CCP 5107-RX49 RC Car User Manual

CCP Co., Ltd. RC Car

User Manual

Download: CCP 5107-RX49 RC Car User Manual
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Document ID322553
Application IDOE0Kyj9b/Ugu0sxU/UpWHg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize26.69kB (333563 bits)
Date Submitted2003-05-02 00:00:00
Date Available2003-05-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2003-04-15 19:26:28
Document Lastmod2003-04-15 19:38:10
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorHP 9100C Digital Sender
Document Author: ITS ELECTRIC TOY

Lnnuea NmelyrDay Warranly
Yms mam ws wallamed by Rad-oshack againsl manulacvmng mums m maleual ma wnvkmnn—
3m under normal use my nmevy 150; days ham lhe ml: m pumhase hum Rad-oshack cumyany—
owned smres and amhnnxeu uawnsnm hancmsees and assigns EXCEPY As pacvmsn
commuzn Nenew except A5 women HEF m Rxmashack swam mve No mm-
m on RESPONSKBMW vo CUSYOMER on AN , 0 new PERSON c»: ENnrv wlm as»
sPEct ro ANv menuvv, LOSS on mamas cAuszo omecm on lenEcTLv sv use
on Psammmce or me Pnooucr on menus cm or ANY sum“ of ms WAR—
RANW‘ maumna em Nor “men 10 ANY DAMAGES RESUU’ING mom INCONVE _
N‘ENCE‘ Loss on we mu Pnopemv, Rev/ewe on mom on ANV ANmasct
cm No 504235
Please read before usmg lhls equxpmem
svacm ‘NC‘DENVAL on CONSEQUENTIAL rum/lass EVEN IF naamsm ms BEEN m,
wssn 0: me POSSBVUTV a; sucu onwcss
Some slams do nm mow the hmualmns on how long an mm wane-w 135.5 a. (he nxdusmn 0! m-
omma! m nonsequmm damages sa me above um.» mm o. zmusmns mav m unply m you
n. m mm 01 a mm. a m outmg m “new , unorL lake me producl m in: Ramosnank
53:25 mm as pron! m numnm am In my awash“ slow Ramosbeck mm, a! m. aplmn un'
less nlhwwwse pmvmau by w (a) couacl we amen , mod-1c! mm wwlnnul clings my parls am
Iabov (m tealace m Wm mm one ol me same J s-wlav ceuqn. or [c] velum‘l In: mm“.
once Au tepmed pans and pludm15_and mowers 0' When a mm -5 made, became m prun-
any m Ramnshack New or tecofldmoflefl pails and zoducls may a; mu m m. penal/manta a!
wuvramy sewn: Renamed m vepwma parts and pro rm 5 at: wallamefl m. m, nmamdel at me ‘
magma! wananly pm m. w.» be Charged In: repaw m rzplzcemam m the mom msd= sue: me
emu-hon 01 [he wawam, woo
m5 mum dues no! cove: m damage at Iaulure caused by n! allnbuvaua m ads 01 God. abuse
anode/u misuse umflmpev ov amovmav usage 134m '0 lollow mummy“ impmpar mslauanon a,
mmmm ”mam hqhmmg av mnev madame 04 s m vnlege m mm m) any vepahs ,
my Ihnn muse ”Wm by a RamoShack Aulhonzed Swag mm (c) onusumacres sudv as
Vusesm ballenes (a) enamel-c uamage (z) mummy , shippmg m msuvaflce casts, e: m cosls
a! mum lame/m msmnmmn sg. un “Mes adyusvmem o: remsrauauon
rm Nana/fly gwes ym. snemhl: wggan "gm, am you my also have om. . ms we. vary 1mm
sme In mu
Hameshack Cusvcmev Helavvons, mm mm 5m am no“ Fen Worm. rx 76102
We SEN/CE Whal We so” am y
R adios ha ': k
A Divlsion ov Tandy Corporalion
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
lNSr230 52
08/09 Punled m Chum-1
Your RadtoSttack MINI ATV ‘ is a win»
nerl Built to I/u scale it can reach
speeds at up to 720 leet per minute The
vehrcle‘s prectse sieertng grves you con-
Irol over the Head Rustler anywhere rt
goes Enluy llte excrlement or the Road
Hustler‘s speed and sharp turns, and
use the conlrols to rock the vehicle lrom
side to side, pop a wheelie, or spin out!
The driver even leans lo the left or right
as the vehicle banks tnto turns!
The MINI ATV comes in two Irequenr
cies (27 MHZ and 49 MHZ), 50 you and
your trends can drive together Check
the box to see whtclt Irequency you
Note: You need these tlems, available
at your local RadioShack store) to power
~ one 9-volt battery lor the transmrtter
~ one ‘9.S~voll rechargeable battery
pack [or the vehicle
~ one battery pack charger
Warning: Your MINI ATV can reach
higher speeds than most other radio-
controlled cars Be carelul when you use
the vehicle to avoid hthHmpaCl collt~
siOnS wrlh people and ubrecls
o rm Txndy Corrorztiol‘.
All Rtghts Reserved
Raotnshack ls a registered trademark used by Tandy Commune“
Thread the antenna into the transmit,
ter's ahlehna connector Make sure the
conneciton is tight.
Warning: Dispose or batteries and [he
battery pack promptly and properly. do
not bury or burn them
- Use only a tresh ballery ol the
required SIZE and recommended
» ll you do not plan to use the vehicle
tor a week or more remove the bat-
(tery lrorn lhe transmitter and lhe
batlery pack lrom the vehtcle. Bal-
iertes can leak chemicals that can
damage electronic pans.
- Never leave dead 0! weak batteries
tn the transmitter or the vehicle
In the Transmitter
You need one Savoli battery In power
the transmitter For the nest parlor»
mance and longest Itte, we recommend
a Radioshack alkaline battery
I, Slide the
lransrtttller‘s OFF/ON
2. Slide the ballery cornparlmenl cover
In the diIEClan 01 the arrow marked
on u and slide the cover on
3 Put the battery rn the compartment
as IndlCaled by the polarily symbols
(+ and v) marked trtstde, 1
4. Replace the cover and map“ il shut
When the transmitters range decreas-
es, replacetis battery.
In the Road Rustler
You need one 9.6-volt rechargeable bal—
lery pack to power the motor. Belore
you use the battery pack. you must
charge ll using a special battery charger
(both items available at your local Ra-
droShack store)
Follow the charger's dtrectlons to charge
the battery pack. Then lollow these
steps to install the battery pack m the
Road Rttstlel.
1 Sims the vehtcle’s ONIOFF switch to
1 OFF.
2, Press the lab on Ihe battery coma
panment cover and slide the cover
in the direction at the arrow marked
on it Then remove the cover.
3A Attach the battery packs connector
to the vehicle's ma. hing connector
DO not lorce theml rhey lit together
only one way
4. Put the connectors n the groove on
the Side or the baltt ry companmenl
Then pul the battery pack in the bat-
tery compartment.
5. Close the cover anti snap it shut
As the vehicle loses por er. its turns be-
come wider. When this happens,
change the battery pas: or recharge tt
accordtng to the batter; charger's sup-
plied trtslrucliorts.
- Use only the recommended battery
pack and charger. ‘
4 Do not charge or recharge the bat—
Iery pack while it is in the vehicle
- ll you want to drive your Road Hus
tler tor longer periods. we suggesl
purchasrhg an extra battery pack
You can charge one whtle you use
the other
- When you disconnect the battery
pack truth the charger, do not pull on
the connectors wrres. This can
damage the battery pack
- Do not recharge a battery pack
immediately alter use (while II ts SttII
hot). Allow It to cool first
~ To easily remove the battery pack.
press down on the and near the bat—
tery connector. The battery pack
pops out.
Important: This vehicle
can use nickel-cadmium
rechargeable batteries
At the end of a nickel-
cadmium battery's uselul
me, it must be recycled or .
disposed 0! property. Contact your local,
county. or state hazardous waste’ man
agement authorities lor rntormarion on
recycling or disposal programs in your
area or call 1-800-84377A22. Some 0p—
liens that might be available are: rnuntclr
pal curbside collection, drop-oil boxes at
retailers such as your local RadiuShack
store, recycling collection centers, and
mail-back programs.
Warning: Never play with your Road
Rusller in the slreet.
Caution: To avora crashes. always
‘waicli where the vehicle is 90mg.
1 Seal lhe rider on lhe Road Rustler
Slide his hands onlo the handles
and hIS leel onlo lhe loolresls
Rolale lhe pedal clips to secure his
‘ feel to the looltesls.
2, Extend the lransmltle'r's alilenna I0
llS lull length. For maximum range,
hold lhe Ilflnsmlllel wilh (he antenna
as high as possrble and polnlmg
straight up
3 Slide lhe lransmtlter's OFFION
r MEN?
4 Slide lhe vehicle's ONIOFF swllch 10
5. use the Iransm'ller’s control levers
I0 drive and steer (he Road Hustler
l l
Lelt Conlrol Le Er
Push lorward ) move lorward
~ Push lorwarc‘ lurlher in! higher
~ Push lorwald all the way lor maxi-
mum speed.
~ Pull backward to move back.
- Pull backward all the way lor
maximum reverse,
Right Control Lever
» Push lelt lb turrt Iefl. l
~ Push rignl lo (urn rlghl j
- Release lo go Slralghl
Also, see “Driving Hints" on Page 7
o, When ryou linish driving the Road
Flusller, Slide the vehicle's ONIOFF
switch IO OFF and the transmitters
~ Do not [ouch lhe motor immedialely
after using lhe vehicle, as the motor
, becomes hot durtng use.
~ It the vehicle gels stuck under an
' object, immediately Slide the trans—
miner‘s ONIOFF swrtch lo OFF, Then
relrleve the vehicle.
Driving Hints
- Rocking Action — You can make
the vehicle rock lrorn Side}? Side as
it moves lorward or bad-ward by
moving the rlghl ccnlrol leper rapidly
trorn right to left.
4, Wheelie Acllon ~ You «can make
the vehicle do a wheelie hy moving
the left control lever lo maximum
reverse, then quickly moving lhe
control to lorward. ‘
- Spinning Action — Whit, doing a
wheelie, move lhe right COltlYOl lever
rapidly lrom rlghl to roll tolmake lhe
vehicle spln
These hlnls can help you gel the mosl
enloymenl lrom your Road Flus‘ler.
~ Running your vehicle continuously
tor long periods generates high heal
levels. Heal causes wear and tear
on the motor. To help keep heal levr
als clown, when your vehicle's bat»
tery pack dies, lel lhe vehicle cool al
Ieasl lO mlnules belore installing a
newly charged ballery pack
The MINI ATV has a Special le’
cull to prolong battery lite. it you
keep the Ielt control lever in one
position continuously lor 30 sec'
ends, the transmrller aulomallcally
shuts oll. ll lhis happens, move lhe
lelt control lever lo another posrllon
to Conllnue driving
ll someone uses a CB nearby, il
mighr inlerlera with control ol the
vehicle II this happens, move lhe
vehrcle and the" lrartsrnllter away
lrom the co
- You cannol operate your vehicle
near devices wtlh lransmrtlers that
use the same lrequency as your
vehicle 127 or 49 MHz), Check lhe
box to see which lrequency you
Be sure lhe vehicle I5 nol oul ol lhe
transmlllel‘s range. The range
depends on lhe surroundings and
on ballery strength Obstructions
such as buildings, fences. and so
on, between the transmitter and the
vehrcle. reduce lhe range
ll the vehicle moves slowly and you
have installed a lully charged bat»
lery pack, check the wheel mecha-
nlsms It)! llnl, (mead. hair. or dust,
The lollowrng suggeslrons will help you
care lor your Radlosnack Road Rusller
50 you can enloy iI lor years
900 not drlve the vehicle lhrough
puddles or mud, on a wel lloor, or in
‘sand, ram, or Snow. These can
~ Do nol expose Illa y'ehrcle or (vans—
,rn|ller lo lemperalure exlremes, and
500 nor slure lhem rn drrecr sunlrghl
,or near a heal source.
» ‘Do nel leave me vehicle or lransmrl-
,ler oulsrde overnighl Nrghl dampr
Tress can damage lherr eleclronlc
-3To prolecl the vehrcle‘s mechar
nrsms lrorn llnl and hair, do nol drlve
the vehicle on camel.
»ere llle vehlcle and lransmmer
Wilh a damp Clolh occasrcnally I0
keep them looklng new Do nol use
, harsh chemlcals lo clean lhem.
Modllylng or lampering wilh llle veni»
cle's or lransmiller's inlernal compo'
nerlls can cause a mallunclron and
mrghl rnvalidale [he vehicle's warranty
and you! your FCC aulhorlzallon lo 0p-
erale rl ll your yehrcle ls not perlormrng
as ll should, lake ll and Ihe llansmlller lo
your local RadroShack slore lor aserr
lance Changes or modilrcalrons lo lhls
producl nol expressly approved by Ra—
dloShack‘ or operalion or lhls producl ln
any way olher than as delailed by lhe
Owner‘s Manual, could vord your author—
lly lo operale [he producl
Your 1 MINIATV ard Ils lransmiller
mlghl cause TV or were lnlerference
even when lhey are oneralrng properly
To delermine whelher your vehicle and
lransrniller are causrng- lhe inlerlerence,
lurn lhem oll ll (he rlerlerence goes
away, your vehicle aml lransmlfler are
causing il, Try Io ellm'lale [he lnlerlerr
ence by.
~ movrng your vehlcle and lransmrller
away lrorrr lhe Tv or radro
A conlacling your cal RadioShack
slore [or help
ll you cannot elrmrnal the lnlerlerence,
Ihe FCC requires me” you slop usrng
your Road Flusller an: us lransmiller
Thls devlce complies wllh Pan 15 U! Ihe
FCC Rules. Operallor is subjecl lo the
(allowing Iwo condillons
l. Thrs devrce may not cause harmlul
rnlerlerence and
2 ThlS devrce must accepl any inler—
lerence received, includlng mlerler-
ence lhal may cause undesired
operalron. ;
You can order lhese easrly replaceable pans lor your
MINI ATV 31 your local Fla-
droShack slore, Simply roanlily me pall(s) you need lrorn lhlS exploded vrew, lhen
lmd Ihe pan number m the list on Page 10
Rel No Dascnpllun RSU 1 NP Fans 41
_ w Body ser 12mm) 29203:
‘ Bony
an Nancie
‘ Amen” Recewev
‘ Washer Lug
‘ Washer mm
; Flange 3 x w
i Pan Head 3 x m
5 2 Bumper, anl muses 2792043
3 3 Bumper, aw |2\5453s 192m
1 4 mm. Rear mama R 369
1 5 A WheeI,Fvom 11964467 279037
5 5 Wheel‘ Rea! 11964475 2790 » ta
\ 7 Cover, Battery “964459 DB r we
‘ a rug Len mama 2—90 59
9 Tue, mgm “954491 z—soosu
m Elder figure |2us|m 2-92935
n Transmmer Kn 27 MHz \205|42\ ZA—Bmss
(2 ‘hansmmel ML 49 MHz 120674|9 IA 9316»
|3 Amerma, Transmmev “954574 A»90052
w Manum, Semce 12‘93397 Msrswzfi
ws- Manual, Ownev 3 ‘2193405 Museum
‘Nol shown ln exploded wew

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Creator                         : HP 9100C Digital Sender
Create Date                     : 2003:04:15 19:26:28
Author                          : ITS ELECTRIC TOY
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Modify Date                     : 2003:04:15 19:38:10+08:00
Page Count                      : 6
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