China Electronics Shenzhen Company BLUETOOTH SPEAKER
User Manual
Fcc: LANDO BLUETOOTH SPEAKER DIM? PAQKAQE QQNTENT§ 1. LANDO Blueloom Speaker 2, User’s Manual 3. USB cable 4. Audio cable mum LII ur- .ux m gliARgiNg THE §PEAKER1 Before using the speaker lpr irie fiisl lime. merge i1 ipr :41 least 12 hours. 1. Plug the usa cetiie inla the port an the speaker, plug lire diner eiid Inn irie usa purr cri ihe Domplflan 2, Red LED will turn cn in indicele trial ihe unir ie merging. 3. Red LED will turn diludien luliy charged. PAIRINQ THE DEVIQE 1, Place the speaker near the aiustcoth-enabled device. 2, Slide the ON/OFF button to ON. The blue LED will iiash 3 times slowly men hash quickly. The speaker is now in pairing mode. Follow rhe lnslruclions cl your device to search ipr the speaker. The speaker is celled 'LANDO ': enter me PIN '0000' n needed. The blue LED will tiesh slowly when pairing is complete. P'PS“ BASIC INSTRUCTIONS To mm the speaker oil. slide the ONIOFF button to ON. The Speaker will emit a beep and a blue LED will iiesh slowly The blue LED stay on when playing music. The speaker will eriiii a peep every 20 seams when the balm is leer. Tu iurii the speaker nfl, slide the ONIOFF tiurtpn m OFF. TEQHNIm §PEQIFIQTIQ§I A). 5:? "'5'. R” R alueiooth standard .lvEDR rging. ed LED on El w" r A2 DP Fully Charged: Red LED on Wm. dam Pairing Mode: Blue LED will flash quickly F "‘9 '5 "°°_- 22 - 2 connacled: Blue LED wlll ilaeh slowly WWW m9“ °”‘ ' “”1 . _ V . SIN Ratio: >aoda Playing. Blue LED will remain on D F _ <1“ Playingtrme- 2llours Chargelnlelhouls. Shoasfirsn'llle. $5: !ANQ figNEfiAL INFQRMATIQN: Dc nor expose the device rc water or erterrrpt lo disassemble lire device. ii me device is aimed lo water or disassembled, the user may be risking an electric short. Handle this product wilh care. virilioui proper care the device may not iunetion propeny. Do not use this product in an aircran or in a hospital. Do not expose the device to direct aurilrghl. Device may become warm while charging. NOYE n.. m m New enamel... r. we W m legume is . m a mm mm m 15mm: remicmuwm ”imam cc me. "as: women or mm m W... mm mm. M. Via/mm "elem m . new... mum in, am“. mine, in .m m m... am new M m i m. muiieeue teed ihxmmnwlm oe ileum mar MMMM ”8212mm lien Mm mus is m: waiin‘iw mar mimeam will ner «nil in indium; realm viii; minim 5w: one term Wimp! ll: rave on msw rm emu av a. cur-mimic or mm m .1: r on m Du rm es- s "Di-aw la ilv m could W mien-rm. by on. a. mm: c a wow "id-sums . {Hawaii Home I?! ‘11::wa shim. "a . Helene melon mm. D semi. receiver . cum Mewomgm mm Mari} a mmmemm mallow ne waiver .5 some. . cmur m. new i. .n “pail-mm “mime." lav rec m.ww.m__m._emw_-m_u- -.Mes.....wi Mu: men iii-incur. LANDO ENCEINTE BLUETOOTH ENTENLJ DE L'EMBALLAQE 1. LANDO Enceimz Blnetoofil OWE 2. Mode limp“ 3. Came U55 4. Cable audio mun li- ainu- im mun-Em CHARGEMENT DE L'ENCEINTE : Avam Ml'sar ranceinte pour is premiere leis, chergex-ie pendent eu moms 12 haures. 1. arerichez le cebla use dens le porr de renoeinte. hmnchez i'eutre axiremiie dens ie pcn use de rerdmeteur. 2. La LED rouge s' ume pour irrdiguer oue rappereil esl en charge. 3. La LED rouge s'eleint lorsque rappareil esl corriplelemenl charge. APPAlmE DE L'APPAREIL . Pose: renceirrte pres de rapparerl Elueteotlr. Fades bcseuler rinterrupteur marare/arret sur - 0N n. La LED rouge cllgnote 3 his Ientement et denote ensuire repldernerrl. L'ericer'rrle est a présenl en mode d'appaiiege. slivez Ias irisiructicrie de votie apparel efiri d‘lsolel voile enceirrle. L'criceinie eel appeléa « woo r7 entrez is code d’zccés « anon » sl necessaire. la LED iileue clignere lenleirieirr lama rzppaiiegi a léussi. 5"?!“ N‘ INSTRUCTIONS DE BASE Purellurrler rermiile. [sites basailer lirrlerrupieur rriarizhelem'et sur « ON lr. L'enoeinie émel un signal same at is LED bleue digriaie leniemeriL La LED bleua Mia allumée Iorsqua vous scram de la musique. L'eriaeinie amel un signal some tomes les 20 secondes lorsoua le nrveeu de la bellerle est lelble. Poi- Meme I'erlceirile, varies besmler riniemipteur maruielarrei sur c OFF l». Charge-item : LED rouge allumee Eat-elem chargee : LED rouge elem Mode d‘appairsge : Ia LED rouge ciignom rapidenienl Connexion : la LED rouge ciignote Ienlamenl Mode lecture : LED bleue reae ailumee FOCrrne Blueiporh . 2.l oEDR Convemiurrahierpoihzltznp Disiaiicedetpiicliixiriaiiemzsm aaiidedeirequerice zanz-zoKiiz RappmSle>eoda Faaeurde disicrsren ; (um Diueedelecrure; 2herues stps de phage : 2 lieuiee. a heures evani la lpuie premiere uiiiiseiion. INF Rmm N ‘N MMAN AT N RiT' Evita d'ellooset rappareii a reau ei ne ierilez pas de le démolller. Sl I'apparell esl expose a reau oil 51 est denim. ruliliseteur peril provoguer un coun-oirourl electrloue. Manipulez eel appareil aver; proceuliorl afin deviler un mauve-s lcnclionnenienl. Colappereirledoilpaseireinirsedansunavionou unhapnal. Nexposez pas direclerrienl rappareil aux rayons du spiel L'eccarer'l peril devenlr ctreud err will: de ohargemem. in no rim: me. n cim
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Page Count : 1 Language : en-US Author : TC Creator : Writer Producer : LibreOffice 3.5 Create Date : 2015:01:22 12:25:46+01:00EXIF Metadata provided by