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Document ID | 34095 |
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Document Description | 8 |
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Document Type | User Manual |
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Filesize | 55.41kB (692649 bits) |
Date Submitted | 1999-04-23 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 1999-04-28 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2001-06-30 12:57:27 |
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Document Lastmod | 2001-06-30 12:57:29 |
Document Title | 8 |
User Manual
Contents IV! 5’.§6(§ll'7>/L15
Section One: Introduction
1.1 Modem Features and Cnmpati
12 Contents 0! Your Padage
1.3 Where (D 901mm here
Section Two: Installing the FaxModem
2.1 External "Odem (nslatlalion
21.1 Indicator Lights
2.2 Inlemal Modem Installation
2.2.1 OOM Port 6. lnlerrupt Settings .
2.3 Testing Your Modem
2.4 Using Your Modem ..
Section Three: Software Inshllallon
3.1 Using file Inlemnl Modem wilh Windows 3.1
3.2 Uslng the modem with Wings .
3.2.1 Nan~PnP Modems in Vfin95
3.3 Using SVD function ..
Section Four: Insulting and Configuring Communication software
.. 14
4.1 massing the FaWoieeJSpeakatpmneIDSVD F '
. 14
4.2 Using Your Modem
Sutton Five: Troubleshooting .
5 1 Modern does not respond to omnmands' k
5.2 Modem dials but does not conned
5.3 Modunmalmwmednin.mdataappmmywsueal
5.4 mmmmkmmmm
5.5 Modem ambit; no?! voice record or playbad<
Section SIX: ATCommand Set A
6.1 Executing Commands
6.2 AT Commands a. Formal
5.3 AT Commands
6.3.1 Basic AT commands
5.3,2 v.251erAT oommands
Section Seven: S. Register Summary
Section Eight: Result Code Summary
Section Nine: SupponAnd Services ,.
Section Terr: Specifications .....
Section Eleven: Talecorn Notices
11.1 ms Compfiamz
11.2 FCC Gus; B sraremenl .
11.3 DOC Compliance Information
11.4 UKComprianoe Information
"5 Ringer Equlvalenee Nunber .
11,8 Approved Usage ..
11.7 Slofipe of Numbers
11.8 Inlemal “AT“ BUS Model
us Requirements hr PC Cards
11.10 Australian Compliance Inter-matron
. 17
u 20
The himflon contained Inws manual has been verified ant-e fine of
this manuara priming. 1M manufadurer reserves' me right» make my
changes and “movements inure product deserted in lhis manual llany
time and wimout urea.
All registered indemarks are the property or their respective owners
Copyright 0 WW All rights reserved. No rwroduaion of “is doorman!
In my brrn ls pennitved without prior written aumorimhn item the
manufacturer. Vendor! 1.0
Seclion One -In iroduciion
This new series cl modems represents a new generation oi PC
communicalion peripheral devices, combining high speed Dale. Fax.
Voice' , Full-Duplex Speakerphone‘ and SVD' (Simuilanenus Vince
and Dale) lunmions into a single device. "56000 modern can even make
your download speed lrorn oeniral lsP (lnlemal Service Provider) uplo
senoobps‘ This high performance modern oonneds your computer to all
popular modems and lax machines in use lodav.
This manual provides installation and cperalien insirucliuns lor your
modem. Also included in lhis manual are lisls and desuiplicns oi the
standard AT command set, S-regisiers, and troubleshooting lips. Be
certain lo read Secllon Two - Installing Yhe Modem lhcnvughly belore
performing the actual Inslalialion.
1.1 Modem Features and Compatibility
Your modem is compatible wilh the [allowing slandaros,
-"V. 90(56I
daledionis enabled. but busy
deleclion ls disabled
‘rsdisabled but busy delaction
Is enabled
«peel» rasult code. Dlil
lane lnfl busy delecliun
are hath enabled
Reset and mnmnfigulallon
Currier delect anays ON
Turn on CD when "emote
canlur Is present
DTR signal Igmred
Modem relum lo Command
Mode nller DTR lnggle
Mod-m hangs up lrld
relum to Command Mod-
aner um toggle
Loldllctorydelau It
configuration profile
Guam lone dlubltli
Guard lone disabled
1800": gnald tone enabled
Set pulse dlal to as'hlsw.
mlkllbreak ntlo @ 10
Set plflsn lilai tn 33m
make/bleak min a lo pp!
Set pulse dial la 39mm
make/bleak ratio 6 20 w:
Sel pulse dial lo 337-6155
makelbruk ullo Q 20 pp:
Report one": configuration
and flared profile
Slate wnem eonfigulallon
Une quality monllm disabled
Llne qlllllty monitor
enah led
-/.L DIspIay line signal level
"no Dispaly line signal qualily
5.3.2 v.25m AT commands
m Reportmanulaclurerll)
45mm RepoflmodellD
«em Repon revision ID
4GSN Repurt producl serial
4P001 Report global object ID
¢GCAP Repurl complete
¢IFc=a.b SelDTE—modembcalllw
Pammelera specifies the
local new conllol lrom
modem la DTE.whete
|=Enibles XONIXOFF
2=En=bles RTS
Pammeler h spedllas the
kmll flow control (mm
m madam, Mlere
2=Enables CTS
The delalm ls HFOKZJ
¢I.RR=0 Localporlrate
upmlng ulsahlad
mum local pm val: reporting
enabled ~
Selecl Modulllion
modulation pmlecol n
5103. BZ‘I. V21. V22,
V728. V238. v.52. V315.
Flt-male! b speclfie:
”Hm—l: In“; H
J ' — I |_-
c"mmmfl Function Command Function
disabled. mode .
|=au|omode enabled. Pmmeterb speaks the
Paumgger c specifies lhe umplaehvarbaenmede.
laws! transmit speed tor “Me" modem ongmales
cannedion. I all. Mme
Plumedardspedfiesme mMMNP ("normal
h' be:
camels-Tam” m 2=MPM nrMNP mode
Parametergspga'fiesmg 3= LAPM mede only
Iowa! receive we for 4= MNP mode any
connection Pirameierc speclfies me
Parameler I specirg, (he Mutable hllbadimode
mm {some speed tor when modem answers a
Gunnedion. call er snecllies v.80
mum-m: ¢M5= K56, synchrounous access
1. 75,338MJS‘55000 "lode when
4MR=0 Modumion connection ‘~ Nammmde
mooning dis-Med 2’ mMMWor-mml
fiMR=1 Modulatl a '
4 connectlon l'eptnrt‘l’ml;I " “PM ”MN? mo“
“f cnahled 5- lAPM modeoniy
‘Esfibfl: 6= MNPmodeonly
select error comma Ind 5‘ ”Mr HI with VM
tynchronous “a,“ synchronous lccess
mode mode
- ”nu default ls ‘ES=3 0.2
Plumeieuspecafiesme . _
Inilill requeslafl mode m Sign?“ ”Wm“
T; "m Wish-(u m Error control
D= “a“ ml with dlted ripening manna
mode ‘Ds’lbfid
!= Emanuwihmnnnl “lead": M550" .
mode var-meter
z= Inifizte ml wan v.42 Pai’amelera spedfiesun
wine-1mm «sired diodhn of dam
3= Imam eel win v.42 WM. where
m- eman- phase 0- gmwmssm
‘= m" ullwllh ”NP ' 1= bou- dlreoflcn em
0= lnmaw can with v.30 ”fission queued
Fur-meter b incomes
synchronous access Miellurornotmg modem
_” fli- tr
Command Function
should conilnue to
operate iitire result is not
D=don‘t disconned
maximum number 0!
Command Function
dictionary entries,
Parameterd specifies the
maximum tength to be
negotiates. Thedeiault is
ODS=3r O. 2048. 32
Data campressien
reporting disnbled
Dara compression
reporting enabied
Section Seven - S RegisterSummary
Table 7-1 shows theregisiers,ttreiriunctians, andtheirdeiaultvalues,
Same registers can have their values changer! by oorrlrnandsr Ityou use a
command to drangea registervaiue, the command remains Irreiiecilmfil you
turn oii o: reset your modem. Your modern ilren reverts to the operating
characteristics specified in its non—volatile memory. Reierto Section 6 tor
inforrnab'on on new to use theAToorrwnands to manipulate the S registers.
More: The default value and range (”some S-rsglsters listed below
could vary with country.
Tatiie 1-1 5 - Registers
Register Function
Auro-nnswer Ring
Ring counter '
Esmpe code diameter
Carriage return err-rider
Line teed mariner
Badrspaoe thunder
Dial time we! time ‘
Rennie urrief weir time
Cnmmapause tine
Carrier less time
Twat—lone dialing weed
Bane dander guard time
0—255 [rings 0
0-255 [rings 0
0-255 [ASCII 43
0-1271ASCII I3
0—1 ZTIASCII 1 0
0-32, 127 [ASCII 5
2-255 [seconds 2
1—255'lsewnds 50
0-255 [seconds 2
1-255 [041 second 14
50-255 Immeormd! 65
0-255 “102 New 50
Seclion Eight - Result Code Summary
OK 0 MT 1
m 4 CONNECT mm 5
FAX 33 DATA 35
m 0F4
UTE ' speeds xxxxxbos
Section Nina - Support and Service
Ilaflerumsulfing section 111 wiryhgunreoorwnended umbieshooliw
(1) mnsufl with your dealer. (2) comm: Technical Swpon Center at lhe $
materprovided in theannty Cunt To obtain service formls product.
rollowths Ram Memnmuse Aullwrizzfion Procedure as outfit-ed In the
Wamnly Cari .
Section Ten -Speclflcaflons
Mom-lithium; V.90.5€fleK-.VM,V.37HB.V.32,V.29,V.27tar,V22bls.
123,122 V2], V417. BeIIZ1ZI|03
Compression: V.lzbis, MNP Clan 5
Error Common: v.42. MNP Gas: 24
Host lnhrfaoa: ISA 10 bu bus
COMpam: 1. 2. 3. 4
IRQit-es: 2, 3. 4. 5,v7'. 10“. 11', 12' -
FAX Group: ' Group!!!
FAXCmImnd: EMT“ 578 dz“ 1
VOICECmmnd: Roda-tall (Opfloml)
Transmit level: -10 dam ol- 1 dB (Vary with county)
Senslfiwlw: 43 dBm
uARI't 16550 marble
Pawn 15 W m
magnum-e: o b 55 dam 0, operating; -20 to so degrees 0. non-
¢_ | I—
Note: ‘ IRDV, IRQNL IRQH and IRQ 12 we support [of Plug and Play
model only
Section Eleven — Telecom Notices
11.1 FCC Compliance
This equipmenlmmplles wllh Fan Si! nflhe FCC Rules On lhisequipmenl is
a label that contains, among olherinlormalicn. the FCC regisualion
numberand Ringer Equivalence Number(REN) lrx'lhis equipment You musL
upon request. provide lhis inlormalion lo yuurlelephune campany.
if your lelephone equivnrenl causes harm lo lire telephone nelwork. Ihe
Telephone Companymay discontinue your nrvlcelempnmriiy. "possible.
(hey will nolily in advance. Bul. ii advance nolire isn‘l nrndical. you will be
notified as soon as possible. Youwillbe inlormed of your riglvunfile a complaint
withihe FCC. -
Your leieplvone Germany may make changes in its facililies. eduiiamem.
operalions, orprocedures mar could enact proper Opel-Allan olynur equip-
ment. Illhey do. yuuwill benclilied inadvance lugiveyeu moppoflunily lo
mainlain uninlerrupledlelephcne service.
The FCC pmhibils this equiprnenl lo be marinaded in party nnes or win-
lnflveeverrllhalmiseqtimiemsmmfailhoperale pmperiy. disconnedtlle
ewipmenl from (he plume line lodelennineir‘it is causing [he problem. lilhe
problem Is wilh lhe equlpmenl. dlsoonllnue use and canine! youdealer or
11 .2 FCC Class BSlatemenl
lowuvidereascnabls prvtedionagaimlhanniulinlerlerenceilomsldenlial
Insulallon This equipmenlgeneralesnrsesmdrzn mdlatemdlo lrequenq
energymrd ii nulirslalled and usedinuecurdanoevfimmeinswaiom. may
cause harmlul Inlerferencelo radium-Minimums. However. fliers is no
guarantee lhatlnlerlarence will nol mrh n panicular lnslnllllion. ll (his
equipmentdoescausehannlullnlerlerenoetondloorlelevislon recepllon.
which can be determined by luming the equipment all and on, live user is
encouraged lo lryw curvedme lnlerierenee by one or more ollhe (allowing
liiiri'LLf Ill“; “ELI-l
~ Remientorrelocate the receiving antenna
- Increase lhe separation between me equiprnenlandlhe receiver
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a drcuit diilerent from that to
which the receiver is oonneded
' Consult the dealer or an experienced radio [TV technician ior help
Notice: 1) Shielded cables. ”any. mustbe used in orderlo oomplywilh the
emission limits. 2) Any mange srmodiflfllionrmexpressly appmvedby the
Grantee ol the equipment authorization could void the users authority to
operatelhe equipment.
11.3 DOC Compliance Information
munimtions network protective. operational and safety requirements ”the
Deparunent does not guarantee the euutpmenl will operate to the users
Belore Installing this equipment. users ensure that it Is permissible to be
connected to the ieofliiies oftha bee! leieoommunleeuons moany. The
equipmentnwstaisobelnslalied uslngen aooeptabie method oloonnedion,
Theoristomerslmldbeawaieihatoompiianoewlfltthe above com‘rtionsmay
notprevenl degradalion ol service in some situations
Repairs looertflied equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian
maintenance ladlity dflgnated bytho moplier. Any repairs oraiteralions
rude by ttieuser lomis equpmenl, oraquipmentrnalhndions, may givethe
telewmmunicatione company cause to request the user!» dieoonnect lhe
Users should ensure tor [heir own protection that the eiectriul ground
oonnedione utthepoweruilny, telephonelnesand Irlemel nrefllicwalerpipe
syslem. Ipruent. are oohnededtogemer. This precaufionmayhepanlularty
important inrurai areas.
CAU110N: Users swat mauermtlomake such comediensfitemselvs.
as appropriate.
NOHCEzflre Load NunbertLN) assignedtueaohtennlnal devioedenotet lite
bylhe devroe. to prevenloverluading, Thetermination on a loop maymnsist
olany combination aidevices subiectonly to the requirement lhatthe sum 01
the Load Numbers at all the devices does not exceed 100,
11.4 U.K. Complia—nce lnlorrnatlon
This modem is approved try the Secretary clState attire BepenmentotTrade
and Industry [or connection to a single exchange line 01 the public switched
telephone netwodt nm by certain licensed pmlicleieoommunicalion operators
or systems mnnected there to. (Direct exchange lines only. not shared
service or 1»! carrier systems.)
This modem is also suitable tor connection to Private Automatic Brandi
Exciranges(PABx's)wlridr return secondary proceed Indication,
it this modem is to be used with a PBX which has extension wiring owned
by BT.connection oflhe modem ththe PBX cell only by named out by BT; or
by the authorized maintainerutthe PEXunless llre authorised rnairrtainerhas
beengiven 14 dayswrilten nolioe tlratlhe connection islobe madehyanother
person. 2nd that period 01 notloe has expired,
This modem is suitable for use only on telephone lines provided with Loop-
DisconnemrMulri—Frequency Dialling fatalities. v
Users ottlrlsnndernaresdvisedthatmeapprwalisforeonriediontoiheFSTN
vlalhsielephone line Inlertaoe suppfiedwilh it. Connection Marriodemtnthe
PSTN by any nthermeans will in vofidatelhe approval.
There is noguaranme ofoorredwurklng Inallcircunslances. Arrydiifiwltles
should be reierred In your supplier.
Somervetworkuperalors require thatintended users olthelrnetwork request
permission to connect and tor the Installation otan appropriate socket
1 1 .5 Ringer Equivalence Number
The ringerequivalenoamrrnberol’lhisrnodem is 1. ' '
connected to one telephone line. The REN value oteauh apparatus is added
logetlieurdstrwld notexoeed 4. Unlessometwise marked. ntetephonem
besssurnedlohave aRENoH.
11.5 Approved Usage
The modern is only unmoved for use attire tullowlng (militias:
D Storage cl telephone numbers (erretn‘evnl by a predetermined
n beledimofinifial pmeedlndicauon
El Aulomaticcelliwmnomaticamwenng
Cl Tenedeledim
El Operation In the absenoeoiseeondary proceed in dicalinn
El Lmadspeaking fadlily.
This modem is NOT suitable lor use us an extension to a payphane.
This modem is not approved hr comedian to UK private speeehbend
This-tandem doesnolsuppoftautomallerediel lmctien.
Any other usegewill Invallflatetheepprovalolyourmodem, it, an result, it
theneeasestnconlorrnlomestandards againslwhla‘r approvalms gmniedt
The approval omits modem Is tNVALlDATED itflne apparatus issubjocttn
rumination In any mlerialway unauthorised hymeBABToi-lfltisueedwim.
or conneded to external sofiware that he: not been lennally adapted h
11.7 Star-we of Numbers ,
It is ”visible in drank the telephone numbers stored In your“ modem
ln orderteprevemmemlsdmdlm eleells and nelworkhterierence. please
ensure that all manually programmed telephone numbers are eorrecuy
Mrerethe lwessdiqitlsthanumberyeu humeral lager-n autslde run.
the pause characterloruis modern lsl '." (nom).'rhe pause Mr
insert 1 2 second delay
Safely Noflen
External Model
This modem is lppruvedforusewflh anemmaldass II pmrsupplywim
In input ruling Mszll-‘JSOHZ Ind an output rafing M12Vad1 13A.
It is supplied wilh an A C, Maple! which Meets lhe above specificalion. You
must ensure that ii is installed oorredly and powered an belore you umnecl
lhe telephone line card in (he nelwork.
The inleriams lor the connedion ololherequipmenl, including the enamel
power supply, use Sale Extra Law voltages (SELV) only. SELV Is a voltage
matdoes nolexceed 42.4Vpeak acorGDVdc. You are advised (0 ensure
lhalcnly equipmenlwilh a similar SELVInlerlacc is connected lo lhls modem.
If in doubt, please consul! a qualified engineer before connecfing other
11.3 Internal " AT " Bus Model
This modem is designed Io operale with a IdwvollageosVchOOma) and -
SVdc (ZUma) supply taken [rum Ihe oompuler‘s power buss. Care musl be
lakentoensure lhallhe hosloompmerlscapable oisupplying sumciernpwver
lar the modem and all Dlher auxiliary apparatus drawing powerlrom lhehost
be'ore you inslall lhe modem.
The inleiiaoeiouie nosioampmeruses Sale Extra LWVoliages(SELV) only.
SELV is a vollage lhatdoes nolexoeed 424V peak am. orsqus, You are
advised in ensure lhat lhis modem is installed only in host equipmemwhich
has a slmilarSELV lnlerlacejlln doubt. please oonsull a qualified engineer
below Installation.
It is a condiflon oi approval lhal this modem is not lnslalled in Personal
Cmnpulersmiclihaveinstalledinfliem omerndaplerswhidi eithergenerale
or make use of vullages in excess cllhe SELV limits above.
1 1.9 Requirements for PC cards
The approval olllrelnlemal modem aid iscondlllnnal onlhefollrming:
(a) The power requlred by the computer should not exceed the pmr
spedmzllun as staledhlheTedrnlmlRelereme ManualoflhePthen
(b) firepowerrequlrememsoflhls modernised are: .
[Vullagelo‘erances]5Vt5‘/-. {bl/1573
[Maximum pmrconsumpllonhfiV/SBOm/k— -5VI40mA
(c) The pMedive barrier must not be removed belore lnslallallm in lhe
computer The Relevant Equipmenlshail be inslalledsluch I‘halwiihlhe
exueplionollhe hoslbus manual-Jeanna rfislanceolzflmmand
n creepage dislance cl 14mm is maintained between lire Relevanl
Equipment and all mherpafls allhe hosllndutfing any expansion aids
whidmseorgenevalsavollagelesslhnnzsm(mordc); lheueepage
dislanee shown in brackels applies where Ibo local er'wimnmanlwillfin
the host is subjeellownduaivc pollution ordry mn-eondudiva pollution
which could become conductive due in mndensulion.
x Clearancedisinncu >zOmm
(d) Fm-hcslurolhzrswansion unis filledinlile immunity summing
vullages grader man 250V (nus or do). ndvieu fivm - wmpelml
(e) Iilndoubllheusetmnslobhln advice lromacompelemleleeonmmlm~
lions salely engineer
(1) Thembgueteleeonmumrsmdmhmwedwbemd
lo leleoomnnmiuum nelwori: voltage (TNV) draws which may carry
dangerous vollages. The lziephone auras) shall remhdisconmewd
a host Mulch Mes lire necessary woudicn oflhe openlor. Ii it is
subsequently (”sired to open lhe host equipmenl for any reason, lhe
lzlephune curd(s)shallbedismneaed priorloeileding access In any
lnlemalpars whidr may mnyiielpnrpmmiulinn mmvollagesr
1 1 do AUSTRALIAN Compliant. Inlamuflon '
muhmmmmmmwwmum permlls, ensuring
lirelt safety and lmempenbiliw with lite Mair-lien Hemmriefllims
network. To prwlde communes with Auslgrs harmed standards. please
emwetllelulhwimATwmmaMsam rnllmained:
ATBO ("U/00mm)
Amen (nu guard ione)
AmFi (was pulse dial maketbleak ratio)
AlsO=0 of ATSD)‘ (no answer or answer grenier Ihan 1 ring)
ATSS=n (blind dial delay-accepIable range 2-5 seconds)
ATS1|=95 (mm: period balwesn 70-255ms)
A tolal 01 3 call Sllcmpis are allowed lo a lelephfllle number, with I mlflimum
puiod between calls 012 seconds Illhe call does no! Mud alle(3 aWs,
30 minnles mail expin: before automatic (edimiflg may be innialed.
Failure lo set the modem (and any associated mmmunlcalluns wllwue) In
line above semugs may result in me madam being non compliant with Auslel
standards. Under lliese circumstances a permilwauld no longer be valid. with
the user subied to signifies-iii periauies under me lelecammuniulicns Ad.
Safely waming:
This card must be used with the pc screw cows lid. Telecummunifilltms
netwoni manages exist Inside the pi: and lelemmrmniwliuns fine eonnedlon
must be unmoved belore opening the pc.
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Create Date : 2001:06:30 12:57:27
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