Capcom Classics Collection Remixed Users Manual CCC_Manual_PSP

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Rev 3/05
Getting Started ..........................................2
Starting Up ...............................................3
Controls ................................................... 4
Menu Controls ....................................... 4
Game Select Options ...............................4
Game Select Screen ...................................5
Options ....................................................6
Game Settings .......................................6
Control Setup ......................................... 7
Mapping Controls ................................... 7
Rapid Fire ..............................................8
Save .....................................................8
Load .....................................................8
Delete ..................................................8
Reset Scores .........................................8
Autosave ...............................................8
High Scores ...........................................9
Join Game .............................................9
Start Menu ...............................................10
Pause Menu ............................................. 11
Resume Game ....................................... 11
Reset Game .......................................... 11
Exit Game ............................................. 11
Video Setup ..........................................12
Audio Setup ..........................................12
Control Setup ........................................12
Bonus List ............................................12
Bonus Items .............................................13
Multiplayer ..............................................15
Games .................................................... 17
Credits ................................................... 24
Warranty ................................................ 25
A Special Message from
for your PSPTM (PlayStation®Portable) system. CAPCOM is proud to
bring you this new addition to your video game library.
FIGHTER is a registered trademark of CAPCOM U.S.A., INC. BIONIC COMMANDO, STRIDER,
CAPCOM and the CAPCOM logo are registered trademarks of CAPCOM CO., LTD. All other
trademarks are owned by their respective owners. The communications function of this
product includes software developed by the NetBSD Foundation, Inc. and its contributors. For
a complete list of contributors please see
PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) system configuration
Saving Scores and Settings
Your scores and settings are automatically saved after changing
settings and options, in between games and when you return to
the Game Select Screen. You can also choose to manually save
your scores and settings by exiting to the Game Select Screen,
selecting Options and then choosing Save.
Auto Save
As you progress, a message will appear on screen indicating your
scores and settings are being saved. While this message is on
screen, DO NOT remove the memory stick or Memory Stick Duo™
or turn off your console.
Note: You can turn the Auto Save function ON/OFF on the
Options Menu.
Loading Saved Scores and Settings
Your scores and settings will automatically be loaded when first
booting up Capcom® Classics Collection Remixed. You can
also choose to manually load saved data at the Game Select
Screen by selecting Options and then choosing Load.
Wireless Enabled Warning Message
Capcom® Classics Collection Remixed is a wireless enabled
game. When the WLAN switch is on, network mode is always
enabled, to allow others to join your game at anytime. To disable
this feature, turn off the WLAN switch. Disabling wireless access
during gameplay can conserve your battery life.
Right side view
Front side view
Setting Up Your PSP
Handheld Entertainment System
Set up your PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) system according to
the instructions in the manual supplied with the system. Turn the
system on. The power indicator lights up in green and the home
menu is displayed. Press the OPEN latch to open the disc cover.
INSERT Capcom® Classics Collection Remixed disc with
the label facing away from the system, slide until fully inserted
and close the disc cover. From the PSP™ system’s home menu,
select the Game icon and then the UMD icon. A thumbnail for
the software is displayed. Select the thumbnail and press the S
button of the PSP™ to start the software. Follow the on-screen
instructions and refer to this manual for information on using the
NOTICE: Do not eject a UMD™ while it is playing.
Memory Stick Duo
Warning! Keep Memory Stick Duo media out of reach of small
children, as the media could be swallowed by accident.
To save game settings and progress, insert a Memory Stick Duo
into the memory stick slot of your PSP. You can load saved game
data from the same memory stick or any Memory Stick Duo
containing previously saved games.
Menu Controls
Note: Use these controls to navigate
Capcom® Classics Collection’s menu and options screens.
Navigate menu /
Highlight menu item . . . . . . . . . . . . .analog stick or
directional buttons C / V
Select highlighted menu item . . . . .Sbutton
Adjust / Cycle menu item . . . . . . . .analog stick or
directional buttons Z or X
Previous screen /
Return to Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . .Abutton
Game Select Options
Highlight game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .analog stick or
directional buttons C / V
Join game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R button
Note: The following control choices will appear on the bottom
right hand corner of the Game Select Screen.
Play game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sbutton
Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fbutton
Bonus information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abutton
High Scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dbutton
Note: Each game’s controls differ depending on the game. To
view or change a game’s controls, you can either select Control
Setup from the Options Screen or pause the game by pressing the
START button and select Control Setup. For more information on
setting a game’s controls, see Control Setup, pg. 7.
Selecting a Game
Press the START button at the Title Screen to open the Game
Select Screen. From this menu you will be able to scroll through
the entire collection of Capcom Classics, select a game to play,
view a variety of bonus materials, adjust the game’s options,
check out the high scores (if available), and join a game wirelessly
via the PSP™ system’s Ad hoc mode. Use the analog stick or
directional buttons C and V to cycle through the list of games.
At the Game Select Screen you will find the following Game Select
Options. Some Game Select Options vary depending on the game
you have highlighted.
S button = Play
Choose this to load the highlighted game.
F button = Options
Choose this to open the Options Menu.
A button = Bonus
Choose this to access each game’s Bonus Menu Items.
D button = High Scores
Choose this to open the highlighted game’s High Scores Table.
R button = Join Game
Choose this to join an Ad hoc multiplayer game being hosted
by a nearby opponent.
Note: For more information,
see Join Game, page 9.
: For more information,
Choose from a variety of Options, which include Game Settings,
Control Setup, Save, Load, Delete, Reset Scores and Auto-save.
Use the analog stick or directional buttons C and V to
highlight an option and the L and R buttons to cycle through the
games. Press the S button to select an item. Once selected, use
the analog stick or directional buttons Z and X to make the
adjustment and press the S button to accept. Pressing the A
button will return you to the previous menu. Options settings will
be saved automatically upon returning to the Game Select Screen
as long as the Autosave function is enabled.
If not, manually save your settings by selecting Save in the
Options Menu.
Game Settings
Game Settings vary depending on the game you choose. You can
choose between two preset settings (Normal, Hardcore), or create
your own Custom settings. Below are some of the settings that
can be adjusted.
Lives: Adjust the number of lives you start with.
Difficulty: Manually set the game’s
difficulty. This setting varies depending
on the chosen game.
Bonus Life: Set the score amounts
where an extra life will be rewarded.
Continues: Adjust the number of
Control Setup
Choose this option to view each game’s unique controls or
reassign and map the controls to different buttons on your
controller. For two player games, each player will have to
individually access the Control Setup option in order to change
their controls. Once you are finished configuring the Control Setup,
select DONE by pressing the directional button X and press
the S button to confirm your choice. You can also cancel and
return to the Options screen by selecting CANCEL, or restore the
default button configuration by selecting DEFAULT.
Note: You can also access the Control Setup option by pressing
the START button during gameplay to pause the game and
select it from the Pause Menu.
Mapping Controls
Changing the controls and mapping them to different
buttons on your controller is super easy. Simply
highlight the ability/button you want to change
using the directional buttons C and
V and press the button you want to
swap it with. You can even add
multiple buttons to the same
ability. However, you cannot
alter the directional button
controls. The Unassigned list will display
buttons that are not in use.
*Control Setup is slightly different
for vertical games allowing you to
remap your analog stick
buttons on your controller is super easy. Simply
highlight the ability/button you want to change
and press the button you want to
controls. The Unassigned list will display
: Manually set the game’s
difficulty. This setting varies depending
: Set the score amounts
: Adjust the number of
8 9
Rapid Fire
Certain games will have a Rapid Fire option. You can toggle this
option ON/OFF by highlighting it and pressing the S button.
Enabling the Rapid Fire option will allow you "auto-fire" and shoot
very fast simply by holding down the fire button. The Rapid Fire
button will only affect the shooting or firing function of the game
selected and will be mapped to whichever button it’s been assigned.
Select Save to manually save your game settings, which include
button configuration, unlocked bonuses and high scores. You don’t
need to manually save your settings and scores unless the Autosave
function has been turned OFF.
Select Load to manually load your game settings, which include
button configuration, unlocked bonuses and high scores.
Note: Choosing this option before saving will cause any unsaved
scores and settings to be lost.
Deletes existing save data and clears any items you have previously
Reset Scores
Selecting this option will reset the High Scores for the selected
game back to its default High Score table.
Toggle Autosave ON/OFF. This is a global setting for all 20 games
in the Capcom® Classics Collection. Autosave occurs when you
exit the Options Menu for a game in the Game Select Screen; when
you have beaten a game or unlocked a Bonus item; or when you
exit a game after a game over.
High Scores
Press the D button at the Game Select Screen to view the
High Score tables for the currently highlighted game. Pressing
the analog stick or directional buttons Z and X will cycle
through the different High Score tables for the selected game’s
difficulty settings (Normal, Hardcore and Custom). Pressing
the analog stick or directional buttons C and V will scroll
the score table, while pressing the L and R buttons will cycle
between the High Score tables for each individual game.
Join Game
Press the R button at the Game Select Screen to open the Join
Game Menu and join an Ad hoc multiplayer game being hosted
by a nearby opponent. By default, anyone running the
Capcom® Classics Collection will be hosting a multiplayer
game if they have not disabled Wi-Fi via the WLAN switch.
Note: For detailed information, see Multiplayer, page 15-16.
you have beaten a game or unlocked a Bonus item; or when you
exit a game after a game over.
10 11
Press the S button when you’re ready to play your selected
game from the Game Select Screen. Once the game has loaded,
press the START button again to access the Start Menu.
At the Start Menu, you can choose to start a game and begin
playing, join a wireless game via the PSP™ system’s Ad hoc mode,
access and adjust the game’s settings and exit the game and
return to the Game Select Menu.
Note: On cooperative titles, you can choose to start a single
player game (with Cooperative Mode automatically enabled if the
WLAN switch is set to ON) by pressing Start Game and others can
join you later.
Note: On two-player alternating games, you can choose 2P START
GAME, allowing you to play two player sharing the PSP system
between you and a friend. This option is only available for select
titles and will automatically appear in the Start Menu if the game
includes it.
Press the START button during gameplay to pause a game
and access the Pause Menu. From this screen, you can adjust
the currently loaded game’s Control Setup, Video, and Audio
Options, as well as view a checklist for each game’s specific Bonus
unlockable goals. Use the analog stick or directional buttons
C and V to highlight an option and press the S or START
button to confirm your selection.
Note: The Pause Menu can only be accessed once a game has
been launched.
Resume Game
Exit the Pause Menu
and return to gameplay.
Reset Game
Select this option to return to the
Game Select Screen.
Note: Resetting your game will cause
you to lose any unsaved progress you
have made, including High Scores and
Exit Game
Select this option to quit out of the game and return to the
Game Select Screen.
Note: Exiting your game will cause you to lose any progress
you have made, including High Scores and Unlockables.
Select this option to return to the
: Resetting your game will cause
you to lose any unsaved progress you
have made, including High Scores and
Select this option to quit out of the game and return to the
12 13
Video Setup
Adjust the game’s viewing area to your PSP™ system’s screen.
Use the analog stick or directional buttons to change the
scale size from FIT, Enhanced, Original or Stretched. You can
also change the rotation of the screen from horizontal to vertical.
Press the S button to accept any changes and return to the
Pause Menu or the A button to cancel. The F button will reset
the screen back to the default position.
Note: You can also cycle through each game’s Video Setup
options once it’s loaded by pressing the SELECT button.
The following games support both Horizontal and Vertical Rotation
to maintain their original aspect ratio:
Block Block
Last Duel
Legendary Wings
The Speed Rumbler
Audio Setup
Adjust the game’s sound effects
and background music volume
levels. Use the analog
stick or directional
buttons Z and X to
set the desired level.
Control Setup
Choose this option to view the
game’s controls or reassign and map
the controls to different buttons on
your controller. For more information,
see pg. 7.
Bonus List
Select this option to view the
game’s criteria to unlock special
Bonus material.
Each of the 20 games in Capcom® Classics Collection has
a variety of cool Bonuses that can be accessed by pressing the
Abutton at the Game Select Screen. In the Bonus section, you
can read the history of each game, view artwork, learn helpful
tips and strategies, and listen to the game’s music tracks. Cycle
between the different Bonus Pages by pressing the L and R
Note: Almost all of the games’ Bonus items are locked at the
start of each game and can only be accessed one you achieve
the requirement listed for each section. You can view these
requirements by selecting BONUS LIST from the Pause Menu.
Read up on the history and little known facts about each game.
This Bonus will be automatically unlocked for each game. Use the
analog stick or directional buttons C and V to scroll the text.
Adjust the game’s sound effects
and background music volume
Choose this option to view the
game’s controls or reassign and map
the controls to different buttons on
your controller. For more information,
Select this option to view the
game’s criteria to unlock special
14 15
View each game’s artwork and early concept sketches. Use the
analog stick or directional buttons to highlight a piece of artwork
and press the S button to view it. Once in view mode, you can
use the directional buttons to move the art, press the S button
to toggle the Help Bar on and off and zoom the art in and out with
the analog stick. Pressing the L and R buttons will allow you to
cycle through each piece of art, and the A button will return you
back to the previous page.
Learn handy tips and strategies that will help you master each
game. Use the analog stick or directional buttons Z and X
to cycle through them.
Listen to original music tracks from each game. Use the analog
stick or directional buttons C and V to highlight and press the
S button to play your selected music track.
Play cooperatively or by alternating turns wirelessly with a
friend using the PSP™ system’s Ad hoc mode. To join a game
in progress, press the R button at the Game Select Screen to
open the Join Game Menu and join an Ad hoc multiplayer game
being hosted by a nearby player. By default, anyone running the
Capcom® Classics Collection will be hosting a multiplayer
game if they have not disabled Wi-Fi via the WLAN switch.
Note: If the WLAN switch has been disabled, the JOIN GAME
option will be grayed out and will not be selectable.
At the Join Game Menu, the nearby players list on the right side of
the screen displays all hosts detected across the Ad hoc network.
Pertinent information about each host including the name of the
game they are playing, and the number of players in that game, is
displayed to the left.
Navigate Host List /
Highlight menu item . . . . . . . . . . left analog stick or
directional buttons C / V
Join game/Update list . . . . . . . . S button
Return to Main Menu . . . . . . . . . L or A button
The following games offer cooperative multiplayer or head to head
play over the network:
• 1941 • Legendary Wings
• Avengers • Magic Sword
• Block Block • Mega Twins
• Captain Commando • Quiz and Dragons
• Final Fight • Street Fighter®
• Forgotten Worlds • Three Wonders
• Side Arms • Varth
• Last Duel
The following games can be played with alternating turns over
the network, or they can be played 2 player with a shared PSPTM
• Black Tiger • The Speed Rumbler
• StriderTM • Bionic Commando®
• Section Z
Note: Cooperative games can be joined at any time for network
play. Alternating Network games can also be joined at any time,
however accepting a join request will reset the current game and
start a new game in alternating mode.
Accepting A Join Game Request For A
Cooperative Game
When selecting a game from the Join Game list, the player who
is hosting a game session will receive a message on their screen
allowing them to accept the network connection. Their game
will pause while this message is displayed and they will have the
choice to ACCEPT, DECLINE or IGNORE your request. Use the
analog stick or directional buttons to highlight your choice.
Press the S button to accept your choice. Press the A button
to move the cursor to DECLINE.
Note: When choosing IGNORE, you will refuse the network
connection from the second player. Doing so bans the second
player from making further join requests. This ban is lifted when
the player exits the current game to the Game Select Menu or
turns off the PSP™ system.
Pausing The Game /
Changing Settings During Network Play
If you pause the game during network play (or access the Start
Game Menu), all connected players’ games are paused and
darkened and a message will appear in the upper-left corner of
each connected player’s screen notifying the other player that you
are changing settings.
Note: If the other player has paused the game during network
play, you can also access your Pause Menu by pressing the
START button.
Loss Of Connection /
Dropping Networked Players
If a network player is dropped from a game – either by choice or
due to network failure – the game in progress on all PSP™ systems
will be paused and you can choose to continue playing the existing
game without the disconnected player or reset to the Title Screen.
In an alternating game, choosing Continue switches the game to
the two player-alternating mode, where both players’ actions are
controlled by the same PSP™ system.
If you choose to continue a game solo after a disconnect or when
someone unjoins a multiplayer game, in some occurrences you will
be able to control the movement of the disconnected player along
with your own character. This will continue until the second player
loses its remaining lives.
Note: Even though you can control the movement of the “ghost”
character you will not be able to do any types of actions such as
Below is the basic information and control configuration for each
of Capcom® Classics Collection’s 20 games.
When playing in vertical form, the default might change.
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Shooter
Default controls:
Shoot: S
Loop: F or A
Information: Your goal is to shoot
down enemy airplanes and collect
weapon power-ups (POW). You’re
only able to perform four loops per
level at maximum, and a bonus is
awarded at the end of the level for unused loops.
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Brawler
Default controls:
Punch: S
Kick: F or A
Information: Take control of two
street-wise fighters, Ryu and Ko, and
rescue the hostages held captive in
the evil warlord’s palace. Punch and
kick your way through wave after
wave of bad guys while utilizing power-ups and hidden weapons
found in trash cans and behind doors.
Number of players: 1
(2 alternating)
Type of game: Platform
Default controls:
Shoot: S
Hook: F or A
Information: Using only your
weapon and a bionic arm equipped
with a wire grappling hook you must
infiltrate the enemy’s military base, find their “Top Secret Plans”
and stop them from executing them.
16 17
18 19
Number of players: 1
(2 alternating)
Type of game: Action
Default controls:
Attack: F or A
Jump: S
Information: Three Dragons have
descended from the heavens and
destroyed the kingdom. You are a
brave warrior who has chosen to meet the dragons head on in
an attempt to restore harmony to the land. Along the way to
defeating the dragons, you will come across scores of monsters,
demons, spiked pits of death, and other hazards.
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Puzzle
Default controls:
Release Ball: S or R button
Information: Use your paddle
to rebound a ball into a variety of
colorful bricks. Complete each round
by eliminating the bricks quickly to
earn bonus points without allowing
the ball to get past your paddle.
Eliminating certain bricks will drop valuable power-ups to help you
in your quest.
Number of players: 1 (4 co-op)
Type of game: Brawler
Default controls:
Attack: F or A
Jump: S
Super Attack: F or A + S
Dash: Double tap direction you
wish to dash
Information: Captain Commando
and his fellow fighters are charged
with saving the world from a
maniacal villain and his vile
henchmen. Choose your
hero and start bashing and
smashing your way through
the enemy infested streets.
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Brawler
Default controls:
Jump: S
Attack: F or A
Super Attack: F or A + S
Information: Your goal is to
survive throughout the mean streets of Metro City and attempt to
rescue a young girl, from the evil leader of the Mad Gear street
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Shooter
Default controls:
Shoot: S
Spin Left: F, L button
Spin Right: A, R button
Alternative Controls:
4-Button Aim:
D-Pad / analog stick controls movement
Shoot up: D Shoot Back: F
Shoot Down: S Shoot Forward: A
Shoot Diagonal: D + A, A + S, F + S, F + D
Upside Down: (Holding the PSPTM upside down)
Shoot / Aim: Analog stick
Move up: S Move Back: A
Move Down: D Move Forward: F
Information: Assume the role of an “Unknown Soldier” whose
mission is to destroy the evil goddess “Bios” of Dust World.
Collect Zenny (Capcom money) in order to purchase must-have
Number of players: 1
(2 co-op)
Type of game: Shooter
Default controls:
Shoot: S
Jump/Shield: F or A
Information: As an ace driver and
fighter pilot, it’s up to you to strap
yourself in to the cockpit of a high-
tech hybrid car/spaceship and wage a
one-man battle against a galactic uprising.
Dash: Double tap direction you
: Captain Commando
and his fellow fighters are charged
20 21
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Shooter
Default controls:
Shoot: S
Bomb/Jump: F or A
Information: Bestowed wings by
the gods, you must destroy “Dark”,
an evil computer that fell from space,
which threatens the beautiful Greco
landscape. Use ground bombs to
destroy land enemies and open up items and secret bonus caves.
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Action
Default controls:
Attack: F or A
Jump: S
Super Attack: F or A + S
Information: Climb the
monster-infested tower to defeat
Drokkmar, master of the Black Orb. As a brave hero, you must
battle relentless enemies while finding keys to free fellow fighters
who will fight alongside you. In addition to close-range attacks,
your magic weapons have the ability to charge and fire deadly
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Action
Default controls:
Attack: F or A
Jump: S
Magic Crash: D
Information: Once upon a time,
a horrible monster came without warning
upon the peaceful and unsuspecting land
of Aluren and decimated everything in
its path — only the King’s twin infant
sons survived. Take charge of the
Mega Twins as you battle your way
across land, sea and air in an attempt
to avenge your fallen kingdom and
restore peace to the land.
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Trivia
Default controls:
Answer #1: D
Answer #2: F
Answer #3: A
Answer #4: S
Information: Choose one of four brave adventurers (Fighter,
Ninja, Amazon, Wizard) and answer trivia questions correctly in
an attempt to stop the evil warlock Gordion from destroying the
kingdom in this unique quiz based game.
Note: This game was originally released in 1992 so some of the
questions and answers might not be valid considering times have
changed in the last 14+ years. When playing this game, you must
try to think of what the answer would have been in 1992!
Number of players: 1
(2 alternating)
Type of game: Shooter
Default controls:
Shoot: S
Turn: F, A, L button, R button
Information: As a lone astronaut,
you must penetrate the alien
Balangool space craft and destroy
the evil “L-Brain”. In order to find his lair, you must first make your
way though 27 alphabet-labeled levels in this intense horizontal
and vertical scrolling shooter.
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Shooter
Default controls:
Shoot Left: F, L button
Shoot Right: A, R button
Weapon Swap: S, D
Information: You are a jet pack-
wearing hero chosen to defend the
earth against the attacking alien armada. Navigate through enemy
infested air space collecting power-ups and taking on all comers
from in front and behind as you blast your way to victory.
22 23
Number of players: 1
(2 alternating)
Type of game: Shooter
Default controls:
Shoot: S
Escape/Roll: F or A
Information: The terrorists have
taken Super Joe’s family and friends
hostage and you have 24 hours to
set them free. Command an armored vehicle outfitted with guns,
blasting your way through the enemy while rescuing your friends.
If your vehicle takes too much damage, you can hop out and
continue the fight on foot.
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Fighting
Default controls:
Light Punch: D
Strong Punch: F
Light Kick: A
Strong Kick: S
Medium Punch: L button
Medium Kick: R button
Information: Play the very first Street Fighter that started the
fighting sensation. Step into the role of Ryu or Ken, masters of
karate who are out to become the greatest street fighters in the
world. From the back alleys of the United States to the secret
battlegrounds of Thailand, you’ll take on all comers in an attempt
to prove that your skill is supreme!
Number of players: 1
(2 alternating)
Type of game: Action
Default controls:
Attack: F or A
Jump: S
Information: Take control of
futuristic ninja Strider Hiryuu as he
leaps, slashes and battles his way
across the rooftops of Moscow and jungles of the Amazon to the
skies above Earth in an attempt to stop the maniacal Grand Master
Meio from taking over the planet.
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game:
Action, Shooter, Puzzle
Default controls:
Midnight Wanderers:
Attack: F or A
Jump: S
Shoot: F or A
Charge Attack: S
Don’t Pull:
Push: S, F, A
Information: As the game’s title indicates, Three
Wonders is actually three arcade games packed into one title
chronicling the adventures of Lou and Siva. Game #1 is Midnight
Wanderers, an action game where Lou and Siva embark on an
adventure to find the magical chariot, traveling through a beautiful
landscape filled with dangers. Game #2 is Chariot, a shooter that
takes the duo to the skies for a high-flying dogfight. Game #3 is
Don’t Pull, a block-pushing puzzle game where you must squish
the opposition.
Number of players: 1 (2 co-op)
Type of game: Shooter
Default controls:
Attack: S
M. Crash: F or A
Information: On the colony-planet
Varth, life was once peaceful. The
supercomputer Delta-7 controlled all
facets of life… until Duo
appeared. Under Duo’s
influence, Delta-7 turned
technology against the
humans, and built a
robot army to attack the
colony. The colonists’ only
hope lies with two antique
fighter planes, which are too
old for Delta-7 to control. It’s
up to you to shoot your way
to victory.
fighter planes, which are too
old for Delta-7 to control. It’s
up to you to shoot your way
: As the game’s title indicates, Three
24 25
CAPCOM ENTERTAINMENT, INC. (“CAPCOM”) warrants to the original
consumer that this UMD™ from CAPCOM shall be free from defects in
material and workmanship for a period of 90 days from date of purchase. If
a defect covered by this warranty occurs during this 90-day warranty period,
CAPCOM will replace the UMD™ free of charge.
To receive this warranty service:
1. Notify the CAPCOM Consumer Service Department of the problem
requiring warranty service by calling (408) 774-0400. Our Consumer Service
Department is in operation from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday
through Friday.
2. If the CAPCOM service technician is unable to solve the problem by phone,
he/she will instruct you to return the entire UMD™ to CAPCOM freight prepaid
at your own risk of damage or delivery. We recommend sending your UMD™
certified mail. Please include your sales slip or similar proof of purchase within
the 90-day warranty period to:
Consumer Service Department
475 Oakmead Parkway
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This warranty shall not apply if the UMD™ has been damaged by negligence,
accident, unreasonable use, modification, tampering or by other causes
unrelated to defective materials or workmanship.
If the UMD™ develops a problem after the 90-day warranty period, you may
contact the CAPCOM Consumer Service Department at the phone number
noted previously. If the CAPCOM service technician is unable to solve the
problem by phone, he/she may instruct you to return the defective UMD™
to CAPCOM freight prepaid at your own risk of damage or delivery, enclosing
a check or money order for $20.00 (U.S. funds only) payable to CAPCOM.
We recommend sending your UMD™ certified mail. CAPCOM will replace
the UMD™, subject to the conditions above. If replacement UMDs are not
available, the defective product will be returned to you and the $20.00
payment refunded.
The provisions of this warranty are valid in the United States and Canada
only. Some states and provinces do not allow limitations on how long an
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so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty
gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights, which vary
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This product has been rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board. For
information about the ESRB rating, or to comment about the appropriateness
of the rating, please contact the ESRB at HYPERLINK “”
Technical Contributions
Isaac Bender, George Phillips,
Jeff Vavasour
Studio Head
Mike Mika
Special Thanks
Christine & Greg Boccieri
Maria “Doombunny” Daquipa
Karen “Bruzer” Murphy
Yukiko Miyamija Grové
Sarah Reynolds
Kara @ Hyperbolation
All Our Moms & Dads
Backbone IT
Foundation 9 Entertainment
Creative Services
Michi Morita, Corey Tran and
Jacqueline Truong
QA Director
Takashi Hashimoto
QA Testers
Masaki Tsujioka, Takanori Fujisawa,
Kenichi Noda, Yukie Sakai,
Naoko Ibuki, Toshio Terai,
Michihiro Hirano, Yasuo Watanabe,
Seiji Yamamoto, Masaki Miki,
Syohei Takagi, Shinsuke Ohta,
Maki Fujita, Toshiyuki Kishiwaki and
Takahiro Haruki
Special Thanks
Hiroshi Tobisawa, Takashi Aoki,
Kaori Tsukuda, Alben Pedroso,
Robert Hamiter, Frank Filice,
Kellie Andreine, Takashi Kubozono,
Sam Roberts, Ryuhei “Dragon” Tanabe,
Kelley Lasich, Hsienko and
Mat Kraemer
Very Special Thanks
Tatsuya Minami, Hironobu Takeshita,
Eiro Shirahama, Wataru Kusunoki,
Minae Matsukawa, Taki Enomoto and
Shutaro Kobayashi
Gregory Off – Off Base Productions
Tim Lindquist, John McKechnie
– Option-Shift Design
Capcom Entertainment, Inc.
Robert Johnson
Associate Producer
Rey Jimenez
Brian Dunn
Estela Lemus
Maki Arikawa Ryang
Public Relations
Arne Cual Pedroso
Todd Thorson, David Riley,
Jack Symon, Sarah Felbinger,
Laili Bosma, Carrie Root,
Robert Johnson, Rey Jimenez,
Robert Hamiter and Ryuhei Tanabe
Melinda Mongelluzzo,
Arne Cual-Pedroso and Alicia Kim
Customer Service
Philip Navidad, Frank Filice and
Kellie Andreine
Brian Dunn
Remixed Tracks
Roland Casiquin Jr., Philip Navidad
Digital Eclipse Software Inc.
Lead Programmer
Dan Filner
Michael J. Boccieri, David Sirlin
Associate Producers
Eric Eberhardt, W. Thomas Grové
User Interface Artist
Chad Pfarr
Z80, 6809 Emulation
Jeff Vavasour
Audio Director
Robert Baffy
Classic Audio Production
Yannis Brown

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