Caben Asia Pacific 04979661759RTX Remote Controlled Toy - Transmitter User Manual Manual

Caben Asia Pacific Ltd. Remote Controlled Toy - Transmitter Manual


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Document ID1109724
Application IDzO4YtGI+gpQ06d3hVEIdmQ==
Document DescriptionManual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize23.53kB (294150 bits)
Date Submitted2009-05-13 00:00:00
Date Available2009-05-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-05-06 13:35:27
Producing SoftwareCanon iR C5185 PDF
Document Lastmod2009-05-06 13:36:14
Document TitleManual
Document CreatorCanon iR C5185 PDF

Billy FunWheels
Bitly Bigwheels
Age: From 2 yuars +
Pleasuend mm inwuctlons mmny balm use and keep mam for Mme Mame
‘ Yhe a. .s pvweved by ‘ x ‘AA” H van alkaline lype hinenex, wmle m remote (omml mm
requires 3 l mu" LS Von anuune «we banana; Tm Bauulés are nn! uncludld
Fnryow (mla‘: safety
Edam we remove and dwspose or any plastvc bags and any om. packaging (a g, hsmuus, llxmg
m, em) and mum,» ml 00 mm nfdmam
cum mewyuguleny luv xxgnsotwaarand damage Should any pan. be visibly dzmagzd‘ dn no!
use and keep on: a: reach n! chfldrar
- m. mu touch me whaelx aim vemde whm m mwemem
» Do rm use me my an m load
- on not use me my an wen may urdusly snlhu:
- Do not km the toy or female comm mar saunas 0! heat
m “mama-n; 5! me lay can be enema w Inlen‘emnce m m. mum mono! caused by (he
mum” on (lmullaflemx uten’twovehizles wim me same (mummy, nzghxensmn cahlas. my
vmu‘euimlwwn, urn-n lypuofbmmmgwrwalls. elenmmagnulznullnnofl. the present: av
542ml: ammo hymn" eqmpmml
me ramole (much has an mum range 0! appraxnmalely 1 mums (mi; distance mum be mum
veduced due w envlrwmemal commons)
YWCI ' . Di“ l
n ONIOFstncMI/O) 4) maahgms
z) mevycompanmenruwu 5) Reamer-u
;) 0mm mung selected
lemon Control; Ding, c ml» D
5| forwavdbuuon |O]ONIOFst1(ch(I/0)
7) Reversebunnn u) Sanelymmpnnmenlmvu
a) Hombuum
9) Dureniuniminmrs
lrmmwcnou to ms vow
a. ly Ev] When; i; a remake cmlml car that mm m V] m dvvtmw lwald “mm. mm
“my“. lerwald Iefi‘, Vovward ngm, (mm [m and mmmgm
Thank; to as simple, easy m use 4mm; mmmandx, m min: an be um by m ym am and
unwwd Al mus age. (he child can neg." m use me remuu mm b, simply mum; m Imwrd
and muse mums. and walcnm; me dueamn m w um m; amuse u my nmnmanl be.
(aux! it allmvs lne enno to extend ns nelu acumen and oeuelop us eyzvnind (neardlnauul slllle
Funhermnle,|.he velnele (in be slatted by umplyuunmglne Yemu (ml as ll it was a drmng
wneel. wnlen makes lne my easler and mole run to use.
fly ene age ufuuee. me (hvld leams (0 15mm! me unenlon selected wnn lne vamole control unn
wnn lne elm pvlmuud (enlrespona-ng lo lne mouemenl olbhe my), In me oeynnlng. me duld
[cams lo eonuol lne loy (iv unul n men an obstacle Al a later slug il lealns la (osnldlnam
wee-my me conen me oi the lemole control unit to ameue me desued direclinn
new“: usnu: rov
| Swnthmmzroyb/posmnmneme ONIOFF swncn (dug n-ll loaned llmterlhuvy, to!
z. awnen on the mole ennnol, by posmonlng me ONIOFF swncn lever (ding. D40], loaned
undemenln. m I
z. mnale the ml by onesslng lne olnlons on me Inmate (nutml‘ me remote eonuol has two
nununsme rorlne rolwnm anecuon (mag 5-5) and unefarrevvuse (diag on
a. To sun we (a: [want thevightotlekmmp'y “Sttel' use remose wflllnlmme "g"! m len-
hind slde.
5 ln lhe lulwam sunlgm gear. lne neaaugnls swim. on man; 5-4). conuensely. lne NB! llgms
swllth m m the mam gm [drag 9-5]
6 My wneels males use may of a real Engine whm n atcelerares ul me lalwald gean and
sounds a mmlng signal I" reverse
7 wnenlz lifleeved lolnemnlollelune lndlcalmslotamdw Iheremouzomml (diag c-9l
are llununeled mordlngmthg memo uueenon
a Presslng me cenuzl ounun nl me [email eon-fol (on; c-s) inn/ales me ham and all me
lronlana we! luv-u ugnx up,
9 MIN use, always swncn olilne lay on (slag A4) and remove conslolmlag D-|0)l oos‘ru'oning
hum swltchex on o
“ll-fin; n.- Dlnfilon Smln‘s
lr me (a dues no! malnlo‘ln a mum direulan whul the lolwunl mnlgm button ls 915594 (dine
c-s), me alleclion can be coneaeo by zdjusnng (ht seleelof (dlag A—l), Inuud underneath me
car, one now- a! a Lune
~ Banenes musl nnly be ruled by an mull.
. Ya leplace spenl oauenes loosen lne screw on me Dinerymmpanmenl "army enmee snown
on me producl) closelne balmy twat. andrlgllen lne mew
an; A-uur remote control seedlag, DJ” with a screwdriver, remoue me wanna spent
omenes. (new oauerles, ensurlng am my have been fined the eonecl polamy
(as shown on the prowl). Close lne balmy cover. and nynen the mew
4 only use alkaline batlefies or the same we orequlvalen: to me type recumrunded'or me
when nlnenlon M [Ms product
~ szernnx new and em on dlfleven: zyoesal banenes
e Always keep baneries andlwlsuulofrea‘h olcnlldren
4 Do not shell—cilcullme battery terminals
~ Always mum/e spent banana 1mm me my to “Old me dangzr nl leakage from me bil-
lzry damaging Ihe pmducl
~ Alwayx lemme bauenes ll me my wlII not be um! 104 a long wind chime
- Rem! the binaries 1mm me my and lemme (nunnl helm dlspoxal
- Do nul bum 014m» al spem banenes mm me emuonmenl Dispose bl them a: an air
pupil-(e drlltmllmrd wllxuon palm
- In me case M leakage. replace me batteries Immtdlzlely, rakmg mu in (lean me ballery
emaanml and (a wash your hands. A (hey have come mm ewau with me balmy
. me me at lechugnble bluenes eould lmpan the [0/5 functionality.
- ll lethalgnble ballenenle used, lake lbem ouwl me wy before recharglnglhem Bauer?
Ill mun always be rechalgtd under adull wpemmn
~ the my has Ml been deslgned id npelile Wllh replaeeable lithium batteries WARNING:
An incorven use could be dangunus
me mused bl" symbol on me appliance IMlGIEX lhal me plbdutl. al me end
0! is l-le. mm be disposed oi separalely lrom damesne wam. mm by mung
— u m a (flame wane disposal me 70! elecmc and alemomt appliintes 0! by
rel-mung 1! lo you! dealev wen you my mother slmllll appllance me use: is iewonsmle
an uklrlg we app|iallu m a Small wane disposal me a! me end bl ll; l-le ll me disused
apphaM! u collecied (enemy is sepame wane. a can be mtycled, vealed and dlspmd
n! ecologlully, my; avonj; a Mpxwe man on both me envlronmenl and hump and cm-
mbules (awards me laydlng at (he prom/(K‘s malenal; Fol umber lnlnmunon Icgardln‘
me want dl‘posal yew-(es available. mm you! local wine dispersal agency ar lhc shnp
what: you Dough! me zvpllance
~ clean the toy with a soft cloth
~ Protect the toy nom shocks, heat, out, sand, homldny and water
Yhis Mm complins h pm 15 Gillie FCC Ruhsr
Operation is subject to the louowmg two conditions
l This deuice may rm cause harnuul interference. ma
2 this device must accept any rnterierence received. ineludrtg intenerence (ha! may eause
undesired operation
Changes or modifications not expressly appnwed by the party responslble tor soropltance
could void the usef’x authority to operate the equipment
lhls product has been tested and round [a romply with the hunts for a ciass a digital device,
pursuant to Pin 15 oi the Fcc Rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable prabee
tion agalnsl harmlul interierenee in a resioen lmsullation
This product generates, uses and tan radiate radio irequency energy If not installed and used
tn accordance with the instructions, may cause harmlul interierence to radio tommumca-
Dons However, there rs no guarantee that lntenerenee wrll not occur tn a particular insta—
lation. lirhis prodoetdcestause harmful interierence to radio brteievlsion reception, which
can be determined bytunring the equipment 01! and on,
Please try to correct the interlerence by one of the iotldwrng measures
a) Reorlenl or relocate the receiving antenna;
b) lncrease the separatron between the equipment and reeelver.
c) connect the eotnpment into an outiet on a circuit dinerent tram that to which the re-
u‘wer is connected;
0) Consult the dealer or an experienced mid/Ntechruetan for heu:
ARTSANA rmeryes tne rrght to modify the contents ol these instructions at any nine and
Without prior notice
The reproduction, tramrmsmn, copying, as well as the translation into another language,
or any pan at these instructions, are absolutely ldrbidden Without the preurous written 30-
thoriration by ARTSANA
Made m china
Billy FunWheels
Amara S.pA. - V1: Saldirini Caulk)! - Glindalt - Como - Italy - Mad! in China
cod 46 oeussfimwo

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.4
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2009:05:06 13:36:14+08:00
Create Date                     : 2009:05:06 13:35:27+08:00
Creator                         : Canon iR C5185  PDF
Producer                        : Canon iR C5185  PDF
Page Count                      : 8
Mod Date                        : 2009:05:06 13:36:14+08:00
Creation Date                   : 2009:05:06 13:35:27+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2009:05:06 13:36:14+08:00
Has XFA                         : No
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: MVH04979661759RTX

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