Capricorn Electronics PI460 Security/Remote Transmitter User Manual PI460 User Guide
Capricorn Electronics Inc Security/Remote Transmitter PI460 User Guide
Users guide
INSTALLATION GUIDE PI-460 PET IMMUNE PIFi AND TRANSMITTER PD. Eu a 48 when Din W. no 28850 5425-3451 I F: 325-425-2717 PLEASE READ THE QUALIFICATION AND WARRANTV STATEMENTS AT THE END OF THIS GUIDE. 1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Pi-460 Pin is part of Capricorn's Proneor line at sewrlty products. Pronsor transmitters ehip preceded with one at over 8 mIIion unique codes. Some of the PHGO‘s leetutee ere: 0 Uses en Electronics Line Ltd. moat 2600 PIE. 2. Pet immune to 40 b. Supervision transmission every so minutes. Long lite lithium battery (up to 3 years In a normal lnstetlatlon). RF TESTING Alvreye check the Pl-4so‘e elgnei level prior to permanent installe- tlon. Read the later sections to determine an appropriate location tor the detector Once you pick a location, put the panel in tile Transmitter Flange Test mode and set the HMO tor its well test mode (see Section 7). Temporarily piece the F'Mso at the selected location. Uee masking tape to hold (hang) the unit In position It needed. Do not hold it In your hand. Sometimes a email change h transmitter location can overcome a marginal eigruti. Once the PMEO is installed and its ID lo teamed. you can check signal quality with either the Transmitter Henge Test tunction or the Installer System Test lunotion. 3. PET IMMUNITV GUIDELINES The detector is designed to eliminate false alarms calmed by ani- mals (up to 40 h). entail rodents. and random llylng birds. The weight oi an animal should only be used as a gum-l guide. other teeters Inch ea the length and color of the animal‘s lur aleo etlect the immunity level. For maximum pet immunity ioIiow these tecnmmmdeiiens: 1. 2. 3. 4. I. Mount the center at the detector at av: ieet (2m) with the ver- tlcal aqmtment set to '-4' on the circuit board Set the pulse count to 2 uumper on one 2 and 3). Do not an at stairway: that can be climbed by an animal. Avoid locations where on mlmal can come within 6' ol the de- tector by climbing on turnltura. boxes. or other detects. LOCATION AND INSTALLATION Choosing a Location: I. 2. Mount the detector on e llrm. stable sutteoe. Plclt a location where an intruder will most likely ‘cross' the detectors coverage. PlFte are moot sensitive to movement across their coverage rather then toward or my item it. Select a mounting helyrt and vertical ediustment to suit your application. See Section: 3 and 5, Do not aim the detector at objects that may mange ierrpera- ture quickly sum as heating/cooling vet-its or windows sublet! to direct sunlight When high bedrground temperatures are expected. aim the detector at the coolest part oi the room. The detector settled the dltleronco between that temperature and e moving body. Mourning: (see Illustration below} 1. 2. Press the tab on the bottom oi the housing and remove the hem cover. Note: For added cecunty, run the supplied screw into the tab alter the homing ls snapped beck together. Release the circuit boards Irom the back housing by remw ing the circuit board clamp (turn COW). Lllt out the boards. Static electricity can hmage electronic compo- nents. Always touch a gromded. here motel aur- Iace belore welling with the F‘I-MD. Determine which mounting knockouts are needed then re- move their phetic web with e srnell screwdriver or pocket knile. Mount the back with the supplied hardware. Never leave empty holes In the back where Insects might enter end ceuee iaulty operation. Select a pulse ooum with the header on the beck ol the FIR circuit board. See Section 5. Reimall the circuit boards. Replace the beard clamp. set the vertical aqastment, then tighten the clamp. converter! Lamond 5. PEI SETUP 1. insert the battery. Note: Lilith-n bit-flee that I've be-r In storage our exhibit e voltage delay when tlret tut-led and may appear to be low. Preeelng the tamper Much lever-I flrrteawil mmthebmytomlvonep. 2, Warm-w tune: The detector needs to stabilize tor the tlret 90 seconds after the battery “amino, 3. Pulse Count A prise sourter de- _m laminae the nunber d beams Pine ‘ and 2 that need to be tripped betore an -- alarm is mummified Choose the in...” setting tor the mm —n count from the table. Use "1' count -n tor pattern welt testing (Section 7). 0" rim Bin) 4, Vertlcal Adusrrnenl: Poslrton the FIR circuit board by loosen- itg the board chmp and eiidhg the board up or down to the requlved setting. The detector‘e coverage is 40' by 40‘ when the board is set at ‘0'. Slide the PCB board towards the he" poeition to decrease the coverage area and bring the beams closer to the mounting wall. 8, THANSMH' DELAY TlMER After the PMSO trips and transmits an alarm signal. there must he a at: minute ‘quiat' period with no move- ment In the tram ot the detector. The PI-4GO will then warm and can tranemit again. To disable the timer for Installation teeters. see Section 7 next. The delay timer extends the battery's the by prev/entity repeated RF transmissions he people move doom In Ironl d the detector. 7. PATTERN WALK TESTING Placing the PMSO in its wult test mode overrides the G mlnme delay timer. To cheat the beam coverage: 1. Open the housing and eel the piles ceurrtjtlnper to 1 (pins l and 2) so the Pt—460 transmits whenever a beam to altered. 2. Piece the Mode lunper across its 2 header pins to enable walk test. The P|~460 automatically switch” out cl is wdk us! mode alter 4 minutes. You can reset the mode try rm moving and replacing the mode lumper. 3. Place the LED jumper woes he 2 header pine. This makes the LED bright enwgh to be viewed through the lens on the tram cover. Note: The LED um dimly during normal RF transmissions when the jumper is removed. Battery lie wil decrease it the jumper is not removed at the and of testing. Note: The LED VIII NOT rumou- oelly errheh out mar 4 rrrinueee. 4. Replace the cover. 5. Check the entire area by slowly walking across the detectm lieid ot view. Each time I beam Ir entered, the LED will biirlt twice (about one second apart]. Alter the second blink. pause tor a second: before moving to the next beam, 6. when you are througt, set your pulse oounl choice and RE- MOVE BOTH MODE AND LED JUMPERS more each over a single header p‘rr). B. PROGRAWING Reter to the panel's Installation manual tor htormetion on Zone Types. Input Types and learning transmitter 10's, The ID can be learned by pressing and releasing the tamper ewlch, 9. BATTERIES Dispose oi batteries property. They are a tire and expiry anrr hekt Do not deaaeerrhh. recharge. or incinereta. The Pl-460 use! a Tadran 11-2150 lithium battery (sew), w- reoommend that the tnmllng company replace the battery einoe it le not evilmte though normal corner-her outlets. The battery condition is reported durlrig all RF trmurriesiona. A tamper report is sent when the case is opened. Hemmer to acknowledge the report at the keypad so the trouble condition wII clear when the case is closed. 10. CUSTOMER TES'flNG AND EDUCATION No electronic pmduct an perform better than the care ltd mimenence It reoelvee. clprtoern uoornrrrerrfi the! each tnehlltng oempeny otter e patodlo eervIoe and rnetrrtenenoe agreement to the end our. @> To avold unnecessary phone calls lrom your cumm- erx. show them how to test the Fuel). Put the system Into the Deer Teal mode and demonstrate the 6 minus delay timer. Record your reeling instructions In the book at their Ueet‘e Merrill. Discuss the battery Inlorrnatlon In Section 9 with your customer and encourage them to call you tor eervioe when the battery needs to be replaced. Customers ehould be told what action to lake It any part ot their system tails during normal operation or during routine testing. (continued next page) Corrplete testing 0! a! parts at the system should be performed no less then once per month, In some cases. more lreouent tests may be appropriate lor your customer. only the enema rnstalling personnel can make this determination. 11. SPECIFICATIONS - Pet immunity Up to 40 b. Sit»: 4,5' H x 2.6" W x 1.8‘ D Color: White Battery: Tadrari TL-215l), 3.6V, 1/2AA Battery Llle: 3 years in normal residential instaltaiion Oporathg temper-tum range: 32" to 120‘ F UNDERSTANDING RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES Althougi radio transmission links have proven themselves by pro- viding dependable communication both customer and installer need to understand their limitations and restrictions bolore using the system. Rater to each system': Installation Manuel tor addi» tional RF inlormailon. The system": radio reception may be changed when electronic devices. home cornputen. urge appliancel. mirrors. loll wallpaper, etc., no died or rrrorved within the home. Nave your customer notify you It they have any concema when making changes ofthlo nature. Some oi the areas you should be aware at are: t. Transmitters have limited power and therelore nmlted range because they must comply with FCC Rules and Regulations as Part I5 devices. 2. Batteries must be molacad when indicated by low battery transmissions. 3. Periodc testing will reveal any new mme ol interference or a litilura oi the system. 4. Receivers may be blocked by other signals occurring near their operating lreouency. 5. The receiver can only respond to one transmitter at a time. IN PORTANT Betore using this product. read both the Installer Qualifications statement and the product Warranty and its imitations oi reme- dies which lollow. it you do not agree With what they say, promptly retum this predict. Use ol this product inmates that you have er:- cepted the terms of the warranty, INSTALLER QUALIFICATIONS The producl(s) described in Ihis llyer should be installed only by a qualified. atbquataty trained plainly Installer who is lamiiar with this class oi prom-ct. Correct lnetalletiori and customer education is vital to the timer operation of a security system. It In the responsibility or the purchaser ol‘ this equipment to insure in: any lndl- virtual who place. this product into service I- fully trained and qualified. The DIPSIIB installer/dealer. In consultation with the and User, must make the necessary dec‘aions on system configuration and protection level. The inshller must lake care to lollow industry ac- cepted Installation practices and procedures as well as comply with local and state regulations. Plea“ cell Capncorn‘s Technical Services Department at 5004386750 it you have questions oonceming this product. The general knowledge required tor proper iretellatlon oi any security product should be obtained lrom local, state or regional lrainirigli- oensing classes. classes provided by security industry sued» rations and/or on the lab apprenticeship at established Installing companies. Business insurance coverage to! your iristallatlons should be obtained through your local agent or through agents recommended by security Industry associations. LIMITED WARRANTY Capricorn Electronics. Inc. warrants that this product at its man- utacture will be tree lrom detects in material and workmanah‘p in der nonnei use and service tor 24 months irom the date oi manuiaaure. The warranty expiration date is printed on the label inside the product. THIS WARRANTY EXTENDS ONLY T0 WHOLBALE CUS- TOMERS WHO BUY DIRECT FROM cAFRICORN ELECTRON- ICS, INC. OR THROUGH rrs NORMAL DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS. CONSUMERS SHOULD INOUIRE FROM THEIR SELLING DEALER AS TO THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE DEALE'R'S WARRANTY, IF ANY. Capricorn Electronics. Inc’s obligation under this warranty is lim- ited to repairing or replacing. without charge, any part or parts which shall be returned to its laclory. transportation charges pre- pald. prior to the warranty expiration date and which upon enr- arnination shall decloee to the menutaixursrs aatislaction to have been orignaly detective. This warranty shall not apply to any oi the rrlariulacturers prod- ucts which have been sublet! to misuse, negigenoo or accident or which have been repaired or altered outside at the manuiacturr er‘s loamy There are no obligations or liabilities on the pan oi the unwise» turer lor consequential damages aris'ng out at or in connection with the use or pertonnanoe at this product or other indirect darn- agee with respect to loss at property, revenue, or profit, or cost or removal. installation or reinstalletion. All implied warranties incum- lrig irripisd warranties ior merchantability and implied warranties lor Illness are valid only until the warranty expiration date. Purchaser is on notice that Capricorn Eiectrmiics. Inc. does not represent that this product will in every case provide adeninte warning or protection or prevent perennial iniury or property loss. An alarm is not insurance or a guarantee that there will be no rial: cl burglary, robbery. or tire or that no personal injury or property loss will occur. CAPRICORN ELECT RONICS, m. THERE- FORE, SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, ETNER CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL, ARISING FROM THE USE, INSTALLATION, SERVICING OR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRODUCT. CAPRICORN ELECTRONICS, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY LOSS OR ANY OTHER LOSS BAEED ON THE CLAIM THAT THE PROD- UCT FAILED TO GIVE WARNING OR FOR ANY COSTS FOR PROVIDING REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT DURING PERIODS OF MALFlNC’TION OR REPAIR. The above Capricorn Electronics. Inc. warmnty is a limited wer- ranly and is the only warranty made between Capricorn Electron- ics. inc. and purchasers. it supersedes and is in lieu oi all other warranties expressed or implied, and oi all other liabilities or obligations on the pan ot Capricorn Electronics. Inc In no event shall the liability of Capricorn Electronics, Inc. exceed the pur- chase price of the product. Some states do not alow the exclu- sion oi implied warranties and, therelore, the exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other riwlts which vary lrom stale to state. FCC REGULATIONS This device complies with Part 15 at the FCC Ruin. Operation ls subject to the lollowbg two conditions: (1) this device may not cause hamtiul interierence. and (2) this device rntiet accept any lnlerterence received, inclining interlerence that may cause unde- sired operation. WARNING: changes or modifications to this unit not emressiy approved by the pony responsible tor compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Copyriytt aorta cel PNBm
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 3 Creator : Document1 - Microsoft Word Create Date : 2002:10:14 10:54:04 Title : PI460 User Guide Producer : Acrobat PDFWriter 4.0 for WindowsEXIF Metadata provided by