Cardionet 1005 CardioNet Monitor User Manual 7 25 by 9 facing gutters

Cardionet CardioNet Monitor 7 25 by 9 facing gutters

Users Manual

HOME HEART MONITORINGPatient Education Guide
Contents     iTABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1How the CardioNet Service Works............................................................ 2The CardioNet Monitoring Kit ................................................................... 4Who to Call for Help................................................................................... 82. SETTING UP ............................................................................................ 9Connecting At Home ............................................................................... 10Setting Up the Base .................................................................................. 11Checking Battery Power ........................................................................... 12Staying in Range........................................................................................ 12Limitations of cell phone coverage......................................................... 12Wearing the CardioNet Sensor................................................................ 14Placement of Lead Wires and Pads......................................................... 153. USING THE MONITOR .......................................................................... 17Monitor On and Off .................................................................................. 18Using the Touch Screen............................................................................ 20Recording a Symptom.............................................................................. 23When You Are Without Cell Phone Coverage ....................................... 27Changing Monitor Options...................................................................... 28Checking Monitor Status.......................................................................... 30Viewing the Cell Signal Status.................................................................. 32Warnings and Alarms ................................................................................ 334. SENSOR CARE .......................................................................................35Changing Electrode Pads......................................................................... 36Placing  the Leads and Pads .................................................................... 39Showering or Bathing ............................................................................... 40Changing the Battery ................................................................................ 425. TROUBLE SHOOTING ........................................................................... 43Responding to Warnings and Alarms ..................................................... 44Cautions ..................................................................................................... 566. SPECIFICATIONS, COMPLIANCE AND SYMBOLS ................................59
iiCaution:Caution:Caution:Caution:Caution: Federal law restricts this deviceto sale by or on the order of a physician.CardioNet Patient Service Center3701 Market Street, Philadelphia  PA  19104Copyright 2003All rights reservedModel Number 1001Document Number - 100526  !!!!!      Revision A  !!!!!      March 2003
Introduction     1INTRODUCTIONWe Help Find AnswersThe CardioNetService monitorsyour heart rhythmscontinuously. Thishelps your doctordetect problemsthat occurinfrequently, evenwhile you sleep.CardioNet workswith you and yourphysician.The CardioNet Service was developed to help doctorsdetect and treat heart problems that may not happenoften enough to be found during a routine ECG in thephysician’s office.  CardioNet monitors heart rhythmcontinuously, while people go about their normal dailyactivities. We can help physicians detect problems thatmay occur infrequently, whether you feel them or not,even while you are sleeping.Our goal at CardioNet is to work as a team with patientsand physicians to help people receive the best possiblecare. We are honored that we were chosen to serve you.1
2     Introduction1.  IntroductionHOW THE CARDIONET SERVICE WORKSWhen you’re using the CardioNet Service, you’llwear a small, lightweight sensor. The sensor monitorseach heartbeat and sends data to the portableCardioNet monitor.The CardioNet monitor can be tucked away in a pocketor purse. It sends wireless communications to theCardioNet Center automatically when it detects anevent, or when you report an event using the touchscreen on the monitor.Sensor with lead WiresLightweight sensor monitors each heartbeat.CardioNet monitor sends yourinformation to the CardioNet Center
1.  IntroductionIntroduction     3CardioNet Patient Service CenterMonitors Heart RhythmsThe CardioNet Patient Service Center operates 24 hoursa day, seven days a week. At the Center, speciallytrained cardiac technicians analyze your heart rhythmsand report results to your physician.Physician Reviews ResultsYour physician reviews the results,discusses results with you and prescribesor adjusts treatment.
4     Introduction1.  IntroductionTHE CARDIONET MONITORING KITThe CardioNet Monitoring Kit contains the supplies youwill need while you are on the CardioNet MonitoringService. If any items are missing or broken, or if youhave any questions about how to use them, please callthe CardioNet Patient Service Center at 1-866-426-4401.When service is ended, please return all the items totheir labeled slots and send the kit back to themonitoring center, following the directions on theenclosed return address label.It is important to return the patient supply kit no laterthan the very next day. Other patients may need to usethe equipment.YOUR SERVICE KIT CONTAINS1. The CardioNet MonitorThe CardioNet MonitorThe CardioNet MonitorThe CardioNet MonitorThe CardioNet MonitorThis portable device constantly monitors yourheartbeat and sends information to the CardioNetPatient Service Center.  The CardioNet monitor useswireless communication when you are away fromhome. It uses the regular phone system when themonitor is placed in the CardioNet base station. Youwill not be charged by the telephone company forcalls made by your monitor.Please handle the CardioNet monitor withcare – don’t drop it, lose it, or get it wet.Avoid extracharges. Return allkit items exceptused batteries andused electrodepads to CardioNetwhen service iscompleted.1. CardioNet Monitor
1.  IntroductionIntroduction The CardioNet Base StationThe CardioNet Base StationThe CardioNet Base StationThe CardioNet Base StationThe CardioNet Base StationThe CardioNet base station is connected to yourhome telephone line and plugged into an electricaloutlet in the bedroom or a central location in yourhouse. The base station recharges the CardioNetmonitor overnight and allows the CardioNet monitorto communicate with the monitoring center throughthe regular phone system. You will not be chargedby the telephone company for calls made byyour monitor.Please put the CardioNet monitor in the base stationwhenever you are at home.  In larger homes, twobase stations may be required, so you can keep yoursensor and monitor in contact as you walk aroundthe house.2.  CardioNet Base Station
6     Introduction1.  Introduction3. The CarThe CarThe CarThe CarThe CardioNet Sensor and Lead WdioNet Sensor and Lead WdioNet Sensor and Lead WdioNet Sensor and Lead WdioNet Sensor and Lead WiririririresesesesesThe CardioNet sensor, which can be worn around theneck or on a belt, senses each heartbeat andconstantly sends the information to the CardioNetmonitor. To communicate with the monitor, thesensor must remain within 30 feet of the monitor.Walls and other obstructions can reduce the range. Ifyou go out of communication range, the sensor willbeep to alert you – to either move back within rangeor to pick up the monitor and take it with you. Electrode PadsElectrode PadsElectrode PadsElectrode PadsElectrode PadsThese sticky disposable pads snap onto the threeelectrode leads on the CardioNet sensor. Youremove the backing and stick them onto your skin. BatteriesBatteriesBatteriesBatteriesBatteriesThese batteries are for the CardioNet sensor. Thesensor battery must be replaced each day. Any newcommercially available AA battery can be used withthe CardioNet sensor. Sensor Neck StrapSensor Neck StrapSensor Neck StrapSensor Neck StrapSensor Neck StrapUse if you prefer to wear the sensor aroundyour neck. Sensor Belt ClipSensor Belt ClipSensor Belt ClipSensor Belt ClipSensor Belt ClipUse if you prefer to wear the sensor on your belt. TTTTTelephone Line In/Outelephone Line In/Outelephone Line In/Outelephone Line In/Outelephone Line In/OutUse to plug your CardioNet base station into thetelephone wall jack.3. CardioNet Sensor
1.  IntroductionIntroduction Base Power PlugBase Power PlugBase Power PlugBase Power PlugBase Power PlugUse to plug your CardioNet base station into anelectrical outlet. Education Guide & Pocket Reference CardPatient Education Guide & Pocket Reference CardPatient Education Guide & Pocket Reference CardPatient Education Guide & Pocket Reference CardPatient Education Guide & Pocket Reference CardThese guides contain helpful information about theCardioNet service and important contact numbers. InforPatient InforPatient InforPatient InforPatient Information Vmation Vmation Vmation Vmation VideoideoideoideoideoThis ten-minute video contains helpful informationabout the CardioNet Monitoring Service. Addrn Addrn Addrn Addrn Address Label and Shipping  Foress Label and Shipping  Foress Label and Shipping  Foress Label and Shipping  Foress Label and Shipping  FormmmmmUse the label and prepaid shipping form to return thekit after monitoring is finished.Remember: Avoid additional charges.  All kit items,except used batteries and used electrode pads must beimmediately returned to CardioNet once service iscompleted, or you will be charged for them.
8     Introduction1.  IntroductionWHO TO CALL FOR HELPIf you have any questions about your monitoring serviceor billing, please call one of our toll free numbers.Customer service is available 24 hours a day,7 days a week.MONITORING  QUESTIONS:  (866) 426-4401BILLING QUESTIONS:  (866) 426-4402IMPORTANT INFORMATIONCardioNet home monitoring is a service used to helpdoctors diagnose and treat rhythm problems, not anemergency response service.  If you require immediatemedical assistance, you should contact EmergencyMedical Services(9-1-1 in most communities).It is possible that CardioNet could detect a problemthat needs immediate attention while a patient is beingmonitored.  If we do detect a problem that needsimmediate attention, we will attempt to notify you sothat you can obtain assistance from Emergency MedicalServices.  Our ability to contact and assist patients islimited by several factors such as cell phone coverage,our ability to determine patient location and differingEmergency Medical Services policies and systems inlocal communities.
Setting Up     9SETTING UPThis section describes:2" Connecting the CardioNet Base" Recharging the Battery" Staying in Communications Range" Wearing the Sensor
2.  Set Up10     Setting UpCONNECTING AT HOMETo connect the CardioNet base, find an electrical outletand phone jack in a central location, preferably in yourbedroom.  As long as you are within range of theCardioNet monitor, your CardioNet sensor can continuesending heartbeats to the monitor. If you go out of range,the sensor beeps to alert you.When you go to any area in your house where your sensoris out of communications range with your monitor, simplytake the CardioNet monitor out of the recharging baseand bring it with you.In larger houses, a second base station is often used sothat you can stay within range without carrying yourmonitor around.At night, keep the CardioNet monitor in the rechargingbase near your bed.  If you sleep on your stomach, yourbody may block communications between the monitorand the sensor and you may need to put the sensor nextto your pillow. Whenever possible keep the monitor inthe base. It takes around four hours in the base station tocompletely recharge the monitor battery.
2.  Set UpSetting Up     11SETTING UP THE BASE11111. Find an electrical outlet located close to a phone jack,preferably in your bedroom22222. Unplug the telephone line from the back ofyour telephone3. Take the telephone line that you just unpluggedand plug that line into the slot on the baselabeled “Phone In”.4. Locate the second telephone line included in yourCardioNet Service Kit. Plug one end of this line into theslot on the base labeled “Line Out”. Plug the other endof this line into the back of your telephone.5. Locate the power cord in your CardioNet Service Kit.Insert the small, round end of this line into the slot onthe base labeled “Power”. Plug the other end intoan outlet.PHONE IN PHONE OUTPCPOWERPhone In(yourphoneline)Line Out(phoneline fromServiceKit)Power(Insertpowerline)
2.  Set Up12     Setting UpCHECKING BATTERY POWERWhen your monitor is in the base, touch the batterysymbol on the screen and the unit will tell you if thebattery is fully charged.  If the battery is not fully charged,leave the monitor in the base for a full recharge, whichtakes four hours.STAYING IN RANGEThe monitor’s rechargeable battery provides up to 18hours of use for each four hours of recharging.  When youare at home, leave the monitor in the base, unless you goto a part of the house where the sensor and monitorwould be out of communications range.  Whenever youbegin to go out of communications range, the sensor willbeep to alert you – reminding you either return withinrange or take your monitor with you.LIMITATIONS OF CELL PHONE COVERAGEWhen your CardioNet monitor is in the base station, ituses the regular telephone system for communicationswith the CardioNet center.  When you are away fromhome – or whenever your CardioNet monitor is out of thebase station – the monitor uses cell phone technology tocontact the CardioNet center and transmit ECG data.As with consumer cell phones, calls can sometimes bedelayed or blocked by coverage problems, heavy trafficon cell phone networks, or physical obstructions such asbuildings or mountains.See Page 20 formore details aboutchecking batterypower.At home, leave themonitor in the basewhenever possible.
2.  Set UpSetting Up     13When the CardioNet monitor has data to transmit and isunable to communicate with the CardioNet center throughcell phone communications, it will save the data andtransmit it to the Center through the phone line when it isreplaced in the base.Place Monitor in Base to Recharge
2.  Set Up14     Setting UpWEARING THE CARDIONET SENSORThe CardioNet sensor uses three electrode pads,carefully placed on your body to detect heartbeats bysensing electrical changes on the surface of your skin. Theelectrode pads are attached to the sensor by three leadwires: a white wire, a black wire and a red wire.  The leadwires can be snapped on and off the electrodes.  Thisallows you to take off the lead wires and attached sensorbefore showering – without removing the electrodes.See Page 36 for more details aboutremoving your sensor while showering.Sensor with Lead WiresIf you notice an irritation or a rashdeveloping where you place theelectrode pads, please call us.  Youmay need to use a different type ofelectrode pad.
2.  Set UpSetting Up     15PLACEMENT OF LEAD WIRES AND PADSThe electrode pads are placed as shown in thediagram below.White lead – snaps on an electrode pad placed just below the center of your right collarbone.Black lead – snaps on an electrode pad placed just belowthe center of your left collarbone.Red lead – snaps on an electrode pad placed just on your left side, on the lower part of your rib cage.Placement of Leads Shown withNeck Strap Placement of Leads Shown withBelt BuckleWhen you enroll in the CardioNetSystem, you will be shown the bestlocations for the electrode pads todetect changes in heart rhythms.Placement of PadsUpper Right ChestUpper Left ChestLower Left Rib CageLower Left Rib CageRed LeadUpper Right ChestWhite Lead Upper Right ChestWhite LeadUpper Left ChestBlack Lead Upper Left ChestBlack LeadLower Left Rib CageRed Lead
2.  Set Up16     Setting UpIf redness or irritation develops, you can place theelectrode pad at another location near the original site.If redness or irritation develops at the alternate site,please call the CardioNet center immediately.Alternate Placement for PadsAlternatePlacement Areas
Using Your CardioNet Monitor     17The CardioNet monitor is your link with the CardioNetPatient Service Center. The CardioNet sensor sends eachheartbeat to the monitor. When the monitor detects atargeted change in rhythm, or when you detect asymptom and enter your information, the monitor willestablish a communications link with the CardioNetPatient Service Center.  The monitor sends your ECGdata, as well as any symptoms and activity informationyou have entered using the monitor’s touch screen.USING THE MONITORThis sectiondescribes:3! Monitor On and OFF! Using the Touch Screen! Recording a Symptom! Cell Phone Coverage! Changing Monitor Options! Checking Monitor Status! Warnings and Alarms
3.  Monitor18     Using Your CardioNet MonitorMONITOR ON AND OFFKeep the monitor on at all times while you are on theCardioNet Service, unless you are changing the sensorbatteries or not wearing the sensor – for example, whenyou take a shower.See pages 38 - 41 for more informationabout how to remove the sensor whilebathing or showering.LED LightTouch ScreenWhen the monitoris awake you seethe main menu.When off or asleep,the screen is blank.Touch the buttonto wake it up.The green button at the bottom of the monitor turns iton and wakes it up. To turn the monitor off, you mustuse the touch screen.On/Off ButtonThe CardioNet monitoruses cellular communi-cations to transmit datawhen you are away fromhome.  If you have animplanted pacemakeror defibrillator, pleasefollow the manufacturer’sinstructions regardingthe use of cell phones.(See page 55 formore information.)
3.  MonitorUsing Your CardioNet Monitor     19MONITOR IS ONThe LED indicator light flashes green when you arebeing actively monitored. When the light flashes red,the monitor is trying to get your attention. An alertscreen will appear with help or information.MONITOR SCREEN IS ASLEEPTo save on battery power, the monitor screenbecomes blank while you are not using the touchscreen menus. You can tell that the monitor is still onbecause the LED indicator light will be flashing.To wake the monitor up press the On/Off button. Thescreen information will appear.MONITOR IS OFFWhen you turn the monitor off, the screen is blank andthe LED indicator light is not lit.The screen isblank when themonitor is asleepor turned off.The LED light stillflashes when themonitor is asleep.It goes off whenthe monitor isturned off.
3.  Monitor20     Using Your CardioNet MonitorUSING THE TOUCH SCREENThe CardioNet monitor has a simple touch screenthat is easy to view and use. To make selections, lightlytouch the screen with your finger. Each screen thatappears will guide you through the next step, usingmenus – choices you select.Most screen menus follow a simple pattern.  At the top ofeach there is a prompt line that tells you the next step totake. The midsection lists options that you can choose. Atthe bottom of most menus are navigation buttons thatallow you to move from screen to screen.The two symbols at the bottom of the main menu let youcheck battery power and the strength of the cell signal.Prompt LineSelection OptionsCheck Battery and CellPhone CoverageBlack = Full or StrongWhite = Getting WeakerPress Any ButtonRecord EventView OptionsMAIN MENU
3.  MonitorUsing Your CardioNet Monitor     21SYMPTOMS  MENU (2 SCREENS IN A ROW)     Select SymptomsBack NextSkipped BeatLight HeadedFainted/FellShort of BreathPrompt LineSelection OptionsNavigation ButtonsNAVIGATION BUTTONSThe navigation buttons at the bottom of each menumove you from screen to screen. Here’s what thebuttons do:Confirm accepts your selection and movesto the next menu.OK acknowledges you have read the informationon the screen and closes the current menu.Back moves backward to the previous menu.Next  moves forward to the next menu.Silence turns off the audio alarm.Help moves to a helpful information screen.ConfirmHelpOKBackNextSilence
3.  Monitor22     Using Your CardioNet MonitorHELP  MENUThe help and alert screens are slightly different in that themiddle section provides additional information.     Press BackBackTo recharge Monitor battery:A) Place Monitor in BaseOR B)Insert the charger cord       into the bottom of your Monitor.Prompt LineHelpful InformationNavigation Buttonto Close Screen
3.  MonitorUsing Your CardioNet Monitor     23To turn yourmonitor screenon, either touchthe blank screenor press theOn/Off button.RECORDING A SYMPTOMYour symptom and activity data is very importantinformation that helps your physician treat or manageyour condition. By entering your symptoms and activitieseach time you have an event, you will assist yourphysician in determining the best treatment.To Record a Symptom1. Make sure the monitor is on. If the screen is blank,press the On/Off button to turn on the monitor. TheMain menu appears.Press Any ButtonRecord EventView Options2. On the Main menu touch Record Event.
3.  Monitor24     Using Your CardioNet MonitorRemember thatthere are twoSymptoms menus.A confirmation screen appears asking if you want toreport an event.Press Yes or NoYes NoDo you want toreport an event?3. Touch Yes. If you have touched the Record Event screen byaccident and do not wish to report an event, touch NO and you willreturn to the Main Menu.The first first first first first of two two two two two Symptoms menus appears.Select SymptomsBack NextSkipped BeatLight HeadedFainted/FellShort of Breath
3.  MonitorUsing Your CardioNet Monitor     25Select, one by one, each and every symptom that youfeel. A check mark will appear next to symptoms youselect. Touch Next.The second second second second second Symptoms menu appears.Select SymptomsBack ConfirmChest DiscomfortFatigueHeart RacingNone of the aboveSelect any or all symptoms or touchNone of the above. When done, touchConfirm to move to the Activities menu.The Activities menu appears.Select ActivityBack ConfirmRestingLight ActivityModerate ActivityHeavy Activity
3.  Monitor26     Using Your CardioNet Monitor4. Choose the activity that best reflects your level ofexertion when you felt the symptom. When done,touch Confirm.The following screen appears.Press OK for Main MenuOKSelections recorded.Attempting to connect tothe CardioNet Center.5. Touch OK. The monitor then attempts to send youractivity information and your ECG data to theCardioNet Patient Service Center.
3.  MonitorUsing Your CardioNet Monitor     27WHEN YOU ARE WITHOUT CELL PHONE COVERAGEWhen the CardioNet monitor is not in its base station, ituses wireless telecommunications to communicate withthe CardioNet Patient Service Center. If you are in an areawithout cell phone coverage and the monitor is unableto establish a connection with the Patient Service Center,the monitor stores the information it has collected andsends it later.Press Help or OKHelp OKCell phone unable to connect.Your Monitior will continue to redial.Press Help for options.Monitor Cannot Establish Connection
3.  Monitor28     Using Your CardioNet MonitorCHANGING MONITOR OPTIONSYour CardioNet monitor lets you make adjustments to suityour needs. Adjustable features include:  # Volume  # Contrast  # Cellular Power (on or off)  # Manual Transmission Adjust Features1. Make sure the monitor is on. The Main menu appears.Press Any ButtonRecord EventView Options
3.  MonitorUsing Your CardioNet Monitor     292. Touch View Options.  The Options menu appears.Select OptionBackVolumeContrastCell PhoneManual Transmission3. Choose any of the following options.Volume adjusts the alarm tone to high, medium, low orvibrate. After making your selection, you’ll hear thevolume you have chosen. For Vibrate, you can feel themonitor vibrating.Contrast adjusts the screen contrast to high, mediumor low. After you make your selection the screen willadjust to the new brightness setting. You might findyou need a different setting when you are outdoorsrather than indoors.Cell Phone     turns the cell phone in the monitor OFF orON. When the cell phone is off, the monitor is stillrecording heartbeats, but no data can be sent to theCardioNet Patient Service Center until the monitor isplaced in the base.Manual Transmission     is currently not available.4. After you make your selections, a screen will appear toask you to confirm the selected option.  Touch Confirm.
3.  Monitor30     Using Your CardioNet MonitorCHECKING MONITOR STATUSBy touching either the battery or the cell signal icon onthe Main menu, you can easily view more informationabout both.View the Battery Status1. From the Main menu, touch the Battery icon.Press Any ButtonRecord EventView OptionsThe monitor’srechargeablebattery provides18 hours of use forevery four hours ofrecharging.  SeeSetting Up(Page 12) formore information.Choose the Batteryicon to check thepower level of themonitor battery.
3.  MonitorUsing Your CardioNet Monitor     312.  The Battery Information menu appears.Press OKOKBattery time remainingSensor:  80%Monitor:  75%3. The screen tells you about sensor and monitor powerlevels. Touch OK to return to the Main menu.
3.  Monitor32     Using Your CardioNet MonitorVIEWING THE CELL SIGNAL STATUS1. From the Main menu, touch the Cell Signal icon. TheSignal Information menu appears.Press OKOKCellular signal strength:Strong2. This menu tells you how strong the cellular signal is inyour current location.When done, touch OK to return to the Main menu.Choose the CellSignal icon tocheck the strengthof the cellularsignal in yourcurrent location.
3.  MonitorUsing Your CardioNet Monitor     33WARNINGS AND ALARMSThe monitor will beep to alert you when it is not able tofunction properly. The screen display will explain exactlyhow to respond.Warnings are brief beeps. Alarms last longer and growlouder. Warnings can sometimes resolve themselves, butalarms always require action on your part.  With alarms,you can immediately silence the audio tones by touchingthe Silence button on the touch screen. For bothwarnings and alarms you can also touch the Help buttonfor more information on resolving the problem.Below are examples of warnings and alarms.. Press Help or OKHelp OKYour Monitor battery power is low. Recharge battery soon to ensure continuous monitoring!Press Help for instructions.“Low Monitor Battery” WarningSee Trouble Shooting(Pages 44 - 58), formore informationabout warningsand alarms.
3.  Monitor34     Using Your CardioNet MonitorWARNINGS AND ALARMS CONTINUEDPress Help or OKHelp OKCell phone unable to connect.Your Monitior will continue to redial.Press Help for options.“Cannot Establish PhoneConnection” WarningPress Help or OKHelp OKSensor lead wire disconnected.Press Help for  instructions. “Sensor Lead WireDisconnected” WarningPress Help or OKHelp OKYour Monitor can not detect a dial tone.Press Help for instructions. “No Dial Tone” Warning
Taking Care of the CardioNet Sensor     35The CardioNet sensor is comfortable, easy to wear, andonly requires a small amount of care. We recommendthat you change the electrode pads every two days.When you shower or bathe you don’t have to removethe electrode pads, but you must remove the sensorand electrode leads.4" Connecting the CardioNet Base" Recharging the Battery" Staying in Communications Range" Wearing the SensorSENSOR CAREThis section describes:
4.  Sensor36     Taking Care of the CardioNet SensorCHANGING ELECTRODE PADSWe recommend that you change your electrode padsevery two days. Changing the electrode pads morefrequently may cause irritation to the skin. Changingelectrode pads less frequently may cause the electrodepads to wear down and weaken the heartbeat signalto the sensor.Any time you change your electrode pads you shouldturn your monitor off first, using the touch screen. Thisprevents the monitor from signaling an alarm because itcannot detect your heartbeats. Next, remove the sensorand old electrode pads. Then, apply new pads.When you enrolled in the CardioNet System, you wereshown the locations for the electrode pads that wouldprovide the best possible measurements of changesin heart rhythms.When you replace electrode pads, it is important to putthe new electrode pads in the right spots. It is also veryimportant to connect the right color lead to the rightelectrode – so the CardioNet monitoring center receivesaccurate heartbeat information.
4.  SensorTaking Care of the CardioNet Sensor     37Turn off the Monitor1. If the screen is blank, touch it to wake up the monitor.2. Press the On/Off button located on the front ofthe monitor.A warning appears and asks if you really want topower down.Press Yes or NoYes NoWarning: Monitoring will stop!Are you sure you want to turn the Monitor off?3. Touch Yes to confirm. A message briefly appears to letyou know that the monitor is powering down. Wait forthe monitor to completely power down. The touchscreen will become blank.
4.  Sensor38     Taking Care of the CardioNet Sensor Remove Sensor and Pads1. Unsnap the sensor leads from the electrodes.2. Remove the electrode pads from your skin.Throw them away.Apply the New Pad1. Snap a new electrode pad onto the lead.2. Peel off the paper in the back of the electrode pad.3. Check the new electrode pad to make sure the gel onthe back has not dried out. Electrodes with dried gelshould be thrown away.4. Apply pad to the same spot. If the skin is irritated,move the electrode to another location near theoriginal site.Tip: If you need tochange yourelectrode pads,it’s best to doso after showeringor bathing.Lower Left Rib CagePlacement for PadsPlace the new pads in the locations you were shown when youenrolled in the CardioNet System.If redness or irritationdevelops, you can choose another location near the originalsite. (See page 16.)Upper Right ChestUpper Left Chest
4.  SensorTaking Care of the CardioNet Sensor     39Electrode PadWhen you’rewearing thesensor on a beltclip, the sensor isupside down.PLACING THE LEADS AND PADSRemember that it is important to place the new electrodepads in the right spots, as close as possible to the originalpad locations. It is also very important to connect the rightcolor lead to each electrode – so the CardioNet PatientService Center receives accurate heartbeat information.White lead – snaps on an electrode pad placed just below the center of your right collarbone.Black lead – snaps on an electrode pad placed just belowthe center of your left collarbone.Red lead – snaps on an electrode pad placed just on your left side, on the lower part of your rib cage.Placement for LeadsUpper Right ChestWhite LeadThe sensor leadseasily snap onand off  theelectrode pads.Upper Left ChestBlack LeadLower Left Rib CageRed Lead
4.  Sensor40     Taking Care of the CardioNet SensorYou can wear yourelectrode padswhile showeringor bathing. Butbe sure youremove the sensorand electrodeleads.  Aftershowering, pressthe pads to theskin to assure tightsurface contact.SHOWERING OR BATHINGYou’ll need to remove your sensor and electrode leadsbefore taking a bath or shower, but you can keep theelectrode pads on.Before removing the sensor, turn off the monitor. Removethe sensor and leads, but leave the pads in place.To keep them from falling off, try to avoid getting theelectrode pads soaked with water.Gently wash the skin around the electrodes. After drying,press the pads to the skin.Turn Off the Monitor1. Press the On/Off button located on the front of themonitor. A warning appears and asks if you really wantto power down.2. Touch Yes to confirm. A message briefly appears to letyou know that the monitor is powering down. Wait forthe monitor to completely power down. The touchscreen will become blank.
4.  SensorTaking Care of the CardioNet Sensor     41 Remove the Sensor1. Remove the sensor leads from the electrodes.2. Leave the sensor electrode pads in place if you are notgoing to change them.3. If you are going to change the pads, remove them andapply a new set after your shower or bath.After showering1. Press electrode pads worn during showering to theskin or apply new pads.2. Reattach the sensor lead wires to the correct electrodepads.3. Press the On/Off button to turn the monitor on andresume monitoring.
4.  Sensor42     Taking Care of the CardioNet SensorInsert the battery,negative (flat)end first.Call the CardioNetPatient ServiceCenter’s toll freenumber  if you aregetting low onreplacementbatteries. Call:(866) 426-4401Press firmly onthe top edge ofhe battery doorto open it. Itpops open.You can use a tabletop or flat surfaceto press againstthe door.+-CHANGING THE BATTERYThe AA battery in the sensor must be replaced with a new,unused battery every 24 hours. We recommend you turnyour monitor off before changing your sensor battery. Thisprevents the monitor from signaling an alarm because itcannot detect your heartbeats.Replace the Battery1. Press the top edge of the battery door to open it.  Thedoor pops open.2. Remove the old battery and dispose of it in accordancewith local regulations and EPA guidelines.3. Put in a new AA battery, included in your CardioNetService Kit.  Insert the negative end first.4. Close the cover.If you are getting low on replacement batteries, contactthe CardioNet Patient Service Center and ask foradditional batteries. In an emergency, any available AAbattery can be used with the CardioNet sensor.
Trouble Shooting     43TROUBLE  SHOOTINGThis section describes:5" Responding to Warnings and Alarms" Trouble Shooting" Precautions and Cautions" Cleaning" Service
5. Troubleshoot44     Trouble ShootingRESPONDING TO WARNINGS AND ALARMSThe monitor will beep to alert you when it is unableto function properly. The touch screen will explainwhat to do.Warnings are brief beeps. Alarms last longer and growlouder. Warnings can sometimes fix themselves, butalarms always require action on your part. For alarms,you can immediately silence the audio tones by touchingthe Silence button on the touch screen. With bothwarnings and alarms you can also touch the Help buttonfor more information.The following examples of alarms and warnings showwhat appears on your screen and advise you on how tosolve the problem.LOW MONITOR BATTERY WARNINGProblem:  Monitor battery is low.Solution:  Return the monitor to the base for recharging.Press Help or OKHelp OKYour Monitor battery power is low. Recharge battery soon to ensure continuous monitoring!Press Help for instructions.
5.TroubleshootTrouble Shooting     45LOW SENSOR BATTERY WARNINGProblem:  Sensor battery is low.Solution: Install new battery. Or, if the battery isnew, inspect battery compartment and clean contactsif necessary.Press Help or OKHelp OKYour Sensor battery power is low. Replace battery soon to ensure continuous monitoring!Press Help for instructions.NO POWER IN BASE WARNINGProblem:  Power cord is disconnected.Solution: Reinsert the power cable into the base andinto the wall outlet.Press Help or OKHelp OKNo power to BasePress Help for instructions.
5. Troubleshoot46     Trouble ShootingSensor Lead Wire Disconnected WarningProblem:  Either leads or pads are loose.Solution: Make sure the electrode pads are pressed ontoyour skin. Check all the lead wire attachments.Press Help or OKHelp OKSensor lead wire disconnected.Press Help for  instructions.If the electrodepad loses contactor dries out youneed to replace itimmediately. Themonitor detectswhen leads aredisconnected andwill alert you.
5.TroubleshootTrouble Shooting     47POOR SENSOR COMMUNICATION WARNINGProblem:  Sensor and monitor are havingtrouble communicating.Solution: Move closer to your monitor or move themonitor closer to you. The monitor and sensor need to bein closer range to communicate.Press Help or OKHelp OKPoor communications between your Monitor and your Sensor.Press Help for more information.
5. Troubleshoot48     Trouble ShootingPOOR SENSOR COMMUNICATION ALARMProblem:  Sensor and monitor are not communicating.Solution: Check for causes. Is there too much distancebetween them?  Are there battery problems with eitherthe sensor or monitor?Press Help or SilenceHelp SilenceNo communications between your Monitor and Sensor.Press Help for more information.
5.TroubleshootTrouble Shooting     49SCHEDULED UPLOAD FAILED WARNINGProblem:  Monitor needs to transmit data but can’testablish a connection.Solution: Put the monitor in the base.Press Help or OKHelp OKYour Monitor is trying to send data automatically  and can not establish a  phone connectionPress Help for options.
5. Troubleshoot50     Trouble ShootingEVENT TRANSMISSION ALARMProblem:  Monitor has stored ECG data to transmit, butcan’t establish a connection.Solution: Move to an area that has cellular coverageor put the monitor in the base. If you still are unableto establish a connection, call the CardioNet PatientService Center for instructions.Telephone  –  (866) 426-4401.Press Help or SilenceHelp SilenceYour Monitor has detected an event and can not establish a phone connectionPress Help for options.
5.TroubleshootTrouble Shooting     51EMPTY MONITOR BATTERY  ALARMProblem:  Monitor is out of power.Solution: Place the monitor in the base.Press Help or SilenceHelp SilenceYour Monitor battery is empty. Recharge your Monitor immediately.Press Help for instructions.EMPTY SENSOR BATTERY  ALARMProblem:  Sensor battery is out of power.Solution: Install a new AA battery.Press Help or SilenceHelp SilenceYour Sensor battery is empty. Replace Sensor battery immediately.Press Help for instructions.
5. Troubleshoot52     Trouble ShootingINTERNAL MONITOR ALARMProblem: Monitor is not functioning.Solution: Call the CardioNet Patient ServiceCenter for help.Telephone  –  (866) 426-4401.Press Help or SilenceHelp SilenceInternal Monitor ErrorCall CardioNet at 1-800-426-4401 for technical assistance.Press Help for more information.
5.TroubleshootTrouble Shooting     53TROUBLE SHOOTINGTrouble shooting sometimes involves a bit of detectivework, but usually the monitor detects problems for you.The monitor beeps to let you know there is a problemand explains on the touch screen exactly how to respondon the touch screen.A warning prompts you to resolve a problem by display-ing an alert screen and beeping an audio tone. Withsome warnings the problem can fix itself and you won’tneed to take any action. With other warnings you willneed to take some action, which will be described on thetouch screen. An alarm lets you know that a problem hasnot been fixed and you must take action.MONITOR BATTERY PROBLEMSEnsure battery is being recharged for at least four hoursper day. If you find the monitor is not holding its chargelong enough, you may not have left it in the base longenough to fully recharge. The monitor must be left in itsbase for four hours to fully recharge.NO DISPLAY ON MONITORFirst, ensure the monitor is turned on. If it is on, the LEDwill be flashing and the monitor may be low on power.Return monitor to base for recharging.BEEPS IN BEDIf you wear the sensor around your neck and sleep onyour stomach, or if you wear it at your waist and sleepwith your sensor side down, you may blockcommunications between the sensor and the basestation. This will cause warning beeps. To avoid beepsand maintain the vital communications link, try placingthe sensor next to your pillow  if you usually sleep onyour stomach. If you normally sleep on your side andwear the sensor with a belt clip, make sure you place thesensor on your “up” side.
5. Troubleshoot54     Trouble ShootingPHONE BUSY?When the monitor is the base station and has informationto send to the CardioNet Patient Service Center, it will useyour telephone line to transmit ECG data. You will not becharged by the telephone company for these calls. Ifsomeone calls you while the monitor is using the line, theywill get a busy signal. If you try to place a call while themonitor is transmitting data, you will hear a high- pitchedsound. This is the sound of ECG data being transmitted.If you are expecting a critically important call, or need toplace an urgent call while the monitor is transmitting data,you can temporarily remove the monitor from the base. Itwill either use wireless communications to transmit data tothe CardioNet Center or use your telephone line totransmit the data once it is replaced in its base. Pleaseremember to put the monitor back in the base station afteryou receive or place the telephone call.You should not interrupt an ECG transmission for routinecalls. The data that your monitor is sending might needimmediate review and response.SKIN IRRITATIONIf you notice that the skin under or around your electrodepads is becoming sensitive, irritated or painful, or if youdevelop a rash, please call the CardioNet Patient ServiceCenter. Some people are especially sensitive to differentgels and adhesives. You may need to use another type ofelectrode pad.
5.TroubleshootTrouble Shooting     55PRECAUTIONSDISPOSE OF BATTERIES PROPERLYObserve all local laws for the disposal ofalkaline batteries.WHEN NOT IN USE, REMOVE SENSOR BATTERYDo not leave the battery in the sensor when it is not inuse. Damage from corrosion could result.AVOID ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCEFor the best recording results, you should avoid closeproximity to heavy equipment or other sources ofelectromagnetic interference such as electric blankets,heating pads, water beds, etc.POTENTIAL FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCEThere is a potential for electromagnetic interference toother devices while using the CardioNet Service.THE CARDIONET SYSTEM WITH IMPLANTED PACEMAKERSAND ICDS (DEFIBRILLATORS)If you have an implanted pacemaker or defibrillator (ICD),the manufacturer may have recommended you takecertain precautions when using a cellular phone. Sincethe CardioNet monitor contains a cellular phone, youshould take the same precautions when carrying andusing the monitor. In general, most manufacturersrecommend the following:!Keep a distance of at least six inches (15 cm) betweenthe cellular phone and a pacemaker or defibrillator.!Hold the cellular phone on the opposite side of thebody from the pacemaker or defibrillator.!Don’t carry a cellular phone in a breast pocket or on abelt if that would place the phone within six inches ofthe pacemaker or defibrillator.
5. Troubleshoot56     Trouble ShootingCAUTIONSCAUTION: POWER DOWN AND REMOVE SENSORBEFORE SHOWERINGPower down the monitor and remove the sensorbefore showering. While the CardioNet sensor andmonitor are water resistant, they are not waterproof.Refer to the section: Care for the Sensor (Page 35) forcomplete instruction on removal and reapplicationbefore showering.CAUTION: DO NOT GET THE MONITOR AND SENSOR WETMake sure the monitor and sensor stay dry at all times.WARNING:  FOR ADULT USE ONLYThe CardioNet Monitoring System is intended for Adultuse only. It shall not be used on infants weighing lessthan 22 lbs. WARNING: USE WITH TELEPHONE  SYSTEMAny patient whose life may be put at significant risk bythe unavailability of the telephone system should not bemonitored by the CardioNet System.WARNING:  NOT AN APNEA MONITORThe CardioNet monitor is not to be used as anapnea monitor.WARNING: USE ONLY CARDIONET ELECTRODESWhile wearing the CardioNet sensor, use only electrodesprovided by CardioNet.WARNING: DO NOT TAMPERThere are no serviceable parts in the CardioNetSystem. Removing the cover of any of component mayalter performance.
5.TroubleshootTrouble Shooting     57WARNING: DO NOT TAMPER WITH MONITOR BATTERYThe monitor battery can present a fire or chemical burnhazard if mistreated. Do not disassemble, heat above80C (176 F), incinerate, or recharge using any deviceother than the base.WARNING: USE ONLY CARDIONET WALL ADAPTERDo not use any wall adapter for the base other than theone provided in the CardioNet Service Kit.WARNING:  DO NOT CONNECT ANY DEVICE TO THE PC PORTON THE BACK OF THE BASEThe PC port is to be used only by CardioNet personnel.CLEANINGClean the case of the monitor and the sensor with a softcloth dampened with soapy water. Wipe the externalsurfaces of the sensor, monitor and base.Do NOT use soapy water on the touch screen. Clean thescreen of the monitor with the screen cloth or cleaningtissues provided with the patient monitoring kit.Do not spray or submerge any component with liquid orfoam. Each component should be wiped with a softdamp cloth after cleaning to ensure no fluid has pooledon external surfaces.
5. Troubleshoot58     Trouble ShootingSERVICEIf you experience additional problems with any compo-nents of the CardioNet Monitoring System, review theproblems and solutions listed in the trouble shootingsection. If additional assistance is required contact cus-tomer support.Telephone: (866) 426-4401.Before returning the CardioNet Monitoring System, callcustomer service to make shipping arrangements.
Specifications     59SPECIFICATIONS,COMPLIANCEAND SYMBOLSThis section describes:6! Specifications! Symbols! Hardware Requirements! FCC Compliance
60     SpecificationsSPECIFICATIONSPHYSICALSENSOR2.7 in. x .9 in heightWeight:  2.2 ozSENSOR NECK STRAP24 in.MONITOR5.9 in  x  3.3 in  x 1.2 inWeight: 11.1 ozLCD3.0 x 2.3, touch screen, monochrome, backlightBASE7.8 in x 4.3 in x 6.1 inWeight:  13.3 ozFUNCTIONALSample Rate 250 samples per secondResolution 12  bitsDynamic Range + / -5 mVBandwidth 0.5 to 40 HzChannels 2Battery Life Monitor: (18 hr nominal), rechargableSensor: (24 hr) AA AlkalineLeakage current Less than .1 µ V(Electrodes)
Specifications     61TRANSMISSIONSensor to Monitor 900 MHz ISM band RFtransmission, digitalerror correctedMonitor to Center CDMA (PCS & cellular) wireless,digital error corrected.Telephone line modem,digital error corrected.Accoustic transmission, 1500 Hzcenter frequency, 8 bitsresolution, 5 mV dynamic rangeOPERATING CONDITIONSOperating temperature 20 - 45 o COperating humidity 10% - 65%, noncondensingStorage temperature -20 - 65 o C, noncondensingStorage humidity 10% - 95%, noncondensingFluid Ingress Rating IPX0 CONNECTORSBase Power in (15V, 1.0A)Phone in (RJ-11)Phone out (RJ-11)Monitor Power in (15V, 1.0A)WALL ADAPTERManufacturer  Friwo, Inc. (15V, 1.0A)Model number FW7555M/15
62     SpecificationsSTANDARDS COMPLIANCEMonitor EN60601-1AAMI EC-38FCC parts 2, 15, 22, 24Sensor EN60601-1AAMI EC-38FCC part 15, 68Base EN60950AAMI EC-38FCC part 15, 68
Specifications     63EQUIPMENT SYMBOLSSNConsult ManualYear of ManufactureType BF EquipmentSerial Number2000
64     SpecificationsHARDWARE REQUIREMENTSIN HOME REQUIREMENTSTouch tone telephoneAC powered outletFCC IDSensor QBI-1001Monitor Monitor QBI-1005Monitor CDMA N7NSB555Base CARDT00B42061
Specifications     65FCC AND INDUSTRY CANADA (CS-03)COMPLIANCEThis device complies with part 15 and 68 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) Thisdevice may not cause harmful interference and, (2) This devicemust accept interference received including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.FCC RULES PART 15The Model 1001 has been tested and complies  with the limitsfor a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable pro-tection against harmful interference when the equipment isoperated in a residential environment. This equipment gener-ates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instruction manual,can cause harmful interference to radio communications.CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS NOT EXPRESSLYAPPROVED BY CARDIONET INC. COULD VOID THE USER’SAUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.FCC RULES PART 68FCC Part 68 RegistrationThe Model 1001 complies with FCC Rules, Part 68. On thisequipment is a label that contains, among other information,the FCC Part 68 registration number.RENThe ringer equivalence number (REN) is used to determinethe quality of devices that may be connected to the telephoneline. Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in thedevices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most,but not all areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five(5.0). To be certain of the number of devices that may beconnected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contactthe local telephone company.
66     SpecificationsNOTE: RENs are associated with loop-start and ground-startports. It is not used for E&M and digital ports. The RENassigned to the Model 1001 is 0.01 B. If requested, this infor-mation must be given to the telephone company.SERVICEIn the event of equipment malfunction, all repairs should beperformed by CardioNet Inc. or an authorized agent. It is theresponsibility of users requiring service to report the need forservice to CardioNet Inc. or to one of our authorized agents.Service can be facilitated through our office at:CardioNet Inc.510 Market St.San Diego,CA 92101619-243-7500The telephone company can ask you to disconnect the equip-ment from the network until the problem is corrected or untilyou are sure that the equipment is not malfunctioning.The Model 1001 interface connects to the Public SwitchedTelephone Network through a FCC registered NCTE whichspecifies the type of network jack to be used.DISRUPTION OF THE NETWORKIf the Model 1001 disrupts the telephone network, the tele-phone company can discontinue your service temporarily. Ifpossible, the telephone company will notify you in advance. Ifadvance notice is not practical, they will notify you as soon aspossible. You are also informed of your right to file a com-plaint with the FCC.TELEPHONE COMPANY FACILITY CHANGESThe telephone company can make changes in its facilities,equipment, operations, or procedures that can affect theoperation of your equipment. If they do, you should be noti-fied in advance so you have an opportunity to maintainuninterrupted telephone service.
Specifications     67FCC RADIO FREQUENCY EXPOSURE INFORMATIONIn August 1996, the Federal Communication Commission(FCC) of the United States, with its action in Report andOrder FCC 96-326, adopted an updated safety standardfor human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromag-netic energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters.Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standardpreviously set by both U.S. and international standardsbodies. The design of this device complies with the FCCguidelines and these international standards.Use only the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antennas,damaged antennas, modifications, or attachments couldimpair call quality, damage the device, or result in viola-tion of FCC regulations. Please contact CardioNet ifdamage to the unit is apparent.
68     SpecificationsBODY-WORN OPERATIONThis device was tested with the softcase sup-plied by CardioNet as an accessory to thisdevice and was found to comply with theFCC exposure requirements.When operating this device, a minimum separationdistance of 1.5 cm must be maintained between theusers body and the monitor, including its antenna, tocomply with the FCC exposure limits.To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposurerequirement, use only carrying accessories thatmaintain a 1.5 cm separation distance between theuser’s body and the device, including the antenna.These carrying accessories should not containmetallic components in its assembly. The use ofcarrying accessories that do not satisfy theserequirements may not comply with FCC RFexposure requirements, and should be avoided.This particular device has not been designed for held-to-ear use and should never be used against the ear.For more information about RF exposure, please visitthe FCC website at .
CardioNet Ambulatory ECG Systemand Arrhythmia DetectorManufactured by CardioNet Inc.510 Market StreetSan Diego, CA  92101Copyright 2002 - 2003All rights reserved.

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