CIS Technology M3-5614PS3 User Manual 34928
CIS Technology Inc 34928
EXHIBIT C User Manual mm}? ' [m NE; 1.5 Section Six: ATCamnmnd Se! _ HS 51 Execuimg Commands .. . .. . . ... , _. .. .. 16 62 AT Commands 5: Formal . . . .. , .. ,. 16 6.3 AT Commands .. . 6.3.1 BaschT commands G 3 2 V ZilerATcommands Secu’un Seven: s. Regisler Summary Section Eight: Resm Code Summary .. . Section Nine: Suppm And Services Section Ten: Specifications . Section Eleven: Telecom Notices 11.1 FCC Compliance 11.2 FCC Class BSlalemenI .. . 11.3 DOC Compliance Iniurmalion 11.4 UKCumplianwmfcrmaiion 11.5 Ringer Equivalence Number 11.5 Approved Usage.... 11.7 Storage ciNumbers 11.8 Imema|'AT' BUS Made! . 11.9 Requirements ior PC Cards 11.10 Austraiian Compliance Inlarmalion ,. The informau‘on ounlained in this manual has been verified a( the time 01 Unis manual‘s priming. The manufacturer reserves‘ the right to make any changes and improvements in (he product described in this manual at any time and withuul notice, All registered uademams are the prupeny u1 their respecfive owners. Copyright © 1997 All righls reserved. Nu reproducficn at this document In any (firm is permitted without pnor wriflen authenzalion 11er [he manuiacturer Version 1.0 Section Oncelnlmducrl‘an This new GENES ol lncdcms renfcsen ccmmumcallcn pmlpheml h a new generalion ol PC domes. comm-w; hlgh speed Dara. Fax. Vulcc‘ ) Full-Duplex Speakemhone' and SVD' (Slmultaneous VOICE and Data) (unchuns mm a smgle device "56’300 modem can even make your download speed lrpm eenrral lSP llnlemal Selma Provider) uplo SGOGObps lels luql) perlurmcmce mcdem connect; your computer lo all popular modems and lax machines m use (allay. Thls manual pwwdes rnslellallon and ornrallon lnslrucfions loryour modem Also lncllllled ln (his manuefl are lists and descripficns ol the slandom AT command sel, 5~leglslers. and lrcueleshoollng lips. Be canarn (0 read Section Two . Installing Tllr: Modem thoroughly belore pellarming (he adual installation. 1.1 Modem Realms and Compatibil'lty Vour modemis cumuahblewilh the (Unawmg ilandards. -~v 90(56M)psllowns(mamcnly) ~ ' Kssnex~(56l56|4PM§ Fax Data WS—SGHPSS Voice Fax Data FDSP Mi-‘SEMPSB Voice Fax Data FDSP Table 2-4 -« sy- Emma J \ fjv” _ ___,. G. The NC wvfl msm hf: tun, ‘N at r nmcns. (1M n ., H Wm M and 5c 25 umvacxs u) vmqnc 3.3 Using SVD lunatic The mcdem can pm (5 am! Uala \r new; Vmc aim!) 0. wan technmoqy \e em whflf: shew“; accessed, and cum}: qetlmq your m , m Fm mfinmnhnn 0 data m playmg imemmiv odem n CL‘I NW Mked quesucnr we SVD ieamre nvwsxml Waugh one names userlo do vc the mm": ‘ vwmk madSc s ccuonauy mat allow m“ ccnversat she-M now anpearen 'icn 1.241 amHF' 1 as wen \ volts "mgle leVephons r ion wim remote modem anrfi remote modem m cpamba ‘m S‘~/Dm0'1e.bnlh(nelocal mus! t: flawed la; ppofl SVD modaA A hand’emr mvcrupnnne,’_.,eaker musx be macnm m the madm“ Ounm’rtors in addition lo me phnne hne. Please veY-zicno‘: (OHOWmQ example \0 enamcn nus “mum" Emmple 1: Luca! Modem Remote Modem Comments DYE DCE DYE DOE AWE ATM Resetmodems OK OK TMS=0 ATWLS=0 Select [elephanehandset (or ATWLS zG) (orATtNLS=6) (or min-mph OK OK for voice conversant“! AT$MS=2 AT$M$=2 Enables SVD hmdbfl , ._ OK OK ' ATDTxxxx Dminmols madame maka SVD nag-min" RING Remrxenntfll'mspufl ATA (a RING by M CONNECT ZBWCONNECT 23W SVD 60mm 3 ________________————— data (mnsmlssxon and VOICE conversation at anynme Exam pl e z : Local Modem RemuleModem Comments DTE DCE UTE DCE User have eslamish voice convera slion and both handsets are off hock AT&F AT&F fess: modems OK OK ATSMS=2 AT~SM5=2 Enables SVD function OK OK ATD Local modern start dalanegaliation RlNG Remotemodemmsponse lo RING by answering ATA CONNECT 26800 WNNECTZBBOO svo oumieclion is established and user can resume voice mnvsrsallon Note iThe handsekwill be silenced suring the negulialion period IRE, 1m 7,” 1L- Section Frzm - Ins mI/Inq and Configr vn’ng Cmnmunication Software Irma” the cmnmummtmn scfiware acc' mmq ro We software users mnmmlv Be to mm mm your Softwave u; canmwma to Communicate Wm me modem an Hm same COM mm and mm Hue used by vhe modern You may be promnled by (he sum-lure m configure certam commu~ mcation paramems We suggest the tauawwg semngs ‘ Baud Rate, 5mm bps Panty Hone Dala blts 5 Slop bi“ InmauzauonsmnngmF The AT Nmmauds used ny the mocrm are cumpalible wvth the command set used by We! modems saw a Rockweu modem type 11 prnmnled by your dam communimfions sufl‘ m Sew-ac: Generic Class or Rackwell rnudennypc when prumpled by a our rm or Vulco softwarev Flaw Conllo‘ RTS/CTS 4.1 Accessing [he Fax! Voice/Speakerphone!DSVD Funcficn' * The Fax, Voice, Speakerphone and sto luncfions ovyourmcdem * T are application dnven and are accessed only mmugn application sofi- T ware. eansuu ycur scflware manual regarding procedures on using these Matures. Many types of Voice scl'ware summit recording and playbam 01 voice files. To recorder playback voice with your modem, attach a telephone in lhe modem, or. optionally, attach a speaker and microphone In your madem‘s SFKR and MIC oomnectors. Fallow the instructions provided wwm yuur Voice software 10 record and playback voice mes. ‘442 Using Your Modem Common modem fundions (Le‘dialing, me tmnsfer. taxing) are pev— lnrmed by using oommumcalion soflware in coniundign with (he mndem The modem may alsnperfom basiccommunimtion fundjons (such as dialmg; via the ATcommands. Alisland dswplicncf allATOanmands appear in Section Six Qinee me mmmunimticnsoftware is designed to smeld me userfmmlhe dufficuuzndwmbersqmeATonmmands.weslmngly suggest um an modern operzmons be perhrmed via me sonware. “ The mmmunimliflnsolhmre indudedw-uh yuurmodem pmvidesa user fnendly inlcr'aoe For 3“ wmnon modem fundicns and slwmd be sulfident Tar IA 7! a; W“ all olyom cummunlcahon needs ________________—————- Secxion Five - Troubleshocting Your madam ls des‘gnsd 10 provide rchab‘e and kcublE-(ree function- ality Hnwever, shame ycuexpenenoe anyuifficuuy, me mmrmauonmmamed in ms secnun wvll asslslyou m delermming and resamng me source orme problem. Hyoumnnatresowe your snuauon afler readvng (ms chapter, canted your dealer er vendor (or assuslance. 5.1 Modem dues not respond to commands, ‘ Make sure me moflem is not canfigured MM 3 confilmmg COM pan and ma selling (see Section 2.21) Your modem can no! n configured as COM4 (recommended) \! anolhel devicz m your system is also configured as CDMQ Slmwlally. lRQ settings may not cveflap. 2. Make sure (he commumcati n sefwvureis C’mfigumd with Lhemned com and 1m semugs (same com pen and me as the modem), Your com- mumcalion software win nnl he ableto send or receive any dam if m is run ccnfiguved lo malch me COM and 1m selfings Vonhe modem. 3. Makesura me modcmis propeny inmama by lhecommunicaticn software. Ycur modemmzyhave been improperly initialized byme software because you have selected an incorrect modern type, You may also be prompted (0 mar an inmauzanon smng' hylhe software, Use AT&F asyourinmafizanun suing. 4. 11 you are Nnnlnq Miucsan Wundaws 3.|, mzk= sure that the modem is properly configured invwmows (see Sedlnn 1) 5.2 Modem dia|s but does not connecL 1. Mak: suvelhe ‘RQsemng is‘denticalun bfllhlhe modern ANDlhe suhware, 2. Make surelhe phoneline iswolking property/X noisy"~e um prevenlproper modemepevalion. 5.3 Modem makes a connection but no data appears on your screen. L Make sure a“ communicalkm parameters (baud rate. data, slop‘ and parity bits) are pic-Deny configured and an: identical on bulh tides4 Be unain hatdwzre fluwmnual (RTSICTS -de(autt) ls enabled |n bomlha modern and the communicallon snfiware. 2. Press me ENTER key seven! limes receive yuur rial: be'afl: nbegins. 3. Make sure [he cuffed lem‘lna‘ amulafiun mode is being us!!! In the .The remote system may be wmling m IS JP lilo w mm mmiuan 5.4 Modem Cxpnricnces Effort. win“: on line with a rematc- modem 1 Make cinev 2 M'lkf} fiumRT sonwin ': llow ltu‘hmnq n mined oil. 75 lmiriwnm {low Conlvcl is crvwhled (do nmuseonrXOFF ll nmlwlwn n nimturnnq himw lies» mend is nnunsiev ”inn yr‘v u rcmpu'c‘KS capzlbllily Mcsi mnaunlas mr‘ cannhle or 19200 bps Under 005 and vwiacws 3 x. owning a! higher 5 Js underVdecws requires : lasler CPU (136 or belief) 55 Modern exhibns pocrvoice record m playback. 9 Gulf: Ni", V arm-3! mum?!“ lype is selec‘lrll ill the Vance/FAX soflware mi. «mummy ls last enough to l‘1lltfle van": operanuns (33 A a) errz mmnliflnw mulTPU inlcn'zr-e and wqunc a “35/33 orbenerCPU when lllanQ ”HAM MSWHNKUWG, ____________————-——- Section Six- ATCcmmand Set 6,1 ExecufingCommands Your modern IS in Command Mode upon pnwemn and is ready lo resume and execute “AT“ commands The mcdem remains in Command Mode until it l"2k?5 a connection mm a remnle modem. Commands may be sent \0 the modem from an allached levminal or a PC mnnlng a cummunicalion program. This modern IS designed In operate at mmmcn DTE speeds ranging lrcm 115 2 Kbps lo 300 bps/ll! cummands and data mustbe issuedmlhe modemuslng one 01 lhe valid DTEspeeds. 5.2 AT Commands 3. Farmal Nicommandsmuslbegin with the AT prflfix. (allowed by the command Ieller and ended wilh (he ENTER key All delaull sellings are printed in bold lext. Spaces are allowed in the command slnng 10 increase command line readability bulate ignored by lhe modem during command execution. Au commands may belyped in eilherupper orluwercase‘ but no! mlxed. A command issued without any nammelers is wnsidered as snecil’ymg the 571ml: mammal“! mm a pammvler are“ ”II-l _/ 16 4+)» Example ATL [ENTER] 6.3 ATCommands Thus command causes youl’modem to lower its speaker Volume. Note: The default value ofsomeA TCommands Il'sted below could vary with country A" default selllngs are printed in bold text. 5.3.1BasicATcaml-nands Command A! Fundicn Answer lncumlng call Repcat Lasl cummand. Do not preteed N with A7 or (allow wflhENTER 0 - 9, A-D‘ # and ' L Radial last number P Pulsedial T Tune din! W Wan 10 second dial (on: , Pause @ wall (or 5 seconds of silence 1 flash 2 velumlo wmmafld mode aflefdiallng 8. wall [at AT&T bungtone Cammand ems disabled Command echo enabled Escape character's - switch from DalaModelo Command M062 Modem ran-heck (hang-up) Modem off-hockunake busy) Repnfl ldenllllcatlon kllonnatlon (mo-7) SpeakavOFF Command Function L1 Low speaker vulume L2 Mediumsgeakervolume L3 High speaker volume M) NH MZ M3 00 01 00 01 Sr? Sr=n V0 V1 X0 X1 Speaker always rm Speaker on umll carrier dutcclad Speaker always on Speakemfldun’ng dia|ing, an um“ Elmer deleacd Return to Bali Mode Initiate a retrain and mum (0 Dale Mode Pulse d‘nl Result code enabled Result coda disabled Read Sfegisler r. Refer to Chaplzr 7 (or walls Ser s-regisrer r \0 value rr, ne'erl'n cnamarmraelails Tun. dlll Numeric nspnnses rm "spouses Enabhs CONNECT result code only. Dial tuna Ind busy dewdlun Hm disabled SamBXDpIBIICONNECT responseslbllnd dialing Comm-1nd Fllncnml ”lulled x2 [1mm lllu‘erlzfl - fllrml‘ “AL llmplay luv: glqnal level mm,” lwln llmllnlvq ”NO lwanalylmq algnalquallly rlw lll’tf‘rlnblf‘rl‘hlltl‘lls‘l rilll lmu m 'll 2.0mm Y: Creepagedislance >Z.41rm vi) Fora huslarolnerexpansicn unis fitted in the host using orgenemfing vullages greater than 250V (ms or dc), advice (mm a oumpelent lelecorrwnunimtiens safety engineer must be obtained before installallun cflhe Relevant Equipment (e) "in dcuhnheusermuslublain advxoe (ram a compelenlteleeommuniu- lions salely engineer (l) The analogue leleonmmunimnons interface is lnlendedlobeeennecled in lelecnmmuniuu‘cn network voltage (TNV) dreuils which may carry dangerous vcllages. The lelephcne corri(s) shall remain diseanneded iromlheleleerxnmunimlinnssyslemunlilmeurdhasbeenimlallednmh‘m a nasty-mien provides the necessary protedjon oflhe operator. if iiis subsequently desired to open the has: equipment for any reason. the telephone amfls) shallbe disocnnecred prierlu eflecfing access lo any lnlemal pars which may inn-y Helmrnrnunimlion nelwcrk vuhages. 1 1.1 OAUSTRALIAN Compliance Information > All lelemmrnunlau'ons uevioesare required to heldAuslel permns. ensuring their safety and inlempemhillly with the Australian leleoammunieau‘nns nelwerk. To pmvide compliance with Auslel‘s lechnical slandards, please ensure the lellowingATeammands are maintained: Area (rrwccrrrupemfion) 27 Amco (nu gum (one) Aram (33/56 pulse dia‘ makelnreak rallu) NS ’ m ATSUM we answer or answer glf‘"'€{ man l nng) A155:n (mm dinl rlclny—ncrcplnble range 275 seconds) ATS! 1:95 (DTMF pecim bob/teen 707255ms) A ‘Olfll 0‘ 3 Ca“ aUantS me Illfnwed {0 a teiephnne numbel, wiln a minimum p'HlDd between Cflfli of Z Sncflnds, N the Ga" doe”, uolwnnem alter 3 attempts. 30 mmules mask re below automahc reaming may be initiated. F‘Nlura (0 se( lhe mMem (and any assncialed communications soflware) (D me mum». semng‘: may resuu in (he modem bc‘ug "on mmpliantwilh Auslet standards. Under these cucummanues a permit wuuld no longer be valid. with the user subject m sigmficanl pedalfies under me telecommunicafions Act. sway wmning. This card must be used wilh {he pv: screw cows lid Te|ecummunicalions netwurt‘ vellages eds! inside (he pc and telecammunicaliuns line wnnedinn must be removed before Opening lhe pcA WARNNG FOR SAFETY REASONS‘ ONLY CONNECTAUSTELAFPROVEDI AUSTELPERMIT HEMPTEDMICROPHONETOT] (EMICPORT, 28 “gnWWA..u-.—_w_u u.._.“.w..“_u....~, ,. ., ‘ _ ; m. manly 7 .uo ccmpL/ ". a Fat: 12 c. "we Lde raasan ‘3 a .esLde ; as ' $13 T3C-i e 315 d us a as: L r .. anerf "face 1: m1, 4: 3 re L3 1: “Lariatee Ina: L 0' cc a: in A 'a:L3~ 2 “1:3 3 e Arm to 4d 0: SLC : can a urn e a a. " GZ‘I‘ n 0 fl u h'i do 01". a C‘ :C is connected. ,. that ,L avai-aa n, DC 20402, Staci 40 05 cm An? shamans the grantee
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