CCP 7850-TX27 Radio Controlled Car User Manual INS7850CCPP01 E

CCP Co., Ltd. Radio Controlled Car INS7850CCPP01 E

User Manual

Gbuggy.indd 1 2011/05/13 11:13:02
Well read this manual and keep it
where you can see anytime.
Radio Controlled Car
If misuse of rechargeable battery, it cause fever, damage, fire and leakage. Pay attentn as below.
Charge the battery according to the instruction.
Use only indicated batteries.
Install the battery with + & - correctly.
After playing, surely switch off and remove the battery from the car.
Absolutely do not make short-circuited due to a lot of electric current.
Do not disassemble, modify or soldring your car, it causes fire, injury or unexpected accident.
Do not put your car into water and fire, or heat the car, it causes fire, injury or unexpected accident.
Do not use, charge and keep your car near fire, at the place with direct sunshine,
at high temperature or high humidity place or inside the car.
In case of misuse of the batteries, it causes fever. damage, fire or leakage. Pay attention as below.
Install the batteires with + & - correctly.
After use, surely switch off and remove the batteries from your car.
Do not make short-circuited, disassemble, heat or put in water or fire.
If liquied from the batteries put in your eye, wash by a lot of water immediatly and go to the doctor.
If the liquid put on your skin or clothes, wash it by water.
Do not paly at the driving road or crowded place. Please play at the safety place outside.
Do not force to bend the antenna of controller, if it is broken, possible to injure by sharping edge.
If there is thunder, please stop playing immediately. It may cause thunderbolt.
Do not hit or brandish your car.
Be careful not to breke the glass or furniture if you play indoor.
Be careful not to be rolled your finger, hair or clothes in the car wheels.
Do not use your car at the place there are under age children, or do not make under children use this car
it may cause unexpected accident or injury.
Do not use this car except radio controlled use.
《To avoid unexpected accident, pay attention as below.
This product is using electrical circuit and a lot of parts, do not disassemble or modify your car.
Do not use at the more than 2cm depth water.
Do not sink the car in the water.
Do not keep the car in the water after playing. The water may put into the car.
Do not put the car near the fire or high temperature place, such as near the stove.
Playing the cars in same frequency at the near place, it may cause out of control.
In case of interference except radio control, it may cause out of control.
In this case, please move the place for playing.
After playing, surely switch off of car and controller. If you miss to switch off, the car continue to play and
the batteries exaust quickly.
Do not mix the old and new batteries.
取扱説明書 この取扱説明書をよ く お読みのうえ、正し く安全に 遊んで く ださい 。
お読みになった あと は、 いつでも 見ら れる場所に 必ず保管し て く ださい。
保護者の方へ  必ずお読みく ださ い。
※ ここに示し た注意事項は製品を 安全にお使い いただき 、 ご自身や他の 人々への危害や損害を未然に 防止する
ためのもので す。 安全に関する重要な 内容ですので、 必ず守っ てく ださ い。
《 充電式電池を誤使用す ると 発熱・ 破裂・ 発火・ 液も れな どの危険があり ま す。 下記に 注意し てく ださい 。》
●充電の方法は、取扱説明書の説明を 絶対に 守っ て く ださ い。
●指定の電池以外は使用しないで く ださい 。
●+-( プラ ス マイ ナス ) を正し く いれてく だ さ い。
●使用後は必ず本体の電源スイッ チを O FF にし て電池を はずし てく ださい。
●ショ ート させる と 大電流が流れ危険です。 絶対にさけ てく ださ い。
●分解・ 改造・ ハン ダ付けし ないで く ださ い。 火災、 思わぬ事故、 ケガの原因にな り ます。
●水や火の中にいれたり 、 加熱しな いでく だ さい。 火災、 思わぬ事故、 ケ ガの原因になり ます 。
●火のちかく 、直射日光のあた る 場所、 高温多湿になる場所、 車のなかでの充電・ 使用・ 保管はしな い でく ださ い 。
《 電池を誤使用すると 発熱・ 破裂・ 発火・ 液もれなど の危険があります 。下記に注意し てく ださい 。》
●+-( プラ ス マイ ナス ) を正し く いれてく だ さ い。
●使用後は必ずコント ローラ ー の電源スイ ッチを OFF にして 電池を はずし てく だ さ い。
●ショ ート させたり 、 充電、 分解、 加熱し た り 、 水や火のな かにいれない でく ださ い。
●万一、電池から も れた 液が目にはい っ たと き は、 すぐに 大量の水で洗い 、 医師に 相談し てく ださ い 。 皮ふや服に ついた
ときは水で 洗っ て く ださ い。
《 思わぬ事故、 ケ ガの原因にな り ます。 下記に注意し てく ださ い。》
●道路や人ごみでは危険ですので 遊ばないでく ださ い。 屋外では安全な場所を 選んで遊んでく だ さい。
●コント ローラ ーのア ン テ ナは無理に 曲げな いで く ださ い。 折れて鋭角な部分で ケガ を する おそ れがあり ます。
●屋外で遊んでいて雷が鳴り 出したら 、すぐ に使用を中止し てく ださ い 。 落雷の原因になり ま す。
●ぶつけたり 、 ふりま わすな ど乱暴な 扱いを し ないでく ださ い。
●屋内で走行させる 場合は、 ガ ラス や家具など の破損に注意し てく ださ い。
●車輪に指や髪の毛や衣服などを 巻き込ま れないよ う に注意し て く ださ い。
●対象年齢未満の子供がいると こ ろ で使用し な いでく ださ い。 また、 対象 年齢未満の子供に使用さ せな いでく ださ い。
わぬ事故、ケ ガを す る おそれがあ り ます。
●ラジオコ ント ロ ールカ ー以外の用途では使用しな いで く ださ い。
  注 意( ちゅう い )
ラジオ コ ン ト ロ ールカ ー G-BUGGY( ジーバギ ー) 対象 年 齢
歳以 上
遊ぶときの約束 ●本製品は精密電子回路や多数のパーツを使用し て います。 分解や改造し ない でく だ さい。
●水深が2c m 以上深い場所や、 水没さ せて 使用しな いでく だ さ い。
●遊んだあと は絶対に水の中に放置し ないで く ださ い。 本体内部への浸水の原因と なり ます 。
●スト ーブの近く など火気のあ る温度の高いと こ ろには置かな いでく だ さ い。
● 同じ周波数のラジオ コン ト ロール製品を 近く で同時に 操作すると 、 誤動作の原因と なり ます 。
● ラジオコン ト ロー ルカー以外の障害電波が出て いると き にも誤動作の原因と なり ま す。 こ のとき 、 遊ぶ場所を変える か時間
をおいて く ださ い。
● 遊んだあとは必ず本体 とコ ン ト ローラ ーの電源 スイ ッチ を OF F にし てく ださ い。 電源 スイ ッチ を OF F にし 忘れる と電気
が流れ、電池が早く 消耗し ます 。
● 電池も休み時間が必要です。 休み時間を入れる と、 連続で遊んだ とき より も 長く 遊ぶこ と ができま す。
「時間をおい て動かすと 少し動く が、 すぐ 止まっ てし まう 。」 こ れは電池を休ませる こ とによ り 、 一時的に電池が回復するた
めです。 電池を 充電し て く ださ い。
※実際の商品と イ ラ ス は多少異な
Steering wheel
Power light
Gbuggy. i ndd 2 2011/05/16 18: 50: 34
プ ロ セス ブ
Car x 1 Controller x 1
Antenna for controller x 1
Antenna tube x 1 Instruction manual
x 1
Trim adjusting lever
Battery cover
Battery cover
Battery cover
Battery cover
Battery cover
(red) Power switch
Throttle trigger Battery cover
Power switch
There is a
cover for
-Do not wash the car or put the car in the water when you cool the car down.
27 M Hz
■ Operation distance
■ Battery : AA x 6pcs (not included)
** Do not use manganese batteries.
** AA rechargeable batteries can be used.
■ Operation time : Approx. 30 min.
(in case of new alkaline batteries)
■ Battery : AA x 3pcs (not included)
■ Operation time : Approx. 4 hours
※Operating time may vary according to the kind of
batteries or how to use.
●Pools under 2cm depth or water
●More than 2cm depth water.
●Driving at seaside or put the car
in the sea.
●In the heavy rain.
Gbuggy.indd 3 2011/05/13 11:13:05
Operating distance Approx. 15m
Full action :
Forward, backward, right, left and stop
** Do not use manganese batteris.
** AA rechargeable batteries can be used.
** When controller batteries are exhaused,
power light (red) is put out.
Please change to new batteries then.
Using new alkaline batteries
During driving on the rough road or continuous driving, the car may stop or speed down automatically
by working the protect function to avoid car damage or battery heat. In this case, please release
the function as below.
1. Switch the car off.
2. Cool down the car by holding it at cooler place more than 15min. then driging function will recover.
Waterproof (Same level as JIS 4 level)
This product is not completely waterproofed. Pay attnention as below.
can be used cannot be used
In the light rain
Wash the diry of tire
Diring in the bath or hot spring
●Put in the bucket water inside.
●Diring in the mud.
●Driving or wash the car with
removing the battery cover.
Do not drive at pond or any other place which water is deep. If more than 7cm water depth
the car is floated, the water come into the car and it may cause damage or accident.
① Chek the power switch
of the back side off.
Release the lock
of the battery cover by
turning as right picture
and remove the battery cover.
Put the batteries in correct
polarity as per right picture.
Put the battery cover
on and close it by locking
as right picture.
Check the power switch of
the controller off.
② Open the battery cover by
pushing the claw of the back side.
Put the AA battery in correct
polarity as right picture.
Close the battery cover
Gbuggy.indd 4 2011/05/13 11:13:07
How to install the battery in the
* When the batteries are exaust, Power lump (red)
is put out and cannot operate the car.
In this case, please change to new batateries.
How to assemble and disassemble the antenna for controller
How to assemble the antenna
Screw the antenna in the
direction of above picture
to pot into controller
How to disassemble the antenna
Screw out the antenna in the
direction of above picture
and remove from the controller
To avoid antenna broken
When shorten the antenna, to shorten step by step
from the under level. Do not shorten by pusing
the top of the antenna.
How to install the battery
in the car
Put the antennal tube in the car body
firmly and tie the top of the antenna.
② Put the power switch on.
③ Extend the controller antenna
and put the controller switch on,
then power lump (red) is light on.
Gbuggy.indd 5 2011/05/13 11:13:08
How to operate the car
Forward Backward
Pull the throttle trigger
in arrows direction, the car
go to forward.
Push the throttle trigger
to arrows directly, the car
go to backward.
Left Right
Turn the steering wheel
to arrows directly with
operating throttle trigger.
Turn the steering wheel to
arrows directly with operating
throttle trigger.
+When drive the car continuously after changing to new batteries, surely hold playing more than 15 minutes
and cool down the car, or the car may not work due to safety function will work.
-Do not keep at the place having direct
sunshine, high temperature, high humidity
and the inside the car.
It may cause short-circuited, heat or fire.
+Ensure to switch the car and controller off.
Keep the car with removing the battery from the car.
It may cause the damage by water.
Switch the car and controller off. ②Remove the battery from the controller
after confirming the power lamp is off.
-When wash the car, do not remove the battery cover, it causes out of order by water.
Gbuggy.indd 6 2011/05/13 11:13:10
Trim adjustment
If the car does not run straight even flat surface, adjust the trim lever at the back of the car.
If the car turns left.
Move the trim adjustment lever to R side.
Trim adjustment lever
Back of the car
If the car turns right.
Move the trim adjustment lever to L side.
Trim adjustment lever
Back of the car
Pay attention when drive
the car continuously
After paying
Maintenance after playing
Ensure the no damage. Remove the sand or stones in the pattern of the tyres.
Wipe by dry cloth after washing.
Attention when wash
the car
Attention for keeping
the car
Condition Ref.pag
There is interference
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page 1
page 1
page 4
Gbuggy.indd 7 2011/05/13 11:13:11
Trouble shooting
How to settle it
The car cannot
The car is
out of control
Controller power
lamp is dark
The batteries are put
in wrong polarity
Install the batteries in
correct polarity.
Batteries are exhaust, Change the all batteries
to new one.
Safety function is working
as the car is heating up
by driving rough road or continuously driving.
Hold to drive more than
15 minutes and cool down
the car.
Batteires are exhaused. Change the all batteries
to new one.
Same frequency radio
controlled is operated at near
Change the place or operate
Controller batteries are
Change the all batteries
to new one
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operations is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
* Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
* Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
* Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit difference from that to which the receiver is needed.
* Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

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