CIS Technology DH08V2 User Manual 8

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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted1999-06-10 00:00:00
Date Available1999-06-29 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-19 19:52:16
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Document Lastmod2001-06-19 19:52:18
Document Title8

User Manual
3 Port
10/100 Dual Speadb‘themzl Hub
FCC Compliance Statement
This device compliance with Part lS of the FCC rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (I) this device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to oomply with the limits for a
Class B digital device pursuant to Part [5 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. m; equipment gar-crates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and. if not instnlled and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communicationx
However, there is no guaranteethat interference will not occur in n particu~
Iar installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio
or television reception, which can be determined by tuning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
or more of the following measures:
u Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
u Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
0 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different fi'om
that to which the receiver is connected.
[J Consult the dealer or an experience radio/TV technician for help.
10/100 Dual Speed Ellllmel Hub
CE Compliance Sutement
W: hereby certify thal the Ethemel Hub complies with the EN 500814
and EN 50022-1 requiremenli
EN 50082-1 smndaxd: KEC 301—2
(Electrostatic Dischaxge)
: mc 301-3
(Radiated Immunity)
: [EC 8014
(Electrical Fast Transient/Elmo
All regin‘zred rmdemarlu are the property oft/lair mpecnve owners.
10/100 Dull Speed Elhernet Hub
FCC Compliance Summent
CE Complinncestamnent...
Chapter 1 Inmduflian
Summary offeatures
Package Contmls
Front and Back views of the Hub
LED Indicators
MDI—XINDI Switch .......
Chapter 2 Insullingthe Dual-speed Hub ....... a ..... .. .....
Pre-Inslallafiom Requirements
Connection for a 10 and 100 Mb
Connection for Hubs Cascading
ps Device
AppendixA n. ........ “Mam...“ ............. ..‘........ ..... ..
Specificafims A.
Appendle Wm ......... ”mum
R145 pin amignmenns ..
RJ-45 pin comm: ..
10/100 Dual Speed Ethernet Hub
Chapter 1 Introduction
The lO/lOOBASEJX Ethemel Hub is a dual-speed huh that is designed to
easily integrate the Fast Ethernet network into your existing 10 Mbps
network workgroups. The dual-speed huh consists of two internal net-
work segments, one is for lOBASE-Tnetwork operation, the other one is
providing lOOBASE-TX Ethernet connection It also includes an internal
switching port to inter-link different data transferring between 10 and 100
Mbps networks
This dual-speed hub provides eight (8) R145 ports, supporting auto-
negotiation and autwselection. The MDI-XINHDI switch could swap the
last 111-45 port transmit and receive pin assignment which could enable a
daisy-chain connection to another. In addition. Ihe compact chassis allows
users to easily setup the dual»speed huh on a desktop or wall-mount
operating environment.
Summary of features
D Compliance with both lDBASE-T and lODBASE—TX specifications of
the IEEE 802.3 standards.
n Equipped with eight (8) shielded lU—45 connectors, supporting autu-
malic selection for I0 or 100 Mbps network operation.
a Supports 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps network segment collision indication.
El Built-in switching interface to interlink 10 and 100 Mbps network
D MDLX/MDI selection switch allows you to swap the last shielded
RJ—45 part transmit and receive pin assignments to daisy-chain to
El Palm size chassis enables you to easily install the hub on a desktop or
wall-mount environment,
a Equipped with a variety of infommtive LEDs for easy viewing and
[W100 DualSpetd Ethernet Hub
Package Contents
The package nfyom dual-speed Ethernet hub should contain th: follow-
ing imms:
u Dual-speed Ethernet hub
u External power adapter
m User manual
NOTE: If any items is missing or damaged‘ please Contact your dealer for
Front and Back views nmle Hub
Figures 1—1 shows the from and back View of the Dual-speed hub,
WWW W‘wllMfiRm Mm
mm: columnar MM Mm
Figlme 1—1 Front 15 Back View oflhz Hub
Ill/100 Dual Speed Erhemel Huh
The dual-speed Ethernet huh provides a variety of informative LEDs rm
the front panel for easy viewing and troubleshooting.
The green LED indicates the power status. This green LED will be [it
while the hub is receiving power.
The amber LED displays the 10 Mbps network collision smtus. lfn
collision is detected on the internal lOMhps network segment, the amber
LED will flash.
The amber LED displays the lot) Mbps network collision smtus. lfu
collision is detected on the internal lOOMhps network segment, the
amber LED M'Il flash.
The green LED displays the link, activity status. In good link is estab-
Iislied on the given port, this green LED will be continuously in, indicat-
ing a valid network connection between the netvmrk node and the dual
speed huh. When data is transmitted. this green LED will flash.
The green LED displays the speed status. lfa good lOOMhps link is
established on the gym port, this green LED will light, indicating a valid
100Mbps network connection between the network node and the hub.
lfa lOMbps connection is detected, this green LED will be unlit.
10/100 Dual Spud Eihunet Hub
Ugilizgu‘gu LED
The green LEDs displays the nctwork uliiizalion slams. The corre-
sponding LEDs (shown as |%~ 50%) will light when lhe network tram:
utilization has reached the percentage
NOTE:Figure 1~I shows the from View of this Dual—speed hub's LEDs
MDI-X/NID! Switch
The MDl-X/MDI switch can be easily oonfigumfion aflast RJ-45 pun as
a MB] or MDI-X pin sssignmem. For example, when lhspon is configured
as a MD] pin assignment, lhe dual-spwd hub may be connected to simmer
hub Vlfl UTP, without the need nfa special blossover cab]:
lfl/IW Dual Spud Ethernzt Hub
Chapter 2 Installing the Dual—speed Hub
Prflnstnllnfion Requirements
Before you connect the dual-speed Elbemm hub to the network, makc sllre
dual you have had [he proper operating envimnmcnl. To provide the proper
opmting condition, make sine the following installation requim'nentx:
D Power Requirement: 100 In 240VAC al 50 to 60 Hz
11 Cable Requirement: The dual-speed Ethemel hub requires
Category 3, «, ar5 UTP cable wiring fir the 10 Mbps conneclion.
Calegoty 5 UTP cable wiring fiv- the 100 Mbps cunmfim
Category 5 Specification:
0 Two pairs ofwiring are required
I] Cable typezshield Twisted-Pair (ST?) or Unshielded Twisled Pair
5 Wire gangs: 13m 26 AWG
u Nominal impedance: 10001“;
u Maximmn cable length: 300 (100m)
B Nominal monuadan: less than 11.5dh
RJ-lS Pin Assignments
_ TD—TransmiltoUTP
10/100 Dual SpeedElhemd Hub
Cnnnection for a lo and 100 Mbps Device
The dunkspeed hub is equipped wilh eight (8) R145 ports. Be sure to use
the proper cable wiring la counsel the hub to a 10 or [00 Mbps network
device. Verify the following connection requirements.
NOTE: I. Set the MDI-X/MDI swilch to position "MDI-X" while con-
nect Iitis dual-speed hub to a ID or 100 Mbps server or
2. Set the MDl-X/MDI switch to position "MDI" while connect
this dual-speed hub to a 10 or IOO Mbps Ethernet hub,
Figure 2-1 shows the typical connection for 10 and 100 Mbps
“mm unw-
N-mvk um:-
w W tun Mhpx
mm" mm
Figure 2-1 Connemara/or 10 or 100 Mbps
lfl/Iflfl DualSpud Ethan-at Hub
Connection for Hubs Cascading
The last R145 port of your dual-speed hub Could be configured as MD]
pin assignmcnl and enable you to daisydwin to mother I0 or 100 Mbps
Ethcmet hub. Before cascading the dual-speed hub to another, please make
sure the follnwing installation requirements:
10 Mbps Hub Cascading
UuCetegory 14an UTthlclo finkywrdualw hubtoumlhm' 10
Mbps Ethernet hub, Make sure the UTP cable does not exceed 100m.
Based on lEE 802.3 specification, you may cascade up to four ll) Mbps
Ethcmet hub.
14m Mhpu Hub Cucafllng
Use Cetegary 5 UTP cable to link your dual-speed hub In another 100
Mbps Edwmel hub. Make sure the Calegory S cascading cable docs nm
mud 5m while connecting your dual-speed hub to nether Fast Ethernet
Based on IEEE 8023u and Class I] specification, you may cascade up to
two Fast Ethernet hub.
Figure 2-2 shows the typical connection for Fast Ethcmet hub cascading,
um um Emmi m
Figure 2-2 Carin aria" for Fast Erhzmet hub cascading
10/100 Dual Spud Ethan!” Hub
IEEE 802.3 standards:
Wiring Connectors:
Emission Certifications:
Immunity Certifications:
lnplll Volmge:
Power Consmnplian:
Operating Temperature:
Opemting Humidity:
Operating Almude:
R145 ' 8
63” x 3,9“ x 0.9 "
(l60mmx100mmx 25mm)
FCC Pan 15 Class B
[EC 80 1 »2
(Electrostatic Discharge)
IEC 801-3
(Radiatcd Immunity)
[EC 801—4
(Electrical F est Transienl/Bllrsl)
O In 55 dcgrees Centigrade
10% w 90%, non-oondensing
10,000fi (3.0mm) maximum
10/100 Dual Spud Ethernet Hub
RJ—ds pin nuignmenu
1 urn-minim yum-nun
1 mun—rm er-vll-w
3 rum-nun» nut—0mm
a "Him-mm mph-null"
UM Imi- inn-u
ml: A -I: Ill-45 canneclarpin assignments
RJ-45 pln connectar
Phan: Side Plug sue
1hble A-2: 111-45 cannzclarpin locatiwu
ex: $mkt$k¥£kt$$t**$**
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subJect to the following two conditions:
(ll This device may not cause harmful interference and
(2) This device must accept any interference reCEived, including
interterence that may cause undesired operation.
limits for a Class B digital device. Pursant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These Limits are designed to proVide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
interference will not occur in a particular installationi If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception. Which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference
——Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
--Increase the separation between the equipment and
--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
This booklet is available from the Us government Printing Office
*Washington, DC 20402, Stock NO. 004-000-00345—4.
Any changes of modifications not expressly
y the grantee of th‘

Source Exif Data:
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Create Date                     : 2001:06:19 19:52:16
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Page Count                      : 14
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