CARRIER Package Units(both Units Combined) Manual L0604601

User Manual: CARRIER CARRIER Package Units(both units combined) Manual CARRIER Package Units(both units combined) Owner's Manual, CARRIER Package Units(both units combined) installation guides

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50ZH030-0603-Phase Packaged Heat PumpVisit "vv'vv'vv.12_lrri_r. L"oininstallation, Start-Up and Service instructionsHEATING & COOLINGNOTE: Read the entire instruction manual belk_re starting theinstallation.TABLE OF CONTENTSSAFETY CONS1 f)ERATIONS ..................................................... ]INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 2RECEIVING AND INSTALLATION .......................................... 2Check Equipn_ent ...................................................................... 2IDENTIFY UNIT ................................................................ 2INSPECT SHIPMENT ........................................................ 2Provide Unit Support ................................................................ 2SLAB MOUNT ................................................................... 2GROUND MOUNT ............................................................ 2Provide Clearances .................................................................... 2Place Unit .................................................................................. 2Select and Install Ductwork ..................................................... 2INSTALL FLANGES FOR DUCTWORK CONNEC-TIONS (50ZH060 ONLY) .................................................. 2CONVERTING HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE UNITS TODOWNFLOW (VERTICAL) DISCHARGE ...................... 6Provide liar Condensate Disposal ............................................. 6Install Electrical Connections ................................................... 7HIGH-VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS .................................. 7ROUTING POWER LEADS INTO UNIT ........................ 7CONNECTING GROUND LEAD TO UNIT GROUND.7ROUTING CONTROL POWER WIRES .......................... 7ACCESSORY ELECTRIC HEAT WIRING ..................... 7SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR 208-V OPERATION .....7PRE-START-UP ............................................................................ 9START-UP ..................................................................................... 9Check lor Refi"igerant Leaks .................................................... 9LOCATE AND REPAIR REFRIGERANT LEAKS ANDCHARGE THE UNIT AS FOLLOWS: ............................. 9Start-Up Cooling Section and Make Adjustnlents ................ 10CHECKING COOLING CONTROL OPERATION ....... 10COMPRESSOR ROTATION ........................................... 10Refrigerant Charge .................................................................. 10NO CHARGE .................................................................... 10LOW CHARGE COOLING ............................................. 10TO USE THE COOLING CHARGING CHART ............ 11HEATING MODE CHARGE ........................................... 11Indoor Airflow and Airflow Adjustn-ients .............................. IXFOR 208/230-V ................................................................. 11FOR 460-V MOTORS ...................................................... 11Unit Controls ........................................................................... l lHIGH-PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE ............................... IXLOSS OF CHARGE SWITCH ......................................... 11COMPRESSOR OVERLOAD .......................................... 11Sequence of Operation ............................................................ 14FAN OPERATION ............................................................ 14COOLING .......................................................................... 14HEAT PUMP HEATING .................................................. 14DEFROST .......................................................................... 14ELECTRIC RESISTANCE HEATING ............................ 14C00155Fig. 1--Unit 50ZHMAINTENANCE ......................................................................... 14Air Filter .................................................................................. 16Unit Top Removal (Outdoor-Coil Side) ................................ 16Indoor Blower and Motor ....................................................... 16Outdoor Coil, Indoor Coil and Condensate Drain Pan ........ 17Outdoor Fan ............................................................................ 19Electrical Controls and Wiring ............................................... 19ReliTigerant Circuit .................................................................. 19Indoor Airflow ........................................................................ 19Metering Devices .................................................................... 19Lubrication .............................................................................. 19Liquid Line Strainer ................................................................ 19High Flow Valves ................................................................... 19TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................... 22START-UP CHECKLIST ............................................................ 23NOTE TO 1NSTALLER--Beli_re installation, READ THESEINSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND COMPLETELY. Also,make sure the User's Manual and Replacement Guide are leli withthe unit alier installation.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSInstallation and servicing of air-conditioning equipment can behazardous due to system pressure and electrical components. Onlytrained and qualified workers should install, repair, or serviceair-conditioning equipment.Untrained workers can perlimn basic maintenance hlnctions ofcleaning coils and l]lters. All other operations should be perlormedby trained service people. When working on air-conditioningequipment, pay attention to precautions in the literature, tags, andlabels attached to the unit, and other sali_ty precautions that mayapply.Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.PC 101 Printed in U.S.A. Catalog No. 50ZH-6SI Pg 1 2-06 Replaces: New
Follow all salcty codes. Wear salety glasses and work gloves. Usequenching cloth lk_r unbrazing operations. Have fire extinguisheravailable lbr all brazing operations.Belore perlkmning service or maintenance operations onsystem, turn off main power to unit and install lockout tag.Turn off accessory heater power switch if applicable. Elec-trical shock can cause serious injury or death.Recognize salety inlormation. This is tile salcty-alert symbol ,/_ .Whelk yon see this symbol in instructions or manuals, be alert tothe potential lot personal injury.Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION,and NOTE. These words are used with the salDty-alert symbol.DANGER identifies the most serious hazards wlaich will result insevere personal injury or death. WARNING signifies a hazardwhich could result ilkpersonal injury or death. CAUTION is usedto identify unsaid practices which would result in minor personalinjury or product and property damage. NOTE is used to highlightsuggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability,or operation.These instructions cover mininmm requirements and conl()rnl toexisting national standards and salbty codes. In some instances,these instructions exceed certain local codes and ordinances,especially those that may not have kept up with changing residen-tial construction practices. We require these instructions as aminimum lbr a said installation.INTRODUCTION50ZH heat pump units are fully sell'contained and designed lbroutdoor installation (See Fig. 1). As shown in Fig. 2-4, units areshipped in a horizontal-discharge configuration lot installation ona ground-level slab. All units can be field-converted to downflowdischarge configurations lot rooftop applications with a field-supplied plenum.RECEIVING AND INSTALLATIONStep 1--Check EquipmentIDENTIFY UNITThe unit model number and serial number arc stamped on the unitidentification plate. Check this inlornmtion against shipping pa-pers. Verify that unit voltage and amperage listed on unit ratingplate agree with power supplied Ibr equipment.INSPECT SHIPMENTInspect Ibr shipping damage while unit is still on shipping pallet.If unit appears to be damaged or is torn loose from its securingpoints, have it exandned by transportation inspectors belkweremoval. Forward claim papers directly to transportation company.Manufacturer is not responsible lk)rany damage incurred ilktransit.Check all items against shipping list. Immediately notify thenearest Carrier Air Conditioning office il' any item is missing.To prevent loss or damage, leave all parts ilk original packagesuntil installation.Step 2--Provide Unit SupportSLAB MOUNTPlace the unit on a rigid, level surl'ace_ suitable to support the unitweight. A concrete pad or a suitable fiberglass mounting pad isrecommended. The fiat surface should extend approximately 2-in.beyond the unit casing on the 2 sides. The duct connection side andcondensate drain connection sides should be flush with the edge ofthe flat surface.A 6-in. wide gravel apron should be used around the flat sl.n'face toprevent airlIow blockage by grass or shrubs. Do not secure the unitto the flat snrlace except where required by local codes.The unit should be level to within 1/4 inch. This is necessary lotthe unit drain to lunction properly.GROUND MOUNTThe unit may also be installed directly on the ground if local codespermit. Place unit on level ground prepared with gravel lorcondensate discharge.Step 3--Provide ClearancesThe required minimum service clearances and clearances tocombustibles are shown in Fig. 2-4. Adequate ventilation andoutdoor coil air must be provided.The outdoor fan pulls air through the outdoor coil and dischargesit through the fan on the top cover. Be sure that the fan dischargedoes not recirculate to the outdoor coil. Do not locate the unit ineither a corner or under an overhead obstruction. The minimumclearance under a partial overhang (such as a normal houseoverhang) is 48 in. above the unit top. The maxinmm horizontalextension of a partial overhang nmst not exceed 48 inches.Do not place the unit where water, ice, or snow fi'om an overhangor roof will damage or flood the unit. The unit may be installed onwood flooring or on Class A, B, or C roof covering materials.Do not restrict outdoor coil airflow. An air restriction at eitherthe outdoor-air inlet or the fan discharge can be harmful tocompressor lilt.Step 4--Place UnitUnit can be moved with the rigging holds provided in the unit base.Relcr to Table 1 Ik_roperating weights. extreme caution topre_ent damage when movillg the unit. Unit must remain in anupright position durit_g all moving operatiot_s. The unit must belevel with in 1/4" 12_rproper condensate drainage; the ground-levelpad nmst be level belbre setting the unit in place. When afield-fabricated support is used, be sure that the support is leveland that it properly supports the unit.Step 5--Select and Install DuetworkThe design and installation of the duct system must be inaccordance with:*the standards of the NFPA (National Fire Protection Associa-tion) lbr installation of nonresidence-type air conditioning andventilating systems* NFPA90A or residence-type, NFPA90B; and/or local codesand residence-type, NFPA 90B* and/or local codes and ordinancesSelect and size ductwork, supply-air registers and return-air grillesaccording to ASHRAE (American Society o1' Heating, Refrigera-tion, and Air Conditioning Engineers) recommendations.Use the duct flanges provided on the supply- and return-airopenings on the side of the unit. See Fig. 2-4 lot connection sizesand locations. The 14-in. round duct collars (size 030-048 units)are shipped inside the unit attached to the indoor blower. They arefield-installed and nmst be removed l'rom the indoor cavity prior tostart-up, even if they are not used lbr installation.INSTALL FLANGES FOR DUCTWORK CONNECTIONS(50ZH060 ONLY)The 50ZH060 units are shipped with flanges which nlust befield-installed on the unit.To install unit fhmges:

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