CIS Technology WSAD80PST ADSL Modem User Manual

CIS Technology Inc ADSL Modem Users Manual

User Manual

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Date Submitted2000-06-14 00:00:00
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Document TitleUsers Manual
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User Manual
ADS]. Infernal Modem
Installation Guide
; Mmmifré‘
Part No. 0074005001. Rev B
© Copyright 1959, Efficient Networks, Inc.
All Home reserved. Printed In the U.S.A.
Product names mentionedherein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Ef-
ficient Networks, Inc. shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions in this document; nor for inci-
dental or consequential damages resulting from the fumishing, performance, or use of this material.
Efficient Networks, Inc. — SIngIe-use Software Llcense and Warranty
This documentation and the accompanying computer prom'ams (collectively, the Soltware) are licensed, not sold, to
the End User by EFFICIENT NETWORKS, INC. (“ENI”) for use only under the following terms. ENI reserves any
right not expressly granted to the End User. The End User owns the media on which the Soflware is recorded but EN]
mains ownership of all copies of the Software itself. The End User assumes sole responsibility for the installation,
use, and results obtained from use of the Scfiware. If the product that you acquired is an upgrade, th- the terms and
conditions ofihis agreement apply equally to the upgraded product.
1. Lleenrg. This license allows the End User, together with its authorized unployees, to do only the following:
(a) Install and archive the Sofiwara on one (and only one) Remote Access Unit, IBM PC, Sun Workstation, or
compatible equivalent personal computer or workstation iior electronic translier to, and use and execution on
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(17) Make one (and only one) copy in machine-readable form solely for backup or archival purposes for the com-
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legends on the cri mlied by EN]. This restriction on copying the Sofiware expires upon the expi~
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2. Rgrtrlflgns. The End User may NOT sublimse, assign, or distribute copies of the Sofiware to others. The Sofi-
ware contains trade secrets and to protect them, the End User may NOT decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble,
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am The End User agrees not to deliver or otherwise make available the Sofiware, including
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5. W The End User agrees that neither the Soflware nor any direct product thereof will he
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6. Limited EM]! g ENI warrants that, for nine ty(90) days from the date of shipment, the Software shall operate
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appears, during the warranty period, EN] will use its best cfi‘orts to correct the defect within a reasonable time aficr
notification The End User agrees thatthe foregoing constitutes the EndUser‘s sole and exclusive remedy for breach
by EM rmdm' any warranties made under this Agreement. This warranty does not cover any Sofiware that has been
altered or changed in any way by anyone otherthan ENI. ENI is notresponsible for changes made afiet ordering the
Sofiware to computer hardware, operating systems or test equipment, or for problems in the interaction of the Soft-
The Warranty and moody provided above are exclusive and in lieu ofall other warranties, express or implied. includ<
ing but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The End User
assumes all risk as m the suitability, quality, and perthrmanee ofthe software. In no event will ENI, or its directors,
oflicers, -ployees or afliliates, be liable to the End User for any consequ-tial, incidental, indirect, special or ex-
emplary damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business inmrrupticn, loss of data or business in-
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No oral or written information or advice given by ENI or its dealers, distributors, employees or agents shall in any
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7. W Otherthrm the limited license expressly grantedhm'ein, no license, whether express or
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Elliot's"! Networks, Inc. ' 1
8. LE gnu; gggpgnglbllg And ijgmnifieatlon, The End User understands and acknowledges that it is solely re-
sponsible for the use it makes of the Sofiware. Amordin y, the End Usm' agrees to indmtnify and hold ENI harmless
from any dmnands, claims or suits by a third party for oss, damages or expenses (including attorney‘s fees) arising
out of or related to use of the Soflware by the End User.
9 Enhancemenu From time to time ENI may, in its sole discretion, advise the End User of updates, upgrades, en-
hancements or improvements to the Soflware and/or new releases of the Software (collectively, Enhancements), and
may license the End User to use such Enhancements to the Snflware upon payment of such prices therefore as may
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105m]. This License will be covered by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and
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This Agreement constitutes the entire agree-eat between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and all
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ILAdmmflmmBy opening this package, you acknowledge thatyou have readthis Lioense,undershind it, and
agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. Should you have any questions concerning this License, contact EM
at the address shown above.
Efflclent Networks, Inc. Hardware Warranty
Efficient Networks, Inc. (ENI) warrants SpeedStream 3000 series Network Interface Controller (N'IC), SpeedStrearn
4000 series Universal Serial Bus (USE), and SpeedStIeam 5000 series Remote Access Unit (RAU) for a period of 5
years against defects inmaterisl orworkmanship from the date ofptrrehase. Speedsrream 5010 R—ote Access Unit
(RAU) is wamnmd for 13 months against defects in material or workmanship flout the dam of purchase. Time
warranties extend only to the original consumer or this product Ifthe N'IC, USB or RAU does not function as
warranted during the warranty period, Efficient Networks, Inc. will either repair the defective product or replace it
with a new or remanufactured functionally equivalent product of equal value.
2 Eflicienl Networks, MC.
Product Overview
The SpeedStream driver soflware provides high-speed connectivity using
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) over an Asymmetric Digital
Subscriber Line (ADSL). This soflware is designed to be installed on a
3000 series ADSL Internal Modem. Once it is installed, a modem icon is
added to the taskhar and the status of the internal modem can be seen by
clicking on the modem icon.
Before You Begin
The following sections contain information that is essential for you to
know before you install the hardware and soflware for your 3000 series
modem. Please read these sections carefully.
Checking the Operating System
Before beginning the installation, you must determine what operating
system is installed on your machine:
1 From the Start menu, point to Settings and click Control Panel; then
double-click the System icon. 5
2 In the System applet, click the General tab.
3 Note the type of Windows operating system (95, 95A, 95B, 98, or
NT) and the version number.
Refer to Table 1 for installation requirements that are specific to your
machine’s operating system.
Table 1 System Requirements
Windows 95195AI953 ' Minimum of 16 Mbytes RAM, 32 Mbytes
- Pentium—class processor required
- The PCI bus must support bus mastering.
Efficient Nelwarks, Inc. Product Overview 3
Table 1 System Requirements
Windows 98 - Minimum of 32 Mbytes recommended
- Pentium—class processor required
- The PCI bus must support bus mastering.
- At least one Virtual Private Networking (VPN)
Adapter must be installed.
Windows NT - Minimum of 32 Mbytes recommended
- Pentium—class processor required
- The PCI bus must support bus mastering.
- Service Pack 3 or greater must be installed.
NOTE: You may need the Windows (95, 98 or NT) operating system
CD during installation. If you do not have this CD, contact your PC
vendor for details on where the Windows files are stored on your
Tools Needed for Hardware Installation
In order to properly install the modem hardware, you will need a few
- A Phillips-head screw driver and any other screw-drivers needed for
your PC
- A cable with M11 (or RJ45 for 3010 only) connectors on each end
- An anti-static discharge protection device such as a wrist strap or a heel
strap. The anti-static discharge protection device is required when
handling the modem and prevents damage to the electronic components.
Do not leave this to chance! Not using anti-static protection may result
in serious damage to the hardware.
4 Product Oven/few Eflicienl Networks, Inc.
Unpacking and Inspection
The SpeedStream internal modem should arrive in good condition. Before
unpacking the modem, check for any obvious damage to the packaging
and notify your carrier immediawa upon receipt.
WARNING! To avoid possible damage to modem components or your
system, use an anti-static grounding device when handling the
1 When handling the internal modem, if you do not have an anti-static
wrist-strap or other device on, you can hold onto the metal chassis of
the PC to provide anti-static grounding.
Remove the modem from the anti-static bag and check for any
If there are any visible signs of damage, contact Efficient Networks
Customer support for a Return Materials Authorization number. Please
return the modem in the original anti-static bag and the original
shipping container.
1 A suitable Electrical and Fire enclosure shall be provided in the end
This product is a. modem card intended for installation in SELV
circuits of personal computers or similar equipment.
After installation of this modem card in the end product, the end
product should be in compliance with the enclosure, mounting,
creepages and clearances, markings and segregation requirements of
the end user application. Notably, the end products should provide
installation instructions detailing how to install/remove card cage
Elflcienl Networks, Inc. Unpack/71g and Inspem‘on 5
Installing the Modem
1 Shut down the system and turn it 011“.
2 Unplug the system from the power source.
3 Remove the cover of the system chassis.
4 Touch the system chassis or connect the copper end of the anti—static
wrist strap to a metal component of the chassis to provide grounding.
5 Insert the modem into an empty PCI slot alter removing the slot
cover, as shown in Figure 2. (The “slot cover” is the metal ship that
covers the opening in the back of the computer chassis into which the
host modem’s external connector fits.)
Figure 2 Inserting the modem into the PCI Slot
6 Press the modem firmly into the slot to ensure that it is properly
seated. Secure the modem’s end bracket to the chassis with the
bracket screw.
7 Replace the chassis cover and apply power to the machine.
6 Instafling the Modem Ellicienmefworks, me.
Modem LEDs
The modem is equipped with an LED that indicates proper cable
connection. This LED is helpful when connecting cabling because it
indicates when the cables have been hooked up correctly. The LED is
illuminated when the modem is trained and is passing ATM data properly.
NOTE: The LED will be lit or will flash when the modem is in
diagnostic Ioopback mode regardless of what is connected to it.
3010 Connector Information
The pinout of the modem’s Category 3 and 5 “any”; +
UTP jack is difl‘erent than a standard Ethernet 3322232;
UTP jack. i_ Receive —
Ethernet loopback connectors will not work 12345578
on the port and vice verse. %]
Once the connector is
plugged into a board that is installed in a chassis,
the removal lever on the connector may be hard to
reach. Do not try to pull the connector out of the
port without pushing up on the removal lever.
RJ45 Connector
3020 and 3060 Connector
The modem comes with an M11 jack that uses pins RJ11 Jack
3 and 4. Optionally, the modem may be configured Pinoul
to use pins 2 and 5. If so, the modem markings will 1234 55
indicate this.
Elm-ism Networks, Inc. Instalfing the Modem 1
Software Installation
Software Installation Overview
Two types of software drivers are provided on the installation CD: PPP
and CIPI1483. Your service provider will tell you which of these two types
of drivers you need to install.
Furthermore, the first chapter provides a procedure for determining which
Windows operating system is installed on your computer to know which
version of these drivers to install.
Follow the links below to guide you to the correct procedure for installing
your 3000 series modem driver.
To install the PPP Software...
; - - > in Windows 95 or 95A go to page 10
I" ‘ ‘ {> in Windows 953 .
1» - - i> in Windows 95
‘ i> in Windows NT
..go to page 12
..go to page 16
..go to page 19
To install the CIPI1483 Software...»
1- - - i> in Windows 95 or 95A go to page 23
:- - - i> in Windows 953. .. go to page 24
IL - - > in Windows 98 .. go to page 28
.. go to page 31
- . . > in Windows NT...
B Sir/imam Inna/laden Oven/few Efficient Networks, Inc.
Installing PPP Software
The PPP driver uses Microsofi’s Dial-Up Networking to create a
connection You must have Dial-Up Networking v1.2 or greater installed
to properly install the PPP driver. Refer to the Inn-eduction section of this
manual for more detail.
Installation Requirements for
PPP in Windows 95/98
Dial-Up Networking (DUN)
Ifyou will be installing in Windows 95 or Windows 98, you will need the
Mlcrosoft Dial-Up Networklng application installed. This applet is usually
installed with Windows 98, but the person installing the OS may have
chosen not to install it Windows 95 operating systems will have to be
upgraded to the correct version of DUN.
To determine if you have the DUN application installed, select Start >
Settings > Control Panel and AddIRemove Programs to ensure that
there is at least one Dial-Up Adapter installed Ifthere is not, before
installing the internal modem hardware, refer to the procedures below to
install DUN on your system:
1 Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.
2 Double-click:
. Your CD-ROM drive letter.
- Msduul3.exe
3 When you are asked “Install MSDUN1.3, continue?", click Next.
4 When you are prompted to restart, click Yes.
Virtual Private Networking
The Microsoft Virtual Private Networking (VPN) adapter is required by
the PPP driver. The VPN adapter is normally provided in Windows 98
Efliciem ”smarts, ma. Instalfl'ng PPP Software 9
installation. If it has not been installed or was removed, it must be
To check whether VPN is installed:
1 Select My Computer > Control Panel > Network.
2 On the Configuration list, there should be a Microsoft Virtual Private
Networking Adapter listed.
3 Ifnot, select the Add button and double-click on Adapter.
4 Scroll down in the Manufacturers list and select Microsoft.
5 Under Network Adapters, double—click on Microsoft Virtual Private
Networking Adapter.
Installation in Windows 95 or
Windows 95A
1 Alter installing the modem hardware, power on the system. When
Windows comes up, insert the sofiware installation CD in the
CD-ROM drive.
2 Windows will bring up the New Hardware Found dialog box. Be sure
that Driver from disk is selected before you click OK.
New Hardware Found
in Installing PPP Saltware Efficient Networks, Inc.
3 Next, the Install From Disk dialog box will appear. Click Browse and
select the CD-ROM drive flow the Drives list.
4 Double—click W95-98 and Ppp then click OK.
5 Click OK or Next on the Install From Dlsk dialog box.
6 Windows will then begin copying the driver files. After the files are
copied, the installation is complete and Windows will be restarted.
During this process you may be prompted for the Windows 95 OS
installation CD-ROM. Ifso, insert the CD and enter the path to the
requested files. Click OK.
1 At this point, if Dial-Up Networking (DUN) is not installed, a
message is presented saying:
An incorrect version of Dial-Up Networking is installed.
Speedstream PPP requires Dial-Up Networking version 1.2 or
befier to run. Please consult the release notes regardlng
Dial-Up Networking 1.2 installation before you continue.
If this message appears, click OK and refer to the DUN installation
instructions on page 9.
8 When the system comes back up, one or more configuration dialog
boxes may or may not be presented, depending on your service
provider. Configure the settings as directed by your network service
provider. When configuration is complete, if prompted to restart
Windows, click Yes.
9 When the system comes back up, you will need to set up your PPP
dial-up connection as described on page 22.
Elficienl Networks, Inc. Installing PPP Software 11
Installation in Windows 953
1 Afler installing the modem hardware, power on the system. When
Wmdows comes up, insert the software installation CD in the
CD—ROM drive.
2 The Update Device Driver Wizard dialog (shown on the next page)
will appear. Click Next.
W!" duws search for, aw
12 Installing PPP SMWan-J Efl'lciem Networks, Inc.
3 On the next dialog box, elick the other Locations human.
3-a On the Select Other Locations dialog, select Browse,
3-b Click on the CD~ROM drive in the list, select W95-98 and Ppp
then click OK. 011 the Select Other Location dialog, click OK.
Efficient Networks, Inc. Illslalling PPP Senna/e 13
4 On the Update Device Driver Wizard, click Finish.
5 Next, the Insert Disk dialog may appear. Click OK.
Windows will then begin copying the driver files. During this process
you may be prompted for the Windows 95 OS installation CD-ROM.
If so, insert the CD and enter the path to the requested files. Click OK.
6 At this point, if Dial-Up Networking (DUN) is required (for PPP
drivers only) but it is not installed, a message is presented saying:
An incorrect version of Dial-Up Networking is installed.
Speedstream PPP requires Dial-Up Networking version 1.2 or
better to run. Please consult the release notes regarding
Dial-Up Networking 1.2 installation before you continue.
If this message appears, click OK and refer to the DUN installation
instructions on page 9.
14 Insiaflihy PPP Sollwam Emcienl Networks, Inc.
7 When the system comes back up, one or more configuration dialog
boxes may or may not be presented, depending on your service
provider. Configure the settings as directed by your network service
provider. When configuration is complete, if prompted to restart
Windows, click Yes.
8 When the system comes back up, you will need to set up your PPP
dial-up connection as described on page 22.
Troubleshooting Windows 95
Recovery from Canceling Installation
An incomplete installation may occur if:
- In Windows 95 or 95A, if you select Do not Install a drlver on the New
Hardware Found dialog box
- In Windows 95B, if you click FInIsh on the Update Devlce Drlver
Wizard dialog box without inserting the SpeedStream installation CD
Use the following procedure to clear the partial install from the system.
1 Click Start and point to Settings; then click Control Panel.
Double-click System and click the Device Manager tab. Select the
ENT card under “‘ Other devices”.
2 Click Remove. Exit the Device Manager and reboot the machine.
3 Shut down and restart the system; then perform the soflware
installation procedure again.
PPP Driver Installation without Dial-Up Networking
If the drivers are installed on a system that does not have the latest version
of DUN installed, the installation procedure describes what will occur. If
the system is not restarted as required during DUN installation, the
installation software will not be able to create address book entries. To
recover from this situation, use the following procedure to update the
service profile:
Efliciul! Networks, Inc. Installing PPP Saflware 15
1 Click start > Settings > Control Panel > Network and click the
Adaplers tab (if not already selected). Select the Efiicient client and
click the Properties button.
2 Click Update.
3 Find the profile (.acf file) on the SpeedStream installation CD using
the standard Open dialog box provided.
4 SpeedStream configuration dialog boxes will be presented and the
necessary address book entries will he created Restart Windows.
Installation in Windows 98
1 After installing the modem hardware, power on the system.
2 When the system comes up, the Add New Hardware Wizard will
appear indicating that the modem was discovered.
Ha ware leard
searches lot he
3 Insert the installation CD-ROM and click Next.
16 Installing PPP Software Eflicienl Networks, Inc.
4 011 the next dialog, the first option Search for file best driver for
your device (Recommended) should be selected.
' " iii 15W m
5 On the next dialog, select only the checkbox labeled Specify a
location. Then click the Browse button.
Elflciem Networks, Inc. Installing PPP Software 17
5-a In the browse list, locate your CD-ROM drive letter and
highlight it, then select the W95-96 folder and Ppp then click
5-b Click Next on the Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box.
6 The Add New Hardware Wizard states that “Windows is now ready to
install the best driver for this device.” Click Next. Windows will then
copy the driver files from your CD-ROM.
As the files are being copied, you may be prompted for the Windows
98 CD. If so, insert the CD and click OK
7 Next you may see the Insert Dlsk dialog box. Click OK.
8 On the Copying Files dialog box, pull down the “Copy files from:”
list and select : W95-98\Ppp. Click OK.
9 Click FInIsh on the Add New Hardware Wizard
10 When the driver installation is complete, you will be prompted to
restart Windows. Click Yes.
11 When the system comes back up, one or more configuration dialog
boxes may or may not be presented, depending on your service
provider. Configure the settings as directed by your network service
12 Click the Finish button to complete the configuration.
13 When the driver installation is complete, set up your dial-up
connection as described on page 22.
lnsram’rig PPP Salome Eflicienl ”emits, hm.
Installation in Windows NT 4.0
NOTE: The user must have Admlnlstrator rlghts on the system In
whlch the modem Is belng Installed.
1 After installing the modem hardware, power on the system. When
Windows NT comes up, log in and insert the SpeedStream installation
CD in a CD-ROM drive.
2 Click the Start button and point to Settings; click Control Panel.
Double-click the Network icon.
E.~‘-'4|:eessil:rilflp AddNew Add/Remove Dateflirne Desktop
Uplions Hardware Prugrarns Themes
. “a: “x
r?” r 4? ' r)”
e w w
Fonts Game Internet Keyboard M udems Mouse
Controllers Options
Multrmedia - »: 0085 Data Passwords Power
| Sources [32m] Management
‘ D‘ a» 1!
® Q‘ .-_;- ff
Hegional Sounds System Telephony Users
8 ettings
3 When the Network window appears, click the Adapters tab and then
click the Add button.
Elf/Ciel! ”emu-ks, MC. Inslafllhy PPP Samara 19
4 On the Select Network Adapter dialog box, click the button labeled
Have Disk.
“Arman ENl 55x MP><2
HflAdoptecATM LAN Emulation Adopter
“Advanced Micro Devices AM21 EIEI/AMl SDDTAdapter
“Allied Telesyn AT] 700 EthernetAdapter
“Allied Tslssyn AT-ZSEU Series PCI/‘l IJIJ EthernslAdaptsr
IBAMD PCNET Family Ethernet Adapter
“Andrew ’ Adaote
5 In the Insert Disk dialog box, you must specify the CD file path. (If
you do not know the CD-ROM drive letter, then look on the My
Computer dialog box.)
0 Enter the following: \NT\Ppp and click OK.
6 On the Select OEM Option dialog box, you will see the driver
highlighted Click OK. The Windows NT Setup dialog box will show
the files being copied.
7 If a Remote Access Services Installation dialog box appears, this
indicates that RAS has not been installed previously on your system.
You will need the Windows NT 4.0 Installation CD to install RAS.
1-a Insert the Windows NT CD.
7-1: The dialog box will prompt you to enter the directory path
where the RAS services are installed (enter :\i386
where  is the CD drive letter). You must enter the
correct path name to the RAS service.
Ifthe path is entered wrong, cancel the RAS installation. Go to
your Network settings by clicking on the Start button and
Installing PPP Soliwane Efficient ”emails, Inc.
selecting Settings; click on Control Panel. Double-click on the
Network icon and then click Services and Add. Select Remote
Access Services from the list and click OK.
8 Next, the Remote Access Services configuration dialog box is
presented, and then the Add RAS Device dialog box appears.
Select the entry labeled ISDN_n ENxOP and click OK.
Click the Configure button.
On the Configure Port Usage dialog box, select Dlal Out Only
and click OK.
Click Network and make sure TCPIIP is checked. Click OK.
Click Contlnue when all configuration is complete.
Exit the Network Control Panel by clicking Close.
When prompted to, restart the system
Ifyou have more than one client connection, repeat the following
procedure for each client:
Click the Start button and select Settings; click Control Panel.
Double—click the Network icon and click the Services tab.
Select Remote Access Services from the list and click the
Propertles button.
Click the Add button in the Remote Access Setup dialog box
to add your additional client connection. Click OK.
Repeat steps s-b through B-g above.
NOTE: Microsoft recommends that you re-install the latest Service
Pack for your system after Installlng RAS. Refer to instructions in
the Release Notes for Installlng the latest service pack.
9 When the system comes back up, one or more configuration dialog
boxes may or may not be presented, depending on your service
provider. Configure the settings as directed by your network service
Efficient Networks, lhc. Installing PPP Sam/are 21
10 Click the Finish button to complete the configuration.
Setting up a PPP Connection
Afier installing the PPP software, you may be required by your service
provider to configure the IP address before you connect using Dial-Up
Networking. If so, following your service provider’s instructions to
configure your IP address, then follow the procedure below to create a
Creating a PPP Connection
1 Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop; then
double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon.
2 You will see an icon for the ADSL PPP connection that was defined
when you installed the driver. Double-click on the connection icon.
3 Enter a password
4 Select the Connect button to create the connection.
5 A modem icon will then appear on the taskbar when the connection
has been established.
Using SpeedStream with
Multiple User Profiles
If your system was configured with multiple user profiles before the
modem was installed, the SpeedStream connection will only be visible to
the user who installed it. To copy the connection to other users profiles,
copy all files in your Dial-Up Networking folder with a .dun extension to
c:\. Then login as each individual user and copy the .dun files to the
Dial-Up Networking folder.
Installing PPP Software Efficient Networks, Inc.
CIPI1483 Driver Installation
The Classical [P/RF C 1483 Driver difl'ers from the PPP driver because it
provides an “always-on” network connection. The CIP/ 1483 driver does
not use Dial-Up Networking.
Installation in Windows 95 or
1 Afier installing the modem hardware, power on the system. When
Windows comes up, insert the software installation CD in the
CD-ROM drive.
2 Windows will bring up the New Hardware Found dialog box. Be sure
that Driver from disk is selected before you click OK.
3 Next, the Install From Disk dialog box will appear. Click Browse and
select the CD-ROM drive from the Drives list.
4 Double-click W95-98 and CIp-14S3, then click OK.
Efficient Networks, Inc. (HP/1483 deer Inslaflatrhn 13
5 Click OK on the Install From Disk dialog box.
6 One or more configuration dialog boxes will be presented, depending
on your service provider. Configure the settings as directed by your
network service provider.When you click Finish, Windows will then
begin copying the driver files.
During this process you may be prompted for the Windows 95
installation CD-ROM. If so, insert the Windows 95 CD-ROM and
click OK.
7 When Windows comes up, you may need to configure the Internet
Protocol (IP) address for your connection. Refer to the procedure on
lnstallation in Windows 953
1 Afier installing the modem hardware, power on the system. When
Windows comes up, insert the SpeedStream installation CD in the
CD-ROM drive.
2 The Update Device Driver Wizard dialog (shown on the next page)
will appear. Click Next.
24 CIP/1483 Drivel Instaflafl'on Efficient Networks, Inc.
3 On the next dialog box, click the Other Locations button.
3-a On the Select other Locations dialog, select Browse.
Efliciem Hawks, MC. (JP/1483 Driver Illslflllalion 25
3-b Click on the CD drive in the list, double-click on W95-98 then
CIP-1483 and click OK. On the Select Other Location dialog,
click OK.
4 011 the Update Device Driver Wizard, click Finish.
5 Next, the Insert Dlsk dialog may appear. Click OK.
6 On the Copying files dialog bout, click Browse and then select
W95-98 and Cip-1483‘ Click OK.
Cupping File ..
Wmdows will then begin copying the driver files.
7 One or more configuration dialog boxes will be presented, depending
on your service provider. Configure the settings as directed by your
network service provider.
8 You may be prompted for the Windows 95 installation CD. Ifso,
insert the CD and click OK
9 When the system comes back up, you may need to configure the
Internet Protocol (LP) address for your connection. Refer to the
procedure on 30.
26 CIP/ 1403 Driver Installation Efl'miem NEWS, Inc.
Troubleshooting Windows 95
Recovery from Canceling Installation
An incomplete installation may occur if:
- In Windows 95 or 95A, if you select Do not install a driver on the New
Hardware Found dialog box
- In Windows 95B, if you click Finish on the Update Device Driver
Wizard dialog box without inserting the SpeedStream installation CD
Use the following procedure to clear the partial install from the system.
1 Click Start and point to Settings; click Control Panel and
double-click System. Then click the Device Manager panel and
select the ENI card under * Other devices.
2 Click Remove. Exit the Device Manager and reboot the machine.
3 Shutdown and restart the system, then perform the sofiware
installation procedure again.
Eflicienl Networks, Inc. CIP/14B3 Driver Installation 21
Installation in Windows 98
1 After installing the modem hardware, power on the system.
‘2 When the system comes up, the Add New Hardware Wizard will
appear indicating that the modem was discovered.
AddNewI Ha; ware
3 Insert the installation CD-ROM and click Next.
23 (NP/1433 Drivel Installalion Eflciem Networks, Inc.
4 On the next dialog, the first option Search for the best driver for
your device (Recommended) should be selected. Click Next.
5 On the next dialog, select only the checkbox labeled Specify a
location. Then click the Browse button.
‘AddNewHard e d M 7
K um
Efl'miem Networks, Inc. (JP/1483 Dflverlnslallafl'on 29
5-3 In the browse list, doublerclick on the CD-ROM drive letter,
then select the W95-98 folder and Cip-1483 and click OK.
5-b Click Next on the Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box.
6 The Add New Hardware Wizard states that “Windows is now ready to
install the best driver for this device.” Click Next. Windows will then
copy the driver files from your CD-ROM.
7 Next you may see the Insert Dlsk dialog box. Click OK.
8 On the Copying FIIes dialog box, pull down the “Copy files from:”
list and select : W95-98\Cip-1483. Click OK,
. 9 Next, configuration dialog boxes will be presented. Use your service
provider’s instructions to set the parameters. Click the Finish button
to complete the configuration.
As the files are being copied, you may be prompted for the Windows
98 CD. If so, insert the CD and click OK.
10 Click the Finish button to complete the configuration. When the
driver installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart
Wmdows. Click Yes.
11 When the system comes back up, you may need to configure the
Internet Protocol (LP) address for your connection. Refer to the
procedure below.
Configuring the IP Address in
Windows 95198
When using the CIP/1483 driver, you may need to configure an Internet
Protocol (IP) address that will be used to identify your computer on the
30 CIP/MHS Dn'ver Installah'on Eflicienl Networks, Inc.
1 Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop and then
double-click Control Panel followed by Network.
2 Select the TCPIIP entry for the SpeedStream device and click then
Propertles button.
3 Follow your service provider’s instructions to configure the IP address
of your system.
4 When configuration is complete, click OK. You may be prompted to
reboot the computer. If so, select Yes.
Installation in Windows NT 4.0
1 Afier installing the modem hardware, power on the system. When
Windows NT comes up, log in and insert the driver installation CD in
a CD-ROM drive.
2 Click Start and point to Settings; then click Control Panel.
Double-click the Network icon.
3 When the Network window appears, click the Adapters tab and then
click the Add button.
Efficient Networks, Inc. (HF/1483 Dn‘ver Installanbn 31
4 On the Select Network Adapter dialog box, click the button labeled
Have Disk.
lpAcmnn ENl 68x MPXZ PnP EIhernetAdepizr
, “Adopter: ATM LAN Emulation Adopter
~. “Advanced Micro Devices AMZlUfl/AM15DUTAdapier
Isl/Allied Telesyn AT17flD ElhemelAdeiptsr
fmAllled Telosyn AT—ZEEI] Series Plel 0D ElhemelAdapter
, “Al/ID PCNET Family EthernetAdi—Jpler
apilllA LIA Tn '
5 On the Insert Disk dialog box, you must specify the CD file path.
0 If you do not know the CD-ROM drive letter, then click on My
Computer and look for the CD-ROM chive letter.
- Enter the following: \NT\CIp-1483 and click OK.
6 On the Select OEM Option dialog box, you will see the driver
highlighted. Click OK. The Windows NT Setup dialog box will show
the files being copied.
7 Next, a series of configuration dialog boxes will be presented.
Configure the settings as directed by your network service provider.
Click the Finish button to complete the configurafion.
8 Select Close on the Network dialog.
9 Next, the Microsoft TCPIIP Properties dialog is presented. Pull down
the Adapter list and select the SpeedStream client.
10 Follow your service provider’s instructions to configure the IP address
of your system. Click OK. This completes the configuration of the
32 CIP/ 7483 Driver Insraflat'on Efl'lciem Networks, Inc.
SpeedStream Status
After the modem and driver are properly installed, you will see the
following icons on the taskbar:
Indicates that the modem has an active connection. The lights
will blink when the modem is transmitting.
Indicates that the modem is not connected or configured
Right—clicking on the taskbar icon provides a menu of detailed status and
on-line help.
The taskbar icon can be turned off by going to the Control Panel and
double-clicking the SpeedStream Status icon. This will bring up the
SpeedStream Status dialog box. The icon is displayed when the Show
Icon on Taskbar checkbox is checked.
Enicien! Networks, Inc. SpeedSl/eam Status 33
Software Removal
Removing the Driver Software - Windows 95/98
Select Start then Settings and open the Control Panel.
From the Control Panel, select Network.
Select the Configuration tab and select the SpeedStream product from
the list.
Click on the Remove button and select OK to close the Network
When prompted to restart the system, select No.
Shut down Windows and turn off the machine.
Remove the adapter from the machine and turn the system back on.
Removing the Driver Software - Windows NT
Select Start, then Settings and open the Control Panel.
From the Control Panel, select Network.
Select the Adapters tab and select our product from the list.
Click on the Remove button and then click Yes.
Select Close 011 the Network dialog.
When prompted to resent the system, select No.
Shut down Windows and turn off the machine.
Remove the adapter from the machine and turn the system hack on.
34 Removing the Driver Sallwam - Windows 95/98 Elf/dent Networks, Inc.
SpeedStream 3010 Adapter Specifications
Size 2.5 in. x 5.0 in.
(6.3 cm x 12.7 cm]
Weight 3 oz. (85.04 grams)
Power Max 1.5 amps @ +5V i 5%
Max 0.2 amps @ iIZV i 596
Temperature Operating: 0 to 70° C
Non-Operating. storage: -10 to 85° C
Humidity 10% to 9096 noncondensing
PCI Frequency 0 to 33MHz
Bus Master 32 hit. 33 Mhz PCI bus version 2.1 Bus Master capability with
DMA bursting
Unshielded Twisted Pair Interface
Operating distance
Line code
unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Category 3, 4, or 5
Eight-contact, shielded RJ45
(J m to 100 m
4B/5B and NRZ
Line rate
Rate tolerance
Transmitter type
Difletential Signal Level
Rise/Fall time
32 Mbaud. 25.6 Mbits per second
thO ppm
Transformer—coupled differential line driVEr
2.7 3.4 V peak peak
15 ns to 3.5 ns
Transformer-coupled differential line receiver with adaptive
SpeedStream 302013060 Adapter Specifications
Efficient Networks, Inc.
8.85 in. x 4.2 in.
(17.39 cm x 10.66 cm)
3 oz. (85.04 grams)
Max 1.5 amps @ +5Vi: 596
Max 02 amps @ :l:12V i 596
SpeedStream 3010 Adapter Specificalions 35
Temperature Operating: O to 70“ C
Nun—Operating, storage: -10 to 85“ C
Humidity 1096 to 9095 noncondensing
PCI Frequency 0 to 33MHz
Bus Master 32 hit, 33 Mhz PCI bus version 2.1 Bus Master capability with
DMA bursting
Cabling Unshielded Twisted Pair
Connector RJI 1
Operating distance up to 15 Kft AWG 26, 18 Ht AWG 24
Line code DMT, FDM, ADSL
Line rate Up to 640 Kbps upstream, up to 6.1 Mbps downstream
Bit Error Rate 10'7 using a 6 dB margin
Transmitter type Transformer—coupled difl'erential line driver
Line Power PSDM per T1E1.413
POTS Splitter Equipped with a high pass filter
Receiver Transformer-coupled differential line receiver with adaptive
as Speedsveam 3020/3060Adapler5peciflcafions Efliciemflerwums, m.

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