Cansec Systems RP100 PROXIMITY READER User Manual HID
HID Manual for Radio Module
DEC’231598 13:45 HID CDRF‘URHTIUN 71A SQEHEBIZJ PflQ/M HID CORPORATION subdd-ovyoluo-mnannmym mm Preliminary Document 15May1998 End Item 3533ng 931ian — 4065A Rev A ProxPoint OEM Module Wlegand Reader ammonia" m2 Jemima Rind mafiamm USA “347105051900 (sum 227-1799 rumdnnmsso was: use. 2mm —m.vmx_m- mePwnl oeM Modulewiegnnd runner EM Item summon ans“ “EVA 1 B! DEZfZBleBE 13:45 HZD CDRPURRHDN 714 5991692 123/11 Table Of Contents 1. ProxPoint OEM Module Wiegand Reader - Product Description.. 1.1 Scope .. 1.2 Functional Summary 1.3 Reference Documents 2. Physical Charade ristie 2.1 Product identification. 3 2.2 External Lnlrels.... 2.3 ProxFoinl OEM Module Circuit card men one. 2.4 Product Packaging. 2.4.1 Packaging Nukes .2.5 Cabling Requirements 2.8 Mounting Oonns - ult Card Assembly 2.7 Antenna Design Guidelines.... 2.7.1 Antenna design basis“ 2 12 Antenna iypes ......... , 2,7 3 Elecn'ml Pammeiers for a Stand-alone Anlenna sun 2.7.4 Physmi Ensign ,, 2.7.5 Sample antenna dimension drawing 2.7.5 meimliym Meta 2.7.7 Nnise sources 2.7.8 Antenna Wire Conn uns 2.8 Interface Wire Connections 2.9 Product Configuration/Ordering Options 3. Product Specificatiu ns.. 3.1 Read Distance - TYpicaI, with 1.5” x 3" Antenna coil. 3.2 Envirnnmarml characterisfies. 3.3 Power Requirements -Typical - Depend on cuslnm antenna desln 3.4 Operating Parameters .. 4. Functional Description...... CONN“ ll qwmmm 6.1 Accuracy 4.2 Standard Opium 4.3 Green and Red LED Operation . 4.4 Wingend Message Format. 4.4.1 Wiegand outpulSpecilifilicn . 4.4.2 Physical interface. 4.4.3 Dal: Pulses .- 4.4.4 Example Output 4.4.5 51min angand Configuration coowonomme _______—__._h—.——— mu Gammon m2 Jemima Rm: mine, cuzsrn us». TEL 17109954600 (em; 237-7769 m (in) 5904590 web page. ma mvflnm— PmPninl om Maddie Wigand and" End nun snac‘fiuu‘m IUSSA “EVA 2 m in 1320234595 13:45 HiD CDRPDRATIDN 714 59841699 Rec/11 1. ProxPaint OEM Module Wiegand Reader - Product Description 1.1 Scope This document describes ill: physical chamelerislim, functional requiremenis and ooh/are fealures conuined in lhe mePoinl DEM Module ‘Megand Reader, "also describes the design process necessary lo incorporate an RFID iunclinn inn: 5 OEM applirafian. II also lisls the premier specifications, including performanbfi environmental and operational criteria 1.2 Functional Summary mePoint OEM Module is an OEM product deergned m aneele manufawuers to inlegrale RFID into existing or new non-RFlD products. The hamware is a Vully funcfienel RFID readerw‘rih the acept‘lon of me emerma soil, which is usually custom designed be fit illo the GEMS product. no final assembly that result. from (his integfafioh is not severed by the various regulatory entities, This is the reswnsibmty of lhe Reader inlegraior (DEM) and are lined in lhe seclions below ior reference on hr, The meCand i! (or equivalent) rammed ID cards (transponders) are energized by the Reader The Reader generates a magnefic field by circulating meal il125kHz in an anlenna Whenever the lranspcnder- in me ‘readinne’ it will be eunlirlually sending a stream oi dela w the ReaderThe Reader receives the analog rrequency shill heyeu (isk) dara from lne nanspander and exlmcs (he digiial information using a mieroconlroller. The Readerfmmals and output: in: ID are infarmalizm over mevlnegend interface. The Wlegann interface is a mndard used in the Access Control Indusiry 1.3 Reference Dncumenfi ) UL 294 Access Cenfl’d Specificallon for Underwrilers Laboratories > Sacunly lneuskias Association ZG-Eil Reederlnteflece Slandard > lsc 7811 Standards for ldenliliealion Cards > BZT (Germany) Approval standard ) FCC Code of Federal ' >‘5fi‘(umpmv= lenderd ) CE Mark EMG Standards 2. Physical Characteristics 2.1 Product identification The HID model number is 4055A - for lire ProxPcinl OEM Module Wregand Reader. 2.2 External Labels The Profioinl DEM Module circuit card assembly shall be labeled showing the lollowmg: > Part Number P Date oodelSerial number HAD Gammon BUZJuenlmo Rum mm. meme use m, mqmrm (mo: 131-7755 FAX (TIAMSL‘GEG Web pans. Email -wlmlr,pmrr_pom - Pmfl’nlMOEM Mel-anlndfieaflu End 1m Spodflal‘nn mamas/A gar DECfQSfiEiBE 13:45 HAD CJRPDRRHDN 71a 598116921 RIG/1: 2.3 ProxPuint OEM Module Circuit card dimansiuns Figure l i * Wage-o ‘jJJi 7 LL r?" “in?! ; dug ms me Unless Otherwise Specified Toleranwe: xxx=auzfl 2.4 Product Faukqlng Each unil shall be packed in a stain resistant nagj‘and walked with- > Model number > Date nodalSen'ai number 24.1 Packaging Notes unless arberwisl spec‘med: 1) Configure item 1 (reader druuii card nswmhly) per item 3 (Confuumliun Procedure). 2) Fame Item 1 (compleied Reader circuit ram assembly) in: Item 2 (shipping bag]. 3) Mark item 2 (bag) with Date mda'serial number and Mode number 2.5 Cabling Requirements The unit shall msewviegam Inlariace spoafiufions lor drslancas from fire mnrmllsr up lo 500 fear on 22 AWG wire 2.6 Mounting Options - Circuit Card Assembly The meFoinz DEM Module circuil card assemhiy is mounted lv trustee, holes or fasienérs As appropriale. The physical dimensions and mounting holes Martens data should be used no design this amembiy inln mining or new electromecnanical assembly. 2.7 Antenna Design Guidelines Thereare specific design and mounting requirements regarding [he anhenna 001. The atememeaianmai design or use whole assembiy must a: mined in minim me perfumance 06 an integrated meFaim GEM Moduie RFlD Vinegand reader, The luliuwinq categories will hdp to direct the design process wwarfis a RF“) reader untr- prediciabie and consistent perrermance Gamers usA TEL unissuew (WORM-7759 FMalAjssa-lsgo om Mud-ABM”)! angering rum spam.- 4065AREVA n or DECs23sl953 13:46 HID CDRF‘DRGTIDN 714 SSEHEBZ P 55/11 2.7.1 Antenni design mm The antenna should be designed to mintmu DC resistance. maximize the sell resonant trequehcy. and utilize the conect wire. tooling and manufacturing process so as to minimize pert inconsistencies. Antenna designs are mile at wire that form the inductive part of an L-C circuit that resonates at tzskr-tz. Easlrzlty. the drwit is made up of a mpadlor, which is already lamled on the ProxPoint DEM Module circult mm, and an Inductor. The inductor in this use is rha antenn- oofl, which is customized electnwlly and physically to function in the DEM IlelcifiDn. 2.7.2 Antenna lyp-s Antenna coils can be tahricated in any number at methane. but generally two types are used, including 1.) “fire wound on a bobbin mother support melt-rad or 2) Vtfire wound on a Mute that is then treated to form a “Stand alone“ pan. The 550000 method generally result-B in a consistent, repraduc‘mle panthat is cost effective in rainy low volumes. Atype of magnet wire that has a polybond mating in addition la the insulation is used The means can be heated or soaked in a solvent in such a way as In band all the wire turns together alter curing. A sample design own: type will be uud to show what electrical. material and pmcess parameters will be necessary to prodwe a part that an easily be specified for ProxPotnt DEM Module appltutions. Otheranmnna coil types will use the same electri-l parameters. 2.7.3 Electrical Parameters for a l‘Stand-alone" Antenna coil The finished call should have'the tollowiug parameters specified: inductance 120ml +/- 2% DC reestanoe: 33 ohms nrless Mre gauge: 36 AWG or larger Number otrums' Depends on dimmsicns af coil The inductance is the most impmanr paramemr emptied. It the inductance value is uorrwt the cell will iunctlon in the circuit. “its value shuuid be wilhin 296 oithe numirlsl to maintain eonsstent performance fivrn unit to unit. Machine - wanna coils ghle the must consistent results. The sellmnant fieuuemy is the frequent?! urwhlch the mil inductance will resonate with the distributed rapacltanee present In the wlnmnql. High dlstrlbutnd manhunt; wrll lower the sell remnant frequency of the call. it tnls sett monamfrsquanuy is too low (it should be high compared ta tzskHzl than the antenna Will be Inefficient, Same hcmrs that influence distributed capadrsnce are coils that are wuund too tightly, and wire tint is too fina |l\ gauge. Vlfire gauge and DC resistxnm are directly minted, The Iargerwire gauges resultin lrrwer DC resistance and allow more current to circulate. forming a strunger magnetic field. Usually me gauge rs restricted by the phyaiul diminn avathhle to fitthe antenna out A30 AWG m wed in a 1.51n x 3.0in coil writ usualy resultin a 3m 5 ind: read range (over a EV to 12V Dc hpulmngal. 1.1.4 physical Design To maximize me field, the antenna should be designed as large as possible and stil fit within the constraints of the enclasure. The inside surface area should be maximized. so the windintli Should be grouped tngether in us small a pattern as possible Rater in the following dimension drawing shuwmg a sample coil The winding pattern is contained in a small ,1 25' x .125‘ group. Hmflnrmritidn an: Jumirnflafld lNir-e. cums usq TEL (my see-raw rm) 211-7759 FAX (HATE-WNW Wit? use, E mail nut-Imam!” - meFu'lht DEM Modulewlagmd Rude! End Ikmsflsflfiumn MM REVA 5 at WCf23f19SB 13: 46 MD CDRPDRRHDN 714 sssusaa 1.7.5 sample anxenna dimension drawing Figure 2 ”wanna a are mm——fi J magma ii _r 1.7.8 Proximity to Metal ' ‘ ll an application requires uremia my fifth» ail be lees than ’/1 away from any metallic surface 01 the assembly, the inductance and finer elecfied pammemrfi must march or exceed mu shied values while the antenna is unwanted in its rcprunnlafive location. This will insure mat mePaint GEM Module applicafion will meet the oplimurn perfm’mm, Care must be Iakm to Measure the slaled paramevsfi when lhe coil is removed rrcm the assembly, su ml the newly measured values are used in lesl the partwhen lira manufaoiurlng process is complete, 2.7.7 Noise sources The meFointoEM Module reader assembly is sumnflble lo interference from nuise saunas, Elgar'ml noise can be radiated mmugh the air in the reader or wmiucml min the madervia system Gables. Usually. [I ls low frequency scum «immune pal-lemme by snarlening the mad range. it wise sources are suspewed. lum offthe passinle noise source and verify lne permanence returns lo normal. Rauieleu noise can be suppressed by smeldlng wilh grounded metal between the inlerlerer and me reader circuitry. Conducted nuke can he suppressed by supplying cleaner power (linear supplies are recemmenfled), elimlnellnu shared power armor conditioning lupus wwln added fiilering, consult with HID Corporation curmmennee for furlher technical assistance. 2.1.3 Anlerlnz Wire Gannecflnns The newly designed antenna mnnefls in the Prmeoinz OEM Module zivcun card assembly by soldering lhelinned leads into two eyelets labeled £1 and 52 (see figure 1), HID comm 9:92 Jemnunn Roan IMm,OA9’£Gia USA “1 (714) sumwn (my 2377715: FAX (7105354696 Web page, Email - WWWW mm - Mail! GEM mm;- W'inm Manor End Item anaemia-um REVA 6 cl F.97/Zl. DEC-234999 13:47 HlD CDRPDRQHDN 714 595+16913 REE/11 2.8 Interface Wire Connecfinns Ex Data! 56 Dane Es Ground EA HJC E3 ' Shield Ground El 2.5 Product Configuration/Ordering Opfiuns £955 A z x fi-XXXXX L Cummer Custom Amork or anware Number A 1 through 9, | A through Z l Custamer Calm Number Conrguraflon Dpfinns - see pamgrapn 4,3 (00 svandard) connaainn Options - N = None. F = Std Pigtail Hamaue Options - N = Nane, L = LED Current RMsBon Lemer- change; M upgrades Model Nurmm'dlfis = Fmfiuinl OEM Moduie Wiegand Reader > Standard Part Number = 406MLN00 is a Prnmnink OEM Module Wlegand Reade! With (L)LED installed with (N)Nn mnnecflon uplims. 3. Product Specificatlons 3.1 Read Distance — Typical, with 1.5" x 3" Antenna coil > Non-Metallic Mounung (IGVDC - maximum) 3.0 inches (7 E cm) > Meunled on Metal (1GVDC - maximum) 2 5 Inmes (5 3 Cm) > Nan—Metallic Mounmu (4.75;ch - minimum) 3.0 inches (7,6 cm) > Mounted on Meal (4.75VDC ~ minlmum) 2.5 inane; (6.3 cm) 3.2 Environmental characteristi OS > Operlflng Tempelulnru Range -3a-c Lo 55°C (42°F lo 150>Fy ) Shaman Tompetature Range 40’0 to EN (40°F In 185‘F) > Operating Humidity Range 5% to 9536 non-condemn; > Operan'ng Vibration Limit 174 92le 20-200qu > Opemfing shook um 309. mus, Harf Sine > Weight ,501(12gm5) 3.3 Power Requiremenh - Typical - Depend on custom antenna design > Power supply Lmear ‘ype recommended > Opaah'ng Voltage Range 4.75VDC 715VDC HID celebration sznz Jemnimflw Irvine, use“! LISA TEL(714)50&1EDD (am) 231-1759 fix an; 5054930 Web page. Emma . M W.eun- Pmd’omt OEM Moduli Wham knew End Mm smueuw REVA 7 of DEC-23— 1 993 13147 HID CDRPDPATIDN 714 59E+1EBB HES/11 > Absolute Maximum 15VDG > Peak Gun-ant 4.75VDc (maximum) e am > Peak Current 12VDE (maximum) an m > Peak Current tsvnc (maximum) 69m > Average Current 4,75VDC — 18VDC (maximum mounted on metal) 35m > Average Current 4.75VDC — 18 VDC (maximum, nun—mic mounting) 30m J > Average Current 4.75VDC - 15VDC (nominal, mounted on metal) 23m > Average current475VDc . 15VDC (neminal, nun~metalia mounting) 22m > Traneiem Pmteeu‘on (all terminals.) 8.000 volt; ) Reverse Voltage Protection YES > lnputVolteue {mantimum daleA/t lines) 1SVDC > Input Valhge (maximum lnterfice lines) 16VDC 3.4 Operating Parameters Emitntbn Fremienoj 125m: Duty cycle (alternate power tevel rate) 2056 @1DUmS period Read and Report Speed (25 bit ngand Card) Moms vvvvvvvvv Maximum Cable Distance to Host 500 feet (152 meters) LED Type Blmlared Rad/Green LED Conuul (default) intemallduai Wbegand Dali Pulse Widths (default) AOuS Wyegand Data interval (default) 2mS Anti-Pass Bad: Delay (default) 1 second 4. Functianal Description .. 4.1 Accuracy The unit will not have more than 1 miss-read per 10 million. 4.2 standartl Options LED normliy Red 4.3 Green and Red LED Operation In the standard mode (00), the Reader has a red LED and flashes it to green whenevera card is ream 4.4 Megand Message Format In the “magma format. the ID card is pmgrammad with a specific brt pens" and the Reader aoqurres the data. checks the custnmer mode and generaly sends out the same bit pattern as ptevmsly Dmgrammed on the mm. Consult iaetory for variauons to this method. A 26 bit Wiegand karma! will be used in the examples below. The 26 bits of transmissim from lhe Reader bathe panel consists of two parity em and 24 code bits. The bits are transmitted in me urder described. The first bit transmitted is the first parity bit P1. it is even parily calculated over the first 12 code bits The last bit msmimd Is the second parity bit. P2, it is odd parity mleulaled over the last 12 code bits: Hvarpc-mim mam-1mm Ram! lrwie.l:Am1l usn TEL014)sM-1mo (swam-77's» FAXC'H)59BJSBD ' wwm,m.m,mm-memoeu Moduuwlegsmwemrm SpeofiumnmARB/A Bed in Bat—234998 13:47 HID CDRFDRRTIDN 714 5991632 FAB/£1 > Code Format 00. n», QM“ nu_ a“- cure om— 0-H. 00n— age can 0—17“ (1mm 0mm n.» 00.» genre 3 56759 C CCCGC Format 0a 12 pro ly > Pen‘ ma—t mm— “A as- u‘ m_. ia_ are _.N (an a.” mm on» 123455789 PiEEEEEEEE gnu > F1: Fmorev‘hwfilybil ) C: Quebil: > P2; Mummtyfil > E Eitslolalwlatmdflmflaflly > o: firebredalafiinulwapanry Date format within the 24 ccde bits which includes the penlcning u! the bit the damnation of me Most Slgnifllaaht Bii (MSB) or the Lear Significant Bit (LSB) shall be aublect in definition by the panel and Reader rnenulacturers and may remain proprietary. 5.4.1 Wiegmd Output Specification The snedrreeuons at valhge‘ current power arm tlming ar- from the persgemve ufme Reader. A common signal ground is defined as a vullage reference that is common in both the Reader anti the control panel. The vothges fur the data nutpnts are referenced train the powersuppry ground located at the Reader. The vullage measured for the pvwer b: the Reader‘s relerenced from the power supply return acmeoticn location at the Reader, not atlhfi source aflhe power The vollage. curren; and timing vf the new nukes are measured attire Rem-r In reference to the power supply/signal ground at Itre Reader. The voltage. mn’enland liming 01a signal drivrng an auxiliary input dwiee on a Reader is measured at the central panel that is controlmg the input device (wrlh reterence ha the signal ground at the panel), 4.4.2 Physlcal Interface The Reader is available with a Figlzll. The man is 615' cable wilh 5 much“; plus a drain wire to connect with the shield in the cable. Nor all at Ina amnectlons ere nemry. Only me pcmer‘ ground and data Iins are essential lol- Wiagand onetalion. See the signals in bold type belcrw The lullvwlrrg cable cmduclbr assignments and typical wire colors are fished below. > 1) +06 (Power) Red - pmldes gamer from the panel to lne Reader, The voltage on this wnnum will be 5VDC or lZVDC The actual operaling range is 4.75VDC w16VDC. Fvwel to the Reader is either supplred by the control panel or by a separate power supply, Linear supplies are remn'lmended for RF Reader devices , > z) Gmund Black - pmvrdes electrical common between the Readerarrd me panel. All other voltage levels are camper-err against this conductor, > a) Data Zero (keen - a signal [mm the Raederln the panel, A pulse on this conductor indicates a data bit with the ernary value ouem. ) 4) Data One White - a signal from (he Reader lo the WEI. A pulse on (it's conductor indicates a data bit wflh the hmaryvalue at one 5) MIA Orange - This line is not used tor Megam! mode. 6) Shield Ground Drain or shield we a a comedian to pmlde a gmunfl hr the cable shield» It is used In minimize radiated RF voltages and possible incumlflg RF electrical n else vV Hm cameraman 91-12 Jami-WWW immemnzfila USA TELllHlsee-rmr (am) 2317759 FAxcm) 553—1500 won one. small A whimpmnm . FmPeihl new "oduhwl‘iand rum Em "em spmrum «use new 9 ar 10 DEC—23—19fi 13147 HZD CDRPER’RYIUN 714 SWIGSB P 1‘111 44.3 mm rum; The on One and Data Zero signms are normany mi 31 a logic nun Mei "M“ the Refief is mad! to send - aeo- stream. Th. Rude! places awnchrunuus low pulses on ma auvmprialte dam lines to transmit the data stream to the panel. The renewing llmlng parameter: shal be observed: A Tm 1m; 1? 5 ) rpm Nae ‘Mdm Tithe -th3 (llilimln)la 50:13 ("Wm > Tpt Fun my“! Tim - 1 ms (mum) to 2m (um-mm) 4.4.4 Example Output Below Is an example of 9 ID aardwih the number of ‘816' gedmal, which with: outpuned w the ProxPoinl DEM Module Readec the numbet ”WWW“ hex. Notathalthe wstamer code is never transmitted or displayed; sum-mam mu mum tame Mmbdlyode sum 544 [cocooetuononououoqmmpt1001umoouunonoannomm I012I0I0I‘ |0|.AI_4“t5i°I1I_ Wlegandmtpul |0|0|A1'0|6|61|1 Hexwflenunbers [6]E][u|313|01 Dedmalmvels'm 1 101 K OBIS 4.4.5 Special Megan“! configurations consult [wary ilthe spml wugand output («mats are needam The fdlawilu settings can be factory configured- » Wiegand Dam Pulse Widths zsus to ms in ms steps 3» Wlegand Data Pulse Interval sous u; 6m$ in 25u$ steps > Ann-Pass Back Delay 1 tn 6 seconds In 25m5 steps mmugzsm usA l'Et. rm) 593 son (50012377199 FAX(714)598—|69n ' w M": cape-anal mum no Rana Web 1193.5!!in ~ wwmprcxfium - mam oEM Module vfisumd Reader End mm gamma 4°69 REV A 0110 70TH. P. L1
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