COMMAX CDL100R Digital Doorlock User Manual Manual

COMMAX Co., Ltd. Digital Doorlock Manual

Users Manual

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Date Submitted2007-04-05 00:00:00
Date Available2007-04-18 00:00:00
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Home Aura/"am
5m L Sangdnnwon—dung. Jungwun—gm
Semgnamee Gywnggiedo. Korea
Int‘l Busims prl. 7
Tel; +828 I -7393-540~550
Fax" 82~31e74572133
Web =|lc : wwv. mmmmxmm
rum/u mm
Model No. CDL-1OOI100R
User’s Manual
- Thank yeu {av pumsmg our commx mam
- Please Carefully read m; User: same (m manner, precmmnns iorsaietyi
More Ulmg me pmuum m «anew me meuncuone m use your pmflud exlclly
. The cumpflny e um responslhle rm My 5517er maidens caused in abnnrmal
cpsramnn m Ihe pmum
Open the door Without key!
Using access code or RF card. you can open the door. In addifion.
you can input control code against possihie exposure at access code
to an outsider. so you can use the product with confidence.
Input your own access code and RF-card!
For multi-user conditions. the product offers individual password
and RF card input function to each user. You can easily change or
delete the input access code. (Even when batteries are replaced, the
input access code and RF card are retained in the system).
Automatic door locking!
When the door is shut, the system automatically locks the door.
No lunher manual locking!
Lock and lock!
Enjoy more security through dual lock lunction!
Dual Lock function ensures you more security at night when you
should take good care of security and otters you more convenience.
Anti-prank function!
When anyone irorn outside inputs any number more than 15 digits
long or incorrect access codes more than 3 times. the system
automatically shuts down the power.
' ntents
Before Use
Warning for Safety
Main Pam
How to Register Your Access Code
How to Register RF card
How to Register Remote Controller
How to Unlock from Inside
How to Unlock from Outside (How to Use Emergency Key)
Warning Alarm/Dual Lock Function
Silence (Manner) Mode
Auto Lock Error
Warning Alarm Function .
Keep Unlocking 8. Dual Lock Function
When and Howto Replace Batteries
Check Points Before Trouble Notice
Product Specifications
an the emergency key outside”
rning for Safety
> These warnrnge are to secure users safely and prevent from the posslble
ioss oi property
Please read Carefuily in use the product ln a correct manner.
”M‘flPM‘Y mm ® indicatesm
Do not operate the device With wet
hand Be careful that the liquids
(watery beverage, em) shuuid not
mp min "16 lnsrde Oi the amuse.
C it may cause
"be M M.“
indicates ”mm“
a warm mu m'
Do not flisassemble, repairer
modify the device by any
unauthorized person.
D it may we mechanical troubles
Fm necareary repairs,
Please cunlaet
the eampeny.
De nut impaetan lhe name with
any teal.
Oil may cause madlanical
troubles at dun-pea.
Du not operate the device toreefully
(eg. Press the button with excessive
OI! may cause
mechanical traumas
Insiall the dewce at the places lree
trorn moisture and with gnad
ulnetalung me aeyiee at me pla e tree
rrnrn anew, rain and dlrsnt
runllpm which
may cause
When mechanicai troubles or
other probiems occur. please call
the company's nearest service
center or agency.
Be careful to keep am manage you
access mdes
QLealage er eeceee mde rhreetenete
paaarule uurplariea Change ynur
ace-ea Ends
rrern lime te
Keep lhe gap between lhe door and
lis lrarne less than 5mm
Olsen over 5mm may hinder auto lock
1mm (unciruning nennalty.
i /
When you go outside, 60 net tell to
check lhat the door is clasetl.
Do net use warren benzene, Ihlnner
and aioohol when washing the
On my mite an eleetncehedr or a fee.
Be carelul that button part cover
should not be damaged or
Be careful not to lose the
emergency key or RF cam
in Parts ‘oduct Specifications
|}0utside (model CDL-100/100R) . ‘ cm.- 1w1ooR
Button Pun Cover 85 x 218 x 40mm)
Cmummmmmwdmm mm Vommmunm.manwb
mum. unwmmwm
0mm mac-mammogram» mnmmumumnwu
WWW PW" SWP'V mm mmmmuwmmwxmi m cm ca uu mam-n mummy:
Bunon Pan Ihuloow mMr-uw Wu... “ma-um», an». mm- um! um
Inpm Bunon Set I Confirm Button
|> cm: a mi:-
(all-“mi Mon 1m lu-tnuh—u (admin-nil | unth- I 1 CI 5
5 " S" as! ant...“ mm. a m .s M mama; n.“ .: .'.'z' a, n, 7".
RF Cam Contact Pan - do mantle not-am. mum n-mu- men-rune 1. n mmmm Im-un n.
ma lm mm on: m m num- mm mun-my n mm, H m In-
:unw-nd In guard-u um: "- Inslmllnm. mm m- n- ul lnurlnr-nc- lo
"din aluminum.
Hum-1. IM‘ It III ant-ROI “Ill lm-rl-r-n llll n m! In a povlluullr
DwHandle mun-um. ll ml- null-n! do" u - hum-l mum-u lo udln or nlwllim
vmlm. mu an on mm"- my (mm m mum en mi an. m use: is
-muu.-¢ to m to an.“ m nun-um:- by m u m- ul u. Iollu " mum:
sq; equiv-em nu lgoelvor.
- Pal—1 m nun-n mu m mllnl m. . clrnull mum n- :m n mm. m-
rmIv-r Is c-nctnl.
- ecu-m n- a-m ur m curl-u: "am/w tnhnlcln m rum.
film“ 1 films or mlllullunr mt Imus!!! out“ w "n annular"
rmlhll luv mum: and WM u.- nur‘ - mummy n mm. 0- uni—m.
in Parts
Battery Chamber
Battery Chamber
.M Size 1 5v Alkalme
balmy x 3m
memory Button
, How to open the cover of
Selectmn Button
battery chamber
0 Pm 5 pm mm, 1nd at
Door handle
Locking Devine
(1 EA) Instdlafion Rubber Fad
Conwlents wave (1 “I; 2 EA)
(Typo in 1 EA. Companents
meme” (LH:|EA,RH:|EA)
RF-Casd i r f
Sue“ Straws Screw!
(lwfixinqmermin «01mm tum";
frame; 4 ER) device: 2 EA) 2 EA)
M size Alkaline
Beam (5 EA)
Latch Suck washer Users Manual
wet-WSW (1 EA) Keys (15m)
(1 EA) use: SEA)
In door RC Outdoor RC
‘w to Register Your Access Code
> User can register a total of 5 access codes induomg an rnmar acoess code
and 5 addhional ones usmg the numbers whh 1 to 10 signs.
(eg To input on a
When the product rs shipped, the derault amass code is setas o.
1 2
“w“ mwmwm
4' In the event 01 mph! errors, overall)" LED HI“! and a signal mum ‘ heard
tn the we. remn me some ragedranon prom“, When user rnputs any number
more than 15 drgds |dnd or momma woes nodes more than 3 limes,
the regrstrrmon process rs mlornaocauy stopped for 30 secures.
}To change the registered access code
According to the same procedure as above awess dode registration, input
new access dode lo the address where an existing ewes: node rs registered
In «us case, the sienna access code ls automatically changed to new one,
The initial access code can be changed our cannot be deleted rrorn
the system For the rest addresses ($1 to 5), however, access codes
reglsoered there can be freely changed and deleted.
( To "rpm an addmnnal access code 47m ‘ r ,
The system provides 2 total of 5 addm‘onal access codes (address rm to 5).
zPrnanihbuthnp-tm -
~? hmmfidlwmmpevwonLEDflldr/emtndamgml mnolshearo
mode-mm Jhmee, heregem'on proueesrsautomatmlry nopped
I’m delete all the registered access codes
This function is used to delete ems codes registered at address ”1 to 5,
except for the inmal awess code In address H) In mis case however, please note
mal the control code is also deleted
‘ narrower
QPress Q
QPress E]
¢ hrlmnslnorder
‘v to Register i-Buttons or RF cards
> User can register a total of 100 |- Buttons or RF mrds at address no to see
b To reg>ster other I buttonsiRF cards) than are inifiaity provided In the system
please purchase additional ones
I’To register additional i-Buttons (RF cards)
Push up the harm panama.
Fm EJ-vfiEJ-El
For exam Ie follow Ihe Instructors below In delele an t-Eutton or RF mud legsiered In addressfl
;% E)- E] viz) El
»‘ kaFummbedeieted'sbeim
I’To delete all the registered i—Buttons or RF cards (Iumnsum deletion)
Pishwilieblmnpmower ’
Pm“ ~E Pranmabultmsinm.
11 mm. mdfinmwfimn
‘v to Register Remote Controller (Option)
> User can register a total of 5 remote controllers at address in to 35.
> Our remnte controllers adapi FM metttod and are duly authorized by
governmental authorities in Korea
. BQE Pressiftebuttnminorder
I} To register additional remote controllers
(5 ' a).@
Foremanpie Wflflmbflwmdebteamdewfimlenegmeredtnaddmfl
1 2 Pusflnpii'nbwmvenm.
mm_ .pE) Fmthebutmnsinorder.
Wammmrsemwmmmdeteeatieregisma And thetpsto
I’To delete all the registered remote controllers (lump—sum deletion)
’ .@ Pressthebuminoresr.
mu” muimmmmummmiy
"mum“ um,.wmmimtd.
‘w to Unlock from Inside
> Follow the instruction to unlock the door and go outside. User can easily open
the door unly oy putting down the door handle. No need tor special actions,
> Using remote oontrotter. you can open the door only by pressing the remote
oontrotter outton without approaching the door
Push down the door handle to mess the remote
open the door. oontrotler mmon.
I} How to Lock the Door from Inside
Shut the door, and the door will be automatically lucked.
’ How to unlock lhe Door fiom Inside using
Video phone (Dry contact type)
QPlease oonnect 2 wire from the dionat door look to
the dam Iodt lemma! on ma VIdEO plume,
QWnen there is call from me out door Camel:
Pres door open key on the video phone.
a tithe sde locking device looks as shown
in the ptoture when you open tho door,
the door is in a normal oonditson, Although
the upoennost dead bolt proteots outside
about 3mm. this projection neither aheot
the normal operation ot the system not
cause you rnoontenienoe in using n
no not worry, it is not a kind otmeohanioat
our case that the gap between a locking
detioe and door trame ts more than 5mm.
replaoe rlat components (8) with oonvexo j
concave ones. In this case. mnvexu— ta...- . q...-
concave oomponents should be installed l
at right plaoe acoording to the installation
1 3 direction of door look no not oohtuse lette
hand component with right-hand one
‘w to Unlock from Outside
7 Follow the insmnitms below lo open the dour "0m outside.
1 2
ta - El El tit—é - , a,
..mowmttaoutmpatnovetor “I
“a“ oedema-meadow
ommm.@mnmomttm mnwmmdfim
tong-minimum“ medoort-tdlmop-tthedodr,
on you do not open the door Within 5 seoonds atter inputting an aooess oode, the door is
automatioalty tootred again tor security. in this case. input an aooess code again to open
the door
“you do not open the doorwtthin 5 seoonds aflev putting the RF card, the door is
amomalitflly locked again for seoumy. in this ease. put the or RF card again
to open the door.
Qtn ease ottorgettrng access oode or Ins of RF card. You -n open the door
with the emetgenq key(see p15)
‘w to Unlock from Outsideieoininiieoi
P Follow lhe lnslmctions below no open the door from outside
ml h-iu - agri- act-id, wish dour-im-
minim to open the door.
Oil you do not open the door within 5 seconds after pressing the remote controller truttcn.
the door is automah‘cally looted again for security. in this use, press the remote
controller button again to open the door,
I} How to Replace the Battery for Remote Controller /\
Indoor Remote Controller 2 .
1.0peri the cover cl battery chamber at the rear side
or remote controller
2.PuII out the consumed battery and put inlo the new
one (6F22x(Fc~1)9V).
Outdoor Remote Controller
1 Unscrew the rear side or remote controller
1PM" on! the consumed battery and pm into the
new one (1 2mm
QOpen the door when the giving the key a turn. Il you remove the key from the hole
before you open the door, the door is automatically locked.
.Vou are recommended to keep emergency key outside (your car or omoe) or always
any il.
an use that diiat lock runeoon is set warning alarm goes of! (See p. 16)
rning Alarm Function
b If anyone tries to unlock the door in a roroerul manner when it is being locked
warning alarm will go on. it you input a proper access code, wemlng signal is
airtornati-tly cleared
2 Push upthe button part’cwer '
Q Q Pressthebuflomlncrder.
lkTo caan the warning alarm luncticn
1 Pressure 2 Push upmeburtonpartcover.
‘ n. E) Pressttiebultonsinorder.
maladmwmr‘ monument-aw
ownen the produa is shipped horn raclory, warning alarm function is set
al Lock Function
v This runco'on otters dual control by access code and RF card This function is
available only when both access code and RF card are registered in the system
in other mses, enor signal will go on (This function gives you convenience
especially when you are out tor a long time or take a trip)
> oual lock hrnctiori is airlornaheolly cancelled once you use it. so you should set
this hincticn every time you want to use it
l’To set dual lock ‘f2unction | To use dual lock function
2PMme 1
Mower. Pmtrupthehurtanpmcwerorprees @
m»@.@ umcmn..-pRFcnio
viii-v6 Ohmmmmmmmmw
‘EAsvldwund wwlflflmmhmmmm
When you was (a cum ooeraron LED starts liovering
ence (Manner) Mode
Psilenoe mode is userul nyou reel mar me signal sound or button is roo loud
when you unlock lne door using awess node. If you press lne button in
silenoo mode, ounon signal sound is not heard our only operation LED
makers. Follow file rnslruooons bekml to sel and -noel nus function.
E)" E-HEJ El we
HO. Prenfinbwnmimrda.
Mupmehmmwver Q
E} " (5 ‘El Cg "@
”El mmummm.
When the pmdua is shipped from laotory, nus funcfinn is set cancelled
.Even n sllerlne mode I! being sea, wamlng alarm sound goes onnornially
0 Lock Error Warning Alarm Function
> Using this funaionr warning alarm goes on when door is slim our not
auloinalically looked
Follow the inslrucfions belaw lo gel and cancel ihls fundlorl
QEJ Preuflnbmbminordu:
Pldlwflnbummewef ‘
‘ HP aFreashlumilwder.
When lne prodoer is shipped from laclory, this function is sel up.
OKeep lhls funwurl oanoelled tn orevenlwamrng alarm rrorn gulng onwrren
keep unlocking lunnion is on
Craven the door is shut, but it me wamlng alarm will go on. i lrleans lne door B
notsnin well. In (his case. snul lne door again,
ntrol Function
> ll you leei lhal an em code alone is not enough for security when you are
out for e long lime. set this ocnhcl iunclion Selling this function. you should
inpul conlrol and access code lo open lhe door. (Central and acoees code
should not be the same For control code. only man number rs available.)
»55@@ mb»@
*® (mono-mum)
010 chance lhe comm! ocoe. Input new code iollowvig lhe ubove procedure
‘éTQdeletsmecomrolm, mimioWndebtedlmui-gimmdmms'flp 10
Damon 01 control code automatlnlty annals the control mncbon In this Bid. ll!
am sodas tenures: 11h 5]. except forth. inmai coda amass: K). are CHM
1 2
thwuwmputmoim (a. E] .
(5Eé?# mé fiMFHEmJ -
we) Precoiiiemiemoroer. “mum“
Cline-must. E] mmhm E]
ep Unlocking Function
bThe door is lockeo immediately ener it is shut Using lhis function. however,
you can keep the door always unlocked, This iunclion gives you oonvenlence
when a lot oi people come in and go out (eg. tamlly events).
When the door is being
opened, puss ihe manual
in lauio selecmon bunon.
mien ails buuon is being
presud bark, ml: fimctmii u
mliy 361 Ind Inn/M.
I’To cancel the keep unlocking function
Pull this bullon out and
place il lo the mural
‘mpulsory Lock Function
P Using this function an milsder cannot open the door even with access codes
and emergency keys compulsory look function gives you more seeurily al
nigmvmen special allenlion to security is needed.
When are door is being
slim, press the manual
w, lento selection button,
wish this human rs being
plum back mis iurrcrlcri
is MIN sel onu
I’To cancel the compulsory look function
Pull this button out
and place no; the initial
en and How to Replace Batteries
>When ballery power gels Iowl lhe operanon LED hllnks ano 'beep' sounds.
This indicales that me batteries need to be replaced
Follow me insznrcpcns below to replace ballenesv
.Befnrapr.mnglmnmbm|wml murpoemueandnegmnrepolesmemy
QFor oiqnal door lock prooucts Mame alkaline nanenee musl be use:
Do nor mlx and used orner rum or omens
ancorrecr rneenron of banana rnay muss dlsrupnan w and naming
Oll Darlene: are rml replaceo With new ones even wnen lhelr power gels km, the system
fie convens me door rnro compulsory Iodc rnooe belore Manes are completely dlsdlarged
ln llrls case unlook the door uslng 9v namely or energeocy key and
(RF cam) replace are consumed bananas
OEven when banenes are replacedl lne reglslered amass codes, r-Bumns (RF urns).
opnrrol node and remore conuoller are relalned rn me sysmn
Ownen replacrng ballerlesr replace all clmemla EA) aronpe (nor a pan ollrrem).
‘ll naneries are ahmpxry discharged and you do not hold any emergency key. connect a
av banery ro emergency prmer supply ro supply emergerlw power lo the syslerrl
(In rnrs case oarlerys poles do nor filled
the emergency power supply, any dlredlorl
ls all rlghl)
oror lne ballery replacement ror remple
controllers. please see p. 15.
‘eck Points Before Trouble Notice
> Do nor fail lo check lollowing pelms belore your lrouble pence ro our agencies
| mm.“ M m" Barren" lrl pomplelely warped
mm . , spurneapornprerrerpm kernel
WM MWLEDM redaulheporeunedbauenalseev
mm work 21)
Neywwrelmlyouopen momsarmrmryncredssepws
mmmlnrrrfisemdsaller alleramere maelslnprnlnpmams
III ‘ WWW? me nln Mdml see 14
I n . WM tea open ( p l
N l" M N“ To upon me door wren me cullllol
I'm, luner‘on e lflivlladl you enpulrr preer
Tafiiwm, me corrrrol woe More irrpmnp awess
m Prssmemrmolooflefllslam
rpm am woe lsee p 19)
The 5111! s aulmrnncally blind 5 seconds
”warm: g‘" W" M“, nller i—BiltwKRF ardl rs rrrpur
(man l—EmmRF um) lollle ngm
I u " ram (“F "m Wm "“ W” “m” place rpa'nrroupen meow (see M4)
lemurllolxod Mmimumifiuflflnlwmlls
Anywerremalywuse mmellyreperereoamuyagan
we regsered ranmrr (RF card)’ overrun roger-r i-Blmorl (RF um).
(m p 1‘)
When we keep unloekwlg rumor e on,
Thaw-«1M mmmmrw midi-w Mdnur-nrnlbesllmzlmrrmlly
Wm lllmflon s rn enrnooer Carmel he lreep unhclurlg lunmol-l
(M9 P 20)
wnan lube lack anor wranrlnp alarm
wrm me door ln'lut Dom-w mm lean luncnorr so", ll rs normal than a slgnal
Mmmwm "mm: spurnsnearp lrsnolalrmol
mnmllmublelm p lal
oduct Specifications
ornrs prom": armor uwerwhole mnw vi searnry
meow ro mull! your rear/ny- you an
rammed la rnsralr me oeeealeo seeunry prooua
onrry dlsassemblyv leaseth or modrfimlml anne
(‘ SV- 5 EA) vlodllcl and use elmduuemlalodl re-asaemoleo or
mom proouer lnr reenrrl purpose wnhnulawmval
mun comm Cu _ uo mayanse legalsarlmons
our merrllelleetual propeny "ng lncluorrrp ludemm em
wane. m me manual below in comm on no
“legal copy ouplrearran ol moroduclmrl pann nrenllrely.
ol no manual rr run unlined
Model Name col-100 l COL-look
Mfive alkaline balle'ies
en and How to Replace Batteries
>Wherl pallery power gels Iow‘ lire operanon LED blinks and 'beep' sounds.
This indicales that me balleries need m be replaced
Follow me inslnrqlons below lo replace banenesv
FleuEperHigmy Murrow-lulled
animus-new Minimum
pushihewvarilime newones.
hopen. Cami-anemia
.Befnmpumnglmnmbnmmi mumrpoemuearldrregmllpoiseonemy
QFor iiignal m Iodi mm. AA—rype alnalme batteries rrmsi be useli
anoarreci rrrsenrorr or baiiene- may muss disruption may: and rearing
Oll balienes are nnl replaeeii With new ones even wnen inerr power gels km, lne syslern
L®a convens me door lnw compulsory lodr mode before ballenes are oomplelery demargeo
ln nus case unlock me door uslng 9v baiieiy or emergency key and
(RF cam) replace lne mnsurnea bananas
OEven when banenee are lepismd‘ lne reglelered Ems nodes, r-Bumrls (RF mrfls).
control node and relnoie eonlrnller are reialrled ln lne sysmn
Ownen replacing baflerlesr replace all eilrlemia EA) aronee (nor a panollrrem).
‘li baneiia are abnipily discharged and you do nol nail: any emergency key. connect a
w ballery lo emergency plmer supply lo supply emergerlw power in me sysleln.
(In inls case, balierys poles do noi aim!
the emergency power supply, any dueeiron
ls all ngnl)
CFor lne bellery replacemenl lor lemme
controllers. please see p. 15.
‘eck Points Before Trouble Notice
> Do nor rail io check iollowing perms beiore your Ilouble nobce lo our agencies
, mm“, m m sullen-i ar- mmnlehiy mlmd
mm " M . LED , Opel-neuwrninerrerpexylleyanll
W“ “Wm“ “G“ be uglier-ire: have
‘ glue nu lsee v
Areyouurrelmyouepen mumsammiyhcledssemnds
ireueenmnrnasemresaller alleramers maelslnpulinpmm
uwilrng‘ moment? rode mo filedml see u
l will he aims em. “a we" ( p )
M m. m i!“ To open inn liner man the eunlrol
m. iuneion rs lair-red, you ihouh pres!
TatifimJ ‘ lire wind eerie berg-e irlwflm mess
mfle Fist lne maul mile lrsl am
npui am we lsee p 19)
‘Tlle door is aulorrnll-liy ham 5 semnrls
“flax; g‘" V“ Mm, ailer i—BiltullKRF mull rs npui
I min isuiim (RF mm m In; remain; an)? cm“ ”WWW “m ‘“"‘° ”9’“
b“ lmnm ghee-gammupenlieaoeriseenul
“" —e,*‘77
lul'i uncured
An you sure llul you use
ire reg'stred $8!!!th (RF unili overrun regisiar E-Blmul (RF uni).
(see p 1‘)
When ilelleap unlneklilg arr-elm eon,
"hm-Nib“ mmwumkwmm itledonr-nrnlbeshlnzimrlmlly
mm film e in ofhmdfi Cancel he keep unhckirlg lunmurl
(lee p. znl
wrlnn lube law nnor wrung alarm
When in floor is null Denim mile been luncliurr eon, ll rs nurmai illaia slgnal
mammary "Mad-um? lsauniienem lisnul-limdei
"mum! imuble (see p lal
oduct Specifications
Model Name
CDL—lOD l CDL—100R
ev (1.5v x EA)
arms mun lzrlnol mverwhoie Wipe ui searnly
luneomi to arm”! your rec-my. m m
remnuneneea ii: inslal me deflulnd seeumy prnuuai
onny dlsassembiy, reasemhry ar modifimlml ailne
Weave] and uie cl m aunembleu re-luembled or
mmmefl prouue inrucfinu-inurwse mhnulawmval
rmm comm Cu _ Lid may cause Iegzlsarlmons
onll ueurlelleaual prepeny rights Mud-nu luaemm and
mpyngms m ma manual below la COMMAX 0: ml
illegal mp1, dupllmlml errearoauelren pann memvery.
ol mi: manual rr run penniiiea

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XMP Toolkit                     : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6
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Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 6.0 (Windows)
Creator Tool                    : PScript5.dll Version 5.2
Modify Date                     : 2007:04:02 20:05:40+09:00
Create Date                     : 2007:04:02 19:58:15+09:00
Metadata Date                   : 2007:04:02 20:05:40+09:00
Document ID                     : uuid:c7de9e05-827e-4865-8c92-8a601ff7f708
Format                          : application/pdf
Title                           : Manual (영문).pdf
Creator                         : 
Author                          : 
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