CCP 5116-RX49 R/C Toy Flipz Racer / Flipz Truck User Manual Manual

CCP Co., Ltd. R/C Toy Flipz Racer / Flipz Truck Manual


Download: CCP 5116-RX49 R/C Toy Flipz Racer / Flipz Truck User Manual Manual
Mirror Download []CCP 5116-RX49 R/C Toy Flipz Racer / Flipz Truck User Manual Manual
Document ID1166543
Application IDiYNxwjueu6XxDh07Wlg/Bw==
Document DescriptionManual
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize115.5kB (1443688 bits)
Date Submitted2009-09-09 00:00:00
Date Available2009-09-09 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-08-13 12:36:23
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleManual

Age +8
5 Cu icle
Flipz—Racer/Truck ma
l Charge your LirPo battery
1. Slide the power switch to OFF. Unscrew the battery cover.
2. insert six AAalltaline batteries(notincliided)matching the polarity 5&5;
symbols (tand f)marked inside. chlace the batterycoverand tighten
the screws.
3. Slidethe power switch to ON. Both the red and green lightiurnon.
4. lnsertheLifPo battery matching the polarityiarks as shown. mum-F
The green light starts toblinlt.
5. The green light stopsblinkingonce the battery is fully charged. DC BV
Remove the battery and turnoft the charger
I1 lime: You also can ehnose a DC in 30mm AC adapter (not included] to
power the tweet
2 Install Batteries b Battery Notes:
Use only fresh batteries of the rtquired size and muslin not ni\ old
and net batteries, different types of liatteiies (standard, alkaline, or
reclinrgcahlc), or recheigeeble batteries of different capacities.
Dispose of batteries promptly and properiy. Do not burn or bury
them. lf you do not plan to use the vehicle for a long,X time, remove
the batteries from both the Vehicle and controller,
. 7 - liioroughly check the charger and Ll’PO battery before charging
3. Li ftthe upper carbody» Upper Car Body ti—Pa battery included in the package needs to be charged before
using fer the first time. More the battery after charging.
Use battery and chargcr enclosed in the package only as it is
specially designed to use tor flipz racer fl truck.
' Once the red light of the charger turns off, change ta fresh -\,-\
ll Turnoffthe carand controller.
2, lnsertoneBV battervpackmotsuppl ied)lnthc
control ler' Sbatlery compartment matching the
pnlarity (tand —) marked inside.
4, Unscrew the batterycover
of the chassis and connect
a lul ly charged Li-Po battery
packOR two AAA alkaline
batteries (notsupplied) tlnays charge the battery under adult superviSion,
matching the polarity marks , iiiiow the battery to cool down before recharging
insideJ‘he batteryonlyfits Battery Compartment . Do riat charge your battery under direer sunlight, heated, humid
ODE Way» (with Ll’l’UbUUPfypaCk installed) places or inSide the vehicle
~ Do not dismantle or solder the charger nor the battery,
lf your charger or Li-Pn battery is extremely hot, Sfllfllilng, expands.
smells or the green light doesn' t lilink, turn off your charger and
reiiioi'e the battery
5. Replace the carbody, battery door and tightenthe screw.
l 2009 nanioshacii Corporation. iNs—slis—rm 07m
nili—ightseserired RBt‘liaShucli and RadtuShacli.t0m are tredemaris used by hattiaShact Corporation. Prlntcd
3 Mount the Car Body and Install the Antenna or/OFF 523” CM Front
1. Screw the antenna firmly into the controller” 5 antenna hole. <
2. l\llgnthe frontslde of thebottom carbody to match the @
rearside of the chassis (location of the power switch).
Snap fastenerthe earborly lntothe magnet holders of the
chassis. The bottom carbody shouldmateh with theupper
carbody reverselyr
4 Drive the Car
Car Chassis
Turn on the control ler and the car.
'o[lom Side
2. Use the control ler' s levers to steer your car. With Motor
3. Turn off the controller and theearwhen you finish driving. Rear
\ _ Top Svde
“35 - Wltivflallery
' To play spin and [lip function, you need to power your car wnth the
suvplled Ll—Pe hacrcry pack. Rear
Power indlcator will turn dlm when battery power goes lower. Once it
does, install fresh battery
0 Move Forward
Forward Push both leversforward.
1‘ Power
ll lndleator
0 ll‘lleelle Flip:While driving the carstraight
at rullspeed qulckly reverse both levers, ON/OFF
Q llove ackward
Full both levers bacllwardt
9 Turn nght/Left: Push the left or rlght
Spin: Push left (rlght) lever forwardand leverlorward or backward
rlghfileft) lever backwardat the same time.
Thank you for purchasing your iiipziaoer tronitauioSiiacii. Please
read this user' 5 guide before installing, setting up and using your
not car.
What’ 5 Included
Car Chassis
Upper Car Body (Assembled on chassis)
Bottom toriody User' sGuide
Li—PoBatteryPa k Charger
Control lerMiiteiina
LI—Po Batterylifeforthecan.....,..,.....Approx. 5ninutes nitiiii—Po
Charging time. Approx. in minutes
Max climbingangle Approx. SDdeg-ree
Approx. 26 feet on)
27MHz/49 imz
.itp to em feet/min
SpecPcarimsiresuby‘ecttochange and improvement withoutnotice.Actual
pronurtniny Varyfi'nln the images iourtd inthisiociuuerit.
Safety Cautions:
- This product is designed to play INDOOR only. Avoid hitting
pets, furniture or people.
' Keep your vehicle dry.
' Do not pick up vehicle while it is in motion. Keen fingers. hair
and loose clothing away from the wheels,
- Do not bent antenna on purpose as it may cause injun‘.
' A nearby CB radio can interfere with your vehicle' 5 control. if
this hanpens, move away or mail: for a while to play.
~ Do not modify or tamper your vehicle as it may cause malfunction
and may invalidate its warranty.
* >i< >i<
" 9 Protecttlie environment by recyclingised electronics.
I Go toELQLQlingSLemLLQm to find a recycl lng center
near you,
FCC Information
This eouipoeut nusioeu testeu and toonri to ouopiv tyitiitire limits ior ncloss is digital
dcvrocpursuirittcinrxis oi inc FCCRiiIchlicsc limits urodosiirricd to pro irie iensonaiiic
protoctiooogoinstuiimiuiinlet—retenceiuaresidentiai insiaiiatiou. iiuseouimtsnt generates
uses. tit-id tau radiate indicirrourntyeueroi- and, if not instai led and used iiiarmrdontewtiii
rho instructions. may mine iierniiui intel i'eremze to radio communication money there
is no gllamnlc: that interference ui ll not occurinauar
does unuse unrunii intrriereure toradio oi-toict-ision rweptian, which can is determined in
turning tlicequipmmil oil unit on, tnousorrs encouraged totry to correct iiio intoriorrneo by
mie armors cttnefoiioyine measures:
- Reorient or relocate tire receiving antenna.
' uiar iiistai lotion. if this equipment
- increase tireseonratioa between the equipment and receiver.
~ Conncct lhaequinmem into an outleton a Circuit diiierenitron tint to ttnrm ilie
reoeiver is eonnccroti.
~ Consullymtr lucalRadloShnclt store ornn eroerienoed rndicr’l‘ttechnicmnfor helD.
it you cannot oiininito the intericirnec. tireioc mouiros inuricu surprising yourproduei.
Changes oritmdiilbdlluns untexpi-rssiyeporuued Iiandiiishacii ilnycnuscinierieflnte
and icioriieiiscr' 5 nutiioriti— to operate the continent
nits denier oraroiies iitiirarrlsoiiuriltr iuios miorutirio is siihlcct in llmfollowmg
two conditions (1 iniis device not not cause haioiui interference. and a iitiis deyice
must accept our intuiei-onee reoeiuednnciudins intertoreuoe tliatniay onuseumoesi red
unmitig- cunnpcs oi-uodir'oetionstotaisuoitnotexprcssiy svpmved bytnepnrty
respoiisiirir tortomiiiinnee cuuidyoidtiituser‘ s rutnoriti moprratrtiirnouinmtoi
Limited Warranty
Raidioshzick tat-rants iiiisprcituorttcaiusi delects in maturinlsaml erdtlfillshlulmder
ncrmuiuseoytiirorroinainnrciiueoi [Drnuifll' (iii itaysnitcrtucdaio oi pur-oirssriroms
RridioShack erred storeornn autiorizcd liddioSlmcl: iranctusec or dcrticriiiiiitsuici
mm it) mini MI‘RESS WARRANU‘ .
Thisyoiiiauty does notcctverisidnuaeeor iniiuiermseri py ornitriuuiiole to rinse,
misuse. iriiiirretoteiiouiustiuctiou immroporinstoiiorion ormiintcnoocc, miter-prion.
accidentmctsofnoti (such as (owls oi iiriirningmr etcessioitnge nrttirrrnt:to>dnnnzc
or (at lure sensed by ioss ottouirotiossoisignai octucou too toyuuu its control irr due to
cicossiyerungo or no armor, iopucr. violent: contactooi listen or rruuzii use, (L) i/Ilpinpm'
or ineorrectiy performed repiiirs iry persons who urenot e Radiosliaclk .\uriiorireo5criico
i'ocii i ty;(d>coosinnanics such its fuses oioutierres. teicioiuai-yuear-and tear or cosmetic
duuage. (”transportation siiippiuporinsui-oure postsugt costs oipiodiict remoyni.
instai lat set—upser iioe, attritstmrmt crreinstuiinricuamitiiioiaims by persons other
than the original purchaser.
Should a pipbirm occur thntis powered try this yarroniy tore the produtt and the
iodiosiirck sales rccciptas prooioriuircinsc iiatcroany iadiosnaoi store. iaiiiesurek
wil I. nt its option. unisss otnermisepioyiueti our) lan'rEDair theproduct without charge
torparisandiaitariirirepiucstlieproductuiiotiiesnue uretmpirairie piodnct,oi—(ci
refund iiirpurciirsepriee. iii reniiceo oirtsandproduoismnd producisonuniotiorr-ninu
ismtuie, oecouetne property otiindiosnnci New orretonriitionco parts anti products may
ire used intme periormcnco oiunrrnntyseryitr Repaired or replueu parts und iiroduttssre
warranted iortiiercusindrrnitnem—igirui warranty period Vou iiiiicciiurocd lnr rcioii- oi-
repiaesi-eot otrhe product node nits. tie eiptrationci tnrunrrenty period
rim. IMPLIED minim iichiimi Tm: iii-Linn WARRAVH rm
mtiomititiiim mu, ii minim. imi lN‘l’LlEl) MRIUM‘Y or mu 5
rim fl mli’llcflLMl PURPOSE, simit mini on THE EiPIii‘iiDi or THE smite
iiiitiii PERM».
ulcer: is mommy: tioii, iriniosimct sum ittie ND LlABlLl’l'VDk
REbl‘D‘t'SllllLlTl in iii: Puitmiw BF Tim, PRDDUCT ni my (TIMER it im
all iiiiiv iii'i RESPECT TO ANV tittiitnmosi mi IllllrlGE CALSEIJ lllltiEETLV
oi lNNlllit‘lu‘ BY USE OR inimimiicii or rm: Plioim ii mtisiim our
oi mi BREACH or Tiiswmitii'i lNCLUDlNG. iui mi Lillian 10. m
DAMAGES liilsuLllNG I‘Rfllt mom EN”: AN“ mi LOSS Oi“ mt. mi,
PROPERTV. immtmi. UR Pim'ii tin iii lel‘L‘L Sim-iii, iitcimsitm. oi
CONSEQUEMTML Muir-is. mi iiimiosiiici ii i ‘lll‘rlSED or iii
Possiiiun ii SUCH DAMAGES,
Smile States do uotaiiou iiuitatrons on how long aniuoiieii naiiautyiasts oi-tiieeioiosirui
or i inutution oiiutidsutaior consequentialdamagessotueoime limitations or eroiusious
my not oppiytoyou into wnrfltntygives you specitic lczairiguts. and you our also have
otuerrignts ohicii vary {mm StoieioStnteyou unycontact iadipsiiacit at.
iadiosnacit Customer ieiaticus
mm indioshnck circiti‘ortioriu. rt 76|UZ will
Recycle Rechargeable Batteries
Placing rechargeable batteries in the trash can be liai—mtulto the
Environment. Instead, recycle old rechargeable batteries otyoui— local
Radioshucli store free uichargc. Radiosliack participates in the
RBRC° battery recycling programalid ts committed to preservmg the
euvironiitent and consen'ing natural resources Call l—Bflfl-TH'E‘SIMCK
(1—500%4377422 )for more information.

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File Type                       : PDF
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Create Date                     : 2009:08:13 12:36:23
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