CDVI WIRELESS S P A T433 Remote Control, Door Opener, Access Control, etc. User Manual Tx433AM
CDVI WIRELESS S.P.A. Remote Control, Door Opener, Access Control, etc. Tx433AM
Users Manual
ERONE 433 MINI AM SETR 2641AM2 0678 RADIOCOMANDI ThankyouforchoosingaproductErone.Youarerecommendedto readcarefullythismanualbeforeinstallingtheproduct. CONTENTS 1-TRANSMITTERINTRODUCTION 1A-Generalinformation 1B-Technicalspecifications 1C-Mainfeatures 2 - CODING 3-MEMORISATION 4 - B ATTERY ACCESS code,hastobeconnectedduringtheinstallationtothedevicetocontrol ( gate, garage door, rolling shutters, awnings, anti-burglar appliances, lighting ). All the receivers of the range Erone 433 can store into the EEPROMaserialnumber,amanufacturerkeyandasynchronismalgorithm ofmoretransmitters. Eachtransmitter(oritsdifferentkeys)canbestoredintodifferentreceivers andhencecandomorefunctions. Inordertousetheunusedkeysofthetransmitteritisenoughtoconnectthe dedicated receiver to the mechanism to drive ( i.e. electrolock of a pedestriangate,abuzzer,etc.). The product fully complies with the European Directives 99/5/CE, 89/336/CEE,73/23/CEEand withthePart15ofFCCRegulations. 1 B - Technical specifications Numberofkeys: Supply : Batterylife: Currentconsumption: Operatingfrequency : Codecombinations: Modulation: Ratede.r.p.: Rangeinfreespace: Operatingtemperature: Overalldimensions: Weight: 2lithiumbatteriesCR2016 18-24months 13 mA 433.92MHz 264 AM / ASK 50 - 1 0 0 m W 100-200m -20 .. + 5 5 ° C 61 x 3 6 x 1 6 m m 20 gr. 1C-Mainfeatures Red LED Push-buttonA 5-TROUBLESHOOTING 1A-Generalinformation The radiocontrol ERONE 433 MINI has been designed for the control of automaticclosingsystemsandanti-burglarsystemsthankstoitsveryhigh security coding system. (KeeLoq ® Hopping code).The code sentbythe transmitterchangesateachactivation,avoidinganyscanningandcopying risk. A special algorithm allows to keep syncronysed transmitter and receiver. The operating frequency is among the European harmonised frequencies. The receiver which makes the activation, once received the transmitter Battery door Push-buttonB Key holder ring 2 - CODING Eachtransmitterismanufacturedandsoldwithadifferentunivocalserial numberset-in-factory.The realtransmitted codeistheresultofaspecial algorithm which combines a serial number, a manufacturer key and a synchronizationnumber. 3 - MEMORISATION The transmitter security code has to be stored onto the receiver or the receivers memory available. Yourowninstallerorresellerwillperformthis operationduringtheinstallationorwillgiveyouthenecessariesinstructions duringthe selling.Don'tforgetthatthestillfreebuttonsofyourtransmitter canbeused forfurtherwirelessfunctions. Askyourinstallerthebestsuitablereceiver. Any changes or modification to ELPRO INNOTEK equipment not expresslyapprovedbyELPROINNOTEK couldvoidtheuser'sauthority tooperatetheequipment. Toaccessthebatteryturnclockwisethebattery door. Placethe2lithiumCR2016batteriesinserting apartofthemunderthedoorandtakingcare topushthemjustontheinternalringplane. NOTE:Pleasedisposeofthebatteriescorrectly, theyarehazardouswaste. GUARANTEE 5-TROUBLESHOOTING Theradio emissionisn’t verifiable ThetransmitterledisOFF. FCC ID : PWJ T433 This device complies with Part. 15 of the FCC Rules Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions: (1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and (2)thisdevicemust accept interferencereceived,including interferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation. Notice 4 - B ATTERY ACCESS FAULT ERONE - Type : SETR2641AM2 SOLUTION Replace the transmitter batteries Theradio emissionisn’t verifiable The transmitterledisON. Checkthereceiversupply. The transmitter led blinks Replacethetransmitter batteries TheguaranteeperiodofallEroneproductsis24months,beginningfrom the manufacturer date. Duringthisperiod,iftheproductdoes not work correctly,due toadefectivecomponent,theproductwillberepairedor substituted at the discretionoftheproducer. The guarantee does not cover the plasticcontainerintegrity.After-sale service issuppliedatthe producer'sfactory. ERONEisatrademarkbyELPROINNOTEKS.r.l. ViaPiave,23-I-31020S.Pietrodi Feletto(TV)-ITALY Tel.:+39/0438/450879 - Fax.: +39/0438/457126 Toll-free number:800.53.46.46 E-Mail: - IS-TMNERGXRev.0del10.12.2001
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