTS....................................................................................................................................... 21.6.1 Factory Repair........................................................................................................................................ 21.7 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................................... 21.8 DIAGNOSTICS.................................................................................................................................................... 21.8.1 Remote Commands.................................................................................................................................. 31.9 FIRMWARE UPGRADES...................................................................................................................................... 31.10 NETWORK APPLICATION............................................................................................................................... 31.10.1 RF Path and Communications Range................................................................................................. 31.10.2 Basic Connections .............................................................................................................................. 31.10.3  Common Characteristics ................................................................................................................... 31.10.4 Point to Point System.......................................................................................................................... 31.10.5 Point–Multipoint System..................................................................................................................... 41.10.6 Extending a Landline (Tail Circuit).................................................................................................... 42. FEATURES AND OPERATION...................................................................................................................... 52.1 OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................................................ 52.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE ....................................................................................................................................... 52.3 FRONT PANEL ................................................................................................................................................... 52.3.1 Antenna Connector ................................................................................................................................. 52.3.2 LED Indicators........................................................................................................................................ 52.3.3 Connection to DTE.................................................................................................................................. 52.3.4 Com Port................................................................................................................................................. 62.3.5 Setup Port................................................................................................................................................ 62.4 REAR PANEL..................................................................................................................................................... 72.4.1 Heat Sink................................................................................................................................................. 72.4.2 Power / Analog connector....................................................................................................................... 72.5 OPERATION....................................................................................................................................................... 72.5.1 Operating Modes..................................................................................................................................... 82.5.2 Data Forwarding Timer.......................................................................................................................... 82.5.3 Sending Break Signals ............................................................................................................................ 82.5.4 COM Port Baud Rates ............................................................................................................................ 82.5.5 Diagnostics.............................................................................................................................................. 82.5.6 Addressing............................................................................................................................................... 92.5.7 Station Type............................................................................................................................................. 92.6 ONLINE DIAGNOSTICS....................................................................................................................................... 92.6.1 Using an External Program for Online Diagnostics............................................................................... 92.6.2 Interpreting Diagnostic Results ............................................................................................................ 102.7 OFFLINE DIAGNOSTICS.................................................................................................................................... 122.8 LOW POWER OPERATION ................................................................................................................................132.8.1 Reduced Transmit Power...................................................................................................................... 132.8.2 Suspend Mode ....................................................................................................................................... 13
ii2.8.3 Sleep Mode............................................................................................................................................ 132.8.4 Remote Unit Wake-up by DTE .............................................................................................................. 132.9 TRANSMITTER TIMEOUT ................................................................................................................................. 132.10 OPTIMIZING YOUR SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................ 143. MAINTENANCE ADJUSTMENTS............................................................................................................... 153.1 OVERVIEW AND MAINTENANCE INTERVALS ................................................................................................... 153.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE ..................................................................................................................................... 153.3 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ................................................................................................................................... 153.4 TEST POINT..................................................................................................................................................... 153.5 BASIC ADJUSTMENTS...................................................................................................................................... 153.5.1 Preliminary Steps.................................................................................................................................. 153.5.2 After Adjustments are Done .................................................................................................................. 154. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................................. 174.1 OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................................................... 174.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE ..................................................................................................................................... 174.3 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................... 174.3.1 Microprocessor Circuit......................................................................................................................... 174.3.2 RS232.................................................................................................................................................... 174.3.3 MODEM................................................................................................................................................ 174.3.4 TRANSMIT & RECEIVE DATA ............................................................................................................ 174.3.5 Integra-R A/D and DIGIPOT................................................................................................................ 184.3.6 Wake-Up Circuit ................................................................................................................................... 184.3.7 Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................ 18TABLE 1 INTEGRA-T ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS.......................................................................................................... 1TABLE 2: COM PORT SIGNALS....................................................................................................................................... 6TABLE 3: SETUP PORT SIGNALS ..................................................................................................................................... 6TABLE 4: SWR / REV PWR .......................................................................................................................................... 12TABLE 5: TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS HALF AND FULL CHANNEL UNITS ............................................................................. 16FIGURE 1 - BASIC CONNECTIONS REQUIRED................................................................................................................... 3FIGURE 2 - POINT TO POINT SYSTEM.............................................................................................................................. 4FIGURE 3 - POINT–MULTIPOINT SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................... 4FIGURE 4 - TAIL CIRCUIT ............................................................................................................................................... 4FIGURE 5 - DCE CROSSOVER CABLE FOR RTS-CTS MODE........................................................................................... 4FIGURE 6 – INTEGRA-T FRONT PANEL............................................................................................................................ 5FIGURE 7 – COM AND SETUP PORT CONNECTORS PIN LOCATIONS ................................................................................ 6FIGURE 8 – 3-WIRE INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................................... 6FIGURE 9 – INTEGRA-T REAR PANEL.............................................................................................................................. 7FIGURE 10 - POWER / ANALOG CONNECTOR.................................................................................................................. 7FIGURE 11- POWER / ANALOG CABLE ............................................................................................................................ 7FIGURE 12 - LOGIC BOARD BLOCK DIAGRAM.............................................................................................................. 19
iiiWhat's New in this VersionDocument various correctionsHistory0.01: This version 0.01 of the first preliminary version of the Integra-TR technical manual will be re-placing the Integra-T manual versions. The Integra-TR is compliant to the FCC refarming (19.2Kb/s in25KHz channels and 9.6KHz in 12.5KHz channels).
ivDefinitionsThe following terms are used throughout this document.Bit dribble Extraneous bits delivered at the end of a data transmission. Equivalent to a“squelch tail” in voice systems. Integra-T does not have bit dribble.COM Port The Communications Port of Integra-T. This port is configured as DCE and isdesigned to connect directly to DTE.CTS Clear to Send. An RS-232 output signal from Integra-T indicating that it is readyto accept data.DCE Data Communications Equipment. This designation is applied to equipment suchas modems. DCE is designed to connect to DTE.DOX Data Operated Transmit. A mode of operation in which Integra-T begins atransmission as soon as data is presented to the RS-232 port.DTE Data Terminal Equipment. This designation is applied to equipment such as ter-minals, PCs, RTUs, PLCs, etc. DTE is designed to connect to DCE.Network speed This is the bit rate on the RF link between units. Could be different from COMport baud rate.PLC Programmable Logic Controller. An intelligent device that can make decisions,gather and report information, and control other devices.RDS Radio Diagnostic Software. This software allows local and remote diagnostics ofIntegra-T.RRSS Remote Radio Setup Software. (Future expansion software package)RSS Radio Service Software. This software allows configuration and testing of Inte-gra-T.RTS Request to Send. RS-232 input signal to Integra-T indicating that the DTE hasdata to send. RTS may optionally be used as a transmit switch for Integra-T.RTS mode A mode of operation in which Integra-T begins a transmission when RTS israised, and continues transmitting until RTS is dropped.RTU Remote Terminal Unit. A SCADA device used to gather information or controlother devices.SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. A general term referring to systemsthat gather data and/or perform control operations.SETUP Port The configuration / diagnostic port of Integra-T. This port is designed to be con-nected to a PC running the Integra RSS program.Transparent A transparent unit transmits all data without regard to special characters, etc.
120 4010x-002 1Integra TR Technical Manual1. PRODUCT OVERVIEWThis document provides the information re-quired for the installation, operation and main-tenance of the Dataradio Integra-TR radio-modem.1.1 Intended AudienceThis manual is intended for use by system de-signers, installers and maintenance technicians1.2 General Description Integra-TR is a high-speed transparent radio-modem, FCC refarmed compliant, designedspecifically to fit the needs of SCADA,telemetry and control applications. Integra-TRprovides the communication links among dataequipment for installations where wired com-munication is impractical. Integra-TR will work with most makes andmodels of RTU, PLC and with their protocols(usually polling). Configuration settings allowtailoring for a variety of applications. Integra-T supports:1. Point to point Master–Slave or Peer to Peerconfigurations in simplex or half-duplexmodes.2. Point to multipoint Master–Slave configur-ation in simplex or half-duplex modes. Settings and connections for these configura-tions are given later in this manual.1.2.1 Characteristics Integra-TR has the following characteristics:• Selectable network speeds of 4800, 9600 forhalf channel units and 4800, 9600 and19.200 b/s for full channel units.• Backward compatible with the Integra-T forbit rate of 4800 and 9600 b/s (full channelunits only)• One COM port for connection to DTE.Speeds 300 - 19200 bauds.• One Setup port, for configuration anddiagnostics.• Built-in 5-watt transceiver, operating in theVHF, UHF or 900 MHz communicationsbands. Half-duplex or simplex operation.• Fully transparent operation with error-freedata delivery.• Allows transmission of “break” characters.• DOX (Data Operated Transmit) or RTSmode.• Stations may be set as “master” or “remote”to prevent remote stations from hearing eachother.• Full local and remote diagnostics• Two 8-bit analog inputs (0 - 10V).• Low power consumption modes: “sleep”and “suspend” modes (nominal 7mA).• “12 VDC, negative ground”, device.1.2.2  Accessories and optionsTable 1 Integra-T Accessories and optionsAccessory DR Part #Local RSS & RDS software kit(diskette and setup/data cable) 085 03281-0xxTechnical manual 120 40101-xxxSMA Male – BNC Femaleadapter 685 00832 –000Cooling fan  –  factory option(for high duty-cycle transmitapplications)Catalog number /Fsuffix.  For continuous-transmit applications, the “TXTimeout” timer must be turned off (set to “dis-able”) via the Radio Service Software (RSS).1.3 Configuration Operating characteristics of Integra-TR are con-figured by means of Integra-TR’s Radio ServiceSoftware (RSS) available from your sales repre-sentative. Also available is Integra-T’s RadioDiagnostic Software (RDS) which permits bothlocal and remote diagnostics. Remote RadioService Software (RRSS) to allow remote pro-gramming is a future expansion. The RSS, RDSand RRSS (future option) programs are MSDOSbased and will run on any 486 or higher PC (2Megabytes memory required). Integra-TR requires the use of the RSS forboth configuration and adjustment.
120 4010x-002 2Integra TR Technical Manual 1.4  Factory Technical Support The Technical Support departments of Datara-dio and Johnson Data Telemetry (JDT) providecustomer assistance on technical problems andserve as an interface with factory repair facili-ties. Technical support hours are respectively:for Dataradio, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, EasternTime, Monday to Friday and for JDT, 7:30 AMto 4:30PM, Central Time, Monday to Friday.Technical support can be reached in the fol-lowing ways: For equipment purchased from Dataradio:                                             Dataradio Inc. 5500 Royalmount Ave, suite 200 Town of Mount Royal Quebec, Canada H4P 1H7 phone: +1 514 737-0020 fax: +1 514 737-7883Email address:  For equipment purchased from JDT:                                           Johnson Data Telemetry Corp. Customer Service Department 299 Johnson Avenue, P.O. Box 1733 Waseca, MN 56093-0833 phone:1-800-992-7774 and +1-507 835-6408 fax:  +1-507-835-6648Email address:  support@johnsondata.com1.5 Product Warranty Warranty information may be obtained by con-tacting your sales representative.1.6 Replacement Parts This product is normally not field-serviceable,except by the replacement of complete units.Specialized equipment and training is requiredto repair logic boards and radio modules. Contact Technical Support for service informa-tion before returning equipment. A TechnicalSupport representative may suggest a solutioneliminating the need to return equipment.1.6.1 Factory Repair When returning equipment for repair, you mustrequest an RMA (returned merchandise authori-zation) number. The Tech Support representa-tive will ask you several questions to clearlyidentify the problem. Please give the represen-tative the name of a contact person, who is fa-miliar with the problem, in case questions ariseduring servicing of the unit. Customers are responsible for shipping chargesfor returned units. Units in warranty will be re-paired free of charge unless there is evidence ofabuse or damage beyond the terms of the war-ranty. Units out of warranty will be subject toservice charges. Information about these chargesis available from Technical Support.1.7 Physical Description Integra-TR consists of a logic PCB (which in-cludes the modem circuitry) and a separate radiomodule. The two boards plug directly togetherand slide into the rails of an extruded aluminumcase. DTE connection is made via a front panelconnector. Power is applied through a connec-tor, which also includes analog inputs, on therear panel. The unit is not hermetically sealedand should be mounted in a suitable enclosurewhere dust and/or a corrosive atmosphere areanticipated. There are no external switches oradjustments; operating parameters are set usingthe RSS.1.8 Diagnostics Integra-TR has sophisticated built-in diagnosticsthat may be transmitted automatically withoutinterfering with normal network operation. Inaddition, commands to generate test transmis-sions, etc., may be issued either locally or re-motely. Diagnostic information takes one of two forms:
120 4010x-002 3Integra TR Technical Manual Online diagnostics. Information is auto-matically sent by each unit at the beginningof every data transmission. Offline diagnostics. Information is sent by aspecific unit in response to an inquiry madelocally or from another station. Diagnostics are processed using the Integra-TR’RDS.1.8.1 Remote Commands The upcoming Integra RRSS will allow config-uring most functions and adjustments remotelyvia the radio network. Sending remote commands and receiving re-sponses is done with the host application off-line.1.9 Firmware Upgrades Integra-TR’s firmware resides in flash EPROMand is designed to allow field upgrades. Upgrades are done using a PC connected to In-tegra-TR and do not require that the unit beopened.1.10 Network Application Integra-TR is suited to a variety of network ap-plications. Its primary design goal was to satisfythe needs of SCADA systems using RTUs orPLCs in either point to point or point–multipointservice. This section gives an overview of some commonconfigurations. Selection of “master” or “re-mote” as well as data delivery conditions isdone using the Integra RSS.1.10.1  RF Path and CommunicationsRange Integra-TR is designed for use over distances upto 30 miles (50 km) depending on terrain andantenna system. To assure reliable commun-ications, the RF (radio frequency) path betweenstations should be studied by a competent pro-fessional, who will then determine what anten-nas are required, and whether or not a repeater isneeded.1.10.2 Basic Connections The connections required (except power) areshown below in Figure 1. While an RTU or PLC is shown in the diagram,master stations often use a PC running an appli-cation designed to communicate with remoteRTUs or PLCs. The Setup PC is used for both configuration andlocal and remote diagnostics. It may be left con-nected at all times if desired, but is not requiredfor normal operation once the unit has been con-figured. Integra®AntennaIntegra Setup PCRTU or PLC Figure 1 - Basic connections required1.10.3  Common Characteristics The networks described below share a numberof common characteristics.1. The network speed (4800 or 9600 b/s) mustbe the same for all stations in a network.2. Unless otherwise noted, the default settingof station type is  “master” and data deliveryis “all”.3. Transmission of online diagnostics may beenabled or disabled at any station or stationswithout affecting their ability to commun-icate with other stations.1.10.4  Point to Point System A simple point to point connection is shownbelow:
120 4010x-002 4Integra TR Technical Manual DTE Integra DTEIntegra Figure 2 - Point to Point System In such a system, the user’s equipment (DTE)may be set up in either a peer-to-peer or a mas-ter slave configuration. The Integra-T’s may beleft in their default configuration, which is:1. Both units set as “master”.2. Both units set to deliver “all” data transmis-sions.Two other configurations that would workequally well are:1. One unit set to “master”, the other to “re-mote”, delivery set to either “all” or “selec-tive” data transmissions.2. Both units set to “remote”, data delivery setto “all”.1.10.5 Point–Multipoint SystemA basic point–multipoint system is shownbelow:remoteremoteremotemasterFigure 3 - Point–Multipoint SystemIf a half-duplex radio network is used (i.e. twofrequencies with the master station transmittingand receiving on the reverse pair from the re-motes) the Integra-TR’s may be left in their de-fault configuration (station type “master” anddata delivery “all”). The master station can beeither full duplex or half-duplex.If a simplex radio network is used (i.e. a singlefrequency for all stations) we recommend thatthe master Integra-TR be set to “master”, theremotes to “remote” and all units to “selective”data delivery. This will prevent remote stationsfrom hearing each other’s responses. Use thissetting also if a full duplex repeater is used.1.10.6  Extending a Landline (TailCircuit)Integra-TR may be used to extend a landlinecircuit (giving access to difficult locations, etc.).This type of connection is called a “tail circuit”and is shown in Figure 4 below. The tail circuitassembly may be used in any of the networktypes described in the preceding sections.linemodem linemodemdedicatedline Integra TDTEDCE crossovercableFigure 4 - Tail CircuitNote: The line modems should be full duplexunits. 123456789DE-9M7328514DE-9MDCDRXDTXDDTRGNDRTSCTSRTSTXDRXDCTSGNDDCDDTR Figure 5 - DCE Crossover Cable for RTS-CTS mode However, some point-to-point FDX landlinemodems or line drivers may require the use ofDOX mode and an alternate pinout for two ofthe above lines.  All other lines remain as shown in Figure 5above. 8 CTS   RTS  7 1 DCD   DTR  4
120 4010x-002 5Integra TR Technical Manual2. Features and Operation2.1 OverviewThis chapter describes the connections,indicators and operating characteristics ofIntegra-TR.2.2 Intended AudienceThis chapter is intended for system design andinstallation personnel.2.3 Front PanelIntegra®ANTSETUP COMRUN CS RX RDPWR SYN TX TDFigure 6 – Integra-T front panelThe various front panel elements are describedin the following sections.2.3.1 Antenna ConnectorAntenna connector is a type SMA-female, 50ohms.Testing must be done with a 50-ohm dummyload. Units operated with a “rubber duck” an-tenna connected directly to the antenna con-nector may exhibit unusual operating character-istics and high levels of reverse power.2.3.2 LED IndicatorsIntegra-TR has four two-color LED indicators.Functions are shown in the following table:RUN/PWR green normal operationflashgreen sleep mode (flashes dur-ing wakeup)flashred &greensetup mode, or loadingnew application or newbootloaderflashred firmware error *red CPU or PROM failure *CS/SYN off no RF carriergreen Receive carrier presentred (reserved)RX/TX off Idlegreen receiving network datayellow synthesizer unlockedred transmitter is onRD/TD off Idlegreen RX data outgoing fromRS-232 portred TX data incoming at RS-232 port* Contact technical support.2.3.3  Connection to DTEIntegra-TR is configured as DCE. Most DTEshould be connected using a 9–conductor pin topin “straight” cable.Some RTUs or PLCs may require a special ca-ble to route the signals correctly. See the docu-mentation for your data equipment for furtherinformation.
120 4010x-002 6Integra TR Technical Manual2.3.3.1 Connector PinoutFor reference, the DE-9 F pinout is shown be-low:123456789Figure 7 – COM and Setup Port connectors pin locations2.3.4 Com PortBaud rates from 300 – 9600 are supported. Un-less required by your operating protocol, weadvise restricting port speed to be equal to orless than the RF network speed.Table 2: COM port signalsPin Name Function1 DCD Output: Always asserted or assertedwhen RX data available (selectablevia RSS)2 RXD Output: Data from Integra-T to DTE3 TXD Input: Data from DTE to Integra-TR4 DTR Input: Ignored5 GND Signal and chassis ground6 DSR Output: always positive (asserted)7 RTS Input: Used as a “begin transmission”signal in RTS mode.Will “wake up” a unit in sleep mode.8 CTS Output: Used for handshaking in RTSmode and used for flow control inDOX mode.RTS mode: RTS/CTS delay is 4ms.DOX mode: CTS always asserted,except when data overflow is de-tected.9 RI Not internally connected, reserved2.3.4.1  3-Wire Connection (DOX)For DTE that lack RTS control, Integra-TR canoperate in DOX mode (Data Operated Transmit)with only Transmit Data, Receive Data andGround (“3-wire interface”). Integra-T also sup-ports CTS flow control for cases where the ter-minal rate exceeds the network rate.123456789RXDTXDGNDDE-9MFigure 8 – 3-wire interface2.3.5 Setup Port The Setup port uses a DE-9 female connectorconfigured as DCE. Signals are described in thefollowing table. Table 3: Setup Port signals Pin  Name  Function 1 DCD  Tied directly to DTR. 2 RXD  Data from Integra-T to setup PC 3 TXD  Data from setup PC to Integra-TR 4 DTR  Tied directly to DCD. 5 GND  Signal and chassis ground 6 DSR  Output; always positive (asserted) 7 RTS  Tied to CTS. Also monitored to “wakeup” unit from sleep mode. 8 CTS  Tied to RTS. 9 RI  not internally connected, reserved The Setup port uses a proprietary commun-ications protocol designed to work with the In-tegra RSS, the upcoming RRSS and the RDSprograms. It is also designed to provide numericdiagnostics information when connected to a PCterminal emulator. For the format, see section2.6.1.2.
120 4010x-002 7Integra TR Technical Manual2.4 Rear Panel  Figure 9 – Integra-T rear panel The various elements are described in the fol-lowing sections.2.4.1 Heat Sink The rear panel heat sink is essential for properoperation of the Integra-TR transmitter. The unitmust be mounted in a location that permits freeair circulation past the heat sink. Cooling will bebest if the fins are vertical.2.4.2  Power / Analog connector The 4 pin power / analog connector pinout isshown below: +13.3 VDC  (1) (2)  GNDAnalog in 1  (3) (4)  Analog in 2 /   RX-TP(red) (black)(white)(green) Figure 10 - Power / Analog Connector2.4.2.1 Power Integra-TR’s power requires a filtered powersource  of 13.3 VDC nominal (10 – 16 VDCmax.), negative ground with a 3.0 A rating. An internal 3A fuse (surface-mount and notfield-replaceable) and a crowbar diode protectthe main RF power components from reversepolarity. Application of more than 16 VDC willdamage the unit and is not covered by the war-ranty. WARNING: Do not exceed 16Vdc.Power / Analog cablePIN 4 PIN 3PIN 2 PIN 1SIGNAL2SIGNAL1GROUNDPOWERWHITEGREENBLACKREDPIN 2PIN 1PIN 3PIN 4Figure 11- Power / Analog cable2.4.2.2 Analog inputs Two analog inputs are provided. Inputs arescaled to 0–10 V and have a resolution of 8 bits(1 part in 256). Inputs are referenced to chassisground. The absolute maximum input voltage should beno greater than 20 Vdc. These inputs are re-verse-voltage protected. Integra-TR allows the analog values to be read,either locally or remotely, using the Offline Di-agnostics function of the Integra RDS. Analog in 2 (pin 4) can be switched (using theIntegra RSS) to perform as the demodulated sig-nal level test point (RX-TP) which is half of thevoltage read at the RSSI bar graph.If the analog inputs are not used, the green andwhite wires should be cut back and/or taped toprevent contact.2.5 Operation Integra-TR is designed for fully transparent op-eration. This means that all binary values aretransmitted as data, with minimum time delays,and without regard to their binary value.“Break” signals can also be transmitted.
120 4010x-002 8Integra TR Technical Manual Unlike most transparent radiomodems, Inte-gra-TR eliminates “bit dribble” and allows DOXoperation. A CRC-16 error check is used so thatfaulty data will not be delivered.2.5.1 Operating Modes Integra-TR has two operating modes, for itsCOM port: (selectable via the RSS program) DOX mode: The RS-232 port is monitored forincoming data. Upon receipt of the first databyte, the transmitter is turned on. The RTSsignal is ignored (note: RTS may still beused as a wakeup signal for a unit that isasleep). RTS mode: The RTS signal is monitored for alow–to–high transition. This transitioncauses Integra-T to turn on its transmitter.CTS is raised 4 ms later to accommodateDTE that requires a CTS transition before itcan send data. The transmission will con-tinue until RTS is dropped, or until the TxTimeout  (see section 2.9) expires. CTS is used as a handshaking/flow control sig-nal in both modes. If Integra-T’s buffers fill,CTS will be dropped as a signal to the DTE tostop sending data. This condition is most likelywhen the Data port speed exceeds the radionetwork speed. In such cases, reduce the DTEbaud rate so that Integra-T buffers will not fill.2.5.2  Data Forwarding Timer The data forwarding timer can modify the tim-ing between data blocks in a transmission toaccommodate some RTU’s special timing re-quirements. Set to “normal” (15 ms) unless ad-vised otherwise by technical support. Do not use“fast” (5 ms) timer below 2400 b/s.2.5.3  Sending Break Signals Integra-TR may be configured to send “break”signals, as required by some SCADA user pro-tocols. A break signal is generated by holdingTXD in the zero state for longer than one char-acter time. Indication of a break signal is carriedin a special data transmission to the remote sta-tion, which in turn generates its own outputbreak signal. At a port speed of 9600 b/s, the output breaksignal has a duration of 10 to 20 ms, regardlessof the duration of the input break signal. Thesetimes are scaled proportionally for other baudrates. Integra-TR may also be set to ignore“break” signals in order to prevent spurioustransmissions when terminal equipment is pow-ered on and off.2.5.4  COM Port Baud Rates The COM port operates at standard baud ratesfrom 300 – 19200 b/s. Baud rate is set using theIntegra RSS and is independent of the networkspeed setting. We recommend that the COM port baud ratebe set to a speed not greater than the networkspeed. Setting a COM port baud rate higher thanthe network rate may result in data buffers fill-ing, which in turn may cause Integra-TR to dropCTS. This could have detrimental effects onsome protocols, particularly those that ignoreCTS. The COM port will support 7 or 8 data bits, oneor two stop bits, and even, odd or no parity. Se-lection is made via Integra RSS. These parame-ters may be set differently on various Integra-Tunits without affecting their ability to communi-cate with each other.2.5.5 Diagnostics Online diagnostics may be included as part of anextended header at the beginning of each trans-mission. It may be enabled or disabled on a per-unit basis without affecting inter–commun-ication. Reception of online diagnostics is al-ways enabled. Enabling this option adds about 5 ms delay at9600 b/s (10 ms at 4800 b/s) to each trans-mission, but has no other effect on network op-eration. Online diagnostics for all audible stations is de-livered out at the Setup Port. An ASCII diag-nostic output is also available. Diagnostic in-formation is normally collected at the masterstation.
120 4010x-002 9Integra TR Technical Manual Offline diagnostics are sent upon receipt of acommand from the Integra RDS, normally whenthe host application is stopped or taken offline.Since diagnostics transmissions are not underthe control of the SCADA user protocol, tempo-rary network disruption will occur if both areattempted simultaneously.2.5.6 Addressing Each Integra-TR is associated with three identi-fication numbers (addresses): ESN: The Electronic Serial Number is uniquelyassigned to each Integra-TR at time of manu-facture and cannot be changed. It is identicalto the serial number printed on the label of theunit. Integra-T uses this number for ident-ification only; it does not form part of the on–air protocol. The ESN of a remote unit may beviewed with the RDS by doing a Remote GET. Short ID: The short ID (maximum value of 254)is used to identify Integra-TR for purposes ofdiagnostics (both online and offline), remoteconfiguration and commands. The defaultvalue of the short ID (set at factory) is calcu-lated from the ESN. This value may bechanged via the Integra RSS. It is importantthat all stations within a communicating grouphave unique short IDs. Station Type: This is a 1-bit value used to iden-tify the station as a master or remote. See2.5.7 below.2.5.7 Station Type On a simplex Integra-TR network, all remotestations can hear the master, and many remotestations can hear each other. Certain SCADAuser protocols are designed with the assumptionthat remote stations can not hear the responsesto polls made by other remote stations. To allow operation with such protocols in sim-plex networks, Integra-TR has a simple ad-dressing scheme. Stations may be designated asmaster or remote. This sets a flag in the headeridentifying the type of the originating station. On the receive side, Integra-TR stations can beset to accept all data, or accept data only if itoriginates from a station of the opposite type(selective). This choice is made by setting DataDelivery to selective or all using the RSS.2.6 Online Diagnostics Online diagnostics, if enabled, are included withevery data transmission.  Online diagnostics donot interfere with normal network operation.The following information is gathered and de-livered via the Setup port:• Unit’s “short ID”• Inside case temperature: degrees C• Supply voltage (B+): tenths of a volt• Local received signal strength: dBm• Remote received signal strength: dBm• Forward power: tenths of a watt• Reverse power: good / poor• Receive quality: based on last 15 datablocks received.2.6.1  Using an External Programfor Online DiagnosticsThe Setup port communicates with the RDSusing a proprietary protocol that is not docu-mented in this manual. However, if a terminal,or a PC running terminal software, is connectedto the Setup port, online diagnostic informationwill be delivered in plain ASCII form.For the purposes of the following discussion wewill refer to the proprietary data format asRSS/RDS mode. InitializationWhen Integra-TR is powered on, it will attemptto establish a link with the RSS/RDS and selectits output mode as follows:1. If RTS is not exerted on the setup port, Inte-gra-T will immediately switch to ASCIImode.2. If RTS is exerted on the setup port, Integra-T will send an initialization message inRSS/RDS mode and wait for the proper re-sponse form the RSS or RDS.
120 4010x-002 10 Integra TR Technical Manual3. If there is no response, Integra-T will switchto ASCII mode.The cleanest interface for a user program existsif the program initializes the PC serial port withRTS false. This will disable the RSS/RDS modeand only ASCII data will be output from theport.  Online Diagnostic StringFormatIn ASCII output mode, the setup port will outputa one line diagnostic string each time the unitreceives a transmission from another unit. Noother data will be output. The string consists ofa number of comma-delimited fields terminatedby a carriage return. Each field is a constantlength (with leading zeros if required), regard-less of the value contained in the field, but thefields are not all the same length.The field definitions are shown in the table be-low.Name Length DescriptionShort ID 4 1 – 254Temperature 3 Signed value in °CB+ 4 Tenths of a volt from 6.0to 18.8VRemote RSSI 4 Signal strength receivedby remote stationLocal RSSI 4 Signal strength for thisremote as received bylocal stationFWD power 4 Tenths of a watt.Rev power 1 0 = good1 = poorRX quality 3 Number of good datablocks received in thelast 15.3 Number of total datablocks detected, maxi-mum 15.Note: A data block is about 26 bytes long.A typical diagnostic string, with its interpreta-tion, is shown below:0003,+28,13.1,-093,-088,4.7,1,015,015Remote station # 3 reports that:• its internal case temperature is +28°C,• supply voltage is 13.1 VDC,• it is receiving a signal of -93 dBm from themaster,• the master is receiving a signal of -88 dBmfrom station 003,• the forward power is 4.7 watts,• the reflected power is OK,• 15 of the last 15 data blocks were receivedcorrectly.2.6.2 Interpreting DiagnosticResults Interpretation of the diagnostic results is similarfor both online and offline diagnostics. Wheredifferences exist, they will be noted in the text.For simplicity, we continue to assume that diag-nostics are being collected at the master station. Short ID Online diagnostic data is identified by the ShortID of the unit. Users should make sure that allunits in a communicating group have uniqueShort IDs. Temperature Internal case temperature of sending unit. Thisis a 3-digit signed value in degrees C. This valueshould remain within the limits of -30ºC to+60ºC. B+ Voltage Current value of supply voltage. This is a 4 digitsigned value in volts, e.g. a value of 13.3 indi-cates 13.3 VDC. This value should remainwithin the limits of 10-16 VDC. Remote RSSIDisplays the strength of the last valid data signalreceived by a reporting remote unit.In a polling type network, the last signal usuallyoriginates from the polling master unit.For the master itself, the last signal received isthat of the remote that answered the previouspoll.
120 4010x-002 11 Integra TR Technical ManualThis is a 4-digit value, including the leading mi-nus sign, expressed in dBm with a typical accu-racy of +/- 2dB. For example, a value of -090indicates a signal strength of -90 dBm. Local RSSI Displays the strength of the last valid data signalreceived by the connected Integra-TR unit. Theformat described in the Remote RSSI sectionabove applies.  Interpreting RSSI Readings Typical values of RSSI will be in the range of-110 dBm to -60 dBm, with higher values (i.e.less negative values) indicating a stronger sig-nal. Reliability of data reception depends largely onsignal strength. Good design practice calls for aminimum 30 dB “fade margin”, based on athreshold reception level of -107 dBm (1 uV) atspeed of 9600 b/s. Experience indicates that thiswill give about 99.5% reliability. Some representative performance values for9600 b/s operation are given below. These val-ues assume that the units are correctly alignedand installed in a quiet location. Environmentswith high electrical or RF noise levels will re-quire an increase in the numbers shown toachieve a given level of reliability. -100 dBm. Approximately 50% reliability.Fading may cause frequent data loss. -90 dBm. Approximately 90% reliability. Fad-ing will cause occasional data loss. -80 dBm. Approximately 99% reliability. Rea-sonable tolerance to most fading. -70 dBm. Approximately 99.9% reliability withhigh tolerance to fading. If RSSI values drops seasonally, the most likelycause is tree foliage, which can interfere withradio transmissions during the spring and sum-mer. Forward Power Approximate measure of transmit power. This isa 4 digit value in  watts rounded to the nearesttenth. Note that this is an approximate valuethat should be used for trend monitoringonly. It does not compare in accuracy with val-ues obtained by a standard wattmeter.  Interpreting Power Readings The values returned are approximate and shouldnot be regarded as an absolute indicator of per-formance. For example, a unit that shows a for-ward power of 4.5 watts may actually measureat 5.0 watts on a lab quality wattmeter. For thisreason, these values should not be used to indi-cate that a unit is out of spec or to compare oneunit to another. However, the values returned are consistentover time for any given unit. If statistics are kepton a unit per unit basis, changes in forward orreflected power are significant. Therefore, the following conditions are worthyof investigation.1. Forward power output drops or rises bymore than 10% from its established value.Reflected power remains low.2. This indicates that the transmitter may needalignment or that a component may be inneed of replacement.3. Forward power output drops by more than10% from its established value. Reflectedpower shows an increase.This indicates a possible antenna or feedlineproblem that affects SWR (Standing WaveRatio). Reverse Power Approximate measure of reverse (reflected)power. The value is returned differently for on-line and offline diagnostics: Online: The value returned is 0 if reverse poweris within acceptable limits, 1 if reverse power istoo high. The threshold is set to approximately1/4 of the forward power value. Offline: Value is in watts to the nearest tenth.This value is intended as an indication of an-tenna problems and will normally be used fortrend monitoring. Ideally it should close to be
120 4010x-002 12 Integra TR Technical Manualzero, but values up to about 15% of ForwardPower may be encountered in properly operatingsystems.  Reverse Power and SWRA reverse power reading above zero is an indi-cation that the antenna, feedline or connectorsare damaged, corroded or improperly tuned.This creates standing waves that are reported asa Standing Wave Ratio (SWR).The table below, based on a forward power of 5watts (it may be scaled for lower power settings)gives guidelines to interpreting these figures:Table 4: SWR / Rev PwrSWR Rev Pwr Significance1:1 0 ideal situation1.5:1 0.2 normal operation2:1 0.6 should be investi-gated3:1 orgreater 1.25 orgreater defective antenna,feedline or connec-tors.In the case that the values returned by the built-in diagnostics seem to indicate a problem, werecommend verification by means of proper ra-dio shop equipment.  RX Quality IndicatorThis is the number of good received data trans-missions out of the last 15.The receive quality indicator value returned byany remote unit to the master station is an indi-cation of the reception quality on the outboundpath.If the master station is monitored, either from aremote station or by using a local GET STATS,users should note that the receive quality indi-cator thus returned is a composite value whichrepresents the average reception from the last 15remotes. Any significant drop in the receivequality indicator returned by the master stationis therefore likely to indicate a problem with themaster station receiver itself, rather than any oneremote station.2.7 Offline DiagnosticsOffline diagnostics are returned in response to aspecific request to a particular station. Requestsare issued using the Integra RDS, either locallyor remotely from another station. This maycause slight temporary network disruption.The diagnostic information available is similarto that available from online diagnostics withthe following additions:Demodulated signal voltage: peak-to-peakAnalog 1 input voltage: 0 – 10 V in tenthsAnalog 2 input voltage: 0 – 10 V in tenthsReverse power: tenths of a watt rather than agood / poor flag.Note: Analog 1 and 2 have 8 bits of resolution.
120 4010x-002 13 Integra TR Technical Manual2.8  Low Power Operation To accommodate users, who operate sites withlimited available power, Integra-TR offers thefollowing power saving features:1. Reduced transmit power2. Suspend mode3. Sleep mode2.8.1  Reduced Transmit Power Integra-TR’s transmitter is type-approved forpower levels less than 5 watts. Simply select thedesired power setting using the Integra RSS.Reducing transmitter output power from 5 wattsto 1 watt will reduce maximum current con-sumption by approximately 0.5A to 1.0 A de-pending on radio model.2.8.2 Suspend ModeNote: as long as the RTS is asserted (on anyport), the unit will be kept awake. In Suspend mode, remote stations remain in“low power consumption mode” (nominal 7mA), waking up periodically for about 100 msto check the presence of a carrier. If a carrier is present, the unit will remain awakefor a period of time set by the Activity timeout. At the end of that time, if a carrier is present orif data has been decoded, the Activity timeout isrestarted. If there is no carrier or no data was decoded, theunit goes into “low power consumption mode”for the duration of the Suspend period. The Suspend period can be set via the RSS toany value between 50 to 12000 ms in 50 mssteps. Setting a value of 0 disables the Suspendmode. The Activity timeout can be set via the RSS toany value between 1 and 255 seconds. The same Activity timeout and Suspend periodvalues must be set for both master and re-mote stations.  Master stations always remain awake. To makesure those suspended remotes have time to wakeup for outbound master data transmission, themaster unit will automatically extend its start-of-transmission synchronization time to slightlyexceed that of the remote stations’ Suspend pe-riod. This is done only for the first transmission. If the subsequent master transmissions beginwithin the Activity timeout setting, it will thenbegin with a normal start-of-transmission syn-chronization time. If the delay between master transmissions ismore than the Activity timeout, the next trans-mission will be extended.2.8.3 Sleep ModeIn this mode, the unit is always in low powerconsumption (nominal 7 mA). Only assertingRTS on the COM or the SETUP ports can wake-up the unit. When the unit is sleeping, it cannotdetect the presence of a carrier. This mode canbe selected from the RSS.The unit will be ready to receive a carrier anddecode data within 45 to 65 ms (depending onradio model and temperature) after wake-up.2.8.4  Remote Unit Wake-up by DTEA Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) connected at anIntegra-TR (configured as remote) can be awak-ened by raising either RTS inputs.DOX mode: either COM or SETUP ports RTScan be used for wake-up. Data from DTE cannotwake-up the unit.RTS mode: the SETUP port RTS can be usedfor wake-up without causing transmission.2.9 Transmitter Timeout Integra-TR is equipped with a 30-second trans-mitter timeout (Tx Timeout) designed to protectboth Integra-TR itself and the network in case atransmitter becomes “stuck” on the air. Should this happen with a remote station, themaster would be unable to hear some or all ofthe other remote stations (depending on relative
120 4010x-002 14 Integra TR Technical Manualsignal strength), seriously disrupting networkoperation. The Tx Timeout is fixed at 30 seconds, and maybe enabled or disabled using the Integra RSS.When active, the Tx Timeout disables thetransmitter. The timer can be reset by cyclingRTS off and back on again. In DOX mode thetimer will reset at the next break in the datastream that exceeds the value set for the DataForwarding Timer. In either case, a new trans-mission may begin immediately. If your application software may occasionallyoutput data for longer than 30 seconds, the TXTIMEOUT timer may be disabled. Warning:Transmissions longer than 30 seconds mayexceed the duty cycle rating of the transmit-ter and lead to shortened life or transmitterfailure. However, for high-duty-cycle transmit applica-tions, a fan is available as an option (contactyour sales representative). For continuous-transmit application, the TX Timeout timer mustbe turned off  (set to “disable”).2.10  Optimizing Your System Detailed system engineering is beyond the scopeof this manual. However, there are some simpletips that can be used to optimize performance ofa radio based SCADA or telemetry system. Choose the best protocol. Some SCADA de-vices allow a choice of more than one operatingprotocol. In some cases, performance can beimproved by selecting a different protocol. Yoursales representative can advise you for manycommon types of equipment, or a simple trialand error process can be used to select the onethat performs best. Check timer settings. Polling protocols issue apoll, then wait a certain time for a response. In-tegra-T adds a short amount of delay to eachpoll and response (typically in the order of 60 to70 ms). Timer settings that are too short maycause erroneous indication of missed polls, inwhich case the application may retry or continueto cycle, ignoring the missed station. In thiscase, the response may collide with the nextpoll, further increasing errors. Setting an ade-quate timer margin will avoid problems andmaximize performance. Avoid flow control. Set the Com port baud rateto a value less than or equal to the radio networkspeed (4800, 9600 or 19200 b/s). In a pollingsystem, this will prevent buffer overflow withpossible missed transmissions. If the port baudrate must  be set higher than the radio networkspeed, you may have to limit message length toprevent possible buffer overflow. Integra-T willalways exert a flow control signal (CTSdropped) if buffers are almost full, but not allDTE honor such signals. Use the highest suitable port baud rate, withoutexceeding the radio network speed. Operatingan RTU at 1200 b/s on a 9600 b/s network willincrease data transmission delays and reducesystem performance. Evaluate the need for online diagnostics. Ena-bling online diagnostics increases delays by 5 to10 ms (depending on speed). In critical appli-cations, this extra delay can be eliminated bydisabling online diagnostics. Offline diagnostics(diagnostics on request) remain available.
120 4010x-002 15 Integra TR Technical Manual3. Maintenance adjustments3.1  Overview and Mainte-nance intervalsThis chapter outlines the basic adjustment pro-cedures required upon initial installation andthereafter at annual maintenance intervals orwhenever deterioration in performance indicatesthat adjustment may be required. Units are de-livered from the factory properly aligned andtested on the frequencies specified at time oforder. Adjustment beyond that described in thischapter is not required unless radio moduleshave been tampered with or repaired. In suchcases, we recommend complete factory re-alignment, as special test jigs are required.3.2 Intended AudienceThis chapter is intended for use by installationand maintenance personnel.3.3 Equipment RequiredThe adjustments described below require thefollowing equipment:1. 13.3 VDC / 5A regulated power supply.2. Radio service monitor (IFR or equivalent).3. Cable with SMA connector to connect Inte-gra-T to the service monitor.4. Integra Radio Service Software (RSS) kit.5. A PC 486 or better to run the RSS.6. Normal radio shop tools including align-ment tools.3.4 Test PointFor trouble shooting aid, there is one test pointavailable at pin 4 of the power/analog connector(white wire). This demodulated signal meas-urement is half the voltage read at the RSSI bargraph.Note: the RX-TP mode must be selected usingthe Integra RSS.3.5 Basic AdjustmentsBasic adjustments to be performed are:1. Transmitter power output2. Transmitter frequency3. Transmitter deviation4. Demodulated signal level5. Carrier Sense3.5.1 Preliminary StepsImportant Note: Before proceeding makesure that the service monitor has been cali-brated recently and has warmed up for atleast the time specified by its manufacturer.Some reported frequency and deviation prob-lems have actually been erroneous indicationsfrom service monitors that have not adequatelywarmed up. This is particularly likely whenfield service is done during winter months.1. Connect the Integra-TR’s antenna connectorto the input of the service monitor using asuitable length of 50-ohm cable. That inputshould be able to support at least 5 watts.2. Connect Integra-TR to a suitable powersupply and adjust the supply voltage to 13.3volts (16 VDC maximum).3. Using a suitable 9-conductor straight RS-232 cable, connect the unit’s Setup port tothe RS-232 port of a PC and run the IntegraRSS program (INTRSS.exe) on the PC.4. Press GET to get the configuration from theunit.5. From the Radio Settings window, accessedby double-clicking the Radio Settings icon,set the frequency to be used for testing.Leave this window open and on top.6. Follow the steps in the Table  After Adjustments are DoneAdjustments made using the RSS are temporaryand must be made permanent as follows:1. After all adjustments are completed satis-factorily, press “PUT” to save the changespermanently to the unit.2. Press  Station Reset to activate all configu-ration changes.
120 4010x-002 16 Integra TR Technical ManualTable 5: Tests and adjustments half and full channel unitsSTEP ACTION EXPECTEDRESULTS MEASUREWITH IF NOT?1Output PowerPress TX Unmod5 W1 +10%,-20%Service monitorset to read power Adjust using the RSS Power Outsetting (255 is the maximum) or,Refer to factory tech support.2Frequency ErrorPress TX UnmodWithin ± 300 Hz Service monitorset to read fre-quencyAdjust using the RSS Freq Warpsetting.(Typical adjustment range is1.5KHz) If found outside limits,user is to call factory technicalsupport.3DeviationPress TX  toneFor any bit rate speeds selectedTol. +5%, -10%For  Full channel:±4.0 kHzFor Half channel:±2.5 kHzService monitorset to read de-viation with mid(15-30 kHz) IFfilter.Adjust using the RSS Deviationsetting if required.4 Set the service monitor to generate a -80 dBm signal on the selected receive frequency. The signal should bemodulated with a 1.0 kHz tone at ± 3 kHz deviation. Set service monitor IF filter to mid (15-30 kHz), no audio filter.5Demodulated AudioPress CHKFor any bit rate speeds selected:•  For Full channel unit,  set gen-erator deviation   to  ±4.0 kHz•  For Half channel unit, set gen-erator deviation  to  ±2.5 kHz.2.0 Vpp ± 0.2 Bar graph in Ra-dio Settings win-dow.Adjust using RXA adjust setting ifrequired.612 dB SINADSet service monitor IF filter to mid(15-30 kHz).•  For Full channel unit, set  de-viation  to  ±3 kHz.•  For Half channel unit, set de-viation to ±1.5 KHz≤ 0.5µV2Service monitorset for SINAD. Refer to factory tech supportNote: Connect to the test audiopin 4 of the power/analog con-nector (white lead)37DistortionSet service monitor IF filter to mid(15-30 kHz).< 3% Service monitorset forDISTORTION.Refer to factory tech support. Note: Connect to the test audiopin 4 of the power/analog con-nector (white lead)3                                           1  (unless you have set a lower value). Note that readings less than 5 watts may be due to losses in the cables used for testing. Checkalso your wattmeter frequency calibration curve. Do not be too ready to condemn the transmitter.2 if a psophometrically weighted filter is available on the service monitor, use 0.35 µV.3 in the RSS’ Analog connector window, Check the RX-TP box. (Accessed by double-clicking the Analog Connector icon).
120 4010x-002 17 Integra TR Technical Manual4. Circuit Description4.1 OverviewThis chapter describes the circuit operation ofthe logic board.4.2 Intended AudienceThis chapter is intended for use by engineeringand service personnel.4.3 Circuit DescriptionRefer to Figure 12 when reading the followingsections.4.3.1 Microprocessor CircuitFor the microprocessor section, two Z84015CMOS low power Intelligent Peripheral Con-trollers are used. Each IPC is an 8-bit micro-processor integrated with CTC, SIO, PIO ClockGenerator Controller and Watch Dog Timer.One of the Z84015s (U17) is used in the normalmode. The other Z84015 (U21) is used in theevaluation mode and as such only the CTC, SIOand PIO section are used.  The CPU section isdisabled.The first Z84015 Clock Generator uses a19.6608 MHz crystal which provides a CPUclock rate of 9.8304 MHz for both Z84015s. The9.8304 MHz clock is further divided by 2 tofeed all 8 CTC (4 in each Z84015). The 64K memory space of the Z84015 is di-vided into two blocks of 32k each. The lower32K is used for the firmware program and theupper 32K by the CMOS RAM (U18). ). Thememory IC used for the program is a CMOSFLASH (U22) with 1024 sectors of 128 byteseach.The dual Z84015 circuit provides up to 8 CTC,4 SIO (Serial I/O) and 32 PIO (Parallel In-put/Output) lines.The CPU also provides the  clock for the CPLDmodem.4.3.2 RS232The RS232 IC (U15) is used to interface theapplication DE-9 connector to the SIO_B sec-tion of U17, and the set-up DE-9 connector tothe SIO_A section of U21. When in sleep mode,two receivers remain enabled, this is needed forfast wakeup.4.3.3 MODEMThe modem section is used to interface the se-rial digital data to the transceiver.The CPLD modem IC (U16)  with a program-mable Raise–Cosine filter (U10), operates inDRCMSK mode at  4800, 9600 and 19200bits/sec.  It incorporates a 7-bit hardware scram-bler and uses Differential (NRZI) encoding inDRCMSK mode to minimize data pattern-sensitivity. Electronic potentiometer U5B (E-Pot), controlled by CPU U17,  is used to set thetransmitter deviation by amplitude adjustment ofthe baseband signal. Electronic potentiometerU5C is also provided to adjust the frequency ofthe RF carrier.4.3.4  TRANSMIT & RECEIVE DATATransmit Data from the RS-232 port is level-shifted to TTL by U15, then passed through theCPU for further processing and convertion fromasynchronous to synchronous format.   TheCPLD  modem, U16  takes the digital datastream from SIO-A of the CPU and synthesizesto the constant-amplitude analog baseband sig-nal, which is filtered by U10, buffered by U9Bthen applied to radio module TXA at P1-6.Received signals are applied to the RXA pin onP1-13  amplified by U3A, whose gain is set bythe electronic potentiometer U5D, and then fil-tered by U10.  The same filter circuit is used fortransmission and reception: two analog multi-plexer/demultiplexer gates (U8A and B) con-trolled by TX_EN line are used for sharing.  Thefilter U10 cut-off frequency is programmable bythe CPLD, based on the data rate.  The analogsignal is then buffered by U1D and fed to PeakDetectors U3C, U3D and U3B, and  to the slicercircuit U1C via U1B.  The raw data is thenpassed to the CPLD modem U16 for descram-bling and receive clock recovery. The resulting
120 4010x-002 18 Integra TR Technical Manualsynchronous bit stream is then fed to CPU, SIO-A  for further processing  and  convertion toasynchronous format before delivery to the  RS-232 driver and to the user port.4.3.5  Integra-R A/D and DIGIPOTAn 8 channel, 8-bit successive approximationA/D converter, type ADC0838 (U4), is inter-faced to CPU (U17) and Peripheral (U21).CH0 and CH1 are connected to the positive andnegative peak detector of the modem section.The software can thus read the positive or nega-tive value of an RX signal, or using the differ-ential mode, the actual peak-to-peak RX signalvalue.CH3 is used to measure the radio RSSI signalwhich was amplified by U7A.CH4 is connected to the radio diagnostic signal(P3-14). This pin is used to output an analogsignal corresponding to the power output andthe reflected signal.CH5 is connected to U6 (LM50), a temperaturesensor with a -40 to +125°C range.CH6 is used to read the SWB+ voltage afterproper scaling into the 0-5 V range.CH7 and CH8 are connected to EXT SIGNAL 1and 2. A 2:1 divider and protection circuit isinserted between both external signals and theA/D.The EXTERNAL SIGNAL 1 and 2 pins are alsoconnected to U21 at PB6 and PB7 through tran-sistors Q3 and Q4, and thus can be used forANALOG INPUT or DIGITAL OUTPUT(available on some Integra versions).EXT_SIGNAL2 is also connected to the rx testpoint RX-TP through U8A (74HC4066). Undersoftware control the RX-TP (scaled down by 2)is thus available on the power connector fortrouble-shooting purposes.A 4 channel digital potentiometer type (U5) isused to adjust the RX SIGNAL, TXMODULATION, CARRIER FREQUENCY andCARRIER DETECT THRESHOLD.An 8 channel, 8-bit successive approximationA/D converter, type AD0838 (U9), is interfacedto CPU (U18) and Peripheral (U20).U19 generates a power-on reset for the CPU andU6 is a temperature sensor used by the firmwareto compensate for variations in RSSI.The RSSI signal from the transceiver is ampli-fied and filtered by U7A, it is then compared toa threshold value set by a digital  potentiometer(U5A). The output of the comparator (U7B) isused to change the hold time of both peak de-tectors at the beginning  of the receive packet.4.3.6 Wake-Up CircuitThe wake-up circuit for Integra-R consists of a50 ms monostable circuit that is triggered by therising edge of a SLEEP signal from the CPU(U17). The falling edge of this 50 ms pulse (endof pulse) is connected to the \NMI of the CPUand thus will wake up the CPU from SLEEPmode after 50 ms.When exiting SLEEP mode on a \NMI, the CPUfirmware will increment a counter, then returnto SLEEP until it reaches a limit set by a soft-ware parameter. When the programmed count isreached the CPU will wake up the radio and theRS232 driver, program the synthesizer, andwatch for channel activity.While in sleep mode (during the 50 ms pulse) anactive RTS from either communication port willreset (terminate) the 50 ms pulse so that its fal-ling edge will restart the CPU immediately.The CPU will check to see if either RTS signalis valid each time it is restarted by the \NMI.The firmware will only start the sleep timer afterchecking that all "wakeup" inputs are inactive.4.3.7 Power SupplyThe 13.3 volt DC power input is protected by a3 amp fuse and reverse protected by a diode.A 5 volt, low voltage regulator (U12) is used topower all digital functions and another 5 volt,low voltage regulator is used  to control theanalog +5V_SW voltage in the sleep mode.
120 4010x-002 20 Integra TR Technical ManualSpecificationsGENERALVHF UHF 900 MHzFrequency 132 - 174 MHz 403 - 512 MHz 928 - 960 MHzChannels One channel.  Frequency may be set locally or remotely.Channel spacing 30 kHz 25 kHz 25 kHzOperating temperature -30°C to +60°CSupply voltage 10 - 16 VDC maximum (nominal 13.3 VDC) Fuse protected input (internal surface mount 3A fuse: not field replaceable), Input is also protected against reverse voltage.RX Current drain at 13.3 VDC < 170 mA (with a terminal connected to Integra-T COM port)TX Current drain at 13.3 VDC <1.8 A < 2.0 A < 2.5 ALow power mode current drain 7 mA  (nominal)Cold start14  sec (typical)Warm start RX245 to 60 msec (depending on radio model and temperature)Warm start  TX355 to 70 msec (depending on radio model and temperature)TX turnon time415 ms typicalRX/TX bandwidth,without tuning18 MHz (132 - 150)24 MHz (150 - 174)16 MHz except20 MHz (450 - 470)32 MHzNominal Dimensions 4.5” W x 2.2” H x 4.75” D  (11.4 x 5.6 x 12.1 cm)RECEIVERVHF UHF 900 MHzSensitivity 0.35 µV for 12 dB SINAD *Selectivity (25 or 30 kHz) 75 dB typical70 dB minimum72 dB typical65 dB minimumSelectivity (12.5 or 15 kHz) 65 dB typical60 dB minimum63 dB typical60 dB minimumIntermodulation 75 dB typical70 dB minimum72 dB typical70 dB minimumSpurious rejection 75 dB typical70 dB minimum75 dB typical70 dB minimumFM hum & noise -48 dB typical-45 dB max (30 kHz)-48 dB typical-45 dB max (25 kHz)-43 dB typical-40 dB max (25 kHz)Conducted spurious < -57 dBm* psophometrically weightedTRANSMITTERVHF UHF 900 MHzRF power output 1 to 5 watts, software adjustableSpurious and harmonics -63 dBc (-26 dBm) typ-57 dBc (-20 dBm) max-75 dBc (--38 dBm) typ-63 dBc (-26 dBm) max-75 dBc (-38 dBm) typ-57 dBc (-20 dBm) maxFrequency stability 2.5 PPM 1.5 PPM 1.5 PPMFM hum and noise -50 dB typical (30 kHz)-45 dB max (30 kHz)-50 dB typical (25 kHz)-45 dB max (25 kHz)-50 dB typical (25 kHz)-40 dB (max (25 kHz)Attack time < 7 msTX Duty cycle 50%, max TX time 30 seconds100%, unlimited TX time with the cooling fan option                                           1 Cold start: This is the time from when DC power is applied, until the unit is fully ready to receive or transmit data.2 Warm start RX: In low power modes (sleep or suspend), this is the Integra-T wake-up time for full receiver recovery.3 Warm start TX: In low power modes (sleep or suspend), this is the Integra-T wake-up time for full transceiver operation.4 TX turnon time: This is the typical RX to TX switching time for stable transmission.
120 4010x-002 21 Integra TR Technical ManualMODEM / LOGICOperation Simplex/half duplexData bit rates Full Channel: 4800 b/s, 9600 b/s and 19200 b/sHalf Channel: 4800 b/s, 9600 b/sModulation type DRCMSK (Differential Raise-Cosine Minimum Shift Keying)RTS/CTS delay (RTS mode) 4 msAddressing 8 bit station address, 1 bit station type (master, remote)Bit error rate (BER) better than 1 x 10 -6 at 1.0 µV (based on  “block error rate”) @ 9600 b/s (Full Ch.)COM PORTInterface EIA RS-232CData rate 300 - 19200 b/sProtocol Transparent, 7 or 8 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits, even, odd or no parityTransmit control RTS or DOX (data operated transmit)SETUP/DIAG PORTData format Proprietary binary for setup, ASCII for diagsData rate 9600 b/sANALOG INPUTSInterface Two inputs,  0 - 10 VDC, 8 bits. May be read only via Offline diagnostics.Absolute maximum input voltage < 20 Vdc. Inputs are reverse-voltage protected.DISPLAY4 two color status LEDs RUN/PWR, CS/SYN, RX/TX, RD/TDCONNECTORSRF SMA femaleCOM DE-9FSETUP/DIAG DE-9FPower / Analog Snap & lock 4-pin DC power jackDIAGNOSTICSOnline Short ID, temperature, B+ voltage, local RSSI, remote RSSI, fwd and rev power, RX qualityOffline As for Online plus: demodulated signal voltage, analog input levelsFCC / IC CERTIFICATIONSFCC (Pending) IC (DOC)VHF EOTMCUA5R Pending(19K4F1D) (16K0F1D)UHF EOTMCUB5R Pending(19K4F1D) (16K0F1D)900 MHz EOTMCUC5R Pending(16K6F1D) (16K6F1D)(9K80F1D) (16K0F1D(9K80F1D).
120 4010x-002 22 Integra TR Technical ManualINDEXAaddressing ................................................................. 9adjustmentsequipment required ............................................. 15analog inputs ............................................................. 7Bbreak signals.............................................................. 8Ccharacteristics............................................................ 1circuit description.................................................... 17COM portbaud rates.............................................................. 8commands, remote .................................................... 3configuration............................................................. 1connections ............................................................... 3Ddiagnostics............................................................. 3, 8interpretation....................................................... 10offline ................................................................. 12online.................................................................... 9online string format............................................. 10using an external program..................................... 9DOX mode................................................................ 8DTE connections....................................................... 5EESN........................................................................... 9Ffirmware upgrades..................................................... 3LLEDs......................................................................... 5Mmaster........................................................................ 9Ooptimizing performance .......................................... 14Ppoint to point............................................................. 4point–multipoint........................................................ 4power connector........................................................ 7power saving ........................................................... 13Rrange (distance)......................................................... 3remote ....................................................................... 9RS-232 port............................................................... 6RTS mode ................................................................. 8Ssetup port................................................................... 6short address.............................................................. 9signal quality........................................................... 12sleep mode .............................................................. 13station type................................................................ 9Ttail circuit .................................................................. 4

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