CC and C Technologies BT0260 Bluetooth Print Combo Adapter User Manual BT PRT BACK

CC&C; Technologies, Inc. Bluetooth Print Combo Adapter BT PRT BACK

Users Manual Revised

USER’S GUIDE(For Widcomm Driver)VERSION 1.0Tested To ComplyWith FCC StandardsFOR HOME OR OFFICE USEBT-0260Printer Combo Adapter Bluetooth
© All rights reserved.All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed.The Bluetoothname and the Bluetoothtrademarks are owned by BluetoothSIG,Inc.This manual may not be copied in any media or form without the written consent of original maker.
TABLE OF CONTENTSWELCOME .................................................................1     Features...............................................................1     System Requirements ...............................................1     Before You Start .....................................................2     Connecting your Bluetooth USB Adapter with PC ...............2     BT-0260 Printer Combo Adapter ...................................2     Getting to Know Your BT-0260 Printer Combo Adapter.........3     Function of LEDs During Printing ..................................3WIDCOMM BLUETOOTH SOFTWARE DRIVER ...........................4UPDATE BLUETOOTH DRIVER ...........................................6SELECT BLUETOOTH SERVICES .........................................9MY BLUETOOTH PLACES.................................................11ADD LOCAL PRINTER.....................................................13DISABLE BIDIRECTIONAL SUPPORT .....................................14START PRINTING..........................................................15CHANGE PRINTER ........................................................16MULTIPLE BT-0260 PRINTER COMBO ADAPTERS ......................18     Configuring the first BT-0260 Printer Adapter ...................19     Configuring the second BT-0260 Printer Adapter................20     Configuring the third BT-0260 Printer Adapter ..................21     Start Printing .........................................................23     Change Printer .......................................................24PRINTER ERROR MESSAGE...............................................26CANCEL PRINTING JOB ..................................................27RESET HANGED BLUETOOTH............................................27APPENDIX A ...............................................................28APPENDIX B ...............................................................29FCC.........................................................................30WARRANTY ................................................................31
WELCOMEThank you for your purchase of the BT-0260 Printer ComboAdapter. Featuring Bluetooth wireless technology, BT-0260 PrinterCombo Adapter creates cable-free printing connections betweenyour desktop PCs and your printers. BT-0260 Printer Combo Adapteris compatible with all Bluetooth v1.1-certified devices and you canconnect your computing devices and printers 100 meters awaywithout cables in your working environments, such as home oroffice.FEATURESCompliant with Bluetooth standard version 1.1 .Support for Microsoft Windows 98SE, Me, 2000 and XP.Operating distance of up to 100 meters in free space.Bluetooth Class I (20 dbm).Support both USB and 1284 printer port interfaces.Both SPP and HCRP print service profiles supported.Easy operation and setting up.SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSPCs must have a Bluetooth device installed, such as a BluetoothUSB dongle. It allows you to communicate with BT-0260 PrinterCombo Adapter.PCs must have a Bluetooth device driver installed, such asWidcomm driver. It is always accompanied with your Bluetoothdongle device purchased. Furthermore, make sure the driver isof the latest revision which supports Bluetooth print service.PCs can have different printer drivers installed, printer driverssuch as HP, Epson, Canon...etc. You can install at least one be-fore using BT-0260 Printer Combo Adapter.USB printer shall follow USB printer specification as downloadablefrom USB forum - Some printers do notfollow this specificaton and can not be used.1
2BEFORE YOU START1. Confirm Box ContentsIMPORTANTPLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND THE SAFETY GUIDE BEFORE YOU PLUG THE UNITINTO THE PRINTER.CONNECTING YOUR BLUETOOTH USB ADAPTER WITH PC5V PowerAdapter ManualDC Power JackMode ButtonUSB ConnectorIEEE-1284 connectorConnect your Bluetooth USB dongle withyour PC.Install Widcomm Bluetooth softwaredriver.BT-0260 PRINTER COMBO ADAPTERBT-0260 Printer Combo Adapter Utility CD
GETTING TO KNOW YOUR BT-0260 PRINTER COMBO ADAPTERBT-0260 printer combo adapter supports two interfaces which canbe used to connect with your printer.1). IEEE-1284 - It is a 36-pin male connector on the front. Connect it toyour printer. If your printer hides its female connector inside itscase, then you have to open it.2). USB - It is a USB type A connector. You need to connect one end ofthe USB cable to BT-0260 printer combo adapter,  then connectanother end to the printer.Note : If your printer supports both interfaces, we recommend you tochoose just one to connect with BT-0260 printer combo adapter. If youconnect BT-0260 printer combo adapter to both of them, 1284 interfacewill be the functioning one.3). Apply power to BT-0260 adapter by using the 7.5V DC power adapteraccompanied, it is also the only way to RESET BT-0260.4). Mode button is used by the advanced user to configure the printeradapter for some special purposes, it is normally left unused. Youalso can refer to the Utility Manual in CD  for how to use it.FUNCTION OF LEDS DURING PRINTINGPOWER LEDPower LED turns on when POWER is applied to BT-0260 printercombo adapter.BLUETOOTH LEDBluetooth LED is blinking when Bluetooth link is established butno data is transmitted on the line.Bluetooth LED is ON when PC is wirelessly sending data to printerthrough BT-0260 printer combo adapter.PRINTER LEDPrinter LED is ON when there is a USB or parallel (IEEE-1284)printer connected to the BT-0260 printer combo adapter.Printer LED is OFF when no printer is connected.Printer LED is blinking when PC is sending data to printer throughBT-0260 printer combo adapter.3
WIDCOMM BLUETOOTH SOFTWARE DRIVERNOTE : Skip this section if you already installed Widcomm driver in yourPC. This software is NOT included in our BT-0260 Printer Combo Adapterpackage. We assume you already purchased a Bluetooth USB dongle and italready bundled this software. We also assume you already installed thisdriver in your PC. If NOT, please read the following messages to learn howto do it.You need to install a software driver which supports Bluetooth printservice, and Widcomm Bluetooth Software Driver ver. or after isthe one you need. Most of the time, this Widcomm Driver is accompaniedwith the Bluetooth USB Dongle you purchased. Try to download the latestrevision because print service may not be supported in the previousreleases.There are other Bluetooth services which Widcomm driver provides.We will only emphasize on the print service, and you may try to knowother services by you own.The following steps tell you howto install the Widcomm driver.Step 1 : Find Setup.exe from thegiven Widcomm Driver CD or down-loaded driver files, and double clickon it to install Widcomm BluetoothSoftware. It opens the InstallShieldWizard dialog box, then click Next.Step 2 : Accept the software licenseagreement. Click Next.4
Step 3 : Select destination folder,you can choose the default orchange to your favorite.Step 4 : Click Install to start theinstallation.If you have not plugged in BluetoothDongle onto your PC before, onereminding window will show up toask you to plug in it before installa-tion can be finished.Step 5 : Click OK to continue theinstallation.Step 6 : Installation is complete .My Bluetooth Places         shouldappear on your desktop and a similaricon also appears on the lower rightcorner of your screen. You candouble click        on desktop or rightclick        on the lower right cornerof your screen, then click “ExploreMy Bluetooth Places” menu to start”My Bluetooth Places” program.5
UPDATE BLUETOOTH DRIVERNOTE : Read this section only if you are using Windows XP SP1 (or laterreleases). Skip otherwises.This section is a reference topics to tell you how to prevent conflict wheninstalling your USB Bluetooth Dongle in your PC. It has NOTHING to dowith BT-0260 Printer Combo Adapterwhich you purchased. Here, weassume you already purchased aBluetooth USB dongle and it is usingCSR technology (i.e. chipset).Plug a USB Bluetooth Dongle intoyour PC.Windows XP SP1 (or after) is support-ing Bluetooth. It will automaticallycreate Bluetooth drivers for you.These drivers does not work withWidcomm driver, and you need toupdate them.Step 1 :Click STARTSelect Control Panel .Select System.Select Device Manager.In Bluetooth Radios, you can findtwo Bluetooth devices.Step 2 :Double-click Cambridge Silicon RadioLtd. Bluetooth Adapter or right-clickon it and then select Property, clickon Driver page.Step 3 :Click Update Driver….6
Step 4 :Default is : Install the softwareautomatically (Recommended).Please do not select it.Select Install from a list or specificlocation (Advanced). Then clickNext.Step 5 :Dafault is Search for the best driverin these locations. Please do notselect it.Select Don’t search. I will choosethe driver to Next.Step 6 :Select CSR USB Bluetooth Device,then click Next.7
Step 7 :Click Finish.Step 8 :After these update driver steps, youwill see only one bluetooth device inthe Device Manager. This is whatWidcomm driver really supports.8
SELECT BLUETOOTH SERVICESWhen the first time Widcomm driveris installed, and USB BluetoothDongle is plugged to your system,you will be asked to configure yourBluetooth services for your system.Step 1 : Double-click on thebluetooth icon on the lower-rightcorner of the screen, you will seeconfiguration wizard, Click Nextbutton.Step 2 : Assign computer name andspecify computer type, then clickNext button. These can be customerdefined.Step 3 : Click Next button to config-ure Bluetooth services.9
Step 4 : The default setting is thatall services are available, you cancheck or uncheck one or moreservices, then click Next button.Step 5 : click skip and then clickNext button.Step 6 : configuration is completed.10
11MY BLUETOOTH PLACESStep 1 :Method 1 :Double click      on your desktop.Click Folder on the toolbar. Folderwindow will appear on left side ofyour screen.Method 2:Right click      on the lower righthand corner of your screen.Select Explore My Bluetooth Places.Two folders appear on the window.They are :Entire Bluetooth Neighborhoodand My Device.Step 2 :Click Entire Bluetooth Neighborhoodto search for devices available toyou. Once Bluetooth devices aredetected, their icons together withdevice names will be displayed onthe screen.
12You also may start a search fordevices by clicking Bluetooth fromthe toolbar.Step 3 :In this example, One Bluetoothprinter device is found in yourBluetooth neighborhood.This is the service we want toknow. We will look at it later.The “My Bluetooth Places” program provides an easy way to finddifferent application services through Bluetooth connections. A variety ofBluetooth services and explanations can be found in the “Help” file of the“My Bluetooth Places” program.
13ADD LOCAL PRINTERIn the following example, we assume a BT-0260 printer combo adapter(with series# : BT-PRT-B0A351) is connected to an EPSON Stylus C61printer.Step 1 :From My Bluetooth Places, right clickon BT-0260 printer combo adapterfolder (with series# : BT-PRT-B0A351), then select OK to install aprinter driver for it.Step 2 :Add Printer Wizard will show up, findthe brand name and model numberof the printer driver you want thisBT-0260 printer adapter to use. Itwill ask you to install the printerdriver if it has not been installed inyour system before. If the driver hasbeen installed, Add Printer Wizardwill pass very quickly. In thisexample, we select EPSON StylusC61 as the printer, supposed itsdriver was installed before, so justclick OK to continue.Step 3 :From General page, you can assign aname such as EPSON Stylus C61Series to the BT-0260 printer comboadapter just selected. At end userside, you will only find a printernamed EPSON Stylus C61 Series, youwill not see any printer named BT-PRT-B0A351.
14DISABLE BIDIRECTIONAL SUPPORTFrom Ports page, there is a checkbox - Enable bidirectional support.This feature allows computer to talkwith printer bidirectionally. Becausesome functions are not supported byBluetooth, if enabling this feature,some printers may stay at wait statefor one minute after printing isdone.We recommend user to unmark ordisable bidirectional support.Click OK to complete theinstallation.
START PRINTINGClick My Computer icon on thedesktop screen, select Control Panel,select Printers and Faxes, then youcan find a Bluetooth Printer is there: EPSON Stylus C61 Series.Print a file by using BT-0260 comboprinter adapter is quite straigthforward, it is just like the normalway you are printing a file.For EPSON Stylus C61 Series :When page range and number ofcopies screen prompts, select EPSONStylus C61 Series printer, then clickOK.EPSON Stylus C61 Series15
CHANGE  PRINTERIn your home or office, there may be two or three different printerscoming from different brands. In previous example, we selected EPSONStylus C61 color printer as our bluetooth printer. If you want to change itto another printer, such as EPSON Stylus Photo 830U, then you shall knowhow to change printer driver to a different one.Step 1 :Select Control Panel .Select Printers and Faxes.Right click on EPSON Stylus C61Series printer icon.Click on Properties.Step 2 :You can change printer name to suchas :EPSON Stylus Photo 830U Series.Click on Advanced tab to see if thedriver of EPSON Stylus Photo 830Uhas been installed before.16
Step 3 :From Advanced page, try to find thedriver of EPSON Stylus Photo 830U.If there is an EPSON Stylus Photo830U driver installed before, selectit and click OK to complete thechange.If there is none, click New Driver andfollow the instructions to install it.Once New Driver is selected, thisscreen will prompt to ask you toinstall new driver step by step.Step 4 :From Ports page, please unmark ordisable bidirectional support.Step 5 :When installation of new printerdriver is complete, the Printers andFaxes screen will look like this.EPSON Stylus Photo 830U Series iscoming out as the new printer whichmust be connected to the BT-0260printer adapter now.17
 MULTIPLE  BT-0260  PRINTER COMBO ADAPTERSPrevious sections talk about how to do a printing job with a BT-0260printer combo adapter. This section is talking about when multiple adapt-ers are installed in your office, how to configure each adapter beforeprinting ? Supposed there are three BT-0260 printer combo adapters, twoof them are connected to two EPSON Stylus C61 printers and one is con-nected to an EPSON Stylus Photo 830U printer separately.If you power on three BT-0260 printer combo adapters, then from MyBluetooth Places, click the Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood, three BT-0260s will be found. Each of them have a series number, so it is easy toconfigure printer driver for them.In the following example, we assume :BT-PRT-B0A351 is connecting toEPSON Stylus C61.BT-PRT-B0A352 is connecting toEPSON Stylus C61.BT-PRT-B0A353 is connecting toEPSON Stylus Photo 830U.18EPSON Stylus C61 (Sales_Dept)EPSON Stylus Photo 830U (Adm_Dept)EPSON Stylus C61 (RD_Dept)
1. Configuring the first BT-0260 Printer AdapterConnect the first BT-0260 printer combo adapter to an EPSON Stylus C61printer.Step 1 :From My Bluetooth Places, rightclick on the first BT-0260 printercombo adapter folder (with series# :BT-PRT-B0A351), then select OK toinstall a printer driver for it.Step 2 :Add Printer Wizard will show up, findthe brand name and model numberof the printer you want this BT-0260printer adapter to use. It will askyou to install the printer driver if ithas not been installed in your systembefore. If the driver has beeninstalled, Add Printer Wizard willpass very quickly. In this example,we select EPSON Stylus C61 as theprinter, supposed its driver wasinstalled before, so just click OK tocontinue.Step 3 :From General page, you can assign aname such as EPSON Stylus C61(Sales_Dept) to the first BT-0260printer combo adapter just selected.At end user side, you will only find aprinter named EPSON Stylus C61(Sales_Dept), you will not see anyprinter named BT-PRT-B0A351.Step 4 :From Ports page, please unmark ordisable bidirectional support.Click OK to complete theinstallation. 19
2. Configuring the second BT-0260 Printer AdapterConnect the second BT-0260 printer combo adapter to another EPSONStylus C61 printer.Step 1 :From My Bluetooth Places, right clickon the second BT-0260 printer comboadapter folder (with series# : BT-PRT-B0A352), then select OK toinstall a printer driver for it.Step 2 :Add Printer Wizard will show up,select EPSON Stylus C61 as theprinter, because its driver wasinstalled before, so just click OK tocontinue.Step 3 :From General page, you can assign aname such as EPSON Stylus C61(RD_Dept) to the second BT-0260printer combo adapter just selected.At end user side, you will only find aprinter named EPSON Stylus C61(RD_Dept), you will not see anyprinter named BT-PRT-B0A352.Step 4 :From Ports page, please unmark ordisable bidirectional support.Click OK to complete theinstallation.20
3. Configuring the third BT-0260 Printer AdapterConnect the third BT-0260 printer combo adapter to an EPSON StylusPhoto 830U printer.Step 1 :From My Bluetooth Places, rightclick on the third BT-0260 printercombo adapter folder (with series# :BT-PRT-B0A353), then select OK toinstall a printer driver for it.Step 2 :Add Printer Wizard will show up,select EPSON Stylus Photo 830U asthe printer, supposed its driver hasbeen installed before, so just clickOK to continue.Step 3 :From General page, you can assign aname such as EPSON Stylus Photo830U (Adm_Dept) to the third BT-0260 printer combo adapter justselected. At end user side, you willonly find a printer named EPSONStylus Photo 830U (Adm_Dept), youwill not see any printer named BT-PRT-B0A353.21
Step 4 :From Ports page, you can see threeprinter ports are used :1. BT-PRT-B0A351.2. BT-PRT-B0A352.3. BT-PRT-B0A353.They are functioning the same as theoriginal LPT1: printer port of yourPC. The difference is LPT1: is forcable conenction, while these threeBluetooth printer ports are used forwireless connections.Please unmark or disable bidirec-tional support.Click OK to complete theinstallation.Click My Computer icon on thedesktop screen, select Control Panel,select Printers and Faxes, then youcan find three Bluetooth Printers arethere :1. EPSON Stylus C61 (Sales_Dept).2. EPSON Stylus C61 (RD_Dept).3. EPSON Stylus Photo 830U(Adm_Dept).If you want to print by using theseprinters, please refer to next page.22
Start Printing :Print a file by using BT-0260 comboprinter adapter is quite straigthforward, it is just like the normalway you are printing a file.For EPSON Stylus C61 (Sales_Dept) :When page range and number ofcopies screen prompts, select EPSONStylus C61 (Sales_Dept) printer, thenclick OK.For EPSON Stylus C61 (RD_Dept) :When page range and number ofcopies screen prompts, select EPSONStylus C61 (RD_Dept) printer, thenclick OK.For EPSON Stylus Photo 830U(Adm_Dept) :When page range and number ofcopies screen prompts, select EPSONStylus Photo 830U (Adm_Dept)printer, then click OK.23
Change Printer :Step 1 :Select Control Panel .Select Printers and Faxes.Right click on printer EPSON StylusC61 Series (Sales_Dept) icon.Click on Properties.Step 2 :You can change printer name to suchas :EPSON Stylus COLOR 680(Sales_Dept).24
25Step 3 :Click on Advanced tab to see if thedriver of EPSON Stylus COLOR 680has been installed before.If yes, click OK to complete thechange.If not, click New Driver and followthe instructions to install it.If New Driver is selected, this screenwill prompt to instruct you to installnew driver step by step.Step 4 :When instalation of new printerdriver is complete, the Printers andFaxes screen will look like this.EPSON Stylus COLOR 680(Sales_Dept). is coming out as the new printer.
PRINTER ERROR MESSAGEThere are some conditions which will stop the printing process :1. INKs 100% run out.2. Paper Jam.3. Printer is BUSY.4. Printer is not turned on.When the above conditions occurred,PC will pop out a failed to print message on the screen one minute later.User can clean the problem and continue the printing after.INKs run out - Replace new INKs for your printer.Paper Jam - Remove jamed paper.Printer BUSY - Check if there is any error in feeding paper to theprinter. Some printers may have problem in feedingpaper. The sympton looks like Paper Empty. You can pusha button on printer to let it retry. Read the printermanuals to know how to do it. If it is impossible tocontinue, then you have to cancel the printer job.5. Paper empty.If it is out of paper, this screen willpop out.BT-0260 Printer Combo Adapter will continue the printing if the errorcondition is cleaned. It will not stop unless you cancel it.Example :Cancel an out of paper job.You can read the following para-graphs to know how to cancel aprinting job, or how to reset aBluetooth operation.26
CANCEL PRINTING JOB1. Start2. Printing job in process.3. Printing job has error. Double click on printericon           to read the message.4. Error message.5. Right click on the file beingprinted, and select Cancel to stop it.RESET HANGED BLUETOOTHIf there is any Bluetooth operation hanged, you can use the followingsteps to clean it.Right click on green Bluetooth icon onlower-right corner of your screen.Select Stop the Bluetooth Device.Right click on red Bluetooth icon onlower-right corner of your screen.Select Start the Bluetooth Device.Bluetooth is reset to normal condition.27
28APPENDIX ASpecifications :Product Name BT-0260 Printer Combo AdapterModel Name BT-0260Certification  FCC, CE, BQB Standard Bluetooth v1.1 Frequency Band  2.4~2.4835GHz unlicensed ISM band Spread Spectrum  FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) Services Supported  SPP and HCRP print services Data Rate 1 Mbps RF Output Power 10 dBm typicalAntenna Embedded PCB antennaWorking Distance  Up to 100 meters in free space Sensitivity  <-88dBm at < 0.1% BER Input Power  7.5V DC I/O Interface  USB, IEEE-1284LED Indicators Power / Bluetooth active /Printing activeOperation Temperature  0 oC ~ + 60 oCStorage Temperature  -10 oC ~ +70 oCHumidity 5 ~ 90% non-condensing Size  81 (L) x 54(W) x 21(H) mm
29APPENDIX BSafety Guide :Read and follow all instructions and warnings provided.Save these instructions for future use.When service or replacement of parts is required, ensure work isdone by a qualified technician.Do not use this unit near water or in a rainy/moist environment.Use supplied cables only.Do not attempt to service this product yourself. Doing so will ex-pose you to various hazards including dangerous voltage.This unit is suitable for a 110V to 230V AC power supply (Auto-detect).Disconnect the power cable (pull plug) and USB cable in the follow-ing situations :In the event of service.Power cable/plug becomes damaged.Unit is exposed to excess moisture/rainUnit has been dropped.Unit is being cleaned.Unit must be used with adult supervision at all times. Childrenmust not be allowed to handle any of the cables.Never insert any objects other than CDs in the trays.Never insert any objects through ventilation holes.Remember !Any electrical equipment is hazardous if handled improperly.
30FCC COMPLIANCEMobile of end productFederal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limitsfor a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Theselimits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, usesand can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference toradio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be deter-mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to tryto correct the interference by one of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different fromthat to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approvedby the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority tooperate this equipment.IMPORTANT NOTE:FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits setforth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installedand operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & yourbody.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunctionwith any other antenna or transmitter.
31One Year Limited WarrantyThis device is guaranteed against manufacturing defectsfor one full year from the original date of purchase.This warranty is valid at the time of purchase and is non-transferable.This warranty must be presented to the service facilitybefore any repair can be made.Sales slip or other authentic evidence is required to validate war-ranty.Damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse, improper storage,and/or uncertified repairs is not covered by this warranty.All mail or transportation costs including insurance are at the ex-pense of the owner.Do not send any product to service center for warranty without a RMA(Return Merchandise Authorization) and proof of purchase. Ensurea trackable method of delivery is used (keep tracking number).Warranty is valid only in the country of purchase.We assumes no liability that may result directly or indirectlyfrom the use or misuse of these products.IMPORTANT" This warranty will be voided if the device is tampered with, improperlyserviced, or the security seals are broken or removed"

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