CLC Z517 Compass LTE User Manual


User Manual Part 1

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Document ID3763375
Application IDSEn8qOFtHjW82iJM5w0QQA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual Part 1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize314.21kB (3927639 bits)
Date Submitted2018-02-27 00:00:00
Date Available2018-02-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-02-27 23:11:19
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.21
Document Lastmod2018-02-27 23:11:19
Document TitleUser Manual.pdf
Document CreatorPFU ScanSnap Manager 4.1.12
Document Author: DG06181

recommended that you charge the pottery tutty oetore
I.” Z517 0‘1““ “ME ustng the moptte phone tor the not ttme and that you
_ Andmtdr sooote Ftay, and the emote Ptay tooo are K" WWW“
ttademarks otoooote tno
D rtantpartattansatecv
(D hteate ooseroe att transportatton tawt ano reautattons
the hanoaet mudt oe turned orr when you are tn a
'— hospttat
you have to aotde by the retevant tetutattons oi hospttat
I and turn your handset oh when you are near meatcat
eeutpment Any wtretess trantmttston devtce, tnttootne
< mootte, wttt tntertere those eoutprnent not Vtu'proletled n.,ut..
I A‘ttpofl satety
hememper to inHow att attpon and ttteht satety
(n reeutattons
Waterhazard "
x your phone ts not warerproot Keep your phone away ttom
water or ttouta to avoto damage
0 Emergenzytalls
_ Make sore your mootte phone ts swtrttteo on and tn a
cerotte anea tn home screen, tap the phone hey and that
:J theemeroencvnumper
o pottery usaee
tor bcflrr pertermanco and tenet-r oatterv ttte, tt ts o———V
Model Z517 t 2
tnrnopunton mam SIM GDOGLE sERVtcES
tnrtauatten oitne SIM cant
War t :: pteaae tteep the sttvt card out ot the reach ot
cnlldven. the m card and tts contact are eastty damaged
due to scratthtng or oenotng pteaae oe caretut when
earrvtng, tnstotttng or tahtng out the sthn cord
More: pteate contact your cettotar phone setvtte provtoer
to insert sIM sard
1 Remove the haKeNLover and the battery then tnsertthe
stM card
2 tnsert the sD tardttor aodtttonat :tufage capattty)
3 tnsert the pottery, replace the reor cover, and power on
the phone
When Wu tntttattv power on your phone, there wttt tee a
sertes en steptto set up oostc teotures
Warntnd Remove the stMtst otmemorycztd durtng the
phone ts poweton ntay damage mecmd and the devtce
so ptease ensure thephone ts power on perore your
ohandethe stMtst ormenttory card
tnsert vour swt cord so the phone (:In regtster to the
stttct MNGUAGE
whtte on the Wettome screen, pteate serott to setect your
stttct wlvfl
thts process attows the devtce to tonnett to the tntetnet
Chck on the destreo wtett networh that the devtce wttt pe
tonnecttng to pteose note thot onv unsecured Wt'l’l
networhs can oe connected to dtrectty and any secured
Wrtt nctwnrks reotnre o possword tor credenttats prtor to
connecnon, It tt terommended that you connect to a Wtht
network to chech tor sottware updates prtor to startup
ADD VDUR Account
in tn to your Gootte accounl tn order to kezp account:
ttreamttned wtth sooate servttet your omatt account wttt
pe used tor some Gooste ntoxtams whtch tnctude soogte
ptay Store, Gooete prtve, aoogte t and ooogte wattet tf
you don't have a Googte astount, ttttk to sreote a new
account tn thts atep you can atao setup payment tnto tr
you can restore your prevtous apottcattons and data that
have been backed up ham another devtce, you may atto
setup the phone as a new devtce
(htk to odd or remove ooegte servtces whtch tnttude
aachup, Locatton servtce, and ooogte Now
Arty chanaet or ntoetttcattent not expresttv approved oy
the party responttete tot sompttante toutd votd the user‘s
rhts eevtto tonpttes utth part 15 ot the tcc eutes
Dverahan ts sublet! la Ute inHowtnz two comments (I)
rhts aevtte my net couse harmrut tnterterence, end at
m: devtce must accepl any tnxedevence vecetved,
tnctuatno tntertenente that may cause unoestrea aperattan
Note rhtt eoutpmont has oeen tested and reune ta
comptv wtth tne ttnttts tor a ctass p dtettat aeutte, pursuant
tn pan 15 at the rcc notet rnete ttmtts are oettenoe to
provtae reasonaote protettton acatnst harmrut
tnterterence tn a resteenttet tnstottatton rhts eoutpment
generates, uses and can vadlale vadto ftequency enevs‘l
and, tt not tnstattea and used tn accordance wtth the
tnstructtons. may cause hatmtut tntettetence to tadto
communtcattena however, there ts no guarantee that
tnterterontewttt nntectur tn a parttcotar tnstattatton ttthts
eootpnent does cause harmtot tnterterenee to reap or
tetevtcton reeeptton, wntth tan tse aetermtnea ov turntng
(he eqmpmenl o“ and an, rne usev t3 encouraged to Kn] to
connect the tnterrerence top one or more M the rottowtng
ikenrtgm or retocate the recetvtno antenna
etntrease the separatten tsetween the eoutpment one
7 connect the eoutpment tnto an aottet on a ctrtutt
attterenttrom that to whtch the tecetver ts connected
7 Consutt the deater or an expettenced radto/rv
spa tests are conducted ustng standard operattng postttons
accepted by the FCC wtth the phone transmttttng at tts
htghost cortthed power tetvet tn ott tested treooentv pandt,
atthouzh the wt ts determtned at the htghest terttted
power teoet, the actual son tevet D! the phone whtte
operattng can pe wett oetow the maxtmum vatoe, tn
generat, the ttoser you are to a wtretess oase statton
antenna, the tower the power output,
petore a new modet phone ts avattaote tor sate to the
puottt, tt must oe tested and eertttted tn the Fit: that tt
does not exceed the exposure ttntttr estapttshed by the FCC,
tests tor eoch phone are pertermed tn postttons and
tocattons (e. at the ear and worn on the oodylat reoutred
tor may want operatton. thts modet phone has been
tected and meets the FCC RF expasute putdettnec when
used wtth on occessom dectgnoted tor thtc product or
when med wtth an accessory that tontatns no metat and
thot postttons the hondcet a mtntmum nf to cm from the
Nonecontpttante wtth the aoove rectrtcttons may resutt tn
eampaM LTE
Andtotd, Goodte Way, et may todo Gooote sont dos marques
de Gnugle tna
ta seturtte net transports
s'tt vous ptatt d‘ohserver tous tes transports
no ’ta‘ En teote setter '
te tumhtne dott erre deseuwe totsoue yous Exes dans un
Vou: devei respecter tes teetes pentnentes de t‘hopttot et
detranatortn votretetephonetorsouewusetesa
proxtmtte de t eoutpement medttet toot dtspostttt de
Hansmtsxlon sans ht ,y oomprts moptte. va tntetietet ceux
eootpement non entterement prmégéc
La seturtte Aeropertttatte
Ranve‘elcvaus de stnvre toutes tes aeroports etvdt en
toute securtte teetements
PuHImnn pea Eiux
yotretetephone eatpaa etanche aardeevotretetephone
etotgne' de \‘mu ou de ttoutde pour evtter tea dommages
Appels p‘urgence
Assurepvoufi oue votre tetephone ntoptte est attome et
Lonneué a one mne de Sewtce , Bans t‘ectan d‘accuett.
appuvez sur ta touche tetephone et composer te numero
urtttsatton pe to sattette
pour oe metHeurES oertormantes et une duree oe vte de ta
oattene. tt est tL-anmindfi de (nitgcr to oatterte event
d‘uuwwser Ia \awprmna mauwwe Dnur wa warmers wows el Que
vaus ave! wmmwemem zompwexs daux 5 vols cydu d2
rowcnous mama
l‘insmllilinn na La cana sum
mamiam swww uaus awau gardu wa mm m hers d1: wa
vanaa uas Enfams, La aana W a: sas mutants Dem/ant
am fazwwcmum anaammaaas an yawsan aa rayums au aa
fleann .S‘ww was we“ Iawre mauve as prudence wars He wa
raawwsauan, w‘wnstawwaklun au ua relwrer wa mm W
Nu! .S‘wwvnus plawxwmauaruwvanamanwouaaawwuwawra
«aumwssam aa servwce aa téwénhnne nuurahtenwrvmre
1 News: wa aauuayawa ua wa banana, wnsévu wa ma
5w M
2 Imérel wa aana 5D [WW una aapaawza ua atonkage
a. lnse’vez wa banevwe. vempwacev we caper avwwéve w 2!
wa puwssanaa SW w: téwéphum:
Auenlwun Retwvaz wa cana st au wa can: memnlre ways
uuewewewepnonaaawawwume vasuuesd‘endommagevwa
can: aww-avparaww VeuwHez vausaanaasamaraua wa
mwbphunn Astcmwmzvzmdnrnmpwzccvwa same
Lursuu: uaus fl‘zburfl wa nuwssarwe aa vmre \é‘éuhnne , w v
aura um: sa’na aw étiprs pm" aanvwguyar was mnztwnns m-
lnsévu a mu 5m:
wnssm vane anr m M ma qur wa téwéphnnr pun
enrezwsver au reseau
Chm . u nun:
Tandws qua Sur w‘ézvan d‘izmrll, s‘ww uaus awawa wawaas dewcv
Dnurséwedwunnar we‘re langua
Séwazkinnnu wan
Ce Dmcessus Devmu a w‘appawaww de se conneuav a
wnlemet wafluelsurweréxaauer Imuhaw‘éque
w‘appave-I se conneueva s‘ww vaus plawl now qua was
réxeaux wm non saaurwsas pauuem élre connetlés a
dwvedemznt gt aas részaux errw saaumas nétesswtent my
mm ua passe ues mmmauans u‘wden‘wfica‘won avam wa
[mmcxwun , w m mmmmandé qua uaus vnus mnnudcxfi
un részau er Fw pm" vévwiwev IE3 "use: a wour wogwcwewwes
avant wa démarrage
Aiuulu Van. Cnmplz
Connenrelrvous a was cnmpre Gaagwa am :12 mm as;
(mums: swmawwcwas aver. was samas soaawa Vutre cumpte
Gmaww sews unnsee now canawns Dvoxvammes Gnogwa quw
[umprennant aaagwa Pwav Stave , eaaawa mwua, anagwa .
c: 500ng WchK 5- Vans no possédcx pas dc comma
saaawa, twwauez surnourtreerun nouveau comma bans
aana étape, uaus pnuvel égawemen! (onllgmer we:
wmormaawons as pawamem ,sw déswvé.
nasama App: a nannaax
Voux Dowel resxawev uas appwucanons u dunnees quw om
am sauuagaraaas a pamr d‘un autrc appamww prétwidnnts
Vous pauvaz aussw aanlwsum wa xawepnona cumme un
nouveau nérwvhérwqu:
Sewwtes caagwa
cwwuuaz Dnuralouxev ou supprwmar des servwzes enogwa quw
mmnrwwnem wa sawEEardE, San/wt: Lweu. e1 annawa an
wawas aaw dzua u mm w-quwda Dara ethdr defies
llamadax m Emergerma
Asesurese .12 cm in mum mévww esla encenflwdo y an
un :‘Ivea aa San/ma En wa pantaHa ua was, praswana wa
xecwi daw xawe'wono v manav aw mimevo de emevgencwa.
Camuanuasa Kan SH Dmveadar aa samm Dara un wwatdfln
Lampwcta aa Hummus aa cmurgnncwa wumlcs
Usn na u maria
Vina m1 mam ranawmwam v duracwu'n aa wa haterwa, 5a
vewmwenda qua cavgue wa balerw‘a (mawmenre ames de
umuarew [Ewéhnn mauww Dar Drwmeravzzyque
wmawawmam aampwams aa aas a hrs :wzwux da (Mg:
hut :hangemam an mnflwficalwnn nun axpressémenl
appmuve par la paflwe vespunsabwe
chs pom/CZ annuwcr w‘aulcrwsahun do wulwwwsamura
mwwwser w‘equwpemam
Cet appareww asw conmmwe a wa name 15 Ge wa FCC
Régwes L2 vansaawwon esw soumwse a wa suwvame
deux condwlwuns (1)Ce\appareww we peul pas causer
wn|er1érences nuwswuwas el (2) new apnareww uau
acceplzr mule wmerférence reyue‘ y wmprws
wmmrsnsnaas quw pnuvnm pravnqucr wndéslrabwn
we fonctwcrmemem Nata Cat aquwpamam a an;
«eswa at wuge comma aux Iwmues
un awsposwm numawwque de cwasse 5‘ en uanu de w‘aflwcwe 15
Gas vegwes de wa FCC cas wwues som names
Dow Yaumwr une prmechon rswsannabwe
was wmanaranaas nuwswuwas uans un quanwer réswflemwew
w'wnstaHahun eawa gbnere, uuwwsa uaa équwpemems
m pcu| émcl‘m dc w-c'mgus raawavraquam LL
sw non wnstawws 8| mwwwss aamarmamem a we
was wns‘ructwons Dem causer des nuwswbwes
wmenereuces dens wes cammuwnwcalwons radio
capenaam ww n‘y a zucune gzrzmwe que
wmarwaranaa ne se Dmduwra aans un psrlwcuwwer
w'wnslaHmwnn Sw Eel Equwpemenl aausa aa
wmeflémnces nuwswawaa a wa vaflwn au wa \ewévwsmn
wa rcccptwan‘ quw pom Elm momma par
menam w‘appareww hows tenswon‘ wuwwwwsawauv est
encourage a essayer de comgev w‘wmeflerence
Dar une ou Dwuswews des mesuves suwvames
Rearwenler nu aépwaaer w‘anlerme de récEDlwnn
Augmenler wa dws‘ance en|re wa
Equwpcmcm ck mwv‘cur
someway w‘equwpemsm a una pvwse sur un
ercuu dwflerem as aw auquaw we
, Le recapleur est connects
, Cansufler we vevendeur an un expanmams
, Technwcwen Rama w w
Tests ms sum eWeclués aans aaa pnsmnns aa
wamannamam standard acccplccs par la Fcc,
wa wawapnona wransmanam a son pwus ham mvaau
aa puwssance cenme cans «muss was Danae: de
vequauaas les(665 bwen «us we SAR sou aewawmwne
au pwus ham vowowr. we nwveau de SAR véew wawepwmna
Dermsm Ia canduwle Dem éve neuemenl wMérweur a wa
vaweur maxwmawe‘ en géne’raw awus uaua é‘es prache
d‘une stalwun dz uasa sans m as aaaa pwus wa puwssance
up some Auam qu'un mcdbwc dc tc’wcphunn est dwspunwhwn
a la vama au Dubwwc, ww dawt étre tesm en nomawogua Dav wa
rcc uuww ne depasse pas wa wwmwwe d‘expnswtwon fixee Dav
wes essaws de wa rcc pom chaque tewenhoue sum eweclués
dans aas Dosmons el des ampwaaamems (par exemnwe
w‘mewHe 2| Duflé Sur wa cnrp57 camme w'exwge wa Fcc
Pour une uuwwsauan aans wa was :2 léléphnne a é|e lesté
el répund aux mnswgnes d'axpnswmn RF Fcc warsqu‘ww esl
uuwwsa auac un accessuwre aaswgna pour cs praauu wmsqu-ww
est uuwwsa avec un accessowre am He conuem aucun me|aw
e! aewaww posw|womwev we dwsposwm a we awswanaa
mmwmawe de 1 0 cm du corps
Le newrespem de ces veslrwclwnns Deal entrawner Ame
vwnwa‘wan aaa dwredwves d‘EXDusman RF
mrnnmcwow n: szsumunn
Andmwdw Googwa Fway y Pway wugutwvu ue suoqwa sun mamas
aomemawas de Googwe wnc
Segwwdid En [I nanspona
ram en auama mas was waves y reguwacwanes aa
segunaaa En anvlnwu
Ew tewéfanu uaua aszar apagaua auanua s. enmenlra an un
Maxed mane qua cumnwwv can was reguwaawonas pamnamas
aaw hnspwtaw ydarwnwti a su (cwéfmm (nandn sa Mum-Mm
came as euuwpns medwcos ,cuawquwar uwsposwnuo aa
\ransmwswdn wnawa’mbrwn , wnduwdas was mauwlas, wnterferiré
was equwpos no esla' compweaamama pvaregwda
Selurwdad Aempuena
Rewards saguwr mass was raguwaawanas \ama aa
aevopuemn coma de welos de «me Segwi
Su mwéhnn rm as mswstcntr aw igua Mintnngi aw mwé'unu
_..7 am

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