CIS Technology HC04D User Manual 8
CIS Technology Inc 8
EXHIBIT C User Manual 10/100 Ethernet Hub Card for PCI Auto-Configurable Installation and Configuration Guide Ethernet Card orPCI FCC Comp an“ Slatemznt This devlce complies wish Pnrr is of rho FCC rules. Operalion is subject ro lhe following two condilions: (l) rhis devlce may nul cause harmful inrerrerence, und (2) lhis device musr accepl any inrerfelence received, including inlel-fercnce [hm may causc undesired opemuon. NOTE This sonipnienr has been resred and round lo comply wim the limils for a Class B dig a] device, pursuanr (0 Pan 15 or me FCC Rules. These llmils are designed in provide rcusunahl: plorecnon agarnsr harmful inrerference In a residennnl inslallarion, Thls equipmenr generales. uses and can radiale m frequency energy and if nor in, sralled and used in accordance wilh lhe mslruclions‘ may oausc harmful inrerference ro radio conununlcruions. However, rhere is no guaranlee rhpl inrerferonee will nor occur in a purricular insrallarion lr llus equipmenr does cause harmful inrerlerence ro radio or relcvisiun incep— Imn‘ which can he derennined by rurnlng rhe equipment off and on, rhe user is encouraged I0 Iry ro correcr rhe mlErferellcc by one or more or die following rnoasure , Reorienr or relocare me receiving anlennu. - lncrease lhe separnlion oolween (he equipnlenl and receiver , tonnes. lhc cquiprnenr into an outlzl on n circuir diffelenr from lhar In which lhe receiver is connecred . Consull lhe dealer or un experienced radio/TV rech- nician for help. Thls Class B drgilal apparatus meets all requirclnenls or me Canadian lnul‘ferencerCausing Equipmem Requlanons Cer appareil numérique dc la Classe B respecle mules les cxigences du Réglemenl sur le malériel hmuilleur du Canada. All registered lrudcmarks are rhe plopefly of their Rspeclivc owners Ethernet Card for PCI CONTENTS FCC Compliance Stlwmem Section 1 Introduction .. Section 2 Installallon 5 Section 3 Configuration and Diagnostics ...‘6 Section 4 Drlvers Installation Section 5 Cable Specifications Section 6 Troubleshooting Section 5 Specifications Ethernet Card corPCI Section 1 Introduction Your Ethemel hub cam is a high performance network dcvicc Ihat is designed to eflsxly Imk fuur lO/lOOMbps hub with B KOOMbps PCI interfanc card, The hub card consists of four (4) IO/IOOBASE-TX hub pan [0 linking and forwanding packs in one segment, ilalso includes a 32-bit PCI interface to provide an additional conneelion with zhe nelwork segmem. The Ethemet hub card is designed for plug-and—piay immllalion and easy managemems wim all lO/lOOMbps pans and LEDs on the brackcl. Summary of fmlnm u Compliant Wllh (he IOBASE—T, IOOBASE-TX spemficanion of the IEEE 8023 standard 0 All lOIlDOMbps huh pun suppolts aumnegouation and ato-deleclion for 10 or IODMbps 0 Equipped With four LEDs for easy viewing and Imnbleshooting 0 muippedvnmamOMhpsMAcm-fummwm a ccnneclion with the lO/lDOMbps hub wegmcnt 0 Diagnostic software and nztwnrk drivers on the diskette 0 324m bus mastering for high mmughpm and law processor utilization Ethernet Card PCI Seclion 2 Installation Thls section describes how lo install your Ethemel hub card, Fcrform the following steps to install the adapier. l. Turn off your computer and all peripherals. 2, Make a non: of the cables and cards Ihal are com nected to the compuler and disconnect them 3. Remove your personal computers cover (refer to the owner's manual of your personal computer). 4, Select any available PCI slot, and remove the slol cover. 5. Carefully install the Elhemcl hub card imn the ex~ pension slot by firmly pressing the card into the edge of the cur-nectar Slol until the card ls snugly sealed in Ihe expansion slot and faslen the retaining bracket Willi screw from the 510! oovcr. e. Reinstall your personal computer's cover and re- connect the power cord and all cfibles, 7. Connect the Elhemet cable to your personal com» puter. Note: System Requirements: A PC and BIOS that suppon the PC] Local Bus Specificalion 2.x. Ethernet Card FCI Section 3 Configurallnn and Dinglloslics Your Ethemel hub card has builbin a lOOMbps MAC mlerfac: which is automatically configured when you powerrup yuur compuwn In ocnzin mmpmers, however. you mus: momfy your BIOS by entering your CMOS SETUP ulilily. To view the configuration parameters assxgned by the BIOS. mscn Ille suflware diskette into your drive and execute Ihe utxlxty soflware, EZRTSr Ethernet Card tar PCI Secflnn 4 Drivers Installation Be sure to install the proper driver for ihe hub card to provides a conneclian belwccn the 100Mbps MAC lmcrfaceand the four ID/I meps nodes, You can use the drivcrs supplied by the soflware diskelle than is compatible with your Nelworking Operating System The driver for each Networking Operating System IS under a separale directory Eaah diraclm'y includes aREADMEIXT file In dcscribetlle derailed installation procedure. A RELEASETXT l'llc undcr root directory lists the infcnmtiun or all the available drivers. Ethernet Card arFCI Sect-on 5 Cable Speuficntlons The Eihemel adaplcr is equipped with for RJ-as conncclflrs, m: R145 connecwnequircs aconsponding cable. This section describes each cablc‘s specification, - Cable far R145 connector for lOMbps network Cable Iype: of Quagmy. “Wrists pcrfooc Nominal impedance: Maximum wblelmgth: MaximmnAflenuan'on: UTP wnh 2 lwlsmd pairs 22.240r26AWG 3,4,015 2m3(min.) ltDohms 300mm Slo lOdBperlOOmal lDMz Cable for RJ-45 com-odor for lOOMbps netwurk able type. Cakgo'y: Twists per foot Nominal mm Maximum cable length: UTP with Z Iwislcd pairs of 26 AWG 2 [0 3mm.) lOOohxm 30m I(X)m) Ethernet Card ur PC] Section 6 “unblzsllonting This sectjcn descnbes reasons for some adapln‘s failures and the actions (0 be taken to resolve [he problems. - PCI scan specified, dcvice no! found Anion: Veniy thal the PCI Ethernet adapter 15 physlcally installed pmperly Olherwise, replace the adapter. - Connecuon failure ifusmg an unshielded lestcd pair (UTP) cable Action: Verify um me mesh]: is firmly mama and the cable type xs curmct for use. Ethernet Card fiorPCl Section 7 Spmlfimtianx IEEE802 3 Slandaxd: IOBASEVT [ oon ASE-TX Wu'ing Counselor. R145 Bus Characwristics: 32 bits ; PCI Local Bus specificafiun 2.x I/o address: hemg assxgned by the mos (o a free l/O address block lRQIine: INTA ; being assigned by the BIOS to a free IRQ (imam-pt) number Dunensions: FCC Cnmpliance: FCC Class B CE Compliance: Yes PowerConsumpu'on: 1,5A.@5V Operating Tempemmm' 0 \o 55 degrees centigrade OperatingHumidiry- 10mm, non-undensing In Ethernet Card or PCI K“; H mm USER INFORMATION INFORMATION TO THE USER guru: .m:tkutuker$nrxu This devxce complies With part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (L) This device may not cause harmful interferenceiafld (BI This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device. Pursant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference --Heorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -~Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. --Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. <_Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This booklet is available from the Us government Printing Office *Washington, DC 20402, Stock NO. 004~000—00345<4- modifications not expressly f this device could void the ' compliance with ' RS—23Z cabel are to be used in order to ensure . £28 ggiil$§? and it is the responsibility of theuser to prov1de and use Shielded RS—232 cabel from modem to personal computer.
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