CLC Z404 Axe Plus 2 User Manual

CLC HONG KONG LIMITED Axe Plus 2 Users Manual


Users Manual

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Document ID3045335
Application IDrPD4VBLVZoSoh31OXtE89g==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize132.46kB (1655792 bits)
Date Submitted2016-06-29 00:00:00
Date Available2016-06-29 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-12-09 06:49:30
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-12-09 06:49:30
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: elena

User Manual
ABOUT AN D ROI D ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
APPLI CATI ON S ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
YOUR PH ON E.................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
GETTI N G STARTED ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
TOUCH SCREEN & KEYS ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
TI PS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Z OOMI NG TI PS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
ROTATE THE SCREEN ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
KEY TI PS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
H OM E SCREEN ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
HOME SCREEN ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
W ORKI NG WI TH MENUS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
SHORTCUT ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
W I DGET............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
ARRANGI NG YOUR HOME SCREEN .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
H OME SCREEN ............................................................................................................................... 7
APPLI CATI ON M EN U ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
MENU ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
PH ON E STATUS BAR AN D N OTI FI CATI ON S ....................................................................................................................... 8
AND ONGOI NG ACTI VATES ................................................................................................................................ 8
TOOLKI TS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
D I AL PAD ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
MAKE A CALL .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
OPTI ONS AVAI LABLE DURI NG A CALL ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
TEXT EN TRY .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
ON- SCREEN KEYBOARD ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
ENTER TEXT ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
ENTER VARI OUS CHARACTERS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
EDI T TEXT ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
SELECT TEXT ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
CUT / COPY/ PASTE TEXT .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
COM M UN I CATI ON ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
MESSAGI NG ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
PEOPLE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
PHONE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
EMAI L ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
M ULTI M ED I A .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
CAMERA .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
MUSI C ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
FM RADI O ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
GALLERY......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
RECORDER ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
TOOLS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
CALENDAR ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
CLOCK ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
CALCULATOR .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
BROW SER ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
CON N ECT TO N ETW ORKS AN D D EVI CES ........................................................................................................................... 20
D ETERMI NE THE NETWORK YOU ARE USI NG .............................................................................................................................................. 20
EDI T OR CREATE NEW ACCESS POI NTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
W I - FI NETWORKS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
BLUETOOTH .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
CONNECT TO A COMPUTER VI A USB............................................................................................................................................................ 21
W ORKI NG WI TH SECURE CERTI FI CATES ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
I NSTALL SECURE CERTI FI CATE FROM SD CARD ........................................................................................................................................ 21
SETTI N GS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
ACCESSI N G PASSW ORD ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
PI N CODE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
PI N2 CODE ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
PUK CODE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
PUK2 CODE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
PRECAUTI ON S ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23
FREQUEN TLY ASKED QUESTI ON S AN D TROUBLESH OOTI N G ................................................................................... 25
SAFETY I N FORM ATI ON AN D N OTI CES ............................................................................................................................... 26
USI NG THE MOBI LE PHONE AND CHARGER................................................................................................................................................. 26
USI NG THE MOBI LE PHONE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 27
USI NG THE BATTERY ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
USI NG THE CHARGER.................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
REQUI REMENTS FOR MOBI LE PHONE........................................................................................................................................................... 28
REQUI REMENTS FOR THE BATTERY .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
REQUI REMENTS FOR THE CHARGER AND AC ADAPTER.............................................................................................................................. 28
CLEANI NG AND MAI NTENANCE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Abou t An dr oid
An Android phone can perform m any of t he sam e funct ions as a com put er. But you can also adj ust it t o bet t er
suit your needs, t o receive t he inform at ion you want , and have fun at t he sam e t im e. You can add and delet e
applicat ions, or enhance t hem t o im prove funct ionalit y. At Android Market you can download a range of
applicat ions and gam es from a const ant ly growing collect ion. You can also int egrat e applicat ions on your
Android phone wit h your personal dat a and online account s. For exam ple, you can back up your t rack of your
appoint m ent s, and engage in as m uch social net working as you like.
Applica t ion s
An applicat ion is a phone program t hat helps you perform a t ask. For exam ple, t here are applicat ions t o m ake
calls, t ake phot os and download m ore applicat ions.
N ot e :
The colors and specificat ions shown/ m ent ioned in t he user m anual m ay differ from t he act ual product . I m ages shown are
for represent at ion purpose only.
The cont ent of t he m anual is correct when it is released, but we reserve t he right t o m odify t he t echnical specificat ion wit hout
addit ional not ificat ion.
Som e cont ent in t he m anual m ay be different from t he m obile phone, as t he accessory soft ware, SI M card or service varies by
You r ph on e
t he im port ant keys & connect ors
Phone overview
Charge/ USB Port
To connect charger or USB dat a cable for dat a exchange.
Earphone Jack
To connect an earphone so you can list en t o m usic/ radio.
Allow you t o t ake pict ures while facing t he screen.
To hear t he voice of t he ot her side when calling.
Menu Key
Open a list of opt ions available in t he current screen or applicat ion.
Hom e Key
Go t o Hom e screen;
Cam era
Press and hold t o open a window showing your m ost recent ly used applicat ions.
Back Key
Go back t o t he previous screen;
Close t he on- screen keypad, a dialog box, an opt ions m enu, or t he Not ificat ion panel.
Volum e Keys
To adj ust t he ringer volum e, adj ust t he voice volum e during a call, and adj ust m edia
volum e.
Shut t er key
Long press t o ent er cam era applicat ion; I n cam era applicat ion, short press t o t ake
pict ure.
For t aking phot os.
To t ake phot os in low- light condit ions.
To list en t o m usic, and ot her sounds offered by your phone.
Power/ Lock Key
Swit ch t he phone on and off;
Press and hold t o open phone opt ions m enu.
Cam era
Ge t t in g st a r t e d
let 's get you up and running
Assem ble & charge
SI M ca r d in
Make sure t hat t he clipped corner of t he SI M card is facing t he correct direct ion and t he m et allic cont act s are
facing t he correct direct ion. Slide t he SI M card int o t he card slot unt il it st ops.
SD ca r d in
Slide t he SD card int o t he SD card slot wit h t he m et allic pins facing downwards. Push t he card unt il it locks
int o place.
Ba t t e r y in
Wit h t he m et allic cont act s of t he bat t ery facing t he m et allic cont act s in t he bat t ery slot , press t he bat t ery
down unt il it locks int o place.
Ch a r ge u p
Ensure t he bat t ery is insert ed in t he handset . To charge t he bat t ery, plug in t he charger connect or at your
phone ( USB int erface) and t hen plug t he ot her end int o an AC power socket .
The bat t ery sym bol indicat es t he charging st at us. While charging, t he charge indicat ors will scroll. When all
t he scroll bars are st eady, t he bat t ery is fully charged. Disconnect t he charger from t he phone. Disconnect t he
charger from t he AC power socket .
N ot e : I f t he bat t ery is powerless, t he bat t ery icon will reappear aft er a few m inut es of charging.
Tou ch scr e e n & k e ys
a few essent ials
Touch t ips
Here are som e t ips on how t o navigat e around your phone.
Tou ch
To choose an icon or opt ion, t ouch it .
Tou ch & hold
Open special funct ions or addit ional opt ions. Try it : From Applica t ion m e n u , t ouch M u sic icon t o ent er
Music library, t hen t ouch and hold an art ist , a song, or an album , som e opt ions will be available t o you. For
exam ple: play, add t o playlist , delet e, et c.
To scroll t hrough a list or m ove slowly, drag across t he t ouchscreen. Try it : on t he Hom e screen, t ouch
Pe ople icon t o ent er cont act s list , you can drag cont act s list up or down t o scroll list .
To slide by m oving your finger up or down on t he t ouch screen quickly. Scroll t hrough a list or m ove quickly,
slide across t he t ouchscreen ( drag quickly and release) .
D ou ble - t ou ch
Touch quickly t wice t o zoom in/ out . For exam ple, double- t ouch a pict ure in Gallery t o zoom in/ out .
Zoom ing t ips
When looking at m aps, webpages or phot os, place t wo fingers on t he t ouch screen at once and pinch t hem
t oget her t o zoom out or spread t hem apart t o zoom in.
N ot e : Use t he zoom funct ion when you view phot os, m aps or when you browsing t he web.
Rot at e t he screen
On som e screens, t he orient at ion of t he screen rot at es wit h t he phone as you t urn it from upright t o it s slide
and back again. You can t urn t his feat ure on and off.
Key t ips
Pow e r / Lock k e y
• When powering off st at us, press and hold t o t urn on t he phone;
• When powering on st at us, press and hold t o ent er phone opt ions ( Power off, Reboot , Airplane m ode,
and so on) ;
• To save your bat t ery, prevent accident al t ouches or when you want t o wipe sm udges off your t ouch
screen, put t he t ouch screen t o sleep by pressing Power/ Lock key;
• To wake up t he t ouch screen, j ust press Power/ Lock key again, and t hen drag t he lock icon t o t he right
on t he screen t o unlock according t o t he clue on t he screen.
Menu key
• Opens a m enu wit h it em s relat ed t o t he current screen/ applicat ion.
H om e k e y
• Press Hom e key t o close any m enu or app and ret urn t o t he Hom e screen. I f you are viewing t he left
or right Ext ended Hom e screen, open t he cent ral Hom e screen.
• Press and hold Hom e key t o view t he applicat ions you have used recent ly.
Ba ck k e y
• Press Back key t o ret urn t o t he previous screen you were working on.
Volu m e k e ys
• Press Volum e keys t o change t he volum e. When playing m usic or video files, press Volum e keys t o
adj ust m edia volum e.
Sh u t t e r k e y
• Long press t o ent er cam era applicat ion. I n cam era applicat ion, short press t o t ake pict ure.
H om e scr e e n
quick access t o t he t hings you need m ost
Quick st art : Hom e screen
Ph on e st a t us ba r a nd
n ot ifica t ion s
W idge t s
Ph on e
Pe ople
La u n ch e r : M a in m e n u
M e ssa ging
Br ow se r
The Hom e screen gives you all your lat est inform at ion in one place. I t 's what you
see when you t urn on t he phone. I t is t he equivalent of t he deskt op on a com put er. I t ’s your gat eway t o t he
m ain feat ures in your phone. You can cust om ize your Hom e screen wit h short cut s, widget s, folders, and
You need slide t he Hom e screen left or right t o view m ore cont ent in ot her panels on t he Hom e screen. You
can add short cut s, widget s, folders, et c. t o Hom e screen.
N ot e : Your Hom e screen m ight look a lit t le different .
Working wit h Menus
The phone provides you wit h Opt ions m enus and cont ext m enus.
Opt ion s m e n u s
• Opt ions m enus cont ain t ools t hat apply t o t he act ivit ies of t he current screen or applicat ion, not t o any
specific it em on t he screen. You can open opt ions m enu by pressing M e n u k e y.
Not all screens have opt ions m enus. I f you press M e n u k e y on
a screen t hat has no opt ions m enu, not hing happens.
Short cut
To a dd a sh or t cu t t o H om e scr e e n
1. From Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon.
2. From APPS t ab, you will see applicat ion m enu.
3. Touch and hold an applicat ion icon unt il it vibrat es, t hen back t o t he Hom e screen, and drag it t o t he
desired locat ion.
To r e m ove a sh or t cu t on H om e scr e e n
I f you want t o rem ove t he short cut , you can t ouch and hold t he short cut icon on Hom e screen unt il it vibrat es,
and t hen drag it t o Re m ove t ab.
A widget is sm all applicat ion on t he Hom e screen t hat t ypically displays inform at ion such as Analog clock,
Music and you can use direct ly on your Hom e screen. For exam ple, t he Music widget allows you t o st art
playing audio files direct ly on Hom e screen. You can also add a widget such as Analog clock t hat shows t im e.
You can also download addit ional widget s from t he library of Android widget s.
To a dd a w idge t t o H om e scr e e n
1. From Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon.
2. Touch W I D GETS t ab, you will see widget opt ions m enu.
3. Touch and hold a widget icon t o pick up t he widget , t hen back t o t he Hom e screen, and drag it t o t he
desired locat ion.
To r e m ove a w idge t on H om e scr e e n
I f you want t o rem ove t he widget , you can t ouch and hold t he widget icon on Hom e screen, and t hen drag it
t o Re m ove t ab.
Arranging your Hom e screen
To m ove a n it e m on H om e scr e e n
Touch and hold an it em on Hom e screen unt il it vibrat es, t hen drag it where you want .
To or ga n ize you r a pps w it h folde r s
To m ake a new folder on your Hom e screen, st ack one app on t op of anot her.
To n a m e folde r on H om e scr e e n
1. Touch t he apps st ack on Hom e screen t o open
2. Touch t he Un n a m e d Folde r t o show t he nam e folder field.
3. Edit t he folder nam e.
To m ove a pplica t ion sh or t cu t s on H om e scr e e n t o a folde r
Touch and hold t he it em on Hom e screen unt il it vibrat es, and t hen st ack t he app on t op of ot hers.
To m ove a pplica t ion sh or t cu t s in a folde r t o H om e scr e e n
Touch and hold t he it em in a folder, and t hen drag t he it em out of t he folder.
Changing t he background of your Hom e screen
Adapt t he Hom e screen t o your own st yle using wallpapers from Gallery, Live wallpapers, Video wallpapers,
or Wallpapers.
Touch and hold t he Hom e screen t o select wallpaper from Gallery, Live wallpapers, Video wallpapers, or
Wallpapers. Then set it as wallpaper.
Tip: You can use cam era t o t ake a phot o, and t hen set it as wallpaper.
Applica t ion m e n u
enj oy applicat ions from t he Applicat ion m enu
Applicat ion m enu
The Applicat ion m enu, which you open from your Hom e screen, cont ains t he applicat ions t hat com e inst alled
wit h your phone.
The Applicat ion m enu ext ends beyond t he screen widt h, so you need t o slide left and right t o view all cont ent .
To ope n t h e Applica t ion m e n u
1. On Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon.
2. Touch APPS t ab.
To br ow se t h e Applica t ion m e n u
Open t he Applicat ion m enu, t hen slide t he screen left or right .
Ph on e st a t u s ba r a n d n ot ifica t ion s
The st at us bar at t he t op of t he screen cont ains icons t hat t ell you about m essages and phone st at us and
shows what ’s going on in your phone. At t he t op you get not ificat ions when t here is som et hing new or
ongoing. For exam ple, new m essage, m issed call, signal st rengt h, bat t ery st at us and ot her inform at ion
appear here.
Checking not ificat ions and ongoing act ivat es
You can drag down t he st at us bar t o open
t he Not ificat ion panel and get m ore
inform at ion. For exam ple, view m issed calls from Not ificat ion panel. You can also open running applicat ions,
such as t he m usic player.
To ope n t h e N ot ifica t ion pa ne l
Drag t he st at us bar downwards.
To close t h e N ot ifica t ion pa ne l
Drag t he bot t om of t he Not ificat ion panel upwards.
To ope n a r u n n in g a pplica t ion fr om t h e N ot ifica t ion pa n e l
From t he Not ificat ion panel, t ouch t he icon for t he running applicat ion t o open it .
Toolkit s
I n t he t oolkit s you can quickly st art t he com m on applicat ions such as Bluet oot h, Wi- Fi and so on.
Open t he t oolkit s panel by t ouching
D ia l pa d
Make a call
Touch Phone icon on t he Hom e screen.
I n dialing screen, input num ber and t ouch dial icon t o dial t he input t ed num ber.
Opt ions available during a call
During a call, t here are som e call opt ions available t o you. These call opt ions can be seen only during a call.
When a call is in progress, you can put it on hold, init iat e a phone conference, m ut e your m icrophone et c.
Ke y pa d: Go t o t he k e y
pa d.
Spe a k e r : To t urn on/ off
t he speaker.
M u t e : Mut e your voice
so t hat t he ot her part y
cannot hear you.
H old: To place a call on
Add ca ll: Open dial pad
t o dial t he second call.
En d: To end a call.
Press Volu m e k e ys t o adj ust t he call volum e.
Te x t e n t r y
On- screen keyboard
Touch t he keys of t he on- screen QWERTY keyboard t o ent er t ext convenient ly. You can open t his keyboard by
t ouching a t ext field.
An dr oid k e yboa r d in pu t m e t h od
Touch t his icon t o select
cont act
Send m essage
Touch t o capit alize t he
next let t er you t ype.
Ent er t ext
• Touch t he keys on t he keyboard t o t ype.
Use t he D e le t e k e y
When you finished t yping, Press Ba ck k e y t o close t he keyboard.
t o erase charact ers t o t he left of t he cursor.
Ent er Various Charact ers
• Touch t he Sym bols k e y
t o swit ch t o t he num bers and sym bols keyboard.
on t he sym bols keyboard t o view addit ional sym bols.
Edit Text
You can edit t he t ext you ent er in t ext fields and use m enu com m ands t o cut , copy, and past e t ext , wit hin or
across applicat ions. Som e applicat ions do not support edit ing som e or all of t he t ext t hey display. Ot hers m ay
offer t heir own way t o select t ext you want t o work wit h.
Touch and hold t he t ext field t hat cont ains t he t ext t o select t he word.
Cut or copy t he t ext .
Select Text
You can select t ext for cut t ing or copying. The select ed t ext is highlight ed in blue.
Touch and hold t he port ion t hat cont ains t ext . Som e opt ions open wit h icons.
Move t he cursor t o select t he t ext .
Select all
Cut / Copy/ Past e Text
1. Touch Cu t icon or Copy icon in t he m enu t hat opens.
2. Touch and hold t he t ext field where you want t o past e t he t ext .
3. Touch PASTE in t he m enu t hat opens. The t ext is insert ed at t he cursor.
You can past e t he t ext t hat you copied from one applicat ion int o a t ext field in any applicat ion.
Com m u n ica t ion
it ’s good t o t alk, t ext or em ail. . .
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g
You can com pose, send and receive t ext m essages from your phone, and also can com pose, send and receive
m ult im edia m essages, which cont ain m edia files such as pict ures, videos and audios.
When you view your m essages, t hey appear as conversat ions, which m eans t hat all m essages t o and from a
part icular person are grouped t oget her.
• Com pose n e w m e ssa ge
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch M e ssa gin g icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g.
2. Touch
3. To add recipient ( s) , t ouch
, t hen find and m ark t he cont act nam e. To add m ore t han one cont act , m ark
t he cont act nam e for t he desired recipient s. You can also ent er t he recipient ’s phone num ber m anually.
4. Aft er you finish m arking cont act ( s) , t ouch OK.
5. Touch Type m e ssa ge t o ent er your m essage t ext .
6. I f you want t o insert a m edia file, t ouch , and select an at t achm ent .
7. Touch
, t o send t he m essage.
When edit ing m essage, press M e n u k e y, som e addit ional opt ions will be
available t o you. For exam ple, add subj ect . You can t ouch t he opt ions t o do act ions.
• D e le t e m e ssa ge t h r e a ds
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch M e ssa gin g icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g.
2. Touch and hold t he m essage t hread.
3. Select t he conversat ions you want t o delet e.
4. Touch , t hen t ouch D e le t e in t he m enu t hat pops up.
You can also press M e n u k e y and t ouch D e le t e a ll t h r e a ds t o delet e all m essage t hreads from t he window.
• For w a r d a m e ssa ge
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch M e ssa gin g icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g.
2. Touch t he conversat ion cont aining t he m essage you want t o forward.
3. Touch and hold t he m essage you want t o forward.
4. Touch For w a r d in t he m enu t hat opens.
5. Add recipient ( s) , t ouch
, t hen find and m ark t he cont act nam e. To add m ore t han one cont act , m ark t he
cont act nam e for t he desired recipient s. You can also ent er t he recipient ’s phone num ber m anually.
, t o send t he m essage.
6. Touch
• Lock a m e ssa ge
You can lock a m essage.
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch M e ssa gin g icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g.
2. Touch t he conversat ion cont aining t he m essage you want t o lock.
3. Touch and hold t he m essage you want t o lock.
4. Touch Lock in t he m enu t hat opens. A lock icon appears. Unlock a m essage by t ouching and holding t he
m essage and t hen t ouch Un lock .
• M e ssa gin g se t t in gs
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch M e ssa gin g icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g.
2. Press M e n u k e y, select Se t t in gs in t he m enu t hat opens.
3. You can change m essages set t ings, such as delet e old m essages as lim it s are reached, request a delivery
report for each m essage you send.
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > Pe ople
The People applicat ion offers you t o st ore and m anage all your cont act s.
• Pe ople scr ee n ove r vie w
Touch t o search
Cont act s t ab
Favorit es t ab
Touch a cont act
t o v iew it s det ails
Touch a cont act
t hum bnail t o access
t he quick cont act
m enu
Touch t o add new
cont act
• Add a con t a ct
1 . From your Hom e screen, t ouch Pe ople icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Pe ople.
2. Touch
3. Select st orage pat h t o which you want t o add t his new cont act .
4. Ent er t he inform at ion for t he cont act .
5. Aft er you finish, t ouch D ON E.
• Se a r ch a con t a ct
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch Pe ople icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Pe ople.
2. Touch
3. I nput t he first charact er of t he nam e you are searching for in t he cursor, and t hen all records m eet ing t he
condit ions will be displayed. Search result s will be different due t o different input cont ent .
• Addit ion a l opt ion s
From cont act s list screen, press M e n u k e y, som e addit ional opt ions will be available t o you. For exam ple,
im port / export , and share visible cont act s.
D e le t e con t a ct : You can m ark m uch m ore t han one cont act , and t hen delet e t hese m arked cont act s.
Con t a ct s t o displa y: To select what sort of cont act s t o display in t he cont act s list .
I m por t / e x por t : Copy cont act s t o which you want im port .
Accou n t s: You can synchronize your phone cont act s wit h a synchronizat ion account .
Se t t in gs: Change t he set t ings involved display opt ions.
Sh a r e visible con t a ct s: You can share cont act s via Bluet oot h, Em ail, and so on.
To a ssign a con t a ct t o a gr ou p
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch Pe ople icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Pe ople.
2. Touch Gr ou ps t ab.
3. Touch a group t o which you want t o assign cont act s.
4. Press M e n u k e y, t ouch Edit in t he m enu t hat opens.
5. Touch Type pe r son ’s n a m e t o input t he cont act ’s nam e, t hen t he corresponding cont act ent ry will pop up,
select t he desired cont act ent ry.
6. Aft er you finish edit ing, t ouch D ON E.
• Fa vor it e s
You can set cont act s as favorit es so t hat you can get access t o t hem from t he People applicat ion.
To se t a con t a ct a s fa vor it e
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch Pe ople icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Pe ople.
2. From cont act s list , t ouch a cont act which you want t o set as favorit e.
3. Touch
. I f you want t o cancel t he favorit e, t ouch
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ph on e
• Ca ll log
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ph on e > Ca ll log t a b
Touch different t abs such as All, Received, Dialed, and Missed calls on upside screen of Call log int erface, and
t hen you can view different call logs.
Em ail
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il
The Em ail applicat ion in your phone offers you t o com pose, send and receive em ails t hrough your regular
em ail account .
You need creat e account first , and t hen creat e em ail t o send. You can configure Em ail for m ost account s in
j ust a few st eps.
• Se t u p a n e m a il a ccou n t in you r ph on e
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. Ent er your em ail address and password, t hen t ouch N e x t .
3. I f t he set t ings for t he em ail account cannot be downloaded aut om at ically, com plet e t he set up m anually. I f
necessary, cont act your em ail service provider for det ailed set t ings.
4. When you are prom pt ed, ent er a nam e for your em ail account , so t hat it is easily ident ifiable. The sam e
nam e shows in t he em ails you send from t his account .
5. Aft er you finish, t ouch N e x t .
• Cr e a t e a n d se n d a n e m a il
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. Touch
3. Ent er recipient s’ addresses, and subj ect .
4. Com pose em ail. Press M e n u k e y, you can at t ach a file, select t he t ype of at t achm ent , and select t he file
which you want t o at t ach from t he list t hat appears.
5. I f you want t o add Cc/ Bcc, press M e n u k e y, t hen t ouch Add Cc/ Bcc.
6. When you finish, t ouch
t o send t he em ail.
• Re ce ive e m a ils
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. Touch
t o refresh, you can download new em ails.
• Re a d you r e m a ils
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. I n t he em ail inbox, scroll up or down, and t ouch t he em ail you want t o read.
• Re ply t o a n e m a il
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. I n t he em ail inbox, scroll up or down, and t ouch t he em ail t o which you want t o reply.
3. Touch
t o reply or press M e n u k e y, t o select Re ply a ll.
4. Ent er your reply, t ouch
t o send t he em ail.
• For w a r d a n e m a il
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. I n t he em ail inbox, scroll up or down, and t ouch t he em ail you want t o forward.
3. Press M e n u k e y, t o select For w a r d.
4. Ent er recipient s’ addresses.
5. Touch
t o send t he em ail.
• Vie w a ll folde r s
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. Touch
at t he bot t om of t he em ail inbox.
M u lt im e dia
list en it , wat ch it , capt ure it , enj oy it !
Cam era
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ca m e r a
Take a phot o or record a video wit h t he cam era in your phone. You can hold t he cam era horizont ally or
vert ically. Share a phot o or a video wit h your friends, or upload your phot os and videos t o a web service.
• Ca m e r a con t r ol ove r vie w
Preview your pict ures or videos you capt ured
Take a phot o
Record a video
Set t ings
Swit ch bet ween front cam era and back cam era
Shoot ing m ode
Sim e m ode
Phot o m ode and panoram a m ode
• Ta k e a ph ot o
• Adj ust your pict ure size, color effect , and ot her set t ings if you wish.
Fram e your subj ect on screen. You can zoom in or out by placing t wo fingers on t he t ouch screen and
pinching t hem t oget her t o zoom out or spreading t hem apart t o zoom in.
Touch t he shut t er icon on t he screen.
The pict ure you j ust t ook is displayed for a m om ent , and t hen is displayed as a t hum bnail.
• Sh oot a vide o
• Adj ust t he video qualit y, color effect , and ot her set t ings if you wish.
Point t he lens t o t he scene you want t o shoot
Touch t he cam corder icon t o st art .
Touch t he cam corder icon again t o st op shoot ing.
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > M u sic
The phone com es wit h a Music player t hat plays songs, list en t o audio book and podcast s you have st ored. I t
gives you a host of set t ing opt ions t o m ake your list ening experience int erest ing.
You can easily t ransfer your favorit e m usic from your PC t o t he SD card and experience a whole world of
int erest ing and m elodious m usic.
When you copy m usic t o your SD card, t he Music player searches t he card for m usic files and builds a cat alog
of your m usic, based on inform at ion about each file t hat is st ored in t he file it self.
• M u sic libr a r y
Categories Touch to select
Artists,Albums,Sons or Playlists.
An Qi Xuan
Cai Yi Lin
Chen Guan Pu
Chen Qian Qian
The Music library offers t he following m ult iple cat egories t hat you can select .
Ca t e gor ie s
Ar t ist s:
Songs classified by singers
Albu m s:
Songs classified by album s
Son gs:
Display all songs
Pla ylist s:
Display playlist s
I f you t ouch and hold an art ist , a song, or an album , som e opt ions will be available t o you. For exam ple: play,
add t o playlist , delet e, et c.
Chen Guan Pu
Chen Guan Pu
• M u sic pla ye r
Now play ing
Set t ings cont rols
Chen Guan Pu
Music cont rols
Song det ails
Jiu Rang Ni Zou
Progress bar
Tot al song t im e
can ret urn t o t he m usic library screen from m usic player screen in t he Music applicat ions by pressing
M e n u k e y and t ouch Library.
Press M e nu k e y, som e addit ional opt ions such as
M u sic a n d se t t in gs con t r ols
Part y shuffle, Add t o playlist , and Library will be
Play/ Pause
available t o you.
Previous/ Next
Rewind/ Forward
Touch and hold
Volum e adj ust
Press Volum e keys
Now playing
Repeat :
t ouch
again t o repeat
current song.
FM radio
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > FM r a dio
The phone com es wit h an in- built FM Radio. You can
list en t o FM radio st at ions, and add t hem t o channel
list . You have t o plug in an earphone, as t he ant enna
of t he FM radio. You can list en t o t he radio eit her
t hrough an earphone, or t hrough t he speaker in t he
Channel list
record FM
Earphone or Speaker
Save or rem ove a channel as a favorit e
To fine- t une t he FM frequency
To fine- t une t he FM frequency
To search for t he previous effect ive frequency
To search for t he next effect ive frequency
Play or Pause
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ga lle r y
The Gallery offers you t o view phot os and play videos which are downloaded as well as t hose t aken by t he
phone cam era.
From Gallery, you can also share your phot os and videos wit h your friends, via Messaging, Bluet oot h, or
Em ail.
1. Touch an album t o open it and view it s cont ent s.
2. Touch a pict ure or a video in an album t o view it .
When viewing a pict ure, press M e n u k e y, som e
addit ional opt ions will be available t o you, such as
slideshow, edit , rot at e left , rot at e right , crop, set
various ways
pict ure as, and det ails.
Delet e
• Sh a r e a n Albu m
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ga lle r y.
2. Press M e n u k e y, t ouch Se le ct a lbu m in t he m enu t hat opens.
3. Select t he album s you want t o share.
4. Touch
5. I n t he m enu t hat opens, t ouch t he applicat ion t o use t o share t he select ed album s. You can share via Em ail,
Bluet oot h, and Messaging.
Sound recorder
Fin d it : Applica t i on m e n u > Sou n d r e cor de r
Record sound and play sound file
To st art recording
Recording files list
To pause recording
To st op recording
Review and play recorded file
st ay on t op of t hings
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ca le n da r
Your phone has a calendar for m anaging your t im e schedule. You can use t he calendar t o keep t rack of
im port ant event s. Aft er ent ering t he calendar funct ion m enu, you can select year, m ont h and dat e.
• To se t t h e ca le n da r vie w
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ca le n da r .
2. Touch
3. Select day, week, or m ont h in t he m enu t hat opens.
• To a dd a ca le n da r e ve n t
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ca le n da r .
Touch M e n u k e y, t hen t ouch N e w e ve n t in t he m enu t hat opens.
Ent er t he nam e, locat ion, t im e, and descript ion for t he event .
Select a rem inder for t he event .
Aft er you finish, t ouch D ON E.
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > Clock
The clock allows you t o view t im e and dat e. You can also add an alarm , set t he alarm and t urn it on. Then, t he
alarm can ring at a specific t im e you set .
• Add a n a la r m
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon, t hen find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Clock .
2. Touch
3. Touch .
4. You need set t im e, ringt one, repeat , and vibrat e. Then, t urn it on.
Then t he alarm can ring at a specific t im e you set .
Calculat or
Fin d it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ca lcu la t or
Keep your calculat ions on your finger t ips wit h t he calculat or. Using t his applicat ion allows you t o m ake
calculat ions. The calculat or provides t he basic arit hm et ic funct ions; addit ion, subt ract ion, m ult iplicat ion, and
division. You can also use an advanced panel.
• H ow t o u se t h e ca lcu la t or
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ca lcu la t or .
2. Ent er t he first num ber using t he num eric keys.
3. Ent er t he operat ion for your calculat ion by t ouching t he Plu s, M in u s, M u lt iplica t ion , or D ivision key.
4. Ent er t he next num ber.
5. To view t he result , t ouch t he “ = ” ( e qu a ls) key.
Press M e n u k e y, you can open advanced panel t o do calculat ion.
, you can only erase one num eric before t he cursor.
Touch and hold
, you can erase all num eric before t he cursor.
Br ow se r
Use your web browser t o view and navigat e web pages, add pages as bookm arks, and save pages for offline
reading. You can open several windows at t he sam e t im e and swit ch am ong t hem easily.
• Ope n t h e w e b br ow se r
From your Hom e screen, t ouch Br ow se r icon or find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Br ow se r .
• Se a r ch a n d a ddr e ss ba r
Cancel t he download
of t he current web
Ent er a search word
t o search for a web
page, or ent er a web
page address t o load
a web page
View t he download
t he
current web page
• M a n a ge book m a r k s
Bookm arks let you access your favorit e and frequent ly visit ed web pages quickly. You can add bookm arks
direct ly from your phone browser.
To book m a r k a w e b pa ge
1. When you are viewing t he web page, press M e n u k e y.
2. Touch Sa ve t o book m a r k s.
3. I f desired, you can edit t he bookm ark.
4. When you’re done, t ouch OK.
Con n e ct t o N e t w or k s a n d D e vice s
Your phone can connect t o a variet y of net works and devices, including Wi- Fi, Bluet oot h, devices such as
headset s. You can also t ransfer files t o/ from your PC t hrough t he dat a cable.
Det erm ine t he Net work You Are Using
1. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Se t t in gs.
2. Touch M or e ... > M obile n e t w or k s > Acce ss poin t n a m e s. The nam e of t he wireless service provider
you are current ly regist ered wit h is select ed in t he list .
Edit or Creat e New Access Point s
I f you and your wireless service provider det erm ine t hat you need t o change t he set t ings of your current
access point nam e ( APN) or t o creat e a new one, you m ust obt ain t he APN and det ailed set t ings from your
1. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Se t t in gs.
2. Touch M or e ... > M obile n e t w or k s > Acce ss poin t n a m e s.
3. Touch an exist ing APN t o edit it , or press M e n u k e y and t ouch N e w APN . Ent er t he APN set t ings t hat you
obt ained from your wireless service provider.
4. When you finished, press M e n u k e y and t hen Sa ve .
5. I f you creat ed a new APN, t ouch it in t he APNs screen t o st art using it .
Wi- Fi Net works
Wi- Fi is a wireless net working t echnology t hat can provide int ernet access at dist ance of up t o 20 m et ers. To
use Wi- Fi on your phone, you access a wireless access point , or “ hot spot ” . Som e hot spot s are open and you
can sim ply connect t o t hem . Ot hers are hidden or im plem ent ot her securit y feat ures, so you m ust configure
your phone so it can connect t o t hem .
TI P: Turn off Wi- Fi when you are not using it , t o ext end t he life of your bat t ery.
• Con n e ct t o W i- Fi N e t w or k
1. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Se t t in gs.
2. Touch W i- Fi.
3. Check Wi- Fi t o t urn it on. The phone scans for available Wi- Fi net works and displays t he nam es of t hose it
finds. Secured net works are indicat ed wit h a Lock icon.
4. Touch a net work t o connect t o it
I f t he net work is secured, you are prom pt ed t o ent er a password or ot her credent ials ( Ask your net work
adm inist rat or for det ails)
• Re ce ive N ot ifica t ion s
By default , when Wi- Fi is on, you receive not ificat ions in t he st at us bar when your phone det ect s an open
Wi- Fi net work.
1. Turn on Wi- Fi, if it ’s not already on.
2. I n t he Wi- Fi list screen, press M e n u k e y t o open Advanced opt ions, check Net work not ificat ion. You can
uncheck t his opt ion t o st op receiving not ificat ions.
Bluet oot h
Bluet oot h is a short - range wireless com m unicat ions t echnology t hat devices can use t o exchange inform at ion
over a dist ance of about 10 m et ers.
• Tu r n Blu e t oot h On / Off
1. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Se t t in gs.
2. Touch Blu e t oot h .
3. Check or uncheck Bluet oot h t o t urn it on or off.
• Pa ir W it h Blu e t oot h D e vice s
You m ust pair your phone wit h a device before you can connect t o it . Once you pair your phone wit h a device,
t hey st ay paired unless you unpair t hem .
1. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Se t t in gs.
2. Touch Blu e t oot h.
3. I f Bluet oot h is not t urned on, check Bluet oot h t o t urn it on. Your phone scans for and displays t he I Ds of
all available Bluet oot h devices in range.
4. I f t he device you want t o pair wit h is not in t he list , t ouch SEARCH FOR D EVI CES.
5. Touch t he I D of t he desired device in t he list t o pair it .
Connect t o a com put er via USB
You can connect your phone t o a com put er wit h a USB cable t o t ransfer m usic, pict ures, and ot her files
bet ween your phone’s SD card and t he com put er.
You can not share your phone’s dat a connect ion and SD card via USB cable at t he sam e t im e. I f you are using
USB t et hering, you m ust t urn t hat off first .
The connect ion t o USB int erfaces has t o be lim it ed t o USB 2.0 version or higher. The connect ion t o so called
power USB is prohibit ed.
Working wit h Secure Cert ificat es
I f your organizat ion’s VPN or Wi- Fi Net work relies on secure cert ificat es, you m ust obt ain t he cert ificat es and
st ore t hem in your phone’s secure credent ial st orage, before you can configure access t o t hose VPN or Wi- Fi
net works on your phone.
I f your net work adm inist rat e inst ruct s you t o download t he cert ificat es from a websit e, you are prom pt ed t o
set a password for t he credent ial st orage when you download t he cert ificat es.
I nst all Secure Cert ificat e from SD Card
1. Copy t he cert ificat e from your com put er t o t he root of t he SD card.
2. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Se t t in gs.
3. Touch Se cu r it y.
4. Touch I n st a ll fr om SD ca r d.
5. Touch t he file nam e of t he cert ificat e t o inst all. Only t he nam es of cert ificat es t hat you have not already
inst alled on your phone are displayed.
6. I f prom pt ed, ent er t he cert ificat e’s password.
7. From Wi- Fi list , search and select t he cert ificat e.
Se t t in gs
t he set t ings for various feat ures of t he phone
Get t o know t he set t ings in your phone so t hat you can personalize t hem t o your own requirem ent s. Go t o
Set t ings t o configure how your phone looks, sounds, com m unicat ion, privacy, and operat ions in a variet y of
W i- Fi
Turn Wi- Fi on or off, scan available Wi- Fi net works, or add t he Wi- Fi net work.
Blu e t oot h
Turn Bluet oot h on or off, search for available Bluet oot h devices, and m ake your phone
visible or invisible t o ot her Bluet oot h devices.
Set preferences on how you use SI Ms insert ed in your phone.
m a n a ge m e n t
D a t a u sa ge
Turn t he m obile dat a t raffic on or off, and keep t rack of your dat a usage det ails over a
specified period of t im e.
M or e ...
Turn Airplane m ode on or off, and configure set t ings for VPN and m obile net works,
enable your phone t o share it s m obile dat a connect ion as a port able Wi- Fi hot spot , or
t hrough USB t et hering or Bluet oot h t et hering, and share Windows PC int ernet via USB
D ispla y
Let you set t he screen bright ness, select t o swit ch orient at ion when you rot at e your
phone, and configure ot her screen set t ings.
Au dio pr ofile s
Configure how your phone rings, vibrat es, or alert s you in ot her ways when you
receive com m unicat ions, et c.
St or a ge
Let you check out available space on your
Ba t t e r y
Check bat t ery st at us and bat t ery level.
Manage and rem ove inst alled applicat ions.
Loca t ion a cce ss
Enable or disable GPS sat ellit es, and so on.
Se cu r it y
Prot ect your phone by set t ing up different locks and passwords.
Accou n t s
Let you add, and m anage support ed account s. Enable your phone synchronize dat a
wit h t he synchronizat ion account s t hat you add.
La n gu a ge
in pu t
Let you select t he language for t he t ext on your phone and for configuring t he onscreen
Ba ck u p & r e se t
Manage your personal dat a and reset your phone.
D a t a & t im e
Let you choose preferences such as form at and t im e zone.
Sch e du le d pow e r
on & off
Schedule aut om at ic powering on/ off of t he phone.
Acce ssibilit y
Enable your inst alled accessibilit y services and adj ust relat ed set t ings.
Abou t ph on e
View inform at ion about your phone, such as st at us, and legal inform at ion.
Acce ssin g Pa ssw or d
The cell phone and SI M card use several accessing passwords. These passwords help t o prevent t he cell
phone from being em bezzled.
You can use t he funct ion opt ions in t he securit y set t ings of set t ings m enu t o change accessing password
( except for PUK and PUK2) .
PI N Code
PI N code ( Personal I dent ificat ion Num ber) can prevent t he SI M card from being em bezzled. The PI N code is
provided along wit h t he SI M card. I f t he PI N code checking is act ivat ed, it is necessary t o input t he PI N code
when t he cell phone powers on every t im e.
I f a wrong PI N code has been input for 3 t im es st raight , it is needed t o input t he PUK code, t hen input a new
PI N code and input it again for confirm at ion.
PI N2 Code
Som e SI M cards m ay provide PI N2 code, while PI N2 code needs t o be used in som e funct ions like Call Cost .
These funct ions can be used only if t he SI M card support s t hem .
I f a wrong PI N2 code has been input for 3 t im es st raight , it is needed t o input t he PUK2 code, t hen input a new
PI N2 code and input it again for confirm at ion.
PUK Code
PUK code ( Personal Unlock Key) is used t o change locked PI N code. PUK code is provided along wit h t he SI M
card. I f not provided, please cont act your local service provider for PUK code.
„ I f wrong PUK code has been input for 10 t im es st raight , t he SI M card can not be used any m ore. Please
cont act your service provider for a new SI M card.
„ PUK code can not be changed. I f t he PUK code is lost , please cont act your service provider.
PUK2 Code
PUK2 code is provided along wit h som e SI M cards for changing locked PI N2 code.
„ I f wrong PUK2 code has been input for 10 t im es st raight , t he SI M card can not be used any m ore. Please
cont act your service provider for a new SI M card.
„ The PUK2 code can not be changed. I f it is lost , please cont act your service provider.
Pr e ca u t ion s
Please carefully read and observe t he
t erm s below:
Safe power on
Do not use your m obile phone where it is
forbidden t o use or you m ight cause a
dist urbance or danger.
Safe t ransport at ion first
Please observe all relat ed local laws and
regulat ions.
Do not use your m obile phone while
Safe t ransport at ion should be considered
first when driving.
Dist urbance
All m obile phone perform ances m ight be
dist urbed.
Turn off when in t he hospit al
Please follow relat ed lim it at ions.
Please swit ch your m obile phone off when
near a m edical inst rum ent .
Turn off on an airplane
Please follow relat ed lim it at ions.
Do not use your m obile phone on an
Turn off when at a gasoline st at ion
Do not use your m obile phone at a filling
st at ion or around fuels or chem icals.
Turn off around exposure Area
Please observe relat ed lim it at ions and do
not use your m obile phone near an area
where explosions can occur.
Proper use
As described in t his m anual, your m obile
phone can be used only in t he correct
locat ion.
I f possible, please do not t ouch t he
ant enna area of your phone.
Use qualified aft er sales service
Only a qualified t echnician can inst all or
repair your m obile phone. Please cont act
t he aut horized service cent er in case of
phone failure.
Accessories and bat t eries
Only use t he aut horized accessories and
bat t eries
incom pat ible m anufact urers or product s.
Wat erproof
Your m obile phone is not wat erproof.
Please keep it away from wat er.
Rem em ber t o m ake a backup or keep a
writ t en record of all im port ant inform at ion
saved in your m obile phone.
Connect t o ot her devices
Please read t he user m anual of t he device
t o get m ore det ailed securit y inst ruct ions
before connect ing t o ot her devices and do
not connect t o an incom pat ible product .
SOS em ergency calls
Make sure your m obile phone is swit ched
on and in a service area. I n idle m ode,
input t he SOS num ber, t hen press t he Dial
Key. Advise where you are and do not hang
up wit hout perm ission.
Fr e qu e n t ly Ask e d Qu e st ion s a n d Tr ou ble sh oot in g
Fr e qu e n
t ly
Ask e d
Qu e st io
Ca u se a n d Solu t ion
t urn on
Press t he power on key for over 1
Check if t he bat t ery is properly
connect ed. Please rem ove and inst all it
again, ret ry t o t urn it on;
Check if bat t ery is appropriat ely
net work
Weak signal. Please t ry and m ove t o a
locat ion wit h st rong signal and t ry
connect ing t o t he net work again;
Please ensure t hat you are not beyond
t he net work coverage of service
Please ensure you have a valid SI M
card. Please cont act your net work
provider for furt her inform at ion;
inform at i
on while
t urning
Check if t he SI M card is inst alled
correct ly
Handset lock password. I f t he handset
lock is act ivat ed, you have t o input
handset password.
I n pu t PI N : I nput t ing PI N while t urning
on each t im e is act ivat ed, you have t o
input t he PI N code.
I n pu t PUK code : When you’ve input
wrong PI N code for 3 t im es will lock t he
SI M card. You need t o input t he PUK
code provided by your net work
qualit y of
Please check if t he sound volum e is
t uned im properly
I n an area wit h poor receiving
condit ion, exam ple: basem ent , t he
signal m ight be weak. Try searching a
locat ion wit h st ronger signal recept ion
and call again.
While using t he m obile phone in t he
peak period of com m unicat ion, like
com m ut e t im e, you m ay be unable t o
call because of line congest ion.
St andby
durat ion
short ene
The st andby durat ion is relat ive t o t he
syst em set t ing of net work. While t he
m obile phone is in an area wit h poor
signal st rengt h and can not receive t he
signal, t he handset will cont inuously
search for a base st at ion. This will
significant ly reduce bat t ery charge. I t is
recom m ended t hat you t urn off your
m obile in area wit h no signal recept ion
t o save bat t ery.
Need replacing t he bat t ery. Please
change a new bat t ery.
SI M Card
Dirt on t he m et al surface of an SI M
card. Use clean clot h t o wipe t he m et al
t ouch point on an SI M card.
The SI M card is not inst alled.
The SI M card is dam aged. Please
cont act your net work service provider.
dial out
Please check if you press t he dial key
aft er dialing.
Please check if calling is forbidden
because of default ing.
Please check if t he SI M is valid.
Please check if t he call barring is set .
Please check if t he fixed dial funct ion is
set .
cont act
Please check if t he m obile phone is on
and connect ed wit h t he net work.
Please check if t he Call barring or call
divert is act ivat ed.
Please check if t he SI M card is valid.
Poor cont act . Please check if t he plug is
connect ed well.
Please confirm if t he environm ent
t em perat ure is wit hin t he range of 0º C
~ 40º C while charging.
The bat t ery or charger is dam aged. You
need t o replace it .
Fail t o set
som e
funct ions
Wrong operat ion.
The net work provider does not support
t he funct ion, or you have not applied for
it .
N ot e : I f t he inst ruct ion above can not help you solve problem s, please record,
Mobile phone m odel and serial num ber,
Specific cont ent of warrant y,
Clear st at em ent of problem s,
Then cont act your local dealer or t he aut horized service cent er in your area.
Sa fe t y I n for m a t ion a n d N ot ice s
Using t he Mobile Phone and Charger
D a n ge r :
Only use aut horized bat t ery and charger. Using ot her brands m ay cause bat t ery leakage, overheat ing,
explosion or even fire.
Ca u t ion :
Keep t he phone away from dust , wat er and dam p areas. Dust , wat er or ot her liquids m ay cause overheat ing,
elect rical leakage, and/ or phone failure.
The phone, bat t ery, charger and AC adapt er are not wat erproof. Keep t hem away from rain and liquid.
W a r n in g:
Do not bum p, shake or t am per wit h t he phone or charger. This m ay cause bat t ery leakage, overheat ing,
explosion or even fire.
Do not place t he bat t ery, phone or charger near a m icrowave or high- volt age device. This m ay cause bat t ery
leakage, overheat ing, explosion or even fire; also prevent t he phone and AC adapt er from overheat ing,
sm oking or short circuit ing.
Do not use t he phone around volat ile oil. This m ay cause fire, breakdown or dam age.
To avoid any dam age or breakdown, do not disassem ble t he phone, bat t ery, charger or int ernal com ponent s
by yourself.
Loca t ion :
The socket- out let shall be inst alled near t he equipm ent and shall be easily accessible.
Using t he Mobile Phone
W a r n in g:
Please confirm if t he environm ent t em perat ure is wit hin t he range of 0º C ~ 40º C while charging.
Do not use t he phone while you are driving. Pull over and st op your aut om obile t o dial or list en t o a phone call.
Usage of m obile phones in aircraft s or hospit als is prohibit ed. Swit ch t he phone off t o prevent int erference
wit h elect ronic m edical devices. Follow any rules or regulat ions in such places.
Do not use t he phone at a gas st at ion, near fuel or near chem icals.
Do not use t he phone near elect ronic m edical devices such as hearing aids, pacem akers and aut o- cont rol
devices such as fire det ect ors and aut om at ic doors.
I f you have t o use your m obile phone near an elect ronic m edical device such as a pacem aker, please cont act
your m anufact urer or dealer for inform at ion about prevent ing int erference.
Ca u t ion :
Elect ronic syst em s in aut om obiles such as ant i- lock brakes, speed cont rol, or fuel spraying syst em s, are
usually not influenced by wireless devices. Manufact urers of t hese syst em s will t ell you whet her t hey are
provided wit h good screening funct ions. I f you suspect t hat an aut om obile failure is caused by a wireless
wave, please cont act your aut om obile dealer.
Avoid using your phone in crowded places.
Do not st ore your m obile phone near or wit h a credit card, disk or ot her m agnet ic m at erials. This m ay effect
inform at ion st ored on your phone.
Keep your phone away from pins. Pins can be absorbed by t he phone’s receiver m agnet , which m ay cause
harm .
I f you int end not t o use your m obile phone for a long period of t im e, please rem ove t he bat t ery from t he
phone. Leaving t he bat t ery inside t he m obile phone for a long period of t im e m ay cause m oist ure t o t he
bat t ery, and it can dam age t he m obile phone or t he bat t ery.
Using t he Bat t ery
D a n ge r :
Do not dispose of t he bat t ery int o a fire. Doing so m ay cause bat t ery explosion or even fire.
I f you have difficult ies inst alling t he bat t ery, do not force t he inst allat ion. This m ay cause bat t ery leakage,
overheat ing, explosion or even fire.
Keep m et al obj ect s away so t hey do not com e in cont act wit h t he bat t ery or it s connect ors as it m ay cause t he
bat t ery t o short circuit , overheat or explode.
Do not weld t he polarit ies of t he bat t ery direct ly t oget her. This m ay cause bat t ery leakage, overheat ing,
explosion or even fire.
Bat t ery liquid is severely harm ful for your eyes. I f bat t ery liquid get s in your eyes, do not rub t hem . I nst ead,
wash your eyes wit h wat er first and t hen go direct ly t o a doct or for help.
Do not use or st ore your phone in high t em perat ure areas. This m ay cause bat t ery leakage, overheat ing,
explosion or even fire.
W a r n in g:
Replace t he bat t ery when t he norm al usage t im e begins t o decrease or if you not ice t he bat t ery is overheat ed
or has changed shape or color.
I f bat t ery liquid leaks ont o your skin or clot hes, im m ediat ely wash t he affect ed part s wit h wat er.
I f t he bat t ery begins t o leak or em it s a st range odor, properly dispose of t he bat t ery according t o local
regulat ions. Do not t hrow it int o a fire.
Ca u t ion :
Do not leave t he product or it s bat t ery inside a vehicle. This m ay dam age t he product , overheat t he bat t ery,
or pose a risk t o t he vehicle.
W a r n in gs on Ba t t e r y:
( a) Please use appoint ed bat t ery in case of explosion risk.
( b) Please dispose of lifeless bat t ery under guidance.
Using t he Charger
D a n ge r :
Only use t he charger t hat cam e wit h t he phone. Using a different charger m ay cause t he phone t o breakdown
or explode.
I f t he charger short circuit s, a fire m ay occur.
Do not use a dam aged, worn or broken charger. This m ay cause a fire.
Clean dust away from t he power socket t o avoid t he possibilit y of a fire.
Do not st ore t he charger near any liquids. I f liquids spill ont o t he charger it m ay cause it t o overheat or
I f liquid does spill ont o t he charger, im m ediat ely unplug t he power cable t o prevent overheat ing, fire or
anot her t ype of breakdown.
Do not use t he charger in places wit h high hum idit y like a bat hroom . This m ay cause a fire or ot her
Do not t ouch t he charger, power cable or socket wit h wet hands. This m ay cause an elect ric shock.
Requirem ent s for Mobile Phone
Avoid using your m obile phone in ext rem ely high or low t em perat ures.
I t is recom m ended t hat you do not use your m obile phone near a t elephone, TV set , radio or ot her radio
frequency sensit ive devices.
Requirem ent s for t he Bat t ery
When not in use, st ore t he bat t ery in a cool, well- vent ilat ed place wit h sunshine.
I f you will not be using t he m obile phone for an ext ended period of t im e, charge t he bat t ery on a regular basis
t o avoid bat t ery breakdown.
The phone bat t ery wears out fast . I f charging t he bat t ery does not im prove it s perform ance, it is t im e t o
replace t he bat t ery. Properly dispose of t he bat t ery according t o local regulat ions. Do not t hrow it int o a fire.
Ca u t ion : Risk of explosion if bat t ery is replaced by an incorrect t ype. Dispose of used bat t eries according t o
t he inst ruct ions.
Requirem ent s for t he Charger and AC Adapt er
Please confirm if t he environm ent t em perat ure is wit hin t he range of 0º C ~ 40º C while charging.
Cleaning and Maint enance
The m obile phone, t he bat t ery and t he charger are not wat erproof. Do not use t hem in places wit h high
hum idit y like a bat hroom and also avoid spilling any liquids on t hem .
Use a soft clot h t o clean t he m obile phone, t he bat t ery and t he charger.
Do not use alcohol, dilut ed liquid or benzene t o clean t he m obile phone.
I f dust get s in t he socket s t he phone can be dam aged, short- circuit or even t he lose t he abilit y t o be
re- charged. Be sure t o clean t he socket regularly.
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to
operate the equipment.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
operation. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
SAR tests are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the phone transmitting at its highest certified
power level in all tested frequency bands, although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of
the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value, in general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the
lower the power output.
Before a new mobile phone is a available for sale to the public, it must be tested and certified to the FCC that it does not exceed the
exposure limit established by the FCC, Tests for each phone are performed in positions and locations (e.g. at the ear and worn on the
body)as required by the FCC.
For body worn operation, this mobile phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when used with an accessory
designated for this product or when used with an accessory that contains no metal and that positions the handset a minimum of 10 mm
from the body.
Non-compliance with the above restrictions may result in violation of RF exposure guidelines.

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