CIS Technology WS-5614PS3 56k Modem Card User Manual 65108
CIS Technology Inc 56k Modem Card 65108
EUT:MODEM CARD FCC ID:L4OWS-5614P83 CIS TECHNOLOGY INC. USER'S MANUAL \’\ ii» Contents Section One: Introduction . ,. 1 1 Modern Features and Compatibility 1.2 Contents cl Your Package ( 3 Where to go from here ..... Section Two: installing the FaXModem 2.1 External Modemlnstallation . 2.1.1 Indicator Lights .. .. ,. 2.2 internal Modem installation .. 2.2.1 COM Pan & Interrupt Settings 2.3 Testing Your Modem .. 2.4 Using YourModem .. Section fliree: Software Installation . 3.1 Usrng the Internal Modem with Vifindows 3.1 3.2 Using the modern with Vifinss ,. 3.2.1 Non—PnP Modems in VWan . 3.3 Using SVD function .. .. 12 Section Four: Installing and Configuring Communication software ..... 14 mmmonmouu-x-AMNMN—x 4.1 Awessing the FaxNoiee/SpeakerphonelDSVD Function 14 4.2 Using Your Modem Section Five: Tmubleshootlng 5 1 Modem does not respond to commands 5.2 Modem dials but does not ounnect 53 Modern makes oonnectnm, no data appears on your screen .. 15 5.4 Modem experiences errorwhile on—iinewith remote modem .. 15 5 5 Modem exhibits poor voice record or playback 16 —¢~ Section One-Introduction This new series at modems represents a new generation of PC communication peripheral devices, combining high speed Data. Fax, Voioe' . Full—Duplex Speakerphone' and SVD' (Simultaneous Voice and Data) functions into a Single device. "56000 modern can even make your download speed from central ISP (Internat Sen/ice Prowder) upto 55000bps. This high performance modern connects your oomputerto all popular modems and tax machines in use today. This manual provides installation and operation instructions ior your modem. Also included in this manual are lists and descriptions of the standard AT command set, S-registere, and troubleshooting tips. Be certain to read Section Two - Installing The Modem thoroughly before periorming the actual installation 1.1 Modem Features and Compatibility Your modem is compatible with the lollowlng standards. -"K56ilex"‘(56l0.7ps down stream only) -V.80 (Video Ready Mode) ~v.34 (33600 bps) -v 320ls (14400 bps) ‘V.32 (9600 bps) rV.22bis (2400 bps) ~v.22 (1200 bps) ~Se|l 212A (1200 bps) ~ee|| 103 (300 bps) .v.17 (14400 bps FAX) -V.29 (9600 bps FAX) 'V,27ter (4600 bps FAX) ~V.21 Channel-2 (300 bps FAX) -V.42ois (data compression) - v.42 (error correction) - MNP 5 (data compression) . MNP 24 (error correction) ~ EINTIA 602 AT Command set -TWEIA57sclass1Fax0mnmandset JINEIASNCIasleFaxCommandset Notes: " Voice, Speakerphone, SVD and PnP are opfional features which may not be available on your modem. " 56,000 download lean/leis Iorsfiocflmodem only. iiyourmodein doesn'tsnpportthose features, please disregard the relative section of the manual. The speedostKbps Iimls todawnloadfromlniSP, whlieuploadmmains Jaijps. CunentFCc regulations, however, Iimitdownioadspeods to 5JKbps. For peer-lio-mer communication, the speed remains at 33.6Kbps. «lee (COMx, x—1‘2.3.l. on IBM and mmpafible PCs). Plug the telephone cable unto the connector marked LINE on the back of the modem. Plug the other end 0! the lelephnfle cable into a telephone wall jack. Make sure to verify the modem power switch is in the a” posmon {located on the lront panel), Plug theAC adapters powercord mlothe connector marked POWER on the back ol 1he modem, % I Figure 2-1 External Modem — MIC — sex itee Plug the translormer end of the AC adapter lnlo a standard AC well oullet Optionally conned : (1) your telephone to the modem‘s PHONE connector Uh the handset and listen for a dial lone to check for a walking connectionfl) a speakertp lhe modem'sSPK oonnedor, and (3) a microphone to the modem’s MIC connector. Turn on the modem. The modem should perform a sell-test. and than be ready lor use. You may now tum on your computer. Note: The SPK and MIC lacks are optional feature which may not be available on your modem. xi 6. Carefully insertthe modem into theselected slot Applyeven pressure until the modem is firmly seated. 7. Secure me bracket with the screw saved earlier. Store the slot cover for future use. 8. Replace the oomputercover and plug in youroomputer. Reconnect all cables. 9. Connect the telephone cable into the modem's LINE connector Attach the other end into the telephone wall jack (see Figure 2-2) 10. Optionally connect (1) your telephone to the modem's PHONE connector. Lift the handset and listen for a dial tone to check tor a working connection. (2) a speaker to the modem‘s SPK connector, and (3) a microphone to the modem's Mlc connector. This completes the internal mcdem installation. 2.21 COM (COMmunloation) Port and Interrupt Settings (Intemal Modem Only) The modem requires a COM port to communicate with the computer system. Most computers are equipped with one or more COM ports on the rear panel. Your modem does not connect to these COM ports, but connects to the inlemal expansion bus on your computer. The internal modem will therelore be assigned its own COM port number. The COM port assignment Is selected via jumpers located on your modem (‘see Figure 2-3 to Figure 2-5 lorjumper location). Notethatlhe internal modem can not be assigned a COM port number that Is already in use by another device in your computer. Since most PCs contain 2 buih—in COM ports, we suggest that you assign your internal modern as either COM4 or COM 3. Your modem is lactory configured to use COMd. An IRQ (interrupt request) is a signal generated by an I/O device (e.g., modem) that notifies the computer cunooming data. Yourmodem is capable at generating IRQs 3, 4. and 5 (selected via lumpers on non-Plug and Play models) IIO devices In your computer can share an IRQ with another device as long as the two devlces are not functioning simultaneously. Example: a mouse may be connected to com using IRQ4 while COM3 is a modem using the same IRQ. The followingoiagrams and charts aretobeusedwhen lheCOM port or IRQ settings need to be changed from the tactcry default setting. Figure 2-3 COMIIRQ Jumper Location 10rModel#WS-5€14JSS(G) cam Fm (m, m cm 1mm!) 4 ON Non 2mm 3 OFF PnP James) 5 ON ma- on r (02m 2 OFF :- or; PAPM Table 2-1 COMIIRQ Jumper Settings forModeIfiWS-5514JS3(G) 3.2 UsinglhemodemwlthWinSS For FnP models, when the computer is first tumed on afler the installation of the new modem, the system will ask for the driver diskette, Insert the provided disk and lollow system instructions to complete the installation. Muss should recognize the Internal modem after Installation. Please consult Sectlnn 5 should you encounter any difficulties. 3.2.1 Non-FnP Modems inVWn95 1. Click Modem icon in Conlrol Panel. 2. Seled Add to install modem drlver. 3. Run Hardware Installation Wizard and lollow the [us- trucfions. Autodetect hardware and modem by Vlnzard are re— commanded. «r» 5. Select Ihe appmpnale model number (or proper driver (see table 2—4). The Mode| number is showed on lhe lime Mme lag on your internal modem or on me bottom of yuur external modem snowed WS'5614PM3(G) Model Number Devlte WS—5614Ex3(G) 5614Ex3(G) External Modem f wsasumm) 5614b6(G)lmernalModem T‘ WS-5614PM3 Fax Data M|—5614PM3(G) WS—561 4PS3(G) M15514PM3 Fax Data dahflansmfswnaw Mariam/satay mm ExampIeZ: Local Modem Remote Modem Comments DTE DCE DTE DCE Usemavees/abI/‘sh voicewnyeraslm andborhhandsetsare a/fhook ATQF AT&F [vial/1704121": 0K 0K AT—SMSZZ AT-SMS=2 EnablessVD/uflchbfl if OK OK ATD Lomlmodwnsbn‘ m , RING Warden/espouse IaR/NGDymMrg ATA CONNECTZBGOO CONNECTZWOO Mammis xbb/écfiedmduser misswnemtbe mid" Note : The handset will be silenced suring the negotiafion period user friendly interface tor all common modem functions and should be sufficient tor all at your communication needs, Section Five - Troubleshooting Your modem is designed to provide relrable and trouble-free func- tionaiity, However. should you experience any difficulty, the information contained in this section erI assist you in determining and resolving the source of the problem. If you can not resolve your situation after reading this chapter. contact your dealer or vendor tor asswstance. 5.1 Modern does not respond to commands. I. Make sure the modemis notconfinuredwith a conflicting COM portand IRQ setting (see Section 2.21) Your modem can not be configured as COM4 (rewmmenoed) it anctherdevice in yoursystem is also configured as COM4. Similarly, IRQ settings may not overlap. Make sure the cornmunlcation sonware is configured with the correctCOM and iRQ settings (same COM port Ind IRQ as the modem). Your com municatlon sottware will not be able to send or receive any data if it is not configured to match the COM and IRQ settings torthe modem. Make sure the modem is property inltlaiiled by the communication soitware. Your modern may have been lmproperty initialized bythe software because you have seleded an incorrect modern type. You may alsobe prompted to enter an initialization string“ bythe soinare. UseATaF as your initiaiization string If you are running Microsoft Windows 3 1, make sure that the modern ls property configured in Windows (see Senior: 3) S" 5.2 Modem dials but does not connect. 1. Make sure the [R0 setting is identical on both the modemANDthe witwaro. 2. Make sure the phone line is working property. A nohy linswili prevent proper modem operation. 5.3 Modern makes a connection but no data appears on your screen. 1. Make sure all communication parameters (baud rate, data. stop. and parity bits) are properly configured and are identical on both sides. Be certain hardware flowocrrtrol (RTSICTS -detault) enabied In both the modem and thscommuniwtionsoflware. Press me ENTER trey several times. The remote system maybe waiting to receive your data bstore it begins. 15 a? specifying the same command with a parameter of "0", Example: ATL [ENTER] This command causes your modem to lower ils speaker volumes 643 ATCommands Note: Thedefault valueofsomeA TCommands listedbelow could vary with country. All delault settings are primed in bold text. 6.3.1BasicATcommands Command Function Command Functlon A Answer incoming call L3 Highspeakervolume AI Repeal Lasloommand. Donal M0 Speakeralways off proceedA/withAT orfollaw M1 Speaker on until currler with ENTER detected Dn u - 9, A-D, It and ' M2 Speakeraiways on L Radiallastnumber M3 Speakerofldurmgdialing‘on P Pulse dial unlilcarrierdetected T Tonedial 00 Relum lo Dala Made W Wall lo second dial tone 01 Initiate a retraln and return lo . Pause Data Mode @ waitinrt’useeondsolsilence P Pulse dial ! flash 00 Result code enabled ; relumlocommand mode 01 Resuneode disabled aflerdialing Sf? Read S-register r. Reler In a. waitlorAT&Tbong lone Chapler’llcrdetails E0 Commandechodisabled SF" Sel S-register r in value n. E Command neho enabled - -rReferlpChapler7lcrdetaca|auua|aduwo E Luw; soy/me ulemo 15mm Jasn sqnqncp u|)| (a) wawdmba lug/meg au) 50 uauenmsug emfiq paummo sq xsnm Jaaugflua £19195 suoneogunmmooqm waadwuo 3 mm] sag/«pa ‘(oy jo suu) A092 uem 5321le 536mm Gunmauas m Bugsn |sol| sq; u; my swan uolsuedxa Jaqao 10 15014 E Joj (p) muny'z< aoueqsgp afiedaajc) zA wmoz< mums”: aoumeam ‘x MOHES mapum o) anp a/qwnpuoo amooaq pmm unguM uounuod amanpuon -uou hp JO uonnuud amonpuoa o; wagqns sw 350“ am mum luau $— 92 -ump\ua 15:10] am ejaqM sandal; slaxamq u! uMous eauaxsgp afiedaan au) f(:|p m suu) AQQZ ueq; 559| 952qu e amauas 10 asn qagm 3pm: uogsuedxa Aue Bulpnpu! 3sou at" 10 sued Jame ne pue luawdmhg Jun/way am uaamaq paugepugaul s; wu-Iy'zw acumsgp afiedaans pus mm D"! )o swamp aouweap e ‘Jomauuoo an mm] aqua ucndaaxa am uumxeu) wens paumsu; sq "Eqswemdjnbg menajay aql “Jamdwoa an) 03 uoneuqsup azapq paAomaJ aq mu )snm JGWEQ {Museum 9141 (a) Wow/ASA‘VUJOSE/Aga» [uogxdwnsuoo JSMOG mnm4xew] - %9¥/\§-'%9?A9 [secumlm 55mm! rem-mes wepom Slu) p swawsunbaJ JaMod sun (11) 'pa“e)su\ am 5mm [eumm us new On! an; m penuew aoueuajey penguqaal am u! palms se uonecypads JaMod aux paecxe mu p|nous Jamdluoo am Kq pannbaJ JaMod aq_|_ (E) fiuwouo; am uo1euompum 5! men wept/m remain! equo yeAmddE etu spun 3d Jo; swammgnbau G'Ll “aAoqu sum" A133 Quuo ssaoxs ll! safimlm 50 asn anew w emauas Jaws [plum sendepe JQluO Luau; uw panaxsuj aAEq uDNM stemdumg |Eucsjad u! pauasug xou s! wapom sun gem lmadde m uogupuoo e s! u usuenmsut smfiq Jesuvfiua peuuenb E unsuoo aseam ‘anop u! graoepayug ABS Jemugs e seq chqM maummba )sou u} Mun pauexsw s; wapom slu) Jenn amsua o; pasytpe am noA ‘c‘pAogm D'E need/way pamxe wu seepaemaseuon ESQ/figs ‘A1uo (A135) saBEnDA M01 aux; ems sash Jamdluoo 19m; sq; m mepajug Sui "mapow aux lmsu; noA aJo‘sq 3sou am [1101] JaMod fiugMEJp smmedde £12":an 13mm "2 pue mapow aqua; JaMod wamyns Gulhddns m a|qedetz s; Jamdmoo won am 3914) amsus 0) uaxe] 341;an 3150 san 19mm sgamdwooam mo); new; Mddns (EwozmpAg- pue (ELUQOZ) ap A9+EBEMDAMU| E uwA swede a) paufiwssp s! Luepom s|q_|_ [390W S"fl..quI=U13WIS'H quamdjnba Jame fiuuoauuoc emaq Jasulfiua paguenb E nnsum esesxd ‘mnop u! u wapom SM 0) papeuum sw aoepamg A138 mums E qumxuamdmbs Ayuo mu] amsua a) pasgnpe aJe noA 'a'p Aogm on need Ay'zv psacxa you seop 32m 95mm 2 s! MES Ame (A138) safiequ M01 mpg was asn ‘MddnsJaMod pumas an; Gugpnpul ‘luamdgnba Jame m uouaauuoa am Jag seoeualw emu wuwau em m was sun suoudalau am mauuaa vz uoueogpu! pammd leUI w uouaalaq D “apoo pauvlu dampen e Aq [enema JO; sxaqumu auoudasay JO 9550’s D Samoa; Buwmno) aux pa asn JO] psAmdde [mu 5; mapom 5m; aEesn paAondv u '|» W NEH E MEN 0! 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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:05:22 17:49:44 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : VicodinES /CB /TNN Title : 65108.pdf Modify Date : 2001:05:22 17:50:04-04:00 Page Count : 32EXIF Metadata provided by