COMPUTIME AAHZT11 thermostats User Manual
Computime Ltd. thermostats
User manual
Installation Manual Orion EMS Copyrights The information in this document is subject to change at the sole discretion of VingCard Elsafe AS without notice. Any use, operation or repair in contravention of this document is at your own risk. VingCard Elsafe AS does not assume any responsibility for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this manual. All information and drawings in this document are the property of VingCard Elsafe AS. Unauthorized use and reproduction is prohibited. VingCard is a registered trademark of VingCard Elsafe AS. September 13, 2012 Page 2 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Table of contents 1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Installing an Orion EMS client ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.2.1 Starting an Orion EMS client................................................................................................................. 5 3. COMPONENT INFORMATION................................................................................................................................ 6 3.1 Thermostat controller ................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1.1 Thermostat controller dimensions .......................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Thermostat................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2.1 Thermostat buttons ................................................................................................................................ 7 3.2.2 Thermostat display ................................................................................................................................ 8 3.2.3 Thermostat dimensions.......................................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Parameters / specifications ......................................................................................................................... 10 3.4 Motion sensor ............................................................................................................................................ 12 3.4.1 Motion sensor dimensions ................................................................................................................... 13 3.4.2 Motion sensor specifications................................................................................................................ 13 4. DEVICE INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING ................................................................................................... 16 4.1 Inputs / outputs .......................................................................................................................................... 16 4.1.1 RS-485 interface.................................................................................................................................. 17 4.1.2 Configuration with thermostat controller ............................................................................................. 18 4.1.3 Configuration without thermostat controller......................................................................................... 19 4.2 Installing a thermostat controller ................................................................................................................ 20 4.2.1 Mounting a thermostat controller ......................................................................................................... 20 4.3 Installing a thermostat ................................................................................................................................ 21 4.3.1 Mounting a thermostat......................................................................................................................... 21 Thermostat placement................................................................................................................... 22 Thermostat battery exchange......................................................................................................... 22 4.3.2 Wiring a thermostat ............................................................................................................................. 22 Recommended wire specification.................................................................................................. 22 Connecting a thermostat................................................................................................................ 22 Line to low voltage conversion ..................................................................................................... 23 Connecting a wired door switch .................................................................................................... 23 4.4 Installing a motion sensor........................................................................................................................... 24 4.4.1 Motion sensor placement ..................................................................................................................... 25 4.5 Commissioning the system......................................................................................................................... 26 4.5.1 Commissioning when thermostat controller is used.............................................................................. 26 Joining the thermostat controller to the network ............................................................................ 26 Joining the in-room devices to the thermostat controller ................................................................ 27 4.5.2 Commissioning when thermostat controller is not used ........................................................................ 28 Joining the thermostat to the network ............................................................................................ 28 Joining the in-room devices to the thermostat................................................................................ 29 4.6 Testing the in-room devices ....................................................................................................................... 31 APPENDIX A: ORION SERVICE CONNECTIONS ....................................................................................................... 32 APPENDIX B: FIRMWARE UPGRADE ...................................................................................................................... 36 APPENDIX C: CONFIGURATION IN OFFLINE SCENARIOS ......................................................................................... 40 REVISION HISTORY .............................................................................................................................................. 49 September 13, 2012 Page 3 of 50 66 8003 002-8 1. General This manual • • • describes how to install the Orion EMS (Energy Management System) option and if applicable an Orion EMS client; chapter 2 - for the Orion EMS features to be shown in the VISIONLINE software, it is necessary to install the Orion EMS option; follow the steps in section 2.1 - if the Orion EMS features should also be available in a separate client where the operators do not see the “ordinary” VISIONLINE items such as doors, follow the steps in section 2.2; this requires that the Orion EMS option has been installed in the VISIONLINE software gives information about the Orion EMS devices and parameters; chapter 3 describes how to install and commission the Orion EMS devices; chapter 4 Note: For daily operations when the system is in use, see Daily use manual Orion EMS. In that document, more information about Orion Service and SysMon (System Monitor) features is also found. The items used together with Orion EMS are: • • • • digital thermostat Note: Depending on installation conditions, also a thermostat controller is used or not. If used, the thermostat controller is the master of the system and the thermostat is only a guest interface device which transmits information to the thermostat controller for processing and decision making. motion sensor door monitoring device; lock, switch gateway (the same as is used for online doors; requires the Online option which is also installed according to 2.1) Note: The gateway is not used in offline scenarios; see Appendix C for details. Note: For each room number, it is possible to have either • • • one wired thermostat up to five motion sensors up to five door switches • • • • one thermostat controller up to five battery thermostats up to five motion sensors up to five door switches OR Note: The best conditions for Orion EMS are obtained if also the locks are online and commissioned to the same ZigBee network as the thermostat and the motion sensor. Note: In the rest of this document, the term ‘thermostat’ includes thermostat as well as thermostat controller, unless something else is stated. September 13, 2012 Page 4 of 50 66 8003 002-8 2. Software installation 2.1 Installing an option If the Orion EMS option (and Online option) has been ordered together with the VISIONLINE software, it is included in the license code and will be set in the software when the license code is entered. If the option(s) should be added to the system at a later occasion, when the license code has already been entered and system ID is therefore set, an option code is used instead. Several software options can be included in one option code. An operator with the authority to handle option codes must be logged on. Normally, options are set by the system manager or the distributor. When ordering the option, the system code must be communicated to the ordering department: 1. Double click on System settings under the Reports tab in the navigation window of VISIONLINE. System settings is available even if you are not logged on. 2. Communicate your system code to the order department; see order acknowledgement for phone number and e-mail address. The system code can also be entered in the Ordering web page when making the order. To install an option: 1. Go to Tools/Option code in VISIONLINE. 2. Enter the option code and click Apply. 2.2 Installing an Orion EMS client If there should be a separate Orion EMS client (see chapter 1 for more information), this is installed according to the ReadMe file for the applicable operating system. The ReadMe files are found on the Orion EMS software CD. 2.2.1 Starting an Orion EMS client 1. Click the Start button and go to Programs/Orion EMS/Orion EMS. 2. When requested, log on with the same user ID and password as for VISIONLINE. September 13, 2012 Page 5 of 50 66 8003 002-8 3. Component information As mentioned in chapter 1 General, two different thermostat configurations are available: • • battery operated thermostat that communicates via ZigBee to a wired thermostat controller wired thermostat and no thermostat controller 3.1 Thermostat controller If the configuration with thermostat controller is used, the thermostat controller is the master of the in-room system. This item has a built-in router via which it communicates with the VISIONLINE software (or Orion EMS software, if applicable) and the devices within the room. It is also possible to have an offline scenario where there is no connection to the server, and where each room can be seen as a PAN (personal area network) which is controlled by its thermostat controller. In this case, the thermostat controller has a coordinator firmware instead of a router firmware. Note: The thermostat controller may not be sealed into a metal box. When the different room devices are commissioned (see section for details), they are joined to the router of the thermostat controller and registered in the thermostat controller. The thermostat controller stores all parameters needed for the energy management, with a few exceptions which are stored in the thermostat; see section 3.3 for details. These are transferred either from a service device, or online from the VISIONLINE/Orion EMS software. The thermostat controller receives entry and exit information from the door lock or switch as well as information from the motion sensor. This information is used to determine the occupancy status of the room and implement energy savings strategy based on this information. 3.1.1 Thermostat controller dimensions Dimensions in mm (inches) Figure 1 September 13, 2012 Page 6 of 50 66 8003 002-8 3.2 Thermostat The guest operates the thermostat, which depending on configuration communicates either • with the thermostat controller • directly with the VISIONLINE software/Orion EMS software and the devices within the room. OR The thermostat buttons and thermostat display are the same in both cases. In the case of battery operated thermostat, 3AA batteries (4.5 VDC) in a battery package are used. 3.2.1 Thermostat buttons Figure 2 The hotel guest controls the thermostat using the five buttons shown on the right side of the unit in Figure 2. • C/F: Controls the temperature display. Pressing this button will toggle the temperature display between • Up and Down Arrows: The up and down arrows are used to set the desired temperature. The thermostat Celsius and Fahrenheit. will automatically choose between heat and cool so there is no need for the guest to select the function. Note: Some systems are unable to switch between the heating and cooling functions. This does not change • • the way the guest uses the system, but the thermostat is programmed accordingly and will not call for a function that is not available. Fan Control Button: The Fan control button allows the user to select from up to three fan speeds or choose ‘Automatic’ to let the thermostat determine the appropriate fan setting. Note: The ability to control fan speeds depends on the capability of the air handler as some systems do not have three fan speeds. On/Off Button: The On/Off button toggles the thermostat power on or off. Note: Even when the unit is turned off, the energy management logic will take over when the room is unoccupied to manage the temperature accordingly. September 13, 2012 Page 7 of 50 66 8003 002-8 3.2.2 Thermostat display Figure 3 The thermostat displays settings and operation details to the guest, such as room temperature and heat/cool indications. Display details: • Temperature Display: The temperature display area shows the actual room temperature or the set temperature as well as the indication of Fahrenheit or Celsius. When the displayed temperature is the guest setting, not the actual room temperature, the SET indicator is also displayed. Note: Whenever a guest is changing the setting, the SET temperature will display. • Heat/Cool Indicator: The thermostat displays universal icons for heating and cooling. The snow star is the symbol to indicate the unit is in cooling mode and the flame is the symbol to indicate heating mode. • Fan Display: The fan display shows the fan speed of the unit. As the fan speed increases, additional segments or the indicator are displayed. When in AUTO fan mode, the word AUTO will appear in the middle of the display (at the Miscellaneous Indicator, see below). • Miscellaneous Indicator: The indicator in the middle of the display is a multi-purpose indicator. It e.g. displays the word AUTO when the automatic fan mode is enabled. • Service indicators: - Wrench Icon: The wrench icon is displayed when maintenance is required on any of the EMS devices in the room or the HVAC unit. This icon is only displayed to hotel staff. To get the details of the maintenance needed, connect the service terminal to the thermostat. - Error (E) Indicator: The error indicator is primarily used for the battery operated thermostat and will be displayed when communication between the thermostat and the thermostat controller is lost. When displayed, the thermostat will turn OFF. This indicator is displayed to guests as well as staff, as maintenance is required in order for the system to operate. - Battery Icon: The battery icon is displayed to hotel staff when the batteries are low (on battery powered units) and in need of replacement. Note: This is a low indicator only, not a segmented icon that displays the battery level. As soon as this indicator is displayed, the batteries need to be replaced. Note: If the lock is not used to monitor the door status, the service indicators will only be displayed when the service device is used - with the exception of the error (E) indicator. September 13, 2012 Page 8 of 50 66 8003 002-8 3.2.3 Thermostat dimensions Figure 4 shows the dimensions of the thermostat. The design allows the unit to be mounted onto a US or European single gang box. Dimensions in mm (inches) Figure 4 September 13, 2012 Page 9 of 50 66 8003 002-8 3.3 Parameters / specifications Temperature display range 2-digit display – no limit Guest control range* 65 – 90 ºF / 18 – 32 ºC; configurable through service device HVAC control types Standard H/C; heat pump 12-24 VAC Input voltage 15-24 VDC V+ Follows the input voltage (AC rectified) VDC relative to GND Outputs W/W2 – Heating Y/W2 – Cooling / compressor G1 – Fan 1 G2 – Fan 2 G3 – Fan 3 RV – Reversing valve Inputs Door switch – 1 exterior / 1 interior Motion sensor/card switch I/O Service connector (programming) Temperature sensor* Integrated in thermostat Option: remote temperature sensor that connects directly to the thermostat controller ZigBee 2006 Lock to thermostat: • Door open – staff card • Door open – guest card (includes check-out date/time, suite rooms and first time use) • Door open from inside • Door closed • Deadbolt thrown / released RF signals Thermostat to lock: • Room occupied – to enable lock to enter AutoDND mode Motion sensor to thermostat: • Motion detected • Battery status Thermostat to motion sensor: • Turn off when the room is occupied and the door is closed • Turn on when the door is opened again September 13, 2012 Page 10 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Thermostat deadband Configurable 1 – 3 ºF; default is 2 ºF Heat cool switching deadband Configurable 2 – 4 ºF; default is 3 ºF Heat / cool switching Configurable to allow or disallow auto changeover of heat/cool. Freeze guard 39 ºF / 4 ºC Refresh cycle Optional Humidity* Optional Configurable: Temperature display Guest setting or room temperature; default is room temperature Configurable: Intelligent switch Disabled/use RV output/use G2 output; default is disabled Room not occupied timer Configurable 4 – 30 minutes; default is 8 minutes Room not sold timer Configurable 12 – 24 hours; default is 16 hours Compressor delay (dwell-off time) 5 minutes. The dwell-off time prevents short-cycling of the compressor; this parameter cannot be changed Table 1 Note: For information about where in the software to change the parameters, see the tables for basic and advanced parameters respectively in Daily use manual Orion EMS. *) These parameters are stored in the thermostat even if the thermostat controller is used September 13, 2012 Page 11 of 50 66 8003 002-8 3.4 Motion sensor The motion sensor is used to detect motion in the room and send this information via the ZigBee endnode to the thermostat. The device is designed to be ceiling or wall mounted and is powered by 3AA batteries. No physical connections are required; thus making the installation simple. Figure 5 September 13, 2012 Page 12 of 50 66 8003 002-8 3.4.1 Motion sensor dimensions Dimensions in mm (inches) Figure 6 3.4.2 Motion sensor specifications Input power 3 AA batteries (4.5 VDC) • • Mounting Ceiling or wall surface mounting Keyhole type for easy installation and battery replacement access Range 360 degree / 8 meters horizontal / 3 meters vertical Messages transmitted • • Diagnostics Integrated LED only enabled for diagnostics Motion detected Battery status Table 2 September 13, 2012 Page 13 of 50 66 8003 002-8 3.5 RF Door switch If VingCard online locks are not applicable at the installation, an RF door switch can instead be used for monitoring the position of the door. The door switch is powered by 2 AA batteries and the kit also includes a magnet (see Figure 8) and two screws. The door switch can be mounted as it is or on a wall-mounted casing (see Figure 9) which is purchased separately. Note: For best operation, the magnet should be installed maximum 10 mm (25/64″) from the reed switch which is located as in Figure 7. Note: It is also possible to use a wired door switch without radio; see section for details. 3.5.1 RF door switch dimensions Dimensions in mm (inches) Figure 7 September 13, 2012 Page 14 of 50 66 8003 002-8 3.5.2 RF door switch magnet dimensions Note: The magnet must be mounted maximum 10 mm (25/64´´) from the door switch. Dimensions in mm (inches) Figure 8 3.5.3 Wall-mounted casing Figure 9 September 13, 2012 Page 15 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4. Device installation and commissioning The Orion EMS thermostat is a low voltage (12-24 VAC / 15-24 VDC) device and the air handler to which it is installed must have a low voltage interface. If no low voltage interface exists, one supplied by the distributor or another qualified installer must be installed. The thermostat may be connected on air handlers with either standard (on/off) control or heat pump control. Important: Do not connect the Orion EMS thermostat directly to high voltage as this will destroy the thermostat. 4.1 Inputs / outputs Table 3 shows the inputs and outputs for the Orion EMS thermostat which are connected via the wiring harness supplied with the thermostat. PIN1 Pin Input / Output Wire Color 10 W/W2: Heating (output) Y/W2: Cooling/Compressor (output) G1: Fan 1/low (output) G2: Fan 2/medium (output) G3:Fan 3/high (output) RV: Reversing valve (output) Extra output: not used DS_I: Interior door switch (input) DS_E: Exterior door switch (input) EX1: Extra input 1 (motion sensor/ card switch I/O) Signal GND relative to V+ V+ (load max 50mA DC) C: Power input R: Power input + White Yellow Green Orange Dark blue Violet Brown Gray Orange/blue Pink 11 12 13 14 Black White/black Light blue Red Table 3 Note: V+ can be used for voltage feeding of e.g. a wired motion sensor. Note: All signal inputs (pins 8-10) are relative to GND (active high). Note: Connect input voltage 12-24 VAC or 15-24 VDC to pins 13 and 14. Figure 10: Wire colors of wiring harness Note: If a thermostat controller is used, the wiring harness is connected at the front of the thermostat controller as shown in Figure 13. Note: If no thermostat controller is used, the wiring harness is connected at the back of the thermostat as shown in Figure 14. September 13, 2012 Page 16 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4.1.1 RS-485 interface Next to the 14 pin contact for the wiring harness described in section 4.1, there is a 3 pin contact for RS-485 communication; see Figure 11. The three RS-485 wires which should be connected to the corresponding wires on the 3rd party RS-485 equipment are described in Table 4. Description Wire Color Twisted pair data bus A: Red B: White Common reference Black Table 4 A is the non-inverting pin and B is the inverting pin. Note: For Lutron RS-485 equipment, a different naming convention is used; MUX and MUX(bar), where A = MUX and B = MUX(bar). Other 3rd party RS-485 equipments may use other naming conventions; please check the applicable RS-485 equipment manual for correct configuration. Swapping the A and B lines does not harm the equipment, so the “try-and-see” approach is also useful. Figure 11: The 3 pin contact for RS-485 communication is located next to the 14 pin contact for the wiring harness. September 13, 2012 Figure 12: The jumper marked with an arrow in this picture should not be removed. Page 17 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4.1.2 Configuration with thermostat controller If the thermostat controller is used, the wiring harness is connected on the thermostat controller front. PIN1 Figure 13 September 13, 2012 Page 18 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4.1.3 Configuration without thermostat controller If no thermostat controller is used, the wiring harness is connected on the back of the thermostat. PIN1 Figure 14 September 13, 2012 Page 19 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4.2 Installing a thermostat controller Note: The thermostat controller may not be sealed into a metal box. 4.2.1 Mounting a thermostat controller The thermostat controller is designed to be installed on a standard US or European single gang switch box. Figure 15 shows the five screw holes on the back of the thermostat controller. Note: The thermostat controller may also be installed inside an air handler as long as it in not encased in metal. Figure 15 1. The mounting bracket is attached using five screws and the thermostat controller can then be snapped into place on the mounting bracket as shown in Figure 16. 2. Once the wiring harness is connected, it is best to insert the thermostat controller on the bottom snaps first; then press down on the top of the mounting bracket as the top is snapped into place. To remove a thermostat controller: 1. Press down on the top of the mounting bracket to release the snaps and pull the top of the thermostat controller away from the wall; then lift up to completely remove from the bracket. Figure 16 September 13, 2012 Page 20 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4.3 Installing a thermostat The thermostat is only to be installed by qualified installers. All local codes must be followed when installing this thermostat. The thermostat will control a variety of HVAC systems and the installation will vary based on the type of system to which it is installed. 4.3.1 Mounting a thermostat The thermostat is designed to be installed on a standard US or European single gang switch box. The mounting bracket is attached using two screws and the thermostat can then be snapped into place on the mounting bracket as shown in Figure 17. 2. Once the wiring harness is connected, it is best to insert the thermostat on the bottom snaps first; then press down on the top of the mounting bracket as the top is snapped into place. 1. To remove a thermostat: 1. Press down on the top of the mounting bracket to release the snaps and pull the top of the thermostat away from the wall; then lift up to completely remove from the bracket. Figure 17 September 13, 2012 Page 21 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Thermostat placement If there are no existing thermostats, a few important items should be considered in determining placement: • • • • Do not mount the thermostat in the direct air flow of the air handler. Do not mount the thermostat in direct sunlight. Do not mount the thermostat directly above or behind any heat generating device such as a light or a TV. Generally, the thermostat should be mounted about 1.5m (5 feet) above the floor for standard rooms; however, local codes must be followed. Note: When applicable, also follow local handicap requirements. Thermostat battery exchange To exchange the batteries in the thermostat, remove the thermostat according to section 4.3.1 and exchange the batteries (3 AA) in the battery package. 4.3.2 Wiring a thermostat Recommended wire specification It is recommended to use 0,82 – 0,33 mm2 / 18 – 22 AWG (equivalent) solid copper wire (Plenum rated if required by local code) from the thermostat to the HVAC system or line to low voltage interface. The same can be used if installing a wired door switch. The number of conductors to the HVAC system will depend on the particular installation. A 2-conductor wire is required for the wired door switch. Connecting a thermostat The wires of the wiring harness (Figure 10) are to be connected to the low voltage thermostat inputs of the air handler. These include heat, cool, three fan speeds and the reversing valve (heat pump only). Note: If connecting to an air handler that has only two fan speeds, connect the low fan to the Fan 1 output and the high fan to the Fan 2 output. If the air handler has only one fan speed, connect to the Fan 1 output. Important: If connecting to a high voltage air handler, a line to low voltage conversion kit must be used. W/W2 (white) Y/W2 (yellow) G1 (green) G2 (orange) G3 (dark blue) RV (violet) Power - Common / Ground (black) Power (red) For standard systems, this controls HEAT. For heat pumps, this is connected to the Stage 2 heating element if applicable. This controls the COOL function for standard control and the Compressor for heat pump control. (For heat pumps, this is Stage 1 heating). This controls fan speed 1 (low). This controls fan speed 2 (medium). This controls fan speed 3 (high). This controls the reversing valve (heat pump only). The logic is set by the configurable parameters when the thermostat is commissioned. 12-24 VAC 15-24 VDC Table 5 September 13, 2012 Page 22 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Line to low voltage conversion Figure 18 shows the wiring diagram for connecting to a line to low voltage conversion kit. This kit is typically located in the control box of the HVAC system or in close proximity to the unit. Note: Local codes must be followed when installing the line to low voltage conversion kit. Figure 18 Connecting a wired door switch If a wired door switch will be used to monitor the position of the door, it is recommended to use a magnetic 2-wire door switch. These wires are connected to the thermostat wiring harness as follows: • • If the door is exterior (leads to the outside), connect the wires to the orange/blue (exterior door input) wire and the white/black wire of the thermostat wiring harness. If the door is interior (leads to an interior corridor), connect the wires to the gray (interior door input) wire and the white/black wire of the thermostat wiring harness. Installation of the door switch will vary depending on the type of switch used. Follow the instructions provided with the door switch to install it at the door. September 13, 2012 Page 23 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4.4 Installing a motion sensor The motion sensor is a battery operated device that may be installed on the ceiling or wall. The mounting bracket is installed with two screws as shown in Figure 19. Figure 19 September 13, 2012 Page 24 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4.4.1 Motion sensor placement For optimal coverage, the motion sensor should be installed on the ceiling as close to the middle of the room as possible. When ceiling mounting is not feasible, either due to the construction or for the aesthetics of the room, the sensor may be placed on the wall. The location should be as high as possible and give as much coverage to the room as possible. Figure 20 shows the range of the motion sensor when placed on the ceiling. This range is somewhat reduced when installed on the wall. The range shown is a general guideline, and the sensor is designed to cover an area of about 8m (26 feet) in diameter. Figure 20 To check the placement, it is advisable to activate the motion LED using the service device and test the range of the motion sensor. This process will help to determine the best location of the sensor. See section 4.6 Testing the In-Room Devices for instructions on this process. September 13, 2012 Page 25 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4.5 Commissioning the system Before the devices can communicate, they must be joined to the ZigBee network. For detailed instructions and rules on this network, see User manual Online option. Note: The ZigBee network, including gateway and router locations, must first be specified by a qualified technician. No online setup can be done until this step is completed. 4.5.1 Commissioning when thermostat controller is used Joining the thermostat controller to the network 1. In the ZigBee Network window of SysMon, right click on the applicable gateway/router and select Permit Joining. The gateway/router is now ‘open’. It will remain in this status for approximately 15 minutes or until a forbid join command is executed. 2. With the gateway/router open, plug the service cable into the thermostat controller. Figure 21 3. In the Orion Service software (Start/Programs/Orion Service/ Orion Service), choose Configure device in the left part of the window. Let the tab Thermostat (default) be open and click the Discovery button. The thermostat controller will connect to the open gateway/router. Figure 22 4. To see if the thermostat controller was able to join the network, click the Check status button in the Configure Device section of Orion Service. If the joining was successful, the message ‘Device is online’ is shown. 5. With the thermostat controller joined to its gateway/router, right click on the gateway/router in SysMon and select Forbid Joining. September 13, 2012 Page 26 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Joining the in-room devices to the thermostat controller The next step is to join the in-room devices, e.g. thermostats, motion sensors and locks (or RF door switches, if this is applicable). Note: When the thermostat controller is applicable, the thermostat has an endnode firmware. The thermostat controller has either a router firmware or a coordinator firmware, depending on scenario. The coordinator firmware is for offline scenarios when there is no connection to the server; see Appendix C for details about setting up the in-room network in that case. 1. Plug the service cable into the thermostat controller. 2. Click the Permit Join button in the Configure device section (Thermostat tab) of Orion Service; see picture in Note: The thermostat controller will remain open for 15 minutes or until a forbid join command is received. 3. Once the thermostat controller has been opened for joining, plug the service cable into the applicable in-room device. Choose the Motion sensor tab in the Configure device section of Orion Service; click the Discovery button. 4. Wait a few seconds and then click the Check status button. If the device has joined successfully, the message ‘Device is online’ is shown. If that message is not displayed, wait a few more seconds and check the status again. If the device is still offline, Figure 23 repeat the discovery process. 5. Join the lock and use an Enable EMI events card in it; details are found in the section Enabling EMI events via card in Appendix C. 6. If an RF door switch is applicable instead of a lock, repeat steps 3-5 with the RF door switch; in step 4, use the Door switch tab. 7. Click the Forbid join button under the Thermostat tab in the Configure device section of Orion Service; see picture in 8. Test the in-room devices; details are found in section 4.6. September 13, 2012 Page 27 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4.5.2 Commissioning when thermostat controller is not used The thermostat is equipped with a ZigBee endnode which can have either router firmware or coordinator firmware. The coordinator firmware is for offline scenarios when there is no connection to the server; see Appendix C for details about setting up the in-room network in that case. The thermostat may be joined directly to a gateway, router or another thermostat as specified in the network layout. The thermostat is the primary device in the room, and the lock and motion sensor will be joined to this thermostat. When the steps in sections and have been performed, the in-room network is operational. Note: To use the Orion Service software which is mentioned in step 4 below, connections to the application server must be made according to Appendix A. Joining the thermostat to the network 1. To be able to join the thermostat to the gateway or router, it is first necessary to permit joining on the gateway or router. This is done in the SystemMonitor, SysMon; to open this, double click on SysMon.exe in the software installation folder and log on at File/Log on. In SysMon, choose View/ZigBee to see the ZigBee network. Right click on the designated gateway/router in the ZigBee Network dialog and select Figure 24 Permit Joining in the right-click menu; see Figure 24. 2. When the gateway/router has been set in the permit joining mode, it is “open”. It will remain in this status for approximately 15 minutes or until a forbid join command is executed. 3. With the gateway/router open, plug the service cable into the thermostat. 4. In the Orion Service software (go to Start/Programs/Orion Service/ Orion Service), choose Configure device in the left pane of the window. Let the tab Thermostat (default) be open and click the Discovery button; see Figure 25. The thermostat will connect to the open gateway/router. 5. To see if the thermostat was able to join the network, click the Check status button in the Configure Device section of Orion Service. If the joining was successful, Figure 25 the message ‘Device is online’ is shown. 6. With the thermostat joined to its gateway/router, right click on the gateway/router in SysMon and select Forbid Joining. September 13, 2012 Page 28 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Joining the in-room devices to the thermostat Next, the in-room devices must be joined to the thermostat, e.g. motion sensors and locks (or RF door switches, if this is applicable). 1. Plug the service cable into the thermostat. 2. Click the Permit Join button in the Configure device section of Orion Service; see Figure 26. Note: The thermostat will remain open for 15 minutes or until a Forbid Join command is received. Figure 26 3. Once the thermostat has been opened for joining, plug the service cable into the motion sensor. 4. Choose the Motion sensor tab in the Configure device section of Orion Service. Click the Discovery button; see Figure 27. Figure 27 5. Wait a few seconds and then click the Check status button in the Motion sensor tab of Configure device; see Figure 28. If the device has joined successfully, the message ‘Device is online’ is shown. If that message is not displayed, wait a few more seconds and check the status again. If still offline, repeat the discovery process. Figure 28 September 13, 2012 Page 29 of 50 66 8003 002-8 6. The lock is joined to the thermostat by using a Discovery card (one of the ZigBee configuration cards; see User manual Online option for information about issuing the card). For mag/smart locks the card is inserted into the card reader, and for RFID locks the card is placed against the reader. There will depending on lock model be a green flash and/or a chirp, indicating that the lock has been set into discovery mode. Wait a few seconds and then present the Check Status card (one of the ZigBee configuration cards) at the lock. If the light flashes the green light only and/or a chirp is heard, the lock has successfully joined the network. If you instead see a green flash followed by red flashes, and/or a beep is heard, the lock has not joined. In this case, wait a few seconds and then try the Check Status card again. If still not successful, repeat the discovery process. 7. In order for the lock to send door events to the thermostats, EMI events must be enabled. This is achieved by presenting an Enable EMI events card (one of the ZigBee configuration cards) at the lock. 8. If an RF door switch is applicable instead of a lock, repeat steps 3-5 with the RF door switch; in step 4, use the Door switch tab. 9. Once the devices have been successfully joined, plug the service cable into the thermostat. 10. Choose the Thermostat tab of the Configure device section in Orion Service. Click the Forbid Join button; see Figure 29. Failure to perform this step will result in problems when setting up the network in nearby rooms. 11. Right click on the thermostat and choose Get user description. Make sure that the description says ‘no’ at ‘Join permitted’. September 13, 2012 Figure 29 Page 30 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4.6 Testing the in-room devices With the network successfully formed, it is now possible to test the devices to ensure proper functionality. 1. 2. 3. 4. Open and close the door. Engage and disengage the deadbolt. Walk around the room to ensure a motion event. Run an event log of the thermostat using the service device. To make this, plug the service cable into the thermostat, choose the Log section under Readout in the left part of the Orion Service window, choose the applicable No. of events and click the Readout button. Ensure that the door and motion events are logged as shown in the example in Figure 30. Figure 30 5. Run a status check by selecting the Status section in the left part of the Orion Service software window, making sure that the service cable is plugged into the thermostat and clicking the Readout button. Make sure that the motion sensor, lock and thermostat all say ‘Offline: No’; see Figure 31. Figure 31 6. Test the range of the motion sensor. First, make sure that the door is open as this will ensure that the motion sensor is not deactivated by the thermostat. 7. Go to the Configure device section in the left part of the Orion Service software window and choose the Motion sensor tab. Make sure that the service cable is plugged into the motion sensor and click the Activate LED button; see Figure 32. Figure 32 8. Walk around the room; the LED of the motion sensor will light up as motion is detected. Ensure that the range is sufficient to pick up motion in the room. The LED will be active for 10 minutes and then automatically turn off. 9. The system is now ready for use. September 13, 2012 Page 31 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Appendix A: Orion Service connections The service device is connected to the server via LAN, and to the USB interface via a USB port. When communicating with a thermostat/motion sensor/RF door switch, a service cable is connected to the USB interface. USB interface Art. No: 686 001 026 Service cable Art. No: 205 999 005 There are two variants of USB interface. The appearance of the item is the same in both cases, but in Orion Service it looks different at ‘Serial port and host’ (see screenshots below) depending on what variant that is used. Note: For setup of the host server, see Server connections below. For more information about choosing serial port and server, see section Register PC in this appendix. Orion Service accesses the USB interface through a virtual COM port. Drivers must be installed to enable the communication between service device and USB interface. The drivers are called CP210x USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) and can be downloaded for free from the Silicon Labs web site. They are also included on the software CD. Note: Installation of the drivers must be made before connecting the USB interface to the service device. Once the drivers have been installed, the USB interface must always be connected to the service device when Orion Service is running. September 13, 2012 Page 32 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Server connections To connect a service device to the server, there must be a service device host in the device list of the software. Note: The service device host must be added to a PC with static IP address. See section Set up a service device in this appendix for information on how the service device host is set up in the software. 1. To add a connection, click the Add button and enter server data. 2. To remove a connection, select the connection and click the Delete button. 3. To edit a connection, select the connection and click the Edit button. The dialog to the right is shown; enter the new information and click OK. 4. In the upper right corner of the Orion Service window, click R to refresh the dialog and choose the COM port which says ‘Silicon Labs CP210x…” September 13, 2012 Page 33 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Register PC The service device must be authenticated with a registration code in order to connect with the server. The registration code is generated from the software; see section Set up a service device in this appendix for details. Note: This procedure is only needed once. 1. Enter the Code. 2. Enter a Note; this is optional. 3. Choose serial port and server for the USB interface. 4. Click the Register button. September 13, 2012 Page 34 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Set up a service device Before a service device with Orion Service can be used, a service device host must be available in the device list of the software. The service device must also be registered with a registration code which is generated in the software. To add a service device host to the device list: 1. Double click on Devices under the Lists tab in the navigation window. 2. In the Devices dialog which is shown, click Add to add a new service device host to the system. The Device details dialog is shown. Note: If desired, mark the ‘Wizard mode’ check box to get more detailed help. 3. Enter a Name for the service device host. 4. At Type, choose “Service device host”. If possible, use the default port. Note: Make sure that you use a unique port. 5. Choose Location for the service device; normally ‘Server’ should be chosen. If there are firewalls in the system, ‘Computer’ could be chosen – in this case, also enter the computer name. Note: In some cases, several devices might be needed due to firewalls etc. 6. Click Save, or Update if an existing service device host was redefined. 7. Click Close. To register the service device: 1. Double click on Service devices under the Lists tab in the navigation window. 2. In the Service devices dialog, click Add. 3. A registration code is generated and shown in a dialog. The code has to be keyed into the service device within a given time interval; see section Register PC in this appendix for details. When this is done, the service device will pop up in the service device list and will be ready for use. September 13, 2012 Page 35 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Appendix B: Firmware upgrade At delivery, the thermostat and the motion sensor contain the correct module firmware. However, if a firmware upgrade is needed at a later occasion, the service device with Orion Service is used. There are two ways to download the module firmware to Orion Service: • The first method is to save the module firmware on the VISIONLINE server, and then download it from there to Orion Service • The second method is to upload the module firmware from e.g. a USB memory Note: Upgrading the end node firmware in the thermostat may take several minutes. Note: If thermostat controller is applicable, and the firmware in this as well as in the thermostat should be upgraded at the same time, it is recommended to start upgrading the thermostat controller first. To first save the firmware on the VISIONLINE server and then download it from there to Orion Service: 1. Go to Tools/Module firmware in the VISIONLINE software. The dialog to the right is shown. 2. Click Read file and browse to the applicable module firmware file; tmf file. 3. Mark the tmf file and click Open. The tmf file will be read into the memory and the tmf version will appear at “Loaded version” in the lower left corner of the Module firmware dialog. September 13, 2012 Page 36 of 50 66 8003 002-8 4. Click Save to store the tmf version in the database. The version will appear in the list below “Versions stored in the database” in the Module firmware dialog. 5. To enter an optional description for the tmf version, mark the version in the Module firmware dialog and click the Properties button. The Additional note dialog to the right is shown. Enter a description and click OK. 6. In the Orion Service software, choose Download module firmware. Click Query to list the available module firmware versions on the VISIONLINE server. 7. Mark the applicable firmware version and click Download. 8. If applicable, repeat step 7 with other firmware that is to be uploaded. 9. Plug the service cable into the thermostat or motion sensor, depending on which module that is to be upgraded. 10. In the Orion Service software, choose Upload module firmware. The firmware version(s) that have been downloaded according to step 7 above will be shown. Mark the applicable firmware version and click Upload. September 13, 2012 Page 37 of 50 66 8003 002-8 To upload the module firmware directly from a USB memory etc: 1. In the Orion Service software, choose Upload module firmware. 2. Click Browse and browse to where the applicable firmware file is located. Mark the file and click Open. 3. To save the firmware file to the database, right click on it and choose Save to database. 4. Down to the left in the Lock Service window, it will be shown how far the save process has reached. When the firmware has been successfully saved, there will be an alert about this. September 13, 2012 Page 38 of 50 66 8003 002-8 5. To add/edit the description for the firmware, right click on the firmware when it has been saved to the database and choose Edit description. 6. Write the applicable description and click Enter. 7. To upload new module firmware to the lock, select module version in the Available versions list and click the Upload button. September 13, 2012 Page 39 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Appendix C: Configuration in offline scenarios In Orion EMS offline scenarios, there is no connection to the VISIONLINE server. Either a wired thermostat or a thermostat controller and a battery thermostat is used. Each room can be seen as a PAN (personal area network) which is controlled by its wired thermostat or its thermostat controller, depending on what scenario that is applicable. The firmware in the wired thermostat or the thermostat controller is a coordinator firmware instead of a router firmware. Offline scenario with wired thermostat Offline scenario with thermostat controller and battery thermostat The RFID lock in the configuration pictures above must be prepared in two ways: • • it must be online with the in-room network; see the applicable one of sections Scenario with wired thermostat and Scenario with battery thermostat. EMI events must be enabled in the lock. This can be done either with an Enable EMI events card or via Lock Service; see the applicable one of sections Enabling EMI events via card and Enabling EMI events via Lock Service. Note: The EMI events will be sent to the closest parent in the in-room network, since there is no connection to the VISIONLINE server. September 13, 2012 Page 40 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Adding the lock to the in-room network The in-room network is configured under the Configure device section in Orion Service. Configuration Description Form new network Permit join This configuration removes all nodes in the PAN and resets the coordinator. When this configuration is used, an in-room device (RF door switch, motion sensor or lock) can join the coordinator. When the RF door switch, motion sensor or lock has joined the coordinator, this configuration should be used on the coordinator. Note: If the Forbid join command is for some reason forgotten, it will automatically be executed 15 minutes after the Permit join command was executed. Default is that all channels are ON (the ‘1’ indicates ON); the best channel will automatically be chosen, so normally the Set channels command is not needed. This configuration shows the in-room network. Note: When hovering with the cursor over an item in the network, the tooltip will show what type of item it is; e.g. ‘Coordinator’ as in the screenshot example above. The tooltip will also show e.g. IEEE address and firmware version. Forbid join Set channels Get network Scenario with wired thermostat 1. Go to Start/Programs/ Orion Service/Orion Service. 2. Choose Configure device in the left pane of the Orion Service window. 3. Plug the service cable into the thermostat. 4. Choose the Coordinator tab. 5. Click Form new network. 6. Click the Get network button; the thermostat will appear in the window below Get network. September 13, 2012 Page 41 of 50 66 8003 002-8 7. Put the cursor on the thermostat in the Orion Service window; an information box, showing e.g. the thermostat channel, will appear. If the channel should be changed, click the applicable channel (in the picture example ‘26’) and click the Set channels button. 8. Mark the thermostat and click the Permit join button. 9. Right click on the thermostat and choose Get user description. Information about the thermostat will be shown; see picture to the right. Make sure that - the channel is correct - it says ‘yes’ at ‘Join permitted’ Note: If it does not say ‘yes’ at ‘Join permitted’, click the Permit join button again. 10. Plug the service cable into the motion sensor. 11. Choose the Motion sensor tab and click Discovery. 12. Plug the service cable into the thermostat. 13. Choose the Coordinator tab and click Get network. September 13, 2012 Page 42 of 50 66 8003 002-8 14. Click the plus sign in front of the thermostat; the motion sensor will appear in the network tree. 15. Right click on the thermostat to make sure that is still says ‘yes’ at ‘Join permitted’. 16. Issue a Discovery card in VISIONLINE: - Go to Start/Programs/VisiOnline/ VisiOnline and log on. - Double click on ZigBee configuration under the Cards tab in the navigation window. - Browse to choose a Card holder and enter the applicable No. of days. - At Type, choose ‘Start discovery in ZigBee’. - If applicable, tick the checkbox ‘Print receipt’. - Click Make card and present a card at the encoder. 17. Present the Discovery card at the lock. 18. In Orion Service, Configure device section: click Get network under the Coordinator tab. 19. Click the plus sign in front of the thermostat; the lock will appear in the network tree. 20. Mark the thermostat and click the Forbid join button. 21. Right click on the thermostat and choose Get user description. Make sure that the description says ‘no’ at ‘Join permitted’. September 13, 2012 Page 43 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Scenario with thermostat controller and battery thermostat 1. Go to Start/Programs/ Orion Service/Orion Service. 2. Choose Configure device in the left pane of the Orion Service window. 3. Plug the service cable into the thermostat controller. 4. Choose the Coordinator tab. 5. Click Form new network. 6. Click the Get network button; the thermostat controller will appear in the window below Get network. 7. Put the cursor on the thermostat controller in the Orion Service window; an information box, showing e.g. the channel for the thermostat controller, will appear. If the channel should be changed, click the applicable channel (in the picture example ‘26’) and click the Set channels button. 8. Mark the thermostat controller and click the Permit join button. 9. Right click on the thermostat controller and choose Get user description. Information about the thermostat controller will be shown; see picture to the right. Make sure that - the channel is correct - it says ‘yes’ at ‘Join permitted’ Note: If it does not say ‘yes’ at ‘Join permitted’, click the Permit join button again. September 13, 2012 Page 44 of 50 66 8003 002-8 10. Plug the service cable into the battery thermostat. 11. Choose the Thermostat tab and click the Discovery button. 12. Plug the service cable into the thermostat controller. 13. Choose the Coordinator tab and click Get network. 14. Click the plus sign in front of the thermostat controller; the battery thermostat will appear in the network tree. 15. Right click on the thermostat controller to make sure that it still says ‘yes’ at ‘Join permitted’. 16. Issue a Discovery card in VISIONLINE: - Go to Start/Programs/VisiOnline/ VisiOnline and log on. - Double click on ZigBee configuration under the Cards tab in the navigation window. - Browse to choose a Card holder and enter the applicable No. of days. - At Type, choose ‘Start discovery in ZigBee’. - If applicable, tick the checkbox ‘Print receipt’. - Click Make card and present a card at the encoder. 17. Present the Discovery card at the lock. September 13, 2012 Page 45 of 50 66 8003 002-8 18. In Orion Service, Configure device section: click Get network under the Coordinator tab. 19. Click the plus sign in front of the thermostat controller; the lock will appear in the network tree. 20. Follow the procedure in steps 8-14 and 18-19 to add the motion sensor to the in-room network. 21. Mark the thermostat controller in the Orion Service window and click the Forbid join button. 22. Right click on the thermostat controller and choose Get user description. Make sure that the description says ‘no’ at ‘Join permitted’. September 13, 2012 Page 46 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Enabling EMI events There are two ways to enable that EMI events are sent from the lock: • by presenting an Enable EMI events card at the lock; see section Enabling EMI events via card. • by enabling EMI events from Lock Service; see section Enabling EMI events via Lock Service. For more details about using Lock Service, see Quick reference guide Service PC. Note: Both ways require that the Online option has been set in VISIONLINE. See Setup manual VingCard VISIONLINE for information on how to set an option. Enabling EMI events via card 1. Go to Start/Programs/ VisiOnline/VisiOnline and log on. 2. Double click on ZigBee configuration under the Cards tab in the navigation window. 3. At Card holder, click the button. 4. In the Usersdialog, mark the applicable user and click Select. 5. The Card holder and also the User group will appear in the ZigBee configuration card dialog. 6. Enter the No. of days; the Expiration time will automatically fill in. 7. At Type, choose ‘Enable EMI events’ in the drop-down-menu. 8. If applicable, tick the checkbox Print receipt. 9. Click Make card. 10. Present a card at the encoder. 11. Present the Enable EMI events card at the lock. September 13, 2012 Page 47 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Enabling EMI events via Lock Service 1. Go to Start/Programs/ Lock Service/Lock Service. 2. Choose Configure lock in the left pane of the Lock Service window. 3. In the drop-down-menu, choose ‘Enable EMI events’. 4. Plug the applicable service cable into the lock (may be another service cable than 205 999 005 depending on lock type) and click the Set button in Lock Service. Checking EMI events in Lock Service 1. Choose Parameters in the left pane of the Lock Service window. 2. Make sure that ‘EMI events’ is shown under the General tab. Logging EMI events in Orion Service If desired: 1. Provoke some EMI events in the lock, e.g. ‘Door closed’ and ‘Motion detected’. 2. Go to Start/Programs/ Orion Service/Orion Service. 3. Choose Log under the Readout section in the left pane; choose the applicable No. of events. 4. Plug the service cable into either the wired thermostat or the thermostat controller, depending on configuration. 5. Click the Readout button in Orion Service. 6. Ensure that the door and motion events (e.g. ‘Door closed’ and ‘Motion detected’) are logged as in the example picture to the right. September 13, 2012 Page 48 of 50 66 8003 002-8 Revision history Date Change By August 19, 2010 November 15, 2010 July 5, 2011 Initial version ‘Configure device’ in Orion Service modified • Information about thermostat controller added • Information about service indicators added • Appendix about Orion Service connections added • Appendix about configuration in offline scenarios added • Logotypes changed • Information about commissioning when thermostat controller is used has been added • Section about Recommended wire specification modified due to requirements for UL certification • Picture in section Line to low voltage conversion exchanged due to requirements for UL certification • Added reference to Upgrading an RFID lock for an Orion EMS offline scenario for information about what firmware to use in different configurations • Added information about RF door switch • Modified the section Commissioning the system; use the Thermostat tab also for battery thermostats • Added information to Appendix C: Configuration in offline scenario: - configuration pictures - how to enable and log EMI events in locks • Updated to match Orion Service 1.2.0 • Info added to chapter 1 General about the number of Orion EMS devices that each room number can have a certain number of Orion EMS devices • Clarified about V+ in section 3.3 • Clarified about V+ and signal inputs in section 4.1 • Added section 4.1.1 about RS-485 interface • Removed information about USB Xpress in Appendix A KG KG KG October 6, 2011 October 20, 2011 February 16, 2012 June 5, 2012 July 5, 2012 September 13, 2012 September 13, 2012 Page 49 of 50 KG KG KG KG KG KG 66 8003 002-8 Asia / Pacific: E-mail: Phone: +65 67 48 7 227 Europe / Middle East / Africa: E-mail: Phone: +47 69 24 50 00 Latin America: E-mail: Phone: +52 55 36 40 12 14 North America: E-mail: Phone: +1 972 907 2273 VingCard Elsafe – P.O. Box 511 – 1522 Moss – Norway – Phone: +47 69 24 50 00 | Provider of: VingCard Locks & Systems | Elsafe Safes | Orion EMS | PolarBar Minibars Specifications may change without notice FCC STATEMENT 1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
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