Kid Karts  Kart Manager   Service  Manual     Cabco Group Ltd Private Box 302 839 North Harbour Auckland, New Zealand  Telephone 1800 317 0392 Email:  All information  and images contained herein © Cabco Group Ltd
 2Index    Page •  General operation and “How to Use”  3 •  Cleaning 4 •  Cash Clearance  4 •  Battery Changing  4 •  Float Reimbursement  4 •  Hire Problems  5 - 6 •  Problems at end of hire  7 •  Problems in the store  8 •  Non-Standard problems  9 •  Functions of rear boot LED lights  10 - 12 •  Forms - Cash Clearance  attached in plastic sleeve •  Forms – Incident Report  attached in plastic sleeve •  Forms – Callout Report  attached in plastic sleeve •  Forms – Store Float   attached in plastic sleeve •  Store Handout – Staff Information  attached in plastic sleeve
 3General Operation   General  Karts are hired for $1 by customers and can be used for as long as they need before customers take them through the checkout.  Once through the checkout the brakes will automatically apply ready for the next customer.     Hire  Customers put $1 in notes into the Kart Pay Station then use the arrow buttons to select the number of the Kart they wish to use.  The Kart will automatically release the brakes and music and stories will start playing for the children inside the Kart.     Finish  The brakes will apply five minutes after the Kart clears the checkout.  The brake can be released by store staff by pushing the brake release button and holding it for 4 seconds.  The Kart cannot be taken outside the store.
 4Kart Manager – Responsibilities   Introduction  Karts require servicing either weekly or twice-weekly and this is a critical component of the Kart program.  This service is not only checking and cleaning the Kart, but it’s contact with store staff who handle our customers directly.  Ensuring that shop staff are happy is a critical part of this job!  No unauthorised modifications to the equipment are allowed.   Such modifications may cause radio and television interference which could void the users authority to operate this equipment.  Summary  Cleaning  Karts need daily cleaning!  Shop staff should clear debris daily, but    you need to clean Karts thoroughly on every visit.  Pay particular    attention to the children’s seating area, including dashboard and    steering wheel.  Cleaning should take only 5 minutes per Kart.   Cash Clearance  Clear cash on a weekly basis.  Please complete the Cash Clearance    Form and reconcile to actual cash.  Please do not hold onto cash    for more than a few hours.  Bank into our account asap, then fax    or email form to Cabco once per week.   Battery  Kart batteries need to be changed every 3 to 4 days.  Therefore this   needs to be done twice per week.  Changing is either by swapping    batteries with the recharged batteries in the station.   Store Float  Please call at checkout/service centre on each trip to ensure that    there are no problems with the Karts and whether their store float    needs reimbursement.  Use notes cleared from the Pay Station to    top up the store’s float where necessary.  Please note consistent    errors and if necessary follow up complaints an Kart issues.
 5Problems   Hire Problems  (i)  Coin / Note Jam  -  unlock holder   -  unit will split at the top and show the note track  -  extract debris or jammed notes, then put a note through the system to check the slide is clear, then reinstate   (ii)  Pay Station rejects coins / notes  -  check path of notes is clear at back  -  test on alternate notes   -  reset system by turning power off for 5 seconds  - check dipswitch   (iii)  Pay Station won’t accept coins / notes  -  check power is on by looking at screen … is it on?  -  check all connections are in place and “power” light is on  -  turn system off at wall, wait 5 seconds, then turn back on to reset the system  -  review LCD screen to check for errors
 6    (iv)  Pay Station rejects Kart selection and asks for another, when it appears to be available  -  problem is likely to be linked to the radio system       there are two scenarios:  scenario 1 -  Kart does not turn on (and music does not start)  - check that rear Kart light is on  -  Ensure Kart is turned “on”, then reset Kart by disconnecting power     at Kart for 5 seconds, then reconnect.    - Check fuse in slot container off the battery connection – 10 amp.    - Problem is likely to be radio, reset Kart, then reset Pay Station   scenario 2 – Kart turns on but does not send return signal    - Check aerial in Pay Station   (v)  Kart selected does not activate (i.e. no music/ no lights)  -  check that right Kart is selected  -  check that Kart has no warning lights on – if no lights on, check fuses then connections   (vi)  Kart selected, music starts but brakes won’t release  -  brakes are locked on due to pressure  -  release pressure on Kart and rock Kart gently – brakes should release
 7   Problems at end of hire     (i)  Brake release does not work  -  check that release is not jammed on  -  turn Kart off for 10 seconds, then on and retest   (ii)  Brake does not apply  -  check that alarm light is lit on both sides  -  retest with side light   (iii)  Music doesn’t cut off  - reset power
 8   Problems in the store   (i)  Brakes apply in the store  -  check that rapid green flash is not going – if it is, customer hasn’t paid and   has got the Kart going by using the brake release button and pressed it 3   times.   -  check that slow green flash is not going – if it is, customer has not paid  and taken Kart before the brake has had time to apply from the previous customer  -  if lights are solid green or off - ask customer if brake sequence counted down,   in which case alarm has been tripped by another Kart passing in the aisle,    or by an unusually reflective surface  -  if alarm has gone on abruptly, could be power failure in Kart due to static electricity or system failure   (ii) Music stops  -  check connections on MP3  -  restart and test computer and music
 9Other non-standard Problems    (i)  Kart is damaged    (ii)  Kart is stolen    (iii)  Kart Pay Station is broken into    (iv)  Batteries do not charge sufficiently    (v)  Customer has an injury     With all non-standard problems, the key issue is …  -   as quickly as possible report the situation to Kart Service and if needed to the store management and to authorities  -  record all pertinent facts and take names and contact numbers from relevant staff
 10Functions of Rear Boot LEDS  Warning light and Green light Errors do not prevent acceptance of tokens and cab hire.     RED LIGHT OFF  If green light is on then battery is OK. If green light is out then battery is totally flat.  Rapid flash  Battery voltage is low. Coins will be rejected, . If notes were inserted before the rapid flashing started then these stories will continue to be played. Steady  Battery is nearly flat. The computer has shut down. Single slow flash  Error 1 - Sound was not detected from the mp3 player. Two flashes  Error 2 - Token reader obstructed Three flashes  Error 3 - Brake error.  Four flashes  Error 4 -. Error writing to Eprom chip    GREEN LIGHT (MONEY) OFF  Battery totally flat Steady  Kab is ready to go and can accept money Slow flash  Has had its side sensor triggered within the last hour. Rapid flash  For 10 minutes after brake release button pressed.

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