Canon Imagerunner Advance C5235 Product Brochure C5255/C5250/C5240/C5235
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O ce
multifunction printer
compact design
color/black and white

Busy workgroups
that demand
outstanding e ciency
Designed for
Standard Features
Color/Black and White
Print up to 55 ppm (BW), 51 ppm (Color); Letter
Up to 12" x 18"
5,000-sheet maximum capacity
Scan up to 120/120 ipm single-pass duplex*
Flexible in-line fi nishing options
Scan directly to Microsoft® Word, PowerPoint®,
and Searchable PDF formats
Hard Disk Drive Lock and Erase, IPsec
* Single-pass duplex available only
on the imageRUNNER ADVANCE
C5255/C5250 models.

Simply advanced.
An exceptionally intuitive, simple-to-use interface
puts access to all functions right at your fi ngertips,
whether at the device or at your desktop.
A touch of a button on the user interface lets you access,
scan to, or print directly from, certain cloud applications.
The imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5200 Series transforms workfl ow from a series of
individual processes to an integrated fl ow of shared information. A beautifully compact
communications hub, this Series can drive your organization to new levels of performance
and productivity. From every point of view, these models are simply advanced.
Advanced technology and expansive enterprise applications
work seamlessly with your device to deliver exceptional results.
Get noticed with high-impact color or
crisp black-and-white output, all delivered
with amazing speed.
Even on the go, you’re in control. Print from a laptop, tablet,
or smartphone to an imageRUNNER ADVANCE system.
Multilayered solutions safeguard confi dential information
and support security compliance with certain options.

Advanced Design
Handy tutorials
Quickly access simple
step-by-step instructions
right on the user interface.
The imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5200 Series helps each user accomplish every task
with outstanding ease. A center of extraordinary productivity, these models are simple
to personalize, creating a truly customized way to work.
Simple to use.
Very people-centric.
A smart, intuitive interface
The imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5200 Series is
designed with you in mind. With an impressive
range of customizable, simple-to-use, stream-
lined features, these models let everyone work
smarter and faster. With a large, full-color, high-
resolution 8.4 TFT screen, users can easily
view all information.
Organize the on-screen
buttons to fi t the way you
work by determining their
number, size, and layout.
Display your own logo or
special graphic as a screen
background—even export
your chosen background to
other devices.
The optional Web browser
lets you go online directly
from the device control
panel. Just enter a URL
to browse pages. Easily
output online PDFs.
Two menus
Press the Main Menu key
for instant access to
business-ready functions.
Use the Quick Menu to
power productivity by
combining and accessing
routine tasks at the touch
of a button.
Handy tutorials
Quickly access simple

* Available only on the imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5255/C5250 models.
Engineered for adaptability
These intelligent systems help you achieve your goals now and in the
future. With the ability to smoothly integrate hardware and software
solutions, the imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5200 Series lets you person-
alize applications to meet your organization’s changing needs. And it’s
highly fl exible, so you can easily add to, or update, your system with the
quick deployment of settings and applications across your enterprise.
Designed for ease
Thoughtful details such as a light under the automatic document
feeder* and an optional USB keyboard allow you to work more
comfortably. Toner bottles can be replaced with minimal e ort,
and paper drawers spring open at the touch of a button.
ADF Light USB Keyboard Easy Toner Access One-button Paper Access
Walk-up convenience
Easily scan to, or print from, a USB thumb drive. Expand
connectivity options to include memory media, such as an
SD card or CompactFlash card. Even browse folders and
rename fi les.
A consistent experience
No matter which imageRUNNER ADVANCE device you use,
you’ll enjoy a consistent, simple-to-use experience, as all models
in the Series use the same interface and print driver.

Print Options
Canon’s proprietary UFR II print
technology is standard with these
models. Options including Adobe®
PostScript® 3™ and PCL 5c/6 are
also supported.
Job and Color
Management Tools
Enhance print productivity for
multiuser, color-intensive environ-
ments with Canon’s imagePASS and
ColorPASS* print controllers.
Canon’s Driver Confi guration Tool
allows you to set specifi c defaults
and custom profi les.
You can control costs and enhance
security by implementing features
such as allowing only black-and-white
and/or secured printing.
Powerful connections.
Seamless integration.
A powerful digital communications center, the imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5200 Series
integrates enterprise applications, connects to the cloud, and gives you the freedom
to work from wherever you are, e ciently and easily.
Extensive Print Solutions
On the go
In an increasingly mobile world, people need the ability to work remotely
while maintaining their productivity. Now Canon delivers advanced solutions
that keep work fl owing e ortlessly from wherever you are.
Mobile devices
Print from, and scan to, your
laptop, iPad® or AndroidTM
tablet, and iPhone®,
Android, or BlackBerry®
smartphone. Access an
device to retrieve your job.
Cloud portal
Gain quick access to
certain cloud-based
applications right from
ADVANCE device. Access
or send documents
directly from the cloud.
Advanced Anywhere Print
This serverless solution lets
you print to a connected
system, then conveniently
and securely log-in at any
supported device on the
network to view and retrieve
your print job.
* Available only on the
Advanced Workfl ow

Right from your PC
Enjoy even greater control and convenience right from your
PC. Use the new imageRUNNER ADVANCE Quick Printing Tool
to print, fax, preview, and convert fi les to PDFs, as well as
monitor the status of your system —all without even opening
an application. imageRUNNER ADVANCE Desktop lets you
manage and prepare documents, combine multiple formats,
preview fi les, and select the fi nishing functions.
Easy collaboration
Single-step operation
Transform time-consuming, multistep tasks into a simple,
single-step operation. Use Workfl ow Composer to create
all-in-one buttons that can be registered in the Quick Menu.
Scan and distribute documents with the touch of one button.
Fax documents
These models support up to four
fax lines and the ability to share the
fax function of another networked
imageRUNNER ADVANCE model.
The Job Forwarding feature routes
incoming faxes to other systems,
users, or destinations, including the
Advanced Box fi le-sharing space.
Distribute documents
Distribute scanned documents to multiple
destinations, such as e-mail and fax
addresses and network folders all in a single
step. Now you can scan and convert documents
directly into Microsoft® Word, Microsoft
PowerPoint®, or Searchable PDF format.
Universal Send supports an expanded range
of fi le formats, including High Compression
PDF/XPS, Adobe PDF Reader Extensions,
PDF/a, and Encrypted PDF.
Scan and store documents
Designed to streamline workfl ow, these
models let you easily save, store, and
access scanned documents from multiple
locations. Store in built-in spaces such as
Mail Box and Advanced Box, or external
spaces such as memory media or another
networked location.
Single-step operation
Transform time-consuming, multistep tasks into a simple,
single-step operation. Use Workfl ow Composer to create
all-in-one buttons that can be registered in the Quick Menu.
Scan and distribute documents with the touch of one button.
Integrate your imaging with enterprise applications
Canon’s Enterprise Imaging Platform middleware technology e ortlessly links
enterprise applications, such as Oracle® and SAP®, with Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) systems like®, ECM systems, and many others.
The streamlined workfl ow automates complex business processes and o ers
easy access to information, saving both time and money.

Security Features
Document Security
• Document Scan Lock and Tracking
• Adobe® LiveCycle® Rights Management
ES2.5 Integration
• Encrypted Secured Print
• Watermark/Secure Watermark
• Copy Set Numbering
• Encrypted PDF
• Digital Signature PDF
• Fax Forwarding
• Fax Destination Confi rmation
Mail Server Security
• POP Authentication before SMTP
• SMTP Authentication
Network Security
• IP/MAC Address Filtering
– Port Filtering
• SSL Encryption
• Network Application On/O
• USB Port On/O
• Destination Restriction
• IPsec
• IEEE802.1X (Wire/Wireless)
Device Security
• IEEE2600.1 Certifi cation
Data Security
• HDD Lock
• Trusted Platform Module
• HDD Data Erase and Initialize
• HDD Data Erase Scheduler
• HDD Encryption
• Advanced Box Security
• Mail Box Password Protection
• Job Log Conceal
• Removable Hard Disk Drive
Logging/Auditing Security
• imageWARE Secure Audit
Manager Express
• Department ID/Control Card Systems
• Device Level Log-in (SSO-H)
• Access Management System (AMS)
• Function Level Log-in via AMS
• Authorized Send
• Common Access Card (AA-CAC)
• Universal Login Manager
Note: Some features may be optional.
Safeguard data
From installation to retirement, this Series
o ers multilayered solutions to help
information and support security compliance.
HDD Erase, a standard feature, removes latent
images after each task to help safeguard your
information during use and at end of life. A
security chip with tamper-resistant hardware
helps protect passwords and encryption keys.
IPsec provides security
for data as it traverses
the network.
Secure authentication
With the need to keep data secure,
busy workgroups will appreciate the
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Series’
serverless print environment. Users can
print from anywhere within the network
to any connected device via log-in
authentication. This helps prevent printed
documents from being left unattended.
Powerful command
Canon’s device management tools keep you
in charge at every step, right from your
desktop or through the cloud. Easily install and
replace devices, migrate settings and data to
new ones, and distribute applications and
settings across your network. The intuitive
Remote User Interface lets you monitor a
single device, while imageWARE Enterprise
Management Console lets you track the
activity of an entire fl eet. Even receive
automated notifi cations when supplies
are low or service is needed.
Maximize resources
These systems o er advanced tools to help
you track, manage, and infl uence user
behavior. Solutions such as uniFLOW analyze
color output, encourage double-sided printing,
and allocate costs by department, project, or
client. Route jobs to the most cost-e ective
device, and get alerts when supplies are low.
In today’s networked world, you need greater control over your resources and data.
The imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5200 Series delivers just that with the ability to confi gure
a system, safeguard information, and track resources, right at your fi ngertips.
Robust security.
Centralized management.
Advanced Control

Standout quality.
Outstanding reliability.
Accomplish multiple tasks with impressive speed, produce
professional-quality documents, and seamlessly link to business
applications—all with performance you can count on.
Make a great impression
Produce professional-quality presentations,
reports, and newsletters in-house. Canon’s
state-of-the-art imaging technology and
toner ensure that image quality is stunning.
You can easily generate accurate, high-
impact color or crisp black-and-white
results on demand. Canon’s proprietary
ZIMA chip technology o ers superb,
high-quality copies. And with fl exible
fi nishing capabilities, you’ll be ready
for every opportunity.
Lots of uptime
Canon incorporates its signature reliability
into every imageRUNNER ADVANCE Series
model. Status notifi cations keep you ahead
of the game, and toner can even be
replaced on the fl y. If the correct paper for
a job is unavailable, the system begins the
next job without delay. And with access
to the latest technology and simple, clear
upgrades, you can power through your
tasks, giving you more time to devote
to other business areas.
Targeted, integrated solutions
With its brilliant architecture, the imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5200 Series o ers true person-
alization, allowing you to gather, organize, and disseminate information to meet your
unique challenges. Canon’s innovative MEAP® platform lets you develop custom solutions
to meet specifi c workfl ow needs. And new levels of connector and link support enhance
communication with existing systems as well as those you may acquire in the future.
Powerful operation
Accomplish multiple tasks concurrently
with the speed your work demands.
These models have two dedicated
processors that work together to
accomplish multiple tasks simultane-
ously. And Quick Startup mode mini-
mizes start-up time, so devices start
up promptly to keep you working
with outstanding e ciency.
Advanced Performance

It’s all about a brighter, greener future. The imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5200 Series
incorporates innovative, eco-conscious solutions that keep your business operating
e ciently while helping to reduce your environmental footprint.
Strong commitment.
Eco-conscious solutions.
A responsible way to work
Canon knows that the world and the workplace need a greener
workfl ow. The imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5200 Series, registered in
EPEAT®, delivers just that. Now organizations can seamlessly share
and distribute digital documents and preview fi les to make changes
prior to printing, helping to reduce the use of paper and toner. Print
drivers are automatically set for duplex, encouraging two-sided
printing to reduce waste. And with Secure Print, documents are sent
to a device but aren’t printed until a password is entered, contributing
to a reduction in
paper waste.
A clear strategy
Eco-conscious design
Canon is making a di erence through
creative, ecological thinking. These
imageRUNNER ADVANCE models
employ certain components that are
made with recycled plastic from
retired products. And, Canon’s
green technologies also
include bio-based plastic, a plant-
derived compound that replaces
certain petroleum-based plastic parts.
Reduction of CO2 emissions
Through its Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA) System, Canon has lowered CO2
emissions by focusing on each stage of
the product life cycle, including manu-
facturing, energy use, and logistics.
These products are designed to be the
smallest and lightest in their class, with
less packaging, to make transportation
more e cient.
Minimize Environmental Impact
All suppliers are required to meet
Canon’s stringent Green Procurement
policy and environmental terms. This
helps Canon exceed the toughest
global standards set by the EU RoHS
Directive, which restrict the use of
certain hazardous substances.
Greater energy e ciency
From the inside out, the imageRUNNER
ADVANCE C5200 Series is designed
for high-energy e ciency and stellar
performance. The combination of our
fusing technologies and pQ toner helps
lower overall energy consumption by
minimizing power requirements and
reducing energy use during warm-up
and standby. With advanced technolo-
gies present in each model, the Series
meets ENERGY STAR® standards.
Advanced Responsibility

imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5255/C5250/C5240/C5235
Customized for your work environment
Accessibility Options
Remote Operators’ Software Kit-B1
Voice Operation Kit-C2
Voice Guidance Kit-F2
Braille Label Kit
ADF Access Handle-A1
*300-sheet capacity when Additional Tray-A1 is attached.
** External 2/3-Hole Puncher-B2 can only be installed with
either the Staple Finisher-J1 or Booklet Finisher-J1.
*** UFR II standard.
† Available on imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5255 only.
Note: For additional options and specifi cations,
please refer to the back page.
Printer Options***
PCL Printer Kit-AR1
PS Printer Kit-AR1
Direct Print Kit (for PDF/XPS)-H1
• Intel® Pentium Dual CoreTM E5300
2.6GHz Processor
• 2GB RAM standard
• 160GB Hard Disk
• Adobe PS 3/PCL 5c/ PCL 6
• Intel® CoreTM i5 660
3.33GHz Processor
• 2GB RAM standard
• 500GB Hard Disk
• Adobe PS 3/PCL 5c/PCL 6
C Cassette Feeding
• 550-sheet x 2-cassette
• 14 lb. Bond to 80 lb. Cover
• Supports up to 12" x 18"
D Paper Deck
• 2,700-sheet capacity
• 14 lb. Bond to 28 lb. Bond
• Supports letter-sized paper
Envelope Feeder
• 50-sheet capacity
• Supports COM10 No.10,
Monarch, DL, ISO-B5, ISO-C5
Other Paper Feeding Options
Tab Feeding Attachment Kit-B1
Cabinet Type-B1
Security Options
Universal Send Security Feature Set-D1
Universal Send Digital User
Signature Kit-C1
Encrypted Secure Print-D1
Secure Watermark-B1
Document Scan Lock Kit-B1
HDD Data Erase Scheduler
HDD Data Encryption and Mirroring Kit-C1
Removable HDD Kit-AC1
ABooklet Finisher-J1
• 2-tray, 3,000-sheet
• Corner and double
stapling up to 50
• Booklet-making up
to 16 sheets
Booklet Finisher-J1
Envelope Feeder
Other Finishing Options
Inner 2-way Tray-F1
Copy Tray-J1
Inner Finisher Additional Tray-A1
Finishing Options
Paper Feeding Options
B External 2/3-Hole
• 2- and 3-hole punching
Inner Finisher-E1
• 500-sheet capacity*
• Corner and double
stapling up to 50
Staple Finisher-J1
• 2-tray, 3,000-sheet capacity
• Corner and double stapling
up to 50 sheets

Canon U.S.A., Inc.
One Canon Park
Melville, NY 11747
As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, Canon U.S.A., Inc. has qualified these models as meeting the ENERGY STAR energy efficiency criteria through an EPA
recognized certification body. ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered U.S. marks. CANON, IMAGERUNNER, MEAP, and the GENUINE logo
are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be registered trademarks or trademarks in other countries. IMAGEWARE is a
registered trademark of Canon U.S.A., Inc. in the United States and is a trademark of Canon Inc. in certain other countries. All other referenced product
names and marks are trademarks of their respective owners and hereby acknowledged. Specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
Products are not manufactured for outdoor use; depiction of such is for artistic purposes only. Products shown with optional accessories. Additional
information on software requirements and compatibility is available at All printer output images are simulated. Canon U.S.A. does not
provide legal counsel or regulatory compliance consultancy, including without limitations, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, GLBA, Check 21 or the USA Patriot Act.
Each customer must have its own qualified counsel determine the advisability of a particular solution as it relates to regulatory and statutory compliance.
©2013 Canon U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved.
Federal Law prohibits copying of certain documents. Violators may be subject to penalties. We suggest that you check
with your own legal counsel. Canon U.S.A., Inc. and Canon Canada, Inc. intend to cooperate with Law Enforcement
Agencies in connection with claims of unauthorized copying.
Main Unit
Operation Panel: 8.4" SVGA Full-Color TFT Screen
Standard: 2GB RAM
Maximum: 2.5GB RAM
Hard Disk Drive
Standard: 160GB
Maximum: 1TB
Network Interface Connection
Standard: 1000Base-T/100Base-TX/10Base-T
Optional: Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.1x via third-party adapter)
Other Interface
Standard: USB 2.0 (Host) x 2, USB 2.0 (Device)
Optional: Device Port [USB 2.0 (Host) x 2], Serial Interface
Copy Control Interface
Copy/Print Speed (BW/Color, Letter)
C5255: Up to 55/51 ppm
C5250: Up to 50/45 ppm
C5240: Up to 40/35 ppm
C5235: Up to 35/30 ppm
First-Copy-Out Time (Letter)
C5255/C5250: As fast as 3.9 Sec. (B/W) and 6.0 Sec. (Color)
C5240/C5235: As fast as 5.4 Sec. (B/W) and 8.1 Sec. (Color)
Paper Sources (20 lb. Bond)
Standard: Dual 550-sheet Paper Cassettes,
100-sheet Stack Bypass
Maximum: 5,000 Sheets
Output Paper Capacity (20 lb. Bond)
Standard: 250 Sheets (Inner Tray)
Maximum: 3,250 Sheets (w/Staple Finisher or Booklet Finisher)
Output Paper Sizes
Cassettes: 12" x 18",* 11" x 17",* Legal, Letter, Letter-R,
Statement-R, Executive, Custom Size
(5-1/2" x 7-1/8" to 12" x 18")
Bypass: 12" x 18", 11" x 17", Legal, Letter, Letter-R,
Statement, Statement-R, Executive, Custom Size
(3-7/8" x 5-1/2" to 12-5/8" x 18")
Paper Deck: Letter
Envelope Feeder Attachment (COM10 No.10,
Monarch, DL, ISO-C5),** Tab Feeding Attachment Kit**
Acceptable Paper Weights
Cassettes: 14 lb. Bond to 80 lb. Cover (52 to 220 g/m2)
Bypass: 14 lb. Bond to 140 lb. Index (52 to 256 g/m2)
Warm-up Time
C5255/C5250: From Power On: 31 Seconds, From Sleep: 18 Seconds
Quick Startup Mode: 7 Seconds***
C5240/C5235: From Power On: 31 Seconds, From Sleep: 15 Seconds
Quick Startup Mode: 7 Seconds***
Power Requirements/Plug
C5255/C5250: 120V AC, 60Hz, 20A/NEMA 5-20P
C5240/C5235: 120V AC, 60Hz, 15A/NEMA 5-15P
Dimensions (H x W x D)
C5255/C5250: 37-3/8" x 24-3/8" x 28-1/8" (950mm x 620mm x 715mm)
C5240/C5235: 36-5/8" x 24-3/8" x 28" (931mm x 620mm x 712mm)
Installation Space (W x D)
C5255/C5250: 33-1/2" x 28-1/8" (850mm x 715mm)
C5240/C5235: 33-1/2" x 28" (850mm x 712mm)
C5255/C5250: Approx. 346 lb. (157kg)†
C5240/C5235: Approx. 333 lb. (151kg)†
Toner (Estimated Yield @ 5% Coverage)
C5255/C5250: Black: 44,000 Images, Color (C,M,Y): 38,000 Images
C5240/C5235: Black: 36,000 Images, Color (C,M,Y): 27,000 Images
Document Feeder
Scan Method
C5255/C5250: Single-Pass Duplexing, Automatic Document Feeder
C5240/C5235: Duplex Automatic Document Feeder
Acceptable Originals
Paper Size: 11" x 17", Legal, Letter, Letter-R, Statement,
or Statement-R
Scan Speed (BW/Color; Letter)
C5255/C5250: Simplex: Up to 75/75 ipm (300 dpi)/
Up to 75/51 ipm (600 dpi)
Duplex: Up to 120/120 ipm (300 dpi)/
Up to 75/51 ipm (600 dpi)
C5240/C5235: Simplex: Up to 51/51 ipm (300 dpi)/
Up to 46/46 ipm (600 dpi)/
Duplex: Up to 19.6/19.6 ipm (300 dpi)/
Up to 17.5/17.5 ipm (600 dpi)
Paper Capacity (20 lb. Bond)
C5255/C5250: 150 Sheets
C5240/C5235: 100 Sheets
Print Specifications
Engine Resolution: 1200 x 1200 dpi
PDL Support
Standard: UFR II
Optional: PCL 5c, PCL 6, Adobe PS 3
Print Driver Supported OS
UFR II, PCL 5c/6, Adobe PS 3:
Windows® (XP/Windows Vista®/7/8), Windows Server (2003/2008/
2008 R2/SBS 2011/2012), Windows Terminal Servers, Microsoft®
Clustering Server, Citrix, Macintosh® (OS X 10.5.8 or later, UFR II
and PS 3 only), VMware, SAP (PS and PCL Only)
Direct Print Support
Standard: TIFF, JPEG
Optional: PDF, XPS††, EPS†††
Universal Send Specifications
Sending Method
E-Mail, I-Fax, File Server (FTP, SMB, WebDAV), Mail Box,
Super G3 Fax (Opt.)
Communication Protocol
E-mail/I-Fax: SMTP, POP3, I-FAX (Simple, Full)
File Format
TIFF, JPEG, PDF, PDF (Compact), PDF (Searchable),
PDF (Apply Policy), PDF (Optimize for Web),
PDF/XPS (OCR), PDF/A-1b, XPS, XPS (Compact),
OOXML (OCR) (.pptx and .docx)
PDF (Trace & Smooth), PDF (Encrypted), PDF/XPS
(Digital Signature), PDF (Reader Extensions)
Fax Specifications
Maximum Number of Connection Lines: 4
Modem Speed
Super G3: 33.6 Kbps
G3: 14.4 Kbps
Compression Method: MH, MR, MMR, JBIG
Sending/Recording Size: Statement to 11" x 17"
Store Specifications
Mail Box (Number supported)
100 User Inboxes, 1 Memory RX Inbox,
50 Confidential Fax Inboxes
Advanced Box
Disk Space:
Approx. 15GB (Standard HDD),
Approx. 629GB (1TB HDD)
Protocol: SMB or WebDAV
Client PC: Windows® (Windows 2000/XP/Windows Vista®/7/8)
Memory Media
Standard: USB Memory
Optional: SD, SDHC, CompactFlash, Memory Stick, Microdrive
Security Specifications
Department ID Management, Single Sign On-H, Access
Management System (Device and Function Level Log-in),
Secured Print, Trusted Platform Module, User Access Control
of Advanced Box, Mail Box Password Protection, IPV6, Restricting
Features (Restricting the Send Function, Restricting New
Addresses on Address Book), SSL Encrypted Communication,
SNMPv1/v3, MAC/IP Address Port Filtering, SMTP Authentication,
POP Authentication before SMTP, HDD Initialize (Up to 9x), HDD
Erase (Up to 3x), HDD Lock, IPSec, Adobe LiveCycle® Rights
Management ES2.5 Integration
* Not available on top cassette.
** Can be set to Cassette 2 only. Can not install Envelope Feeder Attachment
and Tab Feeding Attachment at same time.
*** If "Quick Startup Settings for Main Power" is set to ON, it takes seven seconds
until the key operation on the touch-panel display is available after turning
on the main power.
† Includes consumables.
†† XPS cannot be printed directly from Web Access Software.
††† EPS can be printed directly only from Remote User Interface.
NOTE: Some accessories require additional equipment or may be prerequisites
for other options. Some accessories cannot be installed simultaneously. Check
with your Canon Authorized Dealer for details.