China Electronics Shenzhen Company BLUETOOTH SPEAKER
User Manual
Funbox Blueloom Sneaker User’s Manual USE cable Audio cable acre- CHARGING THE SPEAKS! Beiore using me speaker lar llie nrsl (Imeidlarge il lor al leasl 24 nours. 1x Plug lne use cable inliolne porlon bie speakerplug ilie olnerend inlolne use ponon me compuler 2_ Red LED will lurn en lo indicele llial ilie uriii is cliarging. 3‘ Red LED will lum oilwlien fully charged. 1» Place "I! walker naar {he mamlb—enablld Gal/Ix. 2‘ Slide ilie ONIOFF bullon lo 0mm blue LED will llesli 3 limes slowly men liesli quicklyr The speaker ls now in pairing mode. is Follow the inslrucllons a! your device In seam [or me speaker. e The speaker is called-Eunborzeriler ilie MN m- n needed 5. Tne blue LED will ilasli siowiy wneri pairing is cpinpiele To lum ilie speaker on,slide ilie ONIOFF bulk)" to ON The Speaker will em a beep and a we LED will llasri sloMy, Tne blue LED will slay on when playing music. The speaker wlll emil a beep every 20 seconds when lrie ballery is him To lum llie speaker oil, ilie wow bililori lo OFF mm criarging.Red LED on Fully criarged:Red LED oll Pairing Mode : Blue LED will llasli quickly Conneaed: Blue LED will llasli slowly Playing:Bliie LED will remain on Emu gm mm Do riol expose ilie device lo water or allenipl lo disassemble ilie device ll ilie device is exposed in waler or disassembledJM user may lie risking an clear: snon. Handle llie produci wim carewiinoul proper care lne device may nel lunebori properly no riol use lliis producl in an airuall or in a liosprlal, Do riol expose ilie device lo direia sunlignl. Device may become warm vrliile cliargrng. Foo FCC NOTICE Tliis deeive complies wlln pan is oi ilie FCC Rules Operabon is subject in ilie [allowing lwo condilions: 1» Tlirs device may nol cause liarnilul inlerleiece and 2. Tliis device mirsl sewed! any lnlerence moswedulncludlng illeflemoe llial may muse undesved operelicri Foe currlou - Any cnanges or modificaliom ncl expressly approved by me pally responsible lor oorriplience ooule void ilie user's llflhanfy lo openile lliis equipmenl. - Tliis devrce and its anieririais) rnusl nol be oo-locam or dperaiing in conjuncliori vnlli any mar antenna or transmlller. rummrccumciWMMMMManmdnm Mm I‘M mam $06) @1992) ifl 1- 0 PlioneAriswer and Radial Kerundu Blueloolli oonnecled slalus,wlieii llie cal carries in press billion quidrly lid anaer llie cell.presa and liold lo oliarige mode between AUX/Bluelooln. 2_ 9 Volurriedouri lLesl Song .Press quickly lorlasi song .pvasland hold lio deaease llie volume 3‘ 6 Volume upINexl Song Press will“! lor nexl sender»: and hold le mam llie volumeymen volume readies ilie maximum limil speaker will beep, 4. e Poweroriloll 5. 6 mm liglrl mam ligni ileslirrrg lasi=searoriing lor Blueloolli signal Blue ligliil llaslilnd slowly=oorineaed lo Biueloolli Red liplil on: «ma-9mm My clierged .lrglil will lurn oil. a, 9 nice use :Use a computer use pen/power adaplarlo rediage lbs speakemnien bailey is lowii will lake 4 liours h lully reaiarpe ilie ballery. 1.9 AudioinpiiiiLine-‘eil weird-deem SIN‘270dB iiinoiil poweflr‘lwxz WNW WmJZDHz—ISKHI badery caoacityomwh ballery limezup lo 4 mills] RMS(THD=IU%) banery oliarging fime hours alivecl .5' produai size - lssmxssinin W suppiyuse .DC sv=sooniA produci vreigril. 3009 dislorborisosse Fw NOTE This equlvmem has been reeled and iound lo (:0ng wilh llie legulrernenls lcl a Class B digital device undel Pan l5 oi me Federal Communications ommisslon 4 CC) rules These regurremenls are inlended lo provide reasonable proleclion ageinsl hermlul inlerference in a resrdenlial inslalldlion 1'liis equipme generales, uses and can radiale radio lrequency energy and, ii nol inslalled and used in mdance vvllli mo InSflUChOnSi may cause harmlui merierenoe lo radio communicalions However, were is no guarantee lhal inlenelence Will nol occul in a pamcular rnslallalion Ii lhis equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or lelewsm leoemm, whidl can be deiermined by mining [be u all and on, the user is encouraged lo lry lo eonecl lne inlerieienee by one or more oi \he olowmg measures - Reorienl or relocale the receiving anienne . increase the separation berween llie equipmenl and receiver 0 Connecl "m saulnrnenl mm an Dullfi‘ on a CII’CuiK diflerenl Irom (ha! ‘0 which [he receiver is connecred . Consuli ilie dealer 0! an experienced radio/TV led’lrilcmn ier nelp Mun riodse Illa-incur-
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Page Count : 1 Language : en-US Author : TC Creator : Writer Producer : LibreOffice 3.5 Create Date : 2015:01:22 12:09:00+01:00EXIF Metadata provided by